Inštitut zdravje in okolje (IZO), Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana, matična št.: 0000000000, ki ga zastopa direktor Xxxxx Xxxxxx (v nadaljevanju naročnik), na podlagi 5.1 člena sporazuma med partnerjema IZO in Asociatia Teatrul Viened de Coppi, ki opredeljuje smernice glede javnih naročil, objavlja
1. Opis predmeta javnega povabila
Inštitut za zdravje in okolje od 1. 1. 2023 izvaja projekt EcoFootprint Romania, ki je del Evropske podnebne iniciative – European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI je finančni inštrument nemškega zveznega ministrstva za okolje, ohranjanje narave in nuklearno varnost – German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), v njegovem imenu pa izbor in nadzor implementacije projektov izvaja Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Naročnik bo moral o postopku javnega povabila in izboru poročati financerju projekta, zato je razpisna dokumentacija pripravljena v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Okvirna vrednost javnega povabila je 25.000,00 € (z DDV).
Naročnik namerava v okviru projekta EcoFootprint vzpostaviti romunski kalkulator ekološkega odtisa, ki bo razvit za uporabo s strani prebivalcev Romunije in bo integriran v spletno stran projekta1. Naročnik želi s tem javnim povabilom zbrati ponudbe za storitev priprave romunskega kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa, ki mora vsebovati ali imeti sledeče lastnosti:
a) Prilagojeno tehnologijo in informacijski sistem za verificiran izračun ekološkega odtisa (spletna stran in zaledni sistem, ki omogoča zbiranje in izvoz uporabniških podatkov).
a) Prilagojen uporabniški vmesnik, ki je enostaven in privlačen za uporabo katerekoli demografske skupine v Romuniji.
b) Smernice za uporabnike za samooceno porabe virov za določene kategorije (npr. kje najti podatke o zelenih virih električne energije ipd.).
c) Oblikovana grafična podoba romunskega kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa.
2. Pogoji za priznanje sposobnosti ponudnika
Ponudnik storitve mora izpolnjevati sledeče pogoje:
- v lasti mora imeti tehnologijo, ki mu bo omogočala razvoj romunskega kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa;
- izkazovati mora strokovno usposobljenost na področju metodologije ekološkega odtisa za razvoj romunskega kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa;
1 Razvoj spletne strani projekta ni predmet tega javnega povabila.
- imeti mora stabilen ekonomski in finančni položaj, tako da je sposoben založiti sredstva za razvoj tehnologije, ki je predmet tega javnega povabila;
- ponudnik storitev mora zagotoviti, da bo končni porabnik prejetih sredstev.
3. Merila za izbor najugodnejšega ponudnika
Naročnik bo izbral najugodnejšega ponudnika, ki bo izkazoval najboljše razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno, na podlagi v nadaljevanju opisanih kriterijev.
Ponudnik bo v ponudbi za svoje storitve izkazoval načela gospodarnosti (v specifikaciji stroškov) in učinkovitosti (ustrezno sorazmerje med stroški in opravljenimi storitvami ter časovnico opravljanja storitev).
a) Ponudnik mora izkazovati kakovost svojih storitev (na podlagi dokazil o preteklih opravljenih storitvah), vključno s predstavitvijo svojih tehničnih prednosti.
a) Ponudnik mora zagotoviti estetske in funkcionalne lastnosti romunskega kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa (RKEO).
b) Ponudnik bo zagotovil ustrezno oblikovanje uporabniškega vmesnika RKEO, ki bo privlačen za uporabo katerekoli demografske skupine v Romuniji.
c) Ponudnik bo izkazal organiziranost, usposobljenost in izkušenost osebja, ki bo izvedlo storitev, kar bo dokazoval z opisi svojega osebja.
d) Ponudnik storitev bo naročniku zagotovil ekskluzivno pravico uporabe intelektualne lastnine naročniku ter zagotovil, da se bo REFC uporabljal izključno znotraj in za namene projekta EcoFootprint. Ponudnik se z oddajo ponudbe strinja, da lahko naročnik GIZ-u dodeli nepreklicno, neekskluzivno in prenosljivo pravico do uporabe tehnologije in produkta, ki bo rezultat tega javnega povabila. Vse obstoječe pravice intelektualne lastnine, ki jih je ponudnik storitev zasnoval ali ustvaril pred podpisom pogodbe na podlagi oddane ponudbe na javno povabilo, ostanejo intelektualna lastnina ponudnika storitev (»ozadje intelektualne lastnine«). Naročnik in projekt EcoFootprint Romania bosta pridobila pravico do uporabe »ozadja intelektualne lastnine«, ki bo integrirano v spletno stran projekta kot vtičnik, vendar ne bosta pooblaščena za podelitev nadaljnjih licenc.
e) Ponudnik bo delo dokončal do 15. 9. 2023 (razvil RKEO, ga integriral v spletno stran projekta EcoFootprint Romania in izvedel enomesečno testiranje).
f) Ponudnik bo zagotavljal brezplačno tehnično pomoč in poskrbel za morebitne tehnične popravke v zvezi s RKEO do formalnega zaključka projekta EcoFootprint Romania, to je do 31. 12. 2024.
4. Ponudba
Dokumentacijo ponudbe sestavlja v celoti izpolnjen obrazec, ki je sestavni del tega javnega povabila, z vsemi izjavami ter v obrazcu zahtevanimi dokazili.
Ponudnik, ki odda ponudbo, pod kazensko in materialno odgovornostjo jamči, da so vsi podatki in dokumenti, podani v ponudbi, resnični, in da so priložene kopije dokumentov enake originalom. V nasprotnem primeru ponudnik naročniku odgovarja za vso škodo, ki mu je nastala.
4.1 Jezik ponudbe
Postopek javnega naročanja poteka v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku. Vsi dokumenti v zvezi s ponudbo morajo biti ali v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku.
4.2 Veljavnost ponudbe
Ponudba mora veljati najmanj do 31. 12. 2024. V izjemnih okoliščinah bo naročnik lahko zahteval, da ponudniki podaljšajo čas veljavnosti ponudb za določeno dodatno obdobje.
4.3 Stroški v zvezi s ponudbo
Vse stroške, povezane s pripravo in predložitvijo ponudbe, nosi ponudnik.
4.4 Način in rok oddaje ponudbe
Zainteresirani ponudniki dokumentacijo ponudbe, ki je navedena v 4. točki tega javnega povabila, oddajo v elektronski obliki, in sicer tako, da jo pošljejo na elektronski naslov xxxx@xxx.xx z zadevo sporočila »Ponudba za javno povabilo RKEO« do 7. 5. 2023, do 23.59 CEST.
5. Odpiranje prejetih ponudb in način izbora
Naročnik bo pravočasno prispele ponudbe odpiral 8. 5. 2023. Izbor bo potekal v dveh krogih: v 1. krogu bo naročnik pregledal vse pravočasno prispele ponudbe in izbral tiste, ki v celoti izpolnjujejo zahteve naročnika. Izbrane ponudnike iz 1. kroga bo naročnik povabil k osebni predstavitvi njihovih oddanih ponudb. Prvi krog izbora bo zaključen predvidoma do 10. 5. 2023, morebitni drugi krog pa predvidoma do 12. 5. 2023. Pri končnem izboru naročnik izbere najugodnejšega ponudnika na podlagi meril, navedenih v tem povabilu k oddaji ponudb. Izbor ponudnika je dokončen, ko ga potrdi direktor naročnika.
6. Obveščanje o izboru ponudnika in sklenitev pogodbe z izbranim ponudnikom
Ponudnik bo o izboru obveščen po elektronski pošti, in sicer na naslov kontaktne osebe, ki jo bo navedel v dokumentaciji ponudbe. Pogodba z izbranim ponudnikom bo sklenjena predvidoma do 15. 5. 2023.
Institute Health and Environment (IHE), Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx no.: 0000000000, represented by director Xxxxx Xxxxxx (in continuation contracting authority) based on on Article 5.1 of the contract between project partners IHE and Asociatia Teatrul Viened de Coppi defining regulations on public procurement posts
1. Description of the subject of the public invitation
The Institute for Health and Environment, hereinafter referred to as the contracting authority, has been implementing the EcoFootprint Romania project since 1 January 2023. The project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a financial instrument of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), and on its behalf, the selection and supervision of project implementation is carried out by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The contracting authority will have to report on the public invitation procedure and selection to the project financier, so the tender documentation is prepared in Slovene and English. The approximate value of the public invitation is €25.000,00 (VAT included).
Within the EcoFootprint Romania project, the contracting authority intends to establish a Romanian ecological footprint calculator (REFC), which will be developed to be used by Romanian residents and integrated into the project website2. With this public invitation, the contracting authority wishes to collect offers for the service of preparation of the Romanian ecological footprint calculator, which must contain or have the following characteristics:
a) Adapted technology and information system for verified ecological footprint calculation (an online page and a backend system enabling the collection and export of user data).
a) Customised user interface so that it is easy and attractive for use by any demographic group in Romania.
b) User guidelines for their self-assessment of resource consumption for specific categories (e. g. where to find data on green sources of their electricity etc.).
c) Designed graphics for the Romanian ecological footprint calculator landing page.
2. Conditions for the recognition of the service provider's ability
The service provider must meet the following conditions:
- They must own the technology that will enable them to develop the Romanian ecological footprint calculator (REFC);
- They must demonstrate professional competence in the ecological footprint methodology and for the development of the Romanian ecological footprint calculator;
- They must have a stable economic and financial position to be able to allocate their own funds for the development of the technology that is the subject of this public invitation.
2 The development of the website is not the subject of this public invitation.
3. Criteria for selection of the most favourable service provider
The contracting authority will choose the service provider that demonstrates the best ratio between quality and price, based on the criteria outlined below.
In the offer for its services, the provider will demonstrate the principles of economy (in the cost specification) and efficiency (appropriate ratio between costs and services provided and the timetable for the provision of services).
a) The service provider must demonstrate the quality of their services (based on evidence of past services provided), including a presentation of their technical advantages.
a) The service provider must ensure the aesthetic and functional properties of the Romanian ecological footprint calculator (REFC).
b) The service provider will ensure the appropriate design of the REFC user interface, which will be attractive for the use of any demographic group within Romania.
c) The service provider will demonstrate good organisation, qualification and experience of the staff that will perform the service, as evidenced by descriptions of their staff.
d) The service provider will grant the right to use intellectual property to the contracting authority and ensure that REFC will be used exclusively within and for the purposes of the EcoFootprint Romania project. By submitting an offer, the service provider agrees that the contracting authority may grant GIZ an irrevocable, non-exclusive and transferable right to use the technology and product resulting from this public invitation. All existing intellectual property rights conceived or made by the service provider prior to the signature of the public invitation agreement will remain the intellectual property of the service provider (the “Background Intellectual Property”). The contracting authority and the EcoFootprint Romania project will be granted the right to use the “Background Intellectual Property”, which will be integrated into the project's website as a plug-in, but shall not be authorised to grant sub-licenses.
e) The service provider will complete the work by the 15th of September 2023 (developed REFC, integrated it into the EcoFootprint Romania project website and carried out a testing phase during a one-month period).
f) The service provider will provide technical assistance and take care of any technical corrections related to REFC free of charge until the formal completion of the EcoFootprint Romania project,
i. e. by the 31st of December 2024.
4. Offer
The documentation of the offer consists of a fully completed form, which is an integral part of this public invitation, with all statements and the evidence required in the form.
The service provider submitting the offer shall, under criminal and material liability, guarantee that all information and documents provided in the offer are true and that the attached copies of the
documents are identical to the originals. Otherwise, the service provider is liable to the contracting authority for any damage caused.
4.1 Language of the offer
The procedure of this public invitation is conducted in Slovene or English. All documents related to the offer must be in either Slovenian or English.
4.2 Costs related to the offer
All costs related to the preparation and submission of the offer shall be borne by the service provider.
4.3 Xxxxxx and deadline for submitting an offer
Interested service providers shall submit the documentation of the offer specified in point 4 of this public invitation in electronic form by sending it to the e-mail address xxxx@xxx.xx with the subject "Offer for the REFC public invitation" by 7th of May 2023 (23.59CEST).
4.4 Opening of received offers and selection method
The contracting authority will open the received offers on the 7th of May 2020. The selection will take place in two rounds: in the 1st round, the contracting authority will review all offers received on time and select those that fully meet the requirements of the contracting authority. The selected service providers from the 1st round will be invited by the contracting authority to a personal presentation of their submitted offers. The first round of selection is expected to be completed by the 10th of May 2023, and the possible second round is expected to be completed by the 12th of May 2023. In the final selection, the contracting authority will select the most favourable service provider on the basis of the criteria set out in this invitation. The selection of the service provider is final when it is confirmed by the director of the contracting authority.
5. Informing about the selection of the service provider and concluding a contract with the selected provider
The service provider will be notified of the selection by e-mail, to the address of the contact person who will be listed in the offer documentation. The contract with the selected service provider is expected to be concluded by the 15th of May 2023.