Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za paket „Navigacija, informacije in zabava” storitve Porsche Connect (v nadaljnjem besedilu pogoji uporabe)
Ti pogoji uporabe urejajo uporabo paketa „Navigacija, informacije in zabava“ storitve Porsche Connect. Ti pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg pogojev za portal My Porsche, trgovino Porsche Connect, storitve Porsche Connect in izdelke Porsche (pogoji). Če je določba iz teh pogojev v nasprotju s pogoji uporabe, prevlada določba iz pogojev uporabe.
„Navigacija, informacije in zabava“
Paket „Navigacija, informacije in zabava” vključuje 18 ali manj komponent paketa storitev, opisanih v nadaljevanju, odvisno od opreme vozila in geografske razpoložljivosti. Trenutno geografsko razpoložljivost si lahko ogledate v trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Obdobje: 1 leto
Veljavno obdobje: v primeru nakupa vozila s funkcijo Connect, vključno z možnostjo »Connect Plus«, ali nakupa modela 718 od maja 2018 dalje, vključno z možnostmi »Navigation z možnostjo Porsche Connect«, je mogoče paket Navigation & Infotainment Package (navigacija in multimedijskegi sistem) brezplačno rezervirati za 2 leti.
Dodatne zahteve za uporabo za vse komponente paketa storitev: Sistem Porsche Communication Management v vozilu z možnostjo storitve Connect (v nadaljnjem besedilu PCM) mora biti povezan z internetom. Če se ta internetna povezava vzpostavi prek vgrajene kartice SIM sistema PCM, je uporaba takšne internetne povezave za ta paket storitev (razen za komponento paketa storitev
„Radio Plus“) vključena v ceno tega paketa storitev. Če se ta internetna povezava ne vzpostavi prek vgrajene kartice SIM sistema PCM (npr. ker vozilo ni opremljeno z vgrajeno kartico SIM ali ker internetna povezava prek vgrajene kartice SIM ni na voljo v vseh državah), se s ponudnikom mobilnih storitev sklene ločena pogodba za naročniški paket za prenos podatkov, zaradi česar lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški, vključno s stroški gostovanja za uporabo storitve v tujini. Kartico SIM z naročniškim paketom za prenos podatkov je treba vstaviti v bralnik kartice SIM sistema PCM ali vzpostaviti povezavo z mobilnim telefonom z naročniškim paketom za prenos podatkov. Če sistem PCM povežete s svojim mobilnim telefonom, se prepričajte, da vaš naročniški paket za prenos podatkov to dovoljuje. Razpoložljivost in hitrost komponent paketa storitev sta odvisni od razpoložljivosti in hitrosti internetne povezave.
Za modele s storitvijo Porsche Connect, razen za novi Cayenne (modelsko leto 2018), za novi Macan (modelsko leto 2018) in za novi 911 (modelsko leto 2019) (več podrobnosti o tem modelu si lahko ogledate spodaj), veljajo spodnja določila:
1. Prometne informacije v realnem času
Storitve: Navigacijski sistem sistema PCM uporablja trenutne podatke GPS in podatke o količini prometa, da lahko optimizira pot do vnesenega cilja na minuto. Količina prometa bo na prikazanem zemljevidu dodatno označena z barvami: zelena za nizko gostoto prometa, rumena za počasno premikanje in rdeča za zastoj.
2. Spletno posodabljanje zemljevidov
Storitve: Zemljevidi navigacijskega sistema PCM se lahko posodobijo prek interneta. Sistem PCM bo prikazal posodobitve, ki so na voljo.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Storitve: Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikaže zemljevid v obliki satelitske slike. Z medpomnjenjem naloženih podatkov zemljevida o trenutni okolici vozila se bo prikaz satelitske slike ohranil, tudi če pride do začasne motnje internetne povezave.
4. Spletno iskanje
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Spletno iskanje“ lahko poiščete naslove ali posebne cilje s sistemsko določenim spletnim iskalnikom. Iskalni rezultati delno dodatno vključujejo nadaljnje podatke, kot so telefonske številke, delovni čas ali ocene drugih uporabnikov interneta.
5. Glasovno iskanje interesnih točk
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Glasovno iskanje interesnih točk” lahko komponento paketa storitev „Spletno iskanje” upravljate z glasovnim upravljanjem. Podprti ukazi so predvsem iskalni vnosi navigacijskih ciljev in njihov prehod v navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
6. Cilji s portala
6.1 Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Cilji s portala “ lahko iščete, shranjujete in upravljate cilje na portalu My Porsche ter jih pošljete v sistem PCM, kjer jih lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM. Poleg tega lahko cilje iz Google Zemljevidov pošljete neposredno v sistem PCM prek storitve Google Send-to-car.
6.2 Omejitve uporabe: Za uporabo storitve Google Send-to-car je zahtevan obstoječi račun Google in konfiguracija komponente paketa storitev.
7. Interesne točke s portala
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Interesne točke s portala“ lahko iščete in upravljate sezname ciljev (sezname interesnih točk) na portalu My Porsche, kjer jih lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
Stran 1 od 3
Zadnja posodobitev 08/2019 – Pogoji uporabe za paket „Navigacija, informacije in zabava” – Slovenia – SL – Različica 1.6
8. Informacije o parkiriščih
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Informacije o parkiriščih“ se vam bodo prikazale najbližje razpoložljive možnosti parkiranja na integriranih komercialnih parkiriščih in v parkirnih hišah (vključno s parkirninami in delovnim časom), ki jih sporočijo operaterji, v bližini vozila ali na navigacijskem cilju navigacijskega sistema PCM. Najdeno možnost pakiranja lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
9. Cene goriva
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Cene goriva“ se vam bodo prikazale sodelujoče bencinske črpalke v bližini vozila, na poti ali na navigacijskem cilju navigacijskega sistema PCM glede na vrsto goriva za posamezno vozilo z možnostjo storitve Connect. Seznam rezultatov lahko razvrstite glede na razdaljo ali najugodnejšo ceno, ki jo sporoči operater bencinske črpalke ali drugi uporabniki. Prek brezplačnega besedilnega iskanja lahko iščete tudi posamezne znamke. Najdene bencinske postaje lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
10. Xxxxxxxx postaje
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Polnilne postaje“ se vam bodo prikazale sodelujoče polnilne postaje v bližini vozila, na poti ali na navigacijskem cilju navigacijskega sistema PCM. Seznam rezultatov lahko razvrstite glede na razdaljo ali najugodnejšo ceno, ki jo sporoči operater polnilne postaje ali drugi uporabniki. Prek brezplačnega besedilnega iskanja lahko iščete tudi postaje posameznih ponudnikov energije. Najdene polnilne postaje lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
11. Novice
11.1 Storitve: Prek portala My Porsche lahko iščete, upravljate in dodajate na seznam vire novic, ki zagotavljajo vire RSS, dostopne prek interneta. Novice na seznamu virov novic so nato neposredno na voljo prek sistema PCM in jih lahko predvajate prek zvočnega prenosa.
11.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo med vožnjo na voljo v celoti, delno ali le pri mirujočem vozilu, odvisno od določb za posamezno državo.
12. Twitter
12.1 Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Twitter” lahko nastavite prikazovanje želenih kanalov v Twitterju ter predvajanje novih tvitov prek zvočnega prenosa v vozilu z možnostjo storitve Connect. Prek standardiziranih predlog v portalu My Porsche lahko ustvarjate osnutke tvitov neposredno v sistemu PCM.
12.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo med vožnjo na voljo v celoti, delno ali le pri mirujočem vozilu, odvisno od določb za posamezno državo. Za uporabo sta potrebna aktiven račun Twitter in konfiguracija komponente paketa storitev.
13. Narekuj sporočilo
13.1 Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Narekuj sporočilo” lahko v sistemu PCM prek glasovnega vnosa ustvarjate osnutke sporočil SMS in prejeta sporočila predvajate prek zvočnega prenosa v vozilu z možnostjo storitve Connect.
14. Informacije o letih (do junija 2021)
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Informacije o letih“ se bodo v sistemu PCM prikazale informacije o letih. Informacije o letih vključujejo na primer čase prihoda in odhoda, terminale, letalske družbe in vrste letal. Poleg tega bo storitev poiskala večja letališča v okolici vozila, ki jih lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
15. Informacije o vlakih (do junija 2021)
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Informacije o vlakih“ v sistemu PCM prikazuje vozne rede, čase odhoda, številke vlakov in zamude ter prijavljene odpovedi vlakov.
16. Informacije o dogodkih (do junija 2021)
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Informacije o dogodkih“ lahko v sistemu PCM iščete dogodke v kategorijah, kot so gledališče, kino, opera, festivali, umetnost, literatura in druge. Če je bila prejeta informacija o določenem dogodku, se bo prikazala na seznamu, ki ga lahko razvrstite glede na razdaljo, ceno, čas in vrsto dogodka. Najdene dogodke lahko izberete kot navigacijski cilj za navigacijski sistem PCM.
17. Vreme
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Vreme“ v sistemu PCM v obliki infografike prikaže trenutne vremenske razmere ter napoved za naslednje ure in dni. Napoved vključuje temperaturo, število sončnih ur, verjetnost padavin, hitrost vetra in vremenska opozorila.
18. Gracenote Online
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Gracenote Online“ prikaže informacije o pesmih, ki jih predvajate v sistemu PCM.
Za novi model Cayenne (modelsko leto 2018), za novi Macan (modelsko leto 2018) in za novi 911 (modelsko leto 2019) so na voljo naslednji paketi storitev:
1. Finder
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Finder“ lahko poiščete naslove ali interesne točke (npr. polnilne postaje, bencinske črpalke, restavracije, hotele in možnosti parkiranja) s sistemsko določenim spletnim iskalnikom. Iskalni rezultati delno dodatno vključujejo nadaljnje podatke, kot so telefonske številke, delovni čas, cene goriva, parkirnine ali ocene drugih uporabnikov interneta. Na portalu My Porsche in v aplikaciji Porsche Connect lahko interesne točke iščete, shranite, upravljate in jih pošljete v sistem PCM.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Voice Pilot” lahko številne funkcije sistema PCM in druge komponente paketa storitev upravljate z glasovnim upravljanjem. Podpora naravnega jezika je mogoča prek spletnega prepoznavanja govora. Poleg tega lahko v sistemu PCM prek glasovnega vnosa ustvarjate osnutke sporočil SMS in e-poštnih sporočil ter prejeta sporočila predvajate prek zvočnega prenosa v vozilu z možnostjo storitve Connect. Poleg tega je mogoče nadzorovati spletne medijske storitve.
2.2 Omejitve uporabe: Rezultat prepoznavanja govora se bo ujemal z določenim številom zahtev za prepoznavanje govora in je omejen na podprte jezike. Za storitev ustvarjanja osnutkov in predvajanja sporočil SMS ter e-poštnih sporočil prek storitve „Voice Pilot“ je za kartico SIM, ki je vstavljena v sistem PCM, ali za mobilni telefon, ki je povezan s sistemom
PCM, zahtevan ločen naročniški paket mobilnih storitev, ki omogoča pošiljanje in prejemanje sporočil SMS. Storitev je na voljo le za telefone, ki podpirajo standard profila za dostop do kartice SIM.
3. Navigation Plus
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Navigation Plus“ bo vgrajeno funkcijo izračuna poti dopolnil spletni izračun poti. Spletni izračun poti bo na podlagi vaših preteklih podatkov predlagal poti in cilje.
Navigacijski sistem sistema PCM uporablja trenutne podatke GPS in podatke o količini prometa, da lahko optimizira pot do vnesenega cilja na minuto. Količina prometa bo na prikazanem zemljevidu dodatno označena z barvami.
Zemljevidi navigacijskega sistema PCM se lahko posodobijo prek interneta. Sistem PCM bo prikazal posodobitve, ki so na voljo.
Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikaže zemljevid v obliki satelitske slike. Z medpomnjenjem naloženih podatkov zemljevida o trenutni okolici vozila se bo prikaz satelitske slike ohranil, tudi če pride do začasne motnje internetne povezave. Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikaže ulice slik izbranega cilja, če so na voljo.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Radio Plus“ vam bo omogočila poslušanje spletnega oddajanja radijskih postaj, ki so na voljo. Ko je storitev Radio Plus omogočena in trenutna radijska postaja FM ali radijska postaja z digitalno zvokovno radiodifuzijo (DAB) ni več na voljo, bo sistem PCM nemoteno preklopil na ustrezno spletno oddajanje takšne radijske postaje, če je na voljo. Poleg tega komponenta storitve omogoča, da sistem PCM prikaže meta podatke o pesmih, ki jih predvajate.
„Data Package“ storitve Porsche Connect (na voljo ločeno v izbranih državah) ali (b) vstaviti kartico SIM v sistem PCM ali
(c) povezati mobilni telefon s sistemom PCM. Za možnosti (b) in (c) je zahtevana sklenitev ločene pogodbe za naročniški paket za prenos podatkov, zaradi česar lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški, vključno s stroški gostovanja za uporabo storitve v tujini (glejte zgoraj).
5. Novice
Storitve: S komponento paketa storitev „Novice“ lahko upravljate in dodajate na seznam različne vire novic, npr. vire RSS ali račun Twitter. Novice na seznamu virov novic so nato neposredno na voljo prek sistema PCM in jih lahko predvajate prek zvočnega prenosa.
6. Vreme
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Vreme“ v sistemu PCM v obliki infografike prikaže trenutne vremenske razmere ter napoved za naslednje ure in dni. Napoved vključuje temperaturo, število sončnih ur, verjetnost padavin, hitrost vetra in vremenska opozorila.
7. Risk Radar
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev „Risk Radar“ prikaže izbrane lokalne ureditve prometa v obliki prometnih znakov, npr. omejitve hitrosti, v infografiki v sistemu PCM.
Poleg tega prikaže razpoložljive lokalne informacije o nevarnosti, npr. o tveganju splavanja, v obliki infografike v sistemu PCM.
Pravica do odstopa za potrošnike
Če ste potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), imate pravico do odpovedi v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odpovedi
Pravica do odpovedi
Pravico imate, da odpoveste to pogodbo v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. O uveljavljanju pravice do odpovedi nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH -
P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odpovedi te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priložen obrazec za odpoved, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odpovedi poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odpovedi
Če odpoveste to pogodbo, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odpovedi te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odpoved
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odpovedati pogodbo)
– Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
- P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odpovedi (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service “Navigation & Infotainment Package” (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect “Navigation & Infotainment Package”. These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
“Navigation & Infotainment Package”
The “Navigation & Infotainment Package” includes - dependent on the equipment of your vehicle and the geographic availability - 18 package of services components described hereafter or less. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
Term: 1 year
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect-able vehicle including the option “Connect Plus” or the purchase of a 718 model from May 2018 onwards including the option “Navigation incl. Porsche Connect”, the “Navigation & Infotainment Package” can be booked free of charge for a term of 2 years.
Additional requirement of use for all service package components: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter PCM) has to be connected to the internet. To the extent such internet connection is established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card, the use of such internet connection for this package of services (excluding the service package component “Radio Plus”) is included in the price of this package of services. To the extent such internet connection is not established using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card (i.e. because the vehicle is not equipped with an integrated SIM-card or because the internet connection using the PCM’s integrated SIM-card is not available in every country), a separate contract with a mobile services provider on an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad. Either a SIM-card with a respective internet data plan may be plugged into the SIM-card reader of the PCM, or a connection with a mobile phone with respective internet data plan can be established. If you connect the PCM with your mobile phone, please make sure that this is permitted by your internet data plan. The availability and speed of the service package components are subject to the availability and speed of the internet connection.
For models featuring Porsche Connect except the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY2019) (more details on this model see below) the following applies:
1. Real Time Traffic Information
Services: The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic
will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map: going from green for low traffic, to yellow for slow moving traffic, to red for traffic jams.
2. Online Map Update
Services: The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will display available updates.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Services: The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted.
4. Online Search
Services: With the "Online Search" service package component, you can find addresses or special destinations using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours or ratings by other internet users.
5. Voice POI
Services: With the “Voice POI” service package component, the “Online Search” service package component can be operated by voice control. Supported commands are, in particular, the search input for navigation destinations and their handing over as navigation destination for the PCM navigation system.
6. Portal Personal POIs
6.1 Services: With the "Portal Personal POIs" service package component, navigation destinations within My Porsche Portal can be searched, saved and managed and can be sent to the PCM, where it can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination. In addition, destinations from Google Maps can be sent directly to the PCM via Google Send- to-car.
6.2 Restrictions of use: For the use of the Google Send-to-car feature, an existing Google account and a configuration of the service package component is required.
7. Portal List POIs
Services: With the "Portal List POIs" service package component, destination lists (POI lists) can be searched and managed in My Porsche Portal and can be sent to the PCM,
where such can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
8. Parking Information
Services: With the "Parking Information" service package component, you will be displayed the nearest available parking possibilities of integrated commercial parking facilities and car parks (including parking fees and opening hours), reported by the operators, in the surroundings of the vehicle or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system. The located parking possibility can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
9. Fuel Prices
Services: With the service package component "Fuel Prices", participating gas stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed suitable to the type of fuel of the respective Connect-able vehicle. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the gas station operator or other users. Via free text search also a specific brand can be searched purposefully. Found gas stations can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
10. E-Charging
Services: With the service package component “E-Charging”, participating E-Charging stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favourable price reported by the E-charging operator or other users. Via free text search also stations of a particular power supplier can be searched purposefully. Found E-Charing stations can be selected as navigation destination on the PCM navigation system.
11. News
11.1 Services: Via My Porsche Portal news sources, which are providing RSS feeds accessible via the internet, can be searched, managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
11.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions.
12. Twitter
12.1 Services: With the service package component "Twitter", Twitter channels, defined by yourself, can be shown and new tweets can be played back via the voice output in the Connect- able vehicle. Drafting of own tweets is possible directly out of the PCM via standardized templates contained in My Porsche Portal.
12.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions. An existing Twitter account and a configuration of the service package component is required for usage.
13. Message Dictation
13.1 Services: With the service package component "Message Dictation" SMS messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle.
13.2 Restrictions of use: The SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS.
14. Flight Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Flight Info", detailed flight information will be displayed in the PCM. The flight information includes, for example, arrival and departure times, terminals, airlines and type of aircraft. Furthermore, the service will find major airports in the surroundings of the vehicle which can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
15. Train Info (available until June 2021)
Services: The service package component "Train Info" shows in the PCM timetables, departure times, train numbers as well as delays and train cancelations if these were reported.
16. Event Info (available until June 2021)
Services: With the service package component "Event Info", events in categories as theatre, cinema, opera, festival, arts, literature and others can be searched in the PCM. As far as we were provided with information concerning the relevant event, such will be displayed in a list sorted by distance, price, time or type of event. Identified events can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
17. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
18. Gracenote Online
Services: The service package component "Gracenote Online" displays information about the songs you play on the PCM.
For the new Cayenne (MY 2018), the new Macan (MY 2018) and the new 911 (MY 2019) the following service packages apply:
1. Finder
Services: With the service package component “Finder", you can find addresses or points-of-interest (e.g. charging stations, gas stations, restaurants, hotels and parking possibilities) using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours, fuel prices, parking prices or ratings by other internet users. Also on My Porsche Portal and the Porsche Connect App, POIs can be searched, saved, managed and sent to the PCM.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Services: With the service package component "Voice Pilot", several functions of the PCM and of other service package components can be operated by voice control. Through online speech recognition, natural language can be supported. Additionally, SMS and E-Mail messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle. Furthermore, online media services can be controlled.
2.2 Restrictions of use: The speech recognition result will match the speech recognition request only for a portion of the requests and is limited to supported languages. For the service of drafting and playing SMS and E-Mail messages via the service “Voice Pilot”, the SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS. The service is only available with phones supporting the SIM access profile standard.
3. Navigation Plus
Services: With the service package component "Navigation Plus” the PCM’s on-board route calculation will be complemented by an online route calculation. The online route calculation will learn from your habits and suggest routes and destinations.
The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic will additionally be highlighted in colours in the displayed map.
The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will indicate available updates.
The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted. The PCM navigation system can display street pictures of a selected destination where available.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Services: The service package component "Radio Plus" will enable you to listen to available online streams of radio stations. When Radio Plus is enabled and the current FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio station is no longer available, the PCM will switch seamlessly to the respective online stream of such radio station, if available. The service component also enables the PCM to display meta data about the songs you play.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The data connection for this service package component requires (a) the purchase of the Porsche Connect Service “Data Package” (available separately in selected countries) or (b) inserting a SIM-card into the PCM or
(c) a mobile phone connected with the PCM. For options (b) and (c) a separate contract with an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad (see also above).
5. News
Services: With the service package component “News” different news sources, e.g. RSS feeds or your Twitter account, can be managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
6. Weather
Services: The service package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
7. Risk Radar
Services: The service package component “Risk Radar” displays selected local traffic regulations in the form of traffic signs, e.g. speed limitations, in an infographic in the PCM.
It further displays available information on local hazards, e.g. aquaplaning risk, where available in the form of an infographic in the PCM.
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitve Porsche Connect ''Paketa za upravljanje avtomobila na daljavo'' (Car Remote Package) (v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe)
Ti Pogoji uporabe veljajo za uporabo »Paketa za upravljanje avtomobila na daljavo« družbe Porsche Connect. Ti Pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev za portal My Porsche, trgovino Porsche Connect in storitve Porsche Connect ter izdelke Porsche (Splošni pogoji). Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe.
Car Remote Package
Car Remote Package« vključuje – odvisno od geografske razpoložljivosti – 12 ali manj spodaj opisanih komponent storitev. Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost je na voljo v trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. Internetna povezava v vozilu, ki je potrebna za uporabo »Car Remote Package«, se vzpostavi preko vgrajene SIM kartice, uporaba takšne internetne povezave za to storitev pa je že vključena v ceno te storitve.
Obdobje trajanja: 1 leto
Vključeno obdobje trajanja: Ob nakupu vozila s funkcijo Connect, ki vključuje opcijo »Connect Plus«, lahko »Paket za upravljanje avtomobila na daljavo« in za obdobje petih let za priključna hibridna električna vozila (v nadaljevanju PHEV).
Dodatna zahteva za uporabo vseh komponent paketa storitev: Za nekatere funkcije storitev je potreben pametni telefon z internetno povezavo. V ta namen je potrebna ločena pogodba s ponudnikom mobilnih storitev o zakupu prenosa podatkov preko interneta, kar lahko povzroči dodatne stroške, vključno s stroški gostovanja za uporabo storitev v tujini. Razpoložljivost in hitrost komponent paketa storitev je odvisna od razpoložljivosti in hitrosti internetne povezave. Poleg tega je za nekatere funkcije potrebna aplikacija »Porsche Connect App«, ki je na voljo za iPhone® in AndroidTM. Vse storitve in funkcije so na voljo preko aplikacije Porsche Connect App ter preko portala My Porsche, razen če je drugače navedeno pri opisu storitve.
Za izpolnjevanje zahtev strank v prihodnje bo družba Porsche Smart Mobility po potrebi še naprej razvijala aplikacijo Porsche Connect App in portal My Porsche.
1. Car Control
1.1. Storitev: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje avtomobila, vključno s podatki o prevoženi razdalji, preostalem dosegu (za gorivo in električni pogon), servisnih intervalih (glavni servis in servis menjave olja), stanju vrat (odprta ali zaprta), oken, pokrova motorja, prtljažnika in panoramske strehe (če obstaja), stanju parkirnih luči, preverite čas v vozilu, tlak v pnevmatikah, čas zadnjega preverjanja. Komponenta glede tlaka v pnevmatikah bo na voljo šele od prve polovice leta 2018 dalje.
1.2. Omejitve uporabe: Prikaz informacij, specifičnih za priključno hibridno električno vozilo (PHEV) (npr. doseg na električni pogon) je na voljo samo za takšna vozila.
2. Trip Control
2.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko preverite podatke o opravljenih vožnjah vašega vozila. To vključuje: čas vožnje, prevoženo razdaljo, povprečno hitrost in povprečno porabo (goriva in elektrike) za vse vrste voženj (kratke, ciklične, dolge).
2.2 Omejitve uporabe: Podatki se posodabljajo šele po spremembi statusa električnega kontakta v vozilu.
3. Hupa in utripalke
3.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko v vašem vozilu na kratko vključite utripalke ali hupo. Potem boste v prejeli potrditveno sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo.
3.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo na voljo le, ko vozilo stoji in so luči za kontakt ter opozorilne luči izključene. Lahko obstajajo še dodatne omejitve, odvisno od predpisov za posamezno državo.
4. Zaklepanje in odklepanje
4.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko zaklenete in odklenete vrata in prtljažnik vašega vozila. Ko bo dejanje opravljeno, boste prejeli potrditveno sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo.
4.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo na voljo le, ko vozilo stoji, so voznikova vrata zaprta, vozilo izključeno in ključa ni v kontaktni ključavnici. Lahko obstajajo še dodatne omejitve, odvisno od predpisov za posamezno državo.
Omejitev odgovornosti: Uporaba funkcije za odklepanje, kadar niste prisotni pri avtomobilu, povečuje tveganje za krajo vozila ali krajo predmetov, ki se nahajajo v vozilu. Zato izvajanje funkcije odklepanja zahteva štirimestno varnostno kodo, ki preprečuje nepooblaščeno uporabo. Varnostno kodo boste nastavili pri uvodni prijavi in nastavitvah Paketa za upravljanje avtomobila na daljavo. Kasneje lahko to kodo spremenite na portalu My Porsche.
5. Carfinder
5.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko prikažete lokacijo in položaj vašega vozila. Poleg tega je trenutni položaj mobilne naprave, ki se uporablja za to funkcijo, prikazan na zemljevidu. Če trenutni položaj vozila ni na voljo (npr. če je vozilo v podzemni garaži), se uporabi zadnji shranjeni GPS položaj. Prenos podatkov lahko izključite, tako da vključite zasebni način.
5.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev je na voljo samo v primeru, da oddajanje ISDB ni prekinjeno. Če ni prekinjeno, bo storitev v celoti na voljo med vožnjo, kot tudi pri mirujočem vozilu.
6. Ogrevanje mirujočega vozila
6.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje, aktivirate, deaktivirate in programirate časovnik za ogrevanje mirujočega vozila (če je nameščeno v vozilu). Pred uporabo funkcije morate sprejeti pravno omejitev odgovornosti. Ko bo aktivirani časovnik za ogrevanje mirujočega vozila potekel, boste v mobilno napravo prejeli potrditveno sporočilo in potisno obvestilo. Storitev ogrevanja mirujočega vozila bo na voljo od druge polovice leta 2018.
6.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev je na voljo samo v vozilih z motorjem z izgorevanjem, v katerih je nameščeno ogrevanje mirujočega vozila. Storitev bo na voljo samo v mirujočem vozilu, vendar pa je lahko kontakt vklopljen. Odvisno od določil za posamezno državo lahko veljajo dodatne omejitve.
7. E-Control
7.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje priključnega hibridnega električnega vozila (PHEV), kot je opisano v nadaljevanju, poleg tega pa lahko začnete ali zaustavite postopek polnjenja. Preverite lahko stanje polnjenja, preostali čas polnjenja ter trenutni doseg na električni pogon. Doseg na električni pogon je prikazan s krogom na zemljevidu. Poleg tega, lahko na daljavo optimizirate postopek polnjenja visokonapetostne baterije priključnega hibridnega električnega vozila (PHEV) za določen čas odhoda. Nastavite lahko programirani čas odhoda in prejeli boste potrditveno sporočilo in potisno obvestilo v primeru kakršnega koli dogodka (npr. polnjenje prekinjeno zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov) in ko bo aktivirani e-časovnik potekel.
7.2 Omejitve uporabe: Prikaz informacij, specifičnih za priključno hibridno električno vozilo (PHEV) (npr. doseg na električni pogon) je na voljo samo za takšna vozila. Krog na zemljevidu, ki prikazuje doseg na električni pogon je samo okvirna ocena. Na zemljevidu dosega niso označene dejanske razdalje na cesti. Zato so lahko lokacije v resnici zunaj dosega na električni pogon, tudi če so znotraj kroga, ki označuje doseg na električni pogon.
8. Klimatiziranje
8.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje ogrevanja/klimatiziranja na daljavo ter ga aktivirate ali deaktivirate. Ko bo ogrevanje/klimatiziranje na daljavo uspešno aktivirano/deaktivirano, boste prejeli potrditveno sporočilo in potisno obvestilo. Poleg tega lahko na daljavo programirate časovnik klimatiziranja za ogrevanje/klimatiziranje na daljavo. Ko bo nastavitev uspešno programirana in bo aktivirani časovnik klimatiziranja potekel, boste v mobilno napravo prejeli potrditveno sporočilo in potisno obvestilo.
8.2 Omejitve uporabe: Prikaz informacij, specifičnih za priključno hibridno električno vozilo (PHEV)V (npr. doseg na električni pogon) je na voljo samo za takšna vozila.
9. Car Alarm
9.1 Storitev: Ko se v vozilu sproži alarm proti kraji, boste prejeli sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo. Sporočilo vsebuje informacijo, da se je sprožil alarm, in časovni žig. Za razliko od »Paketa varnost v avtomobilu« tretje osebe ne bodo obveščene o tem, da se je sprožil alarm.
9.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev lahko pošlje sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo le, če vozilo lahko vzpostavi povezavo z internetom. Če se sproži alarm v vozilu, vendar kontrolna enota v vozilu nima internetne povezave (npr. če je vozilo v podzemni garaži), bo sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo poslano takoj, ko se vzpostavi povezava.
Omejitev odgovornosti: Če je vozilo nastavljeno na zasebni način, v primeru alarma ne boste prejeli nobenega sporočila.
10. Location Alarm
10.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko določite krožno geografsko območje. V primeru, da vozilo zapusti ali vstopi v to območje, boste prejeli obvestilo. Upravljate lahko do štiri območja hkrati. V primeru takšnega dogodka (vstop ali izstop iz območja) boste prejeli sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo, vključno z zemljevidom, ki prikazuje lokacijo dogodka.
10.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala obvestilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles.
11. Speed Alarm
11.1 Storitev: Na daljavo lahko določite hitrost. Če vozilo prekorači nastavljeno hitrost, boste prejeli obvestilo. Upravljate lahko do štiri nastavljene hitrosti hkrati. V primeru takšnega dogodka (vozilo prekorači nastavljeno hitrost) boste prejeli sporočilo ali potisno obvestilo, vključno z zemljevidom, ki prikazuje lokacijo dogodka.
11.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala obvestilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles.
12. Valet Alarm
12.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala obvestilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles. Ta storitev je na voljo le preko aplikacije.
Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če ste potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), imate pravico do odstopa od pogodbe v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. O uveljavljanju pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH -
P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop od pogodbe, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odstopa od pogodbe
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila
najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od pogodbe)
– Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
- P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service "Car Remote Package" (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect "Car Remote Package". These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
Car Remote Package
The “Car Remote Package” includes - dependent on the geographic availability - 12 or less service components described hereafter. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. The internet connection in the vehicle necessary for the use of the “Car Remote Package” is established using an integrated SIM-card, the use of such internet connection for this service is included in the price of this service.
Term: 1 year
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect-able vehicle including the option "Connect Plus", the “Car Remote Package” can be booked free of charge for a term of 5 years for plug-in hybrid vehicles (hereafter PHEV) and for a term of 1 year for combustion engine vehicles.
