Ličarstvo, kleparstvo, fix&save, predelava vozil
1. Uvodna določila
1.1 Splošni pogoji poslovanja Ličarstvo, kleparstvo, fix&save, predelava vozil družbe Hoedlmayr logistika, d.o.o., Tovarniška cesta 36, 1370 Logatec, matična številka: 5910404000 (v nadaljevanju: »Hoedlmayr logistika« ali »Izvajalec«) opredeljujejo pogoje poslovanja družbe Hoedlmayr logistika pri sklenitvi pogodbe o delu za izvedbo storitev ličarstva, kleparstva, fix&save in predelave osebnih vozil (»v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji poslovanja«).
1.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja so sestavni del vsake pogodbe o delu za izvedbo storitev ličarstva, kleparstva, fix&save in nadgradnje osebnih vozil (v nadaljevanju: »Storitve«).
1.3 Naročnik Storitev družbe Hoedlmayr logistika je lahko vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba (v nadaljevanju: »Xxxxxxxx«), ki z družbo Hoedlmayr logistika sklene pogodbo o izvedbi Storitev (v nadaljevanju: »Pogodba o izvedbi Storitev«).
1.4 Morebitni splošni pogoji poslovanja Naročnika niso sestavni del Pogodbe o izvedbi storitev, in sicer tudi v primeru, da se Naročnik nanje v svoji dokumentaciji (npr. v naročilu itd.) izrecno sklicuje.
2. Narava Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
2.1 S splošnimi pogoji poslovanja Izvajalec ureja posamezna vprašanja v zvezi s sklenitvijo Pogodbe o izvedbi Storitev in dopolnjuje posebne dogovore oziroma Pogodbo o izvedbi Storitev med Izvajalcem in Naročnikom.
Repainting, collision repair, fix & save, conversion of vehicles
1. Introductory Provisions
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions for repainting, collision repair, fix & save and conversion of vehicles of Hoedlmayr logistika d.o.o., Tovarniška cesta 36, SI-1370 Logatec, company registration number: 5910404000 (hereinafter referred to as: “Hoedlmayr logistika” or the “Contractor”) define the operating conditions of the company Hoedlmayr logistika when it comes to concluding a contract for the provision of services of repainting, collision repair, fix & save and conversion of personal vehicles (hereinafter referred to as: the “General Terms and Conditions”).
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of each contract for the provision of services of repainting, collision repair, fix & save and conversion of personal vehicles (hereinafter referred to as: the “Services”).
1.3 The contracting entity ordering the services of the company Hoedlmayr logistika can be any natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as: the “Contracting Entity”) that decides to conclude a contract on the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as: the “Contract on the Provision of Services”) with the company Hoedlmayr logistika.
1.4. Any General Terms and Conditions of the Contracting Entity do not form an integral part of the Contract on the Provision of Services, even if the Contracting Entity makes explicit reference to them in their documents (e.g. in the order etc.).
2. Nature of the General Terms and Conditions
2.1 The General Terms and Conditions are used by the Contractor to govern matters related to the conclusion of the Contract on the Provision of Services and supplement specific deals or the Contract on the Provision of Services concluded between the Contractor and the Contracting Entity.
2.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja zavezujejo Izvajalca in Naročnika tako kot posebni pogoji oziroma Pogodba o izvedbi Storitev med Izvajalcem in Naročnikom.
3. Pogodba o izvedbi Storitev
3.1 Izvajalec in Naročnik (v nadaljevanju vsak posamično tudi kot »Pogodbena stranka« oziroma skupaj tudi kot: »Pogodbeni stranki«) skleneta Pogodbo o izvedbi Storitev, ko podpišeta delovni nalog, s katerim se opredelijo Storitve, ki jih bo Izvajalec opravil za Naročnika (v nadaljevanju: »Delovni nalog«). Delovni nalog Izvajalec in Naročnik podpišeta ob predaji vozila Izvajalcu, na katerem bo Izvajalec opravil Storitve.
3.2 V kolikor Izvajalec tekom izvedbe Storitev ugotovi potrebo po dodatnem popravilu, ki ni navedeno v Delovnem nalogu, je dolžan o tem obvestiti Naročnika. Dodatno popravilo se lahko izvede šele po prejemu Xxxxxxxxxxxxx soglasja. V primeru, da Xxxxxxxx ne dovoli dodatnega popravila, je Izvajalec prost odgovornosti zaradi neizvedbe takšnih dodatnih del, tudi v primeru, če je z neizvedbo takšnih dodatnih del ogrožena varnost Naročnika in/ali tretjih oseb in/ali stvari.
