Gäller från 2009-01-01 och för projekt beviljade av ICLD.
Följande krav på redovisning av beviljade medel inom ramen Kommunalt Partnerskap tillämpas enligt överenskommelse mellan Sida och Internationellt Centrum för Lokal Demokrati (ICLD).
1 Allmänt
Det projekt inom Kommunala Partnerskap som finansieras med medel från Sida och förmedlas av ICLD, ska redovisas innan bidrag betalas ut till den svenska part som genomfört insatsen.
Redovisningen ska följa samma anvisningar som används i ansökan om projektmedel. I redovisningen ska framgå vilka mål, resultat och målgrupper som angavs i ansökan samt vilka aktiviteter som ursprungligen planerades.
2 Redovisningens innehåll
1. Projektnamn - samma som i ansökan. Piteå- An Giang Sustainable Municipalities
2. Samordnare respektive projektansvarig - ange namn, adress, telefon, fax och e- mail.
Project leader and coordinator in Sweden;
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Kommunledningskontoret Stadshuset, 941 85 Piteå. Phone; + 00(0)000 00 00 00 fax; x00 (0)000 00000
E-mail; xxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
The counterpart in Vietnam;
Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Fund Agency in An Giang Province
Address; 000 Xxx Xxx Xxxxx xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxx xxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx xxxx, Xx Xxxxx xxxx- xxxx, Xxxxxxx
Tel; (x00) 000 000 000 Email:
3. Diarienummer - hänvisa alltid i all korrespondens till det diarienummer projektet fått av ICLD.
4. Sammanfattning på engelska och på svenska – ca 15 rader om projektets aktiviteter, mål och resultat. OBS! Båda sammanfattningarna skickas även elektroniskt till ICLD.
The target groups are aware and participate in developing a rice waste- to- energy program.
A cluster network is established and involved in the process.
A need assessment is carried out regarding, emissions from rice husk, the need for electricity and the potentials of what bioenergy rice husk can con- tribute to cover the needs.
The target groups have been involved, mainly in Activities related to the rice waste to energy plan. Due to training/seminars/information the leval of awareness has increased in Chau Tanh and among the officials and politicians at Province leval. This work has contributed to this.
From the inception to the end 58 tickets (34 men + 24 women) are issued from Vietnam to Piteå, some on their own expences, and in the other direction 37 tickets were issued (20 men + 17 women). It has been due to SG meetings, work group meetings, training and study visits.
When we add all the names who participated it come to 1200 but we know that a number of them have participated in more than one activity.
A Triple Helix Cluster network a “Bio Energy association has been established” with more than 100 members.
Through 646 interviews in Chau Tanh a need assessment is carried out and the information stored in a GIS data base and the result is presented in the Rice waste to Energy plan. The re- sults from Xxxx Xxxx will be the base for an estimation of the situation and needs in An Giang. The short term objectives are reached but there has also been many valuable spin off effects important for further development as an established cooperation between Luleå Technical University, LTU and HoChiMinh City University of Natural resources and Environment - HCMUNRE
Sammanfattning på svenska
I projektet finns tre kortsiktiga mål; att målgrupperna är medvetna och involverade i att ta fram ”rice waste to energy” planen, att ett kluster nätverk ska vara bildat, och att en värdering är gjord av utsläpp, behov av elektricitet och hur risskal kan bidra till att täcka de behov som finns.
Målgrupperna har varit involverade, huvudsak i aktiviteter som är kopplade till planarbetet. Genom utbildningsinsatser och information av medvetandegraden ökat både i Xxxx Xxxx och bland offenliganställda och politiker. Det här projektet har bidragit till detta. Från förstudiefasen och genom de 4 åren har 58 resor skett från an Giang till Piteå och i motsatt riktig 37. Det har varit i samband med styrgruppsmöten, utbildningar och arbetsgruppsmöten. I Vietnam har 1600 deltagare funnits med i utbildningsaktiviteter/seminarier/ interna möten och men vi vet att ett antal personer deltagit vid flera tillfällen och har inte räknat hur många individer det egentligen är.
En klustersamverkan har kommit igång genom den bioenergi förening som bildats under hösten 2014 och den kommer även att vara en rådgivande instans i det fortsatta arbetet med den handlingsplan man vill göra.
Genom de 646 intervjuerna (där en utbildningsdel ingick) har man gjort den behovsanalys som var ett kortsiktigt mål. Denna är en viktig ingrediens i den plan som ska godkännas av People’s Committee innan årets utgång. Vi har nått målen men dessutom har projektet medfört ett antal värdefulla biffekter, som exempelvis att ett samarbete har etablerats mellan Luleå Tekniska universitet och Universitet i Ho Chi Minh för naturresurser och miljö- HCMUNRE.