Additional requirement of use for all service package components: For some functions of the service a smartphone including an internet connection is required. Therefore, a separate contract with a mobile service provider on an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad. The availability and speed of the services package components are subject to the availability and speed of this internet connection. Additionally, for some functions the “Porsche Connect App” (hereafter “Connect App”) is required, which is available for iPhone® and Android™. All services and functions are available in the Porsche Connect App, as well as in My Porsche portal, unless provided differently in the service descriptions.
In order to meet future customer requirements, Porsche Smart Mobility may further develop the Porsche Connect App and My Porsche portal.
1. Car Control
1.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely check your vehicle’s status including information on: mileage, remaining range (fuel and electrical), service interval (main service and oil service interval), status (opened or closed) of doors, windows, hood, trunk and sunroof (if fitted), parking light status, vehicle time, tire pressure, time of last query. The component tire pressure will only be available from the first half of 2018 onwards.
1.2 Restrictions of use: The display of additional PHEV specific information (e.g. electrical range) is only available for such vehicles.
2 Trip Control
2.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely check the trip data of your vehicle. This includes: Travel time, mileage, average speed and average consumption (fuel and electrical) for all trip types (short, cyclic, long).
2.2 Restrictions of use: Retrievable information is only updated after the ignition status changes.
3 Horn & Blinker
3.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely trigger a short horn or blink of your vehicle. After the event, you will receive a confirmation message or a push notification.
3.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only be available when the vehicle is stationary and ignition and hazard lights are off. Further restrictions may apply depending on country-specific provisions.
4 Lock & Unlock
4.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely lock and unlock the doors and the trunk of your vehicle. After the event, you will receive a confirmation message or a push notification.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only be available when the vehicle is stationary, the driver door is closed, ignition is off and the key is not in the ignition lock. Further restrictions may apply depending on country-specific provisions.
Limited Responsibility: The usage of the unlock function without your presence at the car increases the risk of vehicle theft or theft of items located within the vehicle. Therefore, executing the unlock function requires a four digit security code to prevent the unauthorized usage. You will set the security code during the initial registration for and setup of the Car Remote Package. This code can be changed in the My Porsche portal later on.
5 Carfinder
5.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely display the location and position of your vehicle. Furthermore, the current position of the used mobile device is displayed on a map. If no current position of the vehicle is available (e.g. due to underground parking), the last stored GPS position will be used. You can disable the transmission of any data by activating the privacy mode.
5.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only be available, if there is no interruption of data broadcast. Otherwise the service will be available during the ride fully and also when the vehicle is stationary.
6 Pre-heater
6.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely check the status, activate, deactivate and program a timer for the auxiliary heater (if fitted in the vehicle). Before executing the function, you must accept a legal disclaimer. You will receive a confirmation message and a push notification on your mobile device, once an activated pre-heating timer has passed off. The service Pre-heater will only be available from the second half of 2018 onwards.
6.2 Restrictions of use: The service is only available for combustion engine vehicles fitted with an auxiliary heater. The service will only be available when the vehicle is stationary, however the ignition may be switched on. Further restrictions may apply depending on country-specific provisions.
7 E-Control
7.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely check the status of your PHEV as follows and start or stop the charging process. You can check the plug status, the remaining charging time and the current electric range. The electric range is displayed by a circle on the map. Furthermore, you have the ability to remotely optimize the charging process of the high-voltage battery of your PHEV for a specific departure time. You can set departure timers and will receive a confirmation message or a push notification in case of any events (e.g. charging externally interrupted) and once an activated e-timer has passed off.
7.2 Restrictions of use: The display of PHEV specific information (e.g. electrical range) is only available for such vehicles. The circle indicating the range in the map is schematic only. Actual road distances are not reflected in the range map. Therefore, locations may in reality be beyond the electric range even if they are displayed within the circle indicating the electric range.
8 Climate
8.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely check the status of and activate or deactivate the remote heating and/or air conditioning. Ones successfully activated or deactivated the remote heating and/or air conditioning, you will receive a confirmation message or a push notification. Furthermore, you have the ability to remotely program the climate timer for remote heating or air conditioning. Once successfully set, you will receive a confirmation message and a push notification on your mobile device, once an activated climate timer has passed off.
8.2 Restrictions of use: The display of PHEV specific information is only available for such vehicles.
9 Car Alarm
9.1 Service: You will receive a message or push notification when the vehicle’s anti-theft alarm is triggered. The message contains information about the alarm triggered and a time stamp. In comparison to the “Car Security Package”, third parties will not be informed about the alarm triggered.
9.2 Restrictions of use: The service can only trigger a message or push notification if the vehicle can establish a connection to the internet. In case the vehicle alarm device is triggered but the vehicle control unit does not have an internet
connection (e.g. due to underground parking), the message or push notification will be sent as soon as a connection is available.
Limited Responsibility: If the vehicle is set in private mode, there will be no notification in case of any alarms.
10 Location Alarm
10.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely define a circular geographic area. You will be notified in case the vehicle leaves or enters this area. You can manage up to four areas simultaneously. In case of any event (leaving or entering an area) you will receive a message or push notification including a map indicating the location where the event took place.
10.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only trigger a notification when the ignition is turned on and wheel movement is detected.
11 Speed Alarm
11.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely define a speed value. You will be notified in case the vehicle’s speed exceeds the speed value set. You can manage up to four speed values. In case of any event (vehicle exceeds a speed value set) you will receive a message or a push notification including a map indicating the location where the event took place.
11.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only trigger a notification when the ignition is turned on and wheel movement is identified.
12 Valet Alarm
12.1 Service: You have the ability to remotely activate or deactivate the Valet Alarm (combination of Location Alarm and Speed Alarm) with pre-set settings (e.g. Radius: 1 Km, Speed 50 Km/h) regarding the geographic area and speed value. You will be notified in case the vehicle leaves or enters the area or exceeds the speed value.
12.2 Restrictions of use: The service will only trigger a push notification when the ignition is turned on and wheel movement is identified. This service is only available via App.
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitve Porsche Connect »Paket za varovanje avtomobila« (v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe)
Ti Pogoji uporabe veljajo za uporabo »Paketa za varovanje avtomobila« družbe Porsche Connect. Ti Pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev za Portal My Porsche, Trgovino Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect ter Izdelke Porsche (Splošni pogoji). Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe.
Paket za varovanje avtomobila je na voljo v sodelovanju z Nacionalnimi ponudniki, ki zagotavljajo varnostno-operativni center.
Varnostno-operativni center (24 ur) Telefonska številka x000 00 000 0000
Nacionalni ponudnik:
Monitoring d.o.o. Xxxx Xxxxxx 88
21000 Novi Sad Serbia
»Paket za varovanje avtomobila«
»Paket za varovanje avtomobila« (v nadaljevanju »Paket«) vsebuje – glede na geografsko razpoložljivost – sistem sledenja vozil Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (v nadaljevanju »PVTS«) ali sistem sledenja vozil Porsche Vehicle Tracking System Plus (v nadaljevanju »PVTS Plus«). Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost je na voljo v Trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. Povezava, ki je potrebna za zagotavljanje Paketa, se vzpostavi preko vgrajene SIM kartice. Povezava je sestavni del Paketa in se ne zaračunava posebej.
Za uporabo vseh funkcij v Paketu je morda potrebno opraviti še dodatne korake, npr. naložiti in uporabljati aplikacijo Porsche Connect App, za katere lahko veljajo druga določila in ki jih ne zagotavlja družba Porsche Smart Mobility.
Obdobje trajanja: 1 leto.
Dodatna zahteva za uporabo komponente Paketa storitev PVTS Plus: Za uporabo PVTS Plus je potrebna dodatna oprema (tj. voznikova kartica). Dodatne informacije najdete v uporabniškem priročniku za posamezno vozilo.
Funkcije se lahko razlikujejo glede na številne dejavnike, vključno z modelom, letom proizvodnje, državo izvajanja storitev in razpoložljivostjo opreme po izbiri (dodatne informacije lahko najdete na povezavi: povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
1. Območje
Družba Porsche Smart Mobility vam bo zagotavljala Paket v skladu s temi Pogoji uporabe na naslednjem geografskem območju (v nadaljevanju »Območje«): Andora, Avstrija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Hrvaška, Češka republika, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Velika Britanija, Severna Irska, Grčija,
Madžarska, Irska, Italija (vključno s San Marinom in Vatikanom), Latvija, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Malta, Monako, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Srbija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija (vključno s Kanarskimi otoki), Švedska, Švica, Turčija, Ukrajina.
2. Obseg storitev, funkcije
2.1 Paket je sistem, ki s pomočjo mobilnega omrežja (npr. GSM) / sistema GPS omogoča, da varnostno-operativni center lahko določi lokacijo vozila v primeru kraje (podrobne informacije se nahajajo spodaj). Če je ugotovljena kraja, sistem PVTS ali PVTS Plus sporoči lokacijo vozila varnostno-operativnemu centru.
2.2 Sistem PVTS ali PVTS Plus lahko ugotovi krajo na podlagi naslednjih dejanj:
- Nedovoljeno premikanje vozila: Vozilo se premika/ga premikajo (vključno s klančino) z izključenim kontaktom oz. če obstaja voznikova kartica, vozilo se premika/ga premikajo brez voznikove kartice;
- Posegi v sistem: Poseganje v sistem PVTS ali PVTS Plus (vključno s strojno opremo);
- Alarm: Alarmni sistem se sproži in je aktiven 15 sekund ali dlje.
Opozorilo: Tudi drugi dejavniki, kot je prazen akumulator, lahko povzročijo, da sistem PVTS ali PVTS Plus ugotovi krajo. Dodatne informacije o funkcijah sistema PVTS ali PVTS Plus so na voljo v navodilih za uporabo posameznega vozila.
2.3 Krajo je mogoče prijaviti tudi neposredno varnostno- operativnemu centru preko telefona ali preko aplikacije Porsche Connect App. Varnostno-operativni center lahko postavi varnostna vprašanja za preverjanje identitete ali pooblastil prijavitelja.
2.4 Če varnostno-operativni center prejme prijavo kraje, bo poskušal vzpostaviti komunikacijo z vami prek kontaktnih podatkov, ki ste jih posredovali družbi Porsche Smart Mobility. Varnostno-operativni center vam lahko postavi varnostna vprašanja, da preveri vašo identiteto. Potem ko potrdite, da je prišlo do kraje vašega vozila, bo varnostno-operativni center aktiviral način za primer kraje.
2.5 V primeru kraje vozila ste odgovorni, da jo prijavite uradnim organom pregona takoj, ko je mogoče. Če s strani uradnih organov pregona prejmete številko zadeve za prijavo kraje, jo nemudoma posredujte varnostno-operativnemu centru skupaj s kontaktnimi podatki uradnega organa pregona, ki je prevzel preiskavo (ki vključujejo naslov, telefonsko številko in ime uradne osebe, ki je odgovorna za preiskavo kraje, če je znana). To varnostno-operativnemu centru omogoča, da lahko
vzpostavi stik z uradnimi organi pregona. Preko identifikacije s številko spisa varnostno-operativni center lahko uradnim organom pregona pomaga pri zasegu vozila. Če je potrebno, lahko varnostno-operativni center uradnim organom pregona posreduje podatke o lokaciji vozila in aktivira dodatne funkcije oz. dejavnosti v vozilu (npr. prepreči zagon motorja), če je ustrezno.
2.6 Družba Porsche Smart Mobility ne prevzema odgovornosti za kakršna koli dejanja ali opustitve s strani uradnih organov pregona.
2.7 Za preprečevanje morebitnih lažnih prijav kraje varnostno- operativnemu centru ste dolžni varnostno-operativni center vnaprej obvestiti o kakršnem koli (i) prevozu vozila (kot je na primer prevoz s trajektom, prikolico, vlakom), (ii) vzdrževanju vozila (kot je servisni pregled, kadar je prekinjena povezava z akumulatorjem) ali (iii) pri sistemu PVTS Plus, kakršni koli uporabi vozila brez veljavne voznikove kartice. Varnostno- operativni center obvestite (i) s klicem na zgoraj navedeno številko, (ii) preko portala My Porsche ali (iii) preko aplikacije Porsche Connect App (lahko se zahteva vnos vaše osebne varnostne kode). Dodatne informacije – npr. glede različnih načinov, ki jih nastavite v vozilu za primer prevoza, servisiranja itd. – lahko najdete v navodilih za uporabo posameznega vozila ali navodilih za uporabo aplikacije Porsche Connect App ali tukaj povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
2.8 Odgovorni ste za morebitno lažno prijavo kraje, ki jo podate vi ali druga oseba z vašim pooblastilom, in ste dolžno prevzeti stroške varnostno-operativnega centra, ki so povezani z lažnim alarmom. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility ima pravico, da vam (poleg nadomestila za Paket) zaračuna te stroške.
2.9 Družbi Porsche Smart Mobility morate neposredno sporočiti kakršno koli spremembo imena, naslova, telefonske številke, naslova elektronske pošte ali katerih koli drugih podatkov, ki ste jih družbi Porsche Smart Mobility posredovali v skladu s členom 1.3 Splošnih pogojev. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility ne prevzema odgovornosti za kakršne koli negativne posledice, do katerih pride, če niste podali takšnega obvestila.
3. Omejitev odgovornosti in omejitve sistema
3.1 V izogib dvomu velja, da veljajo določila glede omejitve odgovornosti v skladu z 10. členom Splošnih pogojev.
3.2 V zvezi s funkcijami Paketa ste odgovorni za to, da je strojna oprema v vozilu, ki se uporablja za Paket, vzdrževana in v dobrem stanju.
3.3 Paket se zagotavlja s pomočjo vgrajene telematske enote v vozilu, ki sprejema signale satelitskega sistema GPS in komunicira z odzivnimi centri prek brezžičnih komunikacijskih sistemov in komunikacijskih omrežij. Zaradi narave tehnologije, ki se uporablja za zagotavljanje funkcij Paketa in ki je v enoti, se lahko občasno zgodi, da funkcije Paketa (ali dela Paketa) niso na voljo na celotnem Območju oz. nanje negativno vplivajo fizični dejavniki, kar vključuje, a ni omejeno na odstranitev ali poseg v enoto ali njeno anteno, elektromagnetizem, če se vozilo nahaja v garaži, podvozu ali na drugem kraju, kjer ni signala GPS ali brezžičnega komunikacijskega omrežja, vremenski pogoji ali druge motnje, na katere ne moremo vplivati (npr. izpad GPS ali komunikacijskih omrežij). Delovanje enote in s tem zagotavljanje funkcij Paketa v skladu s Pogoji uporabe je zlasti odvisno od delovanja GPS, brezžičnih in stacionarnih komunikacijskih omrežij, preko katerih enota deluje, ta omrežja pa ne delujejo na celotnem Območju. Posledično tudi vse funkcije Paketa niso na voljo povsod in ves čas in ni mogoče zagotoviti, da vse funkcije Paketa delujejo.
3.4 Paket ne vsebuje nobenega zavarovanja za vozilo ali drugega zavarovanja. Upoštevajte, da ste morda po zakonu dolžni skleniti zavarovanje; poleg tega ste sami odgovorni za
sklepanje dodatnih zavarovanj, če so po vašem mnenju potrebna. Višina katerih koli nadomestil za Paket ni povezana z vrednostjo vozila ali katerih koli predmetov v vozilu ali stroškov kakršnih koli poškodb ali škode, ki jo utrpite vi ali kdor koli drug.
4. Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če je Stranka potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), ima pravico do odstopa od pogodbe v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odstopa od pogodbe
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od pogodbe)
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service "Car Security Package" (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect "Car Security Package". These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
The "Car Security Package" is provided in cooperation with National Service Providers, which provide the Security Operation Centers (hereafter referred to as SOC).
Security Operation Centre (24 hours) Telephone number x000 00 000 0000
National Service Provider: Monitoring d.o.o.
