Dodatek k Splošnim pogojem poslovanja veljajo na področju certifikacijskega organa družbe LOTRIČ Meroslovje d.o.o. (v nadaljevanju družba LOTRIČ ali certifikacijski organ), kjer je udeležena druga stranka (v nadaljevanju naročnik / vložnik / imetnik certifikata / stranka). Naročnik je v postopku certifikacije proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščen zastopnik. Dodatek velja skupaj s Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja. Splošni pogoji poslovanja veljajo v vsakem pravno poslovnem razmerju med stranko in družbo LOTRIČ, razen, ko je neuporaba le-teh izrecno pisno dogovorjena v pogodbi. Splošni pogoji poslovanja in Dodatek za certifikacijo izdelkov so objavljeni na spletni strani družbe LOTRIČ xxx.xxxxxx.xx, prav tako se v fizični obliki hranijo na sedežu xxxxxx Xxxxx 000, XX-0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx. Naročnik je na splošne pogoje opozorjen z besedilom same pogodbe. S tem se šteje, da so naročniku splošni pogoji poslovanja znani, s sklenitvijo pogodbe naročnik izjavlja, da je splošne pogoje poslovanja prebral in se z njimi v celoti seznanil. Nepoznavanje le-teh ne more biti razlog neobstoja pravno poslovnega razmerja, predmeta reklamacije in/ali garancijskega popravila. | The supplement to the General Terms and Conditions shall apply in the area of the certification body of company LOTRIČ Metrology Ltd. (hereinafter the company LOTRIČ or certification body), where the other party is involved (hereinafter the sponsor / applicant / certificate holder / client). The client in the certification procedure is the manufacturer or its authorised representative. Supplement apply together with the General Terms and Conditions. The General Terms and Conditions apply in any legal business relationship between the client and the company LOTRIČ, except when their non-use is explicitly agreed in writing in the contract. The General Terms and Conditions and its Supplement are published on the company LOTRIČ website xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xx, and are available at the company's headquarters: Xxxxx 000, XX-0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx. The client is reminded of The General Terms and Conditions by the text of the contract itself. This is considered that The General Terms and Conditions are known to the client, by concluding the contract the client declares that he has read The General Terms and Conditions and is fully acquainted with them. Ignorance of these cannot be the reason for the non-existence of a legal business relationship, the subject of a complaint and/or warranty repair. |
Splošni pogoji poslovanja in ta dodatek k Splošnim pogojem poslovanja se nanašajo na certificiranje izdelkov ter z njimi povezanih nadzorov procesov na podlagi certifikacijske sheme, ki jo izbere naročnik. Certifikacijske sheme temeljijo na modulih ugotavljanja skladnosti - Sklep št. 768/2008/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 9. julija 2008 o skupnem okviru za trženje proizvodov. Ugotavljanje skladnosti izdelkov certifikacijski organ izvaja na podlagi domneve o skladnosti, ki temelji na harmoniziranih standardov in normativnih dokumentov, katerih seznam je objavljen v certifikacijski shemi. Certifikacijsko razmerje med certifikacijskim organom in naročnikom je urejeno tudi s | The General Terms and Conditions and this Supplement to the General Terms and Conditions apply to the certification of products and related process assessment under certification scheme selected by the client. The certification schemes are based on the conformity assessment modules - Decision No 768/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on a common framework for the marketing of products. The certification body carries out the conformity assessment of the products based on a presumption of conformity based on harmonised standards and normative documents, a list of which is published in the certification scheme. The certification relationship between the certification body and the client shall also be |
potrjeno vlogo, pogodbo ali drugim aktom med obema stranema. | governed by the approved application, contract or other instrument between both parties. |
Certifikacijsko razmerje med certifikacijskim organom in naročnikom nastane s potrditvijo naročnikove vloge s strani certifikacijskega organa in je veljavno do preteka veljavnosti z njim povezanega certifikata. Za obnovitev veljavnosti certifikata mora naročnik pred iztekom njegove veljavnosti certifikacijskemu organu predložiti novo vlogo. Certifikacijsko razmerje se predčasno prekine, če certifikacijski organ prekliče certifikat ali če za prekinitev zaprosi naročnik. Certifikacijsko razmerje se predčasno prekine tudi, če je bila začetna podelitev certifikata zavrnjena. Certifikacijski organ med veljavnostjo certifikacijskega razmerja izvede vrednotenje in certifikacijski postopek ter nadzorne dejavnosti, ki jih predvideva izbrana certifikacijska shema in modul ugotavljanja skladnosti, z namenom preveriti izpolnjevanje zahtev za certifikacijo. Pogoji in postopki za