3.3 Cenik Storitev Izvajalca je objavljen v prostorih Izvajalca (v nadaljevanju: »Cenik«) in velja za izvedbo Storitev, ki jih Naročnik in Izvajalec opredelita v Delovnem nalogu.
3.4 Naročnik s podpisom Delovnega naloga (i) potrdi izvedbo in obseg Storitev ter da je seznanjen (ii) s Cenikom.
2.2 These General Terms and Conditions are binding for the Contractor and the Contracting Entity, much like any special conditions or the Contract on the Provision of Services concluded between the Contractor and the Contracting Entity.
3. Contract on the Provision of Services
3.1 The Contractor and the Contracting Entity (hereinafter individually referred to as: the “Contracting Party” or jointly referred to as: the “Contracting Parties”) conclude the Contract on the Provision of Services when they sign a work order which defines the Services that shall be performed for the Contracting Entity by the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as: the “Work Order”). The Work Order shall be signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Entity upon the handover of the vehicle to the Contractor in order for the Contractor to perform its services.
3.2 If the Contractor finds, during the performance of Services, that additional repairs must be conducted which are not set out in the Work Order, the Contractor must inform the Contracting Entity thereof. Said additional repairs may only be conducted after receiving the consent of the Contracting Entity. If the Contracting Entity does not allow for the additional repairs to be conducted, the Contractor shall not be held responsible for the failure to conduct such additional repairs, even if said failure to conduct such additional repairs threatens the safety of the Contracting Entity and/or third parties and/or could cause material damage.
3.3 The price list for the Services of the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as: the “Price List” is published at the location of the Contractor and applies for the performance of Services defined by the Contracting Entity and the Contractor in the Work Order.
3.4 By signing the Work Order, the Contracting Entity (i) confirms the performance and the scope of Services and (ii) confirms having been made aware of the Price List.
4. Ocena stroškov Storitev in datuma izvedbe Storitev
4.1 Izvajalec obračuna stroške opravljenih Storitev skladno s Cenikom. V kolikor Naročnik izrecno zahteva predhodno oceno stroškov Storitev (kar se ustrezno označi na Delovnem nalogu) je Izvajalec dolžan pripraviti takšno predhodno oceno stroškov Storitev. V takšnem primeru se znesek ocenjenih stroškov Storitev navede na Delovnem nalogu.
4.2 Ocena stroškov Storitev je za Naročnika brezplačna. Napravi se jo brez mehaničnega posega in predstavlja le okviren in za Izvajalca nezavezujoč ocenjen izračun stroškov Storitev.
5. Skrb za vozilo
Izvajalec po lastni presoji ob prevzemu vozila na Delovnem nalogu označi in fotografira morebitne poškodbe vozila in količino goriva v vozilu ter stanje prevoženih kilometrov. V primeru, da v času, od prevzema vozila do predaje le tega Naročniku, nastane na vozilu škoda za katero odgovarja Izvajalec, jo je Izvajalec dolžan Naročniku povrniti.
6. Nadomestno vozilo
6.1 Naročnik in Izvajalec se ob prevzemu vozila lahko dogovorita, da Izvajalec Naročniku za čas trajanja izvedbe Storitev omogoči uporabo nadomestnega vozila v lasti Izvajalca (v nadaljevanju: »Nadomestno vozilo«).
6.2 V primeru dogovora o uporabi Nadomestnega vozila, Izvajalec in Naročnik podpišeta ločen dogovor o najemu oziroma uporabi Nadomestnega vozila, kjer so določeni pogoji uporabe Nadomestnega vozila.
4. Estimate of the Cost of Services and Date of Performance of Services
4.1 The Contractor shall calculate the costs of the Services performed pursuant to the Price List. If the Contracting Entity explicitly requests a preliminary cost estimate for the performance of Services (which must be suitably noted in the Work Order), the Contractor must prepare such preliminary cost estimate for the performance of Services. In this case, the amount of the cost estimate for the performance of Services is set out in the Work Order.
4.2 The cost estimate for the performance of Services is prepared free of charge for the Contracting Entity. It is prepared without performing any mechanical interventions and only represents a framework cost estimate for the performance of Services, which is not binding for the Contractor.
