Lastnik spletnih strani in spletnih domen »xxx.xx«, »«, »xxxxx.xx«, »xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx«,
»xxxxxxxx.xx« in »xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx« (v nadaljevanju spletna stran) je Inštitut za zdravje in okolje, Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana; matična številka: 7085184 (v nadaljevanju Inštitut).
Kalkulator ekološkega odtisa, ki je integriran v spletne strani xxx.xxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxx, xxxxx://xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx/ in, je spletna stran tretje stranke Global Footprint Network, ki je njen lastnik in upravljavec. Inštitut ni upravljavec podatkov, ki jih obiskovalec kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa poda ob uporabi kalkulatorja, in z uporabo kalkulatorja se uporabnik strinja s pogoji uporabe in politiko zasebnosti organizacije Global Footprint Network. Uporabnik kalkulatorja ekološkega odtisa deli podatke, potrebne za izračun osebnega ekološkega odtisa, in družbenoekonomske parametre (spol, izobrazba, poštna številka). Uporabnik ima možnost deliti tudi svoj e-naslov, s čimer poda dovoljenje za uporabo tega naslova organizacijama Global Footprint Network ter Inštitut za zdravje in okolje za namene komuniciranja z uporabnikom.
Plačila na spletnem mestu so omogočena z integracijo orodja Stripe, zato vaše osebne podatke upravlja in obdeluje tudi družba Stripe Payments Europe Limited, z uporabo te integrirane storitve pa se strinjate s Stripovim pravilnikom o zasebnosti.
Uporabo spletne strani (brskanje, odpiranje povezav, branje vsebine in podobno) in uporabo spletnih aplikacij na spletni strani (spletno brskanje, uporaba obrazcev, uporaba, nalaganje in prenos dokumentov v spletnih aplikacijah in podobno) štejemo kot soglasje obiskovalca spletne strani, da se strinja s temi splošnimi pogoji uporabe spletne strani. V kolikor se kot obiskovalec spletne strani ne strinjate s temi splošnimi pogoji, vas prosimo, da spletne strani ne uporabljate.
Pridržujemo si pravico, da te splošne pogoje kadarkoli in brez predhodne najave spremenimo tako, da novo različico objavimo na spletni strani. Različica splošnih pogojev je razvidna iz datuma njihove zadnje spremembe, ki je zabeležena na dnu teh pogojev.
Ti splošni pogoji veljajo za celotno spletno stran in vse njene posamezne dele, kot so razdelki, podstrani ali aplikacije, ki tečejo na spletni strani, v primeru, da za posamezen del izrecno ni določeno drugače.
Obvestila, prispevki, članki, besedila in druge vsebine, objavljene na spletni strani (v nadaljevanju vsebine), ter aplikacije, ki tečejo na spletni strani, smo izdelali z najboljšim namenom posameznikom, nevladnim organizacijam (v nadaljevanju NVO) in drugim obiskovalcem spletne strani podati koristne in uporabne vsebine za njihovo delo ali jim njihovo delo olajšati. Pri tem skušamo po svojih najboljših močeh z vzdrževanjem spletne strani zagotavljati točnost in pravilnost teh informacij in vsebin ter pravilno delovanje aplikacij.
Na spletni strani objavljamo predvsem vsebine s področij svojega delovanja, ki so opredeljena v ustanovnem aktu Inštituta, ter informacije o svojih dejavnostih, dogodkih, pobudah, akcijah in ukrepih, ki zadevajo NVO in civilno družbo.
Pridržujemo si pravico do spreminjanja, dodajanja ali odstranitve vsebin ali aplikacij na spletni strani brez predhodnega opozorila in ne prevzemamo odgovornosti za kakršne koli posledice takšnih sprememb.
Na spletni strani so objavljene tudi povezave, ki kažejo na spletne strani drugih oseb. Na delovanje teh strani in na njihovo vsebino Inštitut ne more vplivati in zato ne sprejemamo nikakršne odgovornosti za točnost tam objavljenih informacij in vsebin.
Vsebine s spletne strani Inštituta ( in njegovih projektov (xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx, xxxxx.xx,, xxxxxxxx.xx, xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx) ter novičnik (oz. elektronske novice) se posredujejo prek elektronske pošte in vsebujejo vsebine o področjih delovanja Inštituta, obveščajo o dejavnostih in dogodkih, pobudah ter akcijah nevladnih organizacij (NVO) doma in po svetu, o politikah, programih in ukrepih na nacionalni, EU in mednarodni ravni, o možnostih vključevanja posameznikov in NVO v projekte ter drugih priložnostih. Vsebujejo lahko tudi pozive k sodelovanju v kampanjah, dogodkih, anketah in drugih akcijah, kot tudi tržne vsebine v smislu ponudb za razne produkte ali storitve. Pri tem objavljamo samo vsebine, ki so v neposredni ali posredni povezavi z našimi področji delovanja in nevladnim sektorjem.
Na spletni strani in v novičniku (oz. elektronskih novicah) objavljamo tudi vsebine, ki jih Inštitutu v objavo posredujejo druge NVO, predvsem organizacije, s katerimi sodelujemo. Takšne novice pred objavo ali pošiljanjem po elektronski pošti pregledamo ter po potrebi skrajšamo, lektoriramo ali kako drugače predelamo, da so skladne s celotno podobo spletne strani, načinom objavljanja vsebin na spletni strani ali v elektronskih novicah. Za takšne posredovane vsebine odgovarja organizacija, ki je informacijo posredovala.
V primeru, da se na spletni strani ali v elektronskih novicah objavi informacija, ki je pridobljena iz drugih virov, se ob njej navede vir oziroma se na to opozori s spletno povezavo do vira.
Pridružujemo si pravico, da vsebin, ki jih dobimo s strani drugih oseb, ne objavimo na spletni strani in jih ne vključimo v elektronske novice, če ocenimo, da niso relevantne za prejemnike naših novičnikov. Prav tako ne objavljamo vsebin, ki so žaljive ali spodbujajo sovražni govor do katerihkoli skupin ali posameznikov ali za katere ocenimo, da bi njihova objava lahko pomenila kršitev ustave ali zakona. Na svoji spletni strani ali v elektronskih novicah tudi ne objavljamo propagandnih in drugih vabil na plačljive dogodke drugih organizatorjev, razen v primeru, ko je dogodek namenjen posameznikom in/ali NVO ali če ocenimo, da utegne biti informacija o dogodku kljub njegovi plačljivosti za posameznike in/ali NVO zanimiva. Pri oceni, ali je neka vsebina relevantna ali zanimiva za omenjene deležnike, je Inštitut povsem avtonomen.
Pridružujemo si pravico, da na spletni strani ali v elektronskih novicah ne objavimo informacij o plačljivih storitvah in izdelkih, ki so ali ki bi lahko bili konkurenčni izdelkom ali dejavnostim Inštituta.
Obiskovalci spletne strani spletno stran, njene dele, vsebine in aplikacije, ki tečejo na spletni strani, uporabljajo izključno na lastno odgovornost.
Inštitut ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti v primeru, če se spregleda kakšno pomembno informacijo ali drugo vsebino, objavljeno na svetovnem spletu ali posredovano Inštitutu v objavo.
Inštitut ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti o točnosti in pravilnosti na spletni strani objavljenih informacij in vsebin, ne prevzema odgovornosti zaradi spremembe že objavljenih informacij ali vsebin in ne prevzema odgovornosti za morebitno nastalo škodo, ki bi obiskovalcu spletne strani nastala zaradi uporabe tam objavljenih informacij ali vsebin.
Inštitut ne odgovarja za škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi uporabe spletnih aplikacij na spletni strani, kot tudi ne jamči za uspešnost uporabe aplikacij. V nobenem primeru Inštitut ne odgovarja za kakršno koli škodo, ki bi izvirala iz uporabe oziroma nezmožnosti uporabe aplikacij, vključno s škodo zaradi izgubljenega prihodka ali pričakovanega dobička, izgube ali okrnitve dobrega imena, izgube poslov ali izgube podatkov.
Naše spletno mesto uporablja piškotke, ki obiskovalcu ali uporabniku omogočajo prikaz in uporabo naših spletnih strani, prilagojeno njegovim željam. Piškotek je majhna besedilna datoteka, ki jo spletni strežnik shrani na disku vašega računalnika. Glavni namen piškotka je, da v računalnik shrani vaše nastavitve in druge podatke, tako da vam jih ob naslednjem obisku naših spletnih strani ni treba več vnašati. Uporaba piškotov je ustaljen postopek na večini spletnih mest. Standardne nastavitve brskalnika omogočajo uporabo piškotov. V kolikor se z njihovo uporabo ne strinjate, lahko spremenite nastavitve brskalnika tako, da bo sprejemanje piškotov onemogočeno, vendar lahko to omeji zmožnost vaše komunikacije z našim spletnim mestom. Tudi če piškotke sprejmete, jih lahko pozneje še vedno izbrišete z orodji svojega brskalnika. Piškotke uporabljamo izključno z namenom boljše izkušnje posameznega obiskovalca ali uporabnika.
