Anexa la Contractul/Comanda nr. Annex to the Contract/Purchase order no.
Anexa la Contractul/Comanda nr. Annex to the Contract/Purchase order no.
Referitor la obligatiile si responsabilitatile privind sanatatea si securitatea in munca, protectia mediului si situatii de urgenta, pe timpul derularii contractului / comenzii de prestari servicii
Încheiata astazi, între:
1. STAR ASSEMBLY S.R.L., inregistrata in Registrul comertului sub nr. J1/387/18.06.2013, avand sediul in Sebes, str. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, nr. 106, jud. Xxxx, CIF RO31875758, Tel. 00 000 000 000, cont: XX00 XXXX 0000 0000 0000 0000 deschis la ING – BANK, reprezentata de Director General (CEO) Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx in calitate de BENEFICIAR,
Regarding the obligations and responsibilities concerning occupational health and safety, environment, fire prevention and emergency situations during the implementation of the contract / providing services
Concluded today, between:
1. STAR ASSEMBLY S.R.L., registered at the Trade register under no. J1/387/18.06.2013, with its headquarter in Sebes, str. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, xx.000, Xxxx xxxxxx, CIF RO31875758, Tel. 00 000 000 000, account: XX00 XXXX 0000 0000 0000 0000, opened at ING – BANK, represented by General Manager (CEO) Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx hereinafter referred to as the BENEFICIARY,
si and
2. , cu sediul în: 2. , with its registered headquarter in :
, telefon , fax , , tel , fax , VAT no.: având CUI: , înregistrat la Registrul Comerţului sub nr. , , registered at the Trade Register under no. , Bank
cont nr. deschis la banca: - , reprezentata de , in calitate de PRESTATOR,
Prezenta conventie, anexa la contractul/comanda mentionata mai sus, s-a incheiat in vederea asigurarii celor mai bune conditii privind sanatatea si securitatea in munca, protectia mediului si situatii de urgenta, pe timpul derularii contractului / comenzii de prestari servicii.
Account no. opened at: , represented
by , hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR
This agreement, annex to the above-mentioned contract/order, has been concluded in order to ensure the best conditions for health and safety at work, environmental protection and emergency situations during the performance of the service contract.
Raportul contractual dintre BENEFICIAR si PRESTATOR este guvernat de URMATOARELE ACTE NORMATIVE: a. Legea nr. 319 /2006 privind securitatea si sanatatea in munca, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; b. Normele metodologice de aplicare a prevederilor Legii securitatii si sanatatii in munca nr. 319 /2006 aprobata prin Hotararea de Guvern nr. 1425/2006, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; c. Legea nr. 307/2006 privind apararea impotriva incendiilor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; d. Normele generale de apa˘ rare impotriva incendiilor din 28.02.2007 aprobate prin Ordinul nr.163/2007; e. Dispozitiilor generale privind reducerea riscurilor de incendiu generate de încerca˘ ri electrostatice, D.G.P.S.I. 004/2001, aprobate prin Ordinul nr.108/2001, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; f. Ordonanţa de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 92/2021 privind regimul deseurilor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; g. Legea nr. 481/2004, privind protectia civila, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; h. Legea nr. 346/2002, privind asigurarea pentru accidente de munca si boli profesionale, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; i. Normele metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 346/2002, privind asigurarea pentru accidente de munca si boli profesionale, aprobate prin Ordinul nr. 450/2006, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; j. Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 195/2005 privind Protectia mediului, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; k. Hotararea de Guvern nr. 1218/2006 privind stabilirea cerintelor minime de securitate si sanatate in munca pentru asigurarea protectiei lucratorilor impotriva riscurilor legate de prezenta agentilor chimici, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare. CAP. II. - OBLIGATIILE SI RASPUNDERILE PRESTATORULUI 1. PRESTATORUL are obligatia de a informa in scris, BENEFICIARUL, asupra riscurilor induse de activitatile ce vor fi desfasurate si echipamentele de munca ce urmeaza a fi utilizate pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI, precum si asupra masurilor de securitate necesare, daca este cazul. 2. PRESTATORUL are obligatia de a-si instrui lucratorii proprii si pe cei ai subcontractantilor (daca este cazul), cu prevederile din prezenta Conventie. 3. Stabileste obligatiile si raspunderile ce revin, in domeniul securitatii si sanatatii in munca, situatiilor de urgenta, precum şi privind protecţia mediului, lucratorilor proprii, care prestează servicii in incinta BENEFICIARULUI. In acest sens, va stabili persoana care coordoneaza | The contractual relationship between the BENEFICIARY and the Contractor is regulated by the THE FOLLOWING LEGAL PROVISIONS: x. Xxx no. 319/2006 on occupational health and safety, with further amendments and additions; b. Methodological norms for the enforcement of the provisions of Law on occupational health and safety no. 319/2006, approved by Government Decision no. 1425/2006 with further amendments and additions; x. Xxx no. 307/2006 on the protection against fire, with further amendments and additions; d. General norms on protection against fire, from 28.02.2007, approved by M.A.I. (Ministry of Internal Affairs) Order no.163/2007; e. The Internal Affairs Minister order no. 108/2001 regarding the approval of the General Provisions for reducing the fire risks generated by electrostatic charges - D.G.P.S.I. 004/2001, with further amendments and additions; f. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 92/2021 regarding waste management, with further amendments and additions; x. Xxx no. 481/2004, regarding civil protection, with further amendments and additions; x. Xxx no. 346/2002, regarding the insurance against accidents at work and occupational deseases, with further amendments and additions; i. Detailed provisions regarding the implementation of the Law no. 346/2002, regarding the insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, approved by Order no. 825/2006, with further amendments and additions; j. Government Emergency Ordinance no. 195/2005 regarding Environmental Protection, with further amendments and additions k. Government Decision no. 1218/2006 regarding the minimum safety and health requirements for work to ensure the protection of workers from the risk related to the exposure of chemical agents, with further amendments and additions; CHAPTER II - CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The CONTRACTOR is obligated to inform the BENEFICIARY, in writing, about the risks induced by the activities to be carried out and the work equipment to be used on the BENEFICIARY’s site as well as the necessary security measures. 2. The CONTRACTOR is obligated to train his employees and the subcontractor’s employees with the present Convention, if applicable. 3. Identifies the environmental, health and safety and fire protection obligations that are applicable to his own employees that work at the BENEFICIARY location. In this regard, he will establish the person who coordinates the activity and who will ensure the observance of legal provisions regarding |
activitatea şi care va asigura respectarea prevederilor legale privind securitatea si sanatatea in munca, situatiile de urgenta si protecţia mediului si va informa reprezentantul BENEFICIARULUI (Biroul EHS), de aparitia unui pericol grav si iminent, accident de munca sau a oricaror situatii neprevazute si necuprinse in prezenta Conventie. 4. Respecta zonele de lucru si caile de acces stabilite de BENEFICIAR. 5. Asigura semnalizarea de securitate pentru activitatile desfasurate, in incinta BENEFICIARULUI. 6. Asigura, pentru personalul propriu, echipamentul individual de protecţie necesar, in functie de riscurile asociate activitatii desfasurate in incinta BENEFICIARULUI. 7. Asigura respectarea prevederilor privind accesul in societate al lucratorilor/mijloacelor de transport proprii, in/din incinta BENEFICIARULUI, precum si regulile interne de circulatie si locurile de stationare. Astfel, mijloacele de transport vor circula/stationa doar pe caile de acces/zonele indicate de BENEFICIAR. 8. PRESTATORUL NU va efectua lucrari de reparatii/mentenanta ale mijloacelor de transport / utilajelor proprii, pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI. 9. Toate deseurile generate din activitatea proprie a PRESTATORULUI in incinta BENEFICIARULUI si deseurile generate prin achizitie de bunuri sau produse, vor fi in responsabilitatea PRESTATORULUI (generare DEEE-uri, plastic, hartie-carton, deseuri menajere provenite de la cantina, mobilier, produse chimice expirate, ambalaje contaminate cu substante chimice, ape de spalare provenite de la curatenie, uleiuri uzate, etc). Astfel, PRESTATORUL are obligatia gestionarii deseurilor generate prin asigurarea recipientelor pentru colectare/stocare temporara si sa ia toate masurile prevazute de lege pentru colectarea/valorificarea/eliminarea deseurilor generate, pe tot parcursul efectuarii lucrarilor. BENEFICIARUL, poate solicita PRESTATORULUI documentele justificative in ceea ce priveste gestiunea deseurilor pe amplasament si sa efectueze audituri de conformare cu legislatia. 10. Toate deseurile generate de catre BENEFICIAR ca urmare a activității desfășurate de PRESTATOR (ambalare, dezambalare, generare piese rebut, reparatii echipamente si utilaje, controlul calitatii, servicii curatenie, etc), vor fi colectate de către PRESTATOR in locurile special amenajate si in recipientele etichetate puse la dispoziție de către BENEFICIAR. 11. PRESTATORUL va informa BENEFICIARUL (Biroul EHS) ori de cate ori introduce substante/amestecuri chimice pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI, asupra: cantitatilor introduse, modul/conditii de stocare, | occupational health and safety, emergency situations and the environment; and will inform the BENEFICIARY’s representative (EHS office), about the occurrence of possible unexpected situations, not included in this protocol. 4. To observe and respect all the work areas and access ways established by the BENEFICIARY. 5. Is responsible for the proper signalling of the area where the works are performed at the BENEFICIARY’s location. 6. To ensures individual protective equipment for its own employees corresponding to the activity performed at the BENEFICIARY’s location and makes sure that all the workers use them correctly. 7. To ensure compliance with the provisions regarding access into the BENEFICIARY’s location of CONTRACTOR employees, the transportation vehicles and, also, internal traffic and parking rules. Therefore, transporting vehicles shall move/park only on the access routes/areas indicated by the BENEFICIARY. 8. The CONTRACTOR’S employees will not carry out repairs/ maintenance to its own means of transport/machinery on the BENEFICIARY‘s site. 9. All the generated waste of the CONTRACTOR's own activity at the BENEFICIARY's location and the generated waste by the purchase of goods or products shall be in the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR (the waste can be: WEEE, plastic, cardboard, household waste from the cafeteria, furniture, expired chemicals, contaminated packaging, waste water, waste oils, etc.). Therefore, the CONTRACTOR has the obligation to manage the generated waste by providing the temporary collection / storage containers and to take all the measures provided by the law for the collection / recovery / disposal operations of the generated wastes, throughout for the entire contractual period of time. The BENEFICIARY may request the CONTRACTOR justifiyng documents regarding the evidence of waste management on site and he may carry out compliance audits. 10. All the generated waste by the BENEFICIARY as a direct result of the CONTRACTOR's activity: ((un)packaging, generating scrap parts, maintenance activity for different equipment, quality control, cleaning services, etc.) will be collected by the CONTRACTOR in specific containers and labeled according to the BENEFICIARY's internal rule. 11. The CONTRACTOR will inform the BENEFICIARY (EHS Office) whenever he introduces chemical substances on the BENEFICIARY's site. The information will be consisting in: the introduced quantities, the conditions of storage, the |
pericolele posibile pentru angajatii proprii sau cei ai BENEFICIARULUI si va asigura echipamentul de protectie adecvat, angajatilor proprii sau ai subcontractorilor (dupa caz). 12. La locul de utilizare a substantelor chimice, PRESTATORUL va pune la dispozitie Fisa cu date de securitate actualizata conform prevederilor legale in vigoare si va asigura respectarea cerintelor cuprinse in aceasta. 13. PRESTATORUL va informa BENEFICIARUL la finalizarea lucrarilor cu substante sau preparate chimice pe amplasamentul acestuia, si va face dovada preluarii cantitatilor ramase, precum si a deseurilor (recipiente si/sau alte materiale contaminate), printr-o inspecție impreuna cu reprezentantul BENEFICIARULUI. 14. In cazul in care, activitatile desfasurate de catre PRESTATOR presupun conectare la utilitati (curent electric, gaz metan, apa), aceasta nu este permisa fara acordul si in prezenta personalului autorizat al BENEFICIARULUI. 15. Respecta prevederile interne ale BENEFICIARULUI, privind fumatul. 16. Daca lucrarile efectuate necesita lucru cu foc deschis (sudura, taiere cu flacara, etc.), acesta se va efectua numai in baza “permisului de lucru cu foc” si in locurile indicate de BENEFICIAR, conform dispozitiilor interne ale BENEFICIARULUI. 17. Lucratorii PRESTATORULUI au obligatia de a respecta in orice imprejurare normele de prevenire si stingere a incendiilor si de a nu primejdui prin deciziile si faptele lor viata proprie sau a lucratorilor BENEFICIARULUI, bunurile si mediul inconjurator. Este interzis a utiliza mijloacele tehnice de stingere a incendiilor (hidranti, furtune de hidrant, etc.,) de pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI, fara acordul si in prezenta reprezentantului Xxxxxxxx XXX. 18. Este strict interzisă introducerea sau consumul de băuturi alcoolice sau substanțe narcotice pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI. 19. PRESTATORUL nu va pune la dispozitia BENEFICIARULUI lucratori care: a. nu au participat la instruirea colectiva; b. nu sunt calificaţi/autorizaţi / instruiţi, conform cerinţelor legale în vigoare, pentru munca prestată; c. nu au forme legale de angajare; d. nu sunt apti din punct de vedere medical (nu au fise de aptitudine sau au restrictii dpdv medical); e. nu au instruirea de securitate a muncii si situatii de urgenta efectuate si consemnate in fisele de instruire, conform prevederilor legislatiei in vigoare. | potential hazards for its own employees or for the BENEFICIARY's employees. It will also provide the appropriate protection equipment for its own employees or subcontractors (as the case may be). 