Xxxx Xxxxxx 88
21000 Novi Sad Serbia
"Car Security Package"
The "Car Security Package" (hereafter referred to as Package) includes – depending on the geographic availability – either the Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (hereafter referred to as PVTS) or the Porsche Vehicle Tracking System Plus (hereafter referred to as PVTS Plus). The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. The connectivity necessary for the provision of the Package is established using an integrated SIM- card. The connectivity is an integrated element of the Package and is not charged separately.
For the full use of the functionalities of the Package additional steps might be required, such as download and use of the Porsche Connect App which may be subject to other provisions and not provided by Porsche Smart Mobility.
Term: 1 year.
Additional requirement of use for the service Package component PVTS Plus: PVTS Plus requires additional Hardware (e.g. Driver Card). Further information can be found in the user manual for the respective vehicle.
The functionalities may vary depending on a number of factors, including the model, production year, country of service, and availability of optional equipment (further information can be found on: povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/).
1. Territory
Porsche Smart Mobility shall provide the Package to you in the following geographic territory (hereafter referred to as Territory) in accordance to these TU: Andorra, Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (including San Marino, Vatican City), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.
2. Service scope, functionalities
2.1 The Package is a cellular network (e.g. GSM)/GPS based system which may enable the SOC to locate the vehicle in case of a theft (see below for further details). In case a theft is recognized the PVTS or the PVTS Plus can report the position of the vehicle to the SOC.
2.2 The following activities may result in the PVTS or the PVTS Plus recognizing a theft:
- Unauthorized vehicle movement: The vehicle is moving/is moved (including slope) with the ignition switched off and/or, in case of a Driver Card, the vehicle is moving/is moved without the Driver Card;
- Manipulation: The PVTS or the PVTS Plus (including its hardware) is manipulated;
- Alarm: The alarm system is triggered and active for 15 seconds or longer.
Note that also other events may result in the PVTS or the PVTS Plus recognizing a theft, such as low battery. Additional information on the functionality of the PVTS or the PVTS Plus can be found in the user manual for the respective vehicle.
2.3 A theft can also be manually reported by contacting the SOC via telephone or via the Porsche Connect App. The SOC may use security questions in order to verify the caller's identity or authorization.
2.4 If the SOC receives a theft notification the SOC will try to communicate with you using the contact information you have provided to Porsche Smart Mobility. The SOC may use security questions in order to verify your identity. After the theft of your vehicle has been confirmed by you, the SOC shall activate the theft mode.
2.5 Upon a theft of the vehicle, you remain responsible for notifying the public safety authorities as soon as reasonably possible that the vehicle has been stolen. In case you obtain a reference number for the theft report from the public safety authorities you should provide the theft report reference number to the SOC without delay and the contact details (including address, phone number and the officer in charge of the theft investigation, if known) of the investigating public
safety authorities. Thus, the SOC is generally able to contact the public safety authorities. By identification via the file number, the SOC may support the public safety authorities for seizing the vehicle. If requested, the SOC may forward the vehicle positioning data to the public safety authorities and triggers further functions and/or activities in the vehicle (e.g. prohibits engine restart), where applicable.
2.6 Porsche Connect cannot be held responsible for any acts or omissions of the public safety authorities.
2.7 To prevent any false theft notification to the SOC you are obliged to notify the SOC prior to any (i) transport of the vehicle (such as transport by ferry, trailer, train), (ii) maintenance at garage (such as inspection service, when the battery is disconnected), or (iii) in case of PVTS Plus if the vehicle is used without a valid Driver Card. You are obliged to notify the SOC (i) by calling the number indicated above, (ii) via the My Porsche portal or (iii) via the Porsche Connect App (your personal security code might be required). Further details – e.g. on the different modes the vehicle can be set to for transport, maintenance etc. – can be found in the user manual for the respective vehicle or the manual for the Porsche Connect App or here povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/.
2.8 You are responsible for any false theft notification raised by you or any other person authorized by you and you have to bear the costs incurred by the SOC following a false alarm. Porsche Connect is entitled to charge you (in addition to the Package Fees) with these costs.
2.9 You shall report to Porsche Connect directly any change in name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or any other items submitted to Porsche Connect as set forth in No.
1.3 of the T&C. Porsche Connect shall not be liable for any adverse consequence due to failure to file such report.
3. Limitation of liability and System Limitations
3.1 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions on limitation of liability according to No. 10 of the T&C shall apply.
3.2 With regard to the functionalities of the Package you remain responsible that the hardware within the vehicle used for the Package is maintained and are in good conditions.
3.3 The Package is provided by using a telematics unit installed in the vehicle that receives GPS satellite signals and communicates with the response centres using wireless communication systems and communication networks. Owing to the nature of the technologies used to provide the functionalities of the Package and comprised in the unit, the functionalities of the Package (or part of the Package) may from time to time not be available in all areas of the Territory and/or be adversely affected by physical features, including, without limitation, removal or manipulation of the unit or its antenna, electromagnetism, the vehicle being in a garage, in an underpass or in other places not covered by the GPS or wireless communication networks, atmospheric conditions and other causes of interference beyond our control (e.g. failure of GPS or communication networks). In particular, the operation of the unit and, therefore, the provision of the functionalities of the Package in accordance with the TU depend upon the operation of the GPS, wireless and landline communication networks with which the unit operates, and these networks are not operational in all parts of the Territory. As a result, not all functionalities of the Package are available everywhere and at all times and there can be no guarantee that all functionalities of the Package are operational.
3.4 The Package does not provide any vehicle or other insurance. Please be informed that you may be legally required to take insurance; further it is your own responsibility to take
additional insurance protection where you deem it reasonable. Any fees paid for the Package are not related to the value of the vehicle or any property in the vehicle or the cost of any injury or damages suffered by you or anyone else.
4. Right of withdrawal for consumers
If the Customer is a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitev Porsche Connect »Klic v primeru okvare« (v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe)
Ti Pogoji uporabe veljajo za uporabo Storitve Porsche Connect
»Klic v primeru okvare«. Ti Pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev za portal My Porsche, Trgovino Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect ter Izdelke Porsche (Splošni pogoji). Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe.
»Klic v primeru okvare«
Klic v primeru okvare (v nadaljevanju: »Storitev«) vzpostavi glasovno in podatkovno povezavo s servisnim centrom Porsche (v nadaljevanju: »Servisni center«), s katero se posreduje vaša lokacija in vsi relevantni podatki o vozilu Servisnemu centru in preko katere lahko osebno govorite z uslužbencem Servisnega centra.
Storitev je na voljo v določenih državah in je odvisna od razpoložljivosti omrežja. Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost Storitve je na voljo v Trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. Povezava, ki je potrebna za zagotavljanje Storitve, se vzpostavi preko vgrajene SIM kartice. Povezava je sestavni del Storitve in se ne zaračunava posebej.
Obdobje trajanja: 10 let
Vključeno obdobje trajanja: Ob nakupu novega vozila s funkcijo Connect, ki vključuje opcijo »Connect Plus«, lahko Storitev naročite brezplačno za obdobje 10 let.
1. Podroben opis Storitve
1.1 Storitev lahko aktivirate preko Sistema za upravljanje komunikacije Porsche Communication Management vozila s funkcijo Connect (v nadaljevanju: »PCM«) ali preko aplikacije Porsche Connect. Ob aktiviranju se samodejno vzpostavi glasovna in podatkovna povezava med vozilom in Servisnim centrom v državi, ki jo izberete na portalu My Porsche. Podatki, ki se posredujejo iz vozila Servisnemu centru, lahko vključujejo informacije, kot so model vozila, letnik izdelave in dodatna oprema, položaj vozila, nezgoda, število potnikov v vozilu, nivo goriva, tlak v pnevmatikah in preostali doseg z gorivom (v nadaljevanju: »Podatki o vozilu«).
1.2 Za namene zagotavljanja ustrezne pomoči bodo naši sistemi na podlagi vašega predhodnega soglasja zbrali Podatke o vozilu, ki bodo dostopni uslužbencu Servisnega centra za začetno presojo vašega primera okvare.
1.3 Med vzpostavljeno glasovno povezavo vam bo uslužbenec Servisnega centra zastavil nekaj vprašanj za nadaljnjo presojo vašega primera okvare. V primeru manjših težav z
vozilom vam lahko uslužbenec Servisnega centra svetuje, kako ravnati (npr. »Na naslednji bencinski črpalki dolijte olje«). V primeru večjih težav z vozilom pa lahko uslužbenec Servisnega centra vzpostavi stik z zunanjo službo, kot je pomoč na cesti ali vleka nevoznega vozila. Vaš klic ne bo preusmerjen k drugim ponudnikom storitev. Servisni center lahko z vašim predhodnim soglasjem posreduje Podatke o vozilu centru Porsche, če je potrebno popravilo vašega vozila.
1.4 Za dodatne storitve, ki jih zagotavlja Asistenca Porsche (ki ni del Porsche Connect; dodatne informacije o Asistenci Porsche, še posebej o storitvah, ki jih vključuje, so na voljo na: zastopstvo » AXA Assistance Deutschland GmbH/Inter Partner Assistance S.A.«) po Klicu v primeru okvare je potrebna ločena pogodba, kar lahko povzroči dodatne stroške. Servisni center lahko preveri, ali je vaše vozilo vključeno v Asistenco Porsche.
1.5 Če dostopate ali uporabljate druge izdelke ali storitve tretjih oseb, veljajo tudi pogoji, ki so povezani s takšnimi izdelki ali storitvami tretjih oseb, in Porsche ne odgovarja za dostop ali uporabo.
1.6 Za aktiviranje Storitve preko aplikacije Porsche Connect na vaši mobilni napravi vam lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški, odvisno od določil pogodbe, ki ste jo sklenili s ponudnikom mobilne telefonije.
2. Območje
Družba Porsche Smart Mobility vam bo zagotavljala Storitve
na naslednjem geografskem območju (v nadaljevanju
»Območje«) v skladu s temi Pogoji uporabe: Andora, Avstralija Avstrija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Kanada, Kitajska, Hrvaška, Češka republika, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Gibraltar, Velika Britanija, Severna Irska, Grčija, Madžarska, Irska, Italija (vključno s San Marinom in Vatikanom), Latvija, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Malta, Monako, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugalska, Romunija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Španija (vključno s Kanarskimi otoki), Švedska, Švica, Združene države Amerike.
3. Omejitve uporabe in omejitve sistema
3.1 V primeru zlorabe Storitve lahko Porsche Smart Mobility
omeji zagotavljanje Storitve.
3.2 Storitev se zagotavlja s pomočjo vgrajene telematske enote v vozilu, ki sprejema signale satelitskega sistema GPS in komunicira s Servisnim centrom prek brezžičnih komunikacijskih sistemov in komunikacijskih omrežij. Xxxxxx
Stran 1 od 2
Zadnja posodobitev 10/2018 – Pogoji uporabe »Klic v primeru okvare« – Slovenija – SL / EN – Različica 1.2
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum (*) po potrebi izbrišite
narave tehnologije, ki se uporablja za zagotavljanje funkcij Storitve in ki je v enoti, se lahko občasno zgodi, da funkcije Storitve (ali dela Storitve) niso na voljo na celotnem Območju oz. nanje negativno vplivajo fizični dejavniki, kar vključuje, a ni omejeno na odstranitev ali poseg v enoto ali njeno anteno, elektromagnetizem, če se vozilo nahaja v garaži, podvozu ali na drugem kraju, kjer ni signala GPS ali brezžičnega komunikacijskega omrežja, vremenski pogoji ali druge motnje, na katere ne moremo vplivati (npr. izpad GPS ali komunikacijskih omrežij). Delovanje enote in s tem zagotavljanje funkcij Storitve v skladu s Pogoji uporabe je zlasti odvisno od delovanja GPS, brezžičnih in stacionarnih komunikacijskih omrežij, preko katerih enota deluje, ta omrežja pa ne delujejo na celotnem Območju. Posledično tudi vse funkcije Storitve niso na voljo povsod in ves čas in ni mogoče zagotoviti, da vse funkcije Storitve delujejo.
3.3 Storitev ne vsebuje nobenega zavarovanja za vozilo ali drugega zavarovanja. Upoštevajte, da ste morda po zakonu dolžni skleniti zavarovanje; poleg tega ste sami odgovorni za sklepanje dodatnih zavarovanj, če so po vašem mnenju potrebna. Višina katerih koli nadomestil za Storitev ni povezana z vrednostjo vozila ali katerih koli predmetov v vozilu ali stroškov kakršnih koli poškodb ali škode, ki jo utrpite vi ali kdor koli drug.
4. Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če ste potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), imate pravico do odstopa v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE- 10591 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronska pošta: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service “Breakdown Call” (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect Service “Breakdown Call”. These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these terms of use, the terms of use shall prevail.
“Breakdown Call”
The “Breakdown Call” (hereinafter Service) establishes a voice and data connection to a Porsche service centre (hereinafter Service Centre) which transmits your location and all relevant vehicle information to the Service Centre and through which you can speak personally to an agent of the Service Centre.
The Service is available in certain countries and depends on network availability. The current geographic availability of the Service can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/. The connectivity necessary for the provision of the Service is established using an integrated SIM-card. The connectivity is an integrated element of the Service and is not charged separately.
Term: 10 years
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect-able vehicle including the option “Connect Plus”, the Service can be booked free of charge for a term of 10 years.
1. Detailed Description of Service
1.1 You can trigger the Service either from the Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter PCM) or via the Porsche Connect App. Once triggered, a voice and data connection from the vehicle will automatically be established to the Service Centre in the country selected by you in MyPorsche. The data forwarded from the vehicle to the Service Centre may include information such as the vehicle model, production year and optional equipment, vehicle position, occurrence of an accident, number of people in the car, tank level, tire pressure and remaining fuel range (hereinafter Vehicle Data).
1.2 In order to provide you with the necessary assistance, our systems will collect, subject to your prior consent, Vehicle Data, which will be available to a Service Centre agent for initial assessment of your breakdown situation.
1.3 During the voice connection the Service Centre agent will ask you questions to further assess the breakdown situation. In case of a minor problem with the vehicle, the Service Centre agent may give you advice on how to proceed (such as “Please, refill oil at the next gas station”). In case of a
major problem with the vehicle, the Service Centre agent may contact outside assistance like roadside repair or towing of the non-operative vehicle. Your call will not be forwarded to other service providers. Furthermore, the Service Centre can, subject to your prior consent, forward the Vehicle Data to a Porsche Centre if your vehicle has to be repaired.
1.4 Additional services provided by Porsche Assistance (which is not part of Porsche Connect; further information on Porsche Assistance and in particular on the covered service components can be requested at your dealership “AXA Assistance Deutschland GmbH/Inter Partner Assistance S.A.”) following the Breakdown Call require a separate contract, which may cause additional costs. The Service Centre can check the Porsche Assistance status of your vehicle.
1.5 If you access or use any other third party products or services, the terms associated with those third party products or services will also apply, and Porsche will not be held responsible for the access or use.
1.6 Please be aware that additional costs may apply while triggering the Service via the Porsche Connect App on your mobile device depending on the conditions of the mobile contract concluded with your third party telecommunication provider.
2. Territory
Porsche Smart Mobility shall provide the Service to you in the following geographic territory (hereafter referred to as Territory) in accordance with these TU: Andorra, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (including San Marino, Vatican City), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America.
3. Restrictions of Use and System Limitations
3.1 In case of a misuse of the Service Porsche Smart Mobility
may limit the provision of the Service.
3.2 The Service is provided by using a telematics unit installed in the vehicle that receives GPS satellite signals and communicates with the Service Centre using wireless communication systems and communication networks. Owing to the nature of the technologies used to provide the functionalities of the Service and comprised in the unit, the
withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified
on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
functionalities of the Service (or part of the Service) may from time to time not be available in all areas of the Territory and/or be adversely affected by physical features, including, without limitation, removal or manipulation of the unit or its antenna, electromagnetism, the vehicle being in a garage, in an underpass or in other places not covered by the GPS or wireless communication networks, atmospheric conditions and other causes of interference beyond our control (e.g. failure of GPS or communication networks). In particular, the operation of the unit and, therefore, the provision of the functionalities of the Service in accordance with the TU depend upon the operation of the GPS, wireless and landline communication networks with which the unit operates, and these networks are not operational in all parts of the Territory. As a result, not all functionalities of the Service are available everywhere and at all times and there can be no guarantee that all functionalities of the Service are operational.
