- Nabava -
1. Uvodna določila
1.1 Splošni pogoji poslovanja - Nabava družbe Hoedlmayr logistika, d.o.o., Tovarniška cesta 36, 1370 Logatec, matična številka: 5910404000 (v nadaljevanju: »Kupec« ali
»Xxxxxxxx«) opredeljujejo pogoje poslovanja Kupca oziroma Naročnika pri sklenitvi (i) prodajne pogodbe za prodajo oziroma nakup blaga oziroma stvari in (ii) pogodbe za izvedbo storitev izvajalca za Naročnika (v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji poslovanja«).
1.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja so sestavni del vsake (i) prodajne pogodbe za prodajo oziroma nakup blaga oziroma stvari sklenjene med prodajalcem in Kupcem ter (ii) pogodbe za izvedbo storitev izvajalca za Naročnika
1.3 Prodajalec blaga oziroma stvari Kupcu oziroma izvajalec storitev za Naročnika je lahko vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba (v nadaljevanju: »Prodajalec« ali »Izvajalec«), ki s Kupcem oziroma Naročnikom sklene (i) prodajno pogodbo za prodajo oziroma nakup blaga oziroma stvari in/ali (ii) pogodbo za izvedbo storitev (v nadaljevanju: »Pogodba«).
1.4 Morebitni splošni pogoji poslovanja Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca niso sestavni del Pogodbe, in sicer tudi v primeru, da se Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec nanje v svoji dokumentaciji (npr. ponudbi, računu, itd.) izrecno sklicuje.
2. Narava Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
2.1 S Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja Kupec oziroma Naročnik ureja posamezna vprašanja v zvezi s sklenitvijo Pogodbe in dopolnjuje posebne dogovore oziroma Pogodbo med Kupcem oziroma Naročnikom in Prodajalcem oziroma Izvajalcem.
- Purchasing -
1. Introductory Provisions
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions for Purchasing of Hoedlmayr logistika d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, XX-0000 Logatec, company registration number: 5910404000 (hereinafter referred to as: the “buyer” or the “contracting entity”) define the business conditions of the buyer or the contracting entity when it comes to (i) concluding a sales agreement for the sale or purchase of goods and (ii) concluding an agreement for the execution of services of the contractor for the contracting entity (hereinafter referred to as: the “General Terms and Conditions”).
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of each (i) sales agreement for the sale or purchase of goods or things, concluded between the seller and the buyer, and (ii) agreement for the provision of services of the contractor for the contracting entity.
1.3 The seller of goods or things to the buyer or the contractor providing services to the contracting entity can be any natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as: the “seller” or the “contractor”) who concludes (i) a sales agreement for the sale or purchase of goods or things and/or (ii) an agreement for the execution of services (hereinafter referred to as: the “agreement”) with the buyer or the contracting entity.
1.4 Any general terms and conditions of the seller or the contractor do not form an integral part of the agreement, even if the seller or the contractor makes explicit reference to them in their documents (e.g. in the order placement, invoice etc.).
2. Nature of the General Terms and Conditions
2.1 These General Terms and Conditions are used by the buyer or the contracting entity to settle individual questions related to the conclusion of an agreement and are intended to supplement any special arrangements or the agreement concluded between the contracting entity or the buyer and the contractor or the seller.
2.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja zavezujejo Kupca oziroma Naročnika in Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca tako kot posebni pogoji oziroma Pogodba med Kupcem oziroma Naročnikom in Prodajalcem oziroma Izvajalcem.
3. Ponudba, naročilo in potrditev naročila
3.1 V primeru, da Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec na podlagi povpraševanja Kupca, Kupcu oziroma Naročniku pošlje pisno ponudbo za dobavo blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbo storitev mora takšno ponudbo poslati brezplačno v dveh izvodih. Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec mora v svoji ponudbi jasno in določno opredeliti (i) izdajatelja ponudbe, (ii) naslovnika ponudbe, (iii) količino in lastnosti ponujenega blaga oziroma način in podrobnosti izvedbe ponujenih storitev, (iv) ceno (z navedbo neto vrednosti blaga oziroma storitve in DDV), (v) rok dobave oziroma izvedbe storitve ter (vi) plačilne pogoje (v nadaljevanju: »Ponudba«). Tako podana Ponudba veže Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca tri mesece od dne izdaje Ponudbe.
3.2 Na podlagi tako prejete Ponudbe lahko Kupec oziroma Naročnik Ponudbo sprejme. Kupec oziroma Naročnik Ponudbo sprejme na način, da Prodajalcu oziroma Izvajalcu v roku treh mesecev od dne izdaje Ponudbe posreduje pisen sprejem Ponudbe oziroma naročilo (v nadaljevanju: »Naročilo«). Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec je dolžan pisno potrditi Naročilo v roku 14 dni od dne prejema Naročila. V kolikor Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec Naročila v navedenem roku pisno ne potrdi, lahko Kupec oziroma Naročnik svoje Naročilo umakne oziroma od Pogodbe nemudoma odstopi.
3.3 Pogodba med Prodajalcem oziroma Izvajalcem in Kupcem oziroma Naročnikom (v nadaljevanju: Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec in Kupec oziroma Naročnik vsak posamično tudi kot »Pogodbena stranka« oziroma skupaj tudi kot »Pogodbeni stranki«) je sklenjena, ko Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec prejme Naročilo na podlagi Ponudbe.
2.2 These General Terms and Conditions are binding for the buyer or the contracting entity and for the seller or the contractor, much like any special conditions or the agreement concluded between the buyer or the contracting entity and the seller or the contractor.
3. Offer, order and order confirmation
3.1 If the seller or the contractor sends a written offer for the provision of goods or things or for the execution of services to the buyer or the contracting entity based on a buyer’s enquiry, said offer must be sent free of charge in two copies. In its offer, the seller or the contractor must clearly and precisely define (i) the entity issuing the offer, (ii) the addressee of the offer, (iii) the quantity and properties of the provided goods or the manner and details of the execution of the provided services, (iv) the price (by indicating the net value of goods or services and the amount of VAT), (v) the deadline for the provision or execution of service and (vi) the payment terms (hereinafter referred to as: the “offer”). Said offer shall be binding for the seller or the contractor within three months of the date of issue of the offer.
3.2 Based on said offer, the buyer or the contracting entity can accept the offer. The buyer or the contracting entity accepts the offer by providing the seller or the contractor with a written confirmation of acceptance of the offer or with an order (hereinafter referred to as: the “order”) within three months of the date of issue of the offer. The seller or the contractor must confirm the order in writing within 14 days of receiving the order. If the seller or the contractor fails to confirm the order in writing within the aforementioned period, the buyer or the contracting entity may withdraw its order or immediately terminate the agreement.
3.3 The agreement concluded between the seller or the contractor and the buyer or the contracting entity (hereinafter, the contractor or the seller and the contracting entity or the buyer are individually referred to as: the “contracting party”, while they are jointly referred to as: the “contracting parties”) shall be considered concluded when the seller or the contractor receives the order based on the offer.
3.4 Kakršnikoli ustni dogovori med Prodajalcem oziroma Izvajalcem in Kupcem oziroma Naročnikom v ustni obliki so neveljavni in brez kakršnegakoli učinka, v kolikor jih Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec in Kupec oziroma Naročnik ne potrdita v pisni obliki.
4. Cena
4.1 Cena blaga oziroma stvari oziroma storitev v Ponudbi velja kot najvišja cena, ki jo je ob morebitnih spremembah potrebno vedno prilagoditi v korist Kupca oziroma Naročnika. Če se cena blaga oziroma stvari oziroma storitev med oddajo Ponudbe in dobavo blaga oziroma izvedbo storitev zniža je dolžan Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec Kupcu oziroma Naročniku obračunati znižano ceno. Obveznost znižanja cene se uporablja zlasti, vendar ne izključno, v primeru spremembe cenika, spremembah cen zaradi spremenjenih razmerij med valutami itd. Xxxxxx, davki, pristojbine in transportni stroški, embalaža, zavarovanje ali drugi stroški, ki niso navedeni v Ponudbi in/ali Xxxxxxxx, gredo vselej v breme Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca.
4.2 Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec je dolžan spoštovati vsa določila Uredbe o embalaži in odpadni embalaži (v vsakokrat veljavni verziji) in prevzeti vse stroške odstranitve embalaže dobavljenega blaga oziroma stvari med odpadke ali brezplačno sprejeti embalažo dobavljenega blaga oziroma stvari.
4.3 Vse morebitne predstavitve blaga oziroma stvari oziroma storitev, testne predstavitve in/ali testni tek - tudi pred sklenitvijo Pogodbe
- so za Kupca oziroma Naročnika vselej brezplačni.
4.4 Stroške dobave blaga oziroma stvari nosi Prodajalec, v kolikor se Prodajalec in Kupec pisno ne dogovorita drugače.
5. Plačilni pogoji
5.1 Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec je dolžan poslati Kupcu oziroma Naročniku po opravljeni dobavi blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbi storitev račun za dobavljeno blago oziroma stvar oziroma izvedeno storitev. Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec mora na računu navesti številko Naročila in popolno oznako pozicij blaga oziroma stvari oziroma storitev po
3.4 Any oral agreements between the seller or the contractor and the buyer or the contracting entity shall be considered null and void if the seller or the contractor and the buyer or the contracting entity fail to jointly confirm them in writing.
4. Price
4.1 The price of goods or things or services set out in the offer shall be considered as the highest price that must always be adapted for the benefit of the buyer or the contracting entity in the event of any changes. If, between the moment that the offer has been provided and the time of supply of goods or things execution of services, the price lowers, the seller or the contractor must invoice the lowered price to the buyer or the contracting entity. The obligation of lowering the price is specifically, but not exclusively used in the event of a change in the price list, change of prices due to changed relations between currencies, etc. Duties, taxes, fees and transport costs, packaging, insurance or other costs that are not set out in the offer and/or in the order, shall always be paid by the seller or the contractor.
4.2 The seller or the contractor shall respect all provisions of the Regulation on the management of packaging and packaging waste (in the version applicable from time to time) and shall also take over all costs of the disposal of packaging of the supplied goods or accept the packaging of the supplied goods or things free of charge.
4.3 Any potential presentations of goods or services, test presentations and/or test runs, even before the conclusion of the agreement, shall always be executed free of charge for the buyer or the contracting entity.
4.4 The costs of the supply of goods or things shall be borne by the seller, unless the seller and the buyer agree otherwise in writing.
