Romana de Marfuri S.A., avand sediu social in
Bucuresti, Str. Buzesti nr. 82-94, etaj 7, Sector 1, Cod 011017,
Reg. Com. J40/19450/1992, CIF RO1562694, reprezentata legal de Xx.
Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, Presedinte - Director General, denumita in
continuare: BRM
avand sediu social in ....................., Str.
................... nr............., , Sector/Judet..............,
Cod ..............., Reg. Com.................., CIF
..................., reprezentata legal de Dl./Dna
........................, denumita in continuare: Participant
la Piata produselor pe termen scurt, denumit in continuare
the procedure
Română de Mărfuri S.A., headquartered in Bucharest,
00-00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 0xx
xxxxxxxx, xxx code 011017, Trade Register Number J40/19450/1992,
CIF (tax registration code) RO1562694, legally represented
by Mr. Xxxxxxx XXXXXX, President - General Manager, hereinafter
referred to as: the RCE
headquartered in
....................., Street ................... no.
............, District/County .............., zip code
..............., Trade Register No. .................., CIF (tax
code)..................., legally represented by Mr./Ms.
......................, hereinafter referred to as: the
Participant in the Short-Term Products Market,
hereinafter referred to as the
in continuare colectiv Partile.
au convenit incheierea prezentului Acord, in urmatoarele conditii:
prezentul Acord, urmatorii termeni vor fi interpretati dupa cum
Escrow – banca comerciala agreata de BRM, care va deschide
la ordinul clientului sau (Participantul la BRM
DAY-AHEAD GAZ) Contul escrow în favoarea BRM.
de cont central (BCR) – Banca Comerciala Romana
S.A., care actioneaza ca institutie colectoare in raport cu BRM
si la care BRM are deschis Contul Central aferent BRM DAY-AHEAD
GAZ care urmeaza a fi creditat sau a fost creditat cu sumele
prevazute in Instructiunile de debitare directa, emise de BRM si
debitat cu sumele prevazute in ordinele de plata.
de Decontare – Banca comerciala la care Participantul si-a
deschis contul care urmeaza a fi debitat sau a fost debitat cu
suma prevazuta in instructiunea de debitare directa;
Central aferent Pietei produselor pe termen scurt
– contul deschis la Banca de cont
central in numele BRM, care urmeaza a fi creditat sau a
fost creditat cu sumele prevazute in Instructiunile de debitare
directa, emise de BRM si debitat cu sumele prevazute in ordinele
de plata. Acest cont este utilizat pentru incasarea si
efectuarea platilor aferente tranzactiilor incheiate pe BRM
– prezentul act juridic si anexele sale, care reprezinta
acordul de vointa neechivoc si obligatoriu al BRM
si al Participantului la BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ cu
privire la serviciile care fac obiectul Acordului.
privind debitarea directa (CDD) – acord
BRM si BCR în calitate de Institutie
prevederilor legislatiei
si europene aplicabile privind debitarea directa,
precum si acceptul Institutiei
colectoare referitor la utilizarea de catre
BRM a Instructiunilor
de debitare directa
cadrul unei Scheme de debitare directa.
escrow –
contul de depozit colateral deschis de Participant la
Agentul Escrow.
finalizării - ziua
(z) în care suma prevăzută
de debitare directă
este creditată
Contul Central aferent
produselor pe termen scurt
colectoare. Data
aferente Instrucțiunilor
de debitare directă
interbancare este aceeași cu data decontării
interbancare (data compensării).
directa – modalitate de plata a unei sume de bani
convenite intre Participantul cumparator
si BRM, care consta in debitarea preautorizata a contului
Participantului cumparator de catre Institutia platitoare in
baza prevederilor Mandatului de debitare directa, la solicitarea
BRM si creditarea corespunzatoare a contului BRM de catre Banca
de cont central in baza Contractului privind debitarea directa;
aceasta modalitate de plata nu necesita autorizarea prealabila
de catre Participantul cumparator a fiecarei instructiuni de
debitare directa trasa asupra contului sau, asa cum este
reglementat in Regulamentul BNR nr. 2/2016 privind operatiunile
de transfer de credit si debitare directa.
la rambursare – dreptul
unui Participant de a formula o pretenție de rambursare în
cu o Instrucțiune
de debitare directă
(cu exceptia celor din categoria SDD B2B) la Instituția
care deține contul Participantului și, respectiv, dreptul de a
primi întreaga sumă
Instrucțiunii de debitare directă,
solicitare care trebuie formulată
în condițiile prevăzute
în legislația națională aplicabilă.
Platitorului la BRM (Id Platitor)
– informatie
Participantului platitor
de catre
BRM (ex: cod de abonat).
– institutia de credit la care Participantul are deschis
contul curent care urmeaza a fi debitat sau a fost debitat cu
suma prevazuta in Instructiunea de debitare directa.
de debitare directa (IDD) – instructiune
de plata prin debitare directa formulata
de BRM catre
Banca de cont central
care BRM are deschis Contul Central aferent BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ
a fi creditat sau a fost creditat de catre
institutia platitoare la care Participantul are deschis contul
curent care urmeaza
a fi debitat sau a fost debitat cu suma prevazuta
respectiva Instructiune
de debitare directa.
de debitare directa
(IDD interbancara)
de plata
prin debitare directa
cadrul careia
Banca de cont central
este diferita
de institutia
platitoare la care Participantul are deschis contul curent care
a fi debitat sau a fost debitat cu suma prevazuta
de debitare directa.
de debitare directa
(IDD intrabancara)
- instructiune
de plata
prin debitare directa
cadrul careia
banca de cont central
aceeasi cu institutia platitoare la care Participantul are
deschis contul curent care urmeaza
a fi debitat sau a fost debitat cu suma prevazuta
in Instructiunea
de debitare directa
colectoare este identica
cu Institutia
– cuantumul
în limita căruia Participantul poate tranzacționa în cadrul
ședintelor de tranzacționare, reprezentând, pentru ordinele
de cumparare ale Participantului valoarea cumulată a soldului
Contului escrow
și a sumei acoperite
de Scrisoarea de Garanție Bancară (SGB), iar pentru ordinele
de vanzare ale Participantului, valoarea stabilita de BRM.
a perioadei de transmitere a Instructiunilor
de debitare directa
este de cinci zile lucratoare
(z-5) si reprezinta
maxim de zile inainte
de Data finalizarii
(z) in care o Instructiune
de debitare directa
poate fi introdusa
sistemul de decontare al Bancii
de cont central; Instructiunile
de debitare directa
se pot primi de la BRM si anterior limitei maxime a perioadei de
transmitere, cu mentiunea ca
acestea se incarca
in sistemul informatic al Bancii de
cont central
asteptare, urmand ca introducerea in
sistemul de decontare al Bancii
de cont central sa
se realizeze in
cadrul acestei limite, respectiv incepand
cu data (z-5).
a perioadei de transmitere a Instructiunilor
de debitare directa
functie de solicitarea BRM, poate fi de o zi lucratoare (z-1)
sau zero zile (z) si reprezinta numarul minim de zile bancare
de Data finalizarii la care o Instructiune
de debitare directa intrabancara poate fi introdusa in
sistemul de decontare al Bancii de cont central.
a perioadei de transmitere a Instructiunilor
de debitare directa interbancare –
este de o zi lucratoare (z-1) si reprezinta
numarul minim de zile bancare inainte
de Data finalizarii
la care o Instructiune
de debitare directa
poate fi introdusa
sistemul de decontare al Bancii de cont central.
de debitare directa
– document
care satisface cerintele
legale si prin care un Participant acorda o autorizatie
dar revocabila
BRM pentru a emite Instructiuni de debitare directa
asupra contului sau
curent deschis la Institutia
si, respectiv, dreptul Institutiei
platitoare de a-i debita contul curent cu suma prevazuta
de debitare directa
emise de BRM.
de decontare zilnica –
raport emis de BRM pentru Participant, conform prevederilor
prezentului Acord.
unic de inregistrare al mandatului (UMR) –
identificator unic al mandatului la nivel interbancar.
virtual de tranzactionare (PVT) – punct abstract, unic la
nivelul Sistemului national de transport, intre punctele de
intrare in Sistemul national de transport si cele de iesire din
Sistemul national de transport, in care este permis transferul
dreptului de proprietate asupra gazelor naturale de la un
participant catre alt participant de pe piata gazelor naturale;
de tranzacţionare - program de derulare a procesului de
tranzacţionare în care se pot introduce, modifica, anula sau
suspenda oferte de vânzare şi /sau de cumpărare şi se pot
încheia tranzacţii, dacă sunt îndeplinite condiţiile de
corelare Piața produselor pe termen scurt
administrată de BRM funcționează 24 de ore/zi, 7 zile pe
de Garantie Bancara (SGB) – instrumentul financiar prin
care se constituie o garantie de plata in favoarea BRM de catre
Participant, conform prevederilor acestui Acord.
de debitare directa
– schema
de plati
care defineste un set comun de reguli si procese aplicabile
operatiunilor de debitare directa.