3.3 The Service does not provide any vehicle or other insurance. Please be informed that you may be legally required to take insurance; further it is your own responsibility to take additional insurance protection where you deem it reasonable. Any fees paid for the Service are not related to the value of the vehicle or any property in the vehicle or the cost of any injury or damages suffered by you or anyone else.
4. Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za storitev Porsche Connect »Porsche Charging Service« (v nadaljevanju tudi pogoji uporabe)
Ti pogoji uporabe urejajo uporabo storitve Porsche Connect
»Porsche Charging Service«. Ti pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg splošnih pogojev poslovanja za portal My Porsche, trgovino Porsche Connect in storitve Porsche Connect ter izdelke Porsche. Če je določba iz splošnih pogojev poslovanja v nasprotju s temi pogoji uporabe, imajo prednost pogoji uporabe.
Ti pogoji uporabe se na splošno uporabljajo za posamezne postopke polnjenja, ki se izvajajo v okviru storitve Porsche Charging Service (to pomeni, da ti pogoji uporabe veljajo za posamezne zmogljivosti polnjenja – glejte spodaj).
Za popolno uporabo storitve Porsche Charging Service potrebujete aplikacijo za pametni telefon – Charging App ali Connect App (v nadaljevanju aplikacija). Aplikacija je na voljo za mobilne naprave s podprtim operacijskim sistemom in jo lahko brezplačno prenesete iz trgovine z aplikacijami posameznega ponudnika mobilnih naprav ali operacijskega sistema. Če želite uporabljati aplikacijo v svoji mobilni napravi, morate imeti vzpostavljeno povezavo z internetom. Za to morate s ponudnikom mobilnih storitev skleniti ločeno pogodbo o prenosu podatkov, pri čemer lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški (pri uporabi v tujini tudi stroški gostovanja).
Storitev »Porsche Charging Service«
Veljavnost: 12 mesecev (s samodejnim podaljšanjem)
Zmogljivosti storitve Porsche Charging Service:
1. Dostop do polnilnega omrežja in združljivost
1.1 Storitev Porsche Charging Service zagotavlja dostop do polnilnih postaj drugih ponudnikov (v nadaljevanju polnilne postaje) in njihovo uporabo za običajno polnjenje z izmeničnim tokom (AC) do 22 kW (v nadaljevanju polnjenje AC), za hitro polnjenje z enosmernim tokom (DC) za zmogljivost polnjenja do 50 kW (v nadaljevanju polnjenje DC) in za visokozmogljivo hitro polnjenje z enosmernim tokom (DC) za zmogljivost polnjenja do 350 kW (v nadaljevanju polnjenje HPC). Pri tem sodelujemo tako z izbranimi upravljavci polnilnih postaj kot tudi z izbranimi partnerji za e-gostovanje v Evropi, ki zagotavljajo povezane lokacije javnih polnilnih točk.
1.2 Polnilne postaje so v skladu z evropsko standardizacijo načeloma opremljene z vtičem oz. priključkom tipa 2 (za polnjenje AC) in/ali sistemom CCS (Combined Charging System) (za polnjenje DC in HPC). Posamezne polnilne postaje poleg tega podpirajo standard CHAdeMO (za polnjenje DC).
Združljivost polnilnih postaj:
• Xxxxxxxx postaje s priključkom tipa 2 so združljive s hibridnimi in električnimi vozili z možnostjo
polnjenja akumulatorja prek vtičnice, ki so opremljena z vtičnico za polnjenje tipa 2 ali CCS. Poleg tega za polnjenje potrebujete napajalni kabel Mode-3.
• Xxxxxxxx postaje s priključkom CCS so združljive z
električnimi vozili, ki so opremljena z vtičnico za polnjenje CCS. Dodaten napajalni kabel ni potreben.
• Xxxxxxxx postaje, ki podpirajo standard CHAdeMO,
so združljive z vozili, ki so opremljena z vtičnico za polnjenje CHAdeMO. Dodaten napajalni kabel ni potreben.
Podatke o tem, katero vtičnico za polnjenje ima vaše vozilo, najdete v operativnem priročniku vašega vozila ali pri proizvajalcu vozila. Če vaše vozilo ni opremljeno z nobenim od prej omenjenih tipov vtičnice za polnjenje/vtičev, postopek polnjenja (tudi z uporabo vmesnika) ni mogoč. Sami ste odgovorni za sposobnost polnjenja svojega vozila, poleg tega morate upoštevati predpise in napotke za uporabo polnilne postaje.
1.3 Če želite aktivirati ustrezno polnilno postajo na lokaciji polnjenja, morate uporabiti način avtentikacije, ki ste ga izbrali pri nakupu storitve Porsche Charging Service (za avtentikacijo z aplikacijo ali kartico RFID (Porsche ID Card ali Porsche Charging Card), glejte razdelek 3 spodaj). Upoštevajte, da morda ne morete uporabiti vseh načinov avtentikacije na vseh polnilnih postajah in da je avtentikacija morda mogoča le z aplikacijo ali kartico RFID.
1.4 Uporaba polnilnih postaj je med drugim odvisna od prostih mest na polnilni postaji in delovanja polnilne postaje (to velja na primer za vidno poškodovane polnilne postaje, ki se jih ne sme uporabljati).
1.5 Storitve polnjenja zagotavlja Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH.
2. Informacije o polnilnih postajah v polnilnem omrežju
2.1 Pregled polnilnih postaj izbranih upravljavcev polnilnih postaj in partnerjev za e-gostovanje najdete v aplikaciji.
2.2 Glede na razpoložljivost so v aplikaciji na voljo ti statični in dinamični podatki in informacije o polnilnih postajah: lokacija, možnost polnjenja AC in/ali DC, vrste vtičev, ki so na voljo, podatek, ali so polnilne točke zasedene ali proste, podatek o cenah polnjenja AC in/ali DC, število polnilnih mest na lokacijo polnjenja. Porsche Smart Mobility ne prevzema odgovornosti za pravilnost in pravočasnost teh podatkov in informacij, ki jih posredujejo partnerji.
3. Avtentikacija in polnjenje na polnilni postaji
3.1 Začetek postopka polnjenja: Če želite začeti postopek polnjenja na polnilni postaji, je potrebna predhodna avtentikacija prek aplikacije ali s kartico RFID. Pri začetku
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postopka polnjenja običajno nastanejo stroški (za cene in obračunavanje glejte razdelek 4 spodaj).
S kodo Intercharge QR, ki je prikazana na polnilni postaji in ki jo optično preberete z aplikacijo in kamero mobilne naprave, lahko aktivirate posamezno polnilno postajo in začnete postopek polnjenja. Če optično branje kode QR ni mogoče, lahko ID polnilne postaje vnesete tudi ročno prek aplikacije, da začnete postopek polnjenja. Xxxxxxxx postajo lahko aktivirate tudi na daljavo tako, da izberete polnilno postajo v aplikaciji. Nekatere polnilne postaje imajo posebne funkcije pri začetku postopka polnjenja. Zato vedno upoštevajte tudi napotke na polnilni postaji. V aplikaciji lahko spremljate trajanje trenutnega postopka polnjenja, ki se zaradi tehničnih razlogov lahko razlikuje od dejanskega trajanja postopka polnjenja.
Kartica RFID je po nakupu storitve Porsche Charging Service uporabniku poslana po pošti na naslov, ki ga je navedel v uporabniškem portalu. Kartica RFID ima čip RFID, s katerim lahko aktivirate polnilno postajo.
3.2 Zaključek postopka polnjenja: Postopek polnjenja lahko ročno zaključite tako, da odklenete vozilo in odklopite napajalni kabel. Pri nekaterih polnilnih postajah lahko postopek polnjenja ročno zaključite tudi prek aplikacije ali s ponovno uporabo kartice RFID. Ko je akumulator vozila popolnoma napolnjen, se postopek polnjenja samodejno konča. Nekatere polnilne postaje imajo posebne funkcije pri dokončanju postopka polnjenja. Zato vedno upoštevajte tudi napotke na polnilni postaji. Po uspešnem dokončanju postopka polnjenja se v zgodovini polnjenja v aplikaciji (zaradi tehničnih razlogov zgodovina polnjenja v aplikaciji včasih ne odraža trenutnega stanja) prikažejo informacije o zadnjem postopku polnjenja (mesto polnjenja, datum, ura in cena).
4. Cene in obračunavanje
4.1 Stroški, ki nastanjeno pri tej storitvi, so (i) letna pristojbina in
(ii) pristojbine za uporabo na postopek polnjenja, ki temeljijo na
• količini energije, porabljene pri polnjenju, v kWh in/ali
• času priključenosti v minutah ali
• pavšalni ceni na postopek polnjenja.
Osnova za obračunavanje po času (na minuto) je čas priključenosti (napajalni kabel je priključen v polnilno postajo in vozilo). Stroški torej nastanejo, dokler je vozilo povezano s polnilno postajo.
4.2 Veljaven cenik in pregled načina obračunavanja najdete v prilogi k tem pogojem uporabe (zlasti različne cene in načine obračunavanja v različnih državah in razredih zmogljivosti). Poleg tega so cene in načini obračunavanja prikazani v aplikaciji pred začetkom posameznega postopka polnjenja.
4.3 Na koncu meseca prejmete skupni obračun postopkov polnjenja, ki smo jih zabeležili v obdobju obračunavanja; obračun si lahko ogledate v portalu My Porsche, poslali pa vam ga bomo tudi po e-pošti na e-poštni naslov, ki ste ga navedli. Upoštevajte, da lahko zaradi tehničnih razlogov nekatere postopke polnjenja zabeležimo šele pozneje, zato so na izpisku lahko tudi postopki polnjenja iz časa pred trenutnim obdobjem obračunavanja, ki še niso bili obračunani in ki vam bodo zaračunani. V aplikaciji so prikazani tudi stroški, ki so nastali v trenutnem obdobju obračunavanja (upoštevajte, da tudi ta pogled ni vedno posodobljen).
Pravica do odstopa za potrošnike
Če ste potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), imate pravico do odpovedi v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega
zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odpovedi
Pravica do odpovedi
Pravico imate, da odpoveste to pogodbo v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. O uveljavljanju pravice do odpovedi nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH -
P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odpovedi te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priložen obrazec za odpoved, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odpovedi poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odpovedi
Če odpoveste to pogodbo, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odpovedi te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odpoved
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odpovedati pogodbo)
– Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
- P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odpovedi (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
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Datum izdaje: 11/ 2019 – Pogoji uporabe »Storitve polnjenja« – Slovenija – SL – različica 1.5
Priloga: Cenik in pregled načinov obračunavanja za storitev Porsche Connect »Porsche Charging Service« na podlagi odstavka 4.2 pogojev uporabe
Vsak mesec prejmete skupen pregled stroškov na podlagi spodaj navedenega pregleda cen:
Država | Letna pristojbina1) | Spremenljive pristojbine za uporabo2) (za zmogljivost polnjenja AC do 22 kW) | Spremenljive pristojbine za uporabo2) (za zmogljivost polnjenja DC do 50 kW) | Spremenljive pristojbine za uporabo2) (za zmogljivost polnjenja DC do 150 kW) | Spremenljive pristojbine za uporabo2) (za zmogljivost polnjenja HPC do 350 kW) | Spremenljive pristojbine za uporabo2) (za zmogljivost polnjenja HPC do 350 kW na polnilnih postajah IONITY) | |||||
Cena na kWh | Cena na minuto | Cena na kWh | Cena na minuto | Cena na kWh | Cena na minuto | Cena na kWh | Cena na minuto | Cena na kWh | Cena na minuto | ||
Belgija | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Danska | 1333 DK | 4,55 DK | 0,44 DK | 4,55 DK | 1,88 DK | 4,55 DK | 2,5 DK | 4,55 DK | 3,13 DK | 2,5 DK | 0 DK |
Nemčija | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Finska | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Francija | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Italija | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Nizozemska | 179€ | 0,43€ | 0,05€ | 0,43€ | 0,25€ | 0,43€ | 0,35€ | 0,43€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Norveška | 1.799 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 0,55 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 1,11 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 2,22 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 3,33 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 0 NOK |
Avstrija | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Švica | 179 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,05 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,25 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,35 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,45 CHF | 0,37 CHF | 0 CHF |
Španija | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Združeno kraljestvo | 179 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,03 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,22 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,33 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,44 GBP | 0,3 GBP | 0 GBP |
Hrvaška | 1.300 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 0,25 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 1,5 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 2,5 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 3 HRK | 2,5 HRK | 0 HRK |
Estonija | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Madžarska | 55.000 HUF | 115 HUF | 6,6 HUF | 115 HUF | 66 HUF | 115 HUF | 106 HUF | 115 HUF | 116 HUF | 99 HUF | 0 HUF |
Litva | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Poljska | 800 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 0,22 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 0,88 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 1,55 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 2,02 PLN | 1,5 PLN | 0 PLN |
Slovaška | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Slovenija | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
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Češka republika | 4.949 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 0,61 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 6,06 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 8,08 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 10,01 CZK | 9,15 CZK | 0 CZK |
Švedska | 1.799 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 0,55 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 2,22 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 3,33 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 4,44 SEK | 3,45 SEK | 0 SEK |
Portugalska | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Irska | 179€ | 0,41€ | 0,05€ | 0,41€ | 0,25€ | 0,41€ | 0,35€ | 0,41€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Latvija | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Podatki vključujejo vse davke, dajatve in druge elemente cene.
1) Lastniki avtomobilov Porsche Taycan pri novih vozilih do tri leta ne plačajo pristojbine za storitev Porsche Charging Service (ali morebiten izdelek, ki nadomešča dosedanjega). Če pride do spremembe izdelka, se mora stranka po potrebi ponovno naročiti na novi izdelek, ki nadomešča dosedanjega.
2) Brezplačne polnilne postaje so opredeljene kot take in pri njihovi uporabi ni pristojbin za uporabo.
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Datum izdaje: 11/ 2019 – Pogoji uporabe »Storitve polnjenja« – Slovenija – SL – različica 1.5
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect "Porsche Charging Service" (hereinafter also referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect Service "Porsche Charging Service". These Terms of Use also apply in addition to the General Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services, as well as Porsche Products (GTC). Insofar as any provision of the GTCs is in conflict with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
These Terms of Use generally apply to each charging process performed within the Porsche Charging Service (i.e., the individual charging services - see below - are subject to these Terms of Use).
It is only possible to make full use of the Porsche Charging Service with a smartphone app – the Charging App or Connect App (hereinafter referred to as the App). The app is available for mobile devices with a supported operating system and can be downloaded free of charge in the app store of the respective provider of the mobile devices or the operating system. To use the app on your mobile device, it is necessary for your mobile device to be connected to the Internet. This requires a separate contract with a mobile service provider for an Internet data plan is required, for which additional costs and roaming costs, if used abroad, may arise.
"Porsche Charging Service" service
Operating time: 12 months (with automatic extension)
Services of the Porsche Charging Service:
1. Access to the charging network and compatibility
1.1 The Porsche Charging Service allows access to and use of charging stations operated by third parties (hereinafter referred to as charging stations) for normal charging with alternating current (AC) up to 22 kW (hereinafter referred to as AC charging), for fast charging with direct current (DC) for charging services up to 50 kW (hereinafter referred to as DC charging) and for high power fast charging with direct current (DC) for charging services up to 350 kW (hereinafter referred to as HPC charging). For this we cooperate with selected charging station operators, as well as selected e- roaming partners in Europe, who provide the locations of public charging stations as bundles (see also para. 2).