5. Vehicle Care
Upon taking over the vehicle, the Contractor shall, at its own discretion, note and photograph any vehicle damage and the quantity of fuel in the vehicle, as well as the vehicle mileage status. In case of any damages incurred on the vehicle from the time of its takeover to the time of its handover to the Contracting Entity, whereby the responsibility for such damage is to be borne by the Contractor, the Contractor must reimburse the Contracting Entity the costs of said damage.
6. Replacement Vehicle
6.1 Upon takeover of the vehicle, the Contracting Entity and the Contractor may agree for the Contractor to enable the use of a replacement vehicle owned by the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as: the “Replacement Vehicle”) to the Contracting Entity for the duration of the performance of Services.
6.2 In the event of said agreement on the use of the Replacement Vehicle, the Contractor and the Contracting Entity shall sign a separate agreement on the lease or use of said Replacement Vehicle which sets out the conditions for the use of the Replacement Vehicle.
7. Prevzem vozila
7.1 Naročnik je dolžan prevzeti svoje vozilo v roku treh delovnih dni od obvestila Izvajalca, da so Storitve po Delovnem nalogu opravljene. V primeru, da Izvajalec omogoči uporabo Nadomestnega vozila je Naročnik dolžan prevzeti svoje vozilo v roku iz prejšnjega stavka oziroma ob izteku pravice do uporabe nadomestnega vozila, in sicer kar časovno nastopi prej.
7.2 V kolikor Naročnik v roku iz člena 7.1 Splošnih pogojev poslovanja vozila ne prevzame je dolžan plačati Izvajalcu stroške hrambe vozila v višini 10 EUR za vsak dan zamude.
8. Plačilo opravljenih Storitev
Po zaključenem delu Izvajalec Naročniku izda račun za opravljene Storitve. V primeru zamude pri plačilu računa je Izvajalec upravičen tudi do plačila pripadajočih zakonskih zamudnih obresti.
9. Pridržna pravica
9.1 V kolikor Naročnik ne poravna svojih obveznosti po izstavljenem računu Izvajalca, ima Izvajalec pravico pridržati vozilo Naročnika dokler mu Naročnik v celoti ne plača njegove terjatve do Naročnika.
9.2 Če je postal Xxxxxxxx plačilno nesposoben, ima Izvajalec pridržno pravico, čeprav njegova terjatev še ni zapadla.
9.3 Izvajalec je dolžan vozilo vrniti Naročniku, če mu ta ponudi ustrezno zavarovanje njegove terjatve.
9.4 Izvajalec, ki ima na podlagi pridržne pravice v posesti vozilo Naročnika, se lahko poplača iz njegove vrednosti na enak način kot zastavni upnik, vendar mora, preden se za to odloči, pravočasno sporočiti Naročniku svoj namen.
7. Vehicle Takeover
7.1 The Contracting Entity must take over its vehicle within three working days of receiving a notification from the Contractor that the Services pursuant to the Work Order have been performed. If the Contractor enables the use of the Replacement Vehicle, the Contracting Entity must take over its vehicle within the deadlines set out in the previous paragraph or when the right of the Contracting Entity for the use of said Replacement Vehicle ceases, whichever comes first.
7.2 If the Contracting Entity fails to take over the vehicle within the deadline set out in Article 7.1 of the General Terms and Conditions, the Contracting Entity must pay to the Contractor the costs of vehicle storage amounting to EUR 10 for each day of delay.
8. Payment of Services Performed
After the work has been performed, the Contractor shall issue an invoice to the Contracting Entity for the services performed. In the event of a late payment of said invoice, the Contractor is also entitled to receive the payment of statutory interest.
9. Lien
9.1 If the Contracting Entity fails to pay their liabilities according to the invoice issued by the Contractor, the Contractor has the right to retain the Contracting Entity’s vehicle until the Contracting Entity pays its liabilities towards the Contractor in their entirety.
9.2 If the Contracting Entity has become insolvent, the Contractor shall retain the lien even if its claims have not yet fallen due.
9.3 The Contractor must return the vehicle to the Contracting Entity if the latter provides the Contractor with a suitable insurance of its claim.
9.4 The Contractor that owns the vehicle of the Contracting Entity based on lien can receive its payment from the value of said vehicle in the same way as a pledgee; before it decides to opt for this possibility, however, it must inform the Contracting Entity of its intentions in due time.
