Družba N Banka d.d., Dunajska c. 128a, 1000 Ljubljana, matična številka 5496527000 (v nadaljevanju »Prodajalec«) v svojem imenu in za svoj račun objavlja predmetni razpis za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb za odkup vseh terjatev Prodajalca do svojega dolžnika – pravne osebe s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji (v nadaljevanju
1. Predmet prodaje
Prodajalec namerava prodati vse svoje terjatve do Dolžnika, ki so zavarovane z zastavno pravico prvega vrstnega reda na nepremičnini
- Večje zemljišče za poslovni namen v obalni regiji
Navedene terjatve se prodajajo kot nedeljiva celota, in sicer skupaj s pripadki in stranskimi pravicami. Terjatve, navedene pod to točko 1, se v nadaljevanju navajajo tudi kot »Terjatve«.
2. Postopek zbiranja ponudb
Predmetni postopek zbiranja zavezujočih ponudb vodi izključno Prodajalec. V postopku lahko sodelujejo domače in tuje fizične in pravne osebe, ki skladno z v nadaljevanju navedenimi pogoji oddajo ponudbo za odkup Terjatev, in ki skladno z veljavno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije smejo pridobiti Terjatve.
Prodajalec bo obravnaval zavezujoče ponudbe za odkup Terjatev, poslane izključno priporočeno po pošti, v zaprti kuverti ali ovoju na naslov: N banka d.d., OE Skladnost poslovanja, Dunajska c. 128a, 1000 Ljubljana z oznako: »NE ODPIRAJ - PONUDBA ZA ODKUP TERJATEV (RAZPIS z dne
17.10.2022)«. Ponudbe prejete po elektronski pošti, faks-u ali podobno bodo izločene iz nadaljnjega postopka.
Na hrbtni strani kuverte ali ovoja mora biti napisano ime in priimek oz. firma in poslovni naslov. ponudnika.
N Banka d.d., Xxxxxxxx x. 000x, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx number 5496527000 (hereinafter: the Seller), in its name and on its own behalf publishes this call for binding offers to purchase all the Seller’s claims against the debtor – a legal entity established in the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Debtor).
1. The subject of sale
The Seller intends to sell all of its claims against the Debtor that are secured by that are among other secured by the first line mortgage on RE
- Larger land for business purposes in coast region
The listed claims are sold as an indivisible whole, including interest and accessory rights. The claims listed under point 1 will hereinafter also be referred to as the “Claims”.
2. The Tendering Process
This process of collecting binding offers is led exclusively by the Seller. The process is open to domestic and foreign individuals and legal entities who have submitted offers to purchase Claims in accordance with the conditions outlined below and who may purchase the Claims in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Slovenia.
The seller will consider incoming binding offers for the purchase of Claims, sent exclusively by certified post in a sealed envelope or parcel to the address: N banka d.d., Compliance, Xxxxxxxx x. 000x, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx marked: "DO NOT OPEN - OFFER FOR PURCHASE OF CLAIMS (CALL FOR TENDERS of
17.10.2022). Offers received by e-mail, fax or similar shall be excluded from further process.
The reverse side of the envelope must state the bidder's name and surname or company name and corporate address.
1 od/of 15
N banka d.d., Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 000 x, XX-0000 Xxxxxxxxx. Identifikacijska št. SI 41561767. Matična št. 5496527000. Družba je vpisana pri Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani, št.vložka: 1/26467/00. TRR banke XX00 0000 0000 0000 000. Osnovni kapital znaša 133.140.393,84 EUR.
Rok za oddajo zavezujočih ponudb je do vključno 16.11.2022 do 14:00 ure. Ponudba se šteje za pravočasno, če prispe na naslov Prodajalca do navedenega dne do 14:00 ure.
2.1 Vsebina zavezujoče ponudbe
V postopku prodaje Terjatev bo Prodajalec upošteval pravočasne zavezujoče ponudbe, podpisane s strani ponudnika oz. zakonitega zastopnika ponudnika in z naslednjo obvezno vsebino:
A. Predstavitev kupca / virov financiranja:
i. Ime in priimek oz. firma ponudnika, stalno bivališče oz. poslovni naslov in davčna številka,
ii. Kontaktni podatki pooblaščene osebe ponudnika,
iii. Predstavitev ponudnika (kratek opis poslovne dejavnosti ponudnika, vključno z obsegom poslovanja in identiteto končnega lastnika ponudnika),
iv. Namen odkupa Terjatev (kot lastna naložba / kot vmesni kupec / namen nadaljnje prodaje vnaprej znanemu kupcu),
v. Navedba načina financiranja nameravanega odkupa Terjatev, vključno z dokazili o zadostnih sredstvih za plačilo ponujene kupnine in dokazili o zakonitem izvoru sredstev (veza 3. odstavek razdelka B, te točke 2.1),
vi. Izjava, ki potrjuje, da ima ponudnik vsa interna in druga dovoljenja, ki so potrebna za predložitev ponudbe, v kateri mora ponudnik navesti tudi morebitna dovoljenja, ki bi jih še lahko potreboval za nakup Terjatev.
vii. Pooblastilo ponudnika, s katerim ponudnik pooblašča Prodajalca, da v imenu in za račun ponudnika pri organizacijah za plačilni promet in pri subjektih, ki jih v izjavi o izvoru sredstev navede ponudnik, opravlja poizvedbe o verodostojnosti posredovane dokumentacije in o resničnosti dejstev, ki jih je v zvezi z izvorom sredstev za plačilo kupnine navedel ponudnik.