Schema de debitare directa
poate fi:
de debitare directa
Business to Business (SDD B2B) – schema
de debitare directa
doar clientilor platitori
persoane juridice (si conform careia
rambursarea unei IDD nu este permisa).
de debitare directa
CORE (SDD Core) – schema
atat platitorilor
persoane fizice cat si platitorilor
persoane juridice.
de livrare – ziua calendaristica pentru care a fost
incheiata o tranzactie.
de tranzactionare – orice zi calendaristica in care este
initiata o sedinta de tranzactionare , conform programului de
tranzactionare stabilit prin Procedura de organizare și
funcționare a pieţei produselor standardizate pe termen scurt
(Ziua D).
lucratoare – zi calendaristica, cu exceptia sambetei,
duminicii si a oricarei zile declarata sarbatoare legala in
nelucratoare – zi de sambata, de duminica si oricare zi
declarata sarbatoare legala in Romania
D – zi calendaristica.
collectively referred to as the Parties.
Parties have agreed to conclude this Agreement, subject to the
following conditions:
this Agreement, the following terms shall be interpreted as
Agent – the commercial bank approved by the RCE that shall
open at its customer’s order (the Participant in BRM DAY-AHEAD
GAZ) the Escrow account in favour of the RCE.
Account Bank (CAB) – Banca Comerciala Romana S.A.
(Romanian Commercial Bank), that acts as a collecting
institution in relation to the RCE and with which the RCE has
opened the Central Account related to the BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ that
shall be credited or has been credited with the amounts provided
in the Direct Debit Instructions, issued by the RCE and debited
with the amounts provided in the payment orders.
Bank – The commercial bank with which the Participant has
opened the account that shall be debited or has been debited
with the amount provided in the Direct Debit Instruction.
Account related to the Short-Term Products Market – the
account opened with the Central Account Bank on behalf of the
RCE, that shall be credited or has been credited with the
amounts provided in the Direct Debit Instructions, issued by the
RCE and debited with the amounts provided in the payment orders.
This account is used to collect and make payments related to
transactions concluded on BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ.
– this legal act and its annexes that represents the
unequivocal and binding agreement of will of the RCE and the
Participant to BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ regarding the services that are
the object of the Agreement.
debit contract (DDC) –
agreement concluded between the RCE and the BCR as a Collecting
institution, according to the provisions of the applicable
national and European legislation on direct debit, as well as
the acceptance of the collecting institution regarding the use
by the RCE of the Direct Debit Instructions within a Direct
debit scheme.
account – the collateral deposit account opened by the
Participant with the Escrow Agent.
– the banking day (z) on which the amount provided for in the
Direct Debit Instruction is credited to the Central Account
related to the Short-Term Products Market by the Collecting
institution. The completion date for the Interbank Direct Debit
Instructions is the same as the interbank settlement date
(clearing date).
debit – the method of payment of a sum of money agreed
between the Buyer Participant and the RCE, which consists in the
pre-authorized debiting of the Buyer Participant account by the
paying Institution based on the provisions of the Direct debit
mandate upon the request of the RCE and the corresponding credit
of the RCE account by the Central account bank based on the
Direct Debit Agreement; this method of payment does not require
the prior authorization by the Buyer Participant of each Direct
Debit Instruction drawn on its account, as regulated in the NBR
Regulation no. 2/2016 on the credit transfer and direct debit
to reimbursement
– the right of a Participant to make a claim for reimbursement
in connection with a Direct Debit Instruction (except for those
in the B2B DDS category) to the Paying Institution holding the
Participan’ts account and, respectively, the right to receive
the full amount of the Direct Debit Instruction, a request that
must be made under the conditions laid down in the applicable
national law.
Identifier at the RCE (Payer Id)
– information intended for the identification of the Paying
Participant by the RCE (ex: subscriber code).
– the credit institution with which the Participant has opened
the current account that shall be debited or has been debited
with the amount provided in the Direct Debit Instruction.
Debit Instruction (DDI)
– direct debit payment instruction issued by the RCE to the
Central Account Bank with which the RCE has opened the Central
Account related to the BRM DAY-AHEAD GAZ that shall be credited
or has been credited by the paying institution with which the
Participant has opened the current account that shall be debited
or has been debited with the amount provided in the respective
Direct Debit Instruction.
Direct Debit Instruction (interbank DDI)
– Direct debit payment instruction in which the Central
Account Bank is different from the paying institution to which
the Participant has opened the current account that shall be
debited or has been debited with the amount provided in the
Direct Debit Instruction.
Direct Debit Instruction (Intrabank
– Direct debit payment instruction in which the Central bank
account is the same as the Paying Institution with which the
Participant has opened the current account that shall be debited
or has been debited with the amount provided in the Direct Debit
Instruction (the Collecting Institution is identical to the
Paying Institution).
– the amount within which the Participant may trade during the
trading sessions, representing, for the purchase orders of the
Participant the cumulated value of the Escrow Account balance
and the amount covered by the Performance Bond (PB), and for the
sale orders of the Participant, the value set by the RCE.
limit of the transmission period of the Direct Debit
– is five working days (d-5) and represents the maximum number
of days before the Completion Date (d) when a Direct Debit
Instruction can be entered in the settlement system of Central
Account Bank; The Direct Debit Instructions may also be received
from the RCE before the maximum limit of the transmission
period, with the mention that they are uploaded in the computer
system of the Central Account Bank pending and they shall be
introduced in the settlement system of the Central Account Bank
within this limit, respectively starting with the date (d-5).
limit of the transmission period of the Intrabank Direct Debit
– depending on the request of the RCE it may be one working
day (d-1) or zero days (d) and it represents the minimum number
of banking days before the Completion Date when an Intrabank
Direct Debit Instruction can be entered in the Central Account
Bank’s settlement system.
limit of the transmission period of the Interbank Direct Debit
– is one working day (d-1) and it represents the minimum
number of banking days before the Completion Date on which an
Interbank Direct Debit Instruction can be entered in the
settlement system of the Central Account Bank.
debit mandate
– a document that satisfies the legal requirements and by
which a Participant grants a permanent but revocable
authorization to the RCE to issue Direct Debit Instructions on
its current account opened with the Paying Institution and,
respectively, the right of the Paying Institution to debit its
current account with the amount provided in the Direct Debit
Instructions issued by the RCE.
settlement note
– a report issued by the RCE for the Participant, according to
the provisions of this Agreement.
mandate registration number (UMR)
– a unique identifier of the mandate at interbank level.
trading point (VTP) – an abstract unique point at the
level of the National Transmission System, between the entry
points in the National Transmission System and the exit points
from the National Transmission System, where the transfer of
ownership of natural gas is allowed from one participant to
another on the natural gas market;
session – the schedule for carrying out the trading
process when sale and / or purchase bids may be introduced,
modified, canceled or suspended and transactions may be
concluded, if the correlation conditions are met. The RCE
operates 24 hours / day, 7 days a week;
of bank guarantee (LBG) – the financial instrument by
which a payment guarantee is established in favor of the RCE by
the Participant, according to the provisions of this Agreement.
debit scheme – the payment scheme that defines a common
set of rules and processes applicable to the direct debit
operations. The direct debit scheme can be:
to Business Direct Debit Scheme (B2B DDS)
– direct debit scheme accessible only to paying customers
legal entities (and according to which the reimbursement of a
DDI is not allowed).
direct debit scheme (Core DDS)
– the scheme accessible to both natural and legal persons
day – the calendar day for which a transaction was
day – any calendar day on which a trading session is
initiated, according to the trading schedule established by the
Procedure for the organization and functioning of the
standardized short-term products market (Day D).
day – calendar day, except for Saturday, Sunday and any
day declared a legal holiday in Romania.
day – Saturday, Sunday and any day declared a legal
holiday in Romania.
D – calendar day.
privind apartenenta ca Participant la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt
regarding membership as a Participant in the Short-Term Products
la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt declara
prin prezentul ca:
incheiat un contract de echilibrare și
acces la PVT cu SNTGN Transgaz la data
de ...............................................