5. Bakgrund och problembeskrivning - återge samma text som i ansökan.
The contact between the An Giang province in the south of Vietnam and Piteå was established during 2010 at the Environment and Energy conference. A result of the initial discussions and contacts was an inception phase where representatives from different interest groups from
Piteå, funded by the ICDL (enter record number 2010-0129), carried out a first visit to Vietnam in January and hosted a group from Vietnam in March 2011. The main results from the incep- tion phase was that important areas for a partnership application was agreed on and the politi- cal bodies, both in An Giang and Piteå, decided that a partnership cooperation will be carried out, if funds are granted.
Strengths and weaknesses
So far, the achievements of the collaboration are that we have established a communication that has built personal relations and an awareness of cultural differences. During the inception phase we achieved a common understanding and could agree on problems areas and objec- tives. We could also realize that we have common problems but in different contexts. The weakness is that people involved are very engaged in many areas and have a lot on their agen- das and can get new positions during the project period.
Local democracy related to the area for cooperation
In the first phase to develop a climate and energy plan a citizens’ dialogue took place through Peoples panel, which resulted in three prioritized areas where one focused on health and cli- mate. In the work of describing the current situation and to identify measures, the business community, the country council, the church as well as different municipal departments and companies were involved. Different working groups have been inviting to various thematic meetings and the draft of the climate and energy plan has since been referred and also been presented on the municipal website.
In order to achieve objectives and targets there was a need for a broad collaboration between multiple players such as municipal groups, industry, organizations, associations, local authori- ties and the citizens. The work has been conducted with some methodological support from The Swedish Energy Agency’s project Sustainable Municipality, where Piteå is one out of 31 municipalities who is further on to the third phase.
An Giang
In An Giang the government system is set up into two directions; bottom up and top down de- cision. However, in some aspects the citizens are not really to participate on project planning, financing and supervision the project. An Giang government wants to build a transparency and grass-root democracy authority, which could be learnt from Sweden and from Piteå.
In An Giang Peoples Committee is very influential in the development of the Society and has a great potential to take decisions that can facilitate a project like this.
Vietnam is known as the second largest exporting country of rice. Rice production has the most important role in the economy of the Mekong delta, which at the same time also is the part of Vietnam that is anticipated to suffer the most serious climate change. Rice straw and rice husk are a potential natural biomass source for energy production. Rice straw could be used for eth- anol production, rice husk (RH) can be used as fuel for electricity and heat generation plants, and rice husk ash (RHA) could be used for production of fertilizer/constructing materials and as a base for producing silicon compounds. As of now, only a small part of rice husk production
has been used as fuel in brick kilns, but most of it has been dumped illegally into the rivers or burnt openly, emitting huge amount of greenhouse gas (GHG).
To develop a strategy program for waste to energy, focusing on waste from rice could be trans- ferred into other areas and give Vietnamese organization a tool for handling environmental problems.
From an economical, social and ecological point of view forestry has for centuries been the base for development in Piteå. The industries consume a lot of energy for their production but during the last ten years the industries are using wood fuel instead of oil. This conversion has contributed to a decrease in fossil CO from 1998 until 2008 with 42 %.
Piteå is a center for development of renewable energy. Research in the energy sector in collab- oration with LTU, Luleå University of Technology, has been carried out for a long time and the results have placed Piteå on the map for development in the area of renewable energy based of forest as feedstock.
There is also a strong expansion of energy technology development at Solander Science Park, an important platform for Piteå’s business environment. At ETC, Energy Technology Center in Piteå, a gasification technology is developed where biomass is used as feedstock. The biomass is mainly from forest residues but also agricultural residues can be used. The owner of the technology developed at ETC is MEVA Innovation. They have recently been funded by SEA, Swedish Energy Agency, where ETC will run tests in order to find technical solutions for turning rice husk to bio energy.
An Giang as well as Piteå are facing great challenges. One is to use bio fuel effectively with a feed stock taken from our respective own geographic area. We also have to become more cost effective but without a negative impact on both environment and health.
Besides the solid and measurable outputs, Vietnamese partners expect that they can gain expe- rience from Swedish partners on: (i) how to manage the community in the manner of grass- roots democracy and transparency; (ii) how to stimulate the local communities to participate in activities of interest for the general society as environmental issues and the protection of pub- lic properties; (iii) how to save the fuel energy and replace them with bio energy.
In a strategy program, waste management plan and local regulations for sanitation, actions taken in the short term targeting the overall objectives will be clarified. The full board in Piteå adopted in 2010 a climate and energy plan, revised a waste management plan and is now work- ing on measures under the Action plan. An Giang is in the beginning of a similar process. Here we all can benefit from exchange of knowledge and experiences, both in the development of strategies and in implementation of policy measures. A key success factor for both An Giang and Piteå is a widespread interaction between several actors as residents, community groups, business, organizations, associations and not least international contacts.
The administration in An Giang will, based on grass roots participation, develop strategies and practical instructions for handling and utilization of the waste from agriculture, but this project will focus on rice waste as it is identified as a major problem.
The network of actors in An Giang that will be involved in the process will be local authorities, private enterprises, researchers and farmers. The work of the network should be based on grass-roots democracy, transparency and community participation, which is an area of knowledge where Piteå has experiences.
In Piteå, democracy, transparency and community participation is one of four strategic areas and has during the last years developed new structured possibilities for people to participate in issues related to the development of the municipality where sustainability is one of these are- as.
One outcome is a decision taken by the full board to prioritize energy as an area for growth and are today collaborating with private enterprises, interest organizations and the university to- wards an attractive and sustainable society. The work towards these objectives is reflected in all areas of activities in the local community, and the municipality has a leading role in this pro- cess.
1. Problem identification
An Giang is facing a major challenge in preventing and controlling pollutions and Green house gas (GHG) emission as well as they have shortage of energy. In An Giang there is neither a plan for agricultural waste management and energy development, nor for turning waste to energy. There is a need for a strategy program for turning waste into energy.
When a delegation from Vietnam visited Piteå, discussions regarding the continuation of the partnership took place. We looked at strengths and weaknesses in our municipalities and elab- orated on what we can learn from each other in our efforts towards a sustainable community in energy and environmental issues. In order to explore differences and similarities we spent time on defining the content of the terminology we used, for example what we mean when we use the term sustainability.
Based on the analyze done in An Giang, where representatives from the target groups partici- pated, through discussions and study visits in each other municipalities we came to the conclu- sion that our partnership should be in the area of climate change impacts, energy and envi- ronmental issues focusing on renewable energy based on waste from rice production.
In the process of formulating the project proposal representatives from both An Giang and Piteå have participated. The process has been prioritized which led to an extra meeting in Upp- sala where we worked on the project proposal and later on used ICT tools for distance meet- ings.
In order to make a change and lay a foundation for changes there is a need for a well structured and process oriented work on a local level which includes the municipality as well as enterpris- es and different organizations, institutes and representatives of targeted groups. In order to identify what actions are needed for a sustainable community at the local level it’s important to analyze the situation of today. This analyze should be the base for the prioritization of the ac- tions.
In December 2010 a climate and energy plan was ratified in Piteå and today we are in the mid- dle of the process to implement it. We are willing to share our knowledge and experiences from the process we are in the middle of with An Giang. Through the cooperation with An Giang we expect to increase our awareness regarding global environmental issues and how
they may affect us. The cooperation will also contribute to the outcome of our revised climate and energy plan that should be presented in 2014.
One expected outcome in An Giang is that we can assist in developing the awareness, knowledge and experience on how to manage the agricultural waste more efficiency and safety to environment by turning waste to energy. We also can share our experiences from have tar- get groups involved in the process of developing a strategy program.
According to political strategies in Piteå, the Municipality of Piteå should develop international relations in order to share knowledge and experiences which both the local life and collaborat- ing partners will benefit from.
6. Nådda målgrupper och deltagare - bifoga deltagarlistor uppdelade på svenska respektive utländska deltagare samt kvinnor och män. Om antalet deltagare ändrats i relation till angivet antal i ansökan, ange orsak. Beskriv även på vilka grunder urvalet av målgrupper och deltagare skedde.
In the application it was said that 50 local politicians/officials and 200 people from the target groups should be reached. We know that we have reached it and more than that. Even if there are lists of participants in all activities we have not calculated how many have participated in more than 1 activitiy. We know that in the project more than 1200 names are there, but a number have participated in more than one activity. These 1200 includes the roughly 600 farmers interviewed. The target groups were chosen due to the targets for the project. In the process, both within the project and also the political will of becoming a green province, has increased the number of participants.
7. Projektets uppnådda mål - ange vilka mål för projektet som sattes upp i ansökan och redogör för vilka mål som faktiskt uppnåtts i projektet. Om inte alla mål uppnåtts, ange orsak. Har både kvinnor och män deltagit i att formulera projektmålet? Har projektet inneburit en lika bra lösning på problemet för kvinnor och män?
1. The target groups are aware and participate in developing a program.
From the start the core group identified the objectives for the project. During the time of the project there has been information/training sessions with the target groups at both district and provinacial leval (farmers, rice mill owners, officials and from the University) and they have been involved in different capacity in the process of produc- ing a waste to energy plan
In the evaluation report it says “In the interviews we heard that knowledge and understanding are good in all the interview groups and we also understand that the knowledge has been shared to other people, and not only the people who were on the workshops. In the T-meeting there were many people that have not been to the workshop, but still they know a lot about
the global sustainability issues in the area of energy and climate.”
2. The cluster network is established and involved in the process with the program of rice husk to energy
In august 2014 a formal bio energy association was formed in An Giang province with more than 100 members from the farming community, the business community and the academic community. Members from this network have also been to Sweden/Piteå during this time and have also participated in the process of turning rice husk to ener- gy. This project has contributed as well as the cooperation with Swedish Energy Agen- cy, SEA and Växjö. In Piteå there have been two seminars during the time with a triple helix perspective and besides that many study visits in the scope of a triple Helix per- spective.
A letter of Understanding has been signed between Luleå technical University, LTU and and HoChiMinh University of Natural resources and Environment - HCMUNRE
A master student from LTU has made a fesibility study in Vietnam regarding gasification plants, financed by SEA. The cooperation between the Universities is according to Professor Xxx Xxxx at LTU a result of the cooperation between Piteå and An Giang.
As a further development of this project a proposal will be submitted to SEA in March 2015 for a pilot demonstration plant in Vietnam, which will be for an integrated system. It will be a joint proposal from LTU and HoChiMinh University of Natural resources and Environment - HCMUNRE
(what result did you state in the proposal and describe what targets you actually has reached Use the indicators from the project proposal Has both men and women benefitted from the results or have it been to any disadvantage for any group)
8. Uppnådda resultat - ange vilka resultat som sattes upp i ansökan och beskriv vad som faktiskt uppnåtts. Följ upp de indikatorer som ni angett i ansökan. Ange också eventuella uppnådda resultat som inte förutsetts eller planerats. Det är inte tillräckligt att redovisa att ”de i ansökan uppställda målen är uppnådda”. Har resultatet av projektet kommit både kvinnor och män till del? Har resultatet medfört negativa konsekvenser för kvinnor eller män?
1. The target groups are aware and participate in developing a program.
1:1 Indicator; a Stategic program on turning waste to energy is approved
This strategic program is based on Chau Thanh district and had an active involvedment of the administration in Chau Thanh. This plan is the first of its kind at provincial leval in Vietnam. The final draft will be presented to PPC (People’s Committee) on December 19 and the plan will be approved the second week in February 2015. This plan is a strategic plan and a proposal is ap- proved by ICLD for an activity plan which is needed in order to make the next step more con- crete.
2: The cluster network is established and involved in the process with the program of rice husk to energy
2:1 At the end of the project 50 local politicians/officials and 200 representatives from target group are trained and have participated in the program.
From the inception to the end of the project 58 tickets (34 men + 24 women) are issued from Vietnam to Piteå, some on their own expences. In the other direction 37 tickets were issued (20 men + 17 women). From the Vietnamese side it is mainly the members of the steering group who have been in Sweden each year, otherwise it is mainly officials from different departments and politicians but we have also had businesspeople here. It has been due to SG meetings, work group meetings, training and study visits.
From Sweden the tickets have been issued for 14 different people, half of them have been on one visit and the others between 2-9 times.
In An Giang there has been training sessions both at provincial leval and at district leval. Exam- ples; March 2013, 70 people participated in training related to the questionaires and in July 2014 (between 5- 12) there were training classes on agricultural waste and data for the GIS data base was collected.
21 officials participated in the training (14 men and 7 women). In relation the the interview sessions there has also been educational sessions.
When we add all the names who have participated in different activities it comes to roughly 1200 from the target groups. We know that a number of them have participated in more than one activity but we have not calculated different individuals
In Piteå; During the project there has been two training weeks with in total 19 participants, The first one in September 2012 with 9 participants with 3 themes; Recycling – waste –energy 2) Policies, strategies and 3) Systems to interact with citizens and organizations and the second one in March 2013 with a theme of Local democracy. In the training were officials and politi- cians from provincial, district leval, from farmers association and from the University in An Giang. Besides that people have participated in training hosted by SEA and Växjö.
Indicator; At the end of the Project at least 30% of the participants are women
In the project as such there has been 29,8 % women participating (see app. 1) Out Of tickets from Vietnam to Piteå 41% were issued for women and in the other direction 45% of the tickets were for women. From the beginning the participation among female farmers was very low but it has increased and at the last meeting in November 2014 it had increased to 58 out of 178 participants. The female farmers are very interested in participating in activities using residues from rice to make improvements and increase earnings.