The deadline for submitting the binding offers shall be 16.11.2022 by 2 p.m. The offer shall be considered to have been submitted in a timely manner if it has arrived at the Seller's address by the aforementioned date, at or before 2 p.m.
2.1 Contents of the binding offer
In the process of the sale of the Claims, the Seller shall consider binding offers submitted on time that were signed by the bidder or its legal representative and contain the following obligatory elements:
A. A profile of the buyer/sources of financing:
i. Name and surname or company name of the bidder, its permanent or corporate address and tax number,
ii. Contact information of the bidder’s authorized person,
iii. A presentation of the bidder (a short description of the bidder's activities, including the volume of business and the identity of the ultimate owner of the bidder),
iv. The purpose for the purchase of the Claims (own investment / intermediary buyer / intention to resell to a known buyer),
v. A statement of the manner of financing the intended purchase of Claims, including proof of sufficient means to pay the offered purchase price, and proof of the legal origin of the assets (reference to the section B, paragraph 3, item 2.1),
vi. Statement confirming that the bidder has all internal and other authorizations required to submit an offer, including all possible authorisations needed for the purchase of the Claims.
vii. An authorisation of the bidder with which the bidder authorises the Seller to carry out inquiries on the authenticity of the submitted documentation and the truthfulness of the facts which the bidder had stated with regard to the origin of the funds for the payment of the purchase price with the payment services organizations, and with the entities indicated in the statement of origin of the funds by the bidder, in
viii. Podpisana izjava ponudnika o nepovezanosti in neobstoju konflikta interesov, katera se nahaja v Prilogi 2 tega razpisa.
B. Ponudbena neto cena za odkup Xxxxxxxx, rok plačila in način (plačila) oz. financiranja
Ponudnik mora ponujeno neto ceno za odkup Terjatev oddati na obrazcu, ki se nahaja v Prilogi 1 tega razpisa. Ponudbena cena se glasi izključno v EUR. Ponudnik sme ponuditi samo eno ponudbeno ceno.
Ponudnik mora navesti rok in način plačila kupnine, ki ne sme biti daljši od 30 dni od sklenitve Pogodbe, in sicer v dnevih od sklenitve Pogodbe.
Ponudnik mora v ponudbi podrobno opredeliti okoliščine glede financiranja odkupa Terjatev, skupaj z ustreznim dokazilom, da ponudnik ima oziroma bo imel na razpolago zadostna sredstva za odkup Terjatev, najmanj v višini ponujene cene za odkup Terjatev. Ponudnik mora predložiti dokazila glede dejanskega vira sredstev (primeroma: če je izvor denarja redno poslovanje ponudnika, je potrebno predložiti bilance ali bonitetno oceno stranke, če je izvor denarja prodaja premoženja družbe, je potrebno predložiti dokument (npr. pogodba) iz katerega je razviden izvor denarnih sredstev, itd). Poleg dokazil o izvoru sredstev mora ponudnik predložiti potrdilo banke, pri kateri ima odprt račun in preko katerega bo izvedeno nakazilo, iz katerega je razvidno da ponudnik razpolaga z zadostnimi sredstvi za plačilo kupnine. Banka oz. kreditna inštitucija preko katere bo izvedeno nakazilo varščine in kupnine mora biti registrirana v EU ter zavezana k spoštovanju predpisov EU in OFAC, ki urejajo področje preprečevanja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma.
V primeru, da je varščina ali kupnina nakazana s transakcijskega računa, katerega imetnik ni ponudnik, ali pa ponudnikov transakcijski račun ni voden pri banki iz zadnjega stavka predhodnega odstavka, je Prodajalec upravičen zavrniti sprejem take
the name and for the account of the bidder.
viii. A statement on lack of relation and non-existence of conflict of interest (Appendix 2), signed by the bidder.
B. Net offer price for the purchase of the Claims, due date for payment and payment or financing method
The bidder must submit their offer to purchase Claims on the enclosed form (Appendix 1). The offer price may only be submitted in EUR. The bidder may offer only one offer price.
The bidder must state the due date and manner of payment of the purchase price, which may not exceed 30 days from the conclusion of the Contract.