Naše spletno mesto zbira tudi podatke o vaši uporabi našega spletnega mesta in spletnih storitev. Z našim orodjem za analizo spletnega mesta lahko na primer iz vašega brskalnika pridobimo informacije o tem, s katerega spletnega mesta ste prišli, s katere naprave ste dostopali do naših spletnih strani, s katerim iskalnikom in ključnimi besedami ste nas poiskali, katere strani ste si ogledali na našem spletnem mestu ter katere dodatke, kakšno širino in višino uporablja vaš brskalnik. Poleg tega zbiramo običajne informacije, ki jih brskalnik pošlje vsakemu obiskanemu spletnemu mestu, na primer naslov IP, državo izvora, vrsto in jezik brskalnika, čas dostopa, trajanje obiska na spletni strani in naslove spletnih mest. Vsi ti podatki se zbirajo izključno za potrebe vodenja statistike obiskanosti našega spletnega mesta.
Za zbiranje in poročanje o uporabi naše spletne strani uporabljamo Google Analytics, storitev spletne analitike, ki jo zagotavlja Google. Ti piškotki zbirajo podatke, kot so število obiskovalcev, obiskane strani in trajanje časa, preživetega na spletni strani. Ti podatki nam pomagajo izboljšati funkcionalnost in vsebino spletnega mesta. Vsi zbrani podatki so anonimizirani in se ne posredujejo podatki, ki bi omogočali identifikacijo oseb. Uporabo piškotkov lahko nadzorujete tako, da prilagodite nastavitve brskalnika, od storitve Google Analytics pa se lahko odjavite z uporabo dodatka za brskalnik Google Analytics opt-out.
Google Analytics uporablja več piškotkov za spremljanje interakcij uporabnikov s spletnim mestom. Tukaj so glavni piškotki, ki jih uporablja Google Analytics, in njihova značilna obdobja hrambe:
_ga: Ta piškotek se uporablja za razlikovanje med edinstvenimi uporabniki z dodelitvijo naključno generirane številke kot identifikatorja stranke. Privzeto se hrani dve leti.
_gid: Ta piškotek se prav tako uporablja za razlikovanje uporabnikov in shranjuje informacije o tem, kako obiskovalci uporabljajo spletno mesto. Hranjen je 24 ur.
_gat: Ta piškotek se uporablja za omejevanje hitrosti zahtevkov in omejevanje zbiranja podatkov na spletnih mestih z velikim prometom. Shranjuje se 1 minuto.
gac*: Ta piškotek vsebuje informacije, povezane s sledenjem uporabniških kampanj. Običajno je shranjen 90 dni.
_utma: Ta piškotek sledi prvemu in zadnjemu obisku uporabnika na spletnem mestu, kar zagotavlja beleženje ponovnih obiskov. Hrani se 2 leti.
_utmb: Ta piškotek sodeluje z _utmc za izračun trajanja uporabnikovega obiska spletnega mesta. Hrani se 30 minut od zadnjega ogleda strani.
_utmc: Ta piškotek se uporablja za spremljanje, kdaj uporabnik zapusti spletno mesto. Gre za piškotek, ki temelji na seji in poteče, ko se brskalnik zapre.
_utmz: Ta piškotek spremlja, kako je uporabnik prišel na spletno mesto (npr. iz iskalnika, priporočene povezave). Shranjuje se 6 mesecev.
Na spletni strani xxx.xx se nahaja tudi podstran xxxxx://xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/. Osnovni piškotek v spletni akademiji IZO je sejni piškotek, ki se običajno imenuje MoodleSession. Ta piškotek morate dovoliti v brskalniku, da zagotovite kontinuiteto in ostanete prijavljeni med brskanjem po spletnem mestu. Ko se odjavite ali zaprete brskalnik, se ta piškotek uniči (v brskalniku in v strežniku).
Drugi piškotek v spletni akademiji IZO je namenjen izključno udobju in se običajno imenuje MOODLEID ali podobno. V brskalniku si zapomni vaše uporabniško ime. To pomeni, da je ob ponovnem obisku tega spletnega mesta polje uporabniškega imena na prijavni strani že izpolnjeno namesto vas. Ta piškotek lahko varno zavrnete – ob vsaki prijavi boste morali znova vnesti svoje uporabniško ime.
Z uporabo spletne strani se strinjate, da to spletno mesto nastavi piškotke na vašem računalniku ali mobilni napravi. Če želite spremeniti način uporabe piškotkov v brskalniku, vključno z blokiranjem ali izbrisom, lahko to storite z ustrezno spremembo nastavitev brskalnika. Postopek za upravljanje in brisanje piškotkov se razlikuje glede na brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate.
Osebne podatke obdelujemo na način, ki zagotavlja ustrezno varovanje osebnih podatkov, vključno s preprečevanjem nepooblaščenega dostopa ali vpogleda, nepooblaščenega ali nezakonitega obdelovanja ter varovanjem pred nenamerno izgubo, poškodovanjem ali uničenjem, tako da zagotavljamo ustrezne tehnične in organizacijske ukrepe.
Inštitut pridobljene osebne podatke hrani v več različnih oblikah: v fizični obliki v svojih arhivih, na elektronskih medijih (trdih diskih računalnikov pooblaščenih oseb, zunanjih diskih ali USB-ključih), v oblaku (na strežnikih Google LLC, MailerLite Limited, Freedcamp, Inc., Meta Platforms Ireland Limited in LinkedIn Corporation) in na svojih spletnih straneh, ki gostijo na strežnikih XXXXXXX.XX v lasti podjetja Xxxxx.xx d.o.o. (, xxx.xxxxx.xx,, xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx).
To poglavje se nanaša na izobraževalne dogodke, ki jih organizira Inštitut in na katerih se udeležencem poda določeno strokovno ali praktično znanje (kot npr. delavnice, seminarji in podobni dogodki) in kjer je udeležba plačljiva.
Udeležba na dogodkih je mogoča izključno pod pogojem, da je organizacija ali posameznik poravnal kotizacijo.
Če ni drugače določeno v pogojih za dogodek (objavljenih z vsakim obvestilom o dogodku), se prijavnina za udeležbo na dogodku plača v enkratnem znesku vsaj dva dni pred dogodkom, na katerega se organizacija ali posameznik prijavi. S posredovanjem izpolnjene prijavnice prijavljeni organizaciji ali posamezniku zagotovimo prosto mesto na dogodku, organizacija ali posameznik pa s tem prevzame obveznost plačila kotizacije. Šteje se, da je dogovor o izvedbi dogodka sklenjen, ko prejmemo izpolnjeno prijavnico in plačilo kotizacije. V primeru, da se posameznik ali predstavnik prijavljene organizacije ne udeleži dogodka in udeležbe ne odpove v skladu s temi pogoji, to ne vpliva na obveznost plačila kotizacije in se morebitna že plačana kotizacija v tem primeru ne vrača.
Inštitut lahko za posamezne dogodke odobri popust za partnerske organizacije. Obvestilo o višini popusta in pogoji za njegovo uveljavljanje so objavljeni ob vsakokratni najavi plačljivega dogodka.
Pogoji izvedbe dogodka so objavljeni ob vsakokratni najavi dogodka. V primeru odpovedi dogodka Inštitut najmanj tri delovne dni pred dogodkom po elektronski pošti o tem obvesti organizacije ali posameznike, ki so se nanj prijavili, ter jim v roku nadaljnjih 15 dni vrne plačano kotizacijo. Dogodki praviloma potekajo v slovenskem in/ali angleškem jeziku, na kar vnaprej posebej opozorimo ob napovedi dogodka in v prijavnici.
Na dogodku je obvezna registracija prisotnih udeležencev, saj te podatke potrebujemo za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti do vas ali za lastno poslovanje (npr. da lahko izdamo ali pošljemo potrdilo o udeležbi, da lahko izdamo račun in podobno).
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe datuma ali lokacije izvedbe dogodka, o čemer bomo obvestili organizacije ali posameznike, ki so se nanj prijavili, in sicer najmanj tri dni vnaprej. Gradiva, ki jih uporabljajo predavatelji in izvajalci dogodkov, so zaščitena avtorska dela. Za parkiranje na kraju dogodka poskrbijo udeleženci sami, zanj Inštitut ne odgovarja.
Prijavljene organizacije in posameznike glede izvedbe dogodka (npr. morebitne spremembe, odpovedi itd.) obveščamo na elektronski naslov, ki nam ga sporočite ob prijavi.
Če ni določeno drugače v pogojih za dogodek (objavljenih z vsakim obvestilom o dogodku), lahko organizacija ali posameznik, ki se je prijavil na dogodek, odpove svojo prijavo najmanj 10 (deset) delovnih dni pred predvidenim datumom dogodka, in sicer tako, da nas o tem obvesti prek elektronske pošte na naslov: xxxx@xxx.xx. V takšnem primeru se organizaciji ali posamezniku vrne plačana kotizacija v roku 15 dni od prejema odpovedi. Enako velja tudi v primeru, če organizacija ali posameznik odpove prijavo manj kot 10 (deset) delovnih dni pred predvidenim datumom dogodka in z dokazili ob odjavi izkaže, da prijave prej ni mogel odpovedati iz nepredvidenih razlogov, na katere ni mogel vplivati (npr. hujše bolezni, nesreče itd.).
V primeru, da se organizacija ali posameznik prijavi na dogodek manj kot 10 delovnih dni pred predvidenim datumom dogodka, odpoved ni možna.
