1. Splošni pogoji poslovanja | |
Družba GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0X, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx številka: 3826201000, davčna številka: 51854414, telefonska številka x00000000000 in naslov e-pošte xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx vodi program LevelUp Bootcamp in spletno stran na naslovu xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. | XXXXX, poslovne storitve, d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0X, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx 0000000000, tax number: 00000000, phone number x00000000000 and e-mail address xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx manages the LevelUp Bootcamp and the website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. |
S temi Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja se določa pogodbeni odnos med družbo GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. kot ponudnikom storitev in blaga v okviru LevelUp Bootcamp in stranko, pravno ali fizično osebo kot naročnikom storitev in/xxx xxxxx. | These General terms and conditions determine contractual relations between GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. as the service and goods provider within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, and the customer, a natural or legal person as the user of the service and/or goods. |
S temi Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. v okviru LevelUp Bootcamp določa pogoje za izvedbo storitev in prodajo blaga ter potrošnikom zagotavlja informacije v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov. | With these General terms and conditions, GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, determines the terms and conditions for the performance of services and sale of goods and ensures information for consumers in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act. |
Splošni pogoji poslovanja so objavljeni na spletni strani LevelUp Bootcamp in so sestavljeni v skladu z veljavnim Obligacijskim zakonikom (v nadaljevanju: »OZ«), Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (v nadaljevanju: »ZVPot«), Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov pred nepoštenimi poslovnimi praksami (v nadaljevanju: »ZVPNPP«) in Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (v nadaljevanju: »GDPR«). | These General terms and conditions are published on the LevelUp Bootcamp website and are drafted according to the applicable Obligations Code (hereinafter referred to as: »OZ«), Consumer Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as: »ZVPot«), Consumer Protection against Unfair Commercial Practices Act (hereinafter referred to as: »ZVPNPP«) and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as: »GDPR«). |
Splošni pogoji poslovanja vas zavezujejo s trenutkom, ko z družbo GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. sklenete pogodbo o izvajanju storitev ali prodaji blaga in se šteje, da ste seznanjeni s celotno vsebino teh splošnih pogojev in ste vanje privolili brez omejitev | These General terms and conditions are binding for you from the moment of the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services or sale of goods with GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o. Upon the conclusion of the contract, it is deemed that you are aware of the full content of these General terms and conditions and that you have agreed with them without any restrictions. |
KONTAKT: Če potrebujete kakršne koli informacije ali pomoč, se lahko obrnete na nas preko e-mail naslova xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ali telefonske številke: x00000000000. | CONTACT: Should you need any information or help, you can contact us via e-mail xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or via phone: x00000000000. |
2. Definicije izrazov | 2. Definitions |
Posamezni pojmi, uporabljeni v teh Splošnih pogojih poslovanja za pravne osebe in potrošnike (v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji poslovanja) imajo naslednji pomen: | The specific terms used in these General Terms and Conditions for Legal Persons and Consumers (hereinafter referred to as: General Terms and Conditions) have the following meaning: |
»Izdajatelj« Splošnih pogojev poslovanja je družba GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0X, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx (v nadaljevanju: GINES). | »Issuer« of General Terms and Conditions is GINES, poslovne storitve, d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0X, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as: GINES). |
»Stranka« je zasebnik, podjetnik ali pravna oseba, katero zastopa zakoniti zastopnik ali pooblaščenec, ter potrošnik, ki z GINES sklene pogodbo. | “Client” is a private individual, self-employed person or a legal person, which is represented by a statutory or authorised representative, or a consumer, with whom XXXXX enters into a contract. |