Participant in the Short-Term Products Market hereby
declares that:
concluded a balancing and access contract to the VTP with the
SNTGN Transgaz on ...............................................
convin ca, in baza prezentului Acord, BRM va furniza servicii de
compensare in calitate de contraparte fata de Participant, in
conditiile prevazute in Regulamentul privind cadrul organizat
de tranzacționare pe piețele centralizate de gaze naturale
administrate de societatea Bursa Română de Mărfuri (Romanian
Commodities Exchange) S.A., in si in
Procedura de organizare și funcționare a pieței
pentru tranzacţionarea gazelor naturale pe termen scurt
administrată de societatea Bursa Română de Mărfuri (Romanian
Commodities Exchange) S.A..
Participantul la Piata produselor pe termen scurt se angajeaza
ca va respecta obligatiile specificate in Regulamentul si
procedurile asociate acestei piete.
Parties agree that, on the basis of this Agreement the RCE shall
provide clearing services as a counterparty to the Participant,
under the conditions provided in the Regulation on the
organized trading framework on centralized natural gas markets
managed by the company Bursa Română de Mărfuri
(Romanian Commodities Exchange) S.A., and in the Procedure
of organization and functioning of the market for short-term
trading of natural gas managed by the company Bursa Română
de Mărfuri (Romanian Commodities Exchange) S.A.
The Participant in the Short-Term Products Market undertakes to
comply with the obligations specified in the Regulation
and procedures associated with this market.
Compensarea se face de catre BRM, in calitate de contraparte.
Orice fel de obligatii legate de regimul vamal sau fiscal al
gazelor naturale vor cadea exclusiv in sarcina Participantului si
nu vor fi achitate prin mecanismul de compensare prevazut in
prezentul Acord, iar BRM nu va avea nicio raspundere sau obligatie
in acest sens. Participantii vor informa BRM in masura in care
exista proceduri vamale necesare pentru livrarea gazelor naturale
pe care intentioneaza sa le tranzactioneze, inainte de incheierea
Zilei D-1.
Pentru serviciile furnizate in baza prezentului Acord,
Participantul va plati contravaloarea comisionului stabilit de
catre BRM din cuantumul tranzactiilor efectuate.Valoarea
comisionului se publica pe site-ul BRM
BRM are dreptul sa modifice valoarea comisionului, prin publicarea
noii valori pe site-ul BRM și prin notificarea scrisă, a tuturor
participanților cu care a încheiat acord cadru pentru prestarea
serviciilor de contraparte, cu 30 de zile calendaristice înainte
de aplicarea noii valori a comisionului modificat. Initierea de
tranzactii reprezintă acordul
cu privire la noua valoare a comisionului, publicata anterior
deschiderii zilei de tranzactionare.
Participantul care nu isi indeplineste obligatiile ce ii incumba
ca participant pe piata gazelor naturale (inclusiv cele aferente
unei sesiuni de tranzactionare) ramane pe deplin raspunzator
pentru orice prejudiciu creat, urmand a garanta si despagubi
integral BRM pentru orice pretentii ale oricaror terti.
Participantului la Piata produselor pe termen scurt. Mecanisme
măsura în care părțile nu agrează o altă modalitate de
plată, participantul la Piata produselor pe termen scurt
incheia un
Mandat de debitare directa in beneficiul BRM care reprezinta
baza in care banca Participantului,
in calitate de Institutie plătitoare,
va debita contul curent al Participantului cu suma prevazută în
fiecare Instructiune de debitare directa emisa de BRM si care va
fi pus la dispozitia Bancii
de cont central la
cererea acesteia.
directa se va realiza pentru sumele datorate ca pret al
tranzactiilor,. Contractul privind debitarea directa (CDD) si
Mandatul de debitare directa vor permite si consultarea soldului
contului curent al Participantului deschis la Banca cont central
(BCR) sau la o Institutia platitoare care detine un acord de
debit direct cu Banca cont central (BCR) si comunicarea acestui
sold catre BRM, in orice moment.
bancare aferente platilor de decontare incluse in fluxul de
debitare directa pe Piata produselor standardizate pe termen scurt
revin in sarcina Participantului. Facturarea acestor comisioane se
va efectua lunar de catre BRM, in baza informatiilor furnizate de
catre Banca de Cont Central. Anexat la factura se va explicita
modul de calcul /percepere a comisioanelor.
platii tranzactiilor
scopul garantarii platii tranzactiilor, Participantul la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt:
furniza o Scrisoare de Garantie Bancara (SGB) in favoarea BRM
emisa de Banca de cont central sau de o alta banca comerciala
autorizata in Romania si acceptata de catre BRM
deschide un Cont escrow in favoarea BRM la Banca de cont central
sau la o alta banca comerciala autorizata in Romania si acceptata
de catre BRM, care se va constitui ca Agent Xxxxxx si/sau
oferi alte garantii agreate de către părți.
valoric maxim in limita caruia Participantul-cumparator are
dreptul sa tranzactioneze pe Piata produselor pe termen scurt
este determinat dupa formula Limita = SGB + Contul escrow + alte
garantii, intelegand ca:
SGB va fi reprezentata de disponibilul (suma neblocata) aferent-
unei SGB in vigoare la momentul Deschiderii zilei de
tranzactionare D
Contului Escrow va fi reprezentata de soldul creditor al contului
ESCROW la momentul Deschiderii zilei de tranzactionare D.
altor garantii va fi reprezentata de valoarea constituita a
acestora la momentul Deschiderii zilei de tranzactionare D.
de tranzactionare va fi aplicabila in fiecare Zi de
tranzactionare pentru ordinele de cumparare ale Participantului.
BRM va avea dreptul sa solicite garantii si sa stabileasca
Limita de tranzactionare si pentru ordinele de vanzare ale
se va constitui, pe cheltuiala exclusiva a Participantului, ca
un angajament care se executa la prima si simpla cerere a BRM.
SGB va avea o perioada de valabilitate initiala de minimum 3
luni, urmand ca aceasta valabilitate sa fie extinsa pe
cheltuiala exclusiva a Participantului. Participantul va furniza
BRM dovada emiterii unei noi SGB, sau, dupa caz, a extinderii
perioadei de valabilitate a SGB existente cu cel putin 5 zile
lucratoare inainte de data expirarii fiecarei perioade de
valabilitate, sub sanctiunea neluarii in considerare a SGB in
calculul Limitei. SGB se va constitui in forma prevazuta in
Anexa 1 a prezentului Acord si va permite executarea de catre
BRM pentru acoperirea tuturor sumelor datorate conform
prezentului Acord, incluzand sumele datorate ca pret al
tranzactiilor, comisionul datorat BRM pentru serviciile
furnizate conform prezentului Acord si eventualele penalitati.
Escrow se va constitui prin semnarea unui contract de escrow si
depunerea in Contul escrow a unei sume de bani. Contractul
escrow va permite Agentului Escrow sa vireze BRM orice sume
necesare pentru acoperirea tuturor debitelor Participantului
conform prezentului Acord, incluzand sumele datorate ca pret al
tranzactiilor, comisionul datorat BRM pentru serviciile
furnizate conform prezentului Acord si eventualele penalitati.
Agentul Xxxxxx nu va avea nicio liberate de apreciere asupra
temeiniciei cererii BRM, urmand a elibera sumele solicitate de
catre BRM la simpla cerere a acesteia.
este de drept in intarziere pentru toate obligatiile de plata
conform prezentului Acord, debitarea directa si/sau executarea
garantiilor urmand a se realiza fara nicio instiintare
prealabila a Participantului de catre BRM si fara nicio alta
formalitate, cu exceptia celor prevazute expres in prezentul
poate solicita reducerea cuantumului SGB, al Contului Escrow
si/sau al altor garantii, justificata prin volumul anterior al
tranzactiilor sale, numai cu acordul scris al BRM, care va fi
transmis bancii emitente a acestor instrumente de garantare.
de tranzactionare . In cazul Participantului la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt, in calitate de cumparator,
algoritmul de tranzactionare prevede urmatoarele etape:
zilei de tranzactionare a produsului Day-ahead pentru ziua D+1
se face in ziua D, iar pentru Within-day pentru ziua D se face
in ziua D prin primirea de catre BRM pana la orele 09:00 ale
zilei D a soldului clientului de la BCR si stabilirea Limitei
(SGB+Cont Escrow +alte garantii).
cazul in care Participantul utilizeaza ca modalitate de
garantare si SGB si perioada ei de valabilitate nu a fost
extinsa sau nu s-a facut dovada emiterii unei noi SGB cu cel
putin 5 zile lucratoare inainte de data expirarii perioadei de
valabilitate, atunci accesul Participantului la piata va fi
restrictionat cu 3 zile lucratoare inainte de data expirarii a
SGB. In cazul in care Participantul utilizeaza SGB concomitent
cu un Cont Escrow si/sau alte modalitati de garantare, limita
de tranzactionare a acestuia se va reduce cu valoarea SGB, in
sensul prezentului articol.
Limita este negativa sau zero, Participantul este suspendat de
la tranzactionare si primeste o instiintare pentru completarea
Limita este pozitiva, Participantul poate tranzactiona in ziua
D, fara a depasi Limita.
inchiderea pietei la orele 24:00 ale zilei D, BRM transmite
catre Participantii la Piata produselor pe termen scurt si
Operatorului de Transport si Sistem (OTS), in speta S.N.T.G.N.
Transgaz S.A., raportul tranzactiilor efectuate cu livrare in
ziua D, respectiv ziua D+1.
la orele 17:00 ale zilei D+2, OTS trimite la BRM confirmarea
inregistrarii tranzactiei pentru ziua D, respectiv ziua D+1,
in conditiile in care conventia incheiata intre OTS si BRM va
permite aceasta operatiune.
la orele 10:00 ale zilei D+1, BRM transmite notificarile de
Debit Direct DD catre BCR. Contul Participantului cumparator
este debitat conform tranzactiilor efectuate.
cazul Participantului Piata produselor pe termen scurt in
calitate de vanzator, algoritmul de tranzactionare prevede
urmatoarele etape:
zilei de tranzactionare a produsului Day-ahead pentru ziua D+1
se face in ziua D, iar pentru Within-day pentru ziua D se face
in ziua D prin primirea de catre BRM pana la orele 09:00 ale
zilei D a soldului clientului de la BCR si stabilirea Limitei
(SGB+Cont Escrow +alte garantii).
cazul in care Participantul utilizeaza ca modalitate de
garantare si SGB si perioada ei de valabilitate nu a fost
extinsa sau nu s-a facut dovada emiterii unei noi SGB cu cel
putin 5 zile lucratoare inainte de data expirarii perioadei de
valabilitate, atunci accesul Participantului la piata va fi
restrictionat cu 3 zile lucratoare inainte de data expirarii a
SGB. In cazul in care Participantul utilizeaza SGB concomitent
cu un Cont Escrow si/sau alte modalitati de garantare, limita
de tranzactionare a acestuia se va reduce cu valoarea SGB, in
sensul prezentului articol.
Limita este la orice moment negativa sau zero, Participantul
este suspendat de la tranzactionare si primeste o instiintare
pentru completarea marjei.
Limita este pozitiva, Participantul poate tranzactiona in ziua
D, fara a depasi Limita. Prevederile art. 3.11.1 – 3.11.3 se
aplica doar daca BRM va solicita garantii si va stabili Limita
de tranzactionare si pentru ordinele de vanzare ale
inchiderea pietei la orele 24:00 ale zilei D, BRM transmite
catre Participanti si Operatorul de Transport si Sistem (OTS),
in speta S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A., raportul tranzactiilor
efectuate, cu livrare in ziua D respectiv ziua D+1.
la orele 17:00 ale zilei D+2, OTS trimite la BRM confirmarea
livrarilor de gaze pentru ziua D, respectiv ziua D+1 in
conditiile in care conventia incheiata intre OTS si BRM va
permite aceasta operatiune.
la 10:00 ale zilei D+1, BRM transmite notificarile de creditare
catre BCR. Contul Participantului vanzator este creditat
conform tranzactiilor efectuate.
maxima de timp pentru achitarea de catre Participantul
cumparator prin debit direct a cuantumului obligatiilor
rezultate din tranzactiile sale este de 2 (doua) zile bancare,
interval in cadrul caruia Participantul va trebui sa faca
disponibila in contul sau curent suma corespunzatoare platilor
cumulate in intervalul mentionat sau sa solicite anularea
Instructiunii de debitare directa. In caz contrar, BRM va
notifica Participantul si va trece la executarea garantiilor
pana la concurenta achitarii sumelor datorate in ziua D+5, in
ordinea Cont escrow urmat de executarea Scrisorii de Garantie
Bancara (SGB). In situatia in care cuantumul garantiilor nu
acopera sumele datorate, Participantul va fi exclus de la
tranzactii pe o perioada de 3-12 luni, dar nu
mai devreme de recuperarea tuturor sumelor datorate BRM.
Neacoperirea integrala a sumelor datorate BRM in urma executarii
garantiilor determina aplicarea de penalitati de 0,1%/zi de
intarziere, pana la data recuperarii intregii sume.
restante la plata pana in momentul confirmarii de catre Banca de
cont central a achitarii acestora sunt scazute din Limita in
care Participantul - cumparator poate cumpara in cursul
sedintelor de licitatie desfasurate pana la momentul
restante la plata pana in momentul confirmarii de catre Banca de
cont central a achitarii acestora sunt scazute din Limita in
care Participantul - vanzator poate vinde in cursul sedintelor
de licitatie desfasurate pana la momentul confirmarii.
cadrul sedintei de tranzactionare curente, Limita de calificare
a Participantului este verificata in timp real de catre
platforma BRM, luand in calcul toate tranzactiile curente in
care Participantul cumparator sau vanzator este angajat.
Participantul este exclus in situatia in care soldul Limitei
este depasit de valoarea tranzactiilor initiate. Excluderea de
la tranzactionare se efectueaza numai pentru tranzactiile in
care Limita este depasita, Participantul avand posibilitatea de
a reduce valoarea tranzactiei pentru a se incadra in Limita sau
de a majora cuantumul Limitei, pentru a putea participa la noi
si Facturare
va pune la dispozitia fiecarui Participant care a inregistrat
tranzactii de vanzare sau de cumparare o Nota de Decontare
Zilnica, ce va contine urmatoarele informatii:
de gaze naturale corespunzatoare vanzarilor si cumpararilor
efectuate in ziua de tranzactionare D cu livrare in ziua D sau in
ziua D+1;
corespunzatoare vanzarilor si cumpararilor efectuate in ziua de
tranzactionare D cu livrare in ziua D sau in ziua D+1;
de inchidere al tranzactiilor;
comisionului platibil BRM;
TVA, conform reglementarilor aplicabile;
neta a drepturilor de incasare/ obligatiilor de plata zilnice;
alte informatii considerate necesare sau obligatorii, potrivit
reglementarilor aplicabile.
Instructiunilor de debitare directa si a ordinelor de plata
emise de BRM se va calcula pe baza Notelor de Decontare Zilnica.
va emite si transmite lunar facturi catre Participant, pe baza
Notelor de Decontare Zilnica.
vor fi emise de BRM cu data ultimei zile a lunii de livrare si
vor fi comunicate electronic Participantului, in primele 5 zile
lucratoare ale lunii urmatoare. Facturile vor contine situatia
centralizata a tranzactiilor efectuate de Participant in luna de
livrare (cantitativ si valoric), obligatiile de plata si
drepturile de incasare ale BRM, tarife si comisioanele
aplicabile, contravaloarea TVA conform prevederilor legislatiei
fiscale aplicabile la data facturarii, valoarea totala, precum
si orice alte mentiuni obligatorii potrivit legii.
randul sau, Participantul va emite lunar factura aferenta
cantitatilor de gaze naturale vandute pe Piata produselor pe
termen scurt. Facturile vor fi emise de Participant cu data
ultimei zile a lunii de livrare si vor fi comunicate electronic
sau prin fax catre BRM, in primele 5 zile lucratoare ale lunii
urmatoare, urmand sa fie transmise si in original pana la data
de 10 a lunii respective.
si obligatiile BRM
The clearing is made by the RCE, as a counterparty. Any
obligations related to the customs or tax regime of natural gas
shall fall exclusively on the Participant and shall not be paid
through the clearing mechanism provided in this Agreement, and the
RCE shall have no responsibility or obligation in this regard. The
Participants shall inform the RCE insofar as there are customs
procedures necessary for the delivery of the natural gas they
intend to trade before the end of D-1 Day.
For the services provided under this Agreement, the Participant
shall pay the value of the commission established by the RCE from
the amount of the transactions performed. The value of the
commission is published on the RCE website
The RCE has the right to change the amount of the commission, by
publishing the new value on the RCE website and by written
notification sent to all participants with whom it has concluded a
framework agreement for the provision of counterparty services, at
least 30 calendar days before applying the new value of the
adjusted commission. The initiation of transactions represents the
agreement of the
regarding the new value of the commission, published prior to the
opening of the trading day.