Informacije o obdelavi osebnih podatkov udeležencev dogodkov najdete v točkah 8.2 in 8.3 teh splošnih pogojev.
To poglavje se nanaša na izobraževalne dogodke, ki jih organizira Inštitut in na katerih se udeležencem poda določeno strokovno ali praktično znanje (kot npr. delavnice, seminarji in podobni dogodki) in kjer je udeležba za udeležence brezplačna oziroma je udeležba možna brez kotizacije.
Število mest na dogodku je lahko zaradi lažje izvedbe omejeno, kar je navedeno na prijavnici. V primeru, da število prijav presega število prostih mest, bomo udeležbo omogočili nevladnim organizacijam ali posameznikom, katerim bo znanje iz dogodka najbolj koristilo pri njihovem delu. Pri tem bomo izhajali iz podatkov, ki jih bodo prijavitelji sami navedli v prijavi. Izbrane in neizbrane prijavitelje bomo o odločitvi obvestili najmanj pet delovnih dni pred dogodkom.
Prijava na dogodek se šteje kot izražena volja organizacije ali posameznika, da se dogodka udeleži, dogovor o izvedbi dogodka med Inštitutom in prijavljeno organizacijo ali posameznikom pa je sklenjen, ko Inštitut potrdi udeležbo organizacije ali posameznika na dogodku in, v primeru mednarodnega dogodka, ko Inštitut prejme potrdilo o zakupljenem prevozu (letalske karte, vlak, avtobus itd.).
Pogoji izvedbe dogodka so objavljeni ob vsakokratni najavi dogodka. V primeru odpovedi dogodka Inštitut najmanj tri delovne dni pred dogodkom po elektronski pošti o tem obvesti organizacije ali posameznike, ki so se nanj prijavili. Dogodki praviloma potekajo v slovenskem in/ali angleškem jeziku, na kar vnaprej posebej opozorimo ob napovedi dogodka in v prijavnici.
Na dogodku je obvezna registracija prisotnih udeležencev, saj te podatke potrebujemo za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti do vas ali za lastno poslovanje (npr. da lahko izdamo ali pošljemo potrdilo o udeležbi, da lahko poročamo financerju dogodka ipd.).
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe datuma ali lokacije izvedbe dogodka, o čemer bomo organizacije ali posameznike, ki so se nanj prijavili, obvestili najmanj tri dni vnaprej. Gradiva, ki jih uporabljajo predavatelji in izvajalci dogodkov, so zaščitena avtorska dela. Za parkiranje na kraju dogodka poskrbijo udeleženci sami, zanj Inštitut ne odgovarja.
Prijavljene organizacije in posameznike glede izvedbe dogodka (npr. morebitne spremembe, odpovedi itd.) obveščamo na elektronski naslov, ki nam ga sporočite ob prijavi.
Organizacija ali posameznik, ki se je prijavil na dogodek, lahko odpove svojo prijavo najmanj 10 (deset) delovnih dni pred predvidenim datumom dogodka, in sicer tako, da nas o tem obvesti prek elektronske pošte na naslov: xxxx@xxx.xx. Če posameznik ali organizacija svoje prijave ne odpove v tem roku in na opisan način in se njen predstavnik dogodka ne udeleži (kljub zagotovljenemu mestu), takšni organizaciji Inštitut zaračuna kazen v višini, ki je napovedana v prijavnem obrazcu. Če posameznik svoje prijave ne odpove v tem roku in na opisan način, mu Inštitut zaračuna kazen v višini, ki je napovedana v prijavnem obrazcu. Takšna posledica ne velja, če organizacija ali posameznik odpove prijavo manj kot 5 (pet) delovnih dni pred predvidenim datumom dogodka in z dokazili ob odjavi izkaže, da prijave prej ni mogel odpovedati iz nepredvidenih razlogov, na katere ni mogel vplivati (npr. hujše bolezni, nesreče itd.).
Informacije o obdelavi osebnih podatkov udeležencev, vključno s posredovanjem teh podatkov morebitnim financerjem dogodka, najdete v točkah 8.2 in 8.3 teh splošnih pogojev.
7.1. NOVIČNIK IN OBVESTILA Postopek prijave in hramba privolitve
Inštitut elektronske novice (v nadaljevanju tega poglavja: novičnik) pošilja prek spletne platforme MailerLite na vaš elektronski naslov na podlagi vašega naročila na naša obvestila neposredno prek MailerLite obrazca, prek kontaktnega obrazca na spletni strani ali prek Google obrazcev. Z oddajo naročila na prejemanje obvestil in/ali novičnika Inštitutu za zdravje in okolje, Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana, podate privolitev za obdelavo imena, priimka in elektronskega naslova kot osebnih podatkov.
Vaša privolitev in nastavitve ob naročilu na elektronske novice se shranijo na strežnikih Google LLC in/ali platforme MailerLite ter vključujejo podatke, ki ste nam jih posredovali sami in datum in čas oddaje naročila na obvestila in elektronske novice.
Pošiljanje novic in uporaba elektronskega naslova
Elektronski naslov, na katerega ste ali boste naročili novice, bomo uporabljali izključno za pošiljanje teh novic in ga ne bomo posredovali v uporabo tretjim osebam, razen če bi od nas to zahteval zakon (kot npr. da v inšpekcijskem postopku nadzoru razkrijemo, komu je bila kakšno elektronsko sporočilo poslano). Za pošiljanje novic uporabljamo spletno platformo MailerLite.
Odjava od novic in vaše pravice
Od prejemanja novic se lahko kadarkoli odjavite tako, da kliknete na ustrezno povezavo, ki se nahaja na dnu vsakokratnih novic, ali tako, da nam pišete na xxxx@xxx.xx. V primeru odjave vašega elektronskega naslova ne bomo več uporabljali za pošiljanje novic.
V primeru vaše odjave bomo hranili zgolj še evidenco o vašem naročilu na novice (ki vsebuje tudi vaše ime, priimek in elektronski naslov), in sicer še toliko časa, kot smo na podlagi predpisov še lahko pozvani k njeni predložitvi. Trenutni zastaralni rok za tovrstne postopke znaša dve leti, zato bomo kopijo naročnine in s tem vaše podatke (ime, priimek, elektronski naslov) dokončno izbrisali iz svojih evidenc najkasneje po poteku treh let od prejetja vaše odjave. Tovrstno hrambo kopije vaše privolitve utemeljujemo s svojim t. i. »zakonitim interesom«, saj lahko zgolj na takšen način zagotavljamo dokaz, da smo vaš elektronski naslov do vaše odjave zakonito uporabljali za posredovanje novic.
Kot javni dogodek v tem poglavju se štejejo naši javni dogodki ali dogodki javnega značaja, ki so pod enakimi pogoji dostopni komur koli in se ne odvijajo v zaprtih skupinah. Sem uvrščamo predvsem prireditve, festivale, konference, javne razglasitve nagrad, dogodke promocije zdravja in podobne.
Postopek prijave in informacije o uporabi zbranih osebnih podatkov
Če je za udeležbo na javnem dogodku potrebna predhodna prijava, bomo vaše podatke, oddane prek prijavnice, uporabili za potrebe organizacije javnega dogodka (da vam lahko na njem zagotovimo prosto mesto, gradiva in druge s tem povezane storitve, kot npr. posebno vrsto prehrane, da omogočimo dostop do prireditvenega prostora in podobno). Če je število mest na javnem dogodku vnaprej omejeno in bomo na podlagi prejetih prijav šele izbrali, kdo se bo javnega dogodka lahko udeležil, bomo prejete podatke uporabili tudi za izbor postopka udeležencev na javnem dogodku ter za njihovo obveščanje o odločitvi.
prejšnjem odstavku opisana obdelava osebnih podatkov zato temelji na takšnem »pogodbenem razmerju« oziroma »zahtevi« po sklenitvi takšnega razmerja.
Če prijave na javni dogodek ne odda oseba, katere podatki so oddani prek prijavnice (npr. zastopnik organizacije prijavi drugega delavca v organizaciji), je obveznost osebe, ki prijavnico odda, da ima ustrezno pravno podlago za posredovanje osebnih podatkov druge osebe preko prijavnice (npr. da ima soglasje takšne osebe) ter da takšno osebo tudi obvesti o obdelavi njenih osebnih podatkov, kot so navedeni v prijavnici in v teh pogojih.
Registracija prisotnih na javnem dogodku
Na nekaterih naših javnih dogodkih je potrebna registracija prisotnih udeležencev, saj te podatke potrebujemo za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti do vas ali za lastno poslovanje (npr. da vam lahko izdamo ali pošljemo potrdilo o udeležbi, da lahko izdamo račun, da se seznanimo, kdo se je dogodka sploh udeležil, in podobno). Če je javni dogodek financiran iz javnih sredstev, listo prisotnih udeležencev potrebujemo tudi za potrebe poročanja financerjem, kar je podrobneje pojasnjeno v naslednjem sklopu.
Na našem javnem dogodku se je možno registrirati na dva načina:
• da se podpišete na skupno vnaprej izpolnjeno listo prisotnosti, ki bo v okviru dogodka krožila med vsemi prisotnimi udeleženci, kar pomeni, da se bodo podatki na skupni listi prisotnosti (ime, priimek, organizacija, podpis) lahko razkrili ostalim udeležencem dogodka, ali
• da se pred začetkom javnega dogodka zglasite na mestu za potrditev prisotnosti in s podpisom na posebnem potrdilu potrdite svojo prisotnost.
Priporočamo uporabo prvega načina, ki nam olajša celotno poslovanje in pomeni tudi manj dokumentacije ter manjšo porabo papirja. To lahko naredimo samo z vašim soglasjem ob prijavi na javni dogodek. Vključitev vaših osebnih podatkov na skupno listo pristnosti in morebitna seznanitev drugih udeležencev s tem podatki tako temelji na vaši privolitvi.
Če vam takšen način morda ne ustreza ali če privolitve iz drugih razlogov ne podate, je vaša obveznost, da se vsaj 10 minut pred začetkom javnega dogodka zglasite na mestu, namenjenem za potrditev prisotnosti, ki bo posebej označeno, in tam s podpisom posebnega potrdila potrdite svojo prisotnost.
Na javnem dogodku obstaja večja verjetnost, da boste kot udeleženec fotografirani ali posneti ter da bodo takšne fotografije ali posnetki javno objavljeni na spletu ali v medijih ali kako drugače dostopni širši javnosti. Z vašo udeležbo javnega dogodka štejemo, da to možnost dopuščate. Dejstvo, da se javnega dogodka udeležite in da se ob fotografiranju ne umaknete in torej ostajate na mestu javnega dogodka, se šteje kot vaša privolitev k tovrstni obdelavi vaših osebnih podatkov (fotografij).
Rok hrambe osebnih podatkov
Če je javni dogodek financiran iz javnih sredstev, bomo vaše osebne podatke, ki ste nam jih poslali ob prijavi, in dokazilo o vaši prisotnosti na javnem dogodku (lista prisotnosti ali posebno potrdilo) hranili vse dokler smo financerju zavezani te podatke hraniti. O roku hrambe, ki je vezan na posameznega financerja, vas bomo obvestili v uvodu prijavnega obrazca na dogodek.
Če javni dogodek ni financiran iz javnih sredstev (in torej financer na prijavnici ni naveden) ali če gre za financerja, ki zgoraj ni posebej izpostavljen, bomo vaše osebne podatke, ki ste nam jih poslali ob prijavi, in dokazilo o vaši prisotnosti na javnem dogodku (lista prisotnosti ali posebno potrdilo) hranili pet let od javnega dogodka, nato pa jih bomo v roku enega leta izbrisali.
Roke hrambe utemeljujemo s svojim t. i. »zakonitim interesom«, saj lahko zgolj tako izpolnimo svoje zaveze do financerja javnega dogodka oziroma te podatke potrebujemo za primer vaših ali naših pravnih zahtevkov iz naslova vaše udeležbe na javnem dogodku, ki zastarajo v petih letih po izvedbi dogodka.
Če smo vam za udeležbo na dogodku izdali račun ali povrnili stroške (npr. za pot, namestitev, prehrano ali vizo), moramo to računovodsko dokumentacijo hraniti še 10 let po preteku koledarskega leta, v katerem je dokument nastal.
Posredovanje vaših osebnih podatkov
Pri izvedbi nekaterih naših javnih dogodkov, za katere od financerjev prejmemo namenska sredstva, smo pogodbeno zavezani poročati tudi o udeležencih na teh dogodkih. V tem primeru registriramo udeležence na javnem dogodku, in sicer prek skupne liste prisotnosti ali z drugim potrdilom o prisotnosti, del vaših osebnih podatkov na teh dokumentih (ime in priimek, organizacija in/ali država iz katere prihajate in podpis; v nekaterih primerih (Movit in EACEA) tudi datum rojstva in elektronski naslov) pa posredujemo financerju.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zdravje (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Ministrstvu za zdravje, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Movit – Zavod za razvoj mobilnosti mladih (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Movitu, Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira EACEA (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali EACEA, Evropska komisija, B-1049 Bruselj, Belgija.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira CHAFEA (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali CHAFEA, DRB A3/042, L-2920 Luxembourg.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Zvezno ministrstvo za okolje, varstvo narave in jedrsko varnost Nemčije (BMU) v okviru Evropske pobude za podnebje (EUKI), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Xxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx 0-0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
V vseh zgornjih primerih imajo dostop do skupne liste prisotnosti ali drugega potrdila o prisotnosti tudi drugi državni ali evropski organi, ki izvajajo nadzor nad porabo javnih sredstev: Ministrstvo za finance, Urad Republike Slovenije za nadzor proračuna, Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije, Evropska komisija in Evropsko računsko sodišče ali njihovi pooblaščenci.
V primeru podrobnejšega nadzora nad porabo javnih sredstev, povezanih z organizacijo javnega dogodka, se lahko financer ali organi iz prejšnjega odstavka seznanijo tudi z vsemi drugimi osebnimi podatki, ki ste jih vpisali v prijavnico na javni dogodek in ki jih hranimo sami.
Če je dogodek izveden v okviru projekta, kjer kot vodilni partner ne nastopa Inštitut, se bodo podatki o udeležencih (ime in priimek, organizacija iz katere prihajate, in podpis; v nekaterih primerih tudi datum rojstva in elektronski naslov) posredovali tudi vodilnemu partnerju projekta. V teh primerih bo vodilni partner naveden na prijavnici na dogodek.
Posredovanje osebnih podatkov financerjem oziroma organom, ki izvajajo nadzor, utemeljujemo s svojim t. i. »zakonitim interesom«, saj lahko zgolj tako izpolnimo svoje zaveze do financerja javnega dogodka in mu verodostojno poročamo o številu udeležencev, kar je vse pogoj za pridobitev sredstev, nujnih za samo izvedbo javnega dogodka. Z drugimi besedami, brez takšnega posredovanja javnega dogodka ne moremo izvesti.
Inštitut ima pravico do posredovanja osebnih podatkov udeležencev dogodkov, poleg zgoraj navedenim, drugim pogodbenim obdelovalcem podatkov, ki jih obdelujejo v mejah pooblastila ali zakonsko določenih predpisov. Pogodbeni obdelovalci, s katerimi sodeluje organizacija, so: računovodski servis, ponudniki pravnega svetovanja, ponudniki obdelave podatkov in analitike, vzdrževalci IT-sistemov, ponudniki pošiljanja e-poštnih sporočil. Organizacija ali njeni pogodbeni obdelovalci osebnih podatkov ne bodo posredovali osebnih podatkov tretjim nepooblaščenim osebam.
Dodatne informacije
Če imate dodatna vprašanja glede varstva osebnih podatkov na naših javnih dogodkih ali če uveljavljate pravico do ugovora zoper obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, ki temelji na našem t. i. »zakonitem interesu«, nam pišite na xxxx@xxx.xx.
Kot dogodki Inštituta v tem poglavju se štejejo izobraževalni dogodki, ki jih organizira Inštitut in na katerih se udeležencem poda določeno strokovno ali praktično znanje (kot npr. konference, delavnice, seminarji in podobna usposabljanja, srečanja fokusnih skupine, delavnice, ki potekajo v ožjih, zaprtih skupinah in ki niso javnega značaja, srečanja, namenjena pripravi skupnih projektov in skupnih dejavnosti, iskanja partnerjev in podobno). Dogodek je lahko plačljiv (udeležba je možna samo s plačilom kotizacije) ali brezplačen (brez kotizacije).
Postopek prijave in informacije o uporabi zbranih osebnih podatkov
Podatke, oddane prek prijavnice za dogodek Inštituta (ime, priimek, organizacija, ki pošilja udeleženca, kontaktna elektronska pošta, kontaktna telefonska številka, država bivanja, datum rojstva, pretekla znanja, pričakovanja, opis, kako bi pridobljeno znanje koristilo pri delu, morebitne posebne prehranske ali druge potrebe za prilagoditve), bomo uporabili za potrebe organizacije dogodka (npr. da vam lahko na njem zagotovimo prosto mesto, da lahko vsebino dogodka prilagodimo udeležencem). Če je število prijavljenih večje od števila prostih mest, bomo opis o tem, kako bi pridobljeno znanje organizaciji ali posamezniku koristilo pri delu, uporabili tudi za izbor organizacij ali posameznikov, ki se dogodka lahko udeležijo.
Prijava na plačljiv dogodek pomeni vzpostavitev pogodbenega odnosa z Inštitutom za zdravje in okolje, Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana, oziroma zahtevo za vzpostavitev takšnega odnosa, če je število mest omejeno in se udeležence na podlagi prijave v predhodnem postopku šele izbere. V prejšnjem odstavku opisana obdelava osebnih podatkov zato temelji na takšnem »pogodbenem razmerju« oziroma »zahtevi« po sklenitvi takšnega razmerja.
Prijava na brezplačni dogodek pomeni zahtevo za vzpostavitev pogodbenega razmerja z Inštitutom, ki se vzpostavi, ko Inštitut udeležbo potrdi. V prvem odstavku opisana obdelava osebnih podatkov zato temelji na takšnem »pogodbenem razmerju« oziroma »zahtevi« po sklenitvi takšnega razmerja.
Če prijave na dogodek ne odda oseba, katere podatki so oddani prek prijavnice (npr. zastopnik organizacije prijavi drugega delavca v organizaciji), je obveznost osebe, ki prijavnico odda, da ima ustrezno pravno podlago za posredovanje osebnih podatkov druge osebe preko prijavnice (npr. da ima soglasje takšne osebe) ter da takšno osebo tudi obvesti o obdelavi njenih osebnih podatkov, kot so navedeni v prijavnici in v teh pogojih.
