Splošni pogoji
za uporabo portala My Porsche in funkcij spletne Tržnice Porsche (vključno s Trgovino Porsche Connect) ter prodajo Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov Porsche Smart Mobility
(v nadaljevanju: Splošni pogoji)
1. Obseg in definicije
1.1. Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-00000 Xxxxxxxxx (v nadaljevanju: Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM ali mi) na strani xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx upravlja
(i) portal My Porsche (v nadaljevanju: Portal My Porsche) in
(ii) različne funkcije spletne tržnice (v nadaljevanju: Tržnica) za
(i) prodajo vozil Porsche, delov, opreme in drugih z vozili povezanih in samostojnih izdelkov (v nadaljevanju: Izdelki) ter
(ii) zagotavljanje z vozili povezanih in od vozila neodvisnih storitev (v nadaljevanju: Storitve).
1.2. Uporabnik Portala My Porsche in Tržnice so lahko (i) Stranke in (ii) Prodajalci, kot so opredeljeni spodaj.
1.3. Stranka je lahko (i) potrošnik v smislu 13. člena nemškega civilnega zakonika (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, v nadaljevanju
»BGB«) ali (ii) trgovec, pravna oseba javnega prava ali namensko premoženje javnega prava (Sondervermögen), ki kupuje Izdelke in/ali Storitve.
1.4. Prodajalec je lahko
(i) Porsche Smart Mobility ali
(ii) prodajalec, ki je tretja oseba (vključno z družbami Porsche) (v nadaljevanju: Zunanji prodajalec),
ki Strankam zagotavlja svojo Tržnico, kjer ponuja in prodaja Izdelke in/ali Storitve.
1.5. Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo za
(i) uporabo Portala My Porsche in Tržnice v skladu s točko 2 s strani Stranke in
(ii) prodajo prek Trgovine Porsche Connect v skladu s točko 3. Ti Splošni pogoji veljajo tudi za vse bodoče transakcije s Stranko. Veljavnost nasprotujočih, odstopajočih ali dopolnilnih pogojev Stranke je izključena, četudi Porsche Smart Mobility izrecno takšnim splošnim pogojem ne nasprotuje.
2. Pogoji uporabe Portala My Porsche in Tržnice za Stranke
2.1. Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche za uporabo Portala My Porsche
0.0.0.Xx uporabo Portala My Porsche mora biti med Stranko in družbo Porsche Smart Mobility sklenjena Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche. Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche se sklene (a) v zvezi z nakupom vozila, tako da se ti Splošni pogoji vnesejo v ločeno pogodbo za nakup vozila, (b) s sprejemom ob registraciji na Portalu My Porsche ali (c) s sprejemom ob naročilu ene ali več Storitev Porsche Connect v Trgovini Porsche Connect, kot je navedeno pod točko 3, kot okvirna pogodba za zagotavljanje, uporabo in naročanje Izdelkov ali Storitev.
2.1.2.Sama Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche (tj. brez nakupa katerih koli Izdelkov ali Storitev) ne pomeni nobene obveznosti nakupa in/ali obveznosti plačila s strani Stranke.
2.1.3.Vsebina Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche je določena v teh Splošnih pogojih, in sicer v vsakokratni zadnji različici, ki velja ob sklenitvi zadevne Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility lahko te Splošne pogoje spremeni iz upravičenih razlogov, zlasti iz pravnih, regulativnih ali varnostnih razlogov. Če družba Porsche Smart Mobility te Splošne pogoje spremeni po sklenitvi Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche, so spremembe veljavne, ko jih Stranka sprejme.
2.1.4.Stranka se zavezuje, (i) da bo ob registraciji na Portalu My Porsche navedla točne in resnične podatke o sebi in (ii) da bo v primeru sprememb vsakokrat nemudoma popravila podatke na Portalu My Porsche, če so takšni podatki obvezni za izvajanje Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche. Obvezni podatki so označeni kot takšni pri vnašanju v Portal My Porsche ali Tržnico.
2.2. Prenos in prenehanje Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche
2.2.1.Identifikacijska pogodba Porsche, sklenjena s Stranko, se ne sme prenesti na tretjo osebo brez soglasja družbe Porsche Smart Mobility.
2.2.3.Odpoved je lahko podana v pisni obliki, po elektronski pošti ali prek Portala My Porsche z uporabo funkcije »Delete Account (Izbriši račun)«
2.2.4.Zgornja določila ne vplivajo na pravico do odstopa od pogodbe iz utemeljenega razloga.
2.3. Uporaba Tržnice s strani Strank
2.3.1.Stranke z Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche lahko uporabljajo Tržnico. Stranke brez Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche lahko tudi uporabljajo Tržnico s pomočjo funkcije »Ordering as Guest (Naročanje kot gost)« (če je na voljo).
2.3.2.Stranka ne sme uporabljati Izdelkov ali Storitev v nedovoljene namene in Stranka takšne uporabe ne sme dovoliti tretjim osebam. Stranka ne sme obdelovati podatkov in informacij, ki jih je prejela
med uporabo Tržnice, v poslovne namene ali takšne podatke in informacije razkriti kateri koli tretji osebi v poslovne namene.
2.4. Vloga družbe Porsche Smart Mobility in izvajanje pogodb, sklenjenih na Tržnici
2.4.1.Porsche Smart Mobility je upravljavec Tržnice. Porsche Smart Mobility in Zunanji prodajalec lahko prodajata Izdelke in/ali Storitve na Tržnici. Prodajalec je naveden na strani z opisom izdelka.
2.4.2.Družba Porsche Smart Mobility deluje kot posrednik v poslih, sklenjenih med Strankami in Zunanjimi prodajalci za prodajo Izdelkov ali Storitev. Vsaka takšna pogodba je sklenjena zgolj med Stranko in Zunanjim prodajalcem. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility zlasti ne nastopa kot zastopnik katerega koli Uporabnika, zlasti katerega koli Zunanjega prodajalca. Stranka se mora vzdržati vseh dejanj, ki bi vzbujala napačen vtis, da jo je potrdila, da deluje v partnerstvu ali da deluje v imenu ali v korist družbe Porsche Smart Mobility. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility zlasti ne prevzema odgovornosti za katere koli pogodbe, sklenjene med Stranko in Zunanjim prodajalcem. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility ne nadzira in ne preverja informacij, ki jih zagotovi Zunanji prodajalec ali katera koli Stranka. Za pogodbe, sklenjene med Stranko in Zunanjim prodajalcem lahko veljajo še dodatni pogoji, kot so pogoji za uporabo ali pogoji za prodajo, ki so navedeni na strani z opisom izdelka.
2.4.3.V primeru naročila Stranke družba Porsche Smart Mobility obvesti Zunanjega prodajalca in mu zagotovi podatke o transakciji (npr. ime Stranke), ki so potrebni za sklenitev in izvajanje pogodbe.
2.4.4.V primeru sporov, ki bi izhajali iz pogodbe za Izdelke ali Storitve, morata Prodajalec in Stranka neposredno sodelovati in skupaj poiskati rešitev.