10. Jamstvo Izvajalca za kvalitetno opravljene Storitve
10.1 Izvajalec odgovarja za morebitne napake pri izvedbi Storitev v obdobju enega leta let (v nadaljevanju: »Obdobje jamstva«) od predaje vozila, na katerem so bile opravljene Storitve, Naročniku.
10.2 Izvajalec odgovarja za vse napake, ki bi se pojavile na vozilu kot posledica nekvalitetne izvedbe Storitev Izvajalca (tj. izvedba Storitev v nasprotju s pravili stroke).
10.3 Naročnik lahko uveljavlja ugotovljeno napako v Obdobju jamstva na način, da Izvajalca v roku 15 dni od ugotovitve napake obvesti o ugotovljeni napaki in vozilo na lastne stroške dostavi v prostore Izvajalca, sicer izgubi pravico sklicevati se nanjo. Ko Izvajalec prejme takšno obvestilo Naročnika in vozilo, pregleda vozilo in v roku osmih dni od prejema vozila izdela poročilo o ugotovljenih napakah (v nadaljevanju: »Poročilo o ugotovljenih napakah«), kjer opiše ugotovljene napake in se opredeli do svoje morebitne odgovornosti za nastanek napak. V kolikor Izvajalec soglaša, da je do napake prišlo zaradi nekvalitetno opravljene Storitve Izvajalca je Izvajalec dolžan na lastne stroške odpraviti napako v roku 30 dni od dne izdaje Poročila o ugotovljenih napakah.
11. Višja sila
11.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ni odgovorna za kršitev svojih obveznosti iz Pogodbe zaradi primera višje sile.
11.2 Višja sila pomeni zunanji vzrok (tj. vzrok izven stvari), ki je neodvisen od volje in vpliva Pogodbene stranke in njegovega učinka ni bilo mogoče pričakovati se mu izogniti ali ga odvrniti (na primer, vendar ne izključno, vojna, epidemija, naravna nesreča itd.).
10. Guarantee of the Contractor for a Quality Performance of Services
10.1 The Contractor shall be held responsible for any errors in the performance of Services for a period of one year (hereinafter referred to as: the “Guarantee Period”) from the handover to the Contracting Entity of the vehicle on which the Services were performed.
10.2 The Contractor shall be held responsible for any faults appearing on the vehicle as a consequence of a poor performance of the Services of the Contractor (i.e. a performance of Services contrary to the rules of the profession).
10.3 The Contracting Entity may enforce any faults discovered during the Guarantee Period by notifying the Contractor within 15 days of the discovery of said fault and bringing the vehicle to the location of the Contractor at its own expense; failing that, the Contracting Entity no longer has the right to reference said fault. Once the Contractor receives said notification of the Contracting Entity and the vehicle, the Contractor shall examine the vehicle and prepare a report on the faults discovered (hereinafter referred to as: the “Report on the Faults Discovered) within eight days of receiving the vehicle, wherein said report shall include a description of the faults discovered and a comment on the potential liability of the Contractor for the occurrence of said faults. If the Contractor agrees that the faults were due to the poor quality of performance of Services of the Contractor, it must remedy the faults at its own expense within 30 days of the date of issue of the Report on the Faults Discovered.
11. Force Majeure
11.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties shall be held responsible for the breach of their liabilities set out in the Contract due to force majeure.
11.2 Force majeure is an external reason which is independent of the will and influence of the Contracting Party and the effect of which could not be expected, avoided or countered (including but not limited to wars, epidemics, natural disasters etc.).
11.3 Pogodbena stranka, na strani katere je primer višje sile, je dolžna nemudoma, najkasneje pa v roku 15 dni od nastanka primera višje sile, o tem pisno obvestiti drugo Pogodbeno stranko. V kolikor višja sila ni odpravljena v roku enega meseca od dne nastanka višje sile, lahka vsaka Pogodbena stranka nemudoma odstopi od Pogodbe.
12. Prenehanje Pogodbe o izvedbi Storitev
12.1 Pogodba o izvedbi storitev lahko kadarkoli preneha na podlagi pisnega sporazuma Pogodbenih strank.
12.2 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka lahko od Pogodbe o izvedbe storitev nemudoma odstopi, kadar za to obstaja krivdni razlog na strani druge Pogodbene stranke.
12.3 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka lahko odstopi od Pogodbe o izvedbi storitev na način, da posreduje pisen odstop od Pogodbe o izvedbi storitev na naslov druge Pogodbene stranke.
