Une façon d'aimer – Poti ljubezni
Tehnični načrt
Tehnični rider je del pogodbe med producentom in organizatorjem performansa. Zapisane zahteve so idealne za izvedbo performansa, kakršnakoli odstopanja od spodaj navedenih podatkov morajo biti soglasno dogovorjena med producentom in vodjo tehnike ter organizatorjem. Določene tehnične prilagoditve so možne in so stvar nadaljnih dogovorov. Organizatorja prosimo, da nam pošlje tehnično poročilo uprizoritvenega prostora (dimenzije, seznam tehnične opreme, načrt prostora v merilu – tloris in stranski ris). Na podlagi teh podatkov lahko performans prilagodimo vašemu prostoru.
Minimalna širina odra je 6m, minimalna globina je 7m. Za postavitev luči je minimalna višina 3m. Tla morajo biti črna ali temna. Uporabili bomo odprt oder / brez zaves oz. črne zavese – ob straneh in zadaj, če se izkaže, da je prostor neprimeren za odpiranje (to je stvar ogleda prostora in dogovora).
Scenografski elementi na odru so (prinesemo s seboj):
- stojalo za zaveso 2,00m×2,30m z zaveso,
- 2 stojali z deskama za opremo,
- stol s kontaktnim mikrofonom Potrebujemo:
- uteži za obtežitev stojala za zaveso
- 3x razdelilci(6-8) za elektriko (220V, črne barve)
- 2x podaljški za elektriko 10m (220V, črne barve)
- katodni TV sprejemnik (velikost ekrana od 55-70 cm, kompoziten video ali SCART vhod)
- DVD predvajalnik z USB vhodom
- 2 šuko vtičnice na odru
- 5000 Lumen video projektor z VGA vhodom + dolg (15-30m) VGA kabel
Po dogovoru lahko nekaj od navedene opreme prinesemo s seboj.
4. LUČ
- 3 x PAR 64 1kW (CP 61 ali CP 62) + 2 x filter e-colour #129
- 10 x PC (1 kW) + 10 x filter e-colour #111
- 8 x fluorescent cevna luč. Prinesemo s seboj. Imajo šuko priklop, kabel dolžine 5m.
(6 luči visi nad odrom (obešene z verigo na dveh koncih na višini cca. 2,5m, veriga dolžine max. 4m), 2 luči postavljeni na odru. Priklopljene so na dimmer.)
- 8 talnih stojal
- Luč za publiko mora biti uravnavana iz lučne mize.
- min. 16 xx. xxxxxx
- kabli: podaljški, razdelilci šuko, euro.
5. TON
- Ozvočenje: 4x 19“ subwoofer + 2x 500W speakers + 3x stage monitor
- 2x Technics SL1200 gramofona + 1x professional DJ mixer (slim, 2channel, ECLER NUO 2.0)
- 1 x mikrofonsko stojalo (črno)
Predstava traja približno 65 minut in je brez odmorov.
V garderobi za 2 nastopajoča oziroma v zaodrju morata biti tuš in stranišče. Po predstavi ostane na odru stopljen sladkor (manjša količina).
Potrebujemo celi dan predstave za postavitev in vaje. Prosimo vas, da nam pošljete čim več informacij in nam tako pomagate prilagoditi predstavo.
Ob morebitnih dodatnih vprašanjih vam je na razpolago Xxxx Xxxxxxx na telefonski številki x000-00-000000 ali na elektronskem naslovu xxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx
Une façon d’aimer – The Ways of Love Technical rider
Number of people on the tour: 4 persons (2 performers, 1 technician, 1 executive producer)
Technical rider is a part of the contract between the producer and the organizer of the performance. The requirements listed in this rider are designed to allow the best possible realization of the performance. Any departures from the requirements listed below needs to be agreed upon by common consent between the producer, the performance technical assistant and the organizer. Technical adaptations are possible and are matter of further arrangements.
The organizer should provide the producer with technical information about the venue (dimensions, a list of technical equipment, stage plan – ground plan, side view). On the basis of these information, the performance can be adjusted to the venue.
Minimal width of the stage is 6m, minimal depth 7m. Minimal height for the light setup is 3m. The floor needs to be black or dark coulors. The stage is open / no curtains, or – in case the space is not appropriate – black curtains will be used on sides and in the back (this will be decided upon the examination of the performing space).
The stage set design includes (provided by producer):
- a stand for curtain + curtain (2m×2,3m)
- 2 stands for equipment
- a chair with contact microphone Requirements:
- theatrical weights(4x15kg)
- 3x power splitters (6-8) (220V, black, schuko)
- 2x power extensions (10m, black, schuko)
- 2x (type F, schuko) power plugs on stage
- CRT (catode ray) TV (diagonal:55-70cm, black) with composite video or SCART input
- DVD player with USB plug/input
- 5000 Lumen video projector with VGA input + long (15-30m) VGA cable
If agreed beforehand, some of the equipment can be provided for by the producer.
- 3 x PAR (CP 61 or CP 62) + 2 x filter e-colour #129
- 10 x PC (1 kW) + 10 x filter e-colour #111
- 8 x fluorescent pipe lamp. Provided for by the producer. They have schuko plug, cable 5m long. (6 lamps are distributed above the stage (hanged by a chain on two ends of the lamp at the height of cca. 2,5m, chain is max. 4m long), 2 lamps placed on the stage. They are all connected to the dimmer)
- 8 floor stands
- Light for the audience space needs to be controlled from the lighting booth.
- min. 16 xx. xxxxxx
- cables: extension cord, dividing cord schuko, euro.
- 4x 19” subwoofer + 2x 500W speakers + 3x stage monitors
- 2x Technics SL1200 gramophone + 1x professional DJ mixer (slim, 2channel, ECLER NUO 2.0)
- 1 microphone stand (black)
The performance is approximately 65 minutes long; there are no breaks.
The dressing room must include a shower and a toilet. Xxxxx remains stays on the dance floor / stage after the performance.
The entire day is required for the setup of the performance and for the rehearsals. We kindly ask you to send as many information as possible about the venue, so we may adjust the performance to the performing space.
For further information about technical needs please contact Xxxx Xxxxxxx: tel:x000-00-000000 or e-mail: xxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx