za prevoz tovora v cestnem prometu
- Prevoznik -
1. Uvodna določila
Splošni pogoji poslovanja za prevoz tovora v cestnem prometu - Prevoznik - družbe Hoedlmayr logistika, d.o.o., Tovarniška cesta 36, 1370 Logatec, matična številka: 5910404000 (v nadaljevanju: »Hoedlmayr logistika« ali »Prevoznik«) opredeljujejo pogoje poslovanja družbe Hoedlmayr logistika pri sklenitvi prevoznih pogodb s pošiljatelji za prevoz tovora v cestnem prometu (»v nadaljevanju: »Splošni pogoji poslovanja«).
1.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja so sestavni del vsake pogodbe o prevozu tovora v cestnem prometu (v nadaljevanju: »Prevozna pogodba«) sklenjena med pošiljateljem in Prevoznikom.
1.3 Pošiljatelj oziroma naročnik prevoza tovora pri družbi Hoedlmayr logistika je lahko vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba (v nadaljevanju:
»Pošiljatelj«), ki z družbo Hoedlmayr logistika sklene Prevozno pogodbo.
1.4 Morebitni splošni pogoji poslovanja Pošiljatelja niso sestavni del Prevozne pogodbe, in sicer tudi v primeru, da se Pošiljatelj nanje v svoji dokumentaciji (npr. sprejemu naročila, računu, itd.) izrecno sklicuje.
1.5 Za vprašanja, ki niso urejena v Splošnih pogojih poslovanja ali Prevozni pogodbi se uporabljajo določila Zakona o prevoznih pogodbah v cestnem prometu (v nadaljevanju:
»ZPPCP-1«) in Konvencija o pogodbi za mednarodni prevoz stvari po cesti (v nadaljevanju: »Konvencija CMR«), obe v vsakokrat veljavni verziji.
2. Narava Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
2.1 S splošnimi pogoji poslovanja Prevoznik ureja posamezna vprašanja v zvezi s sklenitvijo Prevozne pogodbe in dopolnjuje posebne dogovore oziroma Prevozno pogodbo med Pošiljateljem in Prevoznikom.
for road freight transport
- The Transporter -
1. Introductory Provisions
These General Terms and Conditions for road freight transport - Transporter - of the company Hoedlmayr logistika d.o.o., Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, XX-1370 Logatec, company registration number: 5910404000 (hereinafter referred to as: “Hoedlmayer logistika” or the “Transporter”) define the operating conditions of the company Hoedlmayer logistika when it comes to concluding transport contracts with consignors for road freight transport (hereinafter referred to as: the “General Terms and Conditions”).
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of each road freight transport contract (hereinafter referred to as: the “Transport Contract”) concluded between the consignor and the Transporter.
1.3 The consignor or the transport user ordering freight transport from the company Hoedlmayr logistika can be any natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as: the “Consignor”) that decides to conclude a Transport Contract with the company Hoedlmayr logistika.
1.4 Any general terms and conditions of the Consignor do not form an integral part of the Transport Contract, even if the Consignor makes explicit reference to them in their documents (e.g. in the order placement, invoice etc.).
1.5 For any questions which are not regulated in the General Terms and Conditions or in the Transport Contract, the provisions of the Road Transport Contracts Act (hereinafter referred to as: the “ZPPCP-1”) and the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (hereinafter referred to as: the “CMR Convention”) in their current versions.
2. Nature of the General Terms and Conditions
2.1 The General Terms and Conditions are used by the Transporter to govern matters related to the conclusion of the Transport Contract and supplement specific deals or the Transport Contract concluded between the Consignor and the Transporter.
2.2 Splošni pogoji poslovanja zavezujejo Pošiljatelja in Prevoznika (v nadaljevanju vsak posamično tudi kot: »Pogodbena stranka« oziroma skupaj tudi kot »Pogodbeni stranki«) tako kot posebni pogoji oziroma Prevozna pogodba sklenjena med Pošiljateljem in Prevoznikom.
3. Prevozna pogodba
3.1 Pošiljatelj in Prevoznik skleneta Prevozno pogodbo, ko Pošiljatelj na podlagi pisne ponudbe Prevoznika odda Prevozniku pisno naročilo za prevoz tovora v cestnem prometu, kjer določi količino in vrsto tovora, nakladišče, namembni kraj in prevozni rok (v nadaljevanju:
»Naročilo«) in ko Prevoznik takšno Naročilo sprejme oziroma potrdi v pisni obliki (v nadaljevanju: »Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx«).
3.2 Pošiljatelj in Prevoznik lahko dogovor o prevozu tovora v cestnem prometu, kjer so vsebovane sestavine iz člena 3.1 Splošnih pogojev poslovanja, skleneta tudi v obliki pisnega dogovora.
4. Tovor
4.1 Naročnik opiše tovor v Naročilu na način, da določi (i) količino tovora s številom kosov,
(ii) vrsto tovora pa z natančnim opisom in specifikacijo tovora.
4.2 Pošiljatelj lahko namesto dogovorjenega tovora preda za prevoz drug tovor (po vrsti in/ali količini) pod naslednjimi pogoji, in sicer:
• če se ne spremenijo prevozni pogoji v škodo Prevoznika;
• če to ne povzroči bistvenega zadrževanja tovornega vozila Prevoznika na nakladališču ali razkladališču;
• če ni ogroženo tovorno vozilo Prevoznika ali cestni promet;
• če da Pošiljatelj Prevozniku na njegovo zahtevo varščino za terjatev, ki bi utegnila nastati zaradi zamenjave tovora.
2.2 The General Terms and Conditions are binding for the Consignor and for the Transporter (hereinafter individually referred to as: the “Contracting Party” or jointly referred to as: the “Contracting Parties”), just like specific conditions or the Transport Contract concluded between the Consignor and the Transporter.
3. Transport Contract
3.1 The Consignor and the Transporter shall conclude a Transport Contract when the Consignor issues an order for road freight transport to the Transporter based on the written offer of the Transporter, wherein said order contains the quantity and type of freight, the loading bay, destination and the transport deadline (hereinafter referred to as: the “Order”) and when the Transporter accepts or confirms said Order in writing (hereinafter referred to as: the “Order Acceptance”).
3.2 The Consignor and the Transporter can also conclude a written agreement on the road freight transport which includes contents set out in Article 3.1 of the General Terms and Conditions.
4. Freight
4.1 The transport user describes the freight in their Order by defining (i) the freight quantity by stating the number of pieces and (ii) the freight type by providing and exact freight description and specification.
4.2 Instead of the agreed freight, the Consignor can hand over different freight (i.e. freight of different type and/or quantity) under the following conditions:
• if the transport conditions do not change at the disadvantage of the Transporter;
• if this does not provoke a significant delay of the goods vehicle of the Transporter at the loading/unloading bay;
• if the goods vehicle of the Transporter or road transport are not threatened;
• if the Consignor provides the Transporter, at their request, with a security for any claims that may arise due to said change in freight.
4.3 Pošiljatelj mora dati Xxxxxxxxxx navodila za hrambo tovora in ravnanje z njim, če gre za tovor, katerega prevoz ni običajen, ali če to zahteva Prevoznik.
4.4 Pošiljatelj odgovarja za škodo, ki jo tovor zaradi svojih lastnosti povzroči osebam, tovornemu vozilu in drugemu tovoru, če te lastnosti niso bile ali niso mogle biti znane Prevozniku.
5. Tovorni list in prevoznica/dobavnica
5.1 V mednarodnem prevozu tovora se izda tovorni list oziroma pri prevozu v Republiki Sloveniji prevoznica/dobavnica, s katero Prevoznik potrjuje, da je bila sklenjena Prevozna pogodba in da je tovor prevzel za prevoz.
5.2 Tovorni list oziroma prevoznica/dobavnica se izda ob prevzemu tovora za prevoz.
5.3 V preostalem se v zvezi z izdajo in vsebino tovornega lista oziroma prevoznice/dobavnice uporabljajo določila ZPPCP-1 in Konvencije CMR.
6. Nakladišče in namembni kraj
6.1 Prevoznik je dolžan pripeljati tovorno vozilo na dogovorjeno nakladališče, če lahko to stori brez nevarnosti za tovorno vozilo, in če je tam mogoče naložiti tovor brez poškodovanja tovornega vozila.
6.2 Če nakladališče, ki ga določi Pošiljatelj, ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz člena 6.1 teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja, mora Prevoznik tovorno vozilo pripeljati na najbližje mesto, ki izpolnjuje takšne pogoje za nakladanje.
6.3 Pošiljatelj mora podati Prevozniku v Naročilu oziroma Prevozni pogodbi točne podatke o namembnem kraju in razkladišču.
4.3 The Consignor must provide the Transporter with exact instructions for the storage and handling of freight if said freight requires unusual transport, or at the request of the Transporter.
4.4 The Consignor shall be held responsible for any damages caused by the freight to any person, the goods vehicle or other freight due to its characteristics, if said characteristics were not or could not have been known to the Transporter.
5. Bill of Lading and Carriage Voucher/ Delivery Note
5.1 A bill of lading or a carriage voucher/ delivery note are issued during international freight transport or during freight transport in the Republic of Slovenia, respectively; these documents are used by the Transporter to confirm that a Transport Contract has been concluded and that the freight has been taken over by the Transporter for transport.
5.2 The bill of lading or the carriage voucher/ delivery note are issued upon taking over the freight for transport.
5.3 In terms of any other questions related to the issuance and content of the bill of lading or the carriage voucher/delivery note, the provisions of ZPPCP-1 and the CMR Convention shall apply.
6. Loading Bay and Destination
6.1 The Transporter must bring the goods vehicle to the agreed loading bay if it is possible to do so without exposing the goods vehicle to any danger and if it is possible to load the freight at said location without damaging the goods vehicle.
6.2 If the loading bay specified by the Consignor does not comply with the conditions set out in Article 6.1 of these General Terms and Conditions, the Transporter must bring the goods vehicle to the closest location which complies with said loading conditions.
6.3 In the Order, the Consignor must provide exact data on the destination and unloading bay to the Transporter.
7. Nakladanje in razkladanje tovora
7.1 Tovor je dolžan naložiti na tovorno vozilo oziroma razložiti iz tovornega vozila Prevoznik. Riziko morebitnega poškodovanja ali uničenja tovora pri nalaganju oziroma razlaganju tovora s tovornega vozila nosi v celoti Prevoznik.
7.2 Pri nakladanju tovora na tovorno vozilo mora Prevoznik upoštevati Pošiljateljeva navodila, ki se nanašajo na razporeditev, pritrditev tovora in na druge okoliščine, ki utegnejo vplivati na varnost oseb, tovornega vozila in drugega tovora na tovornem vozilu. Odgovornost za morebitno škodo na tovornem vozilu nastalo pri natovarjanju oziroma raztovarjanju tovora na oziroma iz tovornega vozila nosi v celoti Prevoznik.
7.3 Nakladanje tovora se mora začeti in končati v primernem roku, če ni drugače določeno v Prevozni pogodbi (v nadaljevanju:
»Nakladalni čas«).
7.4 Rok za nakladanje tovora se podaljša za čas, v katerem nakladanje ni bilo mogoče zaradi vzrokov, za katere ne odgovarjata Pošiljatelj ali Prevoznik.
7.5 V nakladalni čas se všteva tudi čas, ki je potreben za:
• izpolnitev tovornega lista oziroma prevoznice/dobavnice in izročitev prevoznih listin Prevozniku;
• pokrivanje, vezanje in drugo zaščito tovora na tovornem vozilu kar je dolžan storiti Prevoznik;
• dejanja, brez katerih ni mogoče začeti prevoza tovora.
7.6 Če tovor ni naložen v dogovorjenem roku zaradi vzroka, za katerega odgovarja Pošiljatelj, je Prevoznik dolžan pustiti tovorno vozilo na nakladališču še največ polovico časa, ki je dogovorjen oziroma primeren za nakladanje (v nadaljevanju: »Dodatni nakladalni čas«). Za Dodatni nakladalni čas ima Prevoznik pravico do posebnega plačila stojnine v višini 80 EUR neto/h in morebitno nastale škode.
7. Loading and Unloading Freight
7.1 The Transporter must load the freight on the goods vehicle or unload it from the goods vehicle. The risk of any freight damage or destruction during loading or unloading the freight to or from the goods vehicle shall be borne by the Transporter in its entirety.
7.2 When loading the freight to the goods vehicle, the Transporter must follow the instructions of the Consignor which are related to the layout and fastening of freight and other circumstances which could influence the safety of people, of the goods vehicle and of other freight on the goods vehicle. The responsibility for any damages incurred on the goods vehicle during loading or unloading freight to or from the goods vehicle shall be entirely borne by the Transporter.
7.3 Freight loading must start and end in an appropriate time unless otherwise stated in the Transport Contract (hereinafter referred to as: the “Loading Time”).
7.4 The deadline for loading freight shall be extended for the time period during which loading was not possible due to reasons for which neither the Consignor nor the Transporter are responsible.
7.5 The Loading Time also includes the time needed for:
• completing the bill of lading or the carriage voucher/delivery note and handing over said transport documents to the Transporter;
• covering, tying and otherwise protecting the freight on the goods vehicle, which must be done by the Transporter;
• any actions without which the freight transport cannot be initiated.
7.6 If the freight is not loaded in the agreed deadline for a reason for which the Consignor is responsible, the Transporter must leave the goods vehicle on the loading bay for no more than one half of the time longer than agreed or acceptable for loading (hereinafter referred to as: the “Additional Loading Time”). For the Additional Loading Time, the Transporter is entitled to receive a special demurrage fee in the net amount of EUR 80/hour, as well as the payment of any potential damages.
7.7 Če tovor ni naložen po izteku Dodatnega nakladalnega časa, lahko Prevoznik nemudoma odstopi od Prevozne pogodbe in zahteva povrnitev škode.
7.8 Pošiljatelj oziroma zanj prejemnik je dolžan dobavljeni tovor sprejeti na dogovorjen dan in ob dogovorjeni uri. V kolikor Pošiljatelj oziroma zanj prejemnik ne prevzame tovora na dogovorjeni dan in ob dogovorjeni uri je Prevoznik upravičen do ustreznega nadomestila za zamudo pri prevzemu tovora v obliki stojnine v višini 80 EUR neto/h in povračila morebitno nastale škode. V takšnem primeru velja, da je tovor dostavljen na dan in ob uri ko bi Pošiljatelj oziroma zanj prejemnik moral prevzeti tovor skladno s Prevozno pogodbo.
8. Predaja tovora
8.1 Ko Prevoznik dostavi tovor prejemniku skupaj pregledata tovor in morebitne poškodbe tovora. Stanje tovora in morebitne poškodbe na tovoru Prevoznik in prejemnik opišeta v dobavnici oziroma prevoznici ali tovornem listu. V kolikor prejemnik ne želi pregledati tovora in morebitnih poškodb tovora to opravi Prevoznik sam, kar navede v dobavnici oziroma prevoznici ali tovornem listu.
8.2 Prejemnik je dolžan na morebitne poškodbe tovora opozoriti nemudoma ob prevzemu. Naknadno uveljavljanje poškodbe tovora ni več mogoče.
8.3 V kolikor ob dostavi tovora prejemniku ni prisotne s strani prejemnika pooblaščene osebe za prevzem tovora ima Prevoznik pravico, da tovor deponira na kraju dostave in sam izpolni dobavnico oziroma prevoznico ali tovorni list, kje navede, da ob predaji tovora ni bilo prisotne pooblaščene osebe prejemnika. V tem primeru se šteje (in nasproten dokaz ni dopusten), da je bil tovor dostavljen prejemniku brez kakršnihkoli napak oziroma poškodb.
9. Prevozni rok
9.1 Pošiljatelj in Prevoznik se v Prevozni pogodbi dogovorita o dnevu in uri dostave tovora prejemniku.
7.7 If the freight is not loaded after the end of said Additional Loading Time, the Transporter may immediately withdraw from the Transport Contract and seek compensation for damages.
7.8 The Consignor or, on their behalf, the recipient must accept the supplied freight on the agreed day and at the agreed hour. If the Consignor or, on their behalf, the recipient fails to accept the freight on the agreed day and at the agreed hour, the Transporter is entitled to receive suitable compensation for late freight acceptance amounting to a demurrage fee in the net amount of EUR 80/hour, as well as the payment of any potential damages. In this case, the freight is considered to have been delivered on the day and at the hour when the Consignor or, on their behalf, the recipient should have accepted the freight pursuant to the Transport Contract.
8. Handover of Freight
8.1 When the Transporter delivers the freight to the recipient, they shall inspect the freight and any potential damages together. The state of the freight, as well as any potential damages thereof, shall be described by the Transporter and the recipient in the carriage voucher/ delivery note or bill of lading. If the recipient refuses to examine the freight and any potential damages thereof, the Transporter performs said inspection alone which must be set out in the carriage voucher/delivery note or bill of lading.
8.2 The recipient must point out any damages of the freight immediately after takeover. No subsequent assertion of damages of the freight will be possible.
8.3 If the person authorised by the recipient for the takeover of freight is not present upon the handover of freight to the recipient, the Transporter has the right to deposit the freight at the location of delivery and complete the carriage voucher/delivery note or bill of lading alone, stating that no authorised person of the recipient was present during handover of freight. In this event, it is considered that the freight has been delivered to the recipient without any errors or damages, and evidence to the contrary shall not be permissible.
9. Transport Time
9.1 In the Transport Contract, the Consignor and the Transporter shall agree on the day and hour of delivery of the freight to the recipient.
9.2 V Prevozni pogodbi določen prevozni rok predstavlja okviren rok dostave tovora, v kolikor se Pošiljatelj in Prevoznik izrecno ne dogovorita, da gre pri prevoznem roku za fiksen prevozni rok.
9.3 Če Prevoznik pri prevozu tovora zamudi prevozni rok (ki ni fiksen) mu lahko Pošiljatelj določi nov primeren (glede na vrsto in obseg tovora) dodaten fiksen prevozni rok, ki ne sme biti krajši od 90 dni. V kolikor Prevoznik ne dostavi tovora v tako določenem dodatnem fiksnem roku ima Pošiljatelj pravico nemudoma odstopiti od Prevozne pogodbe.
9.4 Prevoznik lahko v izogib zamudi pri prevozu tovora, tovor dobavi tudi v več delih (t.j dobava po delih).
10. Cena prevoza
10.1 Prevoznik in Pošiljatelj v Prevozni pogodbi določita neto ceno prevoza tovora in (v kolikor je zakonsko potrebno) pripadajoč davek na dodano vrednost.
10.2 Cena prevoza tovora ne vsebuje davka na dodano vrednost, ki ga je potrebno plačati posebej, kot tudi ne kakršnihkoli drugih nepredvidenih stroškov prevoza, stroškov zavarovanja ali drugih stroškov, ki se zaračunajo s strani Prevoznika ločeno.
10.3 Prevoznik bo zaradi zagotavljanja vrednosti redno prilagajal ceno prevoza po Prevozni pogodbi. Prevoznik je tako upravičen prilagoditi oziroma povišati ceno prevoza po Prevozni pogodbi v primeru (i) povišanja povprečne cene dizel goriva (ki je objavljena na xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/), (ii) povišanja cen cestnin in (iii) povišanja cen življenjskih potrebščin v Republiki Sloveniji skladno s harmoniziranim indeksom cen življenjskih potrebščin (HICP) v Republiki Sloveniji. Osnova za izračun povišanja cene prevoza po Prevozni pogodbi iz prejšnjega stavka je cena oziroma indeks, ki velja na dan sklenitve Prevozne pogodbe.
11. Račun in plačilni pogoji
11.1 Po opravljenem prevozu tovora Prevoznik Pošiljatelju izda račun za opravljeno storitev prevoza. V kolikor ni drugače določeno je rok plačila računa 15 dni od dne izdaje računa.
9.2. The transport time set out in the Transport Contract is a framework deadline for the delivery of freight, unless the Consignor and the Transporter explicitly agree that the transport time is a fixed transport time.
9.3 If the Transporter misses the transport time (which is not fixed) while transporting freight, the Consignor may define a suitable new and additional fixed transport time (in line with the type and volume of freight) which must not be shorter than 90 days. If the Transporter fails to deliver the cargo in the newly defined additional fixed time, the Consignor has the right to immediately terminate the Transport Contract.
9.4 In order to avoid delays in freight transporting, the Transporter can also deliver freight in several parts (i.e. staggered delivery).
10. Transport Price
10.1 In the Transport Contract, the Transporter and the Consignor shall define the net cargo transport price and (if legally required) the corresponding value added tax.
10.2 The cargo transport price does not include VAT which must be paid separately, and also excludes any other unforeseen costs of transport, insurance or other costs which are separately invoiced by the Transporter.
10.3 In order to ensure value, the Transporter shall regularly adapt the transport price according to the Transport Contract. Therefore, the Transporter is entitled to adapt or increase the transport price set out in the Transport Contract in the event of (i) an increase in the average price of diesel fuel (which is published at https:// xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/, (ii) an increase in the price of tolls, and (iii) consumer price rises in the Republic of Slovenia in line with the harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) in the Republic of Slovenia. The basis for the calculation of the increase of transport price from the previous article, which is set out in the Transport Contract, is the price or index applicable on the date of conclusion of the Transport Contract.
11. Invoice and Payment Terms
11.1 After the transport, the Transporter shall issue an invoice to the Consignor for the performed transport service. Unless stated otherwise, the payment deadline for the
Račun je potrebno plačati v dogovorjenem roku, brez kakršnihkoli odbitkov in stroškov.
11.2 V primeru zamude pri plačilu je Prevoznik upravičen do plačila zakonskih zamudnih obresti in morebitnih drugih stroškov (npr. stroški opominov) potrebnih zaradi izterjave terjatev Prevoznika. Prevoznik ima še posebej v zvezi z lastnimi opomini pravico, da od Pošiljatelja za vsak poslan opomin zahteva plačilo zneska v višini 15,00 EUR plus pripadajoči davek na dodano vrednost.
12. Odgovornost Prevoznika
Prevoznik ne odgovarja za:
• izgubo ali škodo na tovoru, ki bi nastala zaradi prevoza tovora z odprtimi tovornimi vozili, ki niso prekrita s ponjavo, kot so npr. vdrtine, praske, odkrušen lak in poškodbe laka;
• poškodbe, uničenje, izgubo ipd. posebnih delov opreme, dodatkov, drugih predmetov, ki se nahajajo v tovoru, razen če se Prevoznik in Pošiljatelj v Prevozni pogodbi dogovorita drugače;
• poškodbe tovora, ki zaradi umazanije, ledu, snega ipd. na tovoru niso bile vidne ob prevzemu tovora s strani Pošiljatelja (Prevoznik umazanije, ledu, snega ipd. na tovoru ni dolžan odstranjevati pred prevozom);
• škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi morebitnega puščanja tekočine ali ločitev delov iz tovora.
13. Jamstva Pošiljatelja
Pošiljatelj s sklenitvijo Prevozne pogodbe izrecno jamči:
• da je tovor v stanju, ki omogoča varen prevoz in varno ter skladno s pravili stroke nakladanje in razkladanje tovora;
• da bo Prevoznika obvestil o kakršnihkoli posebnostih tovora, ki bi lahko vplivala na varen prevoz oziroma nakladanje in razkladanje tovora;
invoice is within 15 days of receiving the invoice. The invoice must be paid in the agreed deadline, without any deductions or costs.
11.2 In the event of a late payment, the Transporter is entitled to receive statutory interest and any other costs (such as costs of reminders) necessary in order to recover the amounts receivable by the Transporter. Particularly in connection with their own reminders, the Transporter has the right to require the Consignor to pay the amount of EUR 15 + VAT for every reminder sent.
12. Responsibility of the Transporter
The Transporter shall not be held responsible for:
• any loss or damage of the freight incurred due to transport of freight with open goods vehicles which are not covered with a tarpaulin, such as dents, scratches, chipped or damaged varnish;
• any damage, destruction, loss etc. of special parts of equipment, accessories, or other objects located in the freight, unless the Transporter and the Consignor explicitly agree otherwise in the Transport Contract;
• any freight damage which could not have been seen by the Consignor during freight takeover due to dirt, ice, snow etc. accumulated on the freight (the Transporter is not obliged to remove said dirt, ice, snow etc. from the freight before transport);
• any damages incurred due to potential leaking of liquid or separation of parts from the freight.
13. Consignor Guarantees
By concluding the Transport Contract, the Consignor explicitly guarantees that:
• the freight is in a condition which enables safe transport and safe loading and unloading of freight in accordance with the rules of the profession;
• they will notify the Transporter of any particular characteristics of the freight which could influence safe transport or loading and unloading of freight;
• bo pri prevozu starodobnih in posebnih vozil pri oddaji Naročila navedel opozorila in smernice, v kolikor je potrebno posebno ravnanje s tovorom;
• da bo zaradi prevoza z odprtimi tovornimi vozili (ki niso prekrita s ponjavami) tovor ustrezno zavaroval in zaščitil (pred vetrom, vremenskimi nevšečnostmi, ipd.) zaradi morebitnih poškodb pri prevozu, pri čemer takšna zaščita ne sme zmanjšati zmožnosti natovarjanja in raztovarjanja iz oziroma na tovorna vozila;
• da odgovarja za vse poškodbe tovora, ki bi nastale zaradi neprimernosti ali pomanjkljivosti tovora oziroma zaščite tovora za prevoz z odprtimi tovornimi vozili (ki niso prekrita s ponjavami);
• bo poskrbel za odpravo morebitnih ovir, ki onemogočajo prevoz tovora v namembni kraj oziroma bo prevzel morebitne dodatne stroške, ki bi nastali zaradi spremembe poti prevoza v namembni kraj.
14. Pridržna pravica
14.1 V kolikor Pošiljatelj ne poravna svojih obveznosti po izstavljenem računu Prevoznika, ima Prevoznik pravico pridržati tovor Pošiljatelja dokler mu Pošiljatelj v celoti ne plača njegove terjatve do Pošiljatelja.
14.2 Če je postal Pošiljatelj plačilno nesposoben, ima Prevoznik pridržno pravico, čeprav njegova terjatev še ni zapadla.
14.3 Prevoznik je dolžan tovor vrniti Pošiljatelju, če mu ta ponudi ustrezno zavarovanje njegove terjatve.
14.4 Prevoznik, ki ima na podlagi pridržne pravice v posesti tovor Pošiljatelja, se lahko poplača iz njegove vrednosti na enak način kot zastavni upnik, vendar mora, preden se za to odloči, pravočasno sporočiti Pošiljatelju svoj namen.
15. Zavarovanje tovora
V kolikor bi Pošiljatelj želel posebno transportno zavarovanje za tovor (dodatno zavarovanje, več kot določa Konvencija CMR) mora to v svojem Naročilu izrecno navesti in
• when transporting oldtimer and special vehicles, they will specify any warnings and guidelines when placing their Order, if any special treatment of the freight is required;
• due to transport with open goods vehicles (which are not covered with tarpaulins), they will suitably protect the freight (from wind, adverse weather conditions etc.) by reason of any potential damages incurred during transport, whereby said protection must not decrease the ability of loading and unloading to or from goods vehicles;
• they shall be held responsible for any damages incurred to the freight due to the unsuitability or defects of said freight or due to the protection of freight during transport with open goods vehicles (which are not covered with a tarpaulin);
• they will make sure to eliminate any potential obstacles preventing the transport of freight to its destination or pay any additional costs incurred due to the fact that the transport route towards the destination has been changed.
14. Lien
14.1 If the Consignor fails to pay their liabilities according to the invoice issued by the Transporter, the Transporter has the right to retain the Consignor’s freight until the Consignor pays its liabilities towards the Transporter in their entirety.
14.2 If the Consignor has become insolvent, the Transporter shall retain the lien even if its claims have not yet fallen due.
14.3 The Transporter must return the freight to the Consignor if the latter provides the Transporter with a suitable insurance of its claim.
14.4 The Transporter that owns the freight of the Consignor based on lien can receive its payment from the value of said freight in the same way as a pledgee; before it decides to opt for this possibility, however, it must inform the Consignor of its intentions in due time.
15. Freight Insurance
If the Consignor wishes to conclude an additional transport insurance for its freight (an additional insurance which extends the insurance set out in the CMR Convention), the
poravnati vse stroške takšnega zavarovanja, sicer se šteje, da Prevoznik takšnega posebnega zavarovanja ni sklenil.
16. Višja sila
16.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ni odgovorna za kršitev svojih obveznosti iz Pogodbe zaradi primera višje sile.
16.2 Višja sila pomeni zunanji vzrok (tj. vzrok izven stvari), ki je neodvisen od volje in vpliva Pogodbene stranke in njegovega učinka ni bilo mogoče pričakovati se mu izogniti ali ga odvrniti (na primer, vendar ne izključno, vojna, epidemija, naravna nesreča itd.).
16.3 Pogodbena stranka, na strani katere je primer višje sile, je dolžna nemudoma, najkasneje pa v roku 15 dni od nastanka primera višje sile, o tem pisno obvestiti drugo Pogodbeno stranko. V kolikor višja sila ni odpravljena v roku enega meseca od dne nastanka višje sile, lahka vsaka Pogodbena stranka nemudoma odstopi od Prevozne pogodbe.
17. Pobot
Pobot ali uveljavljanje pridržne pravice glede kakršnihkoli terjatev Prevoznika s strani Pošiljatelja so dovoljeni le v primeru pravnomočno ugotovljene ali nesporne nasprotne terjatve Pošiljatelja.
18. Prenehanje Prevozne pogodbe
18.1 Prevozna pogodba lahko kadarkoli preneha na podlagi pisnega sporazuma obeh Pogodbenih strank.
18.2 Pogodbena stranka lahko od Prevozne pogodbe nemudoma odstopi, kadar za to obstaja krivdni razlog na strani druge Pogodbene stranke.
18.3 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka lahko od Prevozne pogodbe odstopi na način, da posreduje pisni odstop od Prevozne pogodbe na naslov druge Pogodbene stranke.
19. Pogodbena kazen
V kolikor Pošiljatelj od Prevozne pogodbe odstopi po tem, ko je Prevoznik že začel izpolnjevati svoje obveznosti po Prevozni
Consignor must explicitly state this in its Order and pay any and all costs of such insurance; failing that, it shall be considered that the Transporter never concluded said special insurance.
16. Force Majeure
16.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties shall be held responsible for the breach of their liabilities set out in the Contract due to force majeure.
16.2 Force majeure is an external reason which is independent of the will and influence of the Contracting Party and the effect of which could not be expected, avoided or countered (including but not limited to wars, epidemics, natural disasters etc.).
16.3 The Contracting Party which invokes the reason of force majeure must immediately, but not later than within 15 days of the occurrence of said event of force majeure, inform the other Contracting Party of it in writing. If the event of force majeure is not over within one month of the date of its first occurrence, each of the Contracting Parties can immediately withdraw from the Transport Contract.
17. Offset
The offset or exercise of liens as regards any of the claims of the Transporter by the Consignor is only allowed in the event of an irrevocably established or uncontested counter-claim of the Consignor.
18. Termination of the Transport Contract
18.1 The Transport Contract can be terminated at any point based on a written agreement of both Contracting Parties.
18.2 Any Contracting Party can immediately withdraw from the Transport Contract on the ground of fault of the other Contracting Party.
18.3 Any Contracting Party can withdraw from the Transport Contract by sending a written withdrawal from the Transport Contract to the address of the other Contracting Party.
19. Contractual Penalty
If the Consignor withdraws from the Transport Contract after the Transporter has already started complying with its obligations set out in
pogodbi (pri čemer se upoštevajo tudi pripravljalna dela) je Pošiljatelj dolžan plačati Prevozniku kot pogodbeno kazen za odstop od Prevozne pogodbe 40% cene prevoza po Prevozni pogodbi. Ne glede na navedeno je Prevoznik upravičen tudi do plačila morebitnih drugih oziroma dodatnih zahtevkov oziroma terjatev.
20. Varstvo osebnih podatkov
Prevoznik bo vse osebne podatke Pošiljatelja varoval in obdeloval skladno določili Xxxxxx (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES (splošna uredba o varstvu osebnih podatkov), vsakokrat veljavnega Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov v Republiki Sloveniji in drugih veljavnih predpisov Republike Slovenije, ki urejajo varstvo osebnih podatkov.
21. Obveznost varovanja poslovne skrivnosti
21.1 Nobena Pogodbena stranka ne sme izkoriščati za svojo lastno uporabo ali izdati tretjemu poslovnih skrivnosti, ki jih je prejela od druge Pogodbene stranke in jih kot take določi druga Pogodbena stranka ter so bile prvi Pogodbeni stranki zaupane ali s katerimi je bila seznanjena na drug način.
21.2 Za poslovno skrivnost se štejejo tudi podatki, za katere je očitno, da bi nastala občutna škoda, če bi zanje izvedela nepooblaščena oseba. Pogodbena stranka je odgovorna za kršitev, če je vedela ali bi morala vedeti za tak značaj podatkov.
21.3 Vsi dokumenti predloženi Pogodbeni stranki, ki vsebujejo poslovno skrivnost druge Pogodbene stranke, se štejejo kot zaupni in jih je potrebno vrniti na zahtevo druge Pogodbene stranke. Prepovedano je kopiranje ali prenašanje teh dokumentov in zapisov nepooblaščenim tretjim osebam.
the Transport Contract (whereby preparatory works shall also be taken into account), the Consignor must pay to the Contractor the amount of 40% of the price of transport set out in the Transport Contract as contractual penalty for the withdrawal from the Transport Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Transporter is also entitled to receive any other or additional claims or receivables.
20. Protection of Personal Data
The Transporter shall protect and process any and all personal data of the Consignor pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the applicable Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Slovenia and other applicable regulations of the Republic of Slovenia governing the protection of personal data.
21. Obligation of Professional Secrecy
21.1 Neither of the Contracting Parties may exploit for personal use or disclose to other parties the business secrets that it has received from the other Contracting Party and that are defined by said other Contracting Party as such, and that have been entrusted to the first Contracting Party or which have become known to said first Contracting Party in another manner.
21.2 The data for which it is obvious that significant damage could occur if an unauthorised person became aware of them shall also be considered business secrets. The Contracting Party is responsible for the breach if it knew or should have known about such nature of the aforementioned data.
21.3 All documents provided for the Contracting Party which include business secrets of the other Contracting Party are considered confidential and must be returned at the request of the other Contracting Party. Copying or transferring said documents and records to unauthorised third parties is prohibited.
21.4 V izogib dvoma Pogodbeni stranki izrecno ugotavljata, da predstavlja vsebina Prevozne pogodbe (razen teh Splošnih pogojev poslovanja) poslovno skrivnost.
22. Prepoved škodljivega ravnanja
Vsaka Pogodbena stranka se je dolžna vzdržati vseh ravnanj, ki glede na naravo Pogodbe materialno ali moralno škodujejo ali bi lahko škodovala poslovnim interesom druge Pogodbene stranke.
23. Obveznost obveščanja
23.1 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o bistvenih okoliščinah, ki vplivajo oziroma bi lahko vplivale na izpolnjevanje njenih pogodbenih obveznosti in o vseh spremembah podatkov, ki vplivajo na izpolnjevanje pravic iz pogodbenega razmerja, ter o okoliščinah, s katerimi se Pogodbena stranka pri opravljanju svojega dela seznani in bi lahko bile bistvenega pomena za drugo Pogodbeno stranko.
23.2 Vsaka Pogodbena stranka mora obveščati drugo Pogodbeno stranko o vsaki grozeči nevarnosti za življenje, zdravje ali nastanek materialne škode, ki jo zazna pri opravljanju svojih obveznosti po tej Pogodbi.
24. Spori, sodna pristojnost in uporaba prava
24.1 Morebitne spore v zvezi s pogodbenim razmerjem bosta Pogodbeni stranki reševali sporazumno. V kolikor to ne bi bilo mogoče, je za reševanje sporov pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani.
24.2 V primeru spora se uporablja pravo Republike Slovenije.
25. Spremembe Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
Prevoznik ima pravico do sprememb in dopolnitev Splošnih pogojev poslovanja. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve Splošnih pogojev poslovanja in čistopis Splošnih pogojev poslovanja bodo objavljene na spletni strani Prevoznika.
21.4 To avoid any doubt, the Contracting Parties explicitly find that the content of this Transport Contract (with the exception of these General Terms and Conditions) is considered to be a business secret.
22. Prohibition of Harmful Conduct
Each of the Contracting Parties must refrain from any behaviour which could materially or morally harm the business interests of the other Contracting Party in relation to the nature of this agreement.
23. Notification Obligation
23.1 Each of the Contracting Parties must inform the other Contracting Party of any crucial circumstances which shall or could influence its compliance with its contractual liabilities, and of any changes in the data which influence the exercise of rights set out in the contractual relationship, as well as of any circumstances that the Contracting Party becomes acquainted with during the performance of its work tasks and could be of crucial importance for the other Contracting Party.
23.2 Each of the Contracting Parties must inform the other Contracting Party of any danger to health or life or to the occurrence of material damages that it becomes aware of during the performance of its liabilities according to this agreement.
24. Disputes, Jurisdiction and Application of Law
24.1 Any disputes related to the contractual relationship shall be resolved by the Contracting Parties in an amicable manner. Failing that, the court in Ljubljana having jurisdiction on the substance shall be responsible for resolving said dispute.
24.2 In the event of a dispute, the law of the Republic of Slovenia shall be used.
25. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions
The Transporter has the right to amend and supplement the General Terms and Conditions. Any amendments and supplements of the General Terms and Conditions, as well as the clean copy of said General Terms and Conditions, shall be published on the website of the Transporter.
26. Salvatorna klavzula
Morebitna neveljavna določba ali nezmožnost njene izvršitve, kot tudi neurejenost posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih pogojih poslovanja ne vpliva na veljavnost drugih določb in veljavnost Splošnih pogojih poslovanja kot celote. V primeru neveljavnosti ali nezmožnosti izvrševanja takšne določbe ali neurejenosti posameznega vprašanja v teh Splošnih pogojih poslovanja, bo takšno določbo ali pravno praznino nadomestila razlaga, ki je najbližja namenu Pogodbenih strank v času njene sklenitve, če se Pogodbeni stranki ne dogovorita drugače in je namen v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi.
27. Končna določila
27.1 Potrditev Splošnih pogojev poslovanja
• z izdajo Naročila na podlagi pisne ponudbe Prevoznika, (i) ki so ji priloženi Splošni pogoji poslovanja ali (ii) kjer je navedena uporaba Splošnih pogojev poslovanja in internetna stran kjer so le ti razvidni, ali
• s sklenitvijo pisnega dogovora z Prevoznikom o prevozu tovora, kjer (i) so priloženi Splošni pogoji poslovanja ali (ii) kjer je navedena uporaba Splošnih pogojev poslovanja in internetna stran kjer so le ti razvidni,
potrjuje, da je v celoti seznanjen s Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja in se z njimi v celoti strinja.
27.2 Vročitev in sprememba podatkov
Vsaka izjava Prevoznika se šteje za vročeno, če je bila dostavljena na naslov, ki ga je Pošiljatelj navedel na Naročilu. Vsako spremembo naslova ali drugih podatkov pomembnih za sklenjeno Prevozno pogodbo mora Pošiljatelj sporočiti Prevozniku v pisni obliki v roku 15 dni od dne nastanka takšne spremembe.
26. Savings Clause
If any of the provisions becomes invalid, if it is no longer possible to enforce it or if any of the questions set out in these General Terms and Conditions should not be settled, this does not influence the validity of other provisions, nor the validity of the General Terms and Conditions as a whole. In the event of the invalidity or impossibility to enforce such provision, or in the event of the non-settlement of any individual questions set out in these General Terms and Conditions, such provision or legal void shall be replaced by the explanation which reflects, as closely as possible, the purpose of the Contracting Parties at the time that it was concluded, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise and if the purpose is in accordance with the applicable regulations.
27. Final provisions
27.1 Confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions
The Consignor confirms:
• by issuing the Order based on the written offer of the Transporter which includes
(i) the General Terms and Conditions or (ii) a statement on the use of the General Terms and Conditions and the website where they can be found, or
• by concluding a written agreement with the Transporter on the transport of freight, whereby said agreement includes (i) the General Terms and Conditions or (ii) a statement on the use of the General Terms and Conditions and the website where they can be found,
that they have been made aware of the entirety of the General Terms and Conditions and agree with them in their entirety.
27.2 Notification and Change of Data
Every statement of the Transporter is considered to be notified if it has been delivered to the address set out by the Consignor on its Order. Any change of address or other data which is important for the concluded Transport Contract must be communicated by the Consignor to the Transporter in writing within 15 days of the occurrence of said change.