1.2 All charging stations are equipped with a Type 2 plug or connector (for AC charging) and / or the Combined Charging System (CCS) (for DC charging and HPC charging) in accordance with European standards. Individual charging
stations are also equipped with the CHAdeMO standard (for DC charging).
Charging station compatibility:
• In general, charging stations with a Type 2 connection are compatible with plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles equipped with a Type 2 charging socket or a CCS charging socket. Charging also requires a charging cable (mode 3).
• In general, charging stations with a CCS connection
are compatible with electric vehicles equipped with a CCS charging socket. An additional charging cable is not required.
• In general, charging stations that support the
CHAdeMO standard are compatible with vehicles equipped with a CHAdeMO charging socket. An additional charging cable is not required.
Information about the charging socket available on your particular vehicle can be obtained from the operating manual for your vehicle or from your vehicle manufacturer. If your vehicle does not have any of the aforementioned charging sockets/connector types, charging (even using an adapter) may not be possible. You are responsible for the charging capability of your vehicle and must observe the regulations and instructions for using the charging stations at local level.
1.3 To activate the respective charging station at the charging location, the authentication method stated when booking the Porsche Charging Service must be used (for authentication by app or RFID card (Porsche ID Card or Porsche Charging Card), see section 3 below). Please note that it may not be possible to use all authentication methods on all charging stations and authentication may only be possible using the app or RFID card.
1.4 Use of the charging stations depends on various factors, including vacant spaces at the charging station and the charging station being in working order (this applies, for example, to recognizably damaged charging stations, which may not be used).
1.5 Charging services are provided by Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH.
2. Information about the charging stations contained in the charging network
2.1 An overview of the charging stations provided by selected charging station operators and e-roaming partners can be found in the app.
2.2 Depending on availability, the following static and dynamic information about charging stations is available in the app: Location, AC and/or DC charging options, available connector
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types, indication of whether charging points are occupied or vacant, indication of prices for AC and/or DC charging, number of charging points per charging location. Porsche Smart Mobility assumes no liability for the accuracy and timeliness of the data and information supplied by these partners.
3. Authentication and charging at the charging station
3.1 Starting the charging process: To start the charging process you must authenticate yourself in advance by means of an app or an RFID card . There is usually a cost for starting the charging process (for prices and billing see section 4 below).
The Intercharge QR code displayed on the relevant charging station, which is scanned using the app and the camera of user's mobile device, is used to unlock the charging station and start the charging process. If it is not possible to scan the QR code, the charging station ID can also be entered manually via the app to start the charging process. Alternatively, the charging station can also be unlocked remotely, i.e. by selecting the relevant charging station in the app. Some charging stations have special features when starting. For this reason you should always follow the instructions on the charging station. You can use the app to monitor the duration of the present charging process; this may differ from the actual duration of the charging process for technical reasons.
After the Porsche Charging Service has been booked, the RFID card will be sent by post to the address provided by the customer in the customer portal. The RFID card has an RFID chip that enables the charging station to be unlocked.
3.2 Ending the charging process: The charging process can be stopped manually by unlocking the vehicle and unplugging the charging cable. On some charging stations, the charging process can also be ended manually using the app or by presenting the RFID card again. As soon as the car's battery is fully charged, the charging process will stop automatically. Some charging stations have special features when charging is ended. For this reason you should always follow the instructions on the charging station. After successful completion of the charging process, the information from the last charging process (location where charging took place, date, time and cost) will be displayed in the app's charging history (for technical reasons, the charging history in the app may not always reflect the current status).
4. Prices and billing
4.1 The cost to you associated with this service is (i) a basic annual charge and (ii) usage costs per charge, based on
• the amount of energy charged in kWh and/or
• the connection time in minutes or
• a flat rate per charging process.
The basis for billing by time (per minute) is the connection time (charging cable connected to the charging station and vehicle). In other words, charges are incurred as long as the vehicle is connected to the charging station.
4.2 The current price list and an overview of the billing types are contained in an appendix to these Terms of Use (in particular in respect of different prices and billing types in different countries and service categories). In addition, the prices and billing types will be displayed in the app prior to the start of the charging process.
4.3 At the end of the month, you will receive an aggregated bill for the charges that we have recorded within a billing period; this information can be view on the My Porsche portal and will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided. Please note that due to technical circumstances, we are only
able to record some charging processes at a later point, so that the billing statement may also include charging processes not yet billed from before the current billing period, for which you will be charged. You will also see the costs accumulated for the current billing period in the app (please note that this view may not always be up-to-date).
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
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Date 11/2019 – Terms of Use "Changing Services" – Slovenia – EN – Version 1.5
Appendix: Price list and overview of billing types for the Porsche Connect "Porsche Charging Service" according to para. 4.2 of the Terms of Use
Every month you will receive an aggregated overview of your costs based on the following price overview:
Country | Basic annual fee1) | Variable usage fees2) (for AC charging up to 22 kW) | Variable usage fees2) (for DC charging up to 50 kW) | Variable usage fees2) (for DC charging up to 150 kW) | Variable usage fees2) (for HPC charging up to 350 kW) | Variable usage fees2) (for HPC charging up to 350 kW on IONITY charging pedestals) | |||||
Price per kWh | Price per minute | Price per kWh | Price per minute | Price per kWh | Price per minute | Price per kWh | Price per minute | Price per kWh | Price per minute | ||
Belgium | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Denmark | 1333 DK | 4,55 DK | 0,44 DK | 4,55 DK | 1,88 DK | 4,55 DK | 2,5 DK | 4,55 DK | 3,13 DK | 2,5 DK | 0 DK |
Germany | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Finland | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
France | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Italy | 179€ | 0,35€ | 0,05€ | 0,35€ | 0,25€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,35€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Netherlands | 179€ | 0,43€ | 0,05€ | 0,43€ | 0,25€ | 0,43€ | 0,35€ | 0,43€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Norway | 1.799 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 0,55 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 1,11 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 2,22 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 3,33 NOK | 3,26 NOK | 0 NOK |
Austria | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Switzerland | 179 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,05 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,25 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,35 CHF | 0,38 CHF | 0,45 CHF | 0,37 CHF | 0 CHF |
Spain | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
United kingdom | 179 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,03 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,22 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,33 GBP | 0,31 GBP | 0,44 GBP | 0,3 GBP | 0 GBP |
Croatia | 1.300 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 0,25 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 1,5 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 2,5 HRK | 2,9 HRK | 3 HRK | 2,5 HRK | 0 HRK |
Estonia | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Hungary | 55.000 HUF | 115 HUF | 6,6 HUF | 115 HUF | 66 HUF | 115 HUF | 106 HUF | 115 HUF | 116 HUF | 99 HUF | 0 HUF |
Lithuania | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Poland | 800 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 0,22 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 0,88 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 1,55 PLN | 2,05 PLN | 2,02 PLN | 1,5 PLN | 0 PLN |
Slovakia | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Slovenia | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Czech Republic | 4.949 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 0,61 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 6,06 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 8,08 CZK | 9,3 CZK | 10,01 CZK | 9,15 CZK | 0 CZK |
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Date 11/2019 – Terms of Use "Changing Services" – Slovenia – EN – Version 1.5
Sweden | 1.799 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 0,55 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 2,22 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 3,33 SEK | 3,99 SEK | 4,44 SEK | 3,45 SEK | 0 SEK |
Portugal | 179€ | 0,39€ | 0,05€ | 0,39€ | 0,25€ | 0,39€ | 0,35€ | 0,39€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Ireland | 179€ | 0,41€ | 0,05€ | 0,41€ | 0,25€ | 0,41€ | 0,35€ | 0,41€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Latvia | 179€ | 0,4€ | 0,05€ | 0,4€ | 0,25€ | 0,4€ | 0,35€ | 0,4€ | 0,45€ | 0,33€ | 0€ |
Figures include all taxes, duties and other price components.
1) Porsche Taycan customers do not pay a basic fee for the Porsche Charging Service (or the respective successor product) for up to 3 years in the case of new vehicles. It may be necessary for the customer to rebook the successor product in the event of product adaptation.
2) Free charging stations are designated as such and there are no charges for using free charging stations.
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Date 11/2019 – Terms of Use "Changing Services" – Slovenia – EN – Version 1.5
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitve Porsche Connect »Porsche Connect« (v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (prej Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Nemčija (v nadaljevanju: Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ali mi), na strani xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja (1) portal My Porsche in (2) različne funkcije spletne tržnice (v nadaljevanju: Tržnica) za (i) prodajo vozil Porsche, delov, opreme in drugih z vozili povezanih in samostojnih izdelkov ter (ii) zagotavljanje z vozili povezanih in samostojnih storitev. Na Tržnici PSM upravlja tudi Trgovino Porsche Connect. Za uporabo Tržnice, vključno s Trgovino Porsche Connect, veljajo Splošni pogoji za uporabo portala My Porsche in spletnih funkcij Tržnice Porsche (vključno s Trgovino Porsche Connect) ter prodajo Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov Porsche Smart Mobility (v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji). Trenutna različica Splošnih pogojev je kadar koli na voljo za dostop, prenos in tiskanje na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
V Trgovini Porsche Connect lahko uporabnik naroči tudi »Porsche Connect« (v nadaljevanju: Paket storitev). Ti Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect veljajo za uporabo storitev Porsche Connect ter za naročanje, uporabo in/ali podaljšanje storitev Porsche Connect. Ti Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect veljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev. Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe Porsche Connect.
Izrazi, opredeljeni v Splošnih pogojih, imajo enak pomen v teh Pogojih uporabe Porsche Connect. To zlasti velja za naslednje izraze:
- Stranka: opredeljeno v členu 1.3 Splošnih pogojev;
- Trgovina Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect: opredeljeno v členu 3.1.1 Splošnih pogojev;
- Stranka PSM: opredeljeno v členu 3.1.2 Splošnih pogojev.
»Porsche Connect«
Storitve Porsche Connect so ekskluzivno na voljo za naslednje modele vozil:
- Taycan
Storitve Porsche Connect – odvisno od geografske razpoložljivosti
– vključujejo v nadaljevanju opisane storitve. Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost je navedena v Trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/
Obdobje: od enega meseca dalje
Vključeno brezplačno obdobje: Ob nakupu novega vozila s funkcijo Connect je mogoče za 36 mesecev brezplačno naročiti storitve Porsche Connect.
Druge zahteve za uporabo vseh storitev, vključenih v Paket storitev: Sistem za upravljanje komunikacije Porsche Communication Management vozila s funkcijo Connect (v nadaljevanju: PCM) mora imeti zagotovljeno povezljivost. Če je povezljivost zagotovljena prek vgrajene kartice SIM sistema PCM, je uporaba takšne povezljivosti za ta Paket storitev vključena v ceno
Paketa storitev. Če povezljivost ni zagotovljena prek vgrajene kartice SIM sistema PCM (npr. ker povezljivost prek vgrajene kartice SIM sistema PCM ni na voljo v vseh državah), je povezljivost mogoče vzpostaviti s pomočjo mobilnega telefona z ustreznim naročniškim paketom. Za to je potrebna ločena pogodba s ponudnikom mobilnih storitev. Glede na pogodbo, sklenjeno s ponudnikom mobilne telefonije, to lahko povzroči dodatne stroške, vključno s stroški gostovanja za uporabo storitve v tujini. Če sistem PCM povežete s svojim mobilnim telefonom, se prepričajte, da vaš naročniški paket za prenos podatkov to dovoljuje. Razpoložljivost in hitrost storitev iz Paketa storitev sta odvisni od razpoložljivosti in hitrosti prenosa podatkov, ki ju zagotavlja vaš ponudnik mobilnih storitev.
Naslednje velja za novi Taycan s storitvami Porsche Connect:
1. Finder
Opis: S pomočjo storitve »Finder« lahko iščete, kar vas zanima (t.i. interesne točke) (npr. polnilne postaje, bencinske črpalke, restavracije, hotele in parkirišča) v vnaprej določeni podatkovni bazi s pomočjo sistemsko določenega spletnega iskalnika. Rezultati iskanja lahko vsebujejo dodatne informacije, kot so telefonske številke, delovni čas, cene goriva, parkirnine ali ocene drugih uporabnikov. Interesne točke lahko iščete, shranjujete, upravljate in jih pošljete v sistem PCM tudi na portalu My Porsche in v aplikaciji Porsche Connect.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Opis: S storitvijo »Voice Pilot« lahko številne funkcije sistema PCM in druge storitve upravljate z glasovnim upravljanjem. Spletno prepoznavanje govora podpira naravni jezik.
2.2 Omejitve uporabe: Prepoznavanje naravnega jezika je omejeno na podprte jezike. Prepoznavanje govora ne zagotavlja vedno želenih rezultatov.
3. Navigation Plus
Opis: S storitvijo »Navigation Plus« bo izračun poti sistema PCM dopolnjen s spletnimi storitvami. Navigacijski sistem sistema PCM uporablja trenutne podatke GPS in podatke o prometu, da optimizira pot do vnesenega cilja na minuto. Na prikazanem zemljevidu so ceste označene z barvami glede na prometno situacijo. Zemljevidi navigacijskega sistema PCM se posodabljajo prek interneta.
Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikazuje zemljevid v obliki satelitske slike. S predpomnjenjem naloženih podatkov zemljevida o trenutni okolici vozila se bo prikaz satelitske slike ohranil, tudi če pride do začasne prekinitve povezave. Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikaže slike ulic izbranega cilja, če so na voljo.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Opis: S storitvijo »Radio Plus« lahko dostopate do spletnih kanalov radijskih postaj. Ko je aktivirana storitev Radio Plus in je sprejem radijskega vira FM ali digitalnega predvajanja zvoka (DAB) začasno moten, sistem PCM samodejno preklopi na ustrezni spletni kanal takšne radijske postaje (če je na voljo). Prek sistema PCM storitev prikazuje tudi metapodatke vseh pesmi, ki se predvajajo.
4.2 Omejitve uporabe: Spletne in hibridne radio funkcije so na voljo le v izbranih državah.
5. Novice
5.1 Opis: Storitev omogoča priklic zadnjih novic, tako da se prijavite na vire RSS neposredno v sistemu PCM ali se povežete na odjemalca RSS tretje osebe. Storitev Voice Pilot omogoča glasovno predvajanje člankov. Z iskanjem po ključnih besedah lahko na kanalih, na katere ste prijavljeni, poiščete informacije o temah, ki vas zanimajo, ali iščete ključne besede.
5.2 Omejitve uporabe: Uporaba je mogoča le z odjemalci RSS, ki jih odobri Porsche.
5.3 Zahteve: Za osebno prilagoditev uporabe storitve v vozilu se obstoječi ali na novo odprti račun pri odjemalcu RSS poveže z identifikacijsko številko Porsche Stranke PSM. Če pa Stranka PSM ne želi odpreti računa, vseeno lahko išče zanimive vire s pomočjo funkcije iskanja in se prijavi na takšne vire pod svojo identifikacijsko številko Porsche. Vendar so v takšnem primeru ti viri na voljo le v vozilu.
6. Vreme
6.1 Opis: Storitev »Vreme« prikazuje trenutne vremenske razmere in napoved za naslednje ure in dneve za trenutno lokacijo, aktivirani cilj ter morebitne shranjene priljubljene lokacije. Napoved vsebuje na primer temperaturo, število sončnih ur, verjetnost dežja, hitrost vetra in kakovost zraka. Mogoče je tudi glasno branje s pomočjo storitve Voice Pilot.
6.2 Omejitve uporabe: Kakovost zraka se prikazuje le na Kitajskem.
7. Risk Radar
Opis: Storitev »Risk Radar« prikazuje izbrane lokalne prometne predpise v obliki prometnih znakov (npr. omejitve hitrosti) obliki infografike v sistemu PCM.
Poleg tega prikazuje razpoložljive informacije o lokalnih nevarnostih, npr. nevarnost splavanja, v obliki infografike v sistemu PCM.