2.5. Odgovornost družbe Porsche Smart Mobility za uporabo Tržnice in Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche
2.5.1.Družba Porsche Smart Mobillity ne odgovarja za pravilnost in ažurnost podatkov in informacij, ki jih zagotovi Stranka in Zunanji prodajalec.
2.5.4.Omejitev odgovornosti, navedena zgoraj, ne velja za škodo, povzročeno namenoma ali iz hude malomarnosti, krivdno povzročene osebne poškodbe ali odgovornost v skladu z nemškim Zakonom o odgovornosti za izdelke in v primeru kakršne koli druge odgovornosti, ki je ni mogoče izključiti. Prav tako ne velja, če in kolikor je družba Porsche Smart Mobility dala jamstvo.
2.5.5.Stranka mora izvesti vse razumne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za preprečevanje in zmanjšanje škode.
2.6. Pravice intelektualne lastnine
Ne glede na zgoraj navedeno mora Stranka spoštovati in ne sme kršiti pravic intelektualne lastnine, kar vključuje, a ni omejeno na avtorske pravice, modele, blagovne znamke in patente (v
nadaljevanju: Pravice intelektualne lastnine) družbe Porsche Smart Mobility, drugih Uporabnikov in drugih tretjih oseb. Stranka bo družbi Porsche Smart Mobility povrnila vso škodo in izdatke ter jo obvarovala pred vsemi zahtevki, ki bi jih drugi Uporabniki ali druge tretje osebe uveljavljale proti družbi Porsche Smart Mobility zaradi kršitve njihovih Pravic intelektualne lastnine, kolikor je Xxxxxxx odgovorna za takšno kršitev. Stranka prevzema stroške potrebne obrambe družbe Porsche Smart Mobility pred pravnimi zahtevki, vključno z vsemi sodnimi taksami in stroški odvetnikov.
Družba Porsche Smart Mobility si ne prisvaja nobenih vsebin v zvezi s Pravicami intelektualne lastnine tretjih oseb ali drugih Uporabnikov.
2.7. Varstvo podatkov
Upoštevamo pravilnik o zasebnosti, ki je vedno na voljo pod xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
2.8. Uporaba podatkov
2.8.2.Družba Porsche Smart Mobility lahko uporablja podatke, kot je navedeno v točki 2.8.1, v anonimizirani obliki za (i) upravljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti in varnosti Izdelkov ali Storitev in (ii) v druge komercialne namene.
– drugim tretjim osebam.
2.8.4.Uporaba podatkov v skladu s to točko bo v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu podatkov. Dodatne informacije so na voljo pri informacijah o varstvu podatkov in zasebnosti pod xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
2.9. Veljavno pravo in sodna pristojnost
2.9.1.Če je Stranka trgovec, pravna oseba javnega prava ali namensko premoženje javnega prava (Sondervermögen), se vsi spori, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenih dogovorov med Stranko in družbo Porsche Smart Mobility, rešujejo pred sodiščem v Stuttgartu, Nemčija.
0.0.0.Xx vse spore, ki bi izhajali ali bili v zvezi s tem pogodbenim dogovorom, se uporablja nemško pravo ob izključitvi Konvencije Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga. Kljub veljavnosti nemškega prava Stranke, ki so potrošniki, ščitijo tudi obvezna zakonska določila, ki veljajo v državi, v kateri ima potrošnik stalno prebivališče. Veljavnost obveznih določil, ki omejujejo izbiro prava in zlasti veljavnost obveznih zakonov v državi, v kateri ima potrošnik stalno prebivališče, kot so zakoni o varstvu potrošnikov, ostane nespremenjena.
2.9.3.Informacije glede reševanja potrošniških sporov preko spleta ali alternativnega reševanja potrošniških sporov lahko najdete tukaj: xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.
2.10. Končne določbe
2.10.1. Stranka lahko pravice, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenega razmerja, odstopi tretjim osebam le s pisnim soglasjem družbe Porsche
Smart Mobility. To ne vpliva na člen 354a nemškega trgovinskega zakonika (Handelsgesetzbuch).
2.10.2. Če je določilo teh Splošnih pogojev v celoti ali delno neveljavno, to ne vpliva na veljavnost preostalih določil.
3. Pogoji za prodajo prek Trgovine Porsche Connect
3.1. Splošno
0.0.0.Xx Tržnici družba Porsche Smart Mobility Strankam zagotavlja Trgovino Porsche Connect (v nadaljevanju: Trgovina Porsche Connect), v kateri Porsche Smart Mobility ponuja (i) z vozili povezane in od vozila neodvisne storitve (v nadaljevanju: Storitve Porsche Connect) in (ii) morebitne druge izdelke in storitve (v nadaljevanju: Izdelki PSM).
3.1.2.Poleg zgoraj navedenih določil ta točka 3 velja za uporabo Trgovine Porsche Connect, naročanje in uporabo Storitev Porsche Connect ter nakup in možno uporabo Izdelkov PSM s strani Stranke družbe Porsche Smart Mobility (v nadaljevanju: Stranka PSM). Stranka PSM je Primarni uporabnik, Sekundarni uporabnik in Splošni uporabnik, kot je opredeljeno pod točko 3.2. Porsche Smart Mobility ponuja še vrsto različnih storitev in izdelkov. Zanje lahko veljajo dodatni pogoji, kot so pogoji uporabe.
3.2. Primarni in Sekundarni uporabniki, Splošni uporabniki
3.2.1.Primarni uporabnik v zvezi z vozilom Connect (tj. vozilo Porsche, pri katerem je mogoče uporabljati Storitve Porsche Connect) je Stranka PSM, ki je (a) lastnik, (b) imetnik vozila in/ali (c) član skupine uporabnikov, ki ga družba Porsche Smart Mobility izrecno potrdi kot Primarnega uporabnika (zlasti jemalci leasinga ali zaposleni, ki uporabljajo službeno vozilo). Vozilo Connect ima natanko enega Primarnega uporabnika. Primarnemu uporabniku je na voljo celoten nabor funkcij Portala My Porsche, Trgovine Porsche Connect in naročenih Storitev Porsche Connect. Mogoče je zlasti naročanje in konfiguracija z vozilom povezanih in od vozila neodvisnih Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov PSM.
3.2.2.Sekundarni uporabnik v zvezi z vozilom Connect je Xxxxxxx PSM, ki ni Primarni uporabnik, vendar jo je Xxxxxxxx uporabnik pooblastil kot Sekundarnega uporabnika, in je sklenila Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche. Nabor funkcij Portala My Porsche, Trgovine Porsche Connect in naročenih Storitev Porsche Connect je odvisen od obsega pravic, ki jih Sekundarnemu uporabniku odobri Primarni uporabnik oz. sistem. To zlasti pomeni, da naročanje z vozilom povezanih storitev ni mogoče, če je njihova konfiguracija odvisna od pravic, ki jih odobri Primarni uporabnik, naročanje in konfiguracija od vozila neodvisnih Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov PSM pa je na splošno mogoče.
