Splošni pogoji poslovanja veljajo na vseh področjih dela družbe LOTRIČ Meroslovje
d.o.o. (v nadaljevanju družba LOTRIČ), kjer je udeležena druga stranka (v nadaljevanju naročnik).
Splošni pogoji poslovanja so sestavni del ponudb in pogodb oziroma dogovorov, ki so sklenjeni med naročnikom in družbo LOTRIČ ter se nanašajo na vsako naročilo (ponudba, predračun, naročilo, pogodba…). Z vstopom v pravno poslovno razmerje z družbo LOTRIČ – za vstop v pravno poslovno razmerje se štejejo sprejem ponudbe, izdaja in/ali potrditev naročila, sprejem in/ali potrditev predračuna, sklenitev pogodbe ali dogovora (vse našteto v nadaljevanju pogodba) – se šteje, da naročnik s temi Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja izrecno soglaša in se z njimi v celoti strinja. Prav tako naročnik izrecno priznava, da se za vsa pravna razmerja med njim in družbo LOTRIČ uporablja izključno pogodba in predmetni splošni pogoji ali drugi splošni pogoji poslovanja (morebitni dodatki k splošnim pogojem poslovanja družbe LOTRIČ, oziroma spremembe ali dopolnitve splošnih pogojev).
Splošni pogoji poslovanja veljajo v vsakem pravno poslovnem razmerju med naročnikom in družbo LOTRIČ, razen takrat, ko je neuporaba le-teh izrecno pisno dogovorjena v pogodbi.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja so objavljeni na spletni strani družbe LOTRIČ xxx.xxxxxx.xx in so na voljo na sedežu družbe: Selca 163, SI- 4227 Selca, Slovenija.
Naročnik je na splošne pogoje opozorjen z besedilom same pogodbe. S tem se šteje, da so naročniku splošni pogoji poslovanja znani, s sklenitvijo pogodbe naročnik izjavlja, da je splošne pogoje poslovanja prebral in se z njimi v celoti seznanil. Nepoznavanje le-teh ne more biti razlog neobstoja pravno poslovnega razmerja, predmeta reklamacije in/ali garancijskega popravila.
The General Terms and Conditions apply in all areas of work of the company LOTRIČ Metrology Ltd. (hereinafter the company LOTRIČ), where the other party is involved (hereinafter the client).
The General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the offers and contracts or agreements concluded between the client and the company LOTRIČ and relates to each order (offer, proforma invoice, order, contract…). By entering a legal business relationship with the company LOTRIČ – entering a legal business relationship is considered by acceptance of the offer, issuance and/or confirmation of the order, acceptance and/or confirmation of the proforma invoice, conclusion of the contract or agreement (all listed hereinafter the contract) – it is considered that the client explicitly agrees with these General Terms and Conditions and fully agrees with them. The client also explicitly acknowledges that all legal relations between it and company LOTRIČ is subject exclusively to the contract and The General Terms and Conditions or other general terms and conditions (possible additions to The General Terms and Conditions of company LOTRIČ, or changes or amendments to the general terms).
The General Terms and Conditions apply in any legal business relationship between the client and the company LOTRIČ, except when their non-use is explicitly agreed in writing in the contract.
The General Terms and Conditions are published on the company LOTRIČ website xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xx, and are available at the company's headquarters: Xxxxx 000, XX-0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx.
The client is reminded of The General Terms and Conditions by the text of the contract itself. This is considered that The General Terms and Conditions are known to the client, by concluding the contract the client declares that he has read The General Terms and Conditions and is fully acquainted with them. Ignorance of these cannot be the reason for the non-existence of a legal business relationship, the subject of a complaint and/or warranty repair.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja določajo pravice in obveznosti obeh pogodbenih strank, tako naročnika kot družbe LOTRIČ ter določajo
The General Terms and Conditions determine the rights and obligations of both parties, both the client and the company LOTRIČ, and determine the
način, vsebino in pogoje poslovanja in so sestavni del vsake pogodbe.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja se lahko v času veljavnosti spremenijo in pričnejo veljati z dnevom objave na spletni strani družbe LOTRIČ. Veljavnost spremenjenih splošnih pogojev poslovanja je z dnevom izdaje oziroma z dnem objave na spletni strani družbe LOTRIČ. Splošni pogoji poslovanja so del dokumentacije Poslovnika kakovosti družbe.
manner, content and conditions of business and are an integral part of each contract or agreement.
The General Terms and Conditions may change during the period of validity and enter into force on the day of their publication on the company LOTRIČ website. The amended General Terms and Conditions are valid on the day of issue or on the day of publication on the company LOTRIČ website. The General Terms and Conditions are part of the documentation of the company's Quality Manual.
Za opravljeno storitev in/ali dobavljeni izdelek se stroške, ki jih ima družba LOTRIČ v zvezi s storitvijo/izdelkom, zaračuna naročniku.