5. Payment terms
5.1 After supplying the goods or things or executing the services, the seller or the contractor must send to the buyer or the contracting entity the invoice for the supplied goods or things or executed services. The seller or the contractor must complete the invoice with the order number and full code of the positions of goods or things or services set
Naročilu ter količino in ceno vsake posamezne pozicije blaga oziroma stvari oziroma storitve. Rok za plačilo začne teči šele v primeru tako popolno izdanega računa Naročniku.
5.2 Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec je dolžan izdati račun v valuti Naročila.
5.3 V primeru storitev, ki so obračunane po času je Izvajalec dolžan predložiti računu s strani Izvajalca in Naročnika potrjen in podpisan izkaz opravljenega časa Izvajalca, v nasprotnem primeru račun ni veljaven. Imena na izkazu opravljenega časa morajo biti zapisana jasno z navedbo datuma.
5.4 Rok plačila - če ni dogovorjeno drugače - začne teči po popolni dobavi blaga oziroma stvari oziroma opravljeni storitvi, vse brez napak. Naročnik je upravičen v primeru plačila računa (i) v roku 20 dni po prejemu računa do 4% popusta na znesek računa, (ii) v roku 30 dni po prejemu računa do 3% popusta na znesek računa, (iii) po 30 dneh pa neto znesek na računu. Blago oziroma stvar in storitev se plačuje izključno v evrih.
5.5 Sprejem (ustni ali pisni) dobave blaga oziroma stvari ali opravljene storitve ali opravljena plačila, ne pomenijo kakršnekoli odpovedi Naročnika oziroma Kupca katerimkoli zahtevkom, primeroma vendar ne izključno, zahtevku za odpravo napak, zahtevku na znižanje kupnine, itd.
6. Rok dobave blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbe storitev
6.1 Rok dobave blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbe storitev v Ponudbi je za Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca zavezujoč. Če je bila dobava blaga oziroma stvari izvedena pred dogovorjenim rokom dobave, si Kupec pridržuje pravico da blago vrne Prodajalcu na stroške in tveganje Prodajalca. Če ob predčasni dobavi Kupec Prodajalcu ne vrne blaga oziroma stvari, bo blago oziroma stvar skladiščena pri Kupcu na stroške in tveganje Prodajalca.
out in the order, as well as with the quantity and price of each individual position of goods or things or services. The payment deadline shall begin to run in the event of a complete invoice issued to the contracting entity.
5.2 The seller or the contractor must issue the invoice in the currency of the order.
5.3 In the event of services invoiced according to the time spent, the contractor must attach a signed proof of the contractor’s time spent, confirmed by the contractor and the contracting entity; failing that, the invoice shall not be considered valid. The names on the proof of the contractor’s time spent must be marked clearly and must be accompanied by the date.
5.4 The payment deadline, unless otherwise agreed, shall begin to run after the completed supply of goods or things execution of services carried out without defects. If the contracting entity pays the invoice (i) within 20 days of receiving said invoice, it is entitled to benefit from a 4% price discount, (ii) within 30 days of receiving said invoice, it is entitled to benefit from a 3% price discount, (iii) after 30 days of receiving said invoice, it must pay the net sum set out on the invoice. The goods or things and services are paid exclusively in EUR.
5.5 The (written or oral) takeover of the supply of goods or things, of the service executed or of the payment carried out does not mean that the contracting entity or the buyer waives any claims, including but not limited to claims for the rectification of defects, claims for the reduction of the purchase price, etc.
6. Deadline for the delivery of goods or things execution of services
6.1 The deadline for the delivery of goods or things or execution of services set out in the offer is binding for the seller or the contractor. If the goods or things have been delivered before the agreed delivery deadline, the buyer reserves the right to return the goods to the seller at the expense and risk of the seller. If the buyer does not return the goods or things to the seller upon early delivery, the goods or things shall be warehoused with the buyer at the expense and risk of the seller.
6.2 V primeru, da Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec ne more opraviti dobave blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvesti storitve v roku iz Ponudbe je dolžan Kupca oziroma Xxxxxxxxx o tem nemudoma pisno obvestiti in navesti razloge za zamudo in predviden čas trajanja zamude.
7. Zamuda pri dobavi blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbi storitev
7.1 V primeru zamude pri dobavi blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbi storitve je Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec dolžan plačati Kupcu oziroma Naročniku pogodbeno kazen v višini 0,5% vrednosti celotnega Naročila za vsak začet koledarski dan zamude vendar skupaj največ 10% vrednosti celotnega Naročila.
7.2 V primeru zamude pri dobavi dela blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izvedbi dela storitve se pogodbena kazen obračuna od nedobavljenega dela blaga oziroma stvari oziroma neopravljenega dela storitve, če je pravočasno dobavljen del blaga oziroma stvari oziroma izveden del storitve lahko samostojno in smiselno gospodarno uporabljen in ga/jo Kupec oziroma Naročnik lahko samostojno uporabi. Dokazno breme je na strani Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca.
7.3 Kupec oziroma Xxxxxxxx je upravičen do pogodbene kazni zaradi zamude tudi v primeru, ko je sprejel z zamudo dobavljeno blago oziroma stvar ali izvedeno storitev, če je Prodajalcu oziroma Izvajalcu nemudoma sporočil, da si pridržuje pravico do pogodbene kazni.
7.4 Kupec oziroma Naročnik ima pravico zahtevati pogodbeno kazen tudi če presega škodo, ki mu je nastala, in celo, če mu ni nastala nobena škoda. Če je škoda, ki je Kupcu oziroma Naročniku nastala, večja od pogodbene kazni, ima pravico zahtevati razliko do popolne odškodnine.
8. Izročitev oziroma prevzem blaga oziroma stvari, pridržek lastninske pravice
8.1 Pri prodaji blaga oziroma stvari preide tveganje za stvarne napake z izročitvijo blaga oziroma stvari Kupcu na Kupca.
6.2 If the seller or the contractor cannot perform the delivery of goods or things or cannot execute the service within the deadline set out in the offer, it must immediately notify the buyer or the contracting entity of this fact in writing, stating the reasons for the delay and the planned duration of the delay.
7. Delay in the deadline for the delivery of goods or things or for the execution of services
7.1 In the event of a delay in the delivery of goods or things or execution of services, the seller or the contractor must pay to the buyer or the contracting entity a contractual penalty amounting to 0.5% of the value of the entire order for each calendar day of the delay; in any event, the contractual penalty must not exceed the value of 10% of the entire order.
7.2 In the event of a delay in the delivery of a part of goods or things or the execution of a portion of service, the contractual penalty is calculated based on the part of goods or things that has not been supplied or the portion of service that has not been executed, if the part of goods or things or the portion of service that have been delivered or executed on time can be used independently, meaningfully and economically by the buyer or the contracting entity. The burden of proof lies with the seller or the contractor.
7.3 The buyer or the contracting entity is also entitled to receive a contractual penalty due to delay in the event that it has accepted the goods or things or services delivered or executed with a delay, if it immediately notified the seller or the contractor that it reserves the right to receive a contractual penalty.
7.4 The buyer or the contracting entity also has the right to claim the contractual penalty if it exceeds the damages incurred to the buyer or the contracting entity, and even if no damages have been incurred. If the damages incurred to the buyer or the contracting entity exceed the contractual penalty, it has the right to claim the difference to full compensation.
8. Handover or takeover of goods or things, reservation of title
8.1 In the process of sale of goods or things, the risk of material defects is transferred to the buyer with the handover of goods or things to the buyer.
8.2 Izročitev oziroma prevzem blaga oziroma stvari oziroma opravljene storitve Kupec oziroma Naročnik in Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec opravita na način, da podpišeta zapisnik o prevzemu v dveh izvodih (v nadaljevanju: »Zapisnik o prevzemu«), pri čemer vsak prejme po en izvod. V Zapisniku o prevzemu Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec in Kupec oziroma Naročnik popišeta vse morebitne ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti na izročenem blagu oziroma stvari oziroma opravljeni storitvi in druge morebitne relevantne okoliščine. Imena podpisnikov na Zapisniku o prevzemu morajo biti zapisana jasno in razločno ter z navedbo datuma izročitve oziroma prevzema.
8.3 Lastninska pravica na blagu oziroma stvari preide iz Prodajalca na Kupca z izročitvijo blaga oziroma stvari v posest Kupca. Pridržek lastninske pravice Prodajalca na prodanem in izročenem blagu oziroma stvari je tako izrecno izključen.
9. Odgovornost za stvarne napake
9.1 Odgovornost Prodajalca za stvarne napake na blagu oziroma stvari in pravice Kupca se presojajo skladno z določili 458. člena do 480. člena Obligacijskega zakonika (v nadaljevanju: »OZ«).
9.2 V kolikor Kupec zaradi stvarne napake na blagu oziroma stvari le te ne more uporabljati, mora Prodajalec Kupcu za čas odpravljanja napake plačati pogodbeno kazen v višini 0,5% celotne vrednosti blaga oziroma stvari po Naročilu za vsak začeti teden, največ pa 10% celotne vrednosti blaga oziroma stvari po Naročilu. Kupec ima pravico zahtevati pogodbeno kazen tudi če presega škodo, ki mu je nastala, in celo, če mu ni nastala nobena škoda. Če je škoda, ki je Naročniku oziroma Kupcu nastala, večja od pogodbene kazni, ima pravico zahtevati razliko do popolne odškodnine.
9.3 Določila 9.1 in 9.2 Splošnih pogojev poslovanja se smiselno uporabljajo tudi pri Pogodbi za izvedbo storitev Izvajalca za Naročnika.
8.2 The handover or takeover of goods or things or executed service is performed by the buyer or the contracting entity and the seller or the contractor by signing the takeover record (hereinafter referred to as: the “takeover record”) in two copies, of which each of the parties shall receive one. In the takeover record, the seller or the contractor and the buyer or the contracting entity shall mention any established shortcomings of the delivered goods or things or executed services, as well as any other relevant circumstances. The names of the signatories of the takeover record must be written clearly and distinctly; furthermore, the takeover record must also include the date of delivery or takeover.
8.3 Upon the handover of goods or things to the buyer, the title for the goods or things is transferred from the seller to the buyer. The reservation of the title of the seller for the goods or things that have been sold and handed over is thus explicitly excluded.
9. Liability for material defects
9.1 The liability of the seller for material defects of the goods or things, as well as the rights of the buyer, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 458 to 480 of the Code of Obligations (hereinafter referred to as: the “CO”).
9.2 If the buyer cannot use the goods or things due to a material defect of said goods or things, the seller shall pay a contractual penalty to the buyer during the time that said defect is being rectified, whereby said contractual penalty shall amount to 0.5% of the entire value of goods or things for every week but shall not exceed 10% of the entire value of goods or things according to the order. The buyer also has the right to claim the contractual penalty if it exceeds the damages incurred to the contracting entity or the buyer, and even if no damages have been incurred. If the damages incurred to the contracting entity or the buyer exceed the contractual penalty, it has the right to claim the difference to full compensation.
9.3 The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions set out in Articles 9.1 and 9.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis when it comes to the agreement for the execution of services of the contractor for the contracting entity.
10. Garancija za brezhibno delovanje prodanega blaga oziroma stvari
10.1 Če je Prodajalec kakšnega stroja, motorja, kakšnega aparata ali drugih podobnih stvari (v nadaljevanju: »Tehnično blago«), izročil Kupcu garancijski list, s katerim Proizvajalec jamči za brezhibno delovanje Tehničnega blaga v določenem času, šteto od njene izročitve Kupcu, Tehnično blago pa ne deluje brezhibno, lahko Kupec zahteva od Prodajalca, da jo v primernem roku popravi ali, če tega ne stori, da mu namesto nje izroči Tehnično blago, ki brezhibno deluje. Ta pravila ne posegajo v pravila o odgovornosti Prodajalca za napake blaga oziroma stvari.
10.2 Kupec in Prodajalec sta soglasna, da znaša garancija za Tehnično blago tri leta od dne, ko Kupec prejme Tehnično blago.
10.3 V kolikor Kupec zaradi napake na Tehničnem blagu le tega ne more uporabljati, mora Prodajalec Kupcu za čas odpravljanja napake plačati pogodbeno kazen v višini 0,5% celotne vrednosti Tehničnega blaga po Naročilu za vsak začeti teden, največ pa 10% celotne vrednosti Tehničnega blaga po Naročilu. Kupec ima pravico zahtevati pogodbeno kazen tudi če presega škodo, ki mu je nastala, in celo, če mu ni nastala nobena škoda. Če je škoda, ki je Naročniku oziroma Kupcu nastala, večja od pogodbene kazni, ima pravico zahtevati razliko do popolne odškodnine.
10.4 V preostalem se glede garancije za brezhibno delovanje prodanega Tehničnega blaga uporabljajo določila 482. člena do 487. člena OZ.
11. Jamstva Prodajalca
Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec izrecno jamči, da dobavljeno blago oziroma stvar oziroma opravljena storitev ustreza vsem veljavnim predpisom in standardom. Naprave, sistemi ali izdelki, ki jih dobavi Izvajalec oziroma Prodajalec, je potrebno opremiti z oznako CE v skladu z evropskimi direktivami in veljavnimi predpisi.
10. Warranty for a seamless operation of the sold goods or things
10.1 If the seller of any machine, motor, apparatus or other similar goods (hereinafter referred to as: the “technical goods”) has provided the buyer with a warranty through which the seller guarantees the seamless operation of technical goods in a certain time period which shall begin when said technical goods are handed over to the buyer, and if said technical goods are not operating seamlessly, the buyer can request the seller to fix it in a suitable time period or, failing that, provide the buyer with seamlessly operating technical goods. These rules are without prejudice to the rules governing the liability of the seller for any defects in goods or things.
10.2 The buyer and the seller agree that the guarantee period for the technical goods is of three years from the date when the buyer receives said technical goods.
10.3 If the buyer cannot use the goods due to a defect of said technical goods, the seller shall pay a contractual penalty to the buyer during the time that said defect is being rectified, whereby said contractual penalty shall amount to 0.5% of the entire value of technical goods for every week but shall not exceed 10% of the entire value of technical goods according to the order. The buyer also has the right to claim the contractual penalty if it exceeds the damages incurred to the contracting entity or the buyer, and even if no damages have been incurred. If the damages incurred to the contracting entity or the buyer exceed the contractual penalty, it has the right to claim the difference to full compensation.
10.4 For other issues, the provisions of Articles 482 to 487 of the CO are used when it comes to the guarantee for the seamless operation of technical goods sold.
11. Warranties of the seller
The seller or the contractor explicitly warrants that the goods or things delivered or the service executed complies with all applicable rules and standards. The devices, systems or products delivered by the contractor or the seller must be marked with the CE marking pursuant to European directives and applicable regulations.
12. Nakup strojne in programske računalniške opreme
12.1 Strojna in programska računalniška oprema predstavljata celoto, v kolikor ni s strani Kupca v Naročilu izrecno zahtevana le strojna ali programska računalniška oprema.
12.2 Prodajalec izrecno jamči, da lahko Kupec strojno in programsko računalniško opremo uporablja brez omejitev za namen, za katerega jo kupuje in da ob pravilni uporabi strojne in programske računalniške opreme ne bodo oškodovane oziroma kršene katerekoli pravice tretjih oseb oziroma kršena katerikoli določila veljavnih predpisov. Prodajalec se zavezuje, da bo Kupca obvaroval vseh morebitnih zahtevkov in postopkov tretjih oseb oziroma organov, ki bi jih imeli zoper Naročnika oziroma Kupca iz naslova takšne uporabe strojne in programske računalniške opreme. Prodajalec je dolžan Kupcu povrniti vse morebitne stroške (npr. odvetnikov, sodišča itd. ), ki bi Kupcu nastali zaradi morebitnih zahtevkov oziroma postopkov tretjih oseb oziroma organov zaradi takšne uporabe strojne in programske računalniške opreme.
12.3 Prodajalec je dolžan programsko opremo dobaviti Kupcu na želenih nosilcih podatkov brez zaščite proti kopiranju. Razumljiva in popolna dokumentacija v slovenskem jeziku, ki je razumljiva osebam, ki poznajo predmetno materijo, predstavlja del obveznosti Prodajalca.
12.4 Prodajalec zagotavlja Kupcu časovno in krajevno neomejeno pravico uporabe strojne in programske računalniške opreme. Programsko računalniško opremo, ki je izdelana izključno za Kupca oziroma Naročnika je potrebno dobaviti z izvorno kodo, datoteki prevajalnika in linkjob v strojno berljivi obliki, z dokumentacijo o uporabi in vso sistemsko dokumentacijo.
12.5 Vse pravice uporabe programske računalniške opreme oziroma doseženih rezultatih na podlagi takšne programske računalniške opreme preidejo časovno in krajevno neomejeno, popolno in izključno na Naročnika. To velja tudi za morebitne naknadno naročene spremembe oziroma izboljšave ali druge vrste obdelave programske računalniške opreme.
12. Purchase of computer hardware and software
12.1 Computer hardware and software shall constitute a whole, unless the buyer explicitly requires either one or the other in their order.
12.2 The seller explicitly warrants that the buyer may use computer hardware and software without limitations for the purpose for which said computer hardware and software has been bought, and that with the right use of computer hardware and software, no rights of third parties and no provisions set out in the applicable regulations shall be breached. The seller undertakes to protect the buyer from any potential claims and procedures of third parties or authorities that could exist against the contracting entity or the buyer, arising from such use of computer hardware and software. The seller must reimburse any potential costs to the buyer (e.g. costs of attorneys, courts etc.) which could be incurred by the buyer due to any claims or procedures of third parties or authorities due to such use of computer hardware and software.
12.3 The seller must deliver the software to the buyer on the requested data carriers without anticopy protection. The seller is responsible for providing understandable and full documents in the Slovenian language which can be understood by the persons familiar with the subject matter at hand.
12.4 The seller provides to the buyer the right of the use of computer hardware and software without any limitation with regard to time or place. The software which has been created specifically for the buyer or the contracting entity must be delivered with the source code, executable file and linkjob in machine- readable form, including the documents on its use and all system documents.
12.5 Any and all rights of use of the computer software, as well as any results achieved based on said computer software, are transferred to the contracting entity completely, exclusively and without any limitation with regard to time or place. This also applies for any changes or ameliorations or other types of processing of computer software, ordered at a later date.
12.6 Prodajalec lahko podatke o Kupcu strojne in programske računalniške opreme posreduje tretjim osebam le na podlagi izrecnega predhodnega pisnega soglasja Kupca.
12.7 Prodajalec izpolni svoje obveznosti iz naslova prodaje strojne in programske računalniške opreme šele, če strojna in programska računalniška oprema deluje zadovoljivo in brez kakršnihkoli obvestil o napakah najmanj 14 dni v poskusnem obratovanju v skladu z dogovorjenimi specifikacijami. Poskusno obratovanje je za Kupca brezplačno.
12.8 Prodajalec mora nuditi Kupcu v garancijskem obdobju brezplačno vse posodobitve programske računalniške opreme. Prodajalec izrecno jamči, da bo najmanj pet let od popolne predaje programske računalniške opreme Kupcu vzdrževal tako dobavljeno programsko računalniško opremo.
13. Višja sila
13.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ni odgovorna za kršitev svojih obveznosti iz Pogodbe zaradi primera višje sile.
13.2 Višja sila pomeni zunanji vzrok (tj. vzrok izven stvari), ki je neodvisen od volje in vpliva Pogodbene stranke in njegovega učinka ni bilo mogoče pričakovati se mu izogniti ali ga odvrniti (na primer, vendar ne izključno, vojna, epidemija, naravna nesreča itd.).
13.3 Pogodbena stranka, na strani katere je primer višje sile, je dolžna nemudoma, najkasneje pa v roku 15 dni od nastanka primera višje sile, o tem pisno obvestiti drugo Pogodbeno stranko. V kolikor višja sila ni odpravljena v roku enega meseca od dne nastanka višje sile, lahka vsaka Pogodbena stranka nemudoma odstopi od Pogodbe.
14. Prenehanje Pogodbe
14.1 Pogodba lahko kadarkoli preneha na podlagi pisnega sporazuma Pogodbenih strank.
12.6 The seller can only communicate information on the buyer of the computer hardware and software based on a prior explicit written consent of the buyer.
12.7 The seller only complies with its liabilities arising from the sale of computer hardware and software if said computer hardware and software are operating in a satisfactory manner and without any error notices for at least 14 days during the trial period pursuant to the agreed specifications. Said trial period is free for the buyer.
12.8 During the guarantee period, the seller must provide the buyer with all updates of the computer software free of charge. The seller explicitly warrants that it shall maintain said supplied computer software for the buyer for at least five years from the complete handover of computer software.
13. Force Majeure
13.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties shall be held responsible for the breach of their liabilities set out in the Contract due to force majeure.
13.2 Force majeure is an external reason which is independent of the will and influence of the Contracting Party and the effect of which could not be expected, avoided or countered (including but not limited to wars, epidemics, natural disasters etc.).
13.3 The Contracting Party which invokes the reason of force majeure must immediately, but not later than within 15 days of the occurrence of said event of force majeure, inform the other Contracting Party of it in writing. If the event of force majeure is not over within one month of the date of its first occurrence, each of the contracting parties can immediately withdraw from the agreement.
14. Termination of the agreement
14.1 This agreement can be terminated at any point based on a written agreement of both parties.
14.2 Glede pravice Pogodbene stranke odstopiti od Pogodbe se uporabljajo določila OZ. Ne glede na navedeno pa lahko Xxxxxxxx oziroma Kupec nemudoma odstopi od Pogodbe, če je bil nad Izvajalcem oziroma Prodajalcem predlagan ali začet katerikoli postopek zaradi insolventnosti. Naročnik oziroma Kupec lahko od Pogodbe nemudoma odstopi tudi v primeru, ko iz okoliščin primera verjetno izhaja, da Izvajalec oziroma Prodajalec ne bo mogel izpolniti vseh svojih obveznosti iz Pogodbe. Naročnik oziroma Kupec lahko nadalje od Pogodbe nemudoma odstopi tudi v primeru, da je bilo ugotovljeno, da je Izvajalec oziroma Prodajalec obljubil, ponudil ali dodelil kakršnekoli nagrado ali ugodnost zaposlenemu delavcu ali agentu (ali tretjemu zanj) Naročnika oziroma Kupca.
14.3 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka lahko odstopi od Pogodbe na način, da posreduje pisen odstop od Pogodbe na naslov druge Pogodbene stranke.
15. Varstvo osebnih podatkov
Kupec oziroma Naročnik bo vse osebne podatke Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca varoval in obdeloval skladno določili Uredbe (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES (splošna uredba o varstvu osebnih podatkov), vsakokrat veljavnega Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih veljavnih predpisov Republike Slovenije, ki urejajo varstvo osebnih podatkov.
16. Obveznost varovanja poslovne skrivnosti
16.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ne sme izkoriščati za svojo lastno uporabo ali izdati tretjemu poslovnih skrivnosti, ki jih je prejela od druge Pogodbene stranke in jih kot take določi druga Pogodbena stranka ter so bile prvi Pogodbeni stranki zaupane ali s katerimi je bila seznanjena na drug način.
14.2 The provisions of the CO shall be used in relation to the rights of the contracting parties to withdraw from the agreement. Regardless of the provision set out above, the contracting entity or the buyer can immediately withdraw from the agreement if any insolvency proceedings have been proposed or initiated against the contractor or the seller. The contracting entity or the buyer can also immediately withdraw from the agreement when the circumstances are likely to suggest that the contractor or the seller will not be able to comply with all of its liabilities set out in the agreement. The contracting entity or the buyer can further immediately withdraw from the agreement if it has been found that the contractor or the seller has promised, offered or allocated any prizes or advantages to an employee or agent of the contracting entity or the buyer, or to a third party on their behalf.
14.3 Any contracting party can withdraw from the agreement by sending a written withdrawal from the agreement to the address of the other contracting party.
15. Protection of Personal Data
The buyer or the contracting entity shall protect and process any and all personal data of the seller or the contractor pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the applicable Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Slovenia and other applicable regulations of the Republic of Slovenia governing the protection of personal data.
16. Obligation of Professional Secrecy
16.1 Neither of the contracting parties may exploit for personal use or disclose to other parties the business secrets that it has received from the other contracting party and that are defined by said other contracting party as such, and that have been entrusted to the first contracting party or which have become known to said first contracting party in another manner.
16.2 Za poslovno skrivnost se štejejo tudi podatki, za katere je očitno, da bi nastala občutna škoda, če bi zanje izvedela nepooblaščena oseba. Pogodbena stranka je odgovorna za kršitev, če je vedela ali bi morala vedeti za tak značaj podatkov.
16.3 Vsi dokumenti predloženi Pogodbeni stranki, ki vsebujejo poslovno skrivnost druge Pogodbene stranke, se štejejo kot zaupni in jih je potrebno vrniti na zahtevo druge Pogodbene stranke. Prepovedano je kopiranje ali prenašanje teh dokumentov in zapisov nepooblaščenim tretjim osebam.
16.4 V izogib dvoma Pogodbeni stranki izrecno ugotavljata, da predstavlja vsebina Pogodbe poslovno skrivnost.
17. Prepoved škodljivega ravnanja
Vsaka Pogodbena stranka se je dolžna vzdržati vseh ravnanj, ki glede na naravo Pogodbe materialno ali moralno škodujejo ali bi lahko škodovala poslovnim interesom druge Pogodbene stranke. Ne glede na navedeno in v izogib dvomu Izvajalec oziroma Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec izrecno jamči, da z dobavo blaga oziroma opravljanjem storitve v nobenem delu ne krši nobenih veljavnih predpisov ali pravic tretjih oseb.
18. Obveznost obveščanja
18.1 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o bistvenih okoliščinah, ki vplivajo oziroma bi lahko vplivale na izpolnjevanje njenih obveznosti iz Pogodbe in o vseh spremembah podatkov, ki vplivajo na izpolnjevanje pravic iz Pogodbenega razmerja, ter o okoliščinah, s katerimi se Pogodbena stranka pri opravljanju svojega dela seznani in bi lahko bile bistvenega pomena za drugo Pogodbeno stranko.
18.2 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o vsaki grozeči nevarnosti za življenje, zdravje ali nastanek materialne škode, ki jo zazna pri opravljanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi.
16.2 The data for which it is obvious that significant damage could occur if an unauthorised person became aware of them shall also be considered business secrets. The Contracting Party is responsible for the breach if it knew or should have known about such nature of the aforementioned data.
16.3 All documents provided for the Contracting Party which include business secrets of the other Contracting Party are considered confidential and must be returned at the request of the other Contracting Party. Copying or transferring said documents and records to unauthorised third parties is prohibited.
16.4 To avoid any doubt, the contracting parties explicitly find that the content of this agreement is considered to be a business secret.
17. Prohibition of Harmful Conduct
Each of the Contracting Parties must refrain from any behaviour which could materially or morally harm the business interests of the other Contracting Party in relation to the nature of this agreement. Notwithstanding the aforementioned provision and in order to avoid any doubt, the seller or the contractor explicitly warrants that no part of the provision of goods or execution of services in no way breaches any applicable regulations or rights of third parties.
18. Notification Obligation
18.1 Each of the contracting parties must inform the other contracting party of any crucial circumstances which shall or could influence its compliance with its liabilities from the agreement, and of any changes in the data which influence the exercise of rights set out in the contractual relationship, as well as of any circumstances that the contracting party becomes acquainted with during the performance of its work tasks and could be of crucial importance for the other contracting party.
18.2 Each of the Contracting Parties must inform the other Contracting Party of any danger to health or life or to the occurrence of material damages that it becomes aware of during the performance of its liabilities according to this agreement.
19. Spori, sodna pristojnost in uporaba prava
Morebitne spore v zvezi s pogodbenim razmerjem bosta Pogodbeni stranki reševali sporazumno. V kolikor to ne bi bilo mogoče, je za reševanje sporov pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani. V primeru spora se uporablja pravo Republike Slovenije.
20. Spremembe Splošnih nabavnih pogojev
Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec ima pravico do sprememb in dopolnitev Splošnih nabavnih pogojev. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve Splošnih nabavnih pogojev in čistopis Splošnih nabavnih pogojev bodo objavljene na spletni strani Kupca oziroma Naročnika.
21. Salvatrona klavzula
Morebitna neveljavna določba ali nezmožnost njene izvršitve, kot tudi neurejenost posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih nabavnih pogojih ne vpliva na veljavnost drugih določb in veljavnost Splošnih nabavnih pogojih kot celote. V primeru neveljavnosti ali nezmožnosti izvrševanja takšne določbe ali neurejenosti posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih nabavnih pogojih, bo takšno določbo ali pravno praznino nadomestila razlaga, ki je najbližja namenu Pogodbenih strank v času njene sklenitve, če se Pogodbeni stranki ne dogovorita drugače in je namen v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi.
19. Disputes, Jurisdiction and Application of Law
Any disputes related to the contractual relationship shall be resolved by the contracting parties in an amicable manner. Failing that, the court in Ljubljana having jurisdiction on the substance shall be responsible for resolving said dispute. In the event of a dispute, the law of the Republic of Slovenia shall be used.
20. Changes of General Purchasing Terms and Conditions
The seller or the contractor has the right to change and amend these General Purchasing Terms and Conditions. Any changes and amendments of the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, as well as the clean copy of said General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, shall be published on the website of the buyer or the contracting entity.
21. Savings Clause
If any of the provisions becomes invalid, if it is no longer possible to enforce it or if any of the questions set out in these General Purchasing Terms and Conditions should not be settled, this does not influence the validity of other provisions, nor the validity of the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions as a whole. In the event of the invalidity or impossibility to enforce such provision, or in the event of the non-settlement of any individual questions set out in these General Purchasing Terms and Conditions, such provision or legal void shall be replaced by the explanation which reflects, as closely as possible, the purpose of the contracting parties at the time that it was concluded, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise and if the purpose is in accordance with the applicable regulations.
22. Končna določila
22.1 Potrditev Splošnih nabavnih pogojev
Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec z izdajo Ponudbe na podlagi pisnega povpraševanja Kupca oziroma Naročnika, ki (i) so mu priloženi Splošni pogoji poslovanja ali (ii) kjer je navedena uporaba nabavnih pogojev poslovanja in internetna stran kjer so le ti razvidni, potrjuje, da je v celoti seznanjen s Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja in se z njimi v celoti strinja.
22.2 Vročitev in sprememba podatkov
Vsaka izjava Kupca oziroma Xxxxxxxxx se šteje za vročeno, če je bila dostavljena na naslov, ki ga je Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec navedel na svoji Ponudbi. Vsako spremembo naslova mora Prodajalec oziroma Izvajalec sporočiti Kupcu oziroma Naročniku v pisni obliki v roku 15 dni od dne nastanka takšne spremembe, sicer se šteje vročitev za veljavno opravljeno na naslov Prodajalca oziroma Izvajalca naveden v Ponudbi.
22. Final provisions
22.1 Confirmation of General Purchasing Terms and Conditions
By issuing the offer based on the written enquiry of the buyer or the contracting entity which (i) includes the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions or (ii) includes the use of the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions and the website where said General Terms and Conditions can be reviewed, the seller or the contractor confirms that it has been made entirely aware of the General Terms and Conditions and agrees with them in full.
22.2 Notification and Change of Data
Every statement of the buyer or the contracting entity is considered to be notified if it has been delivered to the address set out by the seller or the contractor in its offer. Any change of address must be notified to the buyer or the contracting entity in writing by the seller or the contractor within 15 days of the occurrence of said change; otherwise, the notification is considered to be validly performed if it is delivered to the address of the seller or the contractor set out in the offer.