za Portal Porsche Connect, Trgovino Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect ter Izdelke Porsche (v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji)
Porsche Connect GmbH, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-00000 Xxxxxxxxx (v nadaljevanju: Porsche Connect ali Mi) Strankam zagotavlja (a) Portal Porsche Connect (v nadaljevanju: Portal), (b) Trgovino Porsche Connect (v nadaljevanju: Trgovina), (c) storitve v zvezi z vozili, zlasti informacijske storitve (v nadaljevanju: Storitve Porsche Connect) (Portal, Trgovina in Storitve Porsche Connect v nadaljevanju skupaj imenovani Storitve) ter (d) morebitne druge izdelke in storitve (v nadaljevanju: Izdelki Porsche).
Splošni pogoji veljajo za vašo uporabo Portala, Trgovine ter naročanje in uporabo Storitev Porsche Connect kot tudi nakup in morebitno uporabo Izdelkov Porsche kot Stranke družbe Porsche Connect (tj. kot primarni uporabnik, sekundarni uporabnik ter zainteresirana oseba v smislu teh Splošnih pogojev). Porsche Connect ponuja vrsto različnih storitev in izdelkov. Za te v posameznih primerih lahko veljajo dodatni pogoji.
1. Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche
1.1 Za namene zagotavljanja Storitev in izbranih Izdelkov Porsche Stranki je potrebno, da Stranka in družba Porsche Connect skleneta Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche. Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche se sklene (a) v zvezi z nakupom motornega vozila, tako da se ti Splošni pogoji vnesejo v ločeno pogodbo za nakup motornega vozila, (b) s sprejemom ob registraciji na Portalu ali (c) s sprejemom ob naročilu ene ali več Storitev Porsche Connect v Trgovini kot okvirna pogodba za zagotavljanje, uporabo in naročanje Storitev. Sama Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche (tj. brez kakršnega koli naročanja Storitev Porsche Connect ali nakupa Izdelkov Porsche) ne nalaga Stranki nobene obveznosti nakupa in/ali obveznosti plačila.
1.2 Vsebina Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche je določena v teh Splošnih pogojih, in sicer v vsakokratni zadnji različici, ki velja ob sklenitvi Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche. Če Porsche Connect spremeni te Splošne pogoje po sklenitvi Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche, so spremembe veljavne, ko jih Stranka sprejme.
1.3 Stranka se zavezuje, (a) da bo ob registraciji na Portalu navedla točne in resnične osebne podatke in (b) da bo v primeru spremembe vsakokrat nemudoma popravila podatke na Portalu, če so takšni podatki obvezni za izvajanje Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche. Takšni podatki so označeni kot obvezni podatki ob zahtevi za vnos na Portalu in v Trgovini.
2. Primarni in sekundarni uporabniki, zainteresirane osebe
2.1 Primarni uporabnik v zvezi z motornih vozilom Connect (tj. motorno vozilo Porsche, pri katerem je mogoče uporabljati Storitve Porsche Connect) je Stranka, ki je (a) lastnik, (b) imetnik motornega vozila in/ali
(c) član skupine uporabnikov, ki jo družba Porsche Connect izrecno potrdi kot primarnega uporabnika (zlasti jemalci leasinga ali zaposleni, ki uporabljajo službeno vozilo). Vsako motorno vozilo s funkcijo
Connect ima natanko enega primarnega uporabnika. Primarnemu uporabniku je na voljo celoten nabor funkcij Portala, Trgovine in naročenih Storitev Porsche Connect.
2.2 Sekundarni uporabnik v zvezi z motornih vozilom s funkcijo Connect je Stranka, ki ni primarni uporabnik, vendar jo je primarni uporabnik pooblastil kot sekundarnega uporabnika, in je sklenila Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche. Nabor funkcij Portala, Trgovine in naročenih Storitev Porsche Connect je odvisen od obsega pravic, ki jih sekundarnemu uporabniku odobri primarni uporabnik oz. sistem.
2.3 Zainteresirana oseba je Stranka, ki ni niti primarni niti sekundarni uporabnik vsaj enega motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect (zlasti potencialni kupec motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect). Če že, se zainteresirani osebi zagotovi Portal z omejenim naborom funkcij (zlasti naročanje in nastavitve Storitev Porsche Connect niso mogoče).
3. Naročanje Storitev Porsche Connect
3.1 Posamezne ali več Storitev Porsche Connect se lahko naročijo posebej za motorno vozilo s funkcijo Connect, za katero obstaja Povezava z vozilom na Portalu (glej točko 3.4) v Trgovini v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji in morebitnimi nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe. Če je določilo teh Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s posameznimi nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe, prevladajo nadaljnji pogoji uporabe.
3.2 Razpoložljivost, opis, trajanje in cene Storitev Porsche Connect so podrobno opredeljeni v Trgovini in so lahko določeni v nadaljnjih pogojih uporabe. Razpoložljivost Storitev Porsche Connect je odvisna od opreme posameznega vozila.
3.3 Storitve Porsche Connect, ki jih naroči Primarni uporabnik, so vezane na vozilo in jih ni mogoče prenesti na drugo motorno vozilo Connect ali jih uporabljati v drugem motornem vozilu s funkcijo Connect. To velja tudi v primeru, če je Primarni uporabnik enega motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect hkrati tudi Primarni uporabnik drugega motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect.
3.4 Stranke lahko na Portalu preverijo, če oz. katera vozila so povezana z njihovo Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche (v nadaljevanju: Povezava z vozilom) in za katero Povezavo z vozilom so opredeljeni kot Primarni ali Sekundarni uporabnik. Če se posamezna Povezava z vozilom Primarnemu uporabniku na Portalu ne prikaže, lahko Primarni uporabnik zaprosi preko Portala ali preko centra Porsche za vzpostavitev ustrezne Povezave z vozilom na Portalu. Povezava z vozilom se vzpostavi na podlagi predložitve ustreznega dokazila družbi Porsche Connect, v primeru rabljenega vozila pa je potrebno izbrisati Povezavo z vozilom s prejšnjim Primarnim uporabnikom v skladu s točko 6.1 (1).
4. Uporaba Storitev
4.1 Stranka ne sme uporabljati Storitev v nedovoljene namene in Stranka takšne uporabe ne sme dovoliti tretjim osebam. Stranka ne sme uporabljati podatkov in informacij, ki jih je prejela med uporabo Storitev, v poslovne namene ali jih razkrivati tretjim osebam za poslovne namene.
4.2 Stranka je seznanjena, da se bodo v zvezi z uporabo Storitev določeni podatki – lahko tudi osebni podatki – zbirali z namenom zagotavljanja Storitev Stranki. Odvisno od naročene Storitve Porsche Connect je lahko na primer za zagotavljanje določene Storitve Porsche Connect potrebno zbirati podatke o statusu določenih delov ali zbirati podatke o okolju in jih analizirati. V te namene se lahko podatki pošiljajo tudi drugim družbam Porsche in zunanjim tretjim osebam, ki za družbo Porsche Connect ali drugo družbo Porsche opravljajo tovrstne storitve.
5. Nakup Izdelkov Porsche
5.1 Posamezni ali več Xxxxxxxx Porsche se lahko posebej kupijo v Trgovini v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji in nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe. Če je določilo teh Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju z nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe, prevladajo nadaljnji pogoji uporabe.
5.2 Razpoložljivost, opis, (morebitno) trajanje in cene Izdelkov Porsche so podrobno opredeljeni v Trgovini in so lahko določeni v nadaljnjih pogojih uporabe.
5.3 Za nakup Xxxxxxxx Porsche lahko veljajo še drugi bolj obsežni pogoji. V
tem primeru bomo nanje pred nakupom izrecno opozorili.
6. Prodaja oziroma trajen prenos vozila; Prenos Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche
6.1 V primeru prodaje ali trajnega prenosa motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect na tretjo osebo (v nadaljevanju: Kupec rabljenega vozila), mora Primarni uporabnik (1) izbrisati zadevno Povezavo z vozilom na Portalu in (2) seznaniti Kupca rabljenega vozila s kakršnimi koli Storitvami Porsche Connect, ki obstajajo za motorno vozilo s funkcijo Connect.
6.2 V primeru prodaje ali trajnega prenosa motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect Primarni uporabnik poleg pravic, ki jih ima v zvezi z odpovedjo v skladu s točko 7, lahko (1) odpove vse Storitve Porsche Connect v zvezi z zadevnim vozilom in (2) če nobeno drugo vozilo ni povezano z Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche, lahko tudi v celoti odpove Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu meseca. Če je Storitev Porsche Connect odpovedana pred njenim iztekom v skladu s 1. stavkom, Stranka ne prejme nobenega (niti proporcionalnega) vračila svojega plačila. Kupec rabljenega vozila pa lahko koristi preostalo obdobje, če sklene Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche in naroči takšno Storitev Porsche Connect. Primarni uporabnik je prost, da se s Kupcem rabljenega vozila dogovori glede morebitnega nadomestila v višini preostale vrednosti Storitev Porsche Connect.
6.3 Prenos Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche s Stranke na tretjo osebo ni
dovoljen brez soglasja družbe Porsche Connect.
7. Trajanje in prenehanje Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche in Storitev Porsche Connect
7.1 Primarni uporabnik in družba Porsche Connect lahko odpovesta brezplačno Storitev Porsche Connect brez dogovorjenega minimalnega trajanja (tj. Storitev Porsche Connect, za katero ni dogovorjeno minimalno trajanje; glej točko 7.2) z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu meseca.
7.2 Primarni uporabnik in družba Porsche Connect lahko odpovesta Storitev Porsche Connect za določen čas (tj. Storitev Porsche Connect, za katero je dogovorjeno minimalno obdobje z avtomatičnim podaljšanjem) z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu obdobja,
če bi se obdobje sicer avtomatično podaljšalo. Pogoji uporabe za posamezno Storitev Porsche Connect lahko določajo drugačen način odpovedi.
7.3 Stranka in družba Porsche Connect lahko kadar koli v celoti odpovesta Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche, če ni nobenega vozila, ki bi bilo vezano na Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche.
7.4 Stranka in družba Porsche Connect lahko odpovesta Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu meseca. Stranka bo v vsakem primeru prejemala Storitve Porsche Connect v skladu z ustreznimi določili teh Splošnih pogojev do konca posameznega obdobja ali njihove odpovedi v skladu s točkami 7.1 do 7.3.
7.5 Odpoved v skladu s točko 6.2 ter točkami od 7.1 do 7.4 se lahko poda pisno, preko elektronske pošte ali preko Portala na naslednji način:
V zvezi s točko 7.2 preko funkcije "Terminate Automatic Prolongation"
(Odpoved avtomatskega podaljšanja);
V zvezi s točko 7.3 preko funkcije "Delete Account" (Izbris računa).
7.6 Zgornja določila ne vplivajo na pravico do odstopa od pogodbe iz utemeljenega razloga.
8. Pravica potrošnika do odpovedi
Če je Stranka potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), ima pravico do odpovedi v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe v skladu s točko 1.1 in 3.1. Pravica do odpovedi za Stranke, ki so potrošniki v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), se lahko razlikuje za nakup Izdelkov Porsche v skladu s členom 5.1; v takem primeru bodo podane posebne informacije. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odpovedi:
Navodila glede odpovedi
Pravica do odpovedi
Pravico imate, da odpoveste to pogodbo v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. O uveljavljanju pravice do odpovedi nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odpovedi te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priložen obrazec za odpoved, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odpovedi poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odpovedi
Če odpoveste to pogodbo, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odpovedi te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odpovedi pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odpoved
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odpovedati to pogodbo)
– Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odpovedi (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*) / za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
10.4 Omejitev odgovornosti, navedena zgoraj, ne velja za škodo, povzročeno namenoma ali iz hude malomarnosti, krivdno povzročene osebne poškodbe ali odgovornost v skladu z nemškim Zakonom o odgovornosti za izdelke ali v primeru kakršne koli nadaljnje odgovornosti po zakonu. Prav tako ne velja, če in v obsegu, kot je družba Porsche Connect izdala jamstvo.
11. Varstvo podatkov
Stranka mora voznike vozila, za katero obstaja Povezava z vozilom, obvestiti o politiki zasebnosti družbe Porsche Connect in možnosti zbiranja njihovih osebnih podatkov med uporabo Storitev Porsche Connect.
9. Pravice v zvezi z napakami
Glede pravic v zvezi z napakami se uporabljajo zakonska določila.
10. Odgovornost
10.1 Družba Porsche Connect ne odgovarja za točnost in ažurnost
podatkov in informacij, ki jih preko Storitev zagotavljajo tretje osebe.
10.2 V primeru lahke malomarnosti družba Porsche Connect odgovarja le za kršitve bistvenih pogodbenih obveznosti, tj. obveznosti, ki jih ima družba Porsche Connect po pogodbi v skladu z njenim ciljem in namenom ali katerih izpolnitev šteje kot potrebna za ustrezno in skrbno izpolnitev pogodbe in se Stranka upravičeno ves čas nanje zanaša. Ta odgovornost je omejena na tipično predvidljivo škodo v času sklenitve pogodbe.
10.3 Osebna odgovornost zakonitih zastopnikov, predstavnikov in zaposlenih družbe Porsche Connect za škodo, povzročeno iz lahke malomarnosti, je prav tako omejena na obseg, ki je opisan pod točko 10.2.
Nadaljnje informacije so na voljo v politiki zasebnosti na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/xxxxxxx
12. Končne določbe
12.1 Če je Stranka prodajalec, pravna oseba javnega prava ali poseben investicijski sklad (Sondervermögen), se vsi spori, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenih dogovorov med Stranko in družbo Porsche Connect, rešujejo pred sodiščem v Stuttgartu, Nemčija.
12.2 Za vse spore, ki bi izhajali iz ali v zvezi s pogodbenimi dogovori, se uporablja nemško pravo ob izključitvi Konvencije Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga. To ne vpliva na zakonska določila o omejitvi izbire prava in zlasti ne na uporabo prava države, v kateri ima Stranka kot potrošnik stalno prebivališče.
12.3 Informacije glede reševanja potrošniških sporov preko spleta ali alternativnega reševanja potrošniških sporov lahko najdete tukaj: xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/xxxxxxxxx/x/xxxxx
12.4 Splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. V primeru razlik med slovensko in angleško različico prevlada slovenska različica.
Terms and Conditions
for the Porsche Connect Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (hereafter referred to as T&C)
Porsche Connect GmbH, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-00000 Stuttgart (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect or We) provides the Customers with (a) the Porsche Connect Portal (hereafter referred to as Portal), (b) the Porsche Connect Store (hereafter referred to as Store), (c) vehicle related services, especially information services (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Services) (Portal, Store and Porsche Connect Services hereafter together referred to as Services) and (d) possible further products and services (hereafter referred to as Porsche Products).
These T&C apply for your use of the Portal, the Store and the booking and use of Porsche Connect Services as well as the purchase and possible use of Porsche Products as Customer of Porsche Connect (that is as a primary user, a secondary user and an interested party within the meaning of these T&C). Porsche Connect offers a selection of different services and products. For such additional conditions may apply in certain cases.
1. Porsche ID-Contract
1.1 In order to provide the Customer with the Services and selected Porsche Products, the conclusion of a Porsche ID-Contract entered into between the Customer and Porsche Connect is necessary. The Porsche ID-Contract is concluded (a) in connection with the vehicle purchase by incorporating these T&C into the separate vehicle purchase agreement, (b) by acceptance through registration on the Portal or (c) by acceptance at the time of booking one or several Porsche Connect Services in the Store as a framework agreement for the provision, use and booking of Services. The Porsche ID-Contract alone (that means without any booking of Porsche Connect Services or without any purchase of Porsche Products) does not impose any purchase obligation and/or payment obligation on the Customer.
1.2 The content of the Porsche ID-Contract is determined by these T&C, in each case in their most recent version at the time of the conclusion of the Porsche ID-Contract. If Porsche Connect amends these T&C after the conclusion of a Porsche ID-Contract, the changes will be valid as of acceptance by the Customer.
1.3 The Customer is obliged (a) to provide accurate and truthful information about his/her person at the time of registration on the Portal and (b) in case of respective changes to correct without undue delay the information on the Portal insofar such information are mandatory for the performance of the Porsche ID-Contract. Such mandatory information are marked as such when requested on the Portal and the Store.
2. Primary- and secondary users, interested parties
2.1 Primary users in relation to a Connect-able vehicle (that is a Porsche with which Porsche Connect Services may be used) is the Customer who is (a) the owner, (b) the keeper of the vehicle and/or (c) a
member of a user group which is explicitly permitted by Porsche Connect as primary user (in particular lessees or employees which are provided with a company car). A Connect-able vehicle has exactly one primary user. For a primary user the complete scope of functions of the Portal, the Store and the booked Porsche Connect Services is available.
2.2 Secondary users in relation to a Connect-able vehicle is a Customer, who is not a primary user but who is authorized as secondary user by the primary user and who has concluded a Porsche ID-Contract. The scope of functions of the Portal, the Store and the booked Porsche Connect Services depends on the scope of rights granted by the primary user and/or the system to the secondary user.
2.3 Interested party is a Customer who is neither primary nor secondary user in relation to at least one Connect-able vehicle (in particular a potential purchaser of a Connect-able vehicle). If at all, the Portal with limited scope of functions is provided to an interested party (in particular the booking and configuration of Porsche Connect Services is not possible).
3. Booking of Porsche Connect Services
3.1 Individual or several Porsche Connect Services may separately be booked for a Connect-able vehicle for which a Vehicle Link exists in the Portal (see No. 3.4) in the Store in accordance with these T&C and possible further applicable terms of use. Insofar a provision of these T&C conflicts with the respective further terms of use, the further terms of use shall prevail.
3.2 Availability, description, term and prices of the Porsche Connect Services are detailed in the Store and may be specified in the further terms of use. The availability of Porsche Connect Services depends on the equipment of the respective vehicle.
3.3 The Porsche Connect Services booked by the relevant Primary User are vehicle-bound and may not be transferred to another Connect-able vehicle or be used in another Connect-able vehicle. This also applies if the Primary User of the respective Connect-able vehicle is also a Primary User of another Connect-able vehicle at the same time.
3.4 Customers may view on the Portal whether and if so which vehicles are linked with their Porsche ID-Contract (hereafter referred to as Vehicle Link) and for which Vehicle Link they are defined as Primary or Secondary Users. If a respective Vehicle Link is not displayed to a Primary User on the Portal, the Primary User may request on the Portal or through a Porsche Center the set-up of the respective Vehicle Link on the Portal. The set-up of the respective Vehicle Link can be made subject by Porsche Connect to the provision of appropriate proof and in case of a used vehicle subject to the deletion of the relevant Vehicle Link by the previous Primary User according to No. 6.1 (1).
4. Use of Services
4.1 The Customer may not use the Services for illegal purposes and the Customer will not permit that third parties will do so. The Customer is not entitled to process the data and information received during the use of the Services for business purposes or to disclose such data and information to any third parties for business purposes.
4.2 The Customer acknowledges that in connection with the use of Services certain data - potentially also personal data - will be collected in order to provide the Services to the Customer. It may for example be necessary depending on the booked Porsche Connect Service for the provision of the respective Porsche Connect Service to collect the status of certain parts or to collect data on the environment and to analyze such data. For these purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Connect or other Porsche entities in this context.
5. Purchase of Porsche Products
5.1 Individual or several Porsche Products may be separately purchased in the Store in accordance with these T&C and further terms of use. Insofar a provision of these T&C conflicts with the further terms of use, the further terms of use shall prevail.
5.2 Availability, description, (as the case may be) term and prices of the Porsche Products are detailed in the Store and may be specified in the further terms of use.
5.3 Please note that the purchase of Porsche Products may be subject to other and farther-reaching conditions. Insofar this is the case, we will expressly indicate this prior to the purchase.
6. Sale and/or permanent transfer of the vehicle; Transfer of the Porsche ID-Contract
6.1 In case of sale or permanent transfer of a Connect-able vehicle to a third party (hereafter referred to as Used-Car Purchaser) the Primary User has (1) to delete the respective Vehicle Link on the Portal and (2) to inform the Used-Car Purchaser on any existing Porsche Connect Services for the respective Connect-able vehicle.
6.2 In case of sale or permanent transfer of a Connect-able vehicle, the Primary User - in addition to his/her termination rights pursuant to No. 7 - (1) may terminate all Porsche Connect Services concerning the relevant vehicle and (2) in case that no further vehicle is linked to the Porsche ID-Contract, may also terminate the Porsche ID-Contract as a whole with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the month. Insofar as a Porsche Connect Service is terminated before the end of its term pursuant to sentence 1, there will be no reimbursement (not even proportionally) of the respective made payment. The Used-Car Purchaser may however make use of the remaining term if he/she concludes a Porsche ID-Contract and books the respective Porsche Connect Service. The primary user is free to make an arrangement with the Used-Car Purchaser with respect to a possible compensation in the amount of the remaining value of the Porsche Connect Services.
6.3 A Porsche ID-Contract existing with a Customer may not be transferred to a third party without the Porsche Connect's approval.
7. Term and Termination of the Porsche ID-Contract and the Porsche Connect Services
7.1 The Primary User and Porsche Connect may terminate a free of charge Porsche Connect Service without an agreed minimum term (that is a Porsche Connect Service for which no minimum term is agreed; see insofar No. 7.2 below) with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the month.
7.2 The Primary User and Porsche Connect may terminate a fixed-term Porsche Connect Service (that is a Porsche Connect Service for which a fixed term with an automatic prolongation of such term is agreed) with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the term, if otherwise the term would be prolonged automatically. The terms of use for the respective Porsche Connect Service may govern deviating termination modalities.
7.3 The Customer and Porsche Connect may terminate the Porsche ID- Contract as a whole at any time, in case no vehicle is linked to the Porsche ID-Contract.
7.4 The Customer and Porsche Connect may terminate the Porsche ID- Contract with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the month. The Porsche Connect Services will in any case be provided to the Customer subject to the respective applicable numbers of these T&C until the end of the respective term or their termination pursuant to No. 7.1 to 7.3.
7.5 The termination pursuant to No. 6.2 as well as No. 7.1 to 7.4 may be made in writing, via email or via the Portal as follows.
With respect to No. 7.2 via the function "Terminate Automatic Prolongation";
With respect to No 7.3 via the function "Delete Account".
7.6 A right of termination for cause remains unaffected by the
aforementioned provisions.
8. Right of withdrawal for consumers
If the Customer is a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract pursuant to No. 1.1 and
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e- mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion
3.1. A deviating right of withdrawal may apply for Customers that are consumers within the meaning of Sec. 13 German Civil Code (BGB) for the purchase of Porsche Products, pursuant to No. 5.1; in such case a specific information will be provided. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
10.3 The personal liability of statutory representatives, agents and employees of Porsche Connect for damages caused by slight negligence is also limited to the extent described in No. 10.2.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
10.4 The limitation of liability as set out above shall not apply to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, culpably caused personal injuries nor to any liability under the German Product Liability Act and in case of any further mandatory liability. Furthermore, it shall not apply if and to the extent Porsche Connect has assumed a guaranty.
9. Defect rights
The statutory provisions regarding defects apply.
10. Liability
10.1 Porsche Connect accepts no liability for the accuracy and actuality of data and information provided via the Services by third parties.
10.2 In case of slight negligence Porsche Connect is liable only for violations of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations); hence such obligations the contract is deemed to impose on Porsche Connect according to its objectives and purpose or the very fulfilment of which are deemed to be necessary for due and careful completion of the contract and may with good reason be permanently relied on by the Customer. This liability is limited to the typically foreseeable damage at the time of entering into the contract.
11. Data protection
The customer is obliged to inform drivers of a vehicle for which a Vehicle Link exists on the privacy policy of Porsche Connect and the possibility of the collection of their personal data during the use of Porsche Connect Services.
Further information can be found in the privacy policy under xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/xxxxxxx.
12. Final provisions
12.1 To the extent that the Customer is a merchant, a legal person under public law or a special assets (Sondervermögen) under public law, Stuttgart, Germany is the exclusive forum for all disputes arising from contractual agreements entered into between the Customer and Porsche Connect.
12.2 For all disputes arising from or in relation to this contractual agreement, German law applies under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The statutory provisions limiting the choice of law and in particular the application of statutory laws of the country, in which the Customer as a consumer has its habitual residence, remain unaffected.
12.3 Information regarding the online dispute resolutions for consumer disputes or regarding alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes can be found here: xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/xxxxxxxxx/x/xxxxx
12.4 The T&C are drafted in English and in Slovenian. In case of any discrepancies between the Slovenian and English version, the Slovenian version shall prevail.
Pogoji uporabe
za Storitve Porsche Connect »Navigacijske in infotainment storitve« (v nadaljevanju: Pogoji uporabe)
Ti Pogoji uporabe veljajo za uporabo paketa storitev
»Navigacijske in infotainment storitve« družbe Porsche Connect. Ti Pogoji uporabe se uporabljajo poleg Splošnih pogojev za Portal Porsche Connect, Trgovino Porsche Connect in Storitve Porsche Connect ter Izdelke Porsche (Splošni pogoji). Če je določilo Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s temi Pogoji uporabe, prevladajo Pogoji uporabe.