Cena za opravljeno storitev/izdelek se določi na podlagi:
• cene storitve/izdelka po veljavnem ceniku družbe LOTRIČ (v nadaljevanju cenik) oziroma dogovorjene cene za storitev/ izdelek,
• porabe časa za izvedbo storitev/izdelka z upoštevanjem cene urne postavke po ceniku, oziroma dogovorjene cene za uro.
Cena storitve/izdelka po ceniku ne vključujejo DDV ter potnih, transportnih in ostalih stroškov, ki so neposredno in/ali posredno povezani s storitvijo/izdelkom.
For the performed service and/or delivered product, the costs incurred for the company LOTRIČ in connection with the service / product are charged to the client.
The price for the service/product provided is determined based on:
• the price of the service/product according to the valid company LOTRIČ price list (hereinafter price list) or the agreed price for the service/product,
• spending time for the implementation of services/product, considering the price of the hourly rate according to the price list, or the agreed price per hour.
The price of the service/product according to the price list does not include VAT and travel, transport and other costs that are directly and/or indirectly related to the service/product.
V primeru nepredvidenih dodatnih del ali ponovitve storitve/izdelka ali delov storitve/ izdelka, ki so posledica lastnosti predmeta storitve/izdelka, se cena določi na podlagi pisnega oziroma ustnega sporazuma sklenjenega z naročnikom (nepredvidena dodatna dela).
In case of unforeseen additional works or rework of the service/product or parts of the service/product due to the nature of the object of the service/product, the price is determined based on a written or oral agreement with the client (unforeseen additional works).
Družba LOTRIČ se zavezuje k veljavnosti ponudbe ali predračuna za čas, ki je naveden v ponudbi ali na predračunu. Če rok ni naveden, velja, da je rok veljavnosti ponudbe ali predračuna 15 dni.
LOTRIČ undertakes to validate the offer or proforma invoice for the time specified in the offer or proforma invoice. If no deadline is specified, the validity period of the offer or proforma invoice is 15 days.
Naročilo je sprejeto takrat, ko naročnik pisno ali ustno poda strinjanje z izvedbo storitve/izdelka, ali če iz drugih okoliščin zagotovo izhaja
The order is accepted when the client agrees in writing or orally with the performance of the service
/product, or if the client`s consent to the
strinjanje naročnika z izvedbo storitve/izdelkom. Družba LOTRIČ v najkrajšem možnem času naročnika obvesti o zmožnosti izvedbe storitve/izdelka.
Za specifične storitve (na primer certificiranje), kjer se s strani zakonodaje ali standardizacije zahteva pisna vloga ali podpisana pogodba ali druge vrste pisni dokument, je naročilo sprejeto takrat, ko se potrdi vloga in/ali podpiše pogodba ali drug predpisan pisni dokument.
performance of the service/product certainly follows form other circumstances. Company LOTRIČ informs the client about the ability to perform the service/product as soon as possible.
For specific services (such as certification) where legislation or standardization requires a written application or a signed contract or other type of written document, the contract is accepted when the application is confirmed and/or a contract or other prescribed written document is signed.
V primeru prekinitve ali zavrnitve izvedbe s strani naročnika, je le-ta dolžan plačati stroške za delo, ki je bilo opravljeno do trenutka preklica ter morebitne druge stroške, ki izvirajo posredno in/ali neposredno iz preklica naročila.
V primeru prekinitve ali nezmožnosti izvedbe naročene storitve/izdelka družba LOTRIČ o tem obvesti naročnika in navede tudi razloge in okoliščine, zaradi katerih je bila sprejeta taka odločitev.
In the event of termination or refusal of performance by the client, the same is obliged to pay the costs of work performed until the moment of cancellation and any other costs arising directly and/or indirectly from the cancellation of the order.
In case of termination or inability to perform the ordered service/product company LOTRIČ informs the client and states the reasons and circumstances for which such a decision was made.
Če zaradi lastnosti vzorca v popolnosti ni mogoče izpolniti naročila, je naročnik dolžan plačati stroške za dela, ki so bila že opravljena. Enako velja za izdelke.
If, due to the characteristics of the sample, it is not possible to complete the order in full, the client is obliged to pay the costs for the work already performed. The same goes for products.
Naročnik ima pravico odstopiti od pogodbe kadarkoli, vendar pri tem nosi vse stroške, ki so dotlej nastali v procesu dela, ter škodo, ki bo nastala zaradi izpada planiranega dela v času do konca veljavnosti pogodbe.
Družba LOTRIČ ima pravico od pogodbe odstopiti, kadar naročnik ne izpolnjuje obveznosti iz pogodbe, vendar naročnika pred tem opomni na nepravilnosti in mu da primeren čas, da te nepravilnosti odpravi. Po izvedbi vseh potrebnih sprememb se dela po pogodbi ponovno vzpostavijo.
The client has the right to withdraw from the contract at any time, but bears all costs incurred in the process of work, as well as damage that will occur due to the failure of the planned work in the period until the end of the contract.
LOTRIČ has the right to withdraw from the contract when the client does not fulfil the obligations from the contract but warns the client of the irregularities beforehand and gives him a reasonable time to eliminate these irregularities. After all the necessary changes have been made, the works under the contract are re-established.
Certifikat o kalibraciji/preskusu/pregledu/…, Certifikat/Potrdilo o skladnosti/…, Poročilo o kontroli/overitvi/kvalifikaciji/validaciji/…, Izjava o skladnosti, Garancijski list … (v nadaljevanju Listine) se sme uporabljati zgolj za namene, za katere so bili izdane in se
Certificate of calibration/test/examination/…, Certificate of conformity/…, Report of inspection
/verification/qualification/validation/…, Declaration of conformity, Warranty certificate … (hereinafter the Certificate) may only be used for the purposes for which it was issued and may only be used, copied and
smejo uporabljati, kopirati in razmnoževati samo v celoti. Sklicevanje na listino je dovoljeno, samo če je listina priložena dokumentu, kjer se sklic nahaja in/ali je listina javno dostopna in/ali je listina stalno na voljo naslovniku dokumenta.
Uporaba znaka blagovne znamke družbe LOTRIČ in ostalih znamk ali znakov skupine LOTRIČ ni dovoljena v nobenem primeru, brez predhodnega dovoljenja LOTRIČ.
Registracija in/ali vpis podatkov v dokumente družbe LOTRIČ (spletne in druge aplikacije, vloge, obrazci …) je nujno in je namenjeno izključno za pravilno izvajanje storitev/izdelkov. Družba LOTRIČ ne bo nikoli posredovala, prodala, dala v najem ali kako drugače trgoval s podatki naročnikov, razen s pisnim pooblastilom lastnika podatkov.
Pri izvajanju kontrole v namen zakonskih overitev, se Poročilo o overitvi/kontrolo pošlje le na izrecno željo odjemalca proti plačilu ali v primeru, ko to nalaga zakonodaja.
V primeru, da je za izvedbo naročila potrebno izvesti storitev/izdelke z več področij, lahko družba LOTRIČ izda listine in račune ločeno.
reproduced in full. Reference to the certificate is allowed only if the certificate is attached to the document where the reference is located and/or the document is publicly available and/or the document is permanently available to the addressee of the document.
The use of the company LOTRIČ trademark and other logos of the LOTRIČ Group is not permitted in any case without the prior permission of LOTRIČ.
Registration and/or entry of data in the documents of the company LOTRIČ (web and other applications, forms …) is necessary and is intended exclusively for the proper implementation of services/products. Company LOTRIČ will never mediate, sell, rent or otherwise trade customer data, except with the written authorization of the data owner.
When performing inspections for the purpose of legal verifications, the Verification/Inspection report shall be sent to the customer only at the express request of the client against payment or if this is required by law.
If it is necessary to execute the order for services/products from several areas the company LOTRIČ may issue reports and invoices separately.
Družba LOTRIČ je organizirana tako, da je stalno zmožna vzdrževati in vedno ocenjevati svojo poslovno poštenost, nepristranskost in neodvisnost, ter je osredotočena na zahteve zakonodaje in standardizacije ter zahteve naročnika. Družba LOTRIČ je neodvisna oziroma finančno samostojna pri poslovanju z naročniki oziroma vsemi deležniki, kar dokazuje z elementi poslovanja: sistemom vodenja oziroma poslovnikom kakovosti, cenikom, opravilno sposobnostjo, letnimi plani in svojo filozofijo z vsemi elementi oziroma dokumenti.
Dolgoročno sodelovanje z vsemi deležniki temelji na elementih filozofije in strategije družbe LOTRIČ, kot so: vrednote, vizija, poslanstvo in določila etičnega kodeksa. Nepristranskost, neodvisnost in poštenost so zaveza najvišjega vodstva in s tem celotnega osebja družbe LOTRIČ.
Z nepristranskim delovanjem in strokovnostjo celotnega osebja družba LOTRIČ ustvarja zaupanje naročnikov, s katerimi razvija
Company LOTRIČ is organized in such a way to constantly maintain and assess its business fairness, impartiality and independence, and is focused on the requirements of legislation and standardization and requirements of the client. Company LOTRIČ is independent and financially autonomous in dealing with clients and stakeholders, as proven by the elements of business: management system with quality manual, pricelists, operational capacity, annual plans and its philosophy with all elements or documents.
Long-term cooperation with all stakeholders is based on elements of the philosophy and strategy of company LOTRIČ, such as: values, vision, mission and provisions of the code of ethics. Impartiality, independence and fairness are the commitment of the top management and thus of the entire staff of company LOTRIČ.
Through the impartial operation and expertise of the entire staff, company LOTRIČ creates the trust of its clients, with whom it develops
partnerske odnose. Družba LOTRIČ stalno ocenjuje tveganja za nepristranskost, preverja in analizira prepoznana tveganja pri delu in po potrebi predlaga ukrepe za preprečevanje nastanka nepristranskosti osebja pri njegovem vsakodnevnem delu. Vsi naročniki so obravnavani enako (nediskriminatorno) in imajo enake pravice in možnosti do storitev/izdelkov družbe LOTRIČ.
partnerships. Company LOTRIČ continuously assesses the risks to impartiality, checks and analyses the identified risks at work and, if necessary, proposes measures to prevent the occurrence of the impartiality of staff in their daily work. All clients are treated equally (non- discriminatory) and have the same rights and possibility to company LOTRIČ services/ products.
Družba LOTRIČ se obvezuje, da bo spoštovalo načela zaupnosti vseh pridobljenih podatkov, varovala lastniške pravice in tajnost vseh informacij naročnikov in njihovih naročnikov. V kolikor posredovanje zaupnih podatkov o instrumentu/ vzorcu/napravi/… zahteva zakon, je družba LOTRIČ upravičena posredovati podatke uradnim nadzornim organizacijam v okviru pooblastil, ki jih tem daje zakonodaja.
The company LOTRIČ undertakes to respect the principles of confidentiality of all acquired data, protect the property rights and the confidentiality of all information of clients and their clients. If the transmission of confidential data on the instrument/sample/device/… is required by law, LOTRIČ is entitled to provide the data to official supervisory organizations within the powers granted to them by law.
Družba LOTRIČ zagotavlja odprtost in pravočasen dostop do ustreznih informacij o svojih storitvah/izdelkih, ki so na zahtevo dostopne naročnikom. V kolikor zakonodaja in/ali standardizacija zahtevata odprtost in dostop do informacij o storitvah/izdelkih tudi za ostalo zainteresirano javnost, bo družba LOTRIČ to zagotovila v skladu z omejitvami, ki so predpisane oziroma zahtevane.
LOTRIČ ensures openness and timely access to relevant information about its services/ products, which are available to clients upon request. If the legislation and/or standardization requires openness and access to information on services/products for the rest of the interested public, company LOTRIČ will ensure this in accordance with the restrictions prescribed or required.
Družba LOTRIČ odgovarja naročnikom za škodo, če ta nastane kot posledica napake družbe LOTRIČ (razen majhne malomarnosti, opredeljene v Obligacijskem zakoniku) in ima zavarovane škodne primere in odgovornost.
Družba LOTRIČ ne prevzema odgovornosti za delo, ki ni opravljeno ali ni bilo opravljeno pod nadzorom družbe LOTRIČ, ne odgovarja za nastalo škodo v primeru, kadar se rešitve, podatki, listine ali izjave uporabljajo v druge namene, kot za katere so bili izdani. Družba LOTRIČ ne prevzema odgovornosti za dele, ki so dobavljeni s strani drugega proizvajalca oziroma za skrite napake na delih izdelka, ki so bili kupljeni na trgu. Za morebitno škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi napak teh delov ne prevzame nikakršnih stroškov. Naročnik mora o napaki pri
Company LOTRIČ is liable to the clients for damage if it occurs as a result of an error of the company LOTRIČ (except for Slight negligence defined in the Obligations code) and has insured claims and liability.
Company LOTRIČ does not assume responsibility for work not performed or not performed under the supervision of company LOTRIČ, is not liable for damages if the solutions, data, report or declaration are used for purposes other than those for which they were issued. Company LOTRIČ does not assume responsibility for parts supplied by another manufacturer or for hidden defects in parts of the product purchased on the market. It does not bear any costs for any damage caused by defects in these parts. The client must notify
izpolnitvi naročila obvestiti družbo LOTRIČ najkasneje v roku 15 dni od dneva sprejema izpolnitve.
Družba LOTRIČ ne odgovarja za škodo, ki nastane zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin, višje sile ter zaradi tveganj, ki jih je povzročil in/ali pred izvedbo prevzel naročnik.
V primeru nezadovoljstva naročnika z odločitvijo in/ali izdano listino in/ali opravljeno storitvijo/dobavljenim izdelkom družbe LOTRIČ, je možna pritožba/reklamacija, ki jo naročnik posreduje v pisni obliki v roku 15 dni od opravljene storitve/dobavljenega izdelka. Ustne pritožbe/reklamacije se sprejemajo samo na sedežu družbe LOTRIČ, o čemer se sestavi pisni zapisnik. Pritožbe/reklamacije se obravnava in rešuje v najkrajšem možnem času v skladu s postopki obvladovanja neskladnosti pri delu ter se o tem pripravi pisni odgovor z obrazložitvijo za pritožnika. V primeru, da se napaka ugotovi kasneje (skrita napaka), in je ta napaka bistvena ter je jasno, da ni posledica ravnanja naročnika, mora naročnik podati pritožbo v roku 8 dni od odkritja, pri gospodarskih dogovorih pa nemudoma ob odkritju. Družba LOTRIČ do naročnikov ni zavezana za upoštevanje in reševanje pritožb/reklamacij po preteku navedenih rokov.
Naročnik lahko izdane listine uporabi samo v obsegu veljavnosti, ki ga določi družba LOTRIČ, in na način, da ne bo škodoval ugledu družbe LOTRIČ oziroma ogrozil zaupanja javnosti. Naročnik se zavezuje, da ne bo zlorabil izdanih listin in da bo preprečil podajanje zavajajočih ali napačnih informacij o listinah.
Če se v dokumentaciji ali kakršnih koli drugih obvestilih za javnost ugotovi napačno sklicevanje na, s strani družbe LOTRIČ, izdane listine, zavajajoča uporaba licenc, certifikatov ali kakršnih koli drugih mehanizmov za označevanje, da je storitev/izdelek certificiran oziroma potrjen, družba LOTRIČ dejanje naročnika resno obravnava in sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, kot so poziv k preklicu izjave/objave, in/ali opravičilo in/ali celo korektivne ukrepe v smislu preklica certifikata in/ali začasnega odvzema pravic sklicevanja ali uporabe.
company LOTRIČ of the error in the fulfilment of the order no later than 15 days from the day of acceptance of the fulfilment.
Company LOTRIČ is not liable for damage caused by unforeseen circumstances, force majeure and risks caused and/or assumed by the client prior to execution.
In case of dissatisfaction of the client with the decision and/or issued report and/or provided service/supplied product of the company LOTRIČ, a complaint/ reclamation is possible, which the client submits in writing within 15 days from the provided service/ product supplied. Oral complaints/ reclamations are accepted only at the company LOTRIČ headquarters, about which a written record is made. Complaints/reclamations are dealt with and resolved as soon as possible in accordance with the procedures for managing non-compliance at work, and a written response is prepared with an explanation for the complainant. If the error is identified later (latent defect), and this error is significant and it is clear it is not the result of the client`s conduct, the client must file a complaint within
8 days of discovery, and in B2B agreements immediately upon discovery. Company LOTRIČ is not obliged to consider and resolve complaints/ reclamations to its clients after the expiry of the stated deadlines.
The client may use the issued reports only to the extent determined by the company LOTRIČ and in a manner that will not damage the reputation of the company LOTRIČ or endanger public confidence. The client undertakes not to misuse the issued reports and to prevent the provision of misleading or incorrect information about the reports.
If the documentation or any other press releases reveal an incorrect reference to a report issued by LOTRIČ, misleading use of licenses, certificates or any other mechanisms to indicate that the service/product is certified or verified, company LOTRIČ consider the client`s act seriously and will take appropriate measures, such as a call for revocation of a statement/publication and/or an apology and/or even corrective action in terms of revocation of the certificate and/or suspension of reference or use rights.
LOTRIČ ne odgovarja za škodo, ki nastane zaradi okoliščin, ki jih ni bilo mogoče predvideti, preprečiti, odpraviti ali se jim izogniti.
LOTRIČ is not liable for damage caused by circumstances that could not have been foreseen, prevented, eliminated or avoided.
Rok izpolnitve je odvisen od zahtevnosti in obsega naročila, ter od razpoložljivosti virov družbe LOTRIČ. Rok izpolnitve je predmet dogovora pri sklenitvi pogodbe. Čas izpolnitve se šteje od trenutka, ko so izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za začetek izvedbe naročila, postavljeni s strani družbe LOTRIČ.
The deadline for completing depends on the complexity and scope of the order, as well as on availability of sources of the company LOTRIČ. The deadline is the subject of an agreement when concluding the contract. The time of completing is counted from the moment when all conditions for the start of the execution of the order, set by the company LOTRIČ, are fulfilled.
Naročnik poravna račun po opravljeni storitvi/dobavljenem izdelku v roku 15 dni, oziroma kot je določeno v ponudbi ali pogodbi. Kot dan plačila se šteje dan, ko denar prispe na transakcijski račun družbe LOTRIČ.
Če se naročnik z višino obveznosti ne strinja, mora v danem roku plačati nesporen del, o razlogih neplačila spornega dela pa pisno obvestiti družbo LOTRIČ. Zavrnitev računa s strani naročnika ne vpliva na njegovo obveznost do plačila računa. V primeru zamude plačila si družba LOTRIČ pridržuje pravico zaračunati zakonite zamudne obresti. Če naročnik ne plača obresti, družba LOTRIČ iz plačanega zneska najprej pokrije obresti, nato pa del zneska računa.
The client settles the invoice after the completed service/delivered product within 15 days, or as specified in the offer or contract. The day of payment is the day when the money arrives on bank account of the company LOTRIČ.
If the client does not agree with the amount of the obligation, he must pay the undisputed part within the given deadline and in writing inform company LOTRIČ about the reasons for non- payment of the disputed work. The rejection of the invoice by the client does not affect his obligation to pay the invoice. In the event of late payment, company LOTRIČ reserves the right to charge statutory default interest. If the client does not pay interest, the company LOTRIČ first covers the interest from the amount paid, and then part of the invoice amount.
Če mora družba LOTRIČ v skladu z dogovorom prva izpolniti svojo obveznost, gmotne razmere naročnika pa postanejo takšne, da je negotovo ali bo naročnik lahko izpolnil svojo obveznost, lahko družba LOTRIČ zahteva vnaprejšnjo izpolnitev obveznosti naročnika. Če naročnik te obveznosti ne izpolni v roku 8 dni po izdani zahtevi, lahko družba LOTRIČ odstopi od pogodbe.
If, in accordance with the agreement, company LOTRIČ is the first to fulfil its obligation, and the financial conditions of the client become such that it is uncertain whether the client will be able to fulfil his obligation, company LOTRIČ may demand prior fulfilment of the client's obligations. If the client does not fulfil this obligation within 8 days after the request is issued, company LOTRIČ may withdraw from the contract.
Spori strokovno-tehnične narave se rešujejo s sodelovanjem za to zadolženega tehničnega osebja naročnika in družbe LOTRIČ. Vsi drugi spori, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti sporazumno, se rešujejo pred pristojnim sodiščem v Kranju.
Disputes of a professional-technical nature are resolved with the cooperation of the technical staff of the client and company LOTRIČ. All other disputes that cannot be resolved amicably are resolved before the court with jurisdiction in Kranj.
Izdelki imajo garancijo, ki je določena na garancijskem listu ali računu. Garancija za izdelke je veljavna ob upoštevanju vseh navodil za uporabo in pravilnem rokovanju z izdelkom.
Za storitve, kjer garancija običajno ni določena z garancijskim listom ali računom, velja garancijska doba šestih mesecev. Garancija velja le za opravljene storitve in/ali rezervne dele, ki so bili zaračunani s strani družbe LOTRIČ. V nobenem primeru garancija ne velja za potrošni material in/ali dele, ki so podvrženi obrabi in/ali za katere proizvajalec predpiše periodično vzdrževanje z zamenjavo teh delov.
Garancijo lahko naročnik uveljavlja najkasneje v 8 dneh od nastanka napake s pisnim dokumentom, kjer poda razloge za uveljavljanje garancije.
The products have a warranty specified on the warranty or invoice. The product warranty is valid subject to all instructions for use and proper handling of the product.
For services where the warranty is normally not specified with warranty or invoice, the warranty period is six months. The warranty only applies to services rendered and/or spare parts that have been charged by company LOTRIČ. In no case shall the warranty apply to consumables and/or parts which are subject to wear and/or for which the manufacturer prescribes periodic maintenance by replacing these parts.
The warranty can be claimed by the client no later than 8 days from the occurrence of the error with a written document stating the reasons for claiming the warranty.
Vsi podatki, slike, grafike, dokumenti in listine, ki jih naročnik prejme posredno ali neposredno od družbe LOTRIČ, so zaščiteni z zakonodajo o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah in jih ni dovoljeno kopirati ali uporabljati brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja družbe LOTRIČ. Blagovne znamke in logotipi podjetij, ki jih zastopa družba LOTRIČ, so njihova last.
All data, pictures, graphics, documents and reports received by the client directly or indirectly from company LOTRIČ are protected by the copyright legislation and may not be copied or used without the prior written consent of company LOTRIČ. The trademarks and logos of companies represented by company LOTRIČ are their property.
XXI. SPECIFIČNI POGOJI POSLOVANJA / SPECIFIC TERMS and CONDITIONS Pogoji veljavnosti storitve / Terms of service validity
Rezultati meritev navedeni v listinah, pričajo o stanju instrumenta/merila/naprave/… v trenutku opravljanja meritev in ne vsebujejo nikakršne informacije o njegovi dolgotrajni stabilnosti.
Če ima instrument/merilo/naprava/… možnost naravnavanja s strani uporabnika, veljajo rezultati zgolj v primeru pravilno izvršenega naravnavanja, za kar mora poskrbeti uporabnik.
The results of measurements stated in the report, testify to the condition of the instrument/measure/ device/… at the time of measurement and do not contain any information on its long-term stability.
If the instrument/measure/device/… has the possibility of adjustment by the user, the results are valid only in the case of a correctly performed adjustment, which must be taken care of by the user.
Cena storitve / Price of the service
Cene kalibracij/preskušanj/kontrol/overitev/ kvalifikacij/pregledov/validacij/… ali drugih meritev (v nadaljevanju pregled) ne vključujejo morebitnih potrebnih naravnavanj, popravil, predpriprave, priprave, vzorčenja..., razen če je to opredeljeno na ponudbi ali v pogodbi.
V primeru, da se med potekom storitve izkaže, da je potrebno instrument/merilo/napravo/…
Prices of calibrations/tests/inspection/ verification/ qualifications/examinations/validations/ ... or other measurements (hereinafter the examination), do not include any necessary adjustments, pre-preparations, preparations, sampling…, unless specified in the offer or in the contract.
If during the service turns out that the instrument/measure/device/…needs to be
naravnati ali popraviti, se naročniku zaračuna tudi ponovni pregled instrumenta/merila/ naprave/… V takem primeru se družba LOTRIČ o dodatnih stroških predhodno posvetujemo z naročnikom.
adjusted or repaired, the client is also charged for re-examination of the instrument/measure/ device/…. In such a case, company LOTRIČ will consult the client in advance about additional costs.
Specifična naročila / Specific orders
Naročnik lahko naroči specifične storitve, ki so lahko akreditirane ali neakreditirane:
- kalibracija/preskus/kontrola/kvalifikacija/ pregled/validacija/ … (izda se listina);
ali v primeru ko se merilo uporablja v zakonske namene in obstaja veljavna odobritev tipa merila in pravilnik o meroslovnih značilnostih:
- zakonska overitev (merilo se označi z overitvenimi oznakami; naročnik lahko dodatno naroči Potrdilo o skladnosti);
ali v primeru ko se za izdelek zahteva ugotavljanje skladnosti in je certifikacijski organ družbe LOTRIČ priglašen za ugotavljanje skladnosti te vrste izdelkov:
- ugotavljanje skladnosti - certifikacija izdelka (izda se Certifikat o skladnosti ...);
ali v primeru, da je družba LOTRIČ usposobljena:
- popravilo, naravnavanje, vzdrževanje (izda se poročilo o servisu/vzdrževanju).
Naročnik mora specificirati veličine in parametre ter njihove vrednosti, pri katerih se izvede pregled. V nasprotnem primeru družba LOTRIČ na osnovi lastnih izkušenj in priporočil proizvajalca pregled izvede tako, da so veličine in parametri ter njihove vrednosti reprezentativne za celovito delovanje instrumenta/merila/naprave/vzorca/… oziroma izvede pregled v skladu s predpisanim postopkom, navedenim v internih navodilih. Če to ni mogoče, se družba LOTRIČ predhodno posvetuje z naročnikom.
V kolikor naročnik ve ali sumi, da gre za kakšno okvaro ali napačno delovanje instrumenta/ merila/naprave/vzorca…, je dolžan ob naročilu na to opozoriti osebje družbe LOTRIČ, saj osebje k storitvi vedno pristopi s predpostavko, da je instrument/merilo/naprava/vzorec/… funkcionalno brezhiben. Družba LOTRIČ naročniku svetuje, da pred pošiljanjem instrumenta/merila/ naprave/… opravi vsaj funkcionalno kontrolo.
The client may order specific services, which may be accredited or non-accredited:
- calibration/test/inspection/qualification/ examination/validation/ ... (report is issued);
or in the case where the measure is legal use and there is valid measure type approval and the rulebook on metrological characteristics:
- legal verification (the measure is marked with verification marks; the client can additionally order certificate of conformity);
or in the case when for the product conformity assessment is required and the certification body of the company LOTRIČ is notified for the conformity assessment of this product type:
- conformity assessment – product certification (Approval certificate … is issued);
or in the case company LOTRIČ is qualified for:
- repair, adjustment, maintenance (report of service/maintenance is issued).
The client must specify the quantities and parameters and their values at which the examination is carried out. Otherwise, based on its own experience and the manufacturer's recommendations, company LOTRIČ carries out the examination in such a way that the quantities and parameters and their values are representative of the overall functionality of the instrument/ measure/device/sample/… or carries out the examination in accordance with the prescribed procedure specified in the internal instructions. If this is not possible, company LOTRIČ will consult the client in advance.
If the clients know or suspect that there is a failure or malfunction of the instrument/measure/ device/sample… he is obliged to warn the staff of company LOTRIČ when ordering, as the staff approaches the service on the assumption that the instrument/measure/device/sample/… is functionally flawless. Company LOTRIČ advises the client to perform at least a functional check before sending the instrument/measure/ device/…
Če družba LOTRIČ med potekom pregleda odkrije okvaro, o tem takoj obvesti naročnika in zahteva njegova nadaljnja navodila. Za vsa popravila se predhodno ustno ali pisno dogovorimo z naročnikom instrumenta/merila/ naprave/…, ki mora podati izjavo o strinjanju z dodatnimi stroški in načinom popravila. Družba LOTRIČ instrument/merilo/napravo/vzorec… popravi sama ali ga posreduje v ustrezno usposobljen servis.
If the company LOTRIČ discovers a defect during the examination, it immediately informs the client and requests his further instructions. For all repairs, we agree in advance orally or in writing with the client of the instrument/measure
/device/…, who must give an agreement with the additional costs and the method of repair. Company LOTRIČ repairs the instrument/ measure/device/sample… itself or forwards it to a suitably qualified service center.
Slikovno in drugo gradivo / Pictorial and other materials
Družba LOTRIČ si v primerih, ko je to zahteva postopka oziroma zahteva standarda ali zakonodaje, pridržuje pravico izdelati slikovno ali druge vrste gradivo, kot dokaz izvedbe postopka ali kot del postopka samega. Slikovno ali druge vrste gradivo bo uporabljeno izključno za namen izvedbe postopka, ter bo vsebovalo zgolj informacije vezane na vzorce obravnavane v postopku.
V kolikor bo zaradi narave vzorca slikovno ali drugo gradivo vsebovalo tudi druge informacije, se bo osebje družbe LOTRIČ posvetovalo z odgovorno osebo naročnika, ter pridobilo dovoljenje za izdelavo slikovnega ali drugega materiala.
In cases where this is a requirement of a method or a requirement of a standard or legislation, company LOTRIČ reserves the right to produce pictorial or other types of material as proof of the performance of the method or as part of the method itself. Pictorial or other types of material will be used exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the method and will contain only information related to the samples considered in the method.
If, due to the nature of the sample, the pictorial or other types of material will also contain other information, the staff of the company LOTRIČ will consult with the responsible person of the client and obtain a permit to produce pictorial or other types of material.
Certifikacija izdelkov / Product certification
Družba LOTRIČ kot certifikacijski organ vodi in izvaja postopke certificiranja oziroma ugotavljanja skladnosti, na podlagi certifikacijske sheme, ki jo izbere naročnik. Informacije o certifikacijskih shemah so objavljene na spletni strani družbe LOTRIČ.
Certifikacijsko razmerje med družbo LOTRIČ in naročnikom je veljavno do preteka veljavnosti z njim povezanega certifikata.
Za obnovitev veljavnosti certifikata mora naročnik vsaj 3 mesece pred iztekom njegove veljavnosti družbi LOTRIČ predložiti novo zahtevo. Certifikacijsko razmerje se predčasno prekine, če družba LOTRIČ prekliče certifikat ali če za prekinitev zaprosi naročnik. Certifikacijsko razmerje se predčasno prekine tudi, če je bila podelitev certifikata zavrnjena. Naročnik po izteku veljavnosti certifikata ne sme več uporabljati certifikata oziroma oznak povezanih s certifikatom.
Company LOTRIČ, as a certification body, manages and implements certification or conformity assessment procedures, based on a certification scheme selected by the client. Information on certification schemes is published on the company LOTRIČ website.
The certification relationship between company LOTRIČ and the client is valid until the expiration of the validity of the related certificate.
To renew the validity of the certificate, the client must submit a new request to LOTRIČ at least
3 months before its expiry. The certification relationship is terminated prematurely if the company LOTRIČ revokes the certificate or if the client requests the termination. The certification relationship is terminated prematurely even if the certification has been refused. After the expiry of the certificate, the client may no longer use the certificate, or the marks associated with the certificate.
Za postopek certificiranja poleg teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja, velja še dodatek k Splošnim pogojem poslovanja.
In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, a supplement to the General Terms and Conditions applies to certification process.
Varnost / Safety
Naročnik je dolžan instrumente/merila/ naprave/vzorce/… posredovati v takem stanju, da niso in ne smejo biti nevarna zdravju ali okolju. Instrumenti/merila/naprave/vzorci/… ne smejo povzročati splošne nevarnosti za ljudi in okolje. V kolikor to ni možno zagotoviti, je naročnik dolžan obvestiti osebje družbe LOTRIČ o potencialnih nevarnostih in poučiti osebje tako, da bo lahko varno izvajalo svoje postopke.
V kolikor je instrument/merilo/naprava/vzorec/
… pripravljen za varno delo s strani tretje stranke, se odgovornosti naročnika ne zmanjšajo. V takem primeru je naročnik dolžan pridobiti pisno soglasje o varnosti instrumenta/ merila/naprave/vzorca/… Družba LOTRIČ je upravičeno do zavrnitve postopka v katerem koli trenutku, v kolikor naročnik ne zagotovi vseh zahtev za varno delo z instrumentom/ merilom/napravo/vzorcem/…
The client is obliged to provide instruments/ measures/devices/samples/… in such a state that they are not and may not be dangerous to health or the environment. Instruments/ measures/devices/ samples/… must not pose a general danger to humans and the environment. If this cannot be ensured, the client is obliged to inform the staff of company LOTRIČ about potential hazards and to instruct the staff so that can safely carry out their procedures.
If the instrument/measure/device/sample … is prepared for safe work by a third party, the responsibilities of the client are not reduced. In such a case, the client is obliged to obtain a written consent on the safety of the instrument/ measure/device/sample/... Company LOTRIČ is entitled to refuse the procedure at any time if the client does not provide all the requirements for safe work with the instrument/measure/ device/sample/…
Dostava in označitev / Delivery and marking
Naročnik lahko dostavi instrumente/merila/ naprave/vzorce/… na sedež ali poslovne enote družbe LOTRIČ.
Pri dostavi instrumentov/meril/naprav/vzorcev/
… naročnik predloži tudi vso razpoložljivo spremljajočo tehnično dokumentacijo in vso pomožno opremo.
Družba LOTRIČ vsak vzorec označi z 2D črtno kodo (data matrix code), ki služi za interno prepoznavanje vzorcev v procesu.
The client can deliver instruments/measures/ devices/samples/… to the headquarters or business units of the company LOTRIČ.
When delivering instruments/measures/devices
/samples/…, the client shall also supply all available accompanying technical documentation and all auxiliary equipment.
Company LOTRIČ identifies each sample with a 2D bar code (data matrix code), which is used for internal recognition of samples in the process.
Za vprašanja, ki jih Splošni pogoji ne urejajo, veljajo določbe veljavnih predpisov in morebitna pogodbena določila.
Issues not governed by the General Terms and Conditions are subject to the provisions of the applicable regulations and any contractual provisions.
Xxxxx Xxxxxx generalni direktor / CEO