1. Splošno
1.1 Splošni nabavni pogoji veljajo izključno in v celoti; podjetje OPHTHALL d.o.o., Razvoj, proizvodnja in prodaja medicinskih pripomočkov (v nadaljevanju »OPHTHALL«) ne priznava morebitnih splošnih pogojev dobavitelja, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno v pisni obliki. Splošni nabavni pogoji veljajo tudi v primeru, če OPHTHALL sprejme ali plača blago ali storitve dobavitelja kljub dejstvu, da so OPHTHALL-u poznani morebitni drugačni splošni pogoji dobavitelja.
1.2 Ti splošni nabavni pogoji veljajo za vse prihodnje poslovanje med OPHTHALL-om in dobaviteljem.
2. Naročila
2.1 Naročila in odpoklici, kot tudi njihove spremembe, morajo biti v pisni obliki in so lahko poslani dobavitelju tudi po elektronski pošti.
2.2 Morebitne ustne dogovore mora OPHTHALL potrditi v pisni obliki, sicer ne veljajo. Navedeno velja tudi za vse ustne dogovore po oddaji naročila, še posebej tiste, ki spreminjajo oz. dopolnjujejo naročilo oz. te splošne nabavne pogoje.
2.3 Dobavitelj mora potrditi naročilo in dobavne roke. Struktura naročil se sme spremeniti le na osnovi novega povpraševanja, pri čemer se pisno zahteva spremenjen dobavni razpored, ki ga mora potrditi dobavitelj, v nasprotnem primeru je obvezujoč zadnji izdan dokument.
2.4 V kolikor dobavitelj naročila ne potrdi v roku 7 dni po prejemu, OPHTHALL na svoje naročilo ni več vezan. Odpoklici dobav so zavezujoči, če dobavitelj ne ugovarja odpoklicu v roku 3 dni od prejema odpoklica.
3. Dobave blaga oz. storitev
3.1 Blago in storitve se dobavijo glede na posamezno naročilo v skladu s ceno, specifikacijami, risbami in drugimi dokumenti, ki so dogovorjeni med OPHTHALL-om in dobaviteljem. Dobave, ki odstopajo od naročila, mora OPHTHALL predhodno pisno odobriti.
3.2 Dogovorjeni roki za dobavo blaga in storitev so zavezujoči. Če dobavitelj pričakuje oz. se seznani z okoliščinami, ki vplivajo na pravočasnost dobave, odstopanje od dogovorjene kvalitete blaga/storitev oz. drugih okoliščinah, ki bi lahko ogrozile pravilno izpolnitev, mora o tem nemudoma v pisni obliki obvestiti OPHTHALL. Kljub sprejemu zakasnele dobave OPHTHALL obdrži vse pravice, ki mu gredo v primeru zamude dobavitelja. OPHTHALL ima pravico odkloniti delne dobave, razen če je dogovorjeno drugače.
3.3 V primeru dobaviteljeve zamude ima OPHTHALL pravico, da brez predhodnega obvestila zavrne prevzem oz. prekliče/odpove naročilo oz. odpoklic. V takšnem primeru se mora dobavitelj odpovedati pravici do kakršnihkoli odškodninskih zahtevkov.
3.4 Če dobavitelj ne dokaže drugače, potem se za količino, težo in dimenzije uporabijo podatki, ki jih ugotovi OPHTHALL pri vhodni kontroli.
4. Izvedba dostav
4.1 Delne dobave po naročilu so zavezujoče glede na naravo in količino naročenega blaga in dobavne roke. Za delne dostave dobav je potrebno soglasje OPHTHALL-a.
4.2 Dobavitelj mora zagotoviti, da so izdelki brez napak in da so izpolnjene dogovorjene specifikacije ter splošno sprejeti tehnološki standardi.
4.3 Vse dostave morata spremljati račun in dobavnica, ki navaja številko naročila/odpovedi OPHTHALL-a, pa tudi podrobnosti o naravi in količini vsebine.
4.4 Če se uporablja embalaža za ponovno uporabo, se ta da na pósodo. Vrnitev embalaže za ponovno uporabo se izvede na stroške, odgovornost in tveganje dobavitelja. Če OPHTHALL izjemoma prevzame stroške pakiranja, se ti stroški obračunajo na osnovi preverljivih neto stroškov.
5. Cene
5.1 Za enake količine blaga ali storitev so podane cene fiksne za prvih 12 mesecev po prevzemu. Vse cene so navedene brez DDV. Vsi dodatni stroški za embalažo in/ali pakiranje morajo biti dogovorjeni vnaprej.
5.2 Nobena sprememba cen po oddaji naročila ali znotraj prvih 12 mesecev po prevzemu, zaradi povečanja dobaviteljevih stroškov, vključno, vendar ne omejeno na splošne stroške, stroške dela ali materiala, ni sprejemljiva.
6. Računi in plačila
6.1 Račun mora obvezno spremljati vsako dostavo oz. biti poslan po elektronski pošti v času odpošiljanja blaga. Račun mora vsebovati datum in številko naročila, datum in številko računa, davčno številko dobavitelja, davčno številko in točen naslov kupca. DDV mora biti na računu prikazan posebej.
6.2 Dobaviteljeva pravica do plačila zapade 60 dni po prejemu in prevzemu blaga ter pravilno izstavljenem računu, razen če ni v pisni obliki dogovorjeno kako drugače. Smatra se, da je plačilo izvedeno na dan, ko banka OPHTHALL-a prejme nalog za prenos.
6.3 Plačilo računa ne pomeni, da je bila dobava oz. storitev opravljena v skladu z naročilom. Če ima blago oz. storitev napako oz. je nepopoln/a, je do odprave le-teh oz. dokončnega dogovora z
dobaviteljem OPHTHALL upravičen, brez poseganja v svoje druge pravice, zadržati plačilo sorazmernega zneska računa dokler dobavitelj ne izvede naročila v skladu s svojimi obveznostmi.
6.4 Za odstop dobaviteljevih terjatev do OPHTHALL-a tretjim osebam je potrebno soglasje OPHTHALL-a, v nasprotnem primeru ta ne velja.
7. Garancija
Dobavitelj daje 24 mesečno garancijo, razen ko je z zakonom določen daljši rok. Garancijski rok začne teči z dnem prevzema materiala oz. storitev s strani OPHTHALL-a.
8. Nevarne snovi
8.1 Dobavitelj zagotavlja, da dobavljeno blago ustreza vsem predpisom s področja varstva okolja in zdravja, veljavnimi v EU.
9. Kakovost
9.1 Dobavitelj je zavezan k neprekinjeni uporabi oz. načrtu za izvedbo – v bližnji prihodnosti – potrjenega sistema vodenja kakovosti, ki je priznan v medicinski industriji, npr. ISO 9001 ali ISO 13485 v svoji aktualni verziji, ter k temu, da zagotavlja blago in storitve v skladu s tem sistemom vodenja kakovosti.
9.2 Ko je nek izdelek ali storitev potrjen/-a za nakup s strani OPHTHALL-a, ne smejo biti brez pisnega soglasja OPHTHALL-a narejene nobene spremembe v nobenem pogledu.
9.3 Vsa odstopanja od potrjenega izdelka ali storitve lahko pripeljejo do zahtevkov zaradi napake. Obveščanje o napakah in odgovornosti so nadalje opisane v naslednjih treh členih.
10. Obvestilo o napaki
10.1 Količinski in kakovostni pregled prejetega blaga se opravi v skladu s postopki OPHTHALL-a za zagotavljanje kakovosti vstopnih materialov. Če se kasneje ugotovijo skrite napake, se te sporočijo takoj, ko so odkrite, skladno z okoliščinami rednega poteka poslovanja. Dobavitelj se odpove ugovoru o zakasnjenem obvestilu za vse napake, ki so mu sporočene najkasneje v 14 dneh po odkritju.
10.2 V kolikor dobavitelj ne prične nemudoma po naznanitvi napake izvajati aktivnosti za odpravo nepravilnosti, še posebej pa v nujnih primerih (zlasti ko je potrebno preprečiti ustavitev proizvodnje ali večjo škodo), je OPHTHALL upravičen ugotovljene nepravilnosti odpraviti sam oz. s pomočjo tretjih oseb, pri čemer vse tako nastale stroške nosi dobavitelj.
10.3 Če OPHTHALL vrne dobavitelju blago z napako, je OPHTHALL upravičen in si pridržuje pravico, da dobavitelju nazaj zaračuna znesek računa in celotne plačane stroške prevoza. V primeru da je delež
blaga z napako večji ali enak 10%, si OPHTHALL pridržuje pravico zaračunati dobavitelju še pavšalni znesek za stroške v višini 5 % cene blaga z napako. OPHTHALL si pridržuje pravico, da dokaže višje stroške. Dobavitelj pa ima pravico, da dokaže nižje stroške oz. odsotnost le-teh.
10.4 Vse stroške in škodo, nastalo v zvezi z napakami blaga/storitev nosi dobavitelj. Če kupci OPHTHALL-a zaradi napak blaga/storitev dobavitelja vrnejo OPHTHALL-u izdelke, ki jih je izdelal, ali se zaradi tega zniža cena teh izdelkov, ali je OPHTHALL na drugačen način oškodovan, je OPHTHALL upravičen od dobavitelja terjati povračilo vse tako nastale škode, pri čemer ni potrebno upoštevati rokov o zakasnjenem obvestilu napak blaga/storitev.
11. Odgovornost za napake
11.1 Dostave blaga z napako morajo biti takoj nadomeščene z dostavami, ki so brez napak, na dobaviteljeve lastne stroške, vključno z vsemi prevoznimi stroški; neustrezne storitve morajo biti ponovljene brez napak.
11.2 Če dobavitelj ne uspe odpraviti napake v dodatnem razumnem roku, ki ga določi OPHTHALL, ima OPHTHALL pravico po svoji presoji preklicati naročilo ali znižati plačilo ter dodatno, v kateremkoli primeru, zahtevati odškodnino za nastalo škodo.
12. Ponavljajoče neizpolnjevanje obveznosti
Če po prejemu opomina dobavitelj ponovno zamudi z dobavo v osnovi enakih ali podobnih izdelkov ali storitev ali pa je takšno blago oz. storitev ponovno neustrezna, ima OPHTHALL pravico takoj preklicati naročilo. V tem primeru ima OPHTHALL pravico, da s takojšnjim učinkom prekliče vsa naročila, ki v danem trenutku še niso bila dostavljena.
13. Zagotovljen material
13.1 Materiali, ki jih zagotovi OPHTHALL, ostanejo v njegovi lasti. Dobavitelj jih mora hraniti brezplačno z vso dolžno skrbnostjo. Dobavitelj mora hraniti le-te ločeno od svoje lastnine in jih označiti kot lastnino OPHTHALL-a. Uporabiti se smejo le za izvedbo naročila OPHTHALL-a.
13.2 Če dobavitelj obdela ali preoblikuje zagotovljene materiale, mora to storiti za OPHTHALL. OPHTHALL postane neposredni lastnik novih izdelkov. Če zagotovljeni materiali predstavljajo le del novih predmetov, je OPHTHALL upravičen do lastništva novih predmetov po načelu sorazmernosti glede na vrednost zagotovljenih materialov, ki jih vsebujejo izdelki.
14. Zaupnost
14.1 Dobavitelj mora zagotoviti, da vse informacije, ki niso javne, ostanejo zaupne, zlasti, vendar ne samo vzorci, načrti, risbe, predloge, modeli, orodja, dokumenti, predpisi za kontrolo, norme, merila,
programska oprema in informacije na drugih nosilcih podatkov, ki jih je OPHTHALL dal na voljo dobavitelju v skladu oz. v zvezi s tem sporazumom. Dobavitelj teh ne sme posredovati tretjim osebam oz. jih kopirati, razen če je to nujno potrebno za izpolnjevanje njegovih pogodbenih obveznosti in stalno zagotavlja, da bodo vse tretje osebe, ki bodo imele dostop do zaupnih informacij OPHTHALL-a, upoštevale ta določila in pogoje.
14.2 Dobavitelj bo kot poslovno skrivnost varoval vso poslovno in tehnično dokumentacijo, s katero se je seznanil pri OPHTHALL-u (vključno z znanji, ki jih pridobi iz te dokumentacije). Dolžnost varovanja poslovne tajnosti traja ves čas trajanja poslovnega sodelovanja med dobaviteljem in OPHTHALL-om in tudi po zaključku vse do trenutka, ko vse te informacije ne postanejo splošno znane, vendar najmanj za obdobje 15 let po zaključku sodelovanja. Izključni lastnik posredovane dokumentacije in informacij ostane OPHTHALL. Brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja dobavitelj prejete dokumentacije in informacij ne sme posredovati tretjim osebam. Na zahtevo OPHTHALL-a bo dobavitelj nemudoma vrnil vso prejeto dokumentacijo (vključno z vsemi morebitnimi fotokopijami). OPHTHALL si pridrži vse pravice do in iz posredovane dokumentacije in informacij (vključno s pravicami industrijske lastnine).
14.3 Dobavitelj ne sme produktov, ki jih je izdelal na podlagi dokumentacije (načrti, vzorci,..) OPHTHALL-a ali z uporabo orodij, ki jih je dal na razpolago OPHTHALL, dobavljati tretjim osebam ali jih uporabljati sam.
14.4 OPHTHALL zadrži pravico lastništva in vseh avtorskih pravic pri informacijah in predmetih, ki jih OPHTHALL razkrije dobavitelju v skladu oz. v zvezi s tem sporazumom.
15. Pravice industrijske lastnine
Dobavitelj izjavlja in jamči, da njegove dostave ne kršijo nobenih pravic industrijske lastnine in avtorskih pravic tretjih oseb. Dobavitelj mora OPHTHALL-u in njegovim strankam povrniti škodo iz vseh zahtevkov, ki izhajajo iz uporabe takšnih pravic industrijske lastnine ali avtorskih pravic.
16. Spori
16.1 Vsi morebitni spori, ki lahko nastanejo v zvezi z sklenitvijo, kršenjem, prenehanjem in pravnim razmerji ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma se bodo reševali sporazumno.
16.2 Kraj reševanja vseh sporov, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma, in vseh dostav, ki so bile opravljene v skladu s tem sporazumom, je sodišče v kraju, kjer se nahaja sedež OPHTHALL-a, oz. za pravna dejanja s strani OPHTHALL-a vsako pristojno sodišče.
16.3 Veljavno pravo je pravo Republike Slovenije, razen njegovih mednarodnih določil kolizijskih sporov in razen Konvencije Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga (CISG).
17. Višja sila
17.1 Prodajalec in kupec nista odgovorna za pravne posledice kršitve pogodbe, če je do kršitve pogodbe prišlo zaradi dogodkov višje sile. Za okoliščine višje sile se štejejo dogodki, ki nastanejo po sklenitvi pogodbe zaradi nepredvidenih in nepredvidljivih dogodkov, katere slovensko sodišče priznava kot višjo silo.
18. Razno
18.1 Če je oz. postane ena ali več določb teh pogojev ali morebitnih drugih sporazumov neveljavnih, to ne vpliva na veljavnost ostalih določil. Stranki bosta neveljavno določbo nadomestili z veljavno, ki se bo po gospodarskem smislu najbolj približala prvotnemu namenu strank.
18.2 Če se ugotovi, da katerakoli oseba ponuja ali daje kakršnokoli nedovoljeno korist kateremukoli predstavniku OPHTHALL-a v imenu ali za račun druge stranke z namenom, da pridobi posel od OPHTHALL-a ali da sklene kakršenkoli odprt posel pod ugodnejšimi roki in pogoji, si OPHTHALL pridržuje pravico odpovedati vse posle. V takšnih primerih se mora druga stranka odpovedati pravici do kakršnihkoli odškodninskih zahtevkov.
18.3 Ti Splošni nabavni pogoji so objavljeni na internetni strani podjetja OPHTHALL xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx in veljajo od 15. maja 2018 dalje.
1. General
1.1 General conditions are valid exclusively and as a whole, and the OPHTHALL d.o.o. company (in the further text “OPHTHALL”) do not acknowledge any eventual general conditions of the supplier except if otherwise agreed upon in written form. General conditions are further valid in case the OPHTHALL accepts or pays for the goods or services of a supplier in spite of the fact that the OPHTHALL has knowledge of eventual different general conditions of the supplier.
1.2 These general conditions are applicable in all future business dealings between the OPHTHALL and the supplier.
2. Orders
2.1. Orders, and recalls, as well as changes in these are to be submitted in written form. Orders and recalls can be also given per e-mail.
2.2. Any eventual oral agreements are to be confirmed by the OPHTHALL in written form otherwise such oral agreements are deemed invalid. The same goes for all oral agreements after the conclusion of the order, especially for those changing or supplementing the contract resp. these general purchase conditions.
2.3. The supplier must confirm the orders and the delivery dates. Only due to changes in demand, order level may change and an amended delivery schedule will be issued and must be confirmed by the Supplier, otherwise the latest issued document will be binding.
2.4. In case the supplier does not confirm an order within 7 days after receipt, OPHTHALL is no longer bound to its order. Delivery recalls are binding in case supplier does not object to the recall within 3 days after receipt of recall.
3. Deliveries of goods and realization of services
3.1. Goods and services are delivered according to the individual order in accordance with the price, specifications, drawings and other documents agreed between OPHTHALL and the Supplier. Supplies deviating from the order must be approved in writing by OPHTHALL.
3.2. Agreed time-limits for deliveries of goods and services shall be binding. If delays are expected or occur the Supplier shall immediately notify us in writing. In case supplier expects resp. is familiar with certain circumstances impairing the punctuality of its delivery, deviations from agreed upon quality of goods/services resp. other circumstances possibly endangering successful realization, the supplier is to inform the OPHTHALL in writing on the matter immediately. Despite the acceptance of the delayed delivery, the OPHTHALL retains all rights appertaining to the company in case of delayed delivery. OPHTHALL has the right to reject partial deliveries except if otherwise agreed upon.
3.3. In case of Supplier's delivery delay, OPHTHALL has the right to refuse acceptance or cancel the order/recall. In such an event, the Supplier shall waive the right to any compensation claims.
3.4. In case the supplier does not prove otherwise, the data as determined by the incoming control of the OPHTHALL apply for quantity, weight, and dimensions.
4. Execution of deliveries
4.1. Delivery call-off orders shall be binding with regard to the nature and quantity of the goods ordered and the delivery time. Part-deliveries shall require consent of the OPHTHALL.
4.2 The Supplier shall ensure that the goods and services are free of any defects and that the agreed specifications and the generally accepted technological standards have been complied with.
4.3 All deliveries must be accompanied by the invoice and delivery note stating XXXXXXXX'x order/call-off number as well as details of the nature and quantity of the contents.
4.4 If reusable packaging is used, it shall be provided on loan. Return of the reusable packaging shall be carried out on the Supplier’s account and risk. If as an exception OPHTHALL take over packaging costs, these costs shall be calculated on basis of verifiable net costs.
5. Prices
5.1. Provided that order quantities remain in the same range, prices shall not be increased for the first 12 month after delivery of the same good. They shall include all expenses in connection with the goods and services provided by the supplier.
5.2. Changing the price after sent order or within the first 12 months after the delivery of the same good, due to increased supplier's costs, including but not limited to general costs, labour or material costs, is not acceptable.
6. Invoices and payments
6.1. It is mandatory that invoice is accompanied with each delivery or sent by email at shipment. The invoice must contain the date and number of the order, the date and number of the invoice, tax number of the supplier, tax number and exact address of the buyer. The VAT number must be shown separately in your invoice.
6.2. The Supplier’s entitlement to payment shall be due 60 days unless otherwise agreed in writing, and after the receipt and acceptance of the goods and the invoice. Payment shall be deemed to have taken place on the day when OPHTHALL's bank has received the transfer order.
6.3. Payment of the invoice does not mean that the delivery/service was realized in accordance with the order. In case there are failures detected in goods/service, OPHTHALL may, without prejudice to their other rights, withhold payment of a proportional invoice amount until said failures are eliminated resp. a final agreement is made with the supplier.
6.4. The cession of any claims against us to third parties shall require our consent, otherwise shall be excluded.
7. Warranty
Supplier gives a 24-month warranty, except when a longer warranty period is determined under the law. The warranty term begins with delivery and acceptance of the material/service by OPHTHALL.
8. Hazardous substances
Supplier ensures that the goods delivered comply with all regulations from the field of environmental and health protection valid in the EU.
9. Quality
9.1 The Supplier shall be committed to continuous application or plan for implementing, in the near future, a certified quality management system, e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 13485or similar, and provide the goods and services in accordance with that quality management system (QMS).
9.2 Once a good or service have been approved for purchase by us no alterations in any aspect, may be done without our written approval.
9.3 Any variations from the approved good or service may lead to a claim of defect. Notice of defects and liabilities are further described the next three clauses.
10. Notice of defects
10.1 Quantity and quality examination of incoming goods will take place according to OPHTHALL Input Quality Assurance processes. If later on, hidden defects are identified, these will be notified as soon as they are detected according to the circumstances of the orderly course of business. Suppliers waive the objection of delayed notification for all defects notified to you within 14 days after detection.
10.2 In case supplier does not introduce measures for eliminating of failures immediately after the failure notice is submitted, especially in emergency cases (as production stop or major damage is to be prevented), OPHTHALL has the right to eliminate the detected failures on itself or through third parties, while all thereof resulting costs are to be covered by the supplier.
10.3 If OPHTHALL return defective goods to the Supplier, OPHTHALL shall be entitled to debit back to it the invoice amount and full transportation costs paid. Additionally, if defective goods exceed 10% of the delivery, OPHTHALL reserves the right to add a plus lump sum for expenses of 5% of the price of the defective goods. Supplier’s right to proof lower or no expenses shall be reserved.
10.4 All costs and damage resulting from failures in goods/services are carried by the supplier. In case customers of the OPHTHALL return products manufactured by the company due to failures in goods/services or if the price of products is reduced or if OPHTHALL is impaired in any way, OPHTHALL has the right to claim repayment of all such damage from the supplier while the terms for failure rebuke need not be considered.
11. Liability for defects
11.1 Defective deliveries must be replaced, at the Supplier own expenses, including all transportation costs, without delay, by deliveries that are free from defect; faulty services must be repeated
11.2 If the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within an additional reasonable period of grace agreed, OPHTHALL shall be entitled at OPHTHALL own discretion to cancel the order, or reduce remuneration. In those cases, compensation claims shall be excluded.
12. Repeated default
If, after receipt to a warning letter, the Supplier is again late in supply in essentially identical or similar goods or services, or such goods or services are again defective, we shall immediately be entitled to cancel the order. In this case we shall been titled to cancel with immediate effect any orders which at this point in time have not yet been delivered, without considering any compensation to you for these reasons.
13. Provided material
13.1 Materials that OPHTHALL provides shall remain his property. The Supplier shall store them free of charge with due care and diligence. It shall keep them separate from its property and mark them as OPHTHALL property. They may only be used to implement OPHTHALL order.
13.2 In the event that the Supplier processes or transforms the materials provided, this shall be done for OPHTHALL. OPHTHALL shall become the direct owner of the resulting new products. If the materials provided only constitute a part of the new objects, OPHTHALL shall be entitled to ownership of the new objects on a pro rata basis according to the value of the materials provided and contained therein.
14. Confidentiality
14.1 The Supplier shall ensure that all information that is not public is kept confidential, in particular, but not limited to, samples, drawings, templates, models, tools, documents, regulations for control, norms, gauges, software and information on other data carriers, which we have made available to the Supplier pursuant to or in connection with our business relationship. It shall not pass these on to third parties or duplicate them unless is absolutely necessary for fulfilling its contractual obligations and always ensuring that any third party having access to our confidential information will comply with these terms and conditions.
14.2 Supplier shall keep as business secret all business and technical documents made available to it on part of the OPHTHALL (including know-how from these documents). The obligation of the confidentiality lasts for the entire duration of business cooperation between supplier and OPHTHALL as well as after termination of this relation up to the moment this info becomes public good, however at least for 15 years after termination of cooperation. The exclusive proprietor of submitted documents and info remains OPHTHALL. Without any prior written consent, supplier must not forward this info or documents to third persons. Upon request of OPHTHALL, supplier shall immediately return all received documents (including all eventual photocopies). OPHTHALL reserves all rights to and from the submitted info and documents (including industrial property right).
14.3 Supplier must not supply third parties with products it made on basis of documents (drawings, samples, etc) or by means of tools made available to it by OPHTHALL and must not use such products for proper need.
14.4 OPHTHALL shall retain the right of ownership and all copyrights in the information and objects which are disclose to the Supplier pursuant to or in connection with our business relationship.
15. Industrial property rights
The Supplier represents and warrants that its deliveries do not infringe any industrial property rights and copyrights of third parties. It shall indemnify OPHTHALL and OPHTHALL's customers from all claims arising from the use of such industrial property rights or copyrights.
16. Conflict solving
16.1 All potential disputes that may arise in connection with the conclusion, infringement, termination and legal relations arising from this Agreement shall be settled by mutual consent.
16.2 The place of settlement of all disputes arising under this Agreement and any deliveries made pursuant to this Agreement shall be the court of the place where the OPHTHALL headquarter is located or, for legal actions by OPHTHALL, each competent court.
16.3 The applicable law is the law of the Republic of Slovenia, with the exception of its international provisions of conflict rules and with the exception of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
17. Force majeure
The seller and the buyer are not responsible for the legal consequences of an agreement breach of the contract if the agreement breach of the contract occurred due to events of force majeure. For the circumstances of force majeure, events that occur after the conclusion of the contract shall be considered as unforeseen and unforeseen events, which the Slovenian court recognizes as a force majeure.
18. Miscellaneous
18.1 Should any of the clauses of these General Terms and Conditions be wholly or partially invalid, the validity of the remaining clauses or parts thereof shall not be affected. The parties will replace the invalid determination with a valid one, which in terms of economic terms will most closely approximate the original purpose of the parties.
18.2 In case it is determined that any person offers or gives any undue advantage to any of OPHTHALL representatives on behalf of or for the account of the Supplier to obtain any business from OPHTHALL, or to conclude any open business under more favourable terms and conditions, then OPHTHALL reserve the right to cancel any business relationship. In such cases, the Supplier shall waive the right to any compensation claims.
18.3 These General terms and conditions of purchase are published on the homepage of the OPHTHALL at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx and are valid since May 15th, 2018.