Paket storitev »Navigacijske in infotainment storitve«
Paket storitev »Navigacijske in infotainment storitve« vključuje – glede na geografsko razpoložljivost – 17 spodaj opisanih komponent paketa storitev ali manj. Trenutna geografska razpoložljivost je na voljo v Trgovini Porsche Connect na povezavi xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/
Obdobje trajanja: 1 leto
Vključeno obdobje trajanja: Ob nakupu novega motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect, ki vključuje opcijo »Connect Plus«, lahko paket storitev »Navigacijske in infotainment storitve« naročite brezplačno za obdobje dveh let.
Dodatna zahteva za uporabo vseh komponent paketa storitev: Sistem za upravljanje komunikacije Porsche Communication Management motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect (v nadaljevanju: PCM) mora biti priključen na internet. V ta namen je potrebna ločena pogodba s ponudnikom mobilnih storitev o zakupu prenosa podatkov preko interneta, za kar lahko nastanejo dodatni stroški, vključno s stroški gostovanja za uporabo storitev v tujini. Lahko se v čitalnik SIM kartice na PCM vstavi SIM kartica z ustreznim zakupom prenosa podatkov ali se vzpostavi povezava z mobilnim telefonom z ustreznim zakupom prenosa podatkov. Seznam združljivih mobilnih telefonov lahko najdete v navodilih za uporabo vašega vozila. Če PCM povežete z mobilnim telefonom, preverite, da je to dovoljeno v skladu z vašim zakupljenim prenosom podatkov. Razpoložljivost in hitrost komponent paketa storitev je odvisna od razpoložljivosti in hitrosti internetne povezave.
1. Prometne informacije v realnem času
Storitve: Navigacijski sistem PCM uporablja trenutne podatke GPS in podatke o količini prometa za optimizacijo poti do vnesenega cilja vsako minuto. Količina prometa bo dodatno označena z barvo na prikazanem zemljevidu: od zelene za redek promet, rumene za zgoščen promet do rdeče za prometne zastoje.
2. Posodobitev spletnega zemljevida
Storitve: Zemljevidi navigacijskega sistema PCM se lahko posodabljajo preko interneta. PCM prikazuje posodobitve, ki so na voljo.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Storitve: Navigacijski sistem PCM lahko prikazuje zemljevid v satelitskem pogledu. S pomočjo vmesnega shranjevanja naloženih kartografskih podatkov o trenutni okolici vozila se prikaz satelitskega pogleda ohrani tudi v primeru začasne prekinitve internetne povezave.
4. GOOGLE® Street View
4.1 Storitve: Za omogočanje boljše orientacije Strank navigacijski sistem PCM prikazuje 360-stopinjske panoramske posnetke ulic in krajev, za katere so takšni posnetki na voljo.
4.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo na voljo med vožnjo v celoti, delno ali le, ko vozilo stoji, odvisno od določil za posamezno državo.
5. Spletno iskanje
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Spletno iskanje« Strankam omogoča, da poiščejo naslove ali posebne cilje s pomočjo spletnega iskalnika, ki je nastavljen v sistemu. Zadetki iskanja deloma vsebujejo tudi dodatne informacije, kot so telefonske številke, odpiralni časi ali ocene s strani drugih spletnih uporabnikov.
6. Voice POI
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Voice POI« omogoča glasovno upravljanje komponente paketa storitev »Spletno iskanje«. Podpira predvsem ukaze za vnos iskanja cilja za navigacijo in prenosa le-tega kot cilj v navigacijski sistem PCM.
7. Portal Personal POIs
7.1 Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Portal Personal POIs« omogoča iskanje, shranjevanje in upravljanje ciljev za navigacijo znotraj Portala Porsche Connect in nato pošiljanje v sistem PMC, kjer ga je mogoče izbrati v navigacijskem sistemu PCM kot cilj za navigacijo. Poleg tega je mogoče cilje iz Google Maps pošiljati neposredno v PCM preko funkcije Google Send-to-car.
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7.2 Omejitve uporabe: Za uporabo funkcije Google Send- to-car je potreben Google račun in nastavitev komponente paketa storitev.
8. Portal List POIs
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Portal List POIs« omogoča iskanje in upravljanje seznamov navigacije znotraj Portala Porsche Connect in nato pošiljanje v sistem PMC, kjer jih je mogoče izbrati v navigacijskem sistemu PCM kot cilj za navigacijo.
9. Informacije o parkiriščih
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Informacije o parkiriščih« Stranki prikazuje najbližje možnosti parkiranja na integriranih plačljivih parkiriščih in v parkirnih hišah (vključno s parkirnino in delovnim časom), ki jih sporočajo operaterji, v okolici vozila ali cilja navigacije v navigacijskem sistemu PCM. Prikazano možnost parkiranja je mogoče izbrati za navigacijski sistem PCM kot cilj navigacije.
10. Cene goriva
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Cene goriva« omogoča prikaz bencinskih servisov v okolici vozila, na poti ali ob cilju navigacije v navigacijskem sistemu PCM, in sicer glede na vrsto goriva motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect. Seznam zadetkov je mogoče razvrstiti po oddaljenosti ali najbolj ugodni ceni, ki jo sporoči upravljavec bencinskega servisa ali drugi uporabniki. Preko prostega iskanja se lahko išče tudi po določeni znamki. Najdene bencinske servise je mogoče izbrati kot cilj za navigacijo v navigacijskem sistemu PCM.
11. Novice
11.1 Storitve: Preko Portala Porsche Connect je mogoče iskati, upravljati in sestaviti seznam virov novic, ki omogočajo RSS vire, dostopne preko interneta. Novice, ki so vsebovane na seznamu virov novic, so nato na voljo neposredno preko sistema PCM in jih je mogoče predvajati preko zvočnega predvajalnika.
11.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo na voljo med vožnjo v celoti, delno ali le, ko vozilo stoji, odvisno od določil za posamezno državo.
12. Twitter
12.1 Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Twitter« omogoča prikaz kanalov Twitterja, ki jih določi Stranka, in nove tvite je mogoče predvajati preko zvočnega predvajalnika motornega vozila s funkcijo Connect. Oblikovanje lastnih tvitov je mogoče neposredno iz sistema PCM preko standardiziranih predlog, ki jih vsebuje Portal Porsche Connect.
12.2 Omejitve uporabe: Storitev bo na voljo med vožnjo v celoti, delno ali le, ko vozilo stoji, odvisno od določil za posamezno državo. Za uporabo je potreben Twitter račun in nastavitev komponente paketa storitev.
13. Narekovanje sporočil
13.1 Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Narekovanje sporočil« omogoča oblikovanje SMS sporočil preko glasovnega vnosa v sistem PCM, vhodna sporočila pa
je mogoče predvajati preko zvočnega predvajalnika vozila s funkcijo Connect.
13.2 Omejitve uporabe: SIM kartica, vstavljena v sistem PCM, ali mobilni telefon, povezan s sistemom PCM, zahteva ločeno pogodbo s ponudnikom storitev mobilne telefonije, ki omogoča pošiljanje in prejemanje SMS sporočil.
14. Informacije o letih
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Informacije o letih« v sistemu PCM omogoča prikaz podrobnih informacij o letih. Informacije o letih vsebujejo na primer čas prihoda in odhoda, terminal, letalsko družbo in vrsto letala. Storitev omogoča tudi iskanje največjih letališč v okolici vozila, ki jih je mogoče izbrati kot cilj za navigacijo v navigacijskem sistemu PCM.
15. Informacije o vlakih
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Informacije o vlakih« v sistemu PCM omogoča prikaz voznih redov, čas odhoda, številko vlaka ter zamude in odpovedi vlakov, če so sporočene.
16. Informacije o dogodkih
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Informacije o dogodkih« v sistemu PCM omogoča prikaz dogodkov v kategorijah, kot so gledališče, kino, opera, festival, umetnost, literatura in druge. Če prejmemo informacije o nekem dogodku, so te prikazane na seznamu, ki ga je mogoče razvrstiti po oddaljenosti, ceni, času ali vrsti dogodka. Najdene dogodke je mogoče izbrati kot cilj za navigacijo v navigacijskem sistemu PCM.
17. Vreme
Storitve: Komponenta paketa storitev »Vreme« v sistemu PCM prikazuje trenutne vremenske razmere in napoved za naslednje ure in dneve v obliki infografike. Napoved vsebuje temperaturo, število sončnih ur, verjetnost dežja, hitrost vetra in vremenska opozorila.
Pravica potrošnika do odpovedi
Navodila glede odpovedi
Pravica do odpovedi
Pravico imate, da odpoveste to pogodbo v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od dneva sklenitve pogodbe. O uveljavljanju pravice do odpovedi nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odpovedi te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priložen obrazec za odpoved, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odpovedi poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odpovedi
Če ste potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB), imate pravico do odpovedi v roku 14 dni v primeru sklenitve pogodbe. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (BGB) je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Če odpoveste to pogodbo, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odpovedi te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obrazec za odpoved
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odpovedati pogodbo)
Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin,
elektronski naslov: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odpovedi (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*), Ime potrošnika/-ov,
Naslov potrošnika/-ov
Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
Terms of Use
for the Porsche Connect Service "Navigation & Infotainment Services" (hereafter referred to as TU)
These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect "Navigation & Infotainment Services" package of services. These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the Porsche Connect Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these terms of use, the terms of use shall prevail.
Package of services "Navigation & Infotainment Services"
The package of services "Navigation & Infotainment Services" includes - dependent on the geographic availability
- the 17 package of services components described hereafter or less. The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at
Term: 1 year
Inclusive term: In case of the purchase of a new Connect- able vehicle including the option "Connect Plus", the package of services "Navigation & Infotainment Services" can be booked free of charge for a term of 2 years.