3. An analysis is done regarding, emissions from rice husk, the need for electricity and the potentials of what rice waste can contribute to cover the need
3:1 Indicator; GIS data base
Today there is a GIS data base for Chau Thanh district and it will be used for special activities and for planning work.
In this process there has been a learning process and a close collaboration between Piteå and An Giang. This GIS data base is the first in An Giang and a first step for An Giang to extend it to other districts in the Provcince.
The GIS data base is an important tool for the authorities in An Giang in their work towards becoming a green province. The national government has approved a grant of 1,3 billion VD (about 65 000 US $) in order to be able to fulfill this step and a part of these money was spent on this special server which today is installed in the Information department in the provincial capital Long Xuyen.
A GPS group from the Provincial level has collected GPS data in order to be able to map geo- graphic information. 625 interviews were made from the target groups, (557 men and 68 women). The collected information is so far stored in excel sheets and as the information is limited it works, but it will be necessary to further develop the GIS data base when they will increase the information for the whole Province. The information given in the questionnaires became also an important tool when describing the situation of today in the rice- to energy plan for Chau Thanh district.
9. Genomförda aktiviteter - berätta vad som gjorts i relation till vad ni angett i ansökan - tidsplan, genomförande, vilka insatser som genomförts i vilket land, program för genomförda seminarier, workshops och studiebesök etc. Här måste en förklaring av vad som faktiskt har gjorts redovisas och det räcker inte med att skriva t ex ”Xxxx avvikelser från vad som tagits upp i ansökan finnes”. Om inte alla i ansökan angivna aktiviteter genomförts, ange orsak. Redovisa ev. omdisponering av aktiviteter. Har både kvinnor och män deltagit i aktiviteterna?
When you plan for a project you make a schedule for what you think is needed to fulfill the aims and objectives but in the process you have to adjust. We have done what we said that we would do but maybe not always when we said it would be done. The main reason is that things take more time than in your calculations.
Comments to the activities;
Online meetings
In the project proposal we said that we were going to have on line meetings every month- we haven’t. We had it during the first phase of the project but it was not worth while as it did not work well. Without a chat function it had been completely useless. During the last year we have had a couple of video- conference meetings which have been great – but the disadvantage compared to web is that we have only two spots – one in each country.
On the other hand we have had regular contacts and been involved at different levals in the different activities.
Men and women
Men and women have been involved in the different activities. Those running the project are mainly women who have done a big part of both planning and carried it out. In one target group, the rice mill owners, there are no women. In the different activities both men and wom- en have participated and been as active as the men. Here is a presentation of the activities and nu,bers sho have participated and even the names in a number of them.
Time | Total Number | Women | Men | Note |
Vietnam to Pitea | ||||
2011 – pre study (12-17/3/2011) | 18 | 7 | 11 | 3 business comminity 2 from University 13 Officials |
2012 | 15 | 6 | 9 | 2 from University 2 from PPC 1 from Farmer assosiation 10 offiicials from different departments |
September 2012 | 09 | 4 | 5 | Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxx, L{ Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxx, Xx Xxx Xxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx Xxx |
November 2012 | 06 | 2 | 4 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx, Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx |
2013 | 20 | 7 | 13 | 1 from Council Committee 2 from PPC 2 from district PC 1 from AGU 14 offiicials |
March 2013: - Grass roof democracy in New rural area program, - Transparency in Administrative management - Climite change | 10 | 3 | 7 | Xx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xx Xxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxxxx, Xx Xxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxx, Xx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx |
June 2013: MCmeeting | 10 | 4 | 6 | Xxx Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Bà Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Bà Xxxx Xxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Bà Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Bà Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx |
2014 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 from PPC 1 from university 2 officials |
May 2014: MC meeting | 5 | 4 | 1 | Ông Hồ Việt Hiệp, Bà Thái Xxxx Xxxx, Bà Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Bà Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx và Bà Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx |
Training/activities | ||||
27/11/2012 Meeting with target group in Chau Thanh district -Working with farmers, head of local government about the project (activity, role of target groups) -Show and explain about quesionnaire -Testing the quesionnaires (divided into small groups to investigate) -Survey in Xxxx Xxxx xxxxxxx and farmers | 50 | 5 | 45 | - Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx - 10 officials: 5/10 iswomen (Xxxx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx ,Xxxxxx xxx Xxxx Xxxx ,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx ,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx ,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx ,Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx ,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxx) - 30 farmers - 10 business community |
