Payment Vzorčne klavzule

Payment. Add the following paragraphs to 1.6b:
Payment. Replace the above EMEA-wide text in 1.6b with the following:
Payment. The following paragraph is added after 1.6c as 1.6d:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b: 1. As long as the country operates in a free currency exchange market, Customer and IBM agree that IBM will accept payment in the applicable country national currency calculated at the country official exchange rate published by the bank specified in a Transaction Document on the date payment is made. 2. If the government of a country establishes any restriction or limitation on its free currency exchange markets, Customer agrees to make payments to IBM in US dollars to a bank account in New York, NY, USA, designated by IBM in the Transaction Document, provided that such payment is not illegal under country law. If such method of payment is forbidden by country law, Customer agrees to pay the amount indicated in the Transaction Document in country national currency, calculated at the official exchange rate that is in use for the remittance of dividends and net earnings to foreign investors outside the country. Customer agrees to pay accordingly, including any late payment fee. The late payment fee is calculated and payable in US dollars at two percent (or the maximum rate allowed by local law if such is less than two percent) of the delinquent amount due per each thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b: 1. two percent of the delinquent amount due per the first thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid, plus 2. ten percent for each successive thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b Add the following to the end of this section: The following sentence is added to the second paragraph of the preamble:
Payment. The seller charges the buyer for each individual delivery. The seller reserves the right of ownership of the material that is the subject of the order until full payment of the purchase price. The buyer pays for the material on the basis of the seller's invoice, which the latter issues in accordance with the order and in accordance with applicable tax and other legislation. After the use of the supplied material, the retention of title shall be transferred to the buyer's product in which the supplied material was used, whereby the seller acquires co- ownership over such a product.
Payment. IQVIA poskytnú v súvislosti so skúšaním nejaké úpravy priestorov skúšania, uzatvorí pracovisko skúšania so spoločnosťou IQVIA alebo zadávateľom samostatnú zmluvu, týkajúcu sa takýchto vylepšení priestorov pracoviska skúšania. Pracovisko skúšania sa ďalej zaväzuje viesť písomný súpis všetkých skúšaných produktov a zariadení poskytnutých zadávateľom, spoločnosťou IQVIA alebo treťou stranou v súlade s protokolom alebo pokynmi v ňom uvedených. Pracovisko skúšania berie na vedomie, že zadávateľ má právo v prípade potreby prerušiť dodávku skúšaného produktu alebo zariadenia, a to aj v nasledujúcich prípadoch: - ukončenie skúšania vo všeobecnosti na celom svete, na Slovensku alebo v konkrétnej pracovisku skúšania (buď na základe rozhodnutia príslušného orgánu, alebo na základe výhradného uváženia zadávateľa); - ukončenie/prerušenie dodávok skúšaného produktu alebo zariadenia v prípade zistenia vady príslušného skúšaného produktu alebo zariadenia; alebo, - oneskorenie v prípade problémov pri výrobe alebo preprave skúšaného produktu alebo zariadenia.