»Potrošnik« pomeni fizično osebo, ki pridobiva ali uporablja blago in storitve za namene izven njegove poklicne ali pridobitne dejavnosti. | “Consumer” is a natural person who acquires or uses goods or services for purposes outside their occupational or gainful activity. |
3. Storitve, blago in cena | 3. Services, goods and price |
Storitve in blago, ki jih GINES med drugim ponuja, dobavlja, prodaja oziroma izvaja v programu LevelUp Bootcamp, obsegajo predvsem nastanitev v hotelu Kendov Dvorec v Spodnji Idriji, vodene vadbe in druge športne aktivnosti, dnevno prehrano, kuharski tečaj, organiziranje in vodenje teambuilding programov, izobraževanje, posvetovanje s trenerji in druge spremljajoče dejavnosti, ki so podrobneje specificirane v programu LevelUp Bootcamp ter dobava in prodaja različnih produktov, ki so povezani z izvajanjem storitev. | The services and goods that GINES offers, supplies, sells or provides within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, mainly include accommodation in the Kendov Dvorec hotel in Spodnja Idrija, guided workouts and other sports activities, daily nutrition, cooking classes, organizing and managing teambuilding programs, education, consulting with trainers and other accompanying activities, which are described in more detail in the program LevelUp Bootcamp. GINES also supplies and sales various products, connected to the performance of services. |
GINES si pridržuje pravico, da enostransko spremeni lastnosti storitev in blaga, ki jih je potrebno opraviti oziroma prodati, če za to obstaja tehten razlog. O takšni spremembi se GINES zavezuje Stranko pravočasno obvestiti. | GINES reserves the right to unilaterally alter the characteristics of services and goods to be provided or sold, if there is a good reason for doing so. GINES undertakes to inform the Client of any such change in due time. |
Cena navedenih storitev v programu LevelUp Bootcamp obsega znesek v višini 3.500,00 EUR z vključenim DDV. | The price of the above-mentioned services within the LevelUp Bootcamp program amounts to EUR 3,500.00 including VAT. |
Za rezervacijo termina morajo Stranke plačati 1.000,00 EUR pologa (are) na osebo, ki ni vračljiv. Polog se všteje v celotno ceno storitve. | In order to make a reservation within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, a Client must pay the deposit (earnest money) in the amount of EUR 1,000.00, which is non-refundable. The deposit is included in the total price of the service. |
GINES lahko strankam zaračuna dodatne stroške, ki utegnejo nastati v zvezi z zagotavljanjem storitev, če jih ni mogoče vnaprej predvideti. | GINES may charge Clients additional costs that may arise in connection with the provision of services, if such costs cannot be foreseen in advance. |
Trenutno veljajo navedene cene storitev, ki pa jih lahko GINES določi, spremeni ali zviša brez predhodnega obvestila. | The stated prices of the services are currently in effect, but may be set, modified or increased by GINES without notice. |
Stroške prevoza, povezane s prihodom in odhodom na program LevelUp Bootcamp, Stranke krijejo same. | The Clients bear their own transportation costs associated with arrival and departure on the LevelUp Bootcamp program. |
4. Plačilni pogoji in načini plačila | 4. Payment terms and method |
Ko Stranka opravi registracijo na spletni strani LevelUp Bootcamp, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx po elektronski pošti, uporabljeni za registracijo, prejme račun za plačilo pologa. | When the Clients completes registration on LevelUp Bootcamp website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx they receive a deposit invoice via e-mail to the e-mail address that they had previously used for registration. |
Račun za plačilo pologa Stranka poravna z nakazilom na TRR s podatki, ki bodo navedeni na izstavljenem računu v roku 8 dni od prejetja računa. | Client pays the deposit invoice by transferring the money to the bank account of GINES using the data stated on the issued invoice. The payment must be carried out within 8 days from issuing the invoice. |
Po plačilu računa za polog, Stranka po elektronski pošti prejme še račun za plačilo preostale kupnine. Račun za preostalo kupnino stranka poravna z nakazilom na TRR s podatki, ki bodo navedeni na izstavljenem računu. Preostala kupnina mora biti poravnana najkasneje 60 dni pred datumom začetka izvajanja programa LevelUp Bootcamp. | Following the payment of the deposit invoice, the Client receives another invoice for the payment of the remaining purchase price. The Client pays the remaining purchase price invoice by transferring the money to the bank account of GINES using the data stated on the issued invoice. The remaining purchase price must be paid at latest 60 days before the LevelUp Bootcamp program start date. |
GINES si pridržuje pravico do spremembe navedenih rokov plačila, če je to potrebno. | GINES reserves the right to change aforementioned payment deadlines if necessary. |
5. Sklenitev pogodbe | 5. Conclusion of the contract |
Pogodbo o nakupu storitev ali blaga se lahko sklene na daljavo prek spletne trgovine ali telefonske linije za stranke in osebno. | A contract for the purchase of services or goods can be concluded at a distance via online shop or via customer phone line and in person. |
V primeru sklenitve pogodbe o nakupu storitev ali blaga na daljavo, bo naročilo, ki je oddano | In case of the conclusion of a distance contract, the order, placed on the website or via phone line for |
prek spletne strani ali telefonske linije za stranke, veljalo kot osnutek pogodbe o nakupu storitev ali blaga. Naročilo se šteje za potrjeno, ko Stranka prejme račun za plačilo pologa. | clients, shall be considered as a draft of the contract for the purchase of services or goods. The order is deemed approved when the Client receives a deposit invoice. |
Pogodba o nakupu storitev ali blaga je sklenjena, ko GINES prejme plačilo pologa. | A contract for the purchase of services or goods is concluded when GINES receives the payment of the deposit. |
Stranka bo pred začetkom opravljanja storitev ali izročitvijo blaga prejela na e-naslov potrdilo o sklenjeni pogodbi. | The Client will receive an e-mail confirmation of the concluded contract before commencing the provision of services or delivery of goods. |
6. Pravica potrošnika, da odstopi od pogodbe o nakupu blaga | 6. Customer's right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of goods |
Potrošnik ima pravico, da brez navedbe razlogov odstopi od sklenjene pogodbe o nakupu blaga v 14 dneh od sklenitve pogodbe. | Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of goods without providing a reason for a period of 14 days after concluding the agreement (cooling-off period). |
Za uveljavitev pravice do odstopa mora potrošnik GINES obvestiti z nedvoumno izjavo. Obvestilo za odstop od pogodbe mora potrošnik poslati na GINES d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx 0x, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx ali xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx pred iztekom odstopnega roka. V ta namen lahko potrošnik izpolni odstopni obrazec spletni strani LevelUp Bootcamp xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. LevelUp Bootcamp bo po prejemu izpolnjenega obrazca po elektronski pošti potrošniku nemudoma posredoval potrdilo o prejemu odstopnega obrazca. | In order to exercise the right of withdrawal from the contract, the Consumer must inform XXXXX with an unambiguous statement. Notice of withdrawal must be sent to GINES d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx 0x, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx or xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx before the cooling-off period expires. For this purpose, Consumer can complete a withdrawal form on the LevelUp Bootcamp website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. After receiving completed withdrawal form via e- mail, LevelUp Bootcamp will immediately send the Consumer an acknowledgment of receipt of the withdrawal form. |
Če potrošnik veljavno odstopi od sklenjene pogodbe o nakupu blaga, mora GINES najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva prejetja obvestila o odstopu povrnili vsa prejeta plačila. Povračilo GINES izvede z enakim plačilnim sredstvom, kot je bilo uporabljeno pri izvedbi prvotne transakcije, razen, če je izrecno dogovorjeno drugače. | If Consumer validly withdraws from the contract for the purchase of goods, GINES must reimburse all received payments within 14 days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, GINES shall reimburse the Consumer using the same payment method as was used in the original transaction. |
Potrošnik v zvezi s povračilom ne nosi nobenih dodatnih stroškov. | Consumer shall not bear any additional costs with regard to the refund. |
Potrošnik nima pravice odstopiti od sklenjene pogodbe v 14 dneh od sklenitve pogodbe brez | Consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract without providing a reason, if |
navedbe razlogov, ko je XXXXX pogodbo v celoti že izpolnil. | GINES has already fulfilled its contractual obligation in full. |
Določbe tega člena predstavljajo informacijo o pravici potrošnika do odstopa iz pogodbe. | Provisions of this Article constitute information on the consumer’s right to withdraw from the contract. |
7. Pravica Stranke, da odstopi od pogodbe o nakupu storitev | 7. The Customer’s right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services |
Zaradi narave storitev v programu LevelUp Bootcamp potrošnik v skladu z 12. točko 5. odstavka 43. člena ZVPot nima pravice do odstopa pogodbe o nakupu storitev v roku 14 dni od sklenitve pogodbe brez navedbe razlogov v skladu s 1. odstavkom 43.č člena ZVPot. | According to point 12 paragraph 5 of Article 43 of ZVPot, due to the nature of the services within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, the Consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services within 14 days from the conclusion of the contract without providing a reason as stated in paragraph 1 of Article 43.č of ZVPot. |
Stranka ima pravico, da odstopi od pogodbe o nakupu storitev pred datumom izvedbe programa LevelUp Bootcamp. V primeru odstopa Stranke od pogodbe o nakupu storitev GINES Stranki ni dolžan povrniti plačanega pologa. | Client has the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services prior to the start of LevelUp Bootcamp program. In the event that the Client withdraws from the contract for the purchase of services, GINES is not bound to refund the Client for the paid deposit. |
Če Stranka od pogodbe o nakupu storitev odstopi v roku 30 dni pred začetkom izvajanja LevelUp Bootcamp programa, GINES ni dolžan Stranki povrniti celotne kupnine, vključno s pologom. | If the Client withdraws from the contract for the purchase of services 30 days prior to the start date of the LevelUp Bootcamp programme, GINES is not bound to refund the Client for the full purchase price, including the deposit. |
Če Stranka od pogodbe o nakupu storitev odstopi v roku 30 dni pred začetkom izvajanja LevelUp Bootcamp programa, je popolno vračilo plačanega pologa in kupnine možno le pod pogojem, da lahko GINES sklene pogodbo o nakupu storitev z novo stranko, ki vstopi v položaj namesto stranke, ki želi odstopiti od pogodbe in s tem zapolni rezervirani termin. Tako Stranka, kot GINES, si bosta prizadevala za pridobitev nove stranke v čim krajšem času. Šteje se, da GINES ni sklenil pogodbe z novo stranko, če nova pogodba ni bila sklenjena najkasneje 5 dni pred pričetkom programa LevelUp Bootcamp. | If the Client withdraws from the contract for the purchase of services 30 days prior to the start date of the LevelUp Bootcamp programme, full repayment of the paid deposit and purchase price is possible only under the condition that GINES can conclude a contract for the purchase of services with another client who enters the position of the Client withdrawing from the contract and thereby fills the reserved place in the program. Both the Client who wishes to withdraw from the contract and GINES will endeavour to acquire a new client as soon as possible. GINES shall be deemed not to have concluded a contract with a new client unless a new contract has been concluded no later than 5 days before the start of the LevelUp Bootcamp program. |
8. Pravica izvajalca storitve, da odstopi od pogodbe o nakupu storitev | 8. The service provider’s right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services |
GINES ima pravico do odstopa od pogodbe o nakupu storitev, če Stranka ni plačala izdanega računa za polog (aro) v določenem roku. | XXXXX has the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services if the Client has not paid the invoice for the deposit (earnest money) within the specified deadline. |
Prav tako ima GINES pravico do odstopa od pogodbe o nakupu storitev v primeru, da Stranka ni plačala izdanega računa za plačilo kupnine v določenem roku. V tem primeru se šteje, da je Stranka odstopila od pogodbe in GINES Stranki ni dolžan povrniti plačanega pologa. | Additionally, XXXXX has the right to withdraw from the contract for the purchase of services if the Client has not paid the invoice for the payment of the full purchase price within the specified deadline. In this case, the Client shall be deemed to have terminated the contract and GINES is not bound to reimburse the Client with the paid deposit. |
V primeru, da 30 dni pred pričetkom izvajanja programa LevelUp Bootcamp, v program ni prijavljenih vsaj 5 Strank, si GINES pridržuje pravico do neizvedbe celotnega programa in izvajanja storitev. | In the event that 30 days prior to the start of the program, fewer than 5 Clients are enrolled in LevelUp Bootcamp program, GINES reserves the right not to perform the program and services. |
V primeru, da GINES odstopi od pogodbe o nakupu storitev, GINES ne odgovarja za stroške in škodo, ki so Stranki nastali zaradi odstopa. | In the event that XXXXX withdraws from the contract for the purchase of services, GINES is not liable for the costs and damages which arise to Clients as a result of the withdrawal. |
9. Stvarne napake | 9. Material defects |
GINES odgovarja za stvarne napake svoje izpolnitve izvajanja storitev v skladu z določbami OZ in ZVPot, ki urejajo stvarno napako. | GINES is responsible for material defects in its fulfilment of the provision of services according to the provisions of OZ and ZVPot governing the material defects. |
GINES odgovarja za stvarne napake na dobavljenem ali prodanem blagu v skladu z določbami OZ in ZVPot. | GINES is responsible for material defects on goods delivered or sold according to the provisions of OZ and ZVPot. |
10. Ničnost, neučinkovitost ali neveljavnost posameznih določb Splošnih pogojev poslovanja | 10. Nullity, inefficiency or invalidity of individual provision of the General Terms and conditions |
Morebitna ničnost, neučinkovitost, neizvedljivost ali neveljavnost posameznih določil Splošnih pogojev ne bo vplivala na učinkovitost, izvedljivost ali veljavnosti preostalih določil. Nična, neučinkovita, neizvedljiva ali neveljavna določila bodo zamenjana s takšnimi določili, ki bodo ustrezala ali povsem nadomestila namen ničnih, | Any nullity, inefficiency, unenforceability or invalidity of individual provisions of the General Conditions will not affect the effectiveness, enforceability or validity of the remaining provisions. The void, ineffective, unenforceable or invalid provisions will be replaced by such provisions that will meet or completely replace the |
neučinkovitih, neizvedljivih ali neveljavnih določil Splošnih pogojev. | purpose of the void, ineffective, unenforceable or invalid provisions of the General Conditions. |
11. Varstvo osebnih podatkov in zaupnih informacij | 11. Protection of personal data and confidential information |
GINES je upravljavec osebnih in ostalih zaupnih podatkov o uporabniku, ki jih pridobi pri vzpostavitvi poslovnega razmerja in nadaljnjem poslovanju z uporabnikom. GINES te podatke varuje kot zaupne v skladu z Zakonom o gospodarskih družbah, Zakonom o poslovni skrivnosti in drugimi predpisi, ki se nanašajo na varovanje osebnih in zaupnih podatkov. | GINES is the controller of personal and other confidential data about the user, which are obtained when establishing a business relationship and continuing business with the user. GINES protects this information as confidential in accordance with the Companies Act, the Trade Secrets Act and other legislation regarding the protection of personal and confidential data. |
12. Sprememba Splošnih pogojev | 12. Revisions of the General Terms and Conditions |
GINES si pridržuje pravico do kakršnih koli sprememb teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja, ki niso bistveni za pogodbeno razmerje, brez posebne najave. Spremembe veljajo od trenutka objave in so zavezujoče. | GINES reserves the right to make any changes to these General Terms and Conditions that are not essential to the contractual relationship without special notice. Changes are effective from the moment of publication and are binding. |
S spremembo ali dopolnitvijo Splošnih pogojev bodo stranke ustrezno seznanjene, pri čemer začnejo te zanje veljati z dnem seznanitve. | Changes or amendments to the General Terms and Conditions will be made known to the Clients. The above-mentioned changes will enter into force on the day of their introduction to the parties. |
13. Posebni dogovori | 13. Special agreements |
Če pride med Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja in posebnimi dogovori med GINES in Stranko do nasprotja, prevladajo posebni dogovori. | If there is a conflict between the General Terms and Conditions and special agreements between GINES and the Client, the specific arrangements prevail. |
14. Pritožbeni postopek | 14. Complaint procedure |
V primeru kakršne koli pritožbe zoper GINES v okviru izvajanja programa LevelUp Bootcamp, lahko Stranka naslovi svojo pritožbo na e-mail naslov xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. | In the event of any complaints against GINES within the LevelUp Bootcamp program, the Clients may address their complaint to the e-mail address xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx . |
XXXXX se zavezuje, da bo pritožbo obravnaval v najkrajšem možnem času in Stranki odgovoril na njene navedbe. Postopek pritožbe je zaupen. | XXXXX undertakes to assess the complaint as soon as possible and to respond to the Client's claims. The complaint procedure is confidential. |
15. Medsebojno obveščanje | 15. Mutual informing |
Stranka se zavezuje o vseh spremembah in okoliščinah, ki so pomembne za izpolnitev pogodbe, nemudoma obvestiti GINES. | The Client undertakes to immediately inform XXXXX regarding all changes and circumstances, which are important for the fulfilment of the contract. |
XXXXX se zavezuje o vseh spremembah in okoliščinah, ki so pomembne za izpolnitev pogodbe, nemudoma obvestiti Stranko. | XXXXX undertakes to immediately inform the Client regarding all changes and circumstances, which are important for the fulfilment of the contract. |
16. Merodajno pravo in reševanje sporov | 16. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution |
Splošni pogoji poslovanja in vse zadeve ali spore, ki izhajajo iz njih ali so z njim povezani, ureja zakonodaja Republike Slovenije in se jih skladno z njo razlaga. | The General Terms and Conditions and all matters or disputes arising out of or related to them shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia. |
Vse spore in zahtevke, ki izhajajo iz teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja ali so z njimi povezani, se rešuje pred stvarno in krajevno pristojnimi sodišči v Republiki Sloveniji. | All disputes and claims arising out of or related to these General Terms and Conditions shall be resolved before territorially and materially competent courts of the Republic of Slovenia. |
Ljubljana, dne 6. 12. 2019 | Ljubljana, 6 December 2019 |