The participant that does not fulfill its obligations as a
participant on the natural gas market (including those related to
a trading session) remains fully liable for any damage, and shall
guarantee and fully compensate the RCE for any claims of any third
of the Participant in the Short-Term Products Market. Applicable
of transactions
the extent that the parties do not agree on another method of
payment, the participant in the Short-Term Products Market shall
conclude a Direct Debit Mandate for the benefit of the RCE which
is the basis on which the Participant’s bank, as
Paying Institution,
shall debit the Participant’s current account with the amount
provided in each Direct Debit Instruction issued by the RCE and
which shall be made available to the Central
Account Bank
upon its request.
direct debit shall be made for the amounts due as transactions
price. The Direct Debit Contract (DDC) and the Direct Debit
Mandate shall also allow the consultation of the current account
balance of the Participant opened with the Central Account Bank
(BCR bank) or at a Paying Institution holding a direct debit
agreement with the Central Account Bank (BCR bank) and the
communication of this balance to the RCE at any moment.
bank commissions related to the settlement payments included in
the direct debit flow on the Standardized short-term products
market are incumbent on the Participant. The RCE shall issue
monthly invoices for these commissions, based on the information
provided by the Central Account Bank. The calculation / collection
of commissions shall be explained in the annex to the invoice.
the payment of transactions
order to guarantee the payment of transactions, the Participant
in the Short-Term Products Market:
provide a Letter of Bank Guarantee (LBG) in favor of the RCE
issued by the Central Account Bank or by another commercial bank
authorized in Romania and accepted by the RCE.
open an Escrow Account in favor of the RCE with the Central
Account Bank or another commercial bank authorized in Romania and
accepted by the RCE that shall be the Escrow Agent and / or
provide other guarantees agreed by the parties.
maximum value threshold within which the Buyer Participant has
the right to trade in the Short-Term Products Market is
determined by the formula Limit = LBG + Escrow account + other
guarantees, understanding that:
value of the LBG shall be represented by the cash (unblocked
amount) related to a LBG in force at the time of the Opening of
the trading day D.
value of the Escrow Account shall be the credit balance of the
ESCROW account at the Opening of the trading day D.
value of other guarantees shall be represented by their
constituted value at the Opening of the trading day D.
trading limit shall be applicable on each Trading Day for the
Participant’s purchase orders. The RCE shall have the right to
request guarantees and to establish the Trading Limit for the
Participant’s sales orders as well.
LBG shall be established at the exclusive expense of the
Participant, as a commitment executed upon the first and simple
request of the RCE. The LBG shall have an initial validity
period of at least 3 months that shall be extended at the
exclusive expense of the Participant. The participant shall
provide the RCE with the proof of issuing a new LBG or, as the
case may be, of extending the validity period of the existing
LBG, at least 5 working days before the expiration date of each
validity period, under the sanction of not considering the LBG
in the Limit calculation. The LBG shall be established as set
out in Annex 1 to this Agreement and shall allow the execution
by the RCE to cover all amounts due under this Agreement,
including the amounts due as transaction price, the commission
due to the RCE for services provided under this Agreement and
any penalties.
Escrow Account shall be established by signing an escrow
contract and depositing a sum of money in the Escrow Account.
The Escrow Agreement shall allow the Escrow Agent to transfer to
the RCE any amounts necessary to cover all debits of the
Participant under this Agreement, including amounts due as
transaction price, the commission due to the RCE for the
services provided under this Agreement and any penalties. The
Escrow Agent shall have no discretion over the merits of the RCE
request and shall release the amounts requested by the RCE upont
its simple request.
Participant is late as of right for all payment obligations
under this Agreement and thus the direct debit and / or the
execution of guarantees shall be made without any prior notice
to the Participant by the RCE and without any other formality,
except as expressly provided in this Agreement.
Participant may request a reduction in the amount of the LBG,
the Escrow Account and / or other guarantees, justified by the
previous volume of its transactions, only with the written
consent of the RCE, that shall be sent to the issuing bank of
these guarantee instruments.
algorithm. In the case of the Short-Term Products Market
Participant, acting as buyer, the trading algorithm provides the
following steps:
trading day for the Day-ahead product for the day D+1 is opened
on day D, and for the Within-day for the day D it is opened on
day D when the RCE receives until 09:00 a.m. of day D the
client’s balance from BCR bank and the establishment of the
Limit (LBG + Escrow Account + other guarantees).
the Participant also uses the LBG as a guarantee method and its
validity period has not been extended or no proof has been
provided regarding the issuance of a new LBG at least 5 working
days before the expiration date of the validity period, then
the Participant’s access to the market shall be restricted 3
working days before the expiration date of the LBG. If the
Participant uses the LBG at the same time with an Escrow
Account and / or other guarantee methods, its trading limit
shall be reduced by the value of the LBG, for the purposes of
this article.
the Limit is negative or zero the Participant is suspended from
trading and receives a notification to settle the margin.
the Limit is positive the Participant can trade on day D,
without exceeding the Limit.
the closing of the market at 12:00 p.m. on day D, the RCE
transmits the report of the transactions performed with
delivery on day D, namely day D + 1 to the Short-Term Products
Market Participants and to the Transport and System Operator
(TSO), in this case, the S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A.
TSO sends to the RCE the confirmation of the transaction
registration for day D, namely the day D + 1 until 5:00 p.m. of
day D + 2 provided that the convention concluded between the
TSO and the RCE allows this operation.
RCE sends the DD Direct Debit notifications to BCR bank until
10:00 a.m. of the day D + 1. The account of the Buyer
Participant is debited according to the transactions performed.
the case of the Participant in the Short-Term Product Market
as Seller, the trading algorithm provides the following steps:
opening of the trading day of the Day-ahead product for the day
D+1 takes place on day D, and for Within-day for day D it takes
place on day D by the RCE receiving until 09:00 of day D the
client’s balance from the bank BCR and establishing the Limit
(LBG+Escrow account+other guarantees).
the Participant also uses the LBG as a guarantee and its
validity period has not been extended or there has been no
proof of issuing a new LBG at least 5 working days before the
expiration date of the validity period, then the Participant’s
access to the Market shall be restricted 3 working days before
the expiry date of the LBG. If the Participant uses the LBG at
the same time with an Escrow Account and / or other guarantee
methods, its trading limit shall be reduced by the value of the
LBG, for the purposes of this article.
the Limit is negative or zero at any time, the Participant is
suspended from trading and receives a notification to adjust
the margin.
the Limit is positive, the Participant may trade on day D,
without exceeding the Limit. The provisions of articles 3.11.1
- 3.11.3 apply only if the RCE shall request guarantees and
shall establish the Trading Limit for the Participant’s sales
orders as well.
the closing of the market at 12:00 p.m. on day D, the RCE
transmits to the Participants and to the Transport and System
Operator (TSO), in this case the S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A., the
report of the performed transactions, with delivery on day D
and day D + 1, respectively.
TSO sends to the RCE the confirmation of gas deliveries for day
D, respectively day D + 1, until 5:00 p.m. on day D + 2
provided that the convention concluded between the TSO and the
RCE allows for this operation.
RCE sends the credit notifications to the bank BCR until 10:00
a.m. of the day D + 1. The account of the Seller Participant is
credited according to the transactions performed.
maximum time limit for the payment by the Buyer Participant by
direct debit of the amount of obligations resulting from its
transactions is 2 (two) banking days, during which the
Participant shall have to make available in its current account
the amount corresponding to the payments accumulated in the
mentioned interval or to request the cancellation of the Direct
Debit Instruction. Otherwise, the RCE shall notify the
Participant and shall proceed to the execution of the guarantees
until all the amounts due on day D + 5 are paid, starting with
the Escrow Account followed by the execution of the Letter of
Bank Guarantee (LBG). If the amount of guarantees does not cover
the amounts due, the Participant shall be excluded from
transactions for a period of 3-12 months, but not earlier than
the recovery of all amounts due to the RCE. The non-full
coverage of the amounts due to the RCE following the execution
of the guarantees determines the application of penalties of
0.1%/day of delay, until the date of recovery of the entire
outstanding amounts until the moment of confirmation by the
Central Account Bank of their payment are deducted from the
Limit in which the Buyer Participant can buy during the auction
sessions held until the confirmation moment.
outstanding amounts until the confirmation moment by the Central
Account Bank of their payment are deducted from the Limit to
which the Seller Participant can sell during the auction
sessions held until the confirmation moment.
the current trading session, the Participant Qualification Limit
is verified in real time by the RCE platform, taking into
account all current transactions in which the Buyer or Seller
Participant is involved. The Participant is excluded in the
situation when the balance of the Limit is exceeded by the value
of the initiated transactions. The Participant is excluded from
trading only for transactions in which the Limit is exceeded,
the Participant having the possibility to reduce the value of
the transaction in order to fit in the Limit or to increase the
amount of the Limit, in order to participate in new sessions.
and invoicing
RCE shall provide each Participant who has registered sale or
purchase transactions with a Daily Settlement Note, that shall
contain the following information:
amounts of natural gas corresponding to the sales and purchases
made on the trading day D with delivery on day D or on day D+1;
values corresponding to the sales and purchases made on the
trading day D with delivery on day D or on day D+1;
closing price of the transactions;
amount of the commission payable to the RCE;
value of the VAT, according to the applicable regulations;
net value of the daily collection rights / payment obligations;
other information deemed necessary or mandatory, in accordance
with the applicable regulations.
value of the Direct Debit Instructions and of the payment orders
issued by the RCE shall be calculated based on the Daily
Settlement Notes.
RCE shall issue and send monthly invoices to the Participant,
based on the Daily Settlement Notes.
invoices shall be issued by the RCE with the date of the last
day of the delivery month and shall be communicated
electronically to the Participant, on the first 5 working days
of the following month. The invoices shall contain the
centralized situation of the transactions performed by the
Participant on the delivery month (quantity and value), the
payment obligations and the collection rights of the RCE, the
applicable tariffs and commissions, the VAT amount according to
the fiscal legislation applicable on the invoicing date, the
total value, as well as any other mandatory mentions according
to the law.
turn, the Participant shall issue a monthly invoice for the
quantities of natural gas sold on the Short-term products
market. The invoices shall be issued by the Participant with the
date of the last day of the delivery month and shall be
communicated electronically or by fax to the RCE on the first 5
working days of the following month, and shall be sent in
original until the 10th day of the respective month.
and obligations of the RCE
isi asuma integral raspunderea de a se asigura ca Mandatul de
debitare directa este valid si valabil si constituie o
autorizare corespunzatoare pentru banca Participantului pentru
debitarea contului curent al Participantului.
isi asuma raspunderea deplina pentru exactitatea tuturor
Instructiunilor de debitare directa transmise Bancii
de cont curent.
se obliga sa respecte intocmai si in orice moment reglementarile
legale in vigoare aplicabile Instructiunilor de debitare
se obliga sa asigure confidentialitatea datelor personale si
bancare ale Participantilor si respectarea tuturor obligatiilor
legale cu privire la datele cu caracter personal.
se obliga
sa asigure bunul mers al tranzactiilor pe Piata
produselor pe termen scurt. In acest sens, BRM va avea dreptul:
suspende sau sa anuleze orice ordine de tranzactionare sau orice
actiuni realizate in calitate de contraparte centrala pentru a
remedia probleme tehnice sau la cererea autoritatilor de
suspende sau sa intrerupa accesul oricarui Participant la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt in cazul in care OTS trimite la
BRM confirmarea nelivrarilor de gaze, demonstrand ca
Participantul nu a livrat cantitatea de gaze tranzactionata in
calitate de vanzator sau nu a preluat cantitatea de gaze
tranzactionata in calitate de cumparator.
suspende sau sa intrerupa accesul oricarui Participant la Piata
produselor pe termen scurt in orice alte cazuri prevazute
expres de prezentul Acord, precum si in orice alte situatii in
care exista dovezi ca activitatea
Participantului ar putea afecta in mod negativ reputatia
Pietei produselor pe termen scurt sau care ar putea afecta
modul ordonat si corect de tranzactionare sau decontare
(incluzand, dar fara a se limita la tentative realizate sau
esuate de manipulare a pietei);
masurile de mai sus vor fi opozabile Participantului, care nu va
avea nicio pretentie derivata din sau ca urmare a adoptarii lor
de catre BRM.
se obliga sa returneze sumele aferente Instructiunilor de
debitare directa incasate, in cazul primirii unei solicitari
conform prevederilor Art. 4.8 din prezentul Acord, inclusiv in
situatia in care schimba Institutia colectoare sau inceteaza sa
foloseasca Instructiuni de debitare directa in intervalul de
timp dintre momentul emiterii unei Instructiuni de debitare
directa si momentul formularii unei solicitari
de rambursare/returnare.
Participantului platitor, in calitate de Institutie platitoare,
poate solicita returnarea unei Instructiuni de debitare directa
din motive tehnice sau pentru ca nu poate executa Instructiunea
de debitare directa din alte motive (ex: contul Participantului
este inchis).
solicitare de returnare a unei Instructiuni de debitare directa
Schema de debitare directa
CORE poate fi trimisa
termen de 5 zile lucratoare
de la data decontarii.
solicitare de returnare a unei Instructiuni de debitare directa
Schema de debitare directa
Business 2 Business poate fi trimisa
in termen
de 2 zile lucratoare
de la data decontarii.
expirarea termenelor prevazute la Art. 4.8.1 si 4.8.2,
Institutia platitoare nu mai poate transmite solicitari
de returnare.
costurilor se va limita la comisioanele solicitate de catre
banca Participantului platitor initiatoare a solicitarii de
rambursare/returnare a Instructiunii de debitare directa.
acest caz, singura obligatie a BRM va fi aceea de a nu executa
garantiile Participantului, dupa primirea solicitarii de
returnare si cu conditia ca Institutia platitoare se respecte
termenele prevazute la Art. 4.8.1 si 4.8.2.
exceptia culpei grave sau actiunilor intentionate, BRM nu
raspunde pentru eventualele prejudicii cauzate de:
de catre Participant a unor ordine/oferte continand erori sau
utilizare a sistemului de tranzactionare al BRM pus la dispozitia
sau defectiuni ale cailor de comunicatii cu BRM sau ale
sistemului de tranzactionare al BRM pus la dispozitia
RCE takes full responsibility to ensure that the Direct Debit
Mandate is valid and current and constitutes an appropriate
authorization for the Participant’s bank to debit the
Participant’s current account.
RCE takes full responsibility for the accuracy of all Direct
Debit Instructions submitted to the
Current Account Bank.
RCE undertakes to comply exactly and at all times with the legal
regulations in force applicable to the Direct Debit
RCE undertakes to ensure confidentiality of the personal and
banking data of the Participants and the observance of all legal
obligations regarding the personal data.
RCE undertakes to ensure the smooth running of transactions on
the Short-term products market. In this sense the RCE shall have
the right:
suspend or cancel any trading order or any action taken as a
central counterparty to remedy technical issues or at the request
of regulatory authorities;
suspend or interrupt the access of any Participant to the
Short-term products market if the TSO sends to the RCE the
confirmation of gas deliveries, proving that the Participant has
not delivered the quantity of gas traded as a seller or has not
taken over the quantity of gas traded as a buyer.
suspend or interrupt the access of any Participant to the
Short-term products market in any other cases expressly provided
for in this Agreement, as well as in any other situations where
there is evidence that the Participant’s activity could
adversely affect the reputation of the Short-term products market
or that could affect the orderly and correct way of trading or
settlement (including, but not limited to attempts made or failed
to manipulate the market);
the above measures shall be opposable to the Participant, which
shall not have any claim derived from or as a result of their
adoption by the RCE.
RCE undertakes to return the amounts related to the Direct Debit
Instructions received, in case of receiving a request sent
according to the provisions of Art. 4.8 of this Agreement,
including in case the Collection Institution changes or ceases
to use the Direct Debit Instructions in the time between issuing
a Direct Debit Instruction and the moment of formulating a
request for reimbursement / return.
Paying Participant’s Bank, as a Paying Institution, may
request the return of a Direct Debit Instruction for technical
reasons or because it cannot execute the Direct Debit
Instruction for other reasons (e.g.: the Participant’s account
is closed).
request for the return of a Direct Debit Instruction processed
in the CORE Direct Debit Scheme can be sent within 5 working
days from the settlement date.
request for the return of a Direct Debit Instruction processed
in the Business 2 Business Direct
Debit Scheme can be sent within 2 working days from the
settlement date.
the expiration of the terms provided in Art. 4.8.1 and 4.8.2,
the Paying Institution can no longer send return requests.
value of the costs shall be limited to the commissions requested
by the bank of the paying Participant initiating the request for
reimbursement / return of the Direct Debit Instruction.
this case, the only obligation of the RCE shall be not to
execute the Participant’s guarantees after receiving the
return request and provided that the Paying Institution respects
the terms provided in Art. 4.8.1 and 4.8.2.
the exception of gross negligence or intentional actions the RCE
is not liable for any damages caused by:
introduction by the Participant of some orders / bids containing
errors or inadvertences;
incorrect use of the RCE trading system made available to the
or malfunctions of the communication channels with the RCE or of
the RCE trading system made available to the Participants.
la Piata produselor pe termen scurt exonereaza BRM de
orice obligatie legata de intarzieri sau neexecutari datorate
unor circumstante independente de vointa acesteia.
dintre Parti nu raspunde de neexecutarea la termen si/sau de
executarea in mod necorespunzator – total sau partial – a
oricarei obligatii care ii revine in baza prezentului Acord,
daca neexecutarea sau executarea necorespunzatoare sau cu
intarziere a obligatiei respective a fost cauzata de forta
majora, așa cum sunt definite la art. 1.351 din Codul Civil.
care invoca forta majora este obligata sa notifice celeilalte
Parti, in termen de 5 zile calendaristice, producerea
evenimentului de forta majora si sa ia toate masurile posibile
in vederea limitarii consecintelor lui. In caz contrar, Partea
va raspunde pentru prejudiciul cauzat, prin aceasta, celeilalte
Parti. Notificarea privind cazul de forta majora va fi insotita
de un document scris emis de o autoritate competenta (ex. Camera
de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei in caz de forta majora), care
sa certifice exactitatea faptelor si imprejurarilor notificate.
in termen de 15 zile calendaristice de la producere, evenimentul
respectiv nu inceteaza, Partile au dreptul sa notifice incetarea
de plin drept si fara indeplinirea nici unei formalitati a
prezentului Acord, fara ca vreuna dintre ele sa pretinda
participant in the Short-term products market exonerates the RCE
from any obligation related to delays or non-executions due to
circumstances beyond its control.
Party shall be liable for the non-execution on time and / or the
improper execution - in whole or in part - of any obligation
under this Agreement, if the non-execution or the improper or
delayed execution of that obligation was caused by force
majeure, as defined in art. 1.351 of the Civil Code.
Party invoking the force majeure is obliged to notify the other
Party, within 5 calendar days, of the occurrence of the force
majeure event and to take all possible measures in order to
limit its consequences. Otherwise, the Party shall be liable for
the damage caused thereby to the other Party. The notification
regarding the case of force majeure shall be accompanied by a
written document issued by a competent authority (e.g. the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania in case of force
majeure), certifying the accuracy of the notified facts and
within 15 calendar days after the occurrence, the event does not
cease, the Parties have the right to notify the full termination
and without fulfilling any formality of this Agreement, without
any of them claiming damages.
pe perioada de derulare a prezentului Acord, cat si dupa
incetarea acestuia, fiecare Parte va pastra confidentialitatea
tuturor informatiilor sau datelor cunoscute, indiferent sub ce
forma ar exista, atat a celor direct legate de prezentul Acord,
cat si a celorlalte date referitoare la cealalta Parte si
clientii acesteia, indiferent pe ce cale le-a aflat, sub
sanctiunea rezilierii prezentului Acord si/sau a suportarii
daunelor ce le-ar cauza celeilalte Parti ca urmare a
nerespectarii acestei clauze, cu mentiunea ca BRM va putea
dezvalui astfel de informatii catre grupul din care face parte
precum si catre angajatii, reprezentantii, consultantii
profesionali si auditorii sai, precum si afiliatilor sai si
angajatilor, reprezentantilor, consultantilor profesionali ori
auditorilor acestora, care devin obligati sa pastreze
confidentialitatea sub aceleasi reguli ca si BRM.
de confidentialitate obliga Partea care a ajuns in posesia unor
astfel de informatii sa nu le divulge unei terte parti, in nici
un caz si sub nici o forma, cu exceptia situatiilor prevazute in
normele imperative ale legii sau la solicitarea autoritarilor
competente, in caz contrar avand obligatia de a suporta
daune-interese care sa acopere integral prejudiciul cauzat
celeilalte Parti si dovedit de aceasta.
Acord se incheie pe termen nelimitat, acesta putand inceta fie
cu acordul Partilor, la data stabilita de catre acestea, fie
prin denuntare unilaterala a acestuia de catre oricare dintre
Parti, cu un preaviz de cel putin 15 zile lucratoare trimis
inainte de data incetarii.
cazul in care una din Parti incalca obligatia de
confidentialitate din prezentul Acord, cealalta Parte poate
declara rezilierea unilaterala a Acordului, prin simpla
notificare scrisa de reziliere transmisa Partii in culpa, fara
punere in intarziere si fara nicio alta formalitate judiciara
sau extrajudiciara, conform dispozitiilor art.1553 Cod Civil
privind pactul comisoriu.
cazul in care una dintre Parti nu isi indeplineste obligatiile
contractuale si daca nu exista alte prevederi exprese in Acord
care sa reglementeze conduita Partilor in respectiva situatie,
cealalta Parte va notifica Partea in culpa cu privire la
neexecutare, prin transmiterea unei scrisori recomandate cu
confirmare de primire, in care va indica perioada pe care Partea
in culpa o are la dispozitie pentru executarea obligatiei
contractuale. Data la care Partea in culpa primeste scrisoarea
va fi considerata data punerii in intarziere a acesteia. Daca
Xxxxxx in culpa se afla de drept in intarziere in conformitate
cu prevederile legale sau ale prezentului Acord, sau daca in
termenul indicat in notificare Partea in culpa nu executa
corespunzator obligatia contractuala, Partea indreptatita poate
transmite o notificare scrisa prin care va declara rezilierea
unilaterala a Acordului. Participantul este pus de drept in
intarziere in cazurile in care se i se suspenda dreptul de
tranzactionare, conform prezentului Acord.
de catre Participant a Mandatului de debitare directa acordat
BRM conduce la incetarea automata a prezentului Acord, fara
nicio alta formalitate judiciara sau extrajudiciara,
Participantul urmand a fi raspunzator fata de BRM si/sau orice
alti Participanti sau terti pentru eventualele prejudicii
Acord este guvernat de si va fi interpretat in conformitate cu
legea romana.
disputa intre Parti nascuta din sau in legatura cu incheierea,
validitatea, interpretarea, executarea sau incetarea
prezentului Acord va fi rezolvata pe cale amiabila. Toate
neintelegerile/disputele care nu pot fi rezolvate pe cale
amiabila intre Part intr-un interval de 30 de zile de la
notificarea initiala a diferendului vor fi solutionate de catre
instantele judecatoresti competente din Bucuresti.
acceptiunea Partilor, orice notificare/corespondenta adresata de
o Parte celeilalte Parti este valabil comunicata daca este
predata sau transmisa la adresa mentionata in prezentul Acord.
corespondenta se transmite prin posta/curierat cu scrisoare
recomandata cu confirmare de primire, prin e-mail sau fax.
corespondenta transmise prin posta cu scrisoare recomandata cu
confirmare de primire, se considera primita la data semnarii de
catre destinatar a confirmarii de primire. Notificarea/
corespondenta transmisa prin e-mail sau fax se considera primita
la data receptionarii confirmarii de primire, in cazul in care
aceasta a fost emisa inainte de orele 15:00 in orice zi
lucratoare; in cazul in care confirmarea a fost emisa dupa orele
15:00 sau intr-o zi nelucratoare, notificarea/corespondenta se
considera primita in prima zi lucratoare care urmeaza dupa data
emiterii confirmarii.
de notificare, numerele de fax si telefon la care se vor
transmite in mod valabil corespondenta sunt:
Buzesti nr. 82-94, Bucuresti, Romania
000 0000
de contact:
adreselor postale, a adreselor de email sau a numarului de
fax/telefon nu este opozabila decat dupa trecerea a cel putin 5
zile lucratoare de la data la care s-a primit notificarea
privind schimbarea adreselor postale, a adreselor de email sau a
numarului de fax/telefon.
cazul in care reglementarile legislative de natura tehnica sau
operationala emise de autoritatile competente vor impune
Partilor obligatii suplimentare sau modificarea celor stipulate
in prezentul Acord, Partile vor aduce Acordul in conformitate cu
obligatiile legale in termen de maximum 14 zile, sub sanctiunea
incetarii automate a acestuia. Pentru evitarea oricarui dubiu,
pe perioada negocierilor si pana la incheierea unui eventual act
aditional, prezentul Acord isi va produce pe deplin efectele
intre Parti.
avand la cunostinta natura operatiunilor avute in vedere de
prezentul Acord, declara ca isi asuma, prin prezentul Acord,
riscul schimbarii imprejurarilor in care este incheiat acesta, in
conformitate cu art. 1271 al. 3 lit. c) din Codul Civil, si
renunta la invocarea impreviziunii in legatura cu acest Acord.
nu va putea sa cesioneze sau sa transmita unui tert, in orice
modalitate juridica, vreun drept sau vreo obligatie prevazuta
prin prezentul Acord sau prezentul Acord in intregime, fara
acordul expres, in scris si prealabil al BRM care nu va fi
refuzat in mod nejustificat.
modificare sau completare a prezentului Acord se face numai prin
act aditional, incheiat in scris de Parti.
semnarea prezentului Acord, Xxxxxxx declara ca au luat la
cunostinta, au inteles pe deplin si accepta in mod expres
prezentul Acord.