12. At the location where chemicals are used, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the Safety Data Sheet in the last version according to legal stipulations in effect, and will make sure that the requirements that are contained by it, are complied with. 13. The CONTRACTOR will inform the BENEFICIARY when the work with chemicals on its site is over, and will provide proof of taking over the remaining quantities as well as the waste (containers and / or other contaminated materials) throughout and inspection together with the BENEFICIARY representative. 14. If the activities carried out by the CONTRACTOR involve connection to utilities (electricity, methane gas, water), this is not allowed without the consent and in the presence of the authorized BENEFICIARY staff. 15. Respect the BENEFICIARY’s internal rules regarding smoking. 16. If the activities performed require welding/cutting operations, the CONTRACTOR shall priory obtain a “fire work permit” and perform these operations only in the areas indicated by the BENEFICIARY, in accordance with the internal regulations. 17. The CONTRACTOR’s employees are obligated to comply, in all the circumstances, with the fire protection norms and not to endanger in any way through their decision and operations their own lives and the lives of the BENEFICIARY’S employees, the goods or the environment. The use of the fire extinguishing devices (e.g. exterior hydrants, hydrant hoses etc.) may be used only in the presence and with the prior approval of the BENEFICIARY’S EHS employees. 18. The introduction or consumption of alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances on the BENEFICIARY’s site in strictly forbidden. 19. The CONTRACTOR will not provide to the BENEFICIARY workers who: a. did not participate at the collective training; b. is not qualified/authorised/trained for activity he/she will perform according to the applicable legal requirements; c. does not have legal employment forms; d. is not medically fit for work (does not have certificate of medical fitness for work or is medically restricted); e. does not have the occupational safety training processed and co- signed in the employment training certificate according to the legislation in force. |
CAP. III. - OBLIGATIILE SI RASPUNDERILE BENEFICIARULUI 1. BENEFICIARUL, prin reprezentantul Biroului EHS, are obligatia de a informa PRESTATORUL, asupra riscurilor induse de catre activitatile desfasurate in cadrul societatii si a masurilor de securitate si sanatate in munca stabilite. 2. BENEFICIARUL nu va avea nici o responsabilitate privind deseurile rezultate din / generate de activitatea desfasurata de PRESTATOR, conform pct. 9, cap II. 3. Operatiile de reciclare/valorificare/eliminare a deseurilor generate potrivit pct.10, cap II sunt in stricta responsabilitate a BENEFICIARULUI: 4. BENEFICIARUL, prin reprezentantul Biroului EHS, informeaza asupra cailor de acces si circulatie, spatii pentru fumat, zona de depozitare a materialelor si sculelor (daca este cazul), precum si zona de depozitare temporara a deseurilor rezultate din activitatea PRESTATORULUI, pana la colectarea lor de catre PRESTATOR de pe amplasamentul BENEFICIARULUI. 5. BENEFICIARUL, pune la dispozitia PRESTATORULUI (la solicitarea acestuia), personal calificat pentru conectarea si deconectarea la/de la sursele de energie electrica si alte utilitati, daca este cazul. 6. BENEFICIARUL, prin reprezentantul Biroului EHS stabileste, daca situatia o impune, si alte cerinte necesare a fi respectate de catre PRESTATOR, astfel incat desfasurarea activitatilor BENEFICIARULUI si siguranta angajatilor acestuia, sa nu fie afectate de lucrarile PRESTATORULUI. CAP. IV. - COMUNICAREA , CERCETAREA SI INREGISTRAREA EVENIMENTELOR 1. Orice eveniment (accident de munca) in care sunt implicati lucratorii PRESTATORULUI va fi comunicat imediat de catre coordonatorul acestuia, sau orice alt lucrator al firmei prestatoare, Xxxxxxxx EHS din cadrul Star Assembly şi Inspectoratul Teritorial de Munca. Comisia de cercetare a accidentului va fi mixta, formata din lucratori ai firmei prestatoare de lucrari/servicii si lucratori ai firmei beneficiare. 