podelitev, vzdrževanje, spremembo obsega, preklic certifikata ali zavrnitev certifikacije so določeni v izbrani certifikacijski shemi in so povezane z nalogami naročnika. | The certification relationship between the certification body and the client is established by the certification body’s acceptance of the client’s application and is valid until the expiry of the associated certificate. To renew the validity of a certificate, the client shall submit a new application to the certification body before the expiry of the validity of the certificate. The certification relationship shall be terminated early if the certification body withdraws the certificate or if the client requests termination. The certification relationship shall also be terminated early if initial award of the certificate has been refused. During the validity of the certification relationship, the certification body carries out the evaluation and certification process and the assessment activities foreseen by the selected certification scheme and conformity assessment module to verify compliance with the requirements for certification. The conditions and procedures for granting, maintaining, changing the scope, withdrawing or refusing certification are set out in the selected certification scheme and are related to the tasks of the client. |
Obveznosti so opisane v ustrezni certifikacijski shemi, objavljeni na spletni strani certifikacijskega organa, ter vnesene v pogodbo med naročnikom in certifikacijskim organom. Naročnik, se zaveže izpolnjevati na izdelek vezane zahteve, navedene v izbrani certifikacijski shemi, kar še posebej pomeni: - da naročnik stalno izpolnjuje vse zahteve za certifikacijo, vključno z uvajanjem ustreznih sprememb, če mu jih certifikacijski organ sporoči, - če se certifikacija nanaša na proizvodnjo v teku, certificirani izdelek še naprej izpolnjuje ustrezne zahteve, - naročnik uredi vse potrebno za: - izvedbo vrednotenja in nadzora (če je potreben), vključno z možnostjo pregleda dokumentacije in zapisov ter dostopom do ustrezne opreme, lokacij, in osebja proizvajalca, | The obligations are described in the relevant certifications scheme, published on the certification body’s website, and entered the contract between the contracting authority and the certification body. The client undertakes to comply with the product- specific requirements set out in the selected certification scheme, which means in particular: - that the client permanently complies with all certification requirements, including making appropriate changes if notified by the certification body, - if the certification relates to a production in progress, the certified product continues to meet the relevant requirements, - the client makes all necessary for: - carrying out evaluation and assessment (if necessary), including the possibility of inspecting documentation and records and having access to relevant equipment, sites, and personnel of the manufacturer, |
- dokumentiranje in ukrepanje glede pritožb,
- naročnik nemudoma obvesti certifikacijski organ o spremembah, ki bi lahko vplivale na njegovo sposobnost izpolnjevanja zahtev za certifikacijo.
- documenting and acting on complaints,
- the client immediately informs the certification body of any changes that may affect its ability to meet the requirements for certification.
Naročnik se lahko pritoži zaradi neustreznega dela ali vloži priziv na odločitev certifikacijskega organa v skladu s Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja.
Ob prejemu pritožbe ali priziva mora odgovorna oseba certifikacijskega organa preveriti, ali se nanaša na aktivnosti certificiranja, za katere je odgovoren. V primeru, da se, mora pritožbo ali priziv obravnavati ter potrditi prejem pritožbe ali priziva in kadar je le mogoče tudi obvestiti o izidu in koncu pritožbenega postopka. V primeru neupravičene pritožbe ali priziva se pripravi pisni odgovor z ustrezno utemeljitvijo.
The client may complain about inadequate work or appeal the decision of the certification body in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions.
On receipt of a complaint or appeal, the responsible person of the certification body shall verify that it relates to the certification activities for which bears responsibility. If it is, it shall deal with the complaint or appeal and acknowledge receipt of the complaint or appeal and, where possible, inform of the outcome and conclusion of the complaint procedure. In the case of an unjustified complaint or appeal, a written reply shall be prepared, giving the reason therefor.
Naročnik ima vzpostavljen sistem vodenja pritožb in vodi evidenco vseh pritožb, s katerimi se seznani in se nanašajo na skladnost z zahtevami za certifikacijo izdelka ter te zapise posreduje certifikacijskemu organu, kadar to zahteva. Vse pritožbe in morebitne ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti izdelka je treba obravnavati, analizirati, sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe in jih dokumentirati. Naročnik bo omogočil in dovolil vključevanje certifikacijskega organa v reševanje pritožb vezanih na izdelka.
Naročnik bo kakršnokoli pritožbo, s katero se seznani in se nanaša na postopke, certifikate ali drugo delo, ki ga je opravil certifikacijski organ, nemudoma posredoval oziroma bo omogočil in dovolil aktivno vključevanje certifikacijskega organa v reševanje teh pritožb.
The client shall have a complaints management system in place and shall keep a record of all complaints of which it becomes aware relating to compliance with the requirements for certification of the product and shall provide these records to the certification body when requested to do so. All complaints and any identified deficiencies of the product shall be addressed, analysed, acted upon and documented. The Client shall facilitate and allow the involvement of the certification body in the resolution of complaints related to the product.
The Contracting Authority shall promptly forward any complaint of which it becomes aware concerning the procedures, certificates or other work carried out by the Certification Body or shall allow and permit the active involvement of the Certification Body in the resolution of such complaints.
Certifikati izdani v postopkih ugotavljanja skladnosti se javno objavijo in so dostopni na spletni strani certifikacijskega organa.
Na zahtevo, so vsem zakonsko upravičenim, priloge in ostale informacije o postopkih ugotavljanja skladnosti na voljo, brez dodatnega dovoljenja naročnika.
Certificates issued in conformity assessment procedures are publicly available on the certification body’s website.
Upon request, annexes and other information on conformity assessment procedures shall be made available to all legally entitled persons, without further authorisation from the Client.
Nove ali spremenjene zahteve Če certifikacijski organ uvede nove ali spremenjene zahteve, ki vplivajo na naročnika, te spremembe sporoči vsem naročnikom. Naročnik mora svoj izdelek ali proces uskladiti z novimi zahtevami. Certifikacijski organ preveri uvedbo sprememb pri proizvajalcu. | New or amended requirements If certification body introduces new or modified requirements that affects the client, it shall communicate these changes to all clients. The client shall bring its product or process into compliance with the new requirements. The certification body shall verify the introduction of the changes with the manufacturer. |
Veljavnost certifikata Izdani certifikat se lahko uporabi samo v obsegu veljavnosti certifikacije, le za tiste izdelke, ki so vključeni v proces certificiranja in na način, ki ne bo škodoval ugledu družbe LOTRIČ oziroma ogrozil zaupanja javnosti. Naročnik se zavezuje, da ne bo zlorabil izdanega certifikata oziroma odobrene uporabe oznake CE in morebitnih dodatnih oznak in da bo preprečila podajanje zavajajočih ali napačnih informacij o certifikaciji. | Validity of the certificate The certificate issued may be used only within the scopeof the certification, only for those products that are included in the certification process and in amannerthat will not damage the reputation of LOTRIČ or undermine public confidence. The client undertakes not to misuse the certificate issued or the authorised use of the CE marking and any additional markings and to prevent misleading or false information being given about the certification. |
Javna objava certifikata Naročnik ima pravico javno objavljati, da je za svoje izdelke dobil podeljen certifikat. Pri tem se mora jasno omejiti le na tiste izdelke, na katere se izdani certifikati nanašajo. Certifikacijski organ občasno izvaja nadzor nad javnimi objavami naročnika tako, da spremlja: - informacije v tisku, - kataloge in spletne strani naročnika, - sejemske informacije. V primeru nepravilne uporabe certifikatov ali sklica na certifikacijski organ se uvede ustrezne ukrepe. | Public publication of the certificate The client has the right to publicly announce that he has received a certificate for his products. In doing so, it shall clearly limit itself to those products to which the certificates issued relate. The certification body periodically supervises the public announcements of the client by monitoring: - information in the press, - catalogues and websites of the client, - trade fair information. In case of incorrect use of certificates or reference to the certification body, appropriate measures shall be taken. |
Prekinitev veljavnosti, krčenje obsega, začasni odvzem ali preklic certifikata Na predlog certifikacijskega strokovnjaka vodja certifikacijskega organa sklepa o nadaljevanju uporabe certifikata. Vodja certifikacijskega organa lahko sprejme takojšno odločitev ali da naročniku ustrezen rok, v katerem mora izvesti določene ustrezne ukrepe. Če je neskladnost z zahtevami za certifikacijo utemeljena, bodisi kot rezultat nadzora ali kako drugače ugotovljena, jo certifikacijski organ preuči in se odloči za ustrezni ukrep: - nadaljevanje certifikacije pod dodatnimi pogoji (npr. poostren nadzor), - krčenje obsega certifikacije, s tem da se odstranijo neskladne izvedbe izdelka, - začasni odvzem certifikata, dokler naročnik ne izvede korektivnih ukrepov, - preklic certifikata. Če je veljavnost certifikata prekinjena (na zahtevo naročnika), certifikat začasno odvzet ali trajno preklican, certifikacijski organ izvede vse potrebne spremembe na formalnih certifikacijskih dokumentih, javnih informacijah, pooblastilih za uporabo znakov itd., da se zagotovi, da nobena oznaka ne bo nakazovala, da je izdelek še naprej certificiran. | Termination, reduction, suspension or revocation of the certificate At the proposal of the certification expert, the headof the certification body decides on the continuation of the use of the certificate. The head of the certification body may take an immediate decision or give the client an appropriate deadline within which to take certain appropriate measures. If non-compliance with the certification requirements is justified, either because of an assessment or otherwise established, the certification body shall examine it and decide on an appropriate measure: - continuation of certification under additional conditions (e.g., intensifying supervision), - reducing the scope of certification by removing non- compliant versions of the product, - suspension of the certificate until the contracting authority has taken corrective action, - revocation of the certificate. If the validity of the certificate is terminated (at the request of the client), the certificate is suspended temporarily or revoked permanently, the certification body carries out all necessary changes to formal certification documents, public information, authorizations for the use of marks, etc., to ensure that no mark indicates that the product continues to be certified. |
Če je obseg certifikacije skrčen, certifikacijski organ ukrepa tako, kot določa certifikacijska shema, in izvede vse potrebne spremembe v formalnih certifikacijskih dokumentih, javnih informacijah, pooblastilih za uporabo znakov itd., da se zagotovi, da bo skrčeni obseg certifikacije jasno sporočen naročniku ter jasno opredeljen v certifikacijski dokumentaciji in javnih informacijah. Če je certifikat začasno odvzet, certifikacijski organ določi eno ali več oseb, da oblikujejo in sporočijo naročniku ukrepe, potrebne za prenehanje začasnega odvzema in ponovno vzpostavitev certifikacije za izdelek v skladu s certifikacijsko shemo. Naročnik ob prekinitvi veljavnosti, krčenju obsega (za krčeni obseg), začasnega odvzema, preklica certifikata ali po izteku veljavnosti certifikata ne sme več uporabljati certifikata oziroma oznake CE in morebitnih dodatnih oznak. | If the scope of certification is reduced, the certification body shall act as specified in the certification scheme and carries out all necessary changes to the formal certification documents, public information, authorisation for the use of marks, etc., to ensure that the reduced scope of certification is clearly communicated to the client and clearly identified in the certification documents and public information. If the certificate is suspension, the certification body shall designate one or more persons to devise and communicate to the client themeasures necessary to terminate the suspension and re-establish certification of the product in accordance with the certification scheme. Upon termination, reduction in scope (for a reduced scope), suspension, revocation or expiry of the certificate, the client may no longer use the certificate or the CE marking and any additional markings. |
Ponovna vzpostavitev certifikacije Če se certifikacija po začasnem odvzemu ponovno vzpostavi, certifikacijski organ izvede vse potrebne spremembe v formalnih certifikacijskih dokumentih, javnih informacijah, pooblastilih za uporabo znakov itd., da se zagotovi, da obstajajo vse ustrezne oznake, ki nakazujejo, da je izdelek še naprej certificiran. Če je odločitev za krčenje obsega certifikacije pogoj za njeno ponovno vzpostavitev, certifikacijski organ izvede vse potrebne spremembe v formalnih certifikacijskih dokumentih, javnih informacijah, pooblastilih za uporabo znakov itd., da se zagotovi, da je skrčeni obseg certifikacije jasno sporočen stranki ter jasno opredeljen v certifikacijski dokumentaciji in javnih informacijah. | Re-establishment certificate If certification is re-established after suspension, the certification body carries out all necessary changes to the formal certification documents, public information, authorisation for the use o marks, etc., to ensure that all relevant markings are in place to indicate that the product continues to be certified. If the decision to reduce the scope of certification is a condition for its re-establishment, the certification body carries out all necessary changes to the formal certification documents, public information, authorisation to use marks, etc., to ensure that the reduced scope of certification is clearly communicated to the client and clearly defined in the certification documents and public information. |
Xxxxx Xxxxxx generalni direktor / CEO