In the bid, the bidder must describe in detail the circumstances of the financing of the purchase of the Claims, along with suitable proof that the bidder has, or will have, at their disposal adequate funding for the purchase of the Claims, at least in the amount of the offered purchase price for the Claims The bidder has to submit documentation regarding the source of funds (e.g.: if the source of funds derives from income/business, financial statements or other documents appropriate to verify funds from business activity must be submitted, if the source of funds derives from sale of assets, dividends, reliable documents, such as contracts have to be submitted, etc) In addition to the proof of the origin of the funds, the bidder must submit a certificate from the bank in which the bidder has an open account and through which a transfer will be made, showing that the bidder has sufficient funds to pay the purchase price. Bank or the credit institution through which the transfer for security payment and purchase price payment will be made must be registered in the EU and committed to compliance with EU and OFAC regulations governing the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
In case the security payment or the purchase price are settled from transaction account, not owned by the bidder or the bidder’s account is not opened by at the bank, stated in the last sentence of the previous paragraph, the Seller is entitled to reject the acceptance of such
varščine oz. kupnine iz razloga na strani ponudnika oz. kupca.
Zavezujoča ponudba, skupaj z zavezujočimi izjavami o razpoložljivosti sredstev, mora biti veljavna najmanj 90 dni od poteka roka za oddajo zavezujočih ponudb.
Če je ponudnik tuja pravna oseba, mora ponudbi priložiti izpisek iz sodnega ali drugega javnega registra, v katerega je vpisana kot pravna oseba, pri čemer predložena dokumentacija ne sme biti starejša od 6 tednov. Iz predloženih dokumentov morajo biti razvidni podatki o zakonitih zastopnikih družbe, lastnikih ter končnih dejanskih lastnikih ponudnika. Izpisek mora biti uradno preveden v slovenski jezik. V primeru obsežne lastniške strukture ponudnika je potrebno ponudbi priložiti organigram / organizacijsko strukturo družbe.
Ponudba mora biti v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku. Vsak ponudnik lahko predloži le eno ponudbo. V primeru, da ponudnik predloži več kot eno ponudbo, bodo vse njegove ponudbe izločene.
C. Varščina
security payment / purchase price due to reasons on the part of the bidder / buyer.
The binding offer, along with the binding statements on the availability of funds, must be valid for at least 90 days from the deadline for the submission of binding offers.
If the bidder is a foreign legal entity, they must provide an extract from the court or other public register in which the company is registered as a legal entity, , where the documentation submitted should not be older than 6 weeks. The documents submitted must show the information regarding the legal representatives of the company, the owners and the final beneficial owners of the provider. The extract must be officially translated into Slovenian language. In case of a large ownership structure of the tenderer, the bid must be accompanied by the organizational structure of the company.
The bid must be submitted in Slovenian or English. Each bidder may submit no more than one bid. In the event that the bidder should submit more than one offer, all offers submitted by the same bidder will be disqualified.
C. Security
Prodajalec bo upošteval zavezujoče ponudbe ponudnikov, ki bodo najkasneje dan pred potekom roka iz 3. odstavka točke 2. tega razpisa do 15:00 ure na transakcijski račun banke št. XX00 0000 0000 0000 000, sklic 125710, namen: Varščina, vplačali varščino v višini 200.000,00 EUR, in ki bodo skupaj z vsebinsko popolno zavezujočo ponudbo in ostalimi zahtevanimi izjavami ter dokazili predložili potrdilo o vplačilu varščine. Varščina je denarni znesek, s plačilom katerega ponudnik utrdi svojo obveznost skleniti Pogodbo, če bo v postopku zbiranja ponudb uspel.
2.2 Skrbni pregled
Skrbni pregled bo možno opraviti po predhodnem dogovoru s Prodajalcem, in sicer v obdobju od 18.10.2022 do vključno 14.11.2022 do 14.00 h. Skrbni pregled se izvaja preko virtualne podatkovne sobe (»virtual data room«). Prodajalec sprejema
The Seller shall consider binding offers made by bidders who will deposit a security in the amount of EUR 200.000,00 to the bank account no XX00 0000 0000 0000 000, reference 125710, purpose: Security, at the latest on the day before the expiry of the deadline from Paragraph 3 of Point 2 of this Tender by 3 p.m. and who will submit a confirmation of the payment of the security along with a complete binging offer and other required statements. The security is a financial amount with which the bidder fortifies its obligation to conclude a Contract should they be successful in the tendering process.
2.2 Due diligence
It will be possible to conduct a due diligence review upon prior arrangement with the Seller in the period from 18.10.2022 until and including 14.11.2022 by 2
p.m. The due diligence review shall be performed through a virtual data room. The Seller shall accept
zaprosila za informacije in vpogled v dokumentacijo za skrbni pregled do vključno 11.11.2022 do 11.00 h.
Pogoj za izvedbo skrbnega pregleda je predhodni podpis Pogodbe o zaupnosti (NDA), ki ga bo Prodajalec zainteresiranim ponudnikom poslal na njihovo pisno zahtevo (znotraj v predhodnem odstavku navedenega obdobja).
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico, da po lastni presoji posameznemu ponudniku, brez navedbe razloga, zavrne vpogled v dokumentacijo ali mu ne omogoči vpogleda v določene informacije.
