Dumitru COTLE - Prof.univ.dr. UVT, Timi oara, Romania
Xxxxxxx XXXXX - Prof.univ.dr. UVT, Timi oara, Romania
Xxxxx XXXXXXXX – Asist.drd. Univ.X.Xxxxxxx, Timi oara, Romania
ABSTRACT: În aceast lucrare sunt tratate aspecte privind obiectivele i necesitatea armoniz rii contabile interna ionale, cu referire la: situa iile financiare, definirea, recunoa terea i evaluarea elementelor prezentate în situa iile financiare, evaluarea r spunderii sau gestion rii manageriale, evaluarea capacitii intreprinderii de a pl ti i de a oferi beneficii angaja ilor s i, evaluarea garan iilor intreprinderii pentru creditele acordate
KXY WORDE: contabilitate, armonizare, normalizare, standarde interna ionale
The accountancy normalization can be defined as being the process through which the type of utilized documents is harmonized, the accountancy methods used and the terminology.
The accountancy normalization objects consist in:
-the utilization and capitalization of accountancy information, by external utilizators/users for needful comparations in time;
-the obtain of homogeneous information referring to industries, by the coordinators of public institutions;
-a very good allocation of financial resources at the level of a country;
The accountancy normalization at a international level presupposes the elaboration of rules and norms applied, in totalization and partial, by the ensemble of countries, of factories, or by each an ensemble of specialists in accountancy domain.
The international accountancy harmonization is the process through which the rules and norms applied from one land to another, which sometimes created divergences, are in a permanent improvement, necessary for being compared.
The majority of accountancy specialists from all the countries in the countries in the world wish the utilization of an international accountancy.
The international accountancy was born by the international harmonization of accountancy rules and practices, going from international accountancy normalization.
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The institution in which the international accountancy normalization is realized, is the “International Accounting Standards Committee: IASC”, organism specialized in the elaboration of norms for the multinational stipends and societies.
Although in contact with the international accountancy normalization, in an unofficial manner, it appeared also subjective aspects, which affirm that the creation of IASC is necessary for compensating the European Union and their projects of accountancy harmonization established that is however a necessity which results from the user want of financial situations.
The necessity of international accountancy utilization emanates from the fact that, there have been created many multinational societies followed by the European Union extension process.
The international accountancy harmonization is requested also by the privatization of a large number of factories, through the transfer of these from the state property in those private, process which created new necessities regarding the private capital which cannot be satisfied by the capital market of a single country.
The accountancy harmonization and normalization are also necessary because of the economic agents diversities which participate to the stabilization of demand and proposal of accountancy information and because of the unbalances which can appear between the demand and proposal.
The major issue of an accountancy harmonization is bound by the accountancy credibility. In the situation in which the society in a period of time, for example a year, in two different countries presents different situations regarding the measure of proper capitals and the outcome of the exercise conforming to the rules coming into force of those countries, the user’s confidence in their situations is less credible.
The accountancy standards network includes the international, European and national standards. The international accountancy standards have elaborated by IASC and presents the following characteristics:
- emitters general accountancy rules, accepted by all the countries in the world;
- the utilization of the same base for the financial report, so that the investitors and the international bank can do diverse analyses necessary to the investment activities.
- IAS does not overlap the national accountancy standards. The IASC statute forsees that if the national financial reports are according to IAS in all the essential elements, this problem must be specified in annex. If the national standards are too much different then IASC officials have the charge to convince the ability organism over their advantages and harmonization with IASC.
- the application sphere of IAS is circumscribed only by the essential elements and by the date specified in the standard text, except those which are applied retroactive. The limitation of the applied sphere is wrote down in every standard content.
The European accountancy standards are elaborated by the European Union. These standards establish the accountancy base elements and rules, form and
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content of the yearly financial situations, having as general purpose the entire assimilation of the IV-th Norm which includes the norms regarding the elaboration and presentation of the yearly accounts (of commercial societies). The VII-th Norm which settle the consolidation account drew up by the group of factories and the VIII-th norm regarding the free accountancy profession.
The application sphere of the European accountancy standards, extends nearly the countries members of the European Union, their application being obligatory because it represents a source of accountancy representation.
The national standards are elaborated by each country in account with the international standards and European Norms.
The conception, the elaboration and the adoption of the national standards is a political-strategic process in which every country defends its interests.
The international accountancy standards can present interest for the national norms because of the following reason: can be adopted directly as national norms, documentation necessary for the elaboration of national regulation, base of reference between national and international can be adopted as norms for the elaboration and presentation of financial situations.
The general accountancy frame IASC include the concepts and the principles which create the reference system for the elaboration and presentation of financial
The frame refers to elaboration and presentation of financial situations at least yearly, helping the user in taking the economical decision referring to: the managerial valuation of responsibility or management, the factory capacity valuation for paying and offering other benefits to their employee, the guarantee valuation for the credits accorded to the factory, the political determinacy of incoming tax, the profit determinacy and the dividend allocation, the elaboration and utilization of statistic data about yearly national income, the decision of buying, maintaining or selling a capital investment, the factory regulation activity.
[1]. Niculae Feleag - Sisteme contabile comparate, Editura Economic , 1999;
[2]. Xxxxx Xxxxxx , Xxxxxx Xxxx - Contabilitatea societilor comerciale, Editura Universitar 2002;
[3]. Ministerul Xxxxx xxxx Publice - Ordinul 94/ 2001 pentru aprobarea Reglement rilor contabile armonizate cu Directiva a IV-a a Comunitilor Economice Europene i cu Standerdele Interna ionale de contabilitate;
The frame functions of IASC are the following :
- IASC council support in the elaboration of the future IAS revision of those already existent, as the harmonization promotion of the regulation, standards and proceedings of accountancy referring to the presentation of the financial situation through the applications of some base concepts to bring back the number of international accountancy treatments ;
- the national organism support of standard elaboration, in the development process of national standards ;
- the support of those who drew up financial situations according to IAS and to face up the problems which are not rediscovered in those ;
- the listener support in the forming of an opinion referring to the financial situations elaboration in agreement with IAS.
- the user’s support in the information interpretation presented in the financial situations elaborated in agreement with IAS.
- the information devilment of those interested in IASC activity regarding the standard elaboration manner.
The general accountancy frame IASC treat the objectives of financial situations, defining, recognition and valuation of elements presented in financial situations, the qualitative characteristics of information from the financial situations which determines their service, the capital concept and of capital maintain.
[4]. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx B b
Mirton 2000.
- Teoria general a contabilitii, Editura