26/11/2012: MC meeting in PPC -Presenting the worked contentof Monitoring Commit- tee in Sweden. (Mrs. Xxxx) -Presenting the worked contentof Monitoring Commit- tee in Viet Nam. (Mr. Thư) -Result of Training trip in Sweden (group of 9 people) (Mrs. Xxxx) -Discuss on establishment of the Steering Committee to implement environmental projects funded by the Swe- dish government Woring plan of Monitoring Committee and members of project The role of both sides (Sweden– Vietnam) -Working in groups (3 groups: the plan in year , question- naire and tools are used for farmers, flowchart) | 16 | 6 | 10 | - Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx - Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx ,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx ,Xxxx Xxx Xxx ,Xx Xxx Xxxxx ,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx ,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx ,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx ,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx |
30/11/2012: Wrap-up meeting at Department of Natural resources and Environment Modify the questionare and collecting data in Châu Thành Building Website fully Energy and Climite change plan Establishing cooperation network to inform to all target groups about reusing agricultural by-product, improving awareness of environment management Preparing for the next meeting of monitoring group in Sweden | 12 | 4 | 8 | - Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx - Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx ,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xx Xxx Xxxx ,Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx ,Xx Xxxxx Xxxx ,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx ,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx ,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx |
March 2013: Testing questionnaire in Chau Thanh district | 70 | 5 | 65 | 18: Ricemills+Rice dryer 17: Farmers 35: Local officials |
September 2013 (Xxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx): MC meeting in HCMC | 8 | 5 | 3 | MC group: Mr. Thu, Mrs. Xxxxx, Mrs. Xxxx and Mrs. Ha, Ms. Xxxx Xxx, Ms. Phuong, Ms. Vo, Mr. Phuong |
“write for the web” training in IT central | 12 | 4 | 8 | Participant: Mrs. Xxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Mrs. Xxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Mr. Xxxx Xxxxx, Mr. Xxxx Xxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Ms.Xxx, Ms.Xxxx, |
Mr. Xxxx, Mr. Cang, Mr. Phu- ong, Mr. Thanh, Ms.Vo, | ||||
Nov 2013 Tool for alnalysis data base | 8 | 1 | 7 | Mr. Xx, Mr. Xxxxxxx, Mr. Kien, Mr. Xxxxx, Mr. Xxxxx, Mr. Toan, Mr. Hai, Mr. Xxxxx, Mr. Vinh, Mrs. Oanh |
July 2013 Traning class on agriculture waste and inter- viewed tocollect GIS data in Chau Thanh district | 625 | 68 | 557 | Farmers, owners of ricemills, rice dryers and local man- agentment staff |
July 2013: Officials attended interview and training | 21 | 7 | 14 | Officials |
August 2014: Meeting between avaluators with tarrget groups in Chau Thanh disstrict | Ms. Xxxxxx and Mr. Binh Farmers, owners of ricemills, rice dryers and local man- agentment staff | |||
November 2014: Dissemination seminar in Chau Thanh district | 178 | 58 | 120 | Officials, Farmers, owners of xxxx xxxxx, rice dryers and local managentment staff |
Steering group committee meeting | ||||
30/10/2012: report of all cooperative projects between An Giang and Sweden | 11 | 5 | 6 | Mr. Năng, Mr. Thư, Mrs. Xxxx, Mr. Phép, Mr. Quân, Mrs. Kiều, Ms. Tuyến, Ms. Vô, Mr. Cẩn, Mr. Xxxx, Mrs. Xxxxx |
22/11/2012: Discuss membersof Steering group com- mittee and preparation for visit of Pitea | 12 | 5 | 7 | Mr. Năng, Mr. Thư, Mrs. Xxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Mrs. Xxxx Xxxx, Ms. Tuyến, Ms. Vô, Mr. Cẩn, Mrs. Xxxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Mr. Xxx, Mr. Toàn |
9/3/2013 Report of approved project, detaited planning of 3 project | 16 | 6 | 10 | Mr. Năng, Mr. Phả, Mr. Phép, Mrs. Xxxx, Mr. Thư, Mrs. Xx, Mrs. Xxxxx, Ms. Tuyến, Mr. Toàn, Mr. Xxxx, Mrs. Xxxx Xxxx, Mr. Xxxxx, Mr. Xxxx, Mr. Cẩn, Mr. Nhơn, Ms. Vô |
20/3/2013: Update situation ofcarrying out activities in 03 project and comment on detaited planning activities of 3 project | 17 | 6 | 11 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx ,Xx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx |
Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,L{ Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx | ||||
1/4/2013: Discussabout difficulities in carrying our pro- ject activities – training and interview on Xxxx Xxxxx district | 11 | 6 | 5 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx Xxx, Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx |
25/6/2013: difficulities in carrying our project activities, money allocation, progress of ativities | 21 | 6 | 15 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xx Xxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx |
23/7/2013: Report result ofinterview and data analysis, preparation for workshop in HCMC | 16 | 6 | 10 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,L{ Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxx |
Xxxx Xxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx | ||||
23/9/2013: Checking preparation for workshop in HCMC | 19 | 8 | 11 | Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xx Xx Xxxx,Xxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,L{ Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxxxx Xxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxxxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx |
11/2013 | 11 | 5 | 6 | (Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx) Huynh The Nang,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx ,Xx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Giang,Le Thanh Phong,Thai Xxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx |
7/11//2014: report preparation with the delegation Pitea, Sweden and the progress of implementationof project activities and content proposed new projects | 19 | 8 | 11 | Xx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxxxx Xx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxx,Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xxx Xxxx |
Xxxxxx Xxxxx | ||||
20/11/2014: Xx Xxxxx - Xxxxx Evaluation Different activities that have been carried out in this pro- ject and brief report on “rice waste to energy plan Content of new proposal Open discusion on which lessons we have learned from the project and bring into the next one | 22 | 11 | 11 | (Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx- xxxxx, Xxx Xxxx) - Xx Xxxx Xxxx,Thái Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxxx Triết,Xx Xxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,L{ Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xxxx Xxxx Xxx,Xxxx Xxx Xxx,Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx,Xxxxxx Xx Xxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxxx Xxx Xxx Xx,Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxx,Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx,Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx,Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx,Xx Xxxxx Xxxxx ... |
Xxxxx visited An Giang | ||||
March 2012: Clarification of role, madate, expectaions and detailed planning of the year Group working: Media , Electricity power plan and ation plan for CEP and GIS | 9 | 3 | 6 | Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx |
November 2012 (25/11/2012 to 30/11/2012): - MC meeting: report of cooperation result, discussion on trainning plan and next activities in 2013 - testing questionaire in Xxxx Xxxxx - GIS database - outline for the climite and energy plan | 4 | 2 | 2 | Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx |
February 2013: outline for the climite and energy plan | 4 | 3 | 1 | (Xx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx |
Xxxxxxxxxx) Mr.Xxx, Mrs. Ha, Mrs. Truyen, Mrs. Xuan | ||||
September 2013: Gis database Rice waste to energy plan MC meeting “write for theweb” | 2 | 1 | 1 | Xxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx |
October 2013: Attended Open House and meeting in HCMC | 1 | 1 | Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx | |
November 2013: Writing rice waste to energy MC meeting | 7 | 3 | 4 | Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx- xxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx- xxxx |
August 2014 | 7 | 6 | 1 | Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxx, Ms Xxx Xx, Mrs Xx, Mrs Xxxx Xxxx, Mrs Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Ms Xxxx Xxx |
November 2014: Steering group meeting Result of project - Gis database, what we have done and what need to be finished New proposal | 4 | 2 | 2 | Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx- xxxxx, Xxx Xxxx |
10. Hållbarhet och spridning – beskriv hur projektets resultat kan bestå med tiden och hur resultatet har spridits och kommer att spridas inom kommunerna och till utomstående.
Even if this project will close the work will not end. It has been a start for a continuation. After the PPC has approved the plan it will be used in cooperation with the other districts and an action plan must be developed and it will be in the nest ICLD project. There will be an overall responsibility for the PPC to see that it will be carried out in order to reach the target of becom- xxx x xxxxx province. The action plan will be an extreamly important tool to materialize the ideas in the strategic plan. It also means that the plan will be a base for allocating resources to fulfill the ideas presented in the action plan.
During the project web sites have been used for dessimination, both of the project and the nessecity of becoming a green province for survival and development. Seminars have been held and will continue, articles have been presented in both countries and in Vietnam there is a wish to use Television and radio more than today.
During the project time there has been seminars also together with the other Swedish counter- parts and the project has been presented at national level.
Besides an activity plan there will hopefully be research cooperation between LTU and HCMUNRE where they will gain deeper knowledge regarding use of rice husk for producing electricity using gasification technology. This means a potential for business development where Swedish Technology (MEWA owned) will have a possibility to be introduced at the Asian market for small scale electricity plants. Xxxx has both been visited and been part of the visit to Vietnam and this project has contributed to deepen the contacts.
Linked to the project tests have been running at Energy Technology Center, ETC in Piteå and it shows that husk has almost the same value for energy production as rescudies from the forest- ry. This has increased interest for further research which hopefully will be done in a research plant in Vietnam in collaboration between LTU and HUMRE.