3.2.3.Splošni uporabnik je Stranka PSM, ki ni niti Primarni niti Sekundarni uporabnik v zvezi z vsaj enim vozilom Connect. Splošnemu uporabniku je na voljo Trgovina Porsche Connect z omejenim naborom funkcij. To zlasti pomeni, da naročanje in konfiguracija z vozilom povezanih Storitev Porsche Connect ni mogoče, naročanje in konfiguracija od vozila neodvisnih Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov PSM pa je mogoče.
3.3. Sklenitev pogodbe
3.3.1.Predstavitev Storitev Porsche Connect in Izdelkov PSM v Trgovini Porsche Connect ne predstavlja zavezujoče ponudbe družbe Porsche Smart Mobility za sklenitev prodajne pogodbe, temveč zgolj vabi Xxxxxxx PSM, naj poda zavezujočo izjavo, ali in katero blago želi naročiti pri družbi Porsche Smart Mobility (invitatio ad offerendum). Stranka PSM lahko izbere Storitve Porsche Connect in Izdelke PSM iz nabora izdelkov v Trgovini Porsche Connect in jih doda v t. i. nakupovalno košarico s klikom na gumb »Add to Cart
(Dodaj v košarico)«. Pred klikom na gumb »Order with Obligation to Pay (Naročilo z obveznostjo plačila)« (ali podobno) se vse Storitve Porsche Connect ali Izdelki PSM, ki jih je Stranka PSM izbrala, njihov skupni znesek z DDV v ustrezni višini ter vse dajatve, takse in stroški poštnine ponovno prikažejo v pregledu naročila, da jih Stranka PSM pregleda. V tej fazi ima Stranka PSM možnost opaziti in popraviti morebitne napačne vnose, preden dokončno odda zavezujoče naročilo. Pred oddajo zavezujočega naročila si lahko Stranka PSM še enkrat ogleda pogodbena določila, vključno s temi Splošnimi pogoji, in jih shrani v obliki, ki omogoča reproduciranje. S klikom na gumb »Order with Obligation to Pay (Naročilo z obveznostjo plačila)« (ali podobno) Stranka PSM odda zavezujočo ponudbo za sklenitev prodajne pogodbe za Storitve Porsche Connect ali Izdelke PSM, ki so nabrani v košarici. Ponudbo pa je mogoče oddati in posredovati le, če Stranka PSM sprejme in tako v svojo ponudbo vključi te Splošne pogoje s klikom na ustrezni gumb.
3.3.2.Družba Porsche Smart Mobility potrdi prejem naročila Stranke PSM z elektronskim sporočilom. Vendar takšno potrdilo o prejemu še ne pomeni pravno zavezujočega sprejema ponudbe, ki jo je podala Stranka PSM.
3.3.3.Pogodba začne veljati šele, ko družba Porsche Smart Mobility sprejme ponudbo Stranke PSM. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility lahko naročilo sprejme izrecno z izjavo v pisni obliki, npr. tako da pošlje pisno potrditev naročila po elektronski pošti, tako da zagotovi Storitve Porsche Connect ali odda Izdelke PSM v odpremo in o tem ustrezno obvesti Stranko PSM. Za prodajno pogodbo velja izključno vsebina sprejema naročila in teh Splošnih pogojev. Ustni dogovori ali obljube so veljavni le, če jih pooblaščeni sodelavec družbe Porsche Smart Mobility potrdi v pisni obliki.
3.3.4.Če Storitev Porsche Connect, ki jih je naročila Stranka PSM, ni mogoče dobaviti, npr. ker jih ni na zalogi, ali Storitev Porsche Connect ni mogoče zagotoviti, družba Porsche Smart Mobility ne sprejme naročila. V tem primeru pogodba ni sklenjena. Porsche Smart Mobility nemudoma o tem obvesti Stranko PSM.
3.3.5.Pogodbena določila se po sklenitvi pogodbe shranijo, vendar Stranki PSM niso več dostopna. Stranka PSM pa prejme vsa pogodbena določila in te Splošne pogoje (po elektronski ali navadni pošti).
3.4. Naročanje Storitev Porsche Connect
3.4.1.Posamezna ali več Storitev Porsche Connect se lahko posebej naročijo v Trgovini Porsche Connect v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji in morebitnimi nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe. Če je določilo teh Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju s posameznimi nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe, prevladajo nadaljnji pogoji uporabe.
3.4.2.Razpoložljivost, opis, trajanje, cene in plačilni pogoji Storitev Porsche Connect so podrobno opredeljeni v Trgovini Porsche Connect in so lahko določeni v nadaljnjih pogojih uporabe. Razpoložljivost z vozilom povezanih Storitev Porsche Connect je odvisna od opreme posameznega vozila.
3.4.3.Storitve Porsche Connect, povezane z vozilom, lahko naroči le Primarni uporabnik za vozilo Connect, za katerega v Portalu My Porsche obstaja Povezava z vozilom (glej točko 3.4.4). Vezane so na vozilo in se jih ne sme prenesti na drugo vozilo Connect ali uporabljati v drugem vozilu Connect. To velja tudi v primeru, če je Primarni uporabnik enega vozila Connect hkrati tudi Primarni uporabnik drugega vozila Connect.
3.4.4.Stranka PSM lahko na Portalu My Porsche preveri, če oz. katera vozila so povezana z njeno Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche (v nadaljevanju: Povezava z vozilom) in za katero Povezavo z vozilom je opredeljena kot Primarni ali Sekundarni uporabnik. Če se posamezna Povezava z vozilom Primarnemu uporabniku na Portalu
3.5. Prodaja Izdelkov PSM
3.5.1.Posamezen ali več Xxxxxxxx PSM se lahko posebej kupijo v Trgovini Porsche Connect v skladu s temi Splošnimi pogoji in nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe. Če je določilo teh Splošnih pogojev v nasprotju z nadaljnjimi pogoji uporabe, prevladajo nadaljnji pogoji uporabe.
3.5.2.Razpoložljivost, opis, trajanje (odvisno od primera), cena, plačilni pogoji in pogoji dostave Izdelkov PSM so podrobno opredeljeni v Trgovini Porsche Connect in so lahko določeni v nadaljnjih pogojih uporabe.
0.0.0.Xx nakup Izdelkov PSM pa lahko veljajo še drugi in obsežnejši pogoji. V tem primeru vas bomo nanje pred nakupom izrecno opozorili.
3.6. Prodaja in/ali trajen prenos vozila
3.6.1.V primeru prodaje ali trajnega prenosa vozila Connect na tretjo osebo (v nadaljevanju: Kupec rabljenega vozila), mora Primarni uporabnik (i) izbrisati zadevno Povezavo z vozilom na Portalu My Porsche in (ii) obvestiti Kupca rabljenega vozila o kakršnih koli Storitvah Porsche Connect, ki obstajajo za zadevno vozilo Connect.
3.6.2.V primeru prodaje ali trajnega prenosa vozila Connect lahko Primarni uporabnik – poleg svoje pravice do odpovedi Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche v skladu s točko 2.2.2 – odpove vse Storitve Porsche Connect v zvezi z vozilom z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu koledarskega meseca. Če je Storitev Porsche Connect odpovedana pred iztekom svojega obdobja trajanja v skladu s 1. stavkom, ni nobenega (niti proporcionalnega) vračila opravljenega plačila. Kupec rabljenega vozila pa lahko koristi preostalo obdobje, če sklene Identifikacijsko pogodbo Porsche in naroči Storitev Porsche Connect. Primarni uporabnik in Kupec rabljenega vozila se lahko med seboj dogovorita glede morebitnega nadomestila v višini preostale vrednosti Storitev Porsche Connect.
3.7. Trajanje in odpoved Storitev Porsche Connect
3.7.1.Stranka PSM (za storitve, ki so neodvisne od vozila) ali Primarni uporabnik (za storitve, povezane z vozilom) in Porsche Smart Mobility lahko odpovejo brezplačno Storitev Porsche Connect brez dogovorjenega minimalnega trajanja (tj. Storitev Porsche Connect, za katero ni dogovorjeno minimalno obdobje; glej še točko 3.7.2) z dvotedenskim odpovednim rokom ob koncu koledarskega meseca.
3.7.3.V primeru odpovedi Identifikacijske pogodbe Porsche v skladu s točko 2.2 bodo Storitve Porsche Connect Stranki PSM vseeno zagotovljene v skladu z ustreznimi določili teh Splošnih pogojev do konca ustreznega obdobja ali njihove odpovedi v skladu s točkami 3.7.1 do 3.7.2.
3.7.4.Odpoved v skladu s točko 3.6.2 ter s točkami 3.7.1 do 3.7.2 se lahko poda v pisni obliki, po elektronski pošti ali z uporabo Trgovine Porsche Connect s pomočjo funkcije »Terminate Automatic Prolongation (Odpoved avtomatičnega podaljšanja)«.
3.7.5.Zgornja določila ne vplivajo na pravico do odstopa od pogodbe iz utemeljenega razloga.
3.8. Pravica potrošnika do odstopa od pogodbe
Če je Stranka PSM potrošnik v smislu 13. člena BGB, ima pravico do odstopa v roku 14 dni v primeru (i) naročila Storitve Porsche Connect v skladu s točkama 3.3 in 3.4 in (ii) nakupa Izdelkov PSM v skladu s točkama 3.3 in 3.5. Drugačne pravice do odstopa lahko veljajo za Stranke PSM, ki so potrošniki, in v takem primeru bodo zagotovljene posebne informacije. Potrošnik v smislu 13. člena BGB je vsaka fizična oseba, ki sklene pravni posel za namen, ki je pretežno izven področja njene dejavnosti, poslovanja ali poklica. V nadaljevanju so podana navodila za Stranko PSM glede njene pravice do odstopa:
Navodila glede odstopa od pogodbe
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe
Pravico imate, da odstopite od te pogodbe v 14 dneh brez navedbe razloga. Odstopni rok se izteče po 14 dneh od (i) dneva sklenitve pogodbe, če ste kupili Storitve Porsche Connect in (ii) dneva, ko ste vi ali tretja oseba, ki ste jo imenovali (ki ni prevoznik), prejeli Izdelke PSM, ki ste jih kupili, oziroma v primeru pogodbe za več Izdelkov PSM, ki ste jih naročili v enem naročilu in so dostavljeni ločeno, od dneva, ko ste vi ali tretja oseba, ki ste jo imenovali (ki ni prevoznik), prejeli zadnji Izdelek PSM, ki ste ga kupili. Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa nas morate obvestiti (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, Nemčija, telefonska številka: 0800 80638, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) o svoji odločitvi glede odstopa od te pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom po pošti ali preko elektronske pošte). Lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno. Šteje se, da je sporočilo poslano v odstopnem roku, če je izjava glede uveljavljanja pravice do odstopa poslana pred potekom odstopnega roka.
Učinki odstopa od pogodbe
Če odstopite od te pogodbe, vam bomo povrnili vsa plačila, ki smo jih prejeli z vaše strani, vključno s stroški dostave (razen dodatnih stroškov, ki bi nastali zaradi vaše izbire dostave, ki ne bi bila najcenejša standardna dostava, ki jo ponujamo), in sicer nemudoma, v vsakem primeru pa najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko prejmemo vašo izjavo o odstopu od te pogodbe. Povračilo stroškov bo izvedeno na enak način, kot ste prvotno plačilo opravili vi, razen če izrecno soglašate z drugačnim načinom; v vsakem primeru vam za takšno povračilo ne bodo nastali nikakršni stroški. Če ste želeli, da se opravljanje storitev začne že med odstopnim rokom, vam bomo zaračunali sorazmerni znesek za že opravljene storitve do trenutka, ko ste nas obvestili o odstopu od te pogodbe, v razmerju do celotne pogodbene vrednosti.
Obvestilo o poteku pravice do odstopa od pogodbe:
Pravica do odstopa predčasno preneha v primeru storitev, če so bile storitve v celoti opravljene in je Xxxxxxx PSM zahtevala, da se storitve začnejo pred potekom odstopnega roka. Pravica do odstopa predčasno preneha v primeru pogodb, ki se nanašajo na digitalne vsebine, če Stranka PSM zahteva in prenese digitalne vsebine pred potekom odstopnega roka. Veljajo tudi zakonsko določene izjeme v skladu z 2. odstavkom 312. g člena BGB.
Za uveljavljanje pravice do odstopa lahko uporabite priloženi obrazec za odstop, ni pa obvezno.
Obrazec za odstop od pogodbe
(ta obrazec izpolnite in vrnete le, če želite odstopiti od pogodbe)
– Porsche Smart Mobility Support - Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, Nemčija, elektronski naslov: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– Podpisani (*) podajam/-o izjavo o odstopu od (*) pogodbe o prodaji za naslednje blago (*)/za opravljanje naslednjih storitev (*),
– Naročeno dne (*)/prejeto dne (*),
– Ime potrošnika/-ov,
– Naslov potrošnika/-ov
– Podpis potrošnika/-ov (le če je obrazec v tiskani obliki),
– Datum
(*) po potrebi izbrišite
potrebno zbirati podatke o statusu določenih delov ali zbirati podatke o okolju in jih analizirati.
3.12.2. Družba Porsche Smart Mobility lahko uporablja podatke, kot je navedeno v točki 3.12.1, v anonimizirani obliki za (i) upravljanje in izboljševanje kakovosti in varnosti Storitev Porsche Connect in/ali Izdelkov PSM (vključno z vozili Porsche) in (ii) v druge komercialne namene.
3.12.3. Za zgoraj navedene namene se lahko takšni podatki posredujejo tudi drugim družbam Porsche in drugim tretjim osebam, ki jih najame družba Porsche Smart Mobility ali druge družbe Porsche s tem v zvezi in – kolikor so ti podatki anonimizirani (glej točko 3.12.2.) – drugim tretjim osebam.
3.9. Pravice v primeru napak
V primeru napak ima Stranka PSM pravice, kot ji pripadajo po zakonu.
3.10. Odgovornost družbe Porsche Smart Mobility pri prodaji prek Trgovine Porsche Connect
3.10.3. Omejitev odgovornosti, navedena zgoraj, ne velja za škodo, povzročeno namenoma ali iz hude malomarnosti, krivdno povzročene osebne poškodbe ali odgovornost v skladu z nemškim Zakonom o odgovornosti za izdelke in v primeru kakršne koli druge odgovornosti, ki je ni mogoče izključiti. Prav tako ne velja, če in kolikor je družba Porsche Smart Mobility dala jamstvo.
3.10.4. Stranka PSM mora izvesti vse razumne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za preprečevanje in zmanjšanje škode.
3.11. Varstvo podatkov
Stranka PSM mora voznike vozila, za katero obstaja Povezava z vozilom, obvestiti o pravilniku o zasebnosti družbe Porsche Smart Mobility in možnosti zbiranja njihovih osebnih podatkov med uporabo Storitev Porsche Connect.
Nadaljnje informacije so na voljo v pravilniku o zasebnosti na xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
3.12. Uporaba podatkov
3.12.4. Uporaba podatkov v skladu s to točko bo v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu podatkov. Dodatne informacije so na voljo v informacijah o varstvu podatkov in zasebnosti pod xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
V primeru vprašanj, zahtev ali pritožb se lahko obrnete na naš storitveni center za stranke
(i) po elektronski pošti: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx xxx
(ii) navadni pošti: Porsche Smart Mobility Support - Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, Nemčija.
3.14. Veljavno pravo in sodna pristojnost
3.14.1. Če je Stranka PSM trgovec, pravna oseba javnega prava ali namensko premoženje javnega prava (Sondervermögen), se vsi spori, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenih dogovorov med Stranko PSM in družbo Porsche Smart Mobility, rešujejo pred sodiščem v Stuttgartu, Nemčija.
3.14.2. Za vse spore, ki bi izhajali ali bili v zvezi s tem pogodbenim dogovorom, se uporablja nemško pravo ob izključitvi Konvencije Združenih narodov o pogodbah o mednarodni prodaji blaga. Kljub veljavnosti nemškega prava Stranke PSM, ki so potrošniki, ščitijo tudi obvezna zakonska določila, ki veljajo v državi, v kateri ima potrošnik stalno prebivališče. Veljavnost obveznih določil, ki omejujejo izbiro prava in zlasti veljavnost obveznih zakonov v državi, v kateri ima potrošnik stalno prebivališče, kot so zakoni o varstvu potrošnikov, ostane nespremenjena.
3.14.3. Informacije glede reševanja potrošniških sporov preko spleta ali alternativnega reševanja potrošniških sporov lahko najdete tukaj: xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.
3.15. Končne določbe
3.15.1. Stranka PSM lahko pravice, ki izhajajo iz pogodbenega razmerja, odstopi tretjim osebam le s pisnim soglasjem družbe Porsche Smart Mobility. To ne vpliva na člen 354a nemškega trgovinskega zakonika (Handelsgesetzbuch).
3.15.2. Če je določilo prodajne pogodbe in/ali teh Splošnih pogojev v celoti ali delno neveljavno, to ne vpliva na veljavnost preostalih določil.
3.15.3. Ti Splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. V primeru razhajanj med slovensko in angleško različico prevlada slovenska.
Obvestilo za potrošnike v skladu z nemškim zakonom o reševanju potrošniških sporov (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz; VSBG): Družba Porsche Smart Mobility ne želi in ni zavezana k sodelovanju v kakršnih koli postopkih reševanja sporov pred arbitražnim razsodiščem (Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle).
Obvestilo za potrošnike v skladu z Uredbo (EU) št. 524/2013: Za izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov je Evropska komisija ustanovila platformo za spletno reševanje sporov (SRS). Platforma za SRS je na voljo na xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.
Terms and Conditions
for the use of My Porsche Portal and Porsche’s Online Marketplace Functionalities (incl. the Porsche Connect Store) as well as the sale of Porsche Connect Services and Porsche Smart Mobility Products
(hereafter referred to as T&C)
1. Scope and Definitions
1.1. Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-00000 Xxxxxxxxx (hereafter referred to as Porsche Smart Mobility, PSM or We) operates under xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
(i) the My Porsche Portal (hereafter referred to as My Porsche Portal) and
(ii) various online marketplace functionalities (hereafter referred to as Marketplace) for the (i) sale of Porsche vehicles, parts, equipment and other vehicle related and vehicle independent products (hereafter referred to as Products) and (ii) provision of vehicle related and vehicle independent services (hereafter referred to as Services).
1.2. User of the My Porsche Portal and the Marketplace may be, as defined below, (i) Customers and (ii) Sellers.
1.3. Customer may be a (i) consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, "BGB") or (ii) merchant, a legal person under public law or a special asset (Sondervermögen) under public law, who purchases Products and/or Services.
1.4. Seller may be
(i) Porsche Smart Mobility or
(ii) a third party seller (including other Porsche entities) (hereafter referred to as Third Party Seller),
who provides Customers with their own Marketplace store, under which they provide and sell Products and/or Services.
1.5. These T&C apply for
(i) the use of the My Porsche Portal and the Marketplace pursuant to No. 2 by Customer, and
(ii) sales via the Porsche Connect Store pursuant to No. 3.
These T&C shall also apply to all future transactions with Customer. The application of Customer's conflicting, deviating or supplementary terms and conditions shall be excluded, even if Porsche Smart Mobility does not expressly object to such terms and conditions.
2. Conditions of Use of the My Porsche Portal and the Marketplace for Customers
2.1. Porsche ID-Contract for the Use of the My Porsche Portal
0.0.0.Xx order to use the My Porsche Portal the conclusion of a Porsche ID- Contract entered into between Customer and Porsche Smart Mobility is necessary. The Porsche ID-Contract is concluded (a) in connection with the vehicle purchase by incorporating these T&C into the separate vehicle purchase agreement, (b) by acceptance through registration on the My Porsche Portal or (c) by acceptance at the time of booking one or several Porsche Connect Services in the Porsche Connect Store as specified under No. 3 as a framework agreement for the provision, use and booking of Products or Services.
2.1.2.The Porsche ID-Contract alone (that means without any purchasing of any Products or Services) does not impose any purchase obligation and/or payment obligation on Customer.
2.1.3.The content of the Porsche ID-Contract is determined by these T&C, in each case in their most recent version at the time of the conclusion of the respective Porsche ID-Contract. Porsche Smart Mobility may amend these T&C for legitimate reasons, in particular for legal, regulatory or security reasons. If Porsche Smart Mobility amends these T&C after the conclusion of a Porsche ID-Contract, the changes will be valid as of acceptance by Customer.
2.1.4.Customer is obliged (i) to provide accurate and truthful information about his/her person at the time of registration on the My Porsche Portal and (ii) in case of respective changes to correct without undue delay the information on the My Porsche Portal insofar such information are mandatory for the performance of the Porsche ID- Contract. Such mandatory information are marked as such when requested on the My Porsche Portal or on the Marketplace.
2.2. Transfer and Termination of Porsche ID-Contract
2.2.1.A Porsche ID-Contract existing with a Customer may not be transferred to a third party without Porsche Smart Mobility's approval.
2.2.2.Customer and Porsche Smart Mobility may terminate the Porsche ID- Contract as a whole at any time. Porsche Smart Mobility is in particular entitled to exclude individual Customer from the My Porsche Portal and the Marketplace. The termination of the Porsche ID-Contract shall not affect any already concluded individual sale contracts for Products or Services between Customer and Seller. The termination of the Porsche ID-Contracts takes effect (i) in case the Customer has purchased any fixed-term Product or any fixed-term Service upon expiration of the remaining fixed-term or otherwise (ii) immediately.
2.2.3.The termination may be made in writing, via email or via the My Porsche Portal via the function "Delete Account".
2.2.4.A right of termination for cause remains unaffected by the aforementioned provisions.
2.3. Use of the Marketplace by Customers
2.3.1.Customers with a Porsche ID-Contract may use the Marketplace. Customers without a Porsche ID-Contract may also use the Marketplace via the function “Ordering as Guest” (to the extent available).
2.3.2.Customer may not use Products or Services for illegal purposes and Customer will not permit that third parties will do so. Customer is not entitled to process the data and information received during the use
of the Marketplace for business purposes or to disclose such data and information to any third party for business purposes.
2.4. Porsche Smart Mobility’s Role and Performance of Contracts concluded on Marketplace
2.4.1.Porsche Smart Mobility is the operator of the Marketplace. Porsche Smart Mobility and Third Party Seller may sell Products and/or provide Services on the Marketplace. The Seller is indicated on the respective product detail page.
2.4.2.Porsche Smart Mobility functions as mediator for transactions concluded between Customers and Third Party Seller for the sale of Products or Services. Any such contract is solely concluded between Customer and Third Party Seller. Porsche Smart Mobility in particular does not act as a representative of any User, in particular of any Third Party Seller. Customer shall refrain from doing anything to create a false impression that it is endorsed by, partnering with, or acting on behalf of or for the benefit of Porsche Smart Mobility. In particular, Porsche Smart Mobility shall not be responsible and/or held liable for any contracts entered into between Customer and Third Party Seller. Porsche Smart Mobility does not control nor verify the information which Third Party Seller or any Customer provide. For contracts entered into between Customer and Third Party Seller further terms may apply, such as terms of use or terms of sale, which are indicated on the respective product detail page.
0.0.0.Xx case of an order by Customer, Porsche Smart Mobility shall notify the Third Party Seller and provide it with the transaction data (e.g. Customer's name) required for the conclusion and performance of the contract.
0.0.0.Xx case of any disputes arising from a contract for Products or Services, Seller and Customer must directly cooperate together to find a solution.
2.5. Porsche Smart Mobility’s Liability for the use of the Marketplace and the Porsche ID-Contract
2.5.1.Porsche Smart Mobility accepts no liability for the accuracy and actuality of data and information provided by Customer and Third Party Seller.
0.0.0.Xx case of slight negligence, Porsche Smart Mobility is liable only for violations of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). Cardinal obligations are material contractual obligations the contract is deemed to impose on Porsche Smart Mobility according to its objectives and purpose and a breach of which jeopardizes the purpose of the contract and which are deemed to be necessary for due and careful completion of the contract and may with good reason be permanently relied on by Customer. This liability is limited to the typically foreseeable damage at the time of entering into the contract.
2.5.4.The limitation of liability as set out above shall not apply to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, culpably caused personal injuries nor to any liability under the German Product Liability Act and in case of any further mandatory liability. Furthermore, it shall not apply if and to the extent Porsche Smart Mobility has assumed a guaranty.
2.5.5.Customer shall take all reasonable measures necessary to avert and reduce damages.
2.6. IP Rights
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer is obliged to respect and not to infringe on intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, designs, trademarks and patents, (hereafter referred to as
IP rights) of Porsche Smart Mobility, other Users and other third parties. Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Porsche Smart Mobility from all claims that other Users or other third parties assert against Porsche Smart Mobility due to a violation of their IP rights insofar as Customer is responsible for such infringement. Customer assumes the costs of the necessary legal defense of Porsche Smart Mobility including all court and attorney fees.
Porsche Smart Mobility shall not be deemed to adopt any content relating to IP rights of third parties or other Users as its own.
2.7. Data Protection
We abide by our privacy policy which can be found at any time under xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
2.8. Use of Data
0.0.0.Xx connection with the use of the My Porsche Portal and the use of the Marketplace, in particular by purchasing Products or Services on the Marketplace, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to perform the respective contract for purchased Products or Services. It may for example be necessary depending on the purchased Product or Service for the provision of such Product or Service to collect the status of certain parts or to collect data on the environment and to analyze such data.
2.8.2.Porsche Smart Mobility may use data as indicated in No. 2.8.1 in an anonymized form for (i) the purpose of managing and improving the quality, safety, and security of Products or Services and (ii) for other commercial purposes.
2.8.3.For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Smart Mobility or other Porsche entities in this context and - to the extent such data is anonymized (see No. 2.8.2) - to other third parties.
2.8.4.The Usage of data according to this number will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
2.9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
0.0.0.Xx the extent that the Customer is a merchant, a legal person under public law or a special asset (Sondervermögen) under public law, Stuttgart, Germany is the exclusive forum for all disputes arising from contractual agreements entered into between Customer and Porsche Smart Mobility.
2.9.2.For all disputes arising from or in relation to this contractual agreement, German law applies under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Despite the application of German law, Customers who are consumers also enjoy the protection of the mandatory provisions of the law of the country, in which the consumer has its habitual residence. The application of mandatory provisions limiting the choice of law and in particular the application of mandatory laws of the country, in which the consumer has its habitual residence, such as consumer protection laws, shall remain unaffected.
2.9.3.Information regarding the online dispute resolutions for consumer disputes or regarding alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes can be found here: xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.
2.10. Final Provisions
2.10.1. Customer may assign the rights arising from the parties' contractual relationship to third parties only with Porsche Smart
Mobility's written consent. Section 354a German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; "HGB") shall remain unaffected hereby.
2.10.2. If a provision of these T&C is invalid, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereby.
3. Conditions of Sales via the Porsche Connect Store
3.1. General
3.1.1.On the Marketplace, Porsche Smart Mobility provides the Customers with the Porsche Connect Store (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Store) in which Porsche Smart Mobility provides (i) vehicle related and vehicle independent services (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Services) and (ii) possible further products and services (hereafter referred to as PSM Products).
0.0.0.Xx addition to the foregoing provisions, this No. 3 applies for the use of the Porsche Connect Store, the booking and use of Porsche Connect Services as well as the purchase and possible use of PSM Products by a Customer of Porsche Smart Mobility (hereafter referred to as PSM Customer). PSM Customer is a Primary User, a Secondary User and a General User as defined under No. 3.2. Porsche Smart Mobility offers a selection of different services and products. For such additional conditions, such as terms of use may apply.
3.2. Primary and Secondary Users, General Users
3.2.1.Primary User in relation to a Connect-able vehicle (that is a Porsche with which Porsche Connect Services may be used) is the PSM Customer who is (a) the owner, (b) the keeper of the vehicle and/or (c) a member of a user group which is explicitly permitted by Porsche Smart Mobility as Primary User (in particular lessees or employees which are provided with a company car). A Connect-able vehicle has exactly one Primary User. For a Primary User the complete scope of functions of the My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the booked Porsche Connect Services is available. In particular, the booking and configuration of vehicle related and vehicle independent Porsche Connect Services and PSM Products is possible.
3.2.2.Secondary User in relation to a Connect-able vehicle is a PSM Customer, who is not a Primary User but who is authorized as Secondary User by the Primary User and who has concluded a Porsche ID-Contract. The scope of functions of the My Porsche Portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the booked Porsche Connect Services depends on the scope of rights granted by the Primary User and/or the system to the Secondary User. In particular, the booking of vehicle related services is not possible, while their configuration is subject to the rights granted by the Primary User and the booking and configuration of vehicle independent Porsche Connect Services and PSM Products is generally possible.
3.2.3.General User is a PSM Customer who is neither Primary nor Secondary User in relation to at least one Connect-able vehicle. Porsche Connect Store with limited scope of functions is provided to a General User. In particular the booking and configuration of vehicle related Porsche Connect Services is not possible, while the booking and configuration of vehicle independent Porsche Connect Services and PSM Products is possible.
3.3. Conclusion of Contract
3.3.1.The presentation of Porsche Connect Services and PSM Products in the Porsche Connect Store does not constitute binding offers by Porsche Smart Mobility to enter into a sales contract, but merely invite the PSM Customer to make a binding declaration as to whether and which goods it wants to order from Porsche Smart Mobility (invitatio ad offerendum). The PSM Customer may choose Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products from the product range in the Porsche Connect Store and collect them in a so-called shopping cart via e.g.
the button "Add to Cart". Before clicking the button "Order with Obligation to Pay" (or similar), all Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products selected by the PSM Customer, their total price including statutory VAT in the respective applicable amount as well as duties, charges and shipping costs are again displayed in an order overview to the PSM Customer for review. At that stage, the PSM Customer will have the opportunity to identify and correct any incorrect entries before finally placing the binding order. Before placing the binding order, the contractual provisions including these T&C can be accessed once again and saved in reproducible form by the PSM Customer. Via the button "Order with Obligation to Pay" (or similar), the PSM Customer submits a binding offer for the conclusion of a sales contract on the Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products collected in the cart. The offer can, however, only be submitted and transferred if the PSM Customer accepts, and thereby includes in its offer, these T&C by clicking a corresponding button.
3.3.2.Porsche Smart Mobility shall confirm receipt of the PSM Customer's order by e-mail. However, such confirmation of receipt is not yet a legally binding acceptance of the PSM Customer’s order.
3.3.3.The contract shall only become effective once Porsche Smart Mobility has accepted the PSM Customer's offer. Porsche Smart Mobility's order acceptance can be made expressly by way of a declaration in text form, e.g. by sending a written order confirmation by e-mail, by providing the Porsche Connect Services or by Porsche Smart Mobility handing over the PSM Products for dispatch and informing the PSM Customer accordingly. The sales contract shall be governed exclusively by the contents of the order acceptance and these T&C. Verbal agreements or promises shall only be valid if an authorized employee of Porsche Smart Mobility has confirmed them in writing.
3.3.4.If the Porsche Connect Services ordered by the PSM Customer cannot be delivered, e.g. because the corresponding goods are not in stock, or the Porsche Connect Services cannot be provided, Porsche Smart Mobility may refrain from accepting the order. In this case, no contract will be concluded. Porsche Smart Mobility shall inform the PSM Customer thereof without undue delay.
3.3.5.The contract terms will be saved and stored after the contract has been concluded, but are no longer accessible to the PSM Customer. The PSM Customer will, however, be provided with any and all contractual provisions and these T&C (by e-mail or letter).
3.4. Booking of Porsche Connect Services
3.4.1.Individual or several Porsche Connect Services may separately be booked in the Porsche Connect Store in accordance with these T&C and possible further applicable terms of use. Insofar a provision of these T&C conflicts with the respective further terms of use, the further terms of use shall prevail.
3.4.2.Availability, description, term, prices and payment terms of the Porsche Connect Services are detailed in the Porsche Connect Store and may be specified in the further terms of use. The availability of vehicle related Porsche Connect Services depends on the equipment of the respective vehicle.
3.4.3.Vehicle related Porsche Connect Services may only be booked by a Primary User for a Connect-able vehicle for which a respective Vehicle Link exists in the My Porsche Portal (see No. 3.4.4). They are vehicle- bound and may not be transferred to another Connect-able vehicle or be used in another Connect-able vehicle. This also applies if the Primary User of the respective Connect-able vehicle is also a Primary User of another Connect-able vehicle at the same time.
3.4.4.PSM Customer may view on the My Porsche Portal whether and if so which vehicles are linked with its Porsche ID-Contract (hereafter referred to as Vehicle Link) and for which Vehicle Link they are defined as Primary User or Secondary User. If a respective Vehicle Link is not displayed to a Primary User on the My Porsche Portal, the
3.5. Sales of PSM Products
3.5.1.Individual or several PSM Products may be separately purchased in the Porsche Connect Store in accordance with these T&C and further terms of use. Insofar a provision of these T&C conflicts with the further terms of use, the further terms of use shall prevail.
3.5.2.Availability, description, (as the case may be) term, purchase price, payment and delivery terms of the PSM Product are detailed in the Porsche Connect Store and may be specified in the further terms of use.
3.5.3.Please note that the purchase of PSM Products may be subject to other and farther-reaching conditions. Insofar this is the case, We will expressly indicate this prior to the purchase.
3.6. Sale and/or permanent transfer of the vehicle
0.0.0.Xx case of sale or permanent transfer of a Connect-able vehicle to a third party (hereafter referred to as Used-Car Purchaser) the Primary User has (i) to delete the respective Vehicle Link on the My Porsche Portal and (ii) to inform the Used-Car Purchaser on any existing Porsche Connect Services for the respective Connect-able vehicle.
0.0.0.Xx case of sale or permanent transfer of a Connect-able vehicle, the Primary User - in addition to its termination rights of the Porsche ID- Contract pursuant to No. 2.2.2- may terminate all Porsche Connect Services concerning the relevant vehicle with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the calendar month. Insofar as a Porsche Connect Service is terminated before the end of its term pursuant to sentence 1, there will be no reimbursement (not even proportionally) of the respective made payment. The Used-Car Purchaser may however make use of the remaining term if it concludes a Porsche ID-Contract and books the respective Porsche Connect Service. The Primary User is free to make an arrangement with the Used-Car Purchaser with respect to a possible compensation in the amount of the remaining value of the Porsche Connect Services.
3.7. Term and Termination of the Porsche Connect Services
3.7.1.PSM Customer (with regard to a vehicle independent service) or the Primary User (with regard to a vehicle-related service) and Porsche Smart Mobility may terminate a free of charge Porsche Connect Service without an agreed minimum term (that is a Porsche Connect Service for which no minimum term is agreed; see insofar No. 3.7.2) with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the calendar month.
3.7.2.PSM Customer (with regard to a vehicle independent service) or the Primary User (with regard to a vehicle-related service) and Porsche Smart Mobility may terminate a fixed-term Porsche Connect Service (that is a Porsche Connect Service for which a fixed term with an automatic prolongation of such term is agreed) with a 2 weeks notice to the end of the fixed-term, if otherwise the term would be prolonged automatically. The terms of use for the respective Porsche Connect Service may govern deviating termination modalities.
0.0.0.Xx case of a termination of the Porsche ID-Contract pursuant to No. 2.2, the Porsche Connect Services will in any case be provided to the PSM Customer subject to the respective applicable numbers of these T&C until the end of the respective term or their termination pursuant to No. 3.7.1 to 3.7.2.
3.7.4.The termination pursuant to No. 3.6.2 as well as No. 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 may be made in writing, via email or via the Porsche Connect Store via the function "Terminate Automatic Prolongation".
3.7.5.A right of termination for cause remains unaffected by the aforementioned provisions.
3.8. Right of Withdrawal for Consumers
Instructions on withdrawal
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from
(i) the day of the conclusion of the contract if you purchased Porsche Connect Services and (ii) the day on which you have or a third party designated by you (who is not a carrier) has received the PSM Products purchased by you or, in the case of a contract relating to multiple PSM Products ordered by you in one order and delivered separately, from the day on which you have or a third party designated by you (who is not a carrier) has received the last PSM Product purchased by you. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014
- DE-10501 Berlin, Germany, phone number: 0000 00000, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Effects of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.
Information on the expiry of the right of withdrawal:
The right of withdrawal expires prematurely in the case of services if the service has been completely rendered and the PSM Customer requested the service to start before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The right of withdrawal expires prematurely in the case of contracts relating to digital content if the PSM Customer requests and carries out the download of the digital content before the expiry of the withdrawal period. Further, the statutory exceptions pursuant to § 312 g Sec. 2 BGB (German Civil Code) shall apply.
If the PSM Customer is a consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 BGB, he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the (i) booking of Porsche Connect Services pursuant to No. 3.3 and 3.4. and (ii) purchase of PSM Products pursuant to No. 3.3 and 3.5. A deviating right of withdrawal may apply for PSM Customers that are consumers and in such case specific information will be provided. Consumer pursuant to Sec 13 BGB means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. In the following, the PSM Customer is instructed on his/her right of withdrawal:
Model withdrawal form
(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
– To Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, Germany, e-mail address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx:
– I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),
– Ordered on(*)/received on (*),
– Name of consumer(s),
– Address of the consumer(s),
– Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate
To exercise the right of withdrawal, you may use the following model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
3.9. Rights in case of Defects
The statutory provisions regarding PSM Customer’s rights in case of defects apply.
3.10. Porsche Smart Mobility’s Liability for Sales via the Porsche Connect Store
3.10.1. In case of slight negligence Porsche Smart Mobility is liable only for violations of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). Cardinal obligations are material contractual obligations the contract is deemed to impose on Porsche Smart Mobility according to its objectives and purpose and a breach of which jeopardizes the purpose of the contract and of which are deemed to be necessary for due and careful completion of the contract and may with good reason be permanently relied on by PSM Customer. This liability is limited to the typically foreseeable damage at the time of entering into the contract.
3.10.3. The limitation of liability as set out above shall not apply to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, culpably caused personal injuries nor to any liability under the German Product Liability Act and in case of any further mandatory liability. Furthermore, it shall not apply if and to the extent Porsche Smart Mobility has assumed a guaranty.
3.10.4. PSM Customer shall take all reasonable measures necessary to avert and reduce damages.
3.11. Data protection
PSM Customer is obliged to inform drivers of a vehicle for which a Vehicle Link exists on the privacy policy of Porsche Smart Mobility and the possibility of the collection of their personal data during the use of Porsche Connect Services.
Further information can be found in the privacy policy under xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
3.12. Use of Data
3.12.1. In connection with the use of the Porsche Connect Store, in particular by purchasing Porsche Connect Services, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to perform the respective contract for purchased Porsche Connect Services. It
may for example be necessary depending on the purchased Porsche Connect Services for the provision of such service to collect the status of certain parts or to collect data on the environment and to analyze such data.
3.12.2. Porsche Smart Mobility may use data as indicated in No. 3.12.1 in an anonymized form for (i) the purpose of managing and improving the quality, safety, and security of Porsche Connect Services and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) and (ii) for other commercial purposes.
3.12.3. For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Smart Mobility or other Porsche entities in this context and - to the extent such data is anonymized (see No. 3.12.2) - to other third parties.
3.12.4. The usage of data according to this number will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/xx/xx/x/xxxxxxx.
In case of questions, claims or complaints, please contact our customer service by
(i) e-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxx.xxx or
(ii) mail: Porsche Smart Mobility Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, Germany.
3.14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
3.14.1. To the extent that PSM Customer is a merchant, a legal person under public law or a special asset (Sondervermögen) under public law, Stuttgart, Germany is the exclusive forum for all disputes arising from contractual agreements entered into between PSM Customer and Porsche Smart Mobility.
3.14.2. For all disputes arising from or in relation to this contractual agreement, German law applies under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Despite the application of German law, PSM Customers who are consumers also enjoy the protection of the mandatory provisions of the law of the country, in which the consumer has its habitual residence. The application of mandatory provisions limiting the choice of law and in particular the application of mandatory laws of the country, in which the consumer has its habitual residence, such as consumer protection laws, shall remain unaffected.
3.14.3. Information regarding the online dispute resolutions for consumer disputes or regarding alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes can be found here: xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.
3.15. Final Provisions
3.15.1. PSM Customer may assign the rights arising from the parties' contractual relationship to third parties only with Porsche Smart Mobility's written consent. Section 354a German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; "HGB") shall remain unaffected hereby.
3.15.2. If a provision of the sales contract and/or these T&C is invalid, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereby.
3.15.3. The T&C are drafted in English and in Slovenian language. In case of any discrepancies between the Slovenian and English version, the Slovenian version shall prevail.
Consumer information pursuant to the German law on dispute resolution for consumers (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz;
VSBG): Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH is neither willing nor obliged to participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration panel (Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle).
Consumer information pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013:
For the purpose of settling consumer disputes out of court, the European
Commission has established a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR). The ODR platform can be accessed at xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/.