2.3 Odpiranje zavezujočih ponudb
Odpiranje zavezujočih ponudb ne bo javno.
Prodajalec bo, ni pa k temu zavezan, sprejel odločitev o najugodnejši ponudbi praviloma v roku 60-ih dni od dneva, ko se izteče rok za oddajo ponudb in ponudnike obvestil o svoji odločitvi, vendar ni zavezan k nobeni obrazložitvi.
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico, da v postopku ne izbere nobenega ponudnika oz. zavrne vse predložene ponudbe, prav tako z nobenim ponudnikom ni dolžan skleniti kakršnegakoli dogovora ali pogodbe glede njunega sodelovanja v tem postopku prodaje Terjatev.
3. Sklenitev pogodbe
Prodajalec bo s ponudnikom, ki bo uspel s ponudbo za odkup Terjatev, predvidoma v roku 15 dni od dneva obvestitve izbranega ponudnika o izbiri njegove ponudbe (ob predpogoju izkazane zakonitosti izvora sredstev za plačilo kupnine), sklenil pogodbo o odplačanem odstopu Terjatev (v tem razpisu se navaja tudi kot ˝Pogodba˝). Ponudnik je dolžan na poziv Xxxxxxxxxx nemudoma pristopiti k sklenitvi Pogodbe.
Izbrani ponudnik bo izbran skladno z naslednjim kriterijem: ponujena najvišja končna ponudbena neto cena za odkup Xxxxxxxx, rok in način plačila. Prodajalec bo po lastni presoji ocenil primernost ponudbe. V primeru, da več ponudnikov ponudi enako oz. primerljivo ceno, se s ponudniki lahko izvedejo individualna pogajanja po enakem merilu za izbor ponudbe.
requests for information and access to the documentation as part of due diligence until and including 11.11.2022 by 11 a.m.
The condition for performing a due diligence review consist of the prior signing of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which the Seller will send to interested bidders upon their written request (within the period specified in the previous paragraph).
The Seller reserves the right to deny any individual bidder access to the documentation without providing a reason, or to withhold, or prevent access to specific information.
2.3 Opening of the binding offers
The opening of the binding offers shall not be public.
The Seller will, but is not obliged to, make a decision on the most suitable offers within 60 days following the expiration of the submissions deadline and will notify the bidders on its decision, but is not required to offer an explanation.
The Seller reserves the right to not choose any of the bidders i.e. to decline all submitted offers and is also not obliged to conclude any agreement or contract regarding cooperation in this process of the sale of the Claims with any of the bidders.
3. Conclusion of the Contract
Within 15 days from the day of the final decision on the selection of an offer (subject to the prerequisite of the legality of the origin of funds for payment of the purchase price), the Seller shall conclude a contract on assignment of the Claims for consideration (also referred to as the ˝Contract˝) with the bidder who will be successful in their offer to purchase the Claims. At the invitation of the Seller, the bidder is obliged to immediately enter into the conclusion of the Contract.
The selected bidder will be chosen according to the following criteria: highest final offered net price for the purchase of the Claims, the due date and manner of payment. The Seller will determine whether the bid is suitable at its own discretion. If multiple bidders should offer the same or comparable price, individual negotiations may be
V primeru sklenitve Pogodbe se plačana varščina šteje kot ara, dana v znamenje, da je Pogodba sklenjena, in se pri izpolnitvi Pogodbe všteje v izpolnitev kupčeve obveznosti plačila kupnine.
Pravočasna poravnava kupnine bo bistvena sestavina Pogodbe. Če kupec zamudi s poravnavo preostanka kupnine (celotna kupnina z upoštevanjem vštetja are), se šteje Pogodba za razvezano in Prodajalec obdrži aro.
Če s strani Prodajalca izbrani ponudnik v roku/nemudoma po pozivu Prodajalca iz 1. odstavka te točke »3. Sklenitev pogodbe« ne podpiše/sklene Pogodbe ali zadostno ne izkaže zakonitosti izvora sredstev za plačilo kupnine, mora Prodajalcu plačati pogodbeno kazen za neizpolnitev obveznosti skleniti Pogodbo v znesku, ki je enak znesku plačane varščine. V tem primeru plačilo varščine šteje za plačilo pogodbene kazni in Prodajalec obdrži plačani znesek varščine. V tem primeru ima Prodajalec pravico (ne pa tudi dolžnost) skleniti Pogodbo s ponudnikom, ki je podal drugo ali naslednjo primerno in najugodnejšo zavezujočo ponudbo brez ponovitve zbiranja ponudb za odkup Terjatev.
Ponudnikom, katerih ponudbe Prodajalec ne bo ocenil kot primerne oziroma katere s strani Prodajalca ne bodo izbrane, se vplačana varščina neobrestovana vrne v enkratnem znesku tretji delovni po sklenitvi Pogodbe z izbranim ponudnikom, vse to pod pogojem, da ponudnik predhodno predloži Prodajalcu pisno izjavo z navedbo njegovega računa, na katerega naj se vrne varščina. V primeru, da se pisna izjava predloži kasneje, se neobrestovana varščina vrne tretji delovni dan po predložitvi izjave z navedbo računa, na katerega naj se vrne varščina.
Prenos Xxxxxxxx in izročitev notarsko overjenega izvirnika Pogodbe bo skladno s Pogodbo realiziran po plačilu celotne kupnine. Vse davke, stroške in morebitne druge javne dajatve, vključno z morebitnimi notarskimi stroški, v zvezi s prenosom oz. prodajo Terjatev bo nosil in plačal izbrani ponudnik - kupec. Terjatve se prodajo po načelu
»videno-kupljeno« (izključena jamstva Prodajalca,
conducted with such bidders, with the same offer selection criteria.
In the event of a conclusion of the Contract, the security deposit shall be considered equivalent to a down payment indicating that the Contract had been concluded and shall count towards the fulfilment of the buyer's obligation to pay the purchase price.
Timely payment of the purchase price will be an essential element of the Contract. If the buyer is late with the payment of the remaining purchase price (total purchase price minus the security), the Contract shall be deemed rescinded and the Seller shall keep the security deposit.
If the bidder chosen by the Seller shall fail to sign/conclude the Contract within the deadline set in Paragraph 1 of Point 3, “Conclusion of the Contract”, or does not adequately prove the lawfulness of the origin of the funds for payment of the purchase price, it must pay a contractual penalty for the non- fulfilment of obligations in the amount of the paid security deposit. In this case, the payment of the security deposit shall be considered as the payment of the contractual penalty and the Seller shall keep the paid security amount. In such cases, the Seller shall have the right (but not the obligation) to enter into the Contract with the bidder that has submitted the next-best and suitable binding offer, without having to repeat the invitation to tender for the purchase of Claims.
The bidders whose offers have been found unsuitable by the Seller or those that were not selected by the Seller will be reimbursed the full amount of the security deposit, interest-free, no later than by the third business day from the conclusion of the Contract with the selected bidder, subject to the condition that the bidder has submitted a written statement with an indication of the bidder’s bank account where the security deposit is to be refunded. If the written statement is submitted later, the interest-free amount of the security deposit shall be refunded on the third business day after the submission of the written statement indicating the bank account where the security deposit is to be refunded.
In accordance with the Contract, the transfer of the Claims and the delivery of the notarised original of the Contract shall be realised after the payment of the total purchase price. All taxes, costs and possible other public charges, including any notarial fees incurred in connection with the transfer or sale
med drugim tudi jamčevanje za izterljivost Terjatev), pri čemer se na kupca prenesejo vse Terjatve prodajalca, vključno s pripadki in stranskimi pravicami, v največjem zakonskem dopustnem obsegu.
Besedilo Pogodbe se bo vloženo v virtualno podatkovno sobo in ponudnik/kupec z oddajo ponudbe v celoti soglaša z njeno vsebino.
Pogodba bo sklenjena in se bo njena vsebina presojala po pravu Republike Slovenije, ter bo določena pristojnost sodišč v Republiki Sloveniji.
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico, da Pogodbe ne sklene z nobenim ponudnikom.
4. Drugo
Ponudniki sami nosijo stroške udeležbe na tem razpisu oz. postopku prodaje Terjatev ter vse morebitne s tem povezane stroške, ne glede na uspeh na tem razpisu. Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico do spremembe postopka in pogojev prodaje Terjatev.
Ponudniki s svojim vstopom v postopek razpisa (to je s sklenitvijo Pogodbe o zaupnosti) soglašajo s pogoji izvedbe le-tega in se zavezujejo v najširšem obsegu sodelovati s Prodajalcem pri ugotavljanju / izkazovanju zakonitosti izvora sredstev za plačilo kupnine.
5. Pravica do preklica in izključitev odškodninske odgovornosti Prodajalca
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico kadarkoli in brez pojasnila spremeniti načrtovani potek, korake ali druge elemente postopka, prav tako lahko kadarkoli prekine ali ustavi postopek zbiranja ponudb, prodaje oz. pogajanj, za kar ne nosi nobene odgovornosti in ponudniki iz tega naslova ne morejo zoper Prodajalca uveljavljati nikakršnih zahtevkov.
Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico, da Pogodbe v naslednjih fazah postopka prodaje Terjatev ne sklene z nobenim ponudnikom.
Odškodninska odgovornost Prodajalca je v celoti izključena.
of Claims, shall be borne and paid by the winning bidder - the buyer. The Claims are sold on an as-is basis (excluding guarantees from the Seller, including guaranteeing the enforceability of the claims), whereby all Seller's Claims, including accrued interest and accessory rights are transferred to the buyer to the full extent of the law.
The wording of the Contract will be uploaded into the virtual data room and by submitting the binding offer the bidder/buyer fully agrees with the content/terms of the Contract.