Registracija prisotnih na dogodku
Na dogodku je potrebna registracija prisotnih udeležencev, saj te podatke potrebujemo za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti do vas ali za lastno poslovanje (npr. da lahko izdamo ali pošljemo potrdilo o udeležbi, da lahko izdamo račun, da o tem lahko poročamo financerju dogodka in podobno).
Na dogodku se je možno registrirati na dva načina:
• da se podpišete na skupno vnaprej izpolnjeno listo prisotnosti, ki bo v okviru dogodka krožila med vsemi prisotnimi udeleženci ali bo na voljo na registracijski mizi, kar pomeni, da se bodo podatki na skupni listi prisotnosti (ime, priimek, organizacija, podpis) lahko razkrili ostalim udeležencem usposabljanja, ali
• da se pred začetkom dogodka zglasite pri organizatorjih in s podpisom na posebnem potrdilu potrdite svojo prisotnost.
Priporočamo uporabo prvega načina, ki nam olajša celotno poslovanje in pomeni tudi manj dokumentacije ter manjšo porabo papirja. Vključitev vaših osebnih podatkov na skupno listo pristnosti in morebitna seznanitev drugih udeležencev s tem podatki tako temelji na vašem soglasju.
Če vam takšen način morda ne ustreza ali če svojega soglasja iz drugih razlogov ne podate, je vaša obveznost, da se vsaj deset minut pred začetkom dogodka zglasite pri organizatorju in tam s podpisom posebnega potrdila potrdite svojo prisotnost.
Rok hrambe osebnih podatkov
Osebne podatke, zbrane prek prijavnice, skupne liste prisotnosti in na individualnih potrdilih prisotnosti, hranimo še pet let od dogodka, nato pa jih v roku enega leta izbrišemo.
Takšno hrambo utemeljujemo s svojim t. i. »zakonitim interesom«, saj podatke potrebujemo za primer vaših ali naših pravnih zahtevkov iz naslova vaše udeležbe na dogodku, ki zastarajo v petih letih po izvedbi dogodka.
Če smo vam za udeležbo na dogodku izdali račun ali povrnili stroške (npr. za pot, namestitev, prehrano ali vizo), moramo to računovodsko dokumentacijo hraniti še 10 let po preteku koledarskega leta, v katerem je dokument nastal.
Posredovanje vaših osebnih podatkov financerju dogodka
Pri izvedbi nekaterih naših dogodkov, za katere od financerjev prejmemo namenska sredstva, smo pogodbeno zavezani poročati tudi o udeležencih na teh dogodkih. V tem primeru registriramo udeležence na dogodku, in sicer prek skupne liste prisotnosti ali z drugim potrdilom o prisotnosti, del vaših osebnih podatkov na teh dokumentih (ime in priimek, organizacija in/ali država, iz katere prihajate, in podpis; v nekaterih primerih, kot sta Movit in EACEA, tudi datum rojstva in elektronski naslov) pa posredujemo financerju.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Ministrstvo za zdravje (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Ministrstvu za zdravje, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Movit – Zavod za razvoj mobilnosti mladih (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Movitu, Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira EACEA (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali EACEA, Evropska komisija, B-1049 Bruselj, Belgija.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira CHAFEA (in je kot financer tudi naveden na prijavnici na dogodek), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali CHAFEA, DRB A3/042, L-2920 Luxembourg.
Pri dogodkih, ki jih financira Zvezno ministrstvo za okolje, varstvo narave in jedrsko varnost Nemčije (BMU) v okviru Evropske pobude za podnebje (EUKI), bomo omenjene osebne podatke posredovali Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Xxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx 0-0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
V vseh zgornjih primerih imajo dostop do skupne liste prisotnosti ali drugega potrdila o prisotnosti tudi drugi državni ali evropski organi, ki izvajajo nadzor nad porabo javnih sredstev: Ministrstvo za finance, Urad Republike Slovenije za nadzor proračuna, Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije, Evropska komisija in Evropsko računsko sodišče ali njihovi pooblaščenci.
V primeru podrobnejšega nadzora nad porabo javnih sredstev, povezanih z organizacijo dogodka, se lahko financer ali organi iz prejšnjega odstavka seznanijo tudi z vsemi drugimi osebnimi podatki, ki ste jih vpisali v prijavnico na dogodek in ki jih hranimo sami.
Če je dogodek izveden v okviru projekta, kjer kot vodilni partner ne nastopa Inštitut, se bodo podatki o udeležencih (ime in priimek, organizacija iz katere prihajate, in podpis; v nekaterih primerih tudi datum rojstva in elektronski naslov) posredovali tudi vodilnemu partnerju projekta. V teh primerih bo vodilni partner naveden na prijavnici na dogodek.
Posredovanje osebnih podatkov financerjem oziroma organom, ki izvajajo nadzor, utemeljujemo s svojim t. i. »zakonitim interesom«, saj lahko zgolj tako izpolnimo svoje zaveze do financerja dogodka in mu verodostojno poročamo o številu udeležencev, kar je vse pogoj za pridobitev sredstev, nujnih za samo izvedbo dogodka. Z drugimi besedami, brez takšnega posredovanja dogodka ne moremo izvesti.
Inštitut ima pravico do posredovanja osebnih podatkov udeležencev dogodkov, poleg zgoraj navedenim, drugim pogodbenim obdelovalcem podatkov, ki jih obdelujejo v mejah pooblastila ali zakonsko določenih predpisov. Pogodbeni obdelovalci, s katerimi organizacija sodeluje, so: računovodski servis, ponudniki pravnega svetovanja, ponudniki obdelave podatkov in analitike, vzdrževalci IT-sistemov, ponudniki pošiljanja e-poštnih sporočil. Organizacija ali njeni pogodbeni obdelovalci osebnih podatkov ne bodo posredovali osebnih podatkov tretjim nepooblaščenim osebam.
Dodatne informacije
Če imate dodatna vprašanja glede varstva osebnih podatkov na naših dogodkih ali če uveljavljate pravico do ugovora zoper obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, ki temelji na našem t. i. »zakonitem interesu«, nam pišite na xxxx@xxx.xx.
Vsak posameznik, katerega osebne podatke obdelujemo, ima pravico do seznanitve z lastnimi osebnimi podatki, njihovim popravkom ter v primeru pogojev, kot so določeni z veljavnimi predpisi, tudi pravico do izbrisa, do omejitve obdelave teh podatkov in do njihove prenosljivosti.
Če obdelava osebnih podatkov temelji na »zakonitem interesu« in menite, da vaš interes, upoštevajoč vaš konkreten položaj, prevlada nad našim interesom, nam to, prosimo, sporočite na xxxx@xxx.xx.
Če menite, da je na naši spletni strani ali družbenih omrežjih objavljen vaš osebni podatek (npr. ime, elektronski naslov, fotografija) in za to ni ustrezne podlage, nam to, prosimo, sporočite na xxxx@xxx.xx.
Vsak posameznik ima tudi pravico do vložitve pritožbe na obdelavo svojih osebnih podatkov pri Informacijskemu pooblaščencu, Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx (spletna stran: xxx.xxxx.xx).
Vse vsebine, grafični in drugi elementi na spletni strani so predmet avtorske zaščite ter drugih oblik zaščite intelektualne lastnine.
V kolikor pri posamezni vsebini na spletni strani ni navedeno drugače, je vsebine spletne strani dovoljeno prosto reproducirati in distribuirati v elektronski obliki ali dajati na voljo javnosti izključno za nepridobitne (nekomercialne) namene in pod pogojem, da se jih ne spreminja, ne predeluje in da se navede vir v obliki aktivne povezave z imenom »Inštitut za zdravje in okolje«, ki kaže na spletno stran, s katere je bila vsebina reproducirana (, xxx.xxxxx.xx,, xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx).
Primer navedbe vira iz spletne strani xxx.xx bi tako bil:
»Vir: Inštitut za zdravje in okolje«
Vsebin na spletni strani ni dovoljeno reproducirati, distribuirati ali predelovati v drugih oblikah ali uporabljati za komercialne namene brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja Inštituta.
V kolikor ste odkrili napako, netočnost, neažurnost ali drugo pomanjkljivost na spletni strani, nam to, prosimo, sporočite na xxxx@xxx.xx ali uporabite poseben obrazec na spletni strani.
To pravno obvestilo je bilo posodobljeno 1. 10. 2024.
The owner of the websites and the domains “xxx.xx”, “”, “xxxxx.xx”, “xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx”, “xxxxxxxx.xx”, “xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx” (hereinafter referred to as the Website) is the Inštitut za zdravje in okolje, Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana; registration number: 7085184 (hereinafter referred to as the Institute).
The Ecological Footprint Calculator integrated into the websites xxx.xxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxx, and is a third-party website, owned and managed by the Global Footprint Network. The Institute is not the data controller of the information provided by visitors to the Ecological Footprint Calculator, and by using the calculator the user agrees to Global Footprint Network's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The user of the Ecological Footprint Calculator provides the information necessary to calculate a personal Ecological Footprint and socio-economic parameters (gender, education, zip code). The user also has the option of providing an email address, which Global Footprint Network and the Institute for Health and Environment may use to communicate with the user.
Payments on the website are made possible through Stripe integration, therefore your personal data is also managed and processed by Stripe Payments Europe Limited and by using this integrated service you agree with Stripe’s Privacy Policy.
The use of the Website (browsing, opening links, reading content and the like) and the use of web applications on the Website (web browsing, use of forms, use, uploading and downloading of documents in web applications and the like) shall be considered as the consent of the website visitor that they agree with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms of use as a visitor to the Website, please do not use the Website.
We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice by posting a new version on the Website. The version of the Terms and Conditions is evident from the date of their last modification, which is recorded at the bottom of these Terms.
These General Terms and Conditions apply to the entire site and all of its individual parts, such as sections, sub-pages or applications integrated on the website, unless expressly provided otherwise for each part.
Articles, news, notifications, texts and other content published on the Website (hereinafter referred to as Content) and applications running on the Website have been designed to best serve non- governmental organizations (hereinafter NGOs) and other visitors to the Website to provide useful content to facilitate their work. In doing so, we make every effort to maintain the accuracy and correctness of this information and content and the proper functioning of the applications by maintaining the Website.
The website mainly publishes content from the fields of our activities as defined in the Institute’s Founding Act, information on activities and events, initiatives and actions of NGOs, policies and measures concerning NGOs and other information relevant to NGOs and civil society.
We reserve the right to modify, add or remove content or applications on the Website without notice, and we accept no liability for any consequences of such changes.
Links to other organizations or people's websites are also posted on the website. The operation of these sites and their content cannot be influenced by the Institute and therefore we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information and content published there.
The content on the Institute’s website ( and its projects (xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx, xxxxx.xx,, xxxxxxxx.xx, xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx) and the newsletter (or electronic news) are transmitted via email and contain content from the fields of activities of the Institute, inform about activities and events, initiatives and actions of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at national and international levels, on policies, programs and actions at national, EU and international level, on the opportunities for individuals and NGOs to be involved in projects and other opportunities. They may also include invitations to participate in campaigns, events, surveys and other initiatives, as well as marketing content in terms of offers for various products or services. In doing so, we only publish content that is directly or indirectly related to our fields of work and the non-governmental sector.
On the website and in the newsletter (or electronic news), we also publish content that is submitted to the Institute by other NGOs, notably organizations we collaborate with. We review such news before posting or emailing and, where necessary, shortening, proofreading or otherwise editing to be consistent with the overall image of the Website, the manner in which the content is posted on the Website or in the Newsletter. Such content is the responsibility of the organization that provided the information.
In the event that information obtained from other sources is published on the website or in the electronic newsletter, the source must be indicated or we inform about this by posting a link to the source.
We reserve the right not to publish content obtained by other organizations or persons on the Website and not include it in the newsletter if we deem it irrelevant to the recipients of our newsletters. We also do not publish content that is offensive, encourages hate speech against any groups or individuals, or we believe that posting it could be in violation of the Constitution or law. We also do not post on our website or in the newsletter propaganda or other invitations to payable events organized by other entities, unless the event is intended for individuals and/or NGOs or we consider that the event may be of interest to individuals and/or NGOs despite its payability. The Institute is fully autonomous in assessing whether content is relevant or interesting to the aforementioned parties.
We reserve the right not to post information about paid services and products that are or may be in competition with the Institute's products or activities on the Website or newsletter.
Website visitors use the website, its parts, content and applications that run on the website solely at their own risk.
The Institute assumes no responsibility in the event that any relevant information or other content posted on the World Wide Web or forwarded to the Institute for publication is overlooked.
The Institute assumes no liability whatsoever for the accuracy and correctness of the information and content posted on the Website, assumes no liability for modification of previously published information or content, and assumes no responsibility for any damage that may result from the use of the information or content posted there.
The Institute is not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of web applications on the site, nor does it guarantee the performance of the applications. In no event shall the Institute be liable for
any damages arising from the use or inability to use the applications, including damages from lost revenue or expected profit, loss or impairment of reputation, loss of business or loss of information.
Our website uses cookies, which allow the visitor or user to view and use our website, tailored to their wishes. A cookie is a small text file that a web server stores on your computer's disk. The main purpose of the cookie is to store your settings and other data on your computer, so that you no longer have to enter them the next time you visit our website. The use of cookies is a standard procedure on most websites. The default browser settings allow the use of cookies. If you do not agree to their use, you can change your browser settings so that the acceptance of cookies is disabled, but this may limit the ability of your communication with our website. Even if you accept cookies, you can still delete them later using your browser tools. We use cookies exclusively for the purpose of a better experience for an individual visitor or user.
Our website also collects information about your use of our website and online services. For example, our site analysis tool can get information from your browser about which site you came from, which device you used to access our website, which search engine and keywords you used to find us, which pages you viewed on our site, also which add-ons and what width and height are used by your browser. In addition, we collect the usual information that the browser sends to each website you visit, such as your IP address, country of origin, browser type and language, access time and duration of your visit, and website addresses. All of this information is collected solely for the purpose of keeping statistics of visits to our website.
We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, to collect and report on the use of our website. These cookies collect information such as the number of visitors, pages visited and the length of time spent on the website. This information helps us to improve the functionality and content of the website. All data collected is anonymised and no personally identifiable information is transmitted. You can control the use of cookies by adjusting your browser settings, or you can opt out of Google Analytics by using the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.
Google Analytics uses several cookies to track user interactions with a website. Here are the main cookies used by Google Analytics and their typical retention periods:
_ga: This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It's stored for 2 years by default.
_gid: This cookie is also used to distinguish users and stores information about how visitors use the website. It is stored for 24 hours.
_gat: This cookie is used to throttle request rates and limit the collection of data on high-traffic sites. It is stored for 1 minute.
gac*: This cookie contains information related to user campaign tracking. It is typically stored for 90 days.
_utma: This cookie tracks the first and last time a user visits a website, ensuring that return visits are logged. It is kept for 2 years.
_utmb: This cookie works with _utmc to calculate the duration of a user's visit to a website. It is kept for 30 minutes from the last page view.
_utmc: This cookie is used to track when a user leaves the site. It is a session-based cookie and expires when the browser is closed.
_utmz: This cookie tracks how the user arrived at the site (e.g., from a search engine, a referral link). It is stored for 6 months.
The xxx.xx website also has a subpage xxxxx://xxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/. The basic cookie in the IZO Online Academy is the session cookie, commonly called MoodleSession. You must allow this cookie in your browser to provide continuity and to remain logged in when browsing the site. When you log out or close the browser, this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server).
The other cookie is purely for convenience, usually called MOODLEID or similar. It just remembers your username in the browser. This means that when you return to this site, the username field on the login page is already filled in for you. It is safe to refuse this cookie - you will just have to retype your username each time you log in.
By using the website, you agree that this website sets cookies on your computer or mobile device. If you want to change the way cookies are used in your browser, including blocking or deleting them, you can do so by changing your browser settings accordingly. The process for managing and deleting cookies differs depending on the browser you are using.
Personal data are processed in a manner that ensures adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized access or unauthorized discovery, unauthorized or unlawful processing, and against unintentional loss, destruction or damage by appropriate ensuring appropriate technical and organizational measures.
The Institute keeps the obtained personal data in different forms: in a physical form in their archives, on electronic media (computer hard drives of authorized persons, external drives or USB keys), in the cloud (on the servers of Google LLC, MailerLite Limited, Freedcamp, Inc., Meta Platforms Ireland Limited in LinkedIn Corporation) and on their own websites hosted on the servers of Neoserv owned by Xxxxx.xx d.o.o. (for, xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx,, xxx.xxxxx.xx and xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx).
This chapter refers to educational events organized by the Institute, which provide participants with specific expertise or practical knowledge (such as workshops, seminars and similar events) and where participation is payable.
Participation at such events is only possible provided that the organization or individual has paid the registration fee.
Unless specified differently in the terms and conditions for the event (published with each event announcement) the registration fee for participation in the event shall be paid in a lump sum at least two days prior to the event to which the organization or individual applies. By submitting the completed application form, we provide the registered organization or individual with a place at the event, and the organization or individual thereby assumes the obligation to pay the registration fee. An agreement on the implementation of the event is deemed to be concluded when we receive the
completed application form and the payment of the fee. In the event that an individual or a representative of the organization, which has applied to the event, does not attend the event and does not cancel the participation in accordance with these conditions, this does not affect the obligation to pay the registration fee and any fee already paid in this case will not be refunded.
The Institute may grant a discount for its events to its partner organizations. The notice on the amount of the discount and the conditions for its assertion are published at each announcement of the paid event.
The conditions for realisation of the event are published in each event announcement. In the event of cancellation of the event, the Institute shall notify the organizations or individuals who have applied to it at least three working days before the event by email and shall refund the paid registration fee within a further 15 days. The Institute’s events are generally held in Slovenian and/or English, of which we inform the participants in advance upon announcing the event and in the registration form.
It is mandatory to register all participants of the event, as we need this information to fulfil our obligations towards you or we require it for our own business (e.g. so that we can issue or send a certificate of attendance, so that we can issue an invoice and the like).
We reserve the right to change the date or location of the event, of which we will notify the organizations or individuals who have applied for it at least three days in advance. The materials used by the lecturers and trainers of the events are copyrighted works. The Institute does not organize and is not responsible for on-site parking.
We notify the organizations and individuals regarding the implementation of the event (such as possible changes, cancellations, etc.) by e-mail, to the address you give us when you submit your registration to the event.
Unless specified differently in the Terms and Conditions of a specific event, an organization or individual who has registered for the event may cancel their application at least 10 (ten) business days before the scheduled event date by notifying us by email at xxxx@xxx.xx. In such a case, the paid registration fee will be returned to the organization or individual within 15 days of receipt of the cancellation. The same applies if the organization or individual cancels the application less than 10 (ten) working days before the scheduled date of the event and upon cancellation they prove that they could not cancel their participation before due to unforeseen reasons that could not be influenced – “force majeure” (e.g. severe diseases, accidents, etc.). If the organization or individual registers for the event less than 10 working days before the scheduled event date, no cancellation is possible.
Information on the processing of personal data of participants can be found in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 of these Terms and Conditions.
This chapter refers to educational events organized by the Institute, which provide participants with specific expertise or practical knowledge (such as workshops, seminars and similar events) and where attendance is free of charge or the participation is possible without a registration fee.
The number of places in the event may be limited due to easier implementation of activities, which is written in the application form. In case the number of received applications exceeds the number of
vacancies, we will enable the participation to non-governmental organizations or individuals who will benefit most from the workshop and the gained knowledge will help them in their work. The selection process will be based on the information provided by the applicants themselves in the application form. Selected and non-selected applicants will be notified of the decision at least five business days before the event.
Registration for an event is considered as the expressed will of the organization or individual to attend the event. An agreement on the implementation of the event between the Institute and the organization or individual is deemed to be concluded when the Institute confirms the participation of the applicant at the event and, in the case of an international event, when the Institute receives a confirmation of travel arrangements (transportation receipts, airline tickets, train or bus reservations, etc.).
The conditions of realisation of the event are published at each event announcement. In the event of cancellation of the event, the Institute shall notify the organizations or individuals who have applied to it at least three working days before the event by email. The Institute’s events are generally held in Slovenian and/or English, of which we inform the participants in advance upon announcing the event and in the registration form.
It is mandatory to register all participants of the event, as we need this information to fulfil our obligations towards you or we require it for our own business (e.g. so that we can issue or send a certificate of attendance, so that we can report the attendance to a potential event funder, etc.)
We reserve the right to change the date or location of the event, of which we will notify the organizations or individuals who have applied for it at least three days in advance. The materials used by the lecturers and trainers of the events are copyrighted works. The Institute does not organize and is not responsible for on-site parking.
We notify the organizations and individuals regarding the implementation of the event (such as possible changes, cancellations, etc.) by e-mail, to the address you give us when you submit your registration to the event.
An organization or individual who has registered for the event may cancel their application at least 10 (ten) business days before the scheduled event date by notifying us by email at xxxx@xxx.xx. If an organization does not cancel its application within this deadline and in the described manner, and its representative does not attend the event (despite the space provided for them), such an organization will be charged a penalty by the Institute in the amount announced in the registration form. If an individual does not cancel their application within this deadline and in the described manner, the Institute will charge them a penalty in the amount announced in the registration form. This consequence does not apply if the organization or individual cancels their application less than 5 (five) business days before the scheduled event date and upon cancellation they prove that they could not cancel their participation before due to unforeseen reasons that could not be influenced – “force majeure” (e.g. severe illness, accidents, etc.).
Information on the processing of personal data of participants can be found in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 of these Terms and Conditions.
8.1. NEWSLETTER AND NOTIFICATIONS Application process and retention of consent
The Institute sends electronic news (hereinafter referred to as the newsletter) through the MailerLite platform to your email address based on your subscription to our newsletter. By submitting your newsletter request, you give the Institute (Inštitut za zdravje in okolje, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx) permission to process your first and last name and email address as personal information.
Your consent and preferences when subscribing to the Institute’s newsletters are stored on MailerLite's servers and include information provided to us by yourself and the date and time when you subscribed to the newsletters.
Sending of the newsletters and the use of your email
The email address, which you have subscribed or will subscribe to the newsletter, will be used solely for the purpose of sending this newsletter and will not be forwarded to third parties unless required by law (such as in the case of an inspection process in order to disclose to whom any email was sent). For sending the newsletters, we are using the MailerLite online platform.
Unsubscribing from the newsletter and your rights
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the appropriate link located at the bottom of each newsletter or by emailing us at xxxx@xxx.xx. If your email address is unsubscribed, we will no longer use it to send news.
In the event of your unsubscription, we will only keep a record of your newsletter subscription (which also includes your first name, last name and email address) for as long as we can still be required by law to submit it to the authorities. The current limitation period for such procedures is two years, so we will permanently delete a copy of your subscription and thus delete your information (name, surname, e-mail address) from our records no later than three years after we receive your unsubscription. Such a retention of a copy of your consent is justified by our "legitimate interests", because this is the only way we can provide proof that we have used your email address in a legal way for sending you the newsletter, until your opt-out.
As a “public event” in this chapter are considered our public events or events of a public nature that are accessible to anyone under the same conditions and do not take place in closed groups. These include mostly events, festivals, conferences, public announcements of awards, health promotion and similar events.
The application process and information on the use of the collected personal information
If prior registration is required to attend a public event, we will use your information submitted via the application form to organize the public event (to provide you with a place at the event, materials and other related services, such as a special diet, to give access to the venue, etc.). If the number of places at a public event is limited in advance, and we will choose who can attend the public event only after and based on the applications received, we will also use the information received for the selection process of the participants and to inform the applicants of the decision.
Your application to a public event represents the establishment of a contractual relationship with the Institute for Health and Environment – Inštitut za zdravje in okolje, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, or a request for establishment of such a relationship, if the number of places is limited and participants are selected only based on their beforehand application. Therefore, the processing of personal data described in the previous paragraph is based on such a "contractual relationship" or "request" to enter into such a relationship.
If the application to a public event is not submitted by a person whose data is provided via an application form (e.g. an organization’s representative registers another employee/member of the organization), it is the obligation of the person who submits the application to have an adequate legal basis for the transmission of another person's personal information through the application form (e.g. (to have the consent of such person) and also to inform this person of the processing of their personal data as set out in the application form and in these Terms.
Registration of participants at a public event
Some of our public events require participants’ registration as we need this information to fulfil our obligations towards you or we require it for our own business (e.g. so that we can issue or send you a certificate of attendance, so that we can issue an invoice, to know who has attended the event at all, etc.). If a public event is financed from public funds, we also need a list of attendees for reporting purposes to funders, which is explained in more detail in the next section.
There are two ways to register at our public event:
• to sign a joint pre-filled attendance list that will circulate among all participants during the event, meaning that the information on the joint attendance list (name, organization, country, signature) can be disclosed to other attendees of the event, or
• to visit the registration desk at the venue before the start of the public event and confirm your presence by signing a special form.
We recommend that you use the first method, which makes our procedures easier and means less paperwork and less paper consumption. We can only do this with your consent when registering for a public event. The inclusion of your personal information in the common presence list and any other participants' potential knowledge of this information is thus based on your consent.
If this procedure is inappropriate for you, or if you do not give your consent for other reasons, it is your responsibility to report at the registration desk for the event at least 10 minutes before the start of the public event to confirm your presence by signing a special form there.
Taking photos
At a public event, you are more likely to be photographed or recorded and that such photographs or recordings will be made publicly available online or in the media or otherwise made available to the general public. With your participation at a public event, we consider that you allow this. The fact that you attend a public event and do not withdraw while taking a photo and therefore remain in the public event is considered as your consent to the processing of your personal information (photographs).
Retention period for personal data
If the public event is financed by public funds, we will keep your personal information you provided to us upon application and proof of your attendance at the public event (attendance list or signed special form) as long as we are obliged to keep that information by the funder. We will inform you about the retention period associated with the individual funder in the introduction of the application form for the event.
If the public event is not financed from public funds (and therefore the financier is not listed on the application form), or if it is a financier who is not specifically exposed above, we will store your personal information that you provided to us upon application and proof of your attendance of the public event (attendance list or signed special form) for five years from the public event and then delete them within one year.
We base the retention periods on our so-called "Legitimate interests," because this is the only way we can fulfil our commitments to the funder of the public event, or we need this information in case of
your or our legal claims regarding your participation at a public event, which expire within five years of the event.
If we have issued you an invoice for a participation fee or reimburse you for costs (such as expenses of travel, accommodation, subsistence or visa), we are obliged to keep these financial documents for 10 years after the end of the calendar year in which the document was created.
Transfer of your personal data
In carrying out some of our public events, for which we receive direct funding from the funders, we are also contractually obliged to report on the participants at these events. In this case, we register attendees at a public event, either through a shared attendance list or with another confirmation of attendance, some of your personal information on these documents (first and last name, organization and/or country from which you come and signature; in some cases (Xxxxx and EACEA) also date of birth and e-mail address) are sent to the financier.
For events funded by the Ministry of Health (which is listed as a funder on the event registration form), we will transfer the personal information mentioned above to the Ministry of Health, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
For events funded by Movit - the Institute for the Development of Youth Mobility (which is listed as a funder on the event registration form), we will transfer the personal information mentioned above to Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
For EACEA-funded events (which is listed on the event registration form as a funder), we will provide the aforementioned personal information to EACEA, European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.
For events funded by CHAFEA (which is listed on the event registration form as a funder), we will provide the aforementioned personal information to CHAFEA, DRB A3 / 042, L-2920 Luxembourg.
For events funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) within the European Climate Initiative – EUKI, we will provide the aforementioned personal information to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Xxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx 0-0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
In all the above cases, other national or European bodies exercising control over the use of public funds also have access to a common attendance list or other proofs of attendance: the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Budgetary Control, the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia, the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors or their designees.
In case of a more detailed control over the use of public funds related to the organization of a public event, the financier or the authorities referred to in the previous paragraph may also be acquainted with all other personal data which you have entered in the application form for a public event and which we keep.
If the event is carried out within a project where the Institute is not the lead partner, the participant's details (first and last name, organization from which you come, country and signature; in some cases, also date of birth and email) will also be transferred to the project lead partner for reporting purposes. In these cases, the Lead Partner will be listed on the Event Registration Form.
We justify the transfer of personal data to the funders or the bodies conducting the control by our so- called "Legitimate interests", as this is the only way to fulfil our commitments to the public event funder and to give them a credible report on the number of participants, which is a prerequisite for
obtaining the funds necessary for the public event to take place. In other words, without such a transfer of data we cannot carry out the event.
The Institute has the right to share the personal data of event participants, in addition to the above, to other contracted data processors who process it within the limits of the authorization or statutory regulation. The contractors that the organization is involved with are accounting service, legal consulting providers, data processing and analytics providers, IT systems maintainers, email- messaging providers. The organization or its contractual data processors will not share personal information with unauthorised third parties.
Additional information
If you have additional questions regarding the protection of personal data at our public events, or if you exercise the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our so-called "Legitimate interest", contact us at xxxx@xxx.xx.
Institute’s events in this chapter include educational events organized by the Institute that provide participants with specific expertise or practical knowledge (such as conferences, workshops, seminars and similar training, focus groups, workshops for smaller and closed groups that are not public in nature, meetings aimed at preparing joint projects and joint activities, finding project partners, etc.). The event can be paid (participation is possible only by paying a registration fee) or free (without registration fee).
The application process and information on the use of the collected personal information Information submitted through the Institute’s event application form (name, surname, organization sending the participant, contact email, contact telephone number, country of birth, date of birth, past knowledge, expectations, description of how the acquired knowledge would be useful at work, any special nutritional requirements or other customization needs) will be used to organize the event (for example, to provide you with a place at the event, to customize the content of the workshop to participants). If the number of applicants is greater than the number of available places, we will also use the description of how the knowledge gained at the event would benefit the organization or individual in their work, in order to select organizations or individuals who may attend the event.
Registration for a paid event represents the establishment of a contractual relationship with the Institute – Inštitut za zdravje in okolje, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, or a request for establishment of such relationship, if the number of places is limited and participants are selected only based on their beforehand application. Therefore, the processing of personal data described in the previous paragraph is based on such a "contractual relationship" or "request" to enter into such a relationship.
Registration for a free event represents a request to establish a contractual relationship with the Institute, which is established when the Institute confirms the participation at the event. The processing of personal data described in the first paragraph is based on such a "contractual relationship" or "request" to enter into such a relationship.
If the application to the event is not submitted by a person whose data is provided via an application form (e.g. an organization’s representative registers another employee/member of the organization), it is the obligation of the person who submits the application to have an adequate legal basis for the transmission of another person's personal information through the application form (e.g. (to have the consent of such person) and also to inform such person of the processing of their personal data as set out in the application form and in these Terms.
Registration of participants at Institute’s events
At the event we need to register all participants as we need this information to fulfil our obligations towards you or we require it for our own business (e.g. so that we can issue or send you a certificate of attendance, so that we can issue an invoice, for reporting purposes to funders, etc.).
There are two ways to register at our events:
• To sign a joint pre-filled attendance list that will circulate among all participants during the event or will be available at the registration desk, meaning that the information on the joint attendance list (name, organization, country, signature) can be disclosed to other attendees of the event, or
• to visit the registration desk at the venue before the start of the event and confirm your presence by signing a special form.
We recommend that you use the first method, which makes our procedures easier and means less paperwork and less paper consumption. The inclusion of your personal information in the common presence list and any other participants' potential knowledge of this information is thus based on your consent.
If this procedure is inappropriate for you, or if you do not give your consent for other reasons, it is your responsibility to report at the registration desk for the event at least 10 minutes before the start of the public event to confirm your presence by signing a special form there.
Taking photos
At our events, you are likely to be photographed or recorded and that such photographs or recordings will be made publicly available online or in the media or otherwise made available to the general public for the purposes of dissemination and promotion. In the application form to an Institute’s event we ask that you allow us to take photos and/or recordings of you. In this way, you provide us with your consent to the processing of your personal information (photographs).
Retention period for personal data
Personal data collected through the application form, the joint attendance list and individual forms of attendance are retained for five years from the event and then deleted within one year.
We justify such retention with our so-called "Legitimate interests," since we need the information in the case of your or our legal claims regarding your participation in the event, which expire within five years of the event.
If we have issued you an invoice for a participation fee or reimburse you for costs (such as expenses of travel, accommodation, subsistence or visa), we are obliged to keep these financial documents for 10 years after the end of the calendar year in which the document was created.
Transfer of your personal data
In carrying out some of our events, for which we receive direct funding from the funders, we are also contractually obliged to report on the participants at these events. In this case, we register attendees at our event, either through a shared attendance list or with another confirmation of attendance, some of your personal information on these documents (first and last name, organization and/or country from which you come and signature; in some cases (Movit and EACEA) also date of birth and e-mail address) are sent to the financier.
For events funded by the Ministry of Health (which is listed as a funder on the event registration form), we will transfer the personal information mentioned above to the Ministry of Health, Xxxxxxxxx xxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
For events funded by Movit - the Institute for the Development of Youth Mobility (which is listed as a funder on the event registration form), we will transfer the personal information mentioned above to Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
For EACEA-funded events (which is listed on the event registration form as a funder), we will provide the aforementioned personal information to EACEA, European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.
For events funded by CHAFEA (which is listed on the event registration form as a funder), we will provide the aforementioned personal information to CHAFEA, DRB A3 / 042, L-2920 Luxembourg.
For events funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) within the European Climate Initiative – EUKI, we will provide the aforementioned personal information to Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Xxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx 0-0, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
In all the above cases, other national or European bodies exercising control over the use of public funds also have access to a common attendance list or other proofs of attendance: the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Budgetary Control, the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia, the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors or their designees.
In case of a more detailed control over the use of public funds related to the organization of an event, the financier or the authorities referred to in the previous paragraph may also be acquainted with all other personal data which you have entered in the application form for an event and which we keep.
If the event is carried out within a project where the Institute is not the lead partner, the participant's details (first and last name, organization from which you come, country and signature; in some cases, also date of birth and email) will also be transferred to the project lead partner for reporting purposes. In these cases, the Lead Partner will be listed on the Event Registration Form.
We justify the transfer of personal data to the funders or the bodies conducting the control by our so- called "Legitimate interests", as this is the only way to fulfil our commitments to the event funder and to give them a credible report on the number of participants, which is a prerequisite for obtaining the funds necessary for the event to take place. In other words, without such a transfer of data we cannot carry out the event.
The Institute has the right to share the personal data of event participants, in addition to the above, to other contracted data processors who process it within the limits of the authorization or statutory regulation. The contractors that the organization is involved with are accounting service, legal consulting providers, data processing and analytics providers, IT systems maintainers, email- messaging providers. The organization or its contractual data processors will not share personal information with unauthorised third parties.
Additional information
If you have additional questions regarding the protection of personal data at our events, or if you exercise the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our so-called "Legitimate interest", contact us at xxxx@xxx.xx.
Every individual whose personal data is processed has the right to be acquainted with their personal data, to correct them, and in the case of conditions as stipulated by the applicable regulations, the right to erasure, to limit the processing of such data and to their transferability.
If the processing of personal data is based on a "legitimate interest" and you believe that your interest, taking into account your particular situation, outweighs our interest, please let us know at xxxx@xxx.xx.
If you believe that your personal information (e.g. name, email address, photo) is published on our site of social media and there is no proper basis for this, please let us know at xxxx@xxx.xx.
Each individual is also entitled to file a complaint about the processing of their personal data with the Information Commissioner, Xxxxxxxx xxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx (website: xxx.xx-xx.xx).
All content, graphics and other elements of the website are subject to copyright and other forms of intellectual property protection.
Unless otherwise stated on the individual content of the website, the content of the website may be freely reproduced and distributed electronically or made available to the public solely for non-profit and non-commercial purposes and provided that it is not altered or modified and that the source is cited in the form of an active link called "Inštitut za zdravje in okolje" pointing to the website from which the content was reproduced (, xxx.xxxxx.xx,, www.okolje- xxxxxxx.xx, xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx, xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx-xxx.xx).
The content on the website may not be reproduced, distributed or redistributed in any other form or used for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Institute.
In case you have found a mistake, inaccuracy, outdated information or other defect on the website, please let us know at xxxx@xxx.xx.
These Terms and Conditions were updated on 1 October 2024.