semnarea Acordului, Partile confirma faptul ca acesta reflecta
in mod deplin intreaga vointa a acestora cu privire la obiectul
Acordului, prevaleaza fata de orice alte intelegeri, inscrisuri
sau negocieri care au avut loc intre Parti inainte de semnarea
acesteia, precum si faptul ca nu exista niciun fel de elemente
secundare legate de Acord si intelegerea dintre Parti care sa nu
fi fost reflectate in Acord.
asemenea, Participantul confirma ca este pe deplin de acord cu
prevederile Acordului si ca, in conformitate cu art. 1.203 Cod
Civil, accepta in mod expres clauzele din Acord privind
limitarea raspunderii BRM, dreptul BRM de a denunta unilateral
Acordul si de a suspenda executarea obligatiilor sale in
conditiile prevazute in Acord, clauzele care prevad decaderea
din drepturi ori din beneficiul termenului, precum si clauzele
privitoare la competenta instantelor judecatoresti.
cazul in care una dintre prevederile Acordului este lipsita de
valabilitate sau inaplicabila sub orice aspect in conformitate
cu legile si reglementarile aplicabile, valabilitatea,
legalitatea si aplicabilitatea celorlalte prevederi ale
Acordului nu va fi afectata in niciun fel de aceasta, iar
Acordul va continua sa isi produca efectele. Prevederile lipsite
de valabilitate sau inaplicabile vor fi considerate ca fiind
substituite cu o prevedere adecvata si echitabila care, in
masura permisa de lege, este cat mai aproape posibil de intentia
si scopul prevederii lipsite de valabilitate sau inaplicabile.
Acordul se completeaza cu prevederile legale imperative in
materie de debitare directa, asa cum acestea pot varia din timp
in timp, cu cele ale Regulamentului privind cadrul organizat de
tranzactionarea produselor standardizate pe pietele centralizate
de gaze naturale administrate de societatea Bursa Romana de
Marfuri (Romanian Commodities Exchange) S.A., aprobat prin Ordin
al ANRE, si ale Procedurii de organizare si functionare a pietei
produselor standardizate pe termen scurt, administrata de
Societatea Bursa Romana de Marfuri (Romanian Commodities
Exchange) S.A., avizata de ANRE.
Acord s-a semnat astazi,_________________ in 2 exemplare, cate
unul pentru fiecare Parte semnatara si isi va produce efectele
incepand cu data semnarii.
during and after the termination of this Agreement, each Party
shall maintain confidentiality of all known information or data,
in whatever form it may exist, those directly related to this
Agreement and the other data relating to the other Party and its
clients, irrespective of the way they found them, under the
sanction of termination of this Agreement and / or bearing the
damages they would cause to the other Party as a result of
non-compliance with this clause, with the mention that the RCE
shall be able to disclose such information to the group to which
it belongs as well as to its employees, representatives,
professional consultants and auditors, as well as its affiliates
and employees, representatives, professional consultants or
their auditors, who become obliged to maintain confidentiality
under the same rules as the RCE.
confidentiality clause obliges the Party that has come into
possession of such information not to disclose it to a third
party, in any case and in any form, except in the situations
provided by the mandatory rules of law or at the request of the
competent authorities, otherwise having the obligation to bear
damages that fully cover the damage caused to the other Party
and proved by it
Agreement is concluded for an unlimited period, and it may be
terminated either with the agreement of the Parties, on the date
set by them, or by unilateral denunciation by either Party, with
at least 15 working days notice before the termination date.
one of the Parties violates the obligation of confidentiality of
this Agreement, the other Party may declare the unilateral
termination of the Agreement, by simple written notice of
termination sent to the Party at fault, without delay and
without any other judicial or extrajudicial formality according
to the provisions of art. 1553 of the Civil Code regarding the
termination clause.
one of the Parties fails to fulfill its contractual obligations
and if there are no other express provisions in the Agreement
governing the conduct of the Parties in that situation, the
other Party shall notify the Party at fault of the
non-performance by sending a registered letter with
acknowledgement of receipt, in which it shall indicate the
period that the Party at fault has at its disposal for the
execution of the contractual obligation. The date on which the
Party at fault receives the letter shall be deemed to be the
date of the notice of default. If the Party at fault is
rightfully at default in accordance with the law or this
Agreement, or if the Party at fault fails to perform its
contractual obligation within the time limit set forth in the
notice, the entitled Party may give written notice stating the
unilateral termination of the Agreement. The Participant shall
be rightfully given a notice of default in cases where its
trading right is suspended, in accordance with this Agreement.
revocation by the Participant of the Direct Debit Mandate
granted to the RCE leads to the automatic termination of this
Agreement, without any other judicial or extrajudicial
formality, the Participant being liable to the RCE and / or any
other Participants or third parties for any damages.
Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance
with the Romanian law.
dispute between the Parties arising out of or in connection with
the conclusion, validity, interpretation, execution or
termination of this Agreement shall be settled amicably. All
misunderstandings / disputes that cannot be settled amicably
between the Parties within 30 days from the initial notification
of the dispute shall be resolved by the competent courts in
the acceptance of the Parties, any notification / correspondence
addressed by one Party to the other Party is validly
communicated if delivered or transmitted to the address
mentioned in this Agreement.
notification / correspondence is sent by registered mail /
courier with acknowledgment of receipt, by e-mail or fax.
notification / correspondence sent by registered mail with
acknowledgment of receipt is considered received on the date it
is signed by the recipient of the acknowledgment of receipt. The
notification / correspondence sent by e-mail or fax is
considered received on the date of receipt of the acknowledgment
of receipt, if it was issued before 15:00 on any working day; if
the acknowledgment of receipt was issued after 15:00 or on a
non-working day, the notification / correspondence is considered
received on the first working day following the issuance date of
the acknowledgment of receipt.
notification addresses, fax and telephone numbers to which the
correspondence shall be validly sent are:
the RCE:
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx,
Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx
000 0000
the Participant:
change of postal addresses, email addresses or fax / telephone
number is not opposable until at least 5 working days have
elapsed from the date on which the notification was received
regarding the change of postal addresses, email addresses or fax
number / phone.
technical or operational legislative regulations issued by the
competent authorities shall impose additional obligations to the
Parties or shall make them amend the obligations set forth in
this Agreement, the Parties shall update the Agreement in
accordance with the legal obligations within a maximum of 14
days, subject to automatic termination. For the avoidance of any
doubt, during the negotiations and until the conclusion of any
additional act, this Agreement shall take full effect between
the Parties.
participant, knowing the nature of the operations envisaged by
this Agreement, declares that it assumes, through this Agreement,
the risk of changing the circumstances in which it is concluded,
in accordance with art. 1271 paragraph 3 letter c) of the Civil
Code, and waives the invocation of contingency in connection with
this Agreement.
Participant may not assign or transmit to a third party, in any
legal manner, any right or obligation under this Agreement or
this Agreement in its entirety, without the express written and
prior consent of the RCE which shall not be unjustifiably
modification or completion of this Agreement is made only by an
additional act, concluded in writing by the Parties.
signing this Agreement the Parties declare that they have read,
fully understood and expressly accept this Agreement.
signing the Agreement the Parties confirm that it fully reflects
their entire will regarding the object of the Agreement,
prevails over any other agreements, documents or negotiations
that took place between the Parties prior to its signing, and
that there are no secondary elements related to the Agreement
and understanding between the Parties that have not been
reflected in the Agreement.
the Participant confirms that it fully agrees with the
provisions of the Agreement and that in accordance with art.
1.203 of the Civil Code it expressly accepts the clauses of the
Agreement on limiting the liability of the RCE, the right of the
RCE to unilaterally terminate the Agreement and to suspend the
execution of its obligations under the conditions provided in
the Agreement, the clauses providing for the revocation of
rights or benefits, and the clauses regarding the competence of
the courts.
one of the provisions of the Agreement is invalid or
unenforceable in any respect under the applicable laws and
regulations, the validity, legality and applicability of the
other provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected in any
way by this Agreement and the Agreement shall continue to
produce effects. Invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be
deemed to be substituted for an adequate and equitable provision
which, to the extent permitted by law, is as close as possible
to the intent and purpose of the invalid or unenforceable
Agreement is supplemented by the mandatory legal provisions on
direct debit, as they may vary from time to time, with those of
the Regulation on the framework organized for trading
standardized products on centralized natural gas markets
administered by the company Bursa Romana de Marfuri (Romanian
Commodities Exchange) S.A., approved by the Order of the RERA,
and of the Procedure for the organization and functioning of the
standardized short-term products market, administered by the
company Bursa Romana de Marfuri (Romanian Commodities Exchange)
S.A., endorsed by the RERA.
Agreement has been signed today, _________________ in 2 copies,
one for each signing Party and shall take effect on the signature