2. Inregistrarea accidentelor de munca se face dupa cum urmeaza: − evenimentele (accidentele de munca) survenite ca urmare a nerespectarii legislatiei pe linie de securitate si sanatate in munca si a prevederilor prezentei conventii de catre lucratorii prestatorului, se vor inregistra si raporta statistic de către PRESTATOR; | CHAPTER III. - BENEFICIARY'S OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The BENEFICIARY, through the representative of the EHS office, has the obligation to inform the CONTRACTOR regarding the risks induced by the activities carried out within the company and on the established safety and health measures; 2. The BENEFICIARY will not have any responsibility regarding the waste generated by the CONTRCTOR in his activity, according to pct. 9, chapter II; 3. The recycling/recovery and disposal operations of the waste generated according to pct. 10, chapter II are in the BENEFICIARY’s responibility. 4. The BENEFICIARY, through the representative of the EHS office, informs about the ways of access, smoking areas and the temporary storage area of the waste resulting from the CONTRACTOR’s activity, until it’s collected by the CONTRACTOR from the BENEFICIARY site. 5. The BENEFICIARY provides the CONTRACTOR (at his request) qualified staff to connect and disconnect the apparatus to/from the power sources and other utilities, if needed; 6. The BENEFICIARY, through the representative of the EHS office, establishes if necessary, other requirements to be observed by the CONTRACTOR, so that the performance of the BENEFICIARY's activities and his employees safety is not affected by the CONTRACTOR's works. CHAPTER IV. - COMMUNICATION, INVESTIGATION AND REGISTRATION OF EVENTS 1. Any event (work accident) involving the CONTRACTOR's workers, will be immediately communicated, by the contractor's coordinator or by any other employee of the CONTRACTOR, directly to the Star Assembly EHS office, and to the Territorial Labor Inspectorate. The commission investigating the accident will be mixed, consisting of employees coming from the company providing works/services and of employees of the beneficiary company. 2. Registration of work accidents will be done as following: − the events (work accidents) occurred as a result of the non-compliance with the legislation on the field of occupational health and safety at work, and the stipulations of this agreement by the CONTRACTOR's employees, |
− evenimentele (accidentele de munca) suferite de lucratorii BENEFICIARULUI din cauza nerespectarii cerintelor de securitate si sanatate in munca si a prezentei conventii de catre lucratorii prestatorului in timpul executarii serviciilor in incinta BENEFICIARULUI, cât si in afara ei (in zonele admise circulatiei), se vor inregistra si raporta statistic de către PRESTATOR.
− evenimentele (accidentele de munca) suferite de catre lucratorii PRESTATORULUI, cand comisia de cercetare a accidentului a constatat ca de producerea acestora s-au facut vinovati lucratori ai beneficiarul, se va inregistra si raporta statistic de către BENEFICIAR.
− evenimentele (accidentele de munca) suferite de catre lucratorii PRESTATORULUI si ai BENEFICIARULUI, vor fi inregistrate si raportate statistic individual.
3. In cazul unor situatii neprevazute care nu intra sub incidenta cazurilor mentionate anterior, evenimentele (accidentele de munca), vor fi comunicate, inregistrate si raportate statistic, conform Legii nr. 319/2006 si Hotararii de Guvern nr. 1425/2006, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare.
Prezenta Conventie a fost incheiata azi , in 2(doua) exemplare, din care:
1(un) exemplar la PRESTATOR si 1(un) exemplar la BENEFICIAR.
Administrator/Managing Director
will be registered and statistically reported to the CONTRACTOR'S company;
− the events (work accidents) suffered by the BENEFICIARY'S employees due to the non-compliance to ensure or to observe the occupational health and safety requirements and the provisions of this agreement by the CONTRACTOR's employees during the works/services they perform inside the BENEFICIARY location and outside the work area (in the areas permitted for traffic) will be registered and statistically reported by the CONTRACTOR'S company;
− the events (work accidents) suffered by the CONTRACTOR's employees, for which the investigation commission determined that the beneficiary's employees were the ones that have been caused the accident, will be registered and statistically reported by the BENEFICIARY.
− the events (work accidents) suffered by the CONTRACTOR's and BENEFICIARY’s employees, will be registred and statistically reported individualy.
3. In case of any other situations that are not mentioned above, the events (work accidents), will be communicated, registred and statistically reported according to Law no. 319/2006 and Government Decision no. 1425/2006 with further amendments and additions.
This Convention was concluded today , in 2 (two) copies, out of
1 (one) copy for the CONTRACTOR and 1 (one) copy for the BENEFICIARY.
Director General (CEO)
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx
Director Juridic & Compliance Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
Sef Birou EHS Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx