Splošni pogoji poslovanja
S pogoji poslovanja so definirana pravila pri nakupovanju v spletni trgovini Zlati grič, d.o.o. (v nadaljevanju: spletna trgovina). Pogoji poslovanja obravnavajo pravice uporabnika oziroma kupca ter poslovni odnos med njim in trgovino kot ponudnikom oz. prodajalcem. Vse
informacije, objavljene na tej spletni strani, so splošne informativne narave in ne predstavljajo pravnega nasveta ali kakršnekoli druge storitve. Trudili se bomo, da bodo vsi podatki in informacije, objavljeni v spletni trgovini točni in ažurni, vendar ne odgovarjamo za morebitne napake pri delovanju spletne trgovine ali za zamudo pri ažuriranju informacij.
Kupec potrjuje, da je seznanjen s celotnim besedilom splošnih pogojev poslovanja v spletni trgovini ter se z njimi strinja.
Zlati grič, d.o.o., je vpisano v sodni register, zavezanec za DDV, registriran za prodajo po internetu.
Bistvene značilnosti blaga so opisane pri vsakem konkretnem izdelku v spletni trgovini.
Zaradi narave poslovanja si ponudnik prizadeva podatke o izdelkih spreminjati in ažurirati hitro in pogosto. Kljub prizadevanju pri zagotavljanju ažurnih in točnih podatkov v spletni
trgovini se lahko zgodi, da je podatek v opisu napačen. V tem primeru, ali v primeru, da se podatek spremeni med samo obdelavo naročila, bo ponudnik kupcu ponudil najboljšo
možno rešitev. Slike izdelkov so simbolične in ni nujno, da odražajo v celoti dejansko stanje izdelka.
Izdelki so dostopni preko spletne trgovine. Če je izdelek na zalogi, je dostava v roku dveh delovnih dni. O daljšem roku dostave v primeru naročila po meri ali višje sile kupec prejme obvestilo.
Zlati Grič x.x.x. Xxxxxx 80
3210 Slovenske Konjice Slovenia
CID 5102049 VAT SI63911035
x000 000 000 00
Cene so navedene v EUR in vključujejo DDV. Znižana cena je znižana redna cena, ki velja za določen ali nedoločen čas. Vse cene v spletni trgovini so cene izdelkov in ne vsebujejo stroškov pošiljanja. Cena, izpisana ob koncu posameznega naročila, je sestavljena iz stroška nakupa blaga, stroškov pošiljanja in morebitnih stroškov plačila. Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico do spreminjanja cen brez predhodnega obvestila. Veljavna je tista cena, ki je objavljena v trenutku 6527470399/0800oddaje naročila. Vse cene veljajo samo za elektronsko naročilo izdelkov prek spletne trgovine.
Spletni ceni izdelka se prišteje še stroške dostave. V stroške dostave je zajeto pakiranje, poštnina in transport.
Ponujamo več načinov plačila: plačilo s kreditnimi karticami (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro) ali plačilo ob prevzemu v trgovini na sedežu Zlatega griča. Stroški pošiljanja so navedeni ob zaključku naročila in so odvisni od teže pošiljke in lokacije dostave.
Naročilo se izvede preko spletne trgovine s klikom na gumb "v košarico", potrditvijo izdelkov in izpolnitvijo potrebnih podatkov. Po oddaji naročila kupec prejme potrdilo o sprejetju naročila in obvestilo, ko je naročilo v obdelavi.
Ob dostavi naročila kupec prejme pogodbo (račun), ki ga mora zadržati. Ponudnik v svoji bazi hrani elektronsko kopijo poslanega računa. Kupec lahko zahteva ponovni izpis pogodbe (računa) tako, da zaprosi zanj na naslov: xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. Kupcu bomo pogodbo (račun) ponovno poslali na želen naslov (e-naslov ali klasični poštni naslov).
Rok dostave je običajno 2-3 delovne dni. Dostavo izvaja TNT Fedex ali drug izbrani prevoznik. Pri naročilu nad določen znesek je dostava brezplačna, sicer se zaračuna po veljavnem ceniku.
Spletna trgovina si pridržuje pravico do zavrnitve naročila, če ugotovi, da pod pogoji, s katerimi razpolaga, ne more izvesti naročila.
Kupec lahko odstopi od pogodbe v 14 dneh od prejema blaga brez navedbe razloga. Ponudniku to sporoči na xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. Strošek vračila blaga nosi kupec, razen v primeru poškodovanega ali napak blaga. Blago je potrebno vrniti prodajalcu najkasneje v roku 15 dni od oddanega sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe (nakupa). Prejeto blago mora kupec vrniti nepoškodovano in v nespremenjeni količini in obliki, razen če je prejel uničeno ali pokvarjeno blago. Vračilo vplačil bo izvedeno takoj, ko je to mogoče, najkasneje pa v
roku 14 dni od prejema sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe. Vračilo kupnine se nakaže na
transakcijski račun kupca, ki ga sporoči v obvestilu o vračilu blaga. Blago se vrne ponudniku na lastne stroške (razen v primeru, ko je kupec prejel uničeno ali pokvarjeno blago) na naslov podjetja: Škalce 80, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, Slovenija.
Kupec ima pravico do reklamacije blaga v zakonsko določenih okvirih. V primeru uveljavljanja reklamacije ali vračila blaga zaradi napak se kupec obrne na elektronski naslov xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.
Uporabljamo sodobne tehnološke in organizacijske rešitve za zaščito osebnih in plačilnih podatkov, vključno s SSL certifikatom. Osebni podatki so zaščiteni in uporabljeni le za namene izvedbe naročila in obveščanja.
Spoštujemo veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov in se po svojih najboljših močeh trudimo izpolniti pričakovanja kupcev. Če bi kljub temu prišlo do pritožb in reklamacij, prosimo, da jih kupec pisno posreduje na e-naslov xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. Vse morebitne
reklamacije (in spore) si bomo prizadevali rešiti sporazumno, postopek obravnave pritožbe pa je zaupen.
V primeru sporov se trudimo za sporazumno rešitev. V primeru, da sporazumna rešitev ni mogoča, je za reševanje pristojno sodišče v kraju sedeža podjetja.
Prodaja alkohola je omejena na osebe starejše od 18 let. S strinjanjem s temi pogoji kupec potrjuje, da je polnoleten. Minister za zdravje opozarja, da prekomerno pitje alkohola škoduje zdravju. Spletna trgovina je namenjena zgolj fizičnim osebam.
Spletna trgovina si pridružuje pravico do sprememb Splošnih pogojev poslovanja kadarkoli oz. brez predhodnega obvestila.
Želimo vam prijetne nakupe v naši spletni trgovini.
Vaš Zlati grič
Slovenske Konjice, 2. 6. 2024
General Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions define the rules for shopping in the online shop Zlati grič, d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the online shop). The terms and conditions deal with the rights of the user or buyer and the business relationship between the user and the shop as a provider or seller. All information published on this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or any other service. We will endeavour to ensure that all data and information published in the online shop is accurate and up to date, but we are not liable for any errors in the operation of the online shop or for any delay in updating the information.
The Buyer acknowledges that he/she has read the full text of the General Terms and Conditions of the Online Shop and agrees to be bound by them.
Zlati grič, d.o.o., is registered in the court register, VAT registered, registered for internet sales.
Essential characteristics of the goods
The essential characteristics of the goods are described for each specific product in the online shop. Due to the nature of the business, the provider endeavours to change and update product information quickly and frequently. Despite our efforts to provide up-to-date and accurate information in the online shop, it may happen that the information in the description is incorrect. In this case, or in the event that the information changes during the processing of the order itself, the provider will offer the customer the best possible solution. Product images are symbolic and do not necessarily reflect the full actual condition of the product.
Products are available via the online shop. If the product is in stock, delivery is within two working days. In the case of a custom order or force majeure, the buyer will be notified of the longer delivery time.
Prices are quoted in EUR and include VAT. A reduced price is a reduced regular price valid for a fixed or indefinite period of time. All prices in the online shop are the prices of the products and do not include shipping costs. The price displayed at the end of each order consists of the cost of purchasing the goods, the shipping costs and any payment costs. The Provider reserves the right to change prices without prior notice. The price in force shall be
the price published at the time 6527470399/0800 the order is placed. All prices are valid only for electronic ordering of products via the online shop.
The online price of the product is plus the shipping costs. The shipping costs include packaging, postage and transport.
We offer several payment methods: payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro) or payment on collection in store at the Golden Hill headquarters. Shipping costs are indicated at the time of order completion and depend on the weight of the parcel and the delivery location.
Ordering and conclusion of the contract
The order is placed via the online shop by clicking on the "add to basket" button, confirming the products and filling in the necessary information. Once the order has been placed, the customer receives a confirmation of acceptance of the order and a notification when the order is being processed.
Upon delivery of the order, the customer receives a contract (invoice), which he/she must keep. The supplier keeps an electronic copy of the invoice sent in its database. The Buyer may request a copy of the contract (invoice) by sending a request to: xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. The contract (invoice) will be resent to the Buyer at the desired address (e-mail address or conventional postal address).
The delivery time is usually 2-3 working days. Delivery is made by TNT Fedex or another carrier of your choice. For orders over a certain amount, delivery is free of charge, otherwise it will be charged according to the applicable price list.
The Online Shop reserves the right to refuse an order if it finds that it is not possible to carry out the order under the conditions available to it.
The Buyer may withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receipt of the goods without giving any reason. He shall notify the supplier at xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. The cost of returning the goods shall be borne by the Buyer, except in the case of damaged or defective goods. The goods must be returned to the Seller no later than 15 days from the date of the cancellation of the contract (purchase). The Buyer must return the goods received undamaged and in the same quantity and form, unless the Buyer has received damaged or defective goods. Refunds will be made as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation notice. The refund shall be paid into the Buyer's transaction account communicated in the notice of return. The goods shall be returned to the supplier at
the supplier's own expense (except in the case where the buyer has received destroyed or defective goods) to the company's address at Xxxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx.
Complaints and return of goods
The Buyer has the right to complain about the goods within the statutory limits. In the event of a claim or return of goods due to defects, the Buyer shall contact xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.
We use modern technological and organisational solutions to protect personal and payment data, including SSL certificates. Personal data is protected and used only for the purposes of order fulfilment and notification.
We comply with applicable consumer protection legislation and do our best to meet customer expectations. Should complaints and claims nevertheless arise, please forward them in writing to the Buyer at xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx. We will endeavour to resolve all complaints (and disputes) amicably and the complaint handling process is confidential.
In the event of disputes, we will endeavour to resolve them amicably. In the event that an amicable solution is not possible, the court of the place of the company's registered office shall have jurisdiction.
The sale of alcohol is restricted to persons over 18 years of age. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the customer confirms that he/she is of legal age. The Minister of Health warns that excessive drinking is harmful to health. The online shop is intended for natural persons only.
The Online Shop reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions at any time or without prior notice.
We wish you a pleasant shopping experience in our online shop.
Your Zlati grič
Slovenske Konjice, 2. 6. 2024