13. Varstvo osebnih podatkov
Izvajalec bo vse osebne podatke Xxxxxxxxx varoval in obdeloval skladno določili Uredbe (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES (splošna uredba o varstvu osebnih podatkov), vsakokrat veljavnega Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih veljavnih predpisov Republike Slovenije, ki urejajo varstvo osebnih podatkov.
14. Obveznost varovanja poslovne skrivnosti
14.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ne sme izkoriščati za svojo lastno uporabo ali izdati tretjemu poslovnih skrivnosti, ki jih je prejela od druge Pogodbene stranke in jih kot take določi druga Pogodbena stranka ter so bile prvi Pogodbeni stranki zaupane ali s katerimi je bila seznanjena na drug način.
11.3 The Contracting Party which invokes the reason of force majeure must immediately, but not later than within 15 days of the occurrence of said event of force majeure, inform the other Contracting Party of it in writing. If the event of force majeure is not over within one month of the date of its first occurrence, each of the contracting parties can immediately withdraw from the agreement.
12. Termination of the Contract on the Provision of Services
12.1 This Contract on the Provision of Services can be terminated at any point based on a written agreement of both Contracting Parties.
12.2 Any Contracting Party can immediately withdraw from the Contract on the Provision of Services on the ground of fault of the other Contracting Party.
12.3 Any Contracting Party can withdraw from the Contract on the Provision of Services by sending a written withdrawal from the Contract on the Provision of Services to the address of the other Contracting Party.
13. Protection of Personal Data
The Contractor shall protect and process any and all personal data of the Contracting Entity pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the applicable Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Slovenia and other applicable regulations of the Republic of Slovenia governing the protection of personal data.
14. Obligation of Professional Secrecy
14.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties may exploit for personal use or disclose to other parties the business secrets that it has received from the other Contracting Party and that are defined by said other Contracting Party as such, and that have been entrusted to the first Contracting Party or which have become known to said first Contracting Party in another manner.
14.2 Za poslovno skrivnost se štejejo tudi podatki, za katere je očitno, da bi nastala občutna škoda, če bi zanje izvedela nepooblaščena oseba. Pogodbena stranka je odgovorna za kršitev, če je vedela ali bi morala vedeti za tak značaj podatkov.
14.3 Vsi dokumenti predloženi Pogodbeni stranki, ki vsebujejo poslovno skrivnost druge Pogodbene stranke, se štejejo kot zaupni in jih je potrebno vrniti na zahtevo druge Pogodbene stranke. Prepovedano je kopiranje ali prenašanje teh dokumentov in zapisov nepooblaščenim tretjim osebam.
14.4 V izogib dvoma Pogodbeni stranki izrecno ugotavljata, da predstavlja vsebina Prevozne pogodbe (razen teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja) poslovno skrivnost.
15. Prepoved škodljivega ravnanja
Vsaka Pogodbena stranka se je dolžna vzdržati vseh ravnanj, ki glede na naravo Prevozne pogodbe materialno ali moralno škodujejo ali bi lahko škodovala poslovnim interesom druge Pogodbene stranke.
16. Obveznost obveščanja
16.1 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o bistvenih okoliščinah, ki vplivajo oziroma bi lahko vplivale na izpolnjevanje njenih pogodbenih obveznosti in o vseh spremembah podatkov, ki vplivajo na izpolnjevanje pravic iz pogodbenega razmerja, ter o okoliščinah, s katerimi se Pogodbena stranka pri opravljanju svojega dela seznani in bi lahko bile bistvenega pomena za drugo Pogodbeno stranko.
16.2 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o vsaki grozeči nevarnosti za življenje, zdravje ali nastanek materialne škode, ki jo zazna pri opravljanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi.
14.2 The data for which it is obvious that significant damage could occur if an unauthorised person became aware of them shall also be considered business secrets. The Contracting Party is responsible for the breach if it knew or should have known about such nature of the aforementioned data.
14.3 All documents provided for the Contracting Party which include business secrets of the other Contracting Party are considered confidential and must be returned at the request of the other Contracting Party. Copying or transferring said documents and records to unauthorised third parties is prohibited.
14.4 To avoid any doubt, the Contracting Parties explicitly find that the content of this Transport Contract (with the exception of these General Terms and Conditions) is considered to be a business secret.
15. Prohibition of Harmful Conduct
Each of the Contracting Parties must refrain from any behaviour which could materially or morally harm the business interests of the other Contracting Party in relation to the nature of this Transport Contract.
16. Notification Obligation
16.1 Each of the Contracting Parties must inform the other Contracting Party of any crucial circumstances which shall or could influence its compliance with its contractual liabilities, and of any changes in the data which influence the exercise of rights set out in the contractual relationship, as well as of any circumstances that the Contracting Party becomes acquainted with during the performance of its work tasks and could be of crucial importance for the other Contracting Party.
16.2 Each of the Contracting Parties must inform the other Contracting Party of any danger to health or life or to the occurrence of material damages that it becomes aware of during the performance of its liabilities according to this agreement.
17. Spori, sodna pristojnost in uporaba prava
Morebitne spore v zvezi s pogodbenim razmerjem bosta Pogodbeni stranki reševali sporazumno. V kolikor to ne bi bilo mogoče, je za reševanje sporov pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani. V primeru spora se uporablja pravo Republike Slovenije.
18. Spremembe Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
Izvajalec ima pravico do sprememb in dopolnitev Splošnih pogojev poslovanja. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve Splošnih pogojev poslovanja in čistopis Splošnih pogojev poslovanja bodo objavljene na spletni strani Izvajalca.
19. Salvatrona klavzula
Morebitna neveljavna določba ali nezmožnost njene izvršitve, kot tudi neurejenost posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih pogojih poslovanja ne vpliva na veljavnost drugih določb in veljavnost Splošnih pogojih poslovanja kot celote. V primeru neveljavnosti ali nezmožnosti izvrševanja takšne določbe ali neurejenosti posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih pogojih poslovanja, bo takšno določbo ali pravno praznino nadomestila razlaga, ki je najbližja namenu Pogodbenih strank v času njene sklenitve, če se pogodbeni stranki ne dogovorita drugače in je namen v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi.
20. Končna določila
20.1 Potrditev Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
Naročnik s podpisom Delovnega naloga, kjer je navedeno, da se uporabljajo Splošni pogoji poslovanja in so le ti (i) Delovnemu nalogu bodisi priloženi v pisni obliki ali pa (ii) je v Delovnem nalogu navedena internetna stran, kjer se takšni Splošni pogoji poslovanja nahajajo, potrjuje, da je v celoti seznanjen s Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja in se z njimi v celoti strinja.
17. Disputes, Jurisdiction and Application of Law
Any disputes related to the contractual relationship shall be resolved by the contracting parties in an amicable manner. Failing that, the court in Ljubljana having jurisdiction on the substance shall be responsible for resolving said dispute. In the event of a dispute, the law of the Republic of Slovenia shall be used.
18. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions
The Contractor has the right to change and amend these General Terms and Conditions. Any changes and amendments of the General Terms and Conditions, as well as the clean copy of said General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, shall be published on the website of the Contractor.
19. Savings Clause
If any of the provisions becomes invalid, if it is no longer possible to enforce it or if any of the questions set out in these General Terms and Conditions should not be settled, this does not influence the validity of other provisions, nor the validity of the General Terms and Conditions as a whole. In the event of the invalidity or impossibility to enforce such provision, or in the event of the non-settlement of any individual questions set out in these General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, such provision or legal void shall be replaced by the explanation which reflects, as closely as possible, the purpose of the Contracting Parties at the time that it was concluded, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise and if the purpose is in accordance with the applicable regulations.
20. Final provisions
20.1 Confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions
By signing the Work Order where it is stated that the General Terms and Conditions are used and are (i) enclosed to the Work Order in writing or (ii) the website where said General Terms and Conditions can be found is set out in the Work Order, the Contracting Entity confirms that they have been made aware of the entirety of the General Terms and Conditions and agree with them in their entirety.
20.2 Vročitev in sprememba podatkov
Vsaka izjava Izvajalca se šteje za vročeno, če je bila dostavljena na naslov, ki ga je Naročnik navedel na Delovnem nalogu. Vsako spremembo naslova ali drugih podatkov pomembnih za sklenjeno Pogodbo o izvedbi Storitev mora Naročnik sporočiti Izvajalcu v pisni obliki v roku 15 dni od dne nastanka takšne spremembe.
20.2 Notification and Change of Data
Every statement of the Contractor is considered to be notified if it has been delivered to the address set out by the Contracting Entity in its Work Order. Any change of address or other data which is important for the concluded Service Contract must be communicated by the Contracting Entity to the Contractor in writing within 15 days of the occurrence of said change.