The Contract shall be concluded and its contents shall be judged based on the law of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Seller reserves the right not to sign the Contract with any bidder.
4. Other
The bidders carry the cost of participating in this invitation/the process of the sale of the Claims along with all possible connected costs regardless of their success in the process. The Seller reserves the right to change the procedure and terms of sale of the Claims.
With their entry into the tendering process (i.e. with conclusion of the NDA), the bidders agree to the conditions of its implementation and undertake to cooperate with the seller in the widest possible extent in determining / disclosing the legality of the origin of funds for payment of the purchase price.
5. The right to revoke and exclude the Seller’s liability for damages
The Seller reserves the right to change the planned process, steps, or other elements of the process at any time and without explanation and may at any time cancel or stop the process of tendering, sale, or negotiations, without any liability and the bidders may not pursue any claims as a result of that.
The Seller reserves the right not to conclude a Contract with any bidder in the following phases of the Claims selling process.
The Seller's liability for damages is completely excluded.
6. Varovanje osebnih podatkov
V smislu predpisov o varovanju osebnih podatkov Prodajalec s predmetnim postopkom zasleduje svoj pogodbeni in zakoniti interes, kjer je Prodajalec kot dober gospodarstvenik upravičen in dolžan zagotoviti poplačilo zapadlih in neplačanih terjatev iz naslova kreditnih pogodb.
Prodajalec lahko v okviru skrbnega pregleda in izključno po sklenitvi Pogodbe o zaupnosti omogoči upravičenim osebam vpogled v osebne podatke, vendar le v najnujnejšem obsegu.
Vsaka oseba, ki se ji skladno s tem razpisom omogoči vpogled v osebne podatke soglaša in izjavlja, da bo podatke uporabljala skladno z vsakokrat veljavnim Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov in GDPR, vse to v svojem imenu in za svoj račun kot upravljalec osebnih podatkov ter izključno za namen priprave ponudbe v predmetnem postopku.
7. Dodatne informacije
Potencialni ponudniki lahko dodatne informacije dobijo pri predstavnici Prodajalca:
Xxxx Xxxxxx Pivar tel. št.: x000 00 000 000, e-mail: xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
6. Personal data protection
By the present tender process the Seller pursues his own legitimate interest (in terms of personal data protection regulations), where the Seller as a diligent businessperson is entitled and obliged to ensure the repayment of outstanding debt under loan agreements.
In the course of the due diligence process and only after the conclusion of the NDA the Seller may – to the minimum extent necessary – grant an access to personal data to an eligible person.
Any person, whom an access to personal data is granted according to the provisions of the present tender, agrees to process the data observing provisions of respective Personal Data Protection Act and GDPR, all on their own behalf and on their own account as a personal data controller, and exclusively for the purpose to submit an offer in the present tender procedure.
7. Additional information
Potential bidders may request additional information from the Seller's representative:
Xxxx Xxxxxx Pivar, tel. no.: x000 00 000 000, e-mail: xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
8. Pravo in pristojnosti
Ta razpis je sestavljen v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer v primeru odstopanj med obema verzijama besedila razpisa prevlada verzija v slovenskem jeziku.
Za ta razpis oziroma objavo, postopke, vezane na ta razpis in zbiranje ponudb se uporablja pravo Republike Slovenije. V primerih kakršnihkoli sporov je izključno krajevno pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani.
Ljubljana, dne 17.10.2022 Prodajalec:
N banka d.d.
8. Law and jurisdiction
This call for binding bids is issued in Slovene and English language, where in the case of discrepancies between both versions the Slovene version shall prevail.
This tendering process or this publication, processes involved in this call and the collection of bids shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of Slovenia. In the event of any disputes, the matter shall be resolved by the competent court in Ljubljana.
Ljubljana, on 17 November 2022 The Seller
N banka d.d.
Priloga št. 1
V zvezi z Razpisom za zbiranje zavezujočih ponudb za odkup terjatev z dne (v
nadaljevanju »Xxxxxx«), Xxxxxxxx ,
, matična številka:
, ki ga zastopa (v nadaljevanju
»Ponudnik«) v postopku prodaje terjatev upnika N banka d.d., Dunajska c. 128a, 1000 Lju- bljana, matična številka 5496527000 (v nadaljevanju »Prodajalec«) do dolžnika
daje Prodajalcu naslednjo zavezujočo in nepo- gojno ponudbo:
1. Ponudbena cena za odkup Terjatev, ki so zavarovane, kot je navedeno v 1. točki Xxxxxxx, skupaj s pripadki in stranskimi pravicami, znaša EUR neto (z besedo: 00/100 xxxxx xxxx).