8. Car Control
8.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko s pametnim telefonom preverite stanje vozila. Storitev vsebuje prikaz stanja vrat, prikaz servisnih intervalov ali prevožene razdalje.
9. Trip Control
9.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko preverite podatke o opravljenih vožnjah vašega vozila. To vključuje: čas vožnje, prevoženo razdaljo, povprečno hitrost in povprečno porabo za vse vrste voženj (kratke, ciklične, dolge).
9.2 Omejitve uporabe: Podatki se posodabljajo šele po spremembi statusa električnega kontakta v vozilu.
10. Hupanje in utripanje (na voljo od druge polovice 2020 dalje)
10.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko na kratko vključite utripalke ali hupo v vašem vozilu. Za tem v potrditev prejmete sporočilo ali obvestilo.
10.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev je na voljo le, če vozilo stoji in so luči za kontakt ter opozorilne luči izključene. Lahko obstajajo še dodatne omejitve v skladu s predpisi posamezne države.
11. Odpiranje in zapiranje (na voljo od druge polovice 2020 dalje)
11.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko zaklenete in odklenete vrata in prtljažnik vašega vozila. Za tem v potrditev prejmete sporočilo ali obvestilo.
11.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev je na voljo le, če vozilo stoji, so voznikova vrata zaprta, vozilo izključeno in ključa ni v kontaktni ključavnici. Lahko obstajajo še dodatne omejitve v skladu s predpisi posamezne države.
11.3 Opomba: Uporaba funkcije za odklepanje, kadar niste prisotni pri avtomobilu, povečuje tveganje za krajo vozila ali krajo predmetov, ki se nahajajo v vozilu. Za preprečitev nepooblaščene uporabe je treba za uporabo funkcije odklepanja vnesti štirimestno varnostno kodo. Varnostno kodo boste nastavili pri uvodni prijavi in nastavitvah storitev Porsche Connect. Kasneje lahko varnostno kodo spremenite na portalu My Porsche.
12. Car Finder
12.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko preverite lokacijo in položaj vašega vozila. Trenutni položaj mobilne končne naprave, ki se uporablja za to funkcijo, je prav tako prikazan na zemljevidu. Če trenutni položaj vozila ni na voljo (npr. če je vozilo parkirano v podzemni garaži), se uporabi zadnji shranjeni GPS položaj. Če vključite zasebni način, lahko prenos podatkov izključite.
12.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev je na voljo samo v primeru, ko prenos podatkov nemoteno deluje. Storitev je sicer v celoti na voljo tako med vožnjo kot pri mirujočem vozilu.
13. E-Control
13.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje vašega Taycana in začnete ali zaustavite postopek polnjenja, kot je opisano v nadaljevanju. Preverite lahko stanje priključitve, preostali čas polnjenja in trenutni doseg na električni pogon. Doseg na električni pogon je prikazan v obliki kroga na zemljevidu. Poleg tega lahko na daljavo optimizirate postopek polnjenja visokonapetostne baterije vašega Taycana za določen čas odhoda. Nastavite lahko programirani čas odhoda in v potrditev boste prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo v primeru kakršnega koli dogodka (npr. prekinitev postopka polnjenja) in ko bo aktivirani elektronski časovnik potekel.
13.2 Omejitve uporabe: Doseg, prikazan kot krog na zemljevidu, je samo okvirna ocena. Vrednosti, navedene na zemljevidu, ne odražajo dejanskih razdalj. Zato so lahko lokacije v resnici zunaj dosega na električni pogon, četudi so prikazane znotraj kroga, ki označuje doseg na električni pogon.
14. Klimatiziranje
Storitve: Na daljavo lahko preverite stanje in vključite ali izključite gretje ali klimatiziranje. Ko bo ogrevanje in/ali klimatiziranje na daljavo uspešno vključeno ali izključeno, boste v potrditev prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo. Poleg tega lahko na daljavo nastavite časovnik za gretje ali klimatiziranje na daljavo. Ko je časovnik nastavljen, boste prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo na mobilno napravo, takoj ko bo aktivirani časovnik potekel.
15. Car Alarm
15.1 Storitve: Ko se v vašem vozilu sproži alarm proti kraji, boste prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo z informacijo, da se je sprožil alarm, in navedbo časa. Za razliko od »Paketa za varovanje avtomobila« tretje osebe ne bodo obveščene o tem, da se je sprožil alarm.
15.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev lahko pošlje sporočilo ali obvestilo le, če se vozilo lahko poveže s sistemi Porsche. Če se sproži alarm proti kraji, vendar kontrolna enota v vozilu nima povezljivosti (npr. če je vozilo parkirano v podzemni garaži), bo sporočilo ali obvestilo poslano takoj, ko se vzpostavi povezava.
Opomba: Če je vozilo nastavljeno na zasebni način, v primeru alarma ne boste prejeli nobenega sporočila.
16. Location Alarm
16.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko določite geografsko območje v obliki kroga. Ko vozilo zapusti ali vstopi v to območje, boste prejeli sporočilo. Nastavljena imate lahko do štiri območja hkrati. V primeru takšnega dogodka (vstop ali izstop vozila iz območja) boste prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo, ki vsebuje zemljevid s prikazom lokacije dogodka.
16.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala sporočilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles.
17. Speed Alarm
17.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko določite hitrost. Če hitrost vozila prekorači nastavljeno hitrost, boste prejeli sporočilo. Nastavljene imate lahko do štiri hitrosti hkrati. V primeru takšnega dogodka (vozilo prekorači nastavljeno hitrost) boste prejeli sporočilo ali obvestilo, ki vsebuje zemljevid s prikazom lokacije dogodka.
17.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala sporočilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles.
18. Valet alarm
18.1 Storitve: Na daljavo lahko vključite ali izključite Valet alarm (kombinacija alarma za lokacijo in alarma za hitrost) s prednastavitvami za geografsko območje in hitrost. Če vozilo zapusti ali vstopi v to območje ali prekorači nastavljeno hitrost, boste prejeli sporočilo.
18.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo poslala obvestilo le, če je v vozilu vključen kontakt in če zazna premikanje koles. Storitev je na voljo le preko aplikacije.
19. Koledar
19.1 Opis: Storitev Koledar omogoča, da se zunanji koledarji, ki so na voljo prek interneta, povežejo neposredno s sistemom PCM. Poleg tega se lahko koledarji, ki so potrjeni za Aplikacijo Porsche Connect na pametnem telefonu, povežejo s sistemom PCM prek Aplikacije Porsche Connect. Storitev omogoča dnevni ali tedenski pregled. Sestanke vam lahko prebere Voice Pilot. Poleg tega storitev razpozna naslove, ki jih vsebujejo vpisi v koledar, in se ti lahko uporabijo neposredno kot cilj navigacije. Mogoče se je tudi neposredno vključiti v telefonsko konferenco, pri čemer se lahko vključite le z mobilnim telefonom, ki je priključen na sistem PCM prek Bluetootha.
19.2 Omejitve uporabe: Povežejo se lahko le javno dostopni spletni koledarji. VPN povezave niso podprte. Neposredno vključevanje v telefonsko konferenco (tj. klic brez vnosa številke PIN ali druge ID številke konference) je mogoče le za
podprte formate vabil in prek Bluetootha z mobilnim telefonom, ki je priključen na sistem PCM.
19.3 Zahteve: Za uporabo storitve v vozilu mora biti podprt spletni koledar povezan z identifikacijsko številko Porsche Stranke PSM. Na pametnem telefonu Stranke PSM, ki se poveže z vozilom, mora biti naložena Aplikacija Connect. Storitev lahko dostopa do koledarja na pametnem telefonu le, če je dostop do koledarja izrecno odobren za Aplikacijo Connect v nastavitvah operacijskega sistema.
20. Načrtovanje polnjenja
20.1 Opis: Storitev »Načrtovanje polnjenja« izboljša pot navigacijskega sistema PCM na podlagi izbranega cilja, preostalega dosega, načina vožnje, trenutnih informacij o prometu, ki so na voljo, ter polnilnih postaj in njihove kapacitete polnjenja, da doseže kar najkrajši skupni potovalni čas (čas vožnje in postankov za polnjenje). Potrebni postanki za polnjenje so avtomatsko vključeni v pot.
21. Music Streaming (Apple Music)
21.1 Opis: Storitev Music Streaming omogoča neposreden in personaliziran dostop do povezane mediateke stranke in funkcij zunanjih ponudnikov pretočnega predvajanja glasbe, kot jih podpira vozilo. Po uvodnih nastavitvah Stranka PSM za uporabo te storitve ne potrebuje več pametnega telefona in jo lahko uporablja s svojo identifikacijsko številko Porsche v vseh vozilih, ki jo podpirajo. Storitev se lahko uporablja tudi v načinu za goste. Za izbrane ponudnike so na voljo ekskluzivne funkcije, kot je neposredno shranjevanje naslovov z radia v mediateko stranke ali navigacija preko storitve Voice Pilot.
21.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev se lahko uporablja le v državah, kjer storitev omogočajo tudi zunanji ponudniki. V načinu za goste se lahko storitev zunanjega ponudnika uporablja le lokalno v vozilu, ne pa tudi v drugih vozilih.
21.3 Zahteve: Za uporabo vsebin mora biti Stranka PSM aktiven naročnik pri nekem zunanjem ponudniku in imeti Paket storitev. Podatki, potrebni za uporabo storitve, so vključeni v Paket storitev. Za uporabo storitve v personaliziranem načinu mora Stranka PSM najprej povezati svoj račun pri zunanjem ponudniku z računom Porsche.
22. Apple CarPlay
22.1 Opis: Storitev Apple CarPlay omogoča, da se posamezne funkcije in aplikacije katerega koli povezanega telefona iPhone, ki podpira storitev, prikazujejo in upravljajo neposredno v sistemu PCM.
22.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev deluje le s telefoni iPhone, ki so tehnično združljivi. Lahko obstajajo še dodatne omejitve v skladu s predpisi posamezne države.
Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če je Stranka potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, v nadaljevanju: »BGB«), ima pravico do odstopa od pogodbe v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena BGB je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju izraz »pogodba« pomeni nakup storitve Porsche Connect. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga.
Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva, ko vam je storitev Porsche Connect na voljo za uporabo (dan aktivacije).
Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, Nemčija, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali elektronski pošti). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno.
Šteje se, da je odstop podan v roku, če je sporočilo glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa oddano pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odstopa od pogodbe
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od pogodbe)
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Services "Porsche Connect" (hereafter referred to as ToU Porsche Connect)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (formerly Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM or We) operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (1) the My Porsche Portal and (2) various online marketplace functionalities (hereafter referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehicles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle independent products and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services. On the Marketplace, PSM also operates the Porsche Connect Store. For the use of the Marketplace including the Porsche Connect Store, the Terms and Conditions for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche's Online Marketplace Functionalities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products (hereafter referred to as T&C) apply. The current version of the T&C can be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book "Porsche Connect" (hereafter Service Package). These ToU Porsche Connect govern the use of Porsche Connect and apply to the order, use and/or renewal of Porsche Connect. These ToU Porsche Connect apply in addition to the T&C. Insofar as a provision of the T&C conflicts with these ToU Porsche Connect, the ToU Porsche Connect prevail.
Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU Porsche Connect. This shall in particular apply to the following terms:
- Customer: defined in section 1.3 of the T&C;
- Porsche Connect Store and Porsche Connect Services: defined in section 3.1.1 of the T&C;
- PSM Customer: defined in section 3.1.2 of the T&C.
„Porsche Connect“
Porsche Connect is exclusively available for the following vehicle models:
- Taycan
Porsche Connect includes – depending on the geographic availability – the services described in the following. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/
Term: from 1 month
Free-of-charge inclusive period: When buying a new Connect- able vehicle, Porsche Connect may be booked free-of-charge for 36 months.
Further requirements for the use of all services included in the Service Package: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereafter referred to as PCM) must have connectivity. If the connectivity is provided via the embedded SIM
card of the PCM, the use of such connectivity for this Service Package is included in the price of the Service Package. If the connectivity is not provided via the embedded SIM card of the PCM (e.g. because connectivity via the embedded SIM card of the PCM is not available in all countries), connectivity may be established using a mobile phone with an appropriate mobile data plan. This requires a separate contract with a mobile service provider. Depending on the contract concluded with the mobile phone provider, this may result in additional costs, including roaming costs when the service is used abroad. If you connect the PCM via your mobile phone, please ensure that this is permitted according to your mobile plan. The availability and speed of the services included in the Service Package depends on the availability and speed of the data connection provided by your mobile service provider.
The following shall apply to the new Taycan with Porsche Connect:
1. Finder
Description: With the service "Finder" you can search for points of interest (e.g. charging stations, petrol stations, restaurants, hotels, and parking spaces) via a system-defined online search engine in a pre-defined database. The search results may provide additional information such as telephone numbers, opening hours, fuel prices, parking fees, or ratings by other users. Points of interest may also be searched, stored, managed and forwarded to the PCM in My Porsche and in the Porsche Connect App.
2. Voice Pilot
2.1 Description: With the service "Voice Pilot", various functions of the PCM and other services can be operated by voice command. The online voice recognition supports the natural language.
2.2 Restrictions of use: The recognition of the natural language is limited to the supported languages. The voice recognition does not always provide the desired results.
3. Navigation Plus
Description: With the service "Navigation Plus", the route calculation of the PCM in the vehicle is supplemented by online services. The PCM's navigation system uses current GPS and traffic data to optimize the route to the entered destination to the minute. In the map view, the roads are marked in color according to the traffic situation. The maps of the PCM navigation system are updated online.
The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By caching the loaded map data of the current vehicle environment, the satellite view will be maintained even if the connectivity is interrupted temporarily. The PCM navigation
system can display street views of a selected destination, if available.
4. Radio Plus
4.1 Description: With the service "Radio Plus", you can access the online channels of radio stations. When Radio Plus is activated and the reception of the radio sources FM or Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is temporarily impaired, the PCM automatically switches to the corresponding online channel of that station (if available). Via the PCM, the service also displays metadata of all songs you play.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The online and hybrid radio functionalities are available in selected countries only.
5. News
5.1 Description: The service allows to call up the latest news by subscribing to RSS feeds directly in the PCM or connecting to a third-party RSS reader. With the Voice Pilot you can have the articles read to you. Via keyword search, the subscribed channels may be browsed for information on preferred topics or keywords.
5.2 Restrictions of use: Use is only possible with RSS readers approved by Porsche.
5.3 Requirements: For a personalized use of the service in the vehicle, an existing or a newly set up RSS reader account must be linked to the Porsche ID of the PSM Customer. Should the PSM Customer not wish to set up an account, he or she may nevertheless search for interesting feeds via the search function and subscribe to such feeds under his or her Porsche ID. In such case, these feeds, however, are available in the vehicle only.
6. Weather
6.1 Description: The service "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the following hours and days for the current position, the activated destination as well as any stored favorites. The forecast comprises for example temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and air quality. Reading aloud via Voice Pilot is possible, too.
6.2 Restrictions of use: The air quality is displayed in China only.
7. Risk Radar
Description: The service "Risk Radar" displays selected local traffic regulations in the form of traffic signs (e.g. speed limits) as infographic in the PCM.
Available information on local hazards, e.g. risk of aquaplaning, are also displayed as infographic in the PCM.
8. Car Control
8.1 Services: You have the option to check the status of your vehicle remotely on the smartphone. The service comprises the display of the outer casing status (e.g. status of the doors), the display of service intervals or the mileage.
9. Trip Control
9.1 Services: You have the option to check the trip data of your vehicle remotely. This includes: Driving time, route, average speed and average consumption for all types of journey (short, recurring, long).
9.2 Restrictions of use: Accessible information is updated only after the ignition status has changed.
10. Horn & Indicator (available from the second half of 2020)
10.1 Services: You have the option to briefly activate the horn or the indicators of your vehicle remotely. You receive a confirmation message or a push notification after the process.
10.2 Restrictions of use: This service is only available if the vehicle is stationary and the ignition and the hazard lights are switched off. Further restrictions may apply according to country-specific regulations.
11. Lock & Unlock (available from the second half of 2020)
11.1 Services: You have the option to remotely lock and unlock the doors and the trunk of your vehicle. You receive a confirmation message or a push notification after the process.
11.2 Restrictions of use: This service is only available if the vehicle is stationary, the driver's door is closed, the ignition is switched off and the key is not inserted into the ignition lock. Further restrictions may apply according to country- specific regulations.
11.3 Note: Using the unlock function in your absence from the vehicle increases the risk of vehicle theft or theft of items placed in the vehicle. To prevent unauthorized use, a four- digit security code must be entered to use the unlock function. You will determine the security code when you register and set up Porsche Connect for the first time. The security code can be changed subsequently in the My Porsche Portal.
12. Car Finder
12.1 Services: You can have the location and position of your vehicle displayed remotely. The current position of the mobile end device used for this function is also displayed on a map. If no current position of the vehicle is available (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the most recently saved GPS position is used. By activating the privacy mode, you can deactivate the transfer of data.
12.2 Restrictions of use: This service is exclusively available when data transfer works failure-free. Other than that, the service is fully available during the journey and when the vehicle is stationary.
13. E-Control
13.1 Services: You can control the status of your Taycan and start or stop the charging process remotely as follows. You can control the connection status, the residual charging time and the current electric range. The electric range is displayed in form of a circle on the map. Furthermore, you can optimize the charging process of the high-voltage battery of your Taycan for a specific departure time. You can set departure timers and you receive a confirmation message or a push notification in case of events (e.g. interruption of the charging process) and as soon as an activated e-timer has run down.
13.2 Restrictions of use: The range indicated as a circle on the map is only an estimated value. The values indicated on the map do not reflect the actual distances. Therefore, locations may actually be outside the electric range even if displayed within the circle indicating the electric range.
14. Climate
Services: You can control the status of the heating and/or air conditioning, switch them on or off remotely. As soon as
the heating and/or air conditioning is switched on or off successfully, you receive a confirmation message or a push notification. Furthermore, you can remotely set the climate timer for remote heating and/or air conditioning. When the timer is set, you receive a confirmation message or a push notification on your mobile device as soon as an activated climate timer has run down.
15. Car Alarm
15.1 Services: You receive a message or a push notification when the anti-theft alarm of your vehicle is triggered. The message provides information on the triggered alarm and a timestamp. Contrary to the "Car Security Package", no third parties are informed about the triggered alarm.
15.2 Restrictions of use: This service can only send a message or a push notification if the vehicle can connect to the Porsche-systems. If the anti-theft alarm is triggered but the control unit of your vehicle has no connectivity (e.g. because it is parked in an underground garage), the message or the push notification is sent as soon as connectivity is available.
Note: If the vehicle is set to privacy mode, no message is sent in case of an alarm.
16. Location Alarm
16.1 Services: You can set a geographic border remotely in the form of a circle. You receive a message as soon as the vehicle leaves or enters this area. You can maintain up to four areas at the same time. In the case of an event (the vehicle leaves or enters an area), you receive a message or a push notification including a map displaying the location where the event took place.
16.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected.
17. Speed Alarm
17.1 Services: You can remotely set a speed value. You receive a message if the speed of the vehicle exceeds the set speed value. You can maintain up to four speed values at the same time. In the case of an event (the vehicle exceeds a speed value), you receive a message or a push notification including a map displaying the location where the event took place.
17.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected.
18. Valet Alarm
18.1 Services: You can activate or deactivate the Valet Alarm (a combination of Location Alarm and Speed Alarm) remotely with presettings for a geographic area and a speed value. You receive a message if the vehicle leaves or enters the area or exceeds the speed value.
18.2 Restrictions of use: This service will only send a push message if the ignition is switched on and a wheel movement is detected. The service is only available via the App.
19. Calendar
19.1 Description: The service Calendar allows third-party calendars available online to be directly linked to the PCM. Additionally, calendars approved for the Porsche Connect App on the smartphone may be connected to the PCM via the Porsche Connect App. The service offers a daily or a weekly view. Appointments can be read to you by the Voice Pilot. Furthermore, addresses contained in calendar entries
can be identified and used directly as navigation destination. Direct dial-in to conference calls is also possible, whereas the dial-in can only take place via your mobile phone connected to the PCM via Bluetooth.
19.2 Restrictions of use: Only publicly available online calendars can be connected. VPN connections are not supported. The direct dial-in to conference calls (i.e. dial-in without entering a PIN or other conference ID) is only possible for supported meeting invitation formats and via Bluetooth with the PCM- connected mobile phone.
19.3 Requirements: In order to use the service in the vehicle, a supported online calendar must be linked to the Porsche ID of the PSM Customer. The Connect App must be downloaded on the PSM Customer's smartphone to be connected with the vehicle. The service can only access the smartphone calendar if access to the calendar is authorized explicitly for the Connect App in the settings of the operating system.
20. Charging Planner
20.1 Description: The service "Charging Planner" improves the travel route of the PCM navigation system based on the destination chosen, the remaining range, the driving profile, available real-time traffic information as well as available charging stations and their charging capacity to achieve the shortest total travel time possible (driving time and charging stops). Required charging stops are automatically included in the travel route.
21. Music Streaming (Apple Music)
21.1 Description: The service Music Streaming offers direct and personalized access to the linked customer's media library and the functionalities of the respective third-party music streaming provider, as supported in the vehicle. Following the initial set-up, the PSM Customer no longer requires a smartphone for its use and can use the service with his/her Porsche ID in all supported vehicles. Moreover, the service can also be used in guest mode. For selected providers, exclusive functions, such as the direct saving of radio titles to the customer-specific media library, or navigation via the Voice Pilot, are available.
21.2 Restrictions of use: The service may only be used in countries where the service is also offered by the third-party provider. In guest mode, the service of a third-party provider may only be used locally in the respective vehicle, but not in any other vehicle.
21.3 Requirements: In order to use the contents, the PSM Customer must have an active subscription of the respective third-party provider and the Service Package. The data required for using the service are included in the Service Package. In order to be able to use the service in a personalized manner, the PSM Customer must link his/her third-party account to the Porsche account once.
22. Apple CarPlay
22.1 Description: With the service Apple CarPlay, individual functions and apps of any connected iPhone that support the service may be displayed and operated directly in the PCM.
22.2 Restrictions of use: The service only works with iPhones that are technically compatible. Further restrictions may apply according to country-specific regulations.
Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, "BGB"), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the
contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 BGB means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. Hereafter, the term "contract" means the purchase of Porsche Connect. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which Porsche Connect is made available to you for use (activation day).
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, Germany, phone number: 0000 00000, email address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of the consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitve Porsche Connect Komfortno odpiranje, Porsche Intelligent Range Manager in Power Steering Plus (v nadaljevanju: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo)
(v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (prej Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Nemčija (v nadaljevanju: Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ali mi), na strani xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja (1) portal My Porsche in (2) različne funkcije spletne tržnice (v nadaljevanju: Tržnica) za (i) prodajo vozil Porsche, delov, opreme in drugih z vozili povezanih in samostojnih izdelkov ter (ii) zagotavljanje z vozili povezanih in samostojnih storitev. Na Tržnici PSM upravlja tudi Trgovino Porsche Connect. Za uporabo Tržnice, vključno s Trgovino Porsche Connect, veljajo Splošni pogoji za uporabo portala My Porsche in spletnih funkcij Tržnice Porsche (vključno s Trgovino Porsche Connect) ter prodajo Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov Porsche Smart Mobility (v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji). Trenutna različica Splošnih pogojev je kadar koli na voljo za dostop, prenos in tiskanje na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
V Trgovini Porsche Connect lahko uporabnik naroči tudi Posamezne storitve funkcije na zahtevo (1.) »Komfortno odpiranje«, (2.) »Porsche Intelligent Range Manager«, in (3.) »Power Steering Plus«. Ti Pogoji uporabe posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo veljajo za uporabo Posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo ter za naročanje, uporabo in/ali podaljšanje Posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo. Vsaka Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo predstavlja samostojno storitev in se lahko naroči posebej. Ti Pogoji uporabe posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo veljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev. Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo.
Izrazi, opredeljeni v Splošnih pogojih, imajo enak pomen v teh Pogojih uporabe posameznih funkcij na zahtevo. To zlasti velja za naslednje izraze:
- Stranka: opredeljeno v členu 1.3 Splošnih pogojev;
- Trgovina Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect: opredeljeno v členu 3.1.1 Splošnih pogojev;
- Stranka PSM: opredeljeno v členu 3.1.2 Splošnih pogojev.
Posamezne storitve funkcije na zahtevo so na voljo le v določenih državah. Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost Posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo je navedena v Trgovini Porsche Connect na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/
1. Komfortno odpiranje
1.1 Opis: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo »Komfortno odpiranje« omogoča odklepanje in zaklepanje vozila brez aktivne uporabe ključa, vključno z brezkontaktnim odpiranjem in zapiranjem pokrova prtljažnika z zamahom noge.
1.2 Zahteve: Ni
1.3 Obdobje uporabe: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo
»Komfortno odpiranje« se lahko kupi kot enkratna doživljenjska Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo in je Stranki PSM na voljo za celotno obdobje uporabe vozila.
1.4 Aktivacija: Po nakupu Posamezne storitve funkcije na zahtevo »Komfortno odpiranje« v Trgovini Porsche Connect je treba storitev aktivirati v vozilu; za aktivacijo mora biti vozilo priključeno na internet.
1.5 Cene/plačilni pogoji: Xxxx in plačilni pogoji so navedeni v Trgovini Porsche Connect.
2. Porsche Intelligent Range Manager
2.1 Opis: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo »Porsche Intelligent Range Manager« glede na pot prilagaja najvišjo hitrost in delovanje klimatske naprave, da doseže najkrajši čas vožnje z največjim udobjem. Poleg tega vas sistem proaktivno vodi med potovanjem, če je čas vožnje mogoče zmanjšati z uporabo drugačnih nastavitev vozila.
2.2 Zahteve: Ni
2.3 Obdobje uporabe: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo
»Porsche Intelligent Range Manager« se lahko kupi kot enkratna doživljenjska Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo in je Stranki PSM na voljo za celotno obdobje uporabe vozila.
2.4 Aktivacija: Po nakupu Posamezne storitve funkcije na zahtevo »Porsche Intelligent Range Manager« v Trgovini Porsche Connect je treba storitev aktivirati v vozilu; za aktivacijo mora biti vozilo priključeno na internet.
2.5 Cene/plačilni pogoji: Xxxx in plačilni pogoji so navedeni v Trgovini Porsche Connect.
3. Power Steering Plus
3.1 Opis: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo »Power Steering Plus« dinamično prilagaja krmiljenje vaši hitrosti: Pri visoki hitrosti se krmiljenje odziva neposredno in z veliko natančnostjo. Pri nizki hitrosti omogoča posebej gladko manevriranje in parkiranje.
3.3 Obdobje uporabe: Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo
»Power Steering Plus« se lahko kupi kot enkratna doživljenjska Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo in je Stranki PSM na voljo za celotno obdobje uporabe vozila.
3.4 Aktivacija: Po nakupu Posamezne storitve funkcije na zahtevo »Power Steering Plus« v Trgovini Porsche Connect je treba storitev aktivirati v vozilu; za aktivacijo mora biti vozilo priključeno na internet.
3.5 Cene/plačilni pogoji: Xxxx in plačilni pogoji so navedeni v Trgovini Porsche Connect.
4. Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če je Stranka potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, v nadaljevanju: »BGB«), ima pravico do odstopa od pogodbe v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena BGB je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V
nadaljevanju izraz »pogodba« pomeni nakup ene izmed zgoraj navedenih Posameznih storitev funkcije na zahtevo. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva, ko vam je Posamezna storitev funkcije na zahtevo na voljo za uporabo (dan aktivacije). Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, Nemčija, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali elektronski pošti). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je odstop podan v roku, če je sporočilo glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa oddano pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odstopa od pogodbe
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od pogodbe)
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (ki vključuje Posamezno storitev funkcije na zahtevo) (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Services Comfort Access, Porsche Intelligent Range Manager and Power Steering Plus (hereafter each referred to as
FOD Single Service)
(hereafter referred to as ToU FOD Single Services)
Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH (formerly Porsche Connect GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM or We), operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (1) the My Porsche Portal and (2) various online marketplace functionalities (hereafter referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehicles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle independent products and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services. On the Marketplace, PSM also operates the Porsche Connect Store. For the use of the Marketplace including the Porsche Connect Store, the Terms and Conditions for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche's Online Marketplace Functionalities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products (hereafter referred to as T&C) apply. The current version of the T&C can be accessed, downloaded and printed at any time at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In the Porsche Connect Store, the user may also book the FOD Single Services (1.) "Comfort Access", (2.) "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager", and (3.) "Power Steering Plus". These ToU FOD Single Services shall govern the use of these FOD Single Services and shall apply to the order, use and/or renewal of the respective FOD Single Service. Each FOD Single Service shall represent an independent service and may be ordered separately. These ToU FOD Single Services shall apply in addition to the T&C. Insofar as a provision of the T&C conflicts with these ToU FOD Single Services, the ToU FOD Single Services shall prevail.
Any terms defined in the T&C shall have the same meaning in these ToU FOD Single Services. This shall in particular apply to the following terms:
- Customer: defined in section 1.3 of the T&C;
- Porsche Connect Store and Porsche Connect Services: defined in section 3.1.1 of the T&C;
- PSM Customer: defined in section 3.1.2 of the T&C.
The respective FOD Single Services are available in specific countries only. The current geographic availability of the respective FOD Single Services can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/
1. Comfort Access
1.1 Description: The FOD Single Service "Comfort Access" enables unlocking and locking of the vehicle without active key usage, including contactless opening and closing of the tailgate via foot gesture.
1.2 Requirements: None
1.3 Period of use: The FOD Single Service "Comfort Access" may be purchased as a one-off lifetime FOD Single Service and is available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle.
1.4 Activation: After purchasing the FOD Single Service "Comfort Access" in the Porsche Connect Store, the service must be
activated in the vehicle; the vehicle must be connected to the Internet for activation.
1.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
2. Porsche Intelligent Range Manager
2.1 Description: The FOD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" adjusts the maximum speed as well as the air conditioning depending on the route in order to achieve the shortest travel time with maximum comfort. In addition, the system proactively provides you with guidance during the trip if your travel time could be reduced using a different vehicle setup.
2.2 Requirements: None
2.3 Period of use: The FOD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" may be purchased as a one-off lifetime FOD Single Service and is available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle.
2.4 Activation: After purchasing the FOD Single Service "Porsche Intelligent Range Manager" in the Porsche Connect Store, the service must be activated in the vehicle; the vehicle must be connected to the Internet for activation.
2.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
3. Power Steering Plus
3.1 Description: The FOD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" dynamically adjusts the steering to your speed: At high speeds, the steering responds directly and with greater precision. At low speeds, it enables particularly smooth maneuvering and parking.
3.2 Requirements: None3.3 Period of use: The FOD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" may be purchased as a one-off lifetime FOD Single Service and is available to the PSM Customer for the entire period of use of the vehicle.
3.4 Activation: After purchasing the FOD Single Service "Power Steering Plus" in the Porsche Connect Store, the service must be activated in the vehicle; the vehicle must be connected to the Internet for activation.
3.5 Prices/payment terms: The prices and payment terms are described in the Porsche Connect Store.
4. Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (Buergerliches Gesetzbuch, "BGB"), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 BGB means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. Hereafter, the term "contract" means the purchase of one of the FOD Single
Services mentioned above. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which the FOD Single Service is made available to you for use (activation day). To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH -
P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, Germany, phone number: 0000 00000, email address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (including FOD Single Service) (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of the consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate