Ngā manga iti, ngā manga nui e honohono kau ana, ka tupu hei Awa Tu Mienzaniso yeMagwaro
Ngā manga iti, ngā manga nui e honohono kau ana, ka tupu hei Awa Tu. 5 pua: the small and large streams that flow into one another form one River:Te Awa Tupua is a singular entity comprised of many elements and com- munities, working collaboratively for the common purpose of the healthand well-being of Te Awa Tupua. 10Legal status of Te Awa Tupua 14Te Awa Tupua declared to be legal person (1)Te Awa Tupua is a legal person and has all the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of a legal person.(2)The rights, powers, and duties of Te Awa Tupua must be exercised or per-15 formed, and responsibility for its liabilities must be taken, by Te Pou Tupua on behalf of, and in the name of, Te Awa Tupua, in the manner provided for in this Part and in Ruruku Whakatupua—Te Mana o Te Awa Tupua. 15Legal effect of declaration of Te Awa Tupua status (1)This section applies to persons exercising or performing a function, power, or duty under an Act referred to in Schedule 2—20 (a) if the exercise or performance of that function, power, or duty relates to— (i) the Whanganui River; or (ii) an activity within the Whanganui River catchment that affects the25 Whanganui River; and (b) if, and to the extent that, the Te Awa Tupua status or Tupua te Kawa re- lates to that function, duty, or power. (2)Persons exercising or performing a function, power, or duty (decision makers) under the Acts listed in clause 1 of Schedule 2 must recognise and provide for— 30(a) the Te Awa Tupua status; and(b) Tupua te Kawa.(3) Decision makers under the Acts listed in clause 2 of Schedule 2 must have particular regard to— 35(a) the Te Awa Tupua status; and(b) Tupua te Kawa.