2. Rok plačila kupnine dni od sklenitve Pogodbe.
3. Veljavnost ponudbe do vključno .
4. Ta ponudba je zavezujoča in nepogojna.
Ponudnik izjavljam in jamčim:
1. da sprejemam vse pogoje Razpisa in soglašam z besedilom Pogodbe, kot je bilo priloženo Razpisu;
2. da je bila dne skladno z določbami Razpisa plačana varščina v višini
EUR, in sicer z računa Ponudnika pri banki oz. kreditni inštituciji, registri- rani v EU, katera je zavezana k spoštovanju predpisov EU in OFAC, ki urejajo pod- ročje preprečevanja pranja denarja in financiranja terorizma, ter je dokazilo o plačilu priloženo tej ponudbi;
3. da se odpovedujem vsem zahtevkom zoper Prodajalca, ki bi izvirali iz sodelovanja v tem postopku, izrecno tudi zahtevkom za povračilo stroškov, škode in podobno;
4. da imajo vsi izrazi, uporabljeni v tej ponudbi, isti pomen kot v Razpisu.
V/na , Ponudnik:
Apendix No. 1
Referring to the Call for Binding Bids to Purchase Claims dated on (hereinafter the
»Call«), the Bidder ,
, registration number:
, duly represented by (hereinafter the »Bidder«) in the process of the sale of claims of the creditor N banka d.d., Xxxxxxxx x. 000x, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx number 5496527000 (hereinafter the »Seller«) against the debtor _ hereby submits to the Seller the follow- ing binding and unconditional offer:
1. The offered price for purchase of Claims, secured as described under the item 1 of the Call, including interest and accessory rights, amounts to EUR net (EUR
2. Purchase price payment deadline days after the conclusion of the Con- tract.
3. Validity of the offer until .
4. This offer is binding and unconditional.
We, the Bidder hereby declare and warrant:
5. that we accept the terms of the Call and agree with the wording of the Contract (ap- pendix 3 to the Call);
6. that on the Security in amount of EUR was paid accord- ing to provisions of the Call, namely from Bidder’s account at a bank or the credit institution, registered in the EU and committed to compliance with EU and OFAC regulations governing the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
7. that we waive all claims against the Seller which would arise out of participation in this process, expressly also all claims to reimburse costs, damages and similar;
8. that all terms, used in this offer have the same meaning as defined in the Call.
, on Bidder:
Priloga št. 2 – pravne osebe
Spodaj podpisani , kot direktor / zakoniti zastopnik / pooblaščeni zastopnik družbe
(v nadaljevanju: kupec) v zvezi z nakupom terjatev do družbe ,
izrecno izjavljam, da:
• nastopam v imenu in za račun zgoraj navedene družbe ter izrecno ne kot posrednik ali pooblaščenec tretjih oseb,
• družba kupca, njene poslovodne osebe in lastniki nimajo lastniških, upravljavskih ali kakšnih drugač- nih povezav v smislu pravil, ki urejajo gospodarske družbe, oziroma niso kakorkoli povezani z lastniki ali člani upravljanja ali nadzora v družbi dolžnika ter nimajo nobenih drugih neposrednih ali posrednih povezav z dolžnikom , porokom, so-dolžnikom ali drugo pogodbeno stranko, katere dolg/terjatev/nepremičnina je predmet nakupa,
• nisem zaposlen v NLB skupini in nisem v sorodstvenem razmerju* s katerimkoli od zaposlenih v NLB skupini,
• nisem seznanjen z obstojem povezanosti drugih predstavnikov oz. zaposlenih pri kupcu do oseb, navedenih v predhodnih dveh točkah,
• kupec in dolžnik nista v razmerju povezanih družb, kot jih določa zakon, ki ureja gospodarske družbe,
• ne predstavljam pravne osebe v kapitalu katere ima oseba iz prejšnjih alinej delež oziroma katere član poslovodstva ali prokurist je oseba, ki je bila član poslovodstva ali prokurist dolž- nika ,
• nisem član poslovodstva ali prokurist dolžnika ,
• nisem oseba, za katero se v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja prevzeme, neizpodbitno domneva, da z osebo iz prejšnjih alinej deluje usklajeno,
• ne obstajajo nobene druge povezave ali okoliščine, ki bi lahko povzročile kakršnokoli nasprotje inte- resov.
S podpisom te listine izrecno jamčim in potrjujem resničnost zgoraj podane izjave in se zavedam, da je ta izjava pravno zavezujoča in nepreklicna.
Datum: Podpis:
*Sorodstveno razmerje predstavlja odnos: otroci, starši, zakonci (zakonska zveza, zunajzakonska skupnost, sklenjena partnerska zveza, registrirana partnerska skupnost in podobno), posvojitelji in posvojenci, bratje in sestre (polno/polovično sorodstvo), stari starši in vnuki ter drugi, kot npr. strici/tete, botri.