Additional requirement of use for all services package components: The Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter PCM) has to be connected to the internet. Therefore, a separate contract with a mobile service provider on an internet data plan is required, which may accrue additional costs, including roaming costs for using the service abroad. Either a SIM- card with a respective internet data plan may be plugged into the SIM-card reader of the PCM, or a connection with a mobile phone with respective internet data plan can be established. A list with compatible mobile phones can be found in the operating manual of your vehicle. If you connect the PCM with your mobile phone, please make sure that this is permitted by your internet data plan. The availability and speed of the services package components are subject to the availability and speed of the internet connection.
1. Real Time Traffic Information
Services: The navigation system of the PCM is using current GPS data and data on volume of traffic to optimize the route to the entered destination by the minute. The volume of traffic will additionally be highlighted in colors in the displayed map: going from green for low traffic, to yellow for slow moving traffic, to red for traffic jams.
2. Online Map Update
Services: The maps of the PCM navigation system can be updated via the internet. The PCM will display available updates.
3. GOOGLE® Earth
Services: The PCM navigation system can display the map in satellite view. By a buffering of loaded map data of the current surroundings of the vehicle the display of the satellite view will be kept even if the internet connection is temporarily interrupted.
4. GOOGLE® Street View
4.1 Services: To support the Customer's orientation, the PCM navigation system shows 360-degree panoramic pictures from a street perspective of locations for which such street pictures are available.
4.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions.
5. Online Search
Services: With the "Online Search" services package component, the Customers can find addresses or special destinations using a system-defined internet search engine. Partly, the search results include in addition further information like phone numbers, opening hours or ratings by other internet users.
6. Voice POI
Services: With the "Voice POI" services package component, the "Online Search" services package component can be operated by voice control. Supported commands are, in particular, the search input for navigation destinations and their handing over as navigation destination for the PCM navigation system.
7. Portal Personal POIs
7.1 Services: With the "Portal Personal POIs" services package component, navigation destinations within the Porsche Connect Portal can be searched, saved and managed and can be sent to the PCM, where it can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation
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destination. In addition, destinations from Google Maps can be sent directly to the PCM via Google Send-to-car.
7.2 Restrictions of use: For the use of the Google Send- to-car feature, an existing Google account and a configuration of the services package component is required.
8. Portal List POIs
Services: With the "Portal List POIs" services package component, destination lists (POI lists) can be searched and managed on the Porsche Connect Portal and can be sent to the PCM, where such can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
9. Parking Information
Services: With the "Parking Information" services package component, the Customer will be displayed the nearest available parking possibilities of integrated commercial parking facilities and car parks (including parking fees and opening hours), reported by the operators, in the surroundings of the vehicle or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system. The located parking possibility can be selected for the PCM navigation system as navigation destination.
10. Fuel Prices
Services: With the services package component "Fuel Prices", participating gas stations in the surrounding of the vehicle, on the route to or at the navigation destination of the PCM navigation system will be displayed suitable to the type of fuel of the respective Connect-able vehicle. The results list can be sorted by distance or most favorable price reported by the gas station operator or other users. Via free text search also a specific brand can be searched purposefully. Found gas stations can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
11. News
11.1 Services: Via the Porsche Connect portal news sources, which are providing RSS feeds accessible via the internet, can be searched, managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
11.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions.
12. Twitter
12.1 Services: With the services package component "Twitter", Twitter channels defined by Customers can be shown and new tweets can be played back via the voice output in the Connect-able vehicle. Drafting of own tweets is possible directly out of the PCM via standardized templates contained in the Porsche Connect Portal.
12.2 Restrictions of use: The service will be available during the ride fully, partly or only when the vehicle is stationary, depending on country-specific provisions. An existing Twitter account and a configuration of the services package component is required for usage.
13. Message Dictation
13.1 Services: With the services package component "Message Dictation" SMS messages can be drafted via voice entry in the PCM and incoming messages can be played back via the voice output of the Connect-able vehicle.
13.2 Restrictions of use: The SIM card inserted in the PCM or the mobile phone connected with the PCM requires a separately offered mobile service plan with a mobile service provider which allows sending and receiving SMS.
14. Flight Info
Services: With the services package component "Flight Info", detailed flight information will be displayed in the PCM. The flight information includes, for example, arrival and departure times, terminals, airlines and type of aircraft. Furthermore, the service will find major airports in the surroundings of the vehicle which can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
15. Train Info
Services: The services package component "Train Info" shows in the PCM timetables, departure times, train numbers as well as delays and train cancelations if these were reported.
16. Event Info
Services: With the services package component "Event Info", events in categories as theater, cinema, opera, festival, arts, literature and others can be searched in the PCM. As far as we were provided with information concerning the relevant event, such will be displayed in a list sorted by distance, price, time or type of event. Identified events can be selected as navigation destination of the PCM navigation system.
17. Weather
Services: The services package component "Weather" displays the current weather situation and the forecast for the next hours and days in the form of an infographic in the PCM. The forecast includes temperature, number of hours of sunshine, probability of rain, wind speed and weather warnings.
Right of withdrawal for consumers
If you are a consumer according to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you have a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Connect
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Last Updated 09/2016 – Terms of Use "Navigation & Infotainment Services" – Slovenia – SL / EN – Version 1.0
GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
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Last Updated 09/2016 – Terms of Use "Navigation & Infotainment Services" – Slovenia – SL / EN – Version 1.0