Splošni pogoji za izvajanje in sodelovanje v nagradni igri
Splošni pogoji za izvajanje in sodelovanje v nagradni igri
»MtikTok Dance Akademija x One66 hotel«
Organizator nagradne igre z nazivom »MtikTok Dance Akademija x One66 hotel« (v nadaljevanju Igra) organizira in izvaja POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR d.o.o., matična številka: 5300231000, s sedežem na xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 000, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxxxxx: SI 45884595, e-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx (v nadaljevanju Organizator).
Nagradna igra poteka v sodelovanju z družbo Xxxxxx & partnerji, d.o.o., matična številka: 8538123000, davčna številka: SI 38605066, s sedežem na naslovu: Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, e-mail: xxxx@xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx (v nadaljevanju Agencija).
Namen nagradne igre je promocija One66 hotela in M Soseske na Instagramu
xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/?xxxxx (v nadaljevanju Instagram stran Mercator) in Facebooku xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/Xxxxxxxx (v nadaljevanju Facebook stran Mercator).
Udeleženci nagradne igre so lahko vse polnoletne fizične osebe s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji, RepublikI Hrvaški, Bosni in Herzegovini, Srbiji in Črni Gori.
V nagradni igri ne smejo sodelovati sodelavci in zaposleni v podjetju Mercator d.o.o. ter sodelavci in zaposleni v podjetju Xxxxxx in partnerji d.o.o., ki kakorkoli neposredno sodelujejo pri izvedbi nagradne igre. Pravna oseba ne more biti udeleženec nagradne igre. Nakup katerega koli izdelka ni pogoj za sodelovanje v nagradni igri.
Za sodelovanje v Igri mora vsak posameznik izpolniti pogoje v opisu objave, ki jo Organizator objavi na Instagram strani: Mercator xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/?xxxxx in slediti Instagram strani Mercator ali na Facebook strani: Mercator xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/Xxxxxxxx.
V nagradni igri lahko sodelujejo le osebe z lastnim profilom (ne smejo sodelovati s profilom druge osebe npr. sorodnika, otroka…), sicer bodo izločene iz žrebanja.
Nagradna igra bo potekala od petka, dne 19. 1. do srede, dne 31. 1. do 23:59 ure. Žrebanje in objava nagrajenca bo v četrtek, dne 1. 2. 2024.
S sodelovanjem v nagradni igri udeleženci potrjujejo, da so seznanjeni s Pravili nagradne igre in s Politiko zasebnosti poslovnega sistema Mercator d.o.o. ter ju tudi sprejemajo ter se z njimi strinjajo. V primeru kakršnegakoli spora ali nejasnosti štejejo ta pravila za primarna v odnosu do vseh morebitnih drugih objav, bodisi v tiskani, elektronski ali katerikoli drugi obliki. Avtentično tolmačenje teh pravil določa izključno organizator.
V nagradnem skladu je 2 nočitvi z zajtrkom v dvoposteljni Superior sobi v One66 Hotelu 4* v Ljubljani. Nagrada je veljavna od 20. 1. do 27. 4., od 3. 5. do 30. 6.2024 ter od 20. 9. do 29. 12.2024 in je predstavljena na Instagramu in Facebooku pod rubriko [GIVEAWAY] Pred rezervacijo je potrebno preveriti razpoložljivost na info@one66hotel.com.Nagrada ni prenosljiva
Izžreban bo en udeleženec nagradne igre.
Pri podelitvi nagrad se upošteva vse udeležence, ki so izpolnili pogoje nagradne igre, ki jih je Organizator zastavil na Instagram strani MERCATOR ali Facebook strani MERCATOR..
Žrebanje nagrajencev izvede Agencija, in sicer v četrtek, dne 2. 2. 2024. Žrebanje nagrade se izvede po načinu naključnega izbora med upravičenimi udeleženci, ki so odgovorili na nagradno vprašanje v določenem časovnem roku, z uporabo posebnega računalniškega programa ali druge metode, ki preprečuje možnost vnaprejšnje določitve rezultatov.
Ker vrednost glavne nagrade (2 nočitvi z zajtrkom v dvoposteljni Superior sobi v One66 Hotelu 4* v Ljubljani) presega 42,00 EUR, je nagrajenec po zakonu davčni zavezanec in je dolžan organizatorju ob prevzemu nagrade posredovati še davčno številko. V nasprotnem primeru izgubi pravico do nagrade.
Nagrajenci bodo najkasneje teden dni po zaključku nagradne igre obveščeni o izidu žrebanja v obliki komentarja pod objavo nagradne igre na Instagram strani Mercator ali Facebook strani Mercator.
Nagrajenec mora na Instagram strani Mercator ali Facebook strani Mercator potrditi pripravljenost za prevzem nagrade v roku treh dni po prejemu obvestila o izidu žreba. V primeru prejema obvestila po preteku tridnevnega roka, organizatorju nagrade ni potrebno zagotoviti in lahko določi drugega nagrajenca. V svojem zasebnem sporočilu mora sodelujoči navesti naslednje podatke: svoje ime in priimek, naslov bivanja, telefonsko številko in davčno številko (za potrebe obračuna in plačila akontacije dohodnine). Organizator ne prevzema odgovornosti v primeru navedbe neveljavnih kontaktnih podatkov, nepopolnega ali napačnega naslova elektronske pošte ali napačnih imen.
Nagrajenec organizatorju nagradne igre izrecno dovoljuje objavo svojih osebnih podatkov v sredstvih javnega obveščanja in na svetovnem spletu z namenom obveščanja o rezultatih žrebanja oz. prevzema nagrade.
Pritožba na žreb nagrajenca na podlagi teh pravil ni mogoča.
Nagrajenec bo nagrado prejel v roku do 45 dni po pošti na naslov, ki ga je navedel v sporočilu na Instagram strani Mercator ali Facebook strani Mercator
Če nagrajenec ne prevzame nagrade, ki je poslana priporočeno, do nagrade ni več upravičen (z izjemo osebnega prevzema na sedežu podjetja: Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 000, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx v roku 1 tedna po obvestilu s strani organizatorja).
Če nagrajenec nagrade ne prevzame na potrjen datum za prevzem nagrade v izbrani trgovini, do nagrade ni več upravičen.
Izplačilo nagrade v denarni protivrednosti ali druga menjava nagrade ni mogoča.
Organizator lahko Igro kadarkoli prekine ali spremeni splošne pogoje nagradne igre, o čemer na primeren način obvesti sodelujoče v nagradni igri.
12. ODGOVORNOST ORGANIZATORJA Organizator ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za:
- nedelovanje aplikacije in/ali družabnega omrežja Instagram, ki je posledica izpada omrežja pogodbenih partnerjev, izpada električne energije ali drugih tehničnih motenj, ki bi lahko začasno motile uporabo aplikacije,
- kakršne koli posledice, ki bi jih sodelujoči utrpel zaradi sodelovanja v nagradni igri, na katere organizator nima vpliva,
- sodelovanje v nagradni igri z napačnimi podatki,
- kakršne koli posledice ob koriščenju nagrade,
- tehnične težave, povezane z možnostjo dostopa do informacij v zvezi z Igro, vključno s tehničnimi težavami pri vzdrževanju Instagram in Facebook strani MERCATOR in pri uporabi Igre, v primeru, da niso nastale po krivdi Organizatorja,
Organizator si pridružuje pravico, da sodelujočega, ki ne deluje v skladu s pravili in pogoji sodelovanja, razširja sovražni, žaljiv ali kakršen koli drug neprimeren govor, trajno izloči iz sodelovanja v nagradni igri.
Sodelujoči s sodelovanjem v nagradni igri soglašajo, da organizator kot upravljavec zbirke podatkov vodi, vzdržuje in nadzoruje zbirko osebnih podatkov posameznikov v skladu s Politiko zasebnosti podjetja Mercator in z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1 in Splošna uredba EU – GDPR), in sicer zgolj za namen izvedbe te nagradne igre in jih v ta namen hrani še 30 dni po zaključku nagradne igre, osebne podatke nagrajenca pa v skladu z določili davčnih predpisov.
S svojo registracijo za sodelovanje v Igri se udeleženec zavezuje k spoštovanju določil iz teh Pogojev.
Organizator izjavlja, da Igro organizira Organizator, ter da Igra ni na nikakršen način sponzorirana, odobrena ali upravljana s strani Instagrama ali Facebooka. Instagram ali Facebook nima nikakršne odgovornosti v zvezi z udeleženci v Igri. Vsi podatki, informacije ali soglasja, predložena s strani udeležencev z namenom njihovega sodelovanja v Igri, se predložijo Organizatorju.
Če ni v teh Pogojih določeno drugače, vsak udeleženec krije vse stroške, ki izhajajo iz njihovega sodelovanja v Igri (vključno s stroški za dostop do interneta); morebitne stroške za dostavo nagrade krije Organizator. Udeleženec lahko pridobi informacije o morebitnih stroških za internetno povezavo ter o naročniškem načrtu udeleženca.
Pogoji so objavljeni na spletni strani xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxx, kjer so dostopni v celotnem obdobju trajanja Igre, na način, ki omogoča njihovo shranjevanje in razmnoževanje.
Stran Igre ter vsi materiali, vključno z vsebino, zasnovo spletne strani, blagovnimi znamkami, logotipi, fotografijami, slikami, besedilom, grafiko in z drugim materialom, ki je del strani, je predmet pravic intelektualne lastnine, ki je v lasti Organizatorja oz. druge ustrezno imenovane osebe, ki je Organizatorju dodelila pravico do uporabe, in se ne sme uporabljati v nasprotju z veljavno zakonodajo. Uporaba teh materialov s strani tretjih oseb je dovoljena le v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije in s predhodnim soglasjem Organizatorja.
V primerih, ki jih ti Pogoji ne urejajo, veljajo – v največjem možnem obsegu, ki ga dovoljuje zakonodaja – pravila veljavne slovenske zakonodaje.
V Ljubljani, 19. 1. 2024 POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR, d.o.o.
General Terms and Conditions for Participation in the "MtikTok Dance Academy x One66 hotel" Contest
The contest named "MtikTok Dance Academy x One66 hotel" (hereinafter referred to as the Game) is organized and executed by POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR d.o.o., registration number: 5300231000, with its registered office at Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 000, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxx xxxxxx: SI 45884595, e-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).
The contest is conducted in collaboration with the company Xxxxxx & partnerji, d.o.o., registration number: 8538123000, tax number: SI 38605066, with its registered office at: Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, x-mail: xxxx@xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx (here and after referred to as the Agency).
The purpose of the contest is the promotion of One66 hotel and M Neighborhood on Instagram xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/?xxxxx (hereinafter referred to as the Mercator Instagram page) and Facebook xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/Xxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as the Mercator Facebook page).
Participants in the contest can be all adults with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro.
Employees and staff of the company Mercator d.o.o. as well as employees and staff of the company Xxxxxx in partnerji d.o.o., who are directly involved in the execution of the contest, may not participate. A legal entity cannot be a participant in the contest. The purchase of any product is not a condition for participation in the contest.
To participate in the Game, each individual must fulfill the conditions described in the post published by the Organizer on the Instagram page: Mercator xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/?xxxxx and follow the Mercator Instagram page or on the Facebook page: Mercator xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/Xxxxxxxx.
Only individuals with their own profiles may participate in the contest (participation with another person's profile, e.g. a relative, child, etc., is not allowed), otherwise, they will be excluded from the draw.
The contest will run from Friday, January 19, to Wednesday, January 31, until 23:59 hours. The drawing and announcement of the winner will be on Thursday, February 1, 2024.
By participating in the contest, participants confirm that they are familiar with the Contest Rules and the Privacy Policy of the business system Mercator d.o.o. and that they accept and agree with them. In case of any dispute or ambiguity, these rules shall prevail over any other possible publications, whether in print, electronic, or any other form. The authentic interpretation of these rules is determined exclusively by the organizer.
The prize fund includes 2 nights with breakfast in a double Superior room at One66 Hotel 4* in Ljubljana. The prize is valid from January 20 to April 27, from May 3 to June 30, 2024, and from September 20 to December 29, 2024, and is presented on Instagram and Facebook under the [GIVEAWAY] section. Availability must be checked prior to reservation at xxxx@xxx00xxxxx.xxx. The prize is not transferable.
One participant of the contest will be drawn.
The drawing of winners is conducted by the Agency on Thursday, February 2, 2024. The prize drawing will be done by a method of random selection among eligible participants who have responded to the contest question within a specific timeframe, using a special computer program or other method that prevents the possibility of predetermined results.
As the value of the main prize (2 nights with breakfast in a double Superior room at One66 Hotel 4* in Ljubljana) exceeds 42.00 EUR, the winner is by law a taxpayer and is obliged to provide their tax number to the organizer upon receipt of the prize. Otherwise, they lose the right to the prize.
Winners will be notified of the drawing results no later than one week after the contest ends, in the form of a comment under the contest post on the Mercator Instagram page or the Mercator Facebook page.
The winner must confirm their readiness to accept the prize within three days of receiving the notification
The winner will receive the prize within 45 days by mail at the address indicated in the message on the Mercator Instagram page or the Mercator Facebook page. If the winner does not collect the prize sent by registered mail, they are no longer entitled to it, except for personal collection at the company's headquarters: Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 000, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx within 1 week after notification by the organizer. If the winner does not collect the prize on the confirmed date for prize collection at the selected store, they are no longer entitled to the prize.
The payment of the prize in cash equivalent or other exchange of the prize is not possible.
The organizer may at any time interrupt the Game or change the general terms and conditions of the contest, about which the participants will be appropriately notified.
The organizer assumes no responsibility for:
the malfunction of the application and/or the social network Instagram due to network outages of contractual partners, power outages, or other technical disturbances that could temporarily disrupt the use of the application,
any consequences suffered by participants due to participation in the contest, over which the organizer has no control,
participation in the contest with incorrect information, any consequences when using the prize,
technical problems related to the possibility of accessing information regarding the Game, including technical problems in maintaining the Mercator Instagram and Facebook pages and the use of the Game, provided they did not arise due to the fault of the Organizer.
The organizer reserves the right to permanently exclude a participant who does not act in accordance with the rules and conditions of participation, spreads hate speech, offensive or any other inappropriate speech, from participation in the contest.
Participants by participating in the contest agree that the organizer as the data controller maintains and supervises a database of individuals' personal data in accordance with the Mercator company Privacy Policy and applicable personal data protection legislation (ZVOP- 1 and the General EU Regulation – GDPR), solely for the purpose of executing this contest and will retain them for 30 days after the contest has ended, and personal data of the winner in accordance with tax regulations.
By registering to participate in the Game, the participant commits to complying with the provisions of these Terms.
The organizer declares that the Game is organized by the Organizer, and that the Game is not sponsored, endorsed, or managed by Instagram or Facebook in any way. Instagram or Facebook bears no responsibility in relation to participants in the Game. All data, information, or consents submitted by participants for the purpose of participating in the Game are provided to the Organizer.
Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, each participant covers all costs arising from their participation in the Game (including internet access costs); any costs for the delivery of the prize are covered by the Organizer. The participant may obtain information about any costs for the internet connection and the subscriber plan of the participant.
The terms are published on the website xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxx, where they are available for the entire duration of the Game, in a manner that allows their storage and reproduction.
The Game page and all materials, including content, design of the website, trademarks, logos, photographs, images, text, graphics, and other material that is part of the page, are subject to intellectual property rights owned by the Organizer or another appropriately named person who has granted the right of use to the Organizer, and may not be used contrary to applicable law. The use of these materials by third parties is permitted only in accordance with the law of the Republic of Slovenia and with the prior consent of the Organizer.
In cases not governed by these Terms, the rules of the applicable Slovenian legislation shall apply – to the fullest extent permitted by law.
In Ljubljana, January 19, 2024, POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR, d.o.o.