Priloga št. 2 – fizične osebe
Spodaj podpisani (ime in priimek, naslov, datum rojstva) (v nadaljevanju: kupec) v zvezi z nakupom terjatev do družbe
izrecno izjavljam, da:
• nastopam v svojem imenu in za svoj račun ter izrecno ne kot posrednik ali pooblaščenec tretjih oseb,
• nimam lastniških, upravljavskih ali kakšnih drugačnih povezav v smislu pravil, ki urejajo gospodarske družbe, oziroma nisem kakorkoli povezan z lastniki ali člani upravljanja ali nadzora v družbi dolžnika ter nisem na kakršenkoli drug način neposredno ali posredno povezan z dolžnikom
__ , porokom, so-dolžnikom ali drugo pogodbeno stranko, katere dolg/terjatev/nepremičnina je predmet nakupa,
• nisem zaposlen v NLB skupini in nisem v sorodstvenem razmerju* s katerimkoli od zaposlenih v NLB skupini,
• nisem član poslovodstva ali prokurist dolžnika ,
• nisem oseba, za katero se v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja prevzeme, neizpodbitno domneva, da z osebo iz prejšnjih alinej deluje usklajeno,
• ne obstajajo nobene druge povezave ali okoliščine, ki bi lahko povzročile kakršnokoli nasprotje inte- resov.
S podpisom te listine izrecno jamčim in potrjujem resničnost zgoraj podane izjave in se zavedam, da je ta izjava pravno zavezujoča in nepreklicna.
Izrecno potrjujem svojo privolitev za zbiranje mojih osebnih podatkov, vsebovanih na tej izjavi za namen ugo- tavljanja nasprotja interesov v povezavi s pravnim poslom, opredeljenim v prvem stavku te izjave.
Datum: Podpis:
*Sorodstveno razmerje predstavlja odnos: otroci, starši, zakonci (zakonska zveza, zunajzakonska skupnost, sklenjena partnerska zveza, registrirana partnerska skupnost in podobno), posvojitelji in posvojenci, bratje in sestre (polno/polovično sorodstvo), stari starši in vnuki ter drugi, kot npr. strici/tete, botri.
Appendix 2 – Corporate
The under signed party as director/legal representative/authorised representa- tive/officer of the company (in short »buyer«) in connec- tion to the acquisition of the assets (receivables (claim))
herewith clearly confirms that:
• I am acting in the name and on behalf of the above company and not as an intermediary or proxy of any third party,
• the company acting as buyer or any of its legal/authorised representatives and owners are not con- nected to the debtor in terms of ownership, management or anything else in accordance with the rules governing companies and are not in any way connected with the owners or members of the manage- ment or supervision of the debtor and have no other direct or indirect connection to the debtor
, guarantor, co-debtor or any other contractual party, whose debt/claim/real estate is the subject of this transaction,
• I am not an employee of NLB Group and I am not a close relative* of any of the employees in NLB Group,
• I am not aware of any connections of other representatives or employees of the buyer towards the persons mentioned above,
• the buyer and debtor are not anyhow connected companies in line with the provisions of the Slovenian Companies Act,
• I am not representing a legal entity in the capital of which the person referred in points above would hold shares/capital or whose legal representative/authorised signatory would have been a legal rep- resentative or an authorised signatory of the debtor ,
• I am not a member of the management board/legal representative or an authorised signatory of the debtor ,
• I am not a person, for which a conclusive presumption in line with the law that regulates acquisitions applies that the person acts coherently with the persons from previous points,
• no other circumstances which could lead to any kind of conflict of interest exists.
Herewith I guarantee and confirm that the all stated above is true and am aware that this is legally binding and irrevocable declaration.
Date: Signature:
*Close relatives are at least: children, parents, partners, spouses (marriage, civil union, registered partnership etc.), adopters and adoptees, brothers and sisters (full/half-blood), grandparents, grandchildren and others such as uncles/aunts, godfathers/godmothers.
The under signed party (name and surname, address, date of birth) (in short »buyer«) in connection to the acquisition of the assets (receivables/claim)
herewith clearly confirms that:
• I am acting in my own name and on my own behalf and not as an intermediary or proxy of any third party,
• I am not connected to the debtor in terms of ownership, management or anything else in accordance with the rules governing companies and am not in any way connected with the owners or members of the management or supervision of the debtor and I have no other direct or indirect connection to the debtor , guarantor, co-debtor or any other contractual party, whose debt/claim/real estate is the subject of this transaction,
• I am not an employee of NLB Group and I am not a close relative* of any of the employees in NLB Group,
• I am not a member of the management board/legal representative or an authorised signatory of the debtor ,
• I am not a person, for which a conclusive presumption in line with the law that regulates acquisitions applies, that the person acts coherently with the persons from previous points,
• no other circumstances which could lead to any kind of conflict of interest exists.
Herewith I confirm that the all stated above is true and I am aware that this is legally binding and irrevocable declaration.
Furthermore I guarantee and clearly confirm my consent to the collection of my personal data, contained in this declaration for the purpose of establishing whether any conflict of interest exist in connection to the trans- action defined in the first sentence of this declaration.
Date: Signature:
*Close relatives are at least: children, parents, partners, spouses (marriage, civil union, registered partnership etc.), adopters and adoptees, brothers and sisters (full/half-blood), grandparents, grandchildren and others such as uncles/aunts, godfathers/godmothers.