11. Minskning av fattigdomen – beskriv om projektet har bidragit till att minska fattigdomen direkt eller indirekt. Fattigdom har många dimensioner. Den består inte bara av brist på materiella tillgångar utan även av brist på inflytande, valmöjligheter, andra möjligheter och trygghet. Vissa förutsättningar för hållbar minskning av fattigdomen är demokratiskt styrelsesätt, ekonomisk och social utveckling och ett hållbart användande av miljön.
To say that a 3- year project has changed people’s life I think would be to overestimate what has been done. But we are convinced that in this project seeds are sown that will contribute to change of life at a personal leval, at district leval and provincial leval.
When the project started the rice husk was burned or dumped into the river. Today the farmers are paied a small amount for the husk and it is also used for making pellets or briquettes on a small scale. As the awareness has increased regarding the possibilities of turning rice waste into a resource there are possibilities for developing small business. During the last meeting with the farmers in November 2014 many ideas were brought up by the farmers which partly could be carried out in a new project. There were also ideas regarding cooperative investments for using the rice straws more effectivily which would both have positive effects on the climate and contribute to an increased income.
One positive effect has also been the methods used in the project, to involve the target groups. To do it this way is something new, from telling to ask, listen and involve. Then it is also im- portant not to just leave the target groups but to build on the results from the project for fur- ther development. This has contributed to awareness rising, to insights that there are possibili- ties for development which will contribute both to more money in the pocket, being an active partner for your own development and that your voice has a value.
12. Ömsesidighet – beskriv i vilken omfattning projektet har varit betydelsefullt och till nytta för parterna i båda länderna. Hur har ömsesidigheten beaktats i planeringsfasen, genomförandet o.s.v. Vad har de medverkande upplevt och dragit
för lärdomar av projektet? Vilka är de starkaste intrycken från samarbetet? Tänk på att det är möjligt för parterna att dra nytta på olika sätt i samma projekt.
In all reports we have said that we connected well already when we met the first time and dur- ing the process of developing our project proposal. This has not changed during the time; on the contrary it has deepened. This has lead to growing trust unvaluable for the working climate and to friendship. We always invite each other to our homes, which also mean that we learn a lot about each other when it comes both to living conditions and traditions. For example we Swedes have seen the practive of generations living together and the Vietnamese have realized how important privacy are for Swedes, and how gender issues work in practical life.
We have addresses issues related to working in different kind of organizations and also seen the effects of it. This long relation where the core group has mainly been the same has in- creased our understanding and given us perspectives on both working life and the personal sphere. This also means that people involved in the project want to continue if it is possible due to their work. This also means that you have already taken a few steps in a new project.
A group from An Giang and two from the Swedish steering group met in August and spent 3 days together working with these questions for the submitted application and likewise 3 from the Swedish steering group and 4 from An Giang met for 3 days before the final SG meeting to work together with the rice waste to energy plan and prepared for the final report. It was valu- able.
Here we also spent a session for reflecting on what we have learned from working in the pro- ject which we also presented at the final workgroup meeting.
Allocate time Quite soon it was clear that time was needed in order to carry out this project. As an effect of that PMU was formed in An Giang and people allocated to work with the projects between Sweden and Piteå and some were allocated for this special project. In Piteå an international coordinator was ap- pointed who also has been the project leader. But we see that it is extreamly important that a project like this is well grounded in the organization in order to let people who are involved in the project use working hours for the tasks
that need to be carried out. In the long run it can’t be based on voluntary work, as it partly has been- both in Vietnam and in Sweden. What we had foreseen was that people could change both positions, work tasks and move to other or- ganizations during the project. All that has happened but we have been able to handle it as the core group has, to a big extent, been the same during the time for the project.
Roles and responsibilities. In the project we have worked quite a lot with re- sponsibilities and it has been a clear development in that respect. In the start a lot of the responsibilities were on the Swedish side but during the project there has been a positive development and in the end of the project we can see that the responsibilities are shared between the two partners and we have stated that we have grown together in the process.
Good working climate. We think that this has been the base in our project in order to reach the goals in the project. Trust has been the base, fun has been a spice and the result has been that one plus one has become three. It means that the working climate has been caractirized of a very open athmosphere
without prestige where we have tried to find common solutions and we think that all have felt empowered after our common sessions. When there have been problems we have been able to address them and found solutions. The working climate has been based on equlity and together we have grown in the process.
Common goal outside the scope of the project. The scope for the project is an area which is of great importance both in Sweden and in Vietnam. We are fac- ing global issues from local perspectives and we realize that what is done in Sweden and in Vietnam is of great importance- even if it is in different con- texts. We also realize that all the small steps we take will contribute to nesses- ary changes. The work has increased our commitment both for the organiza- tions and for individuals. One effect has been that one of the members who changed position and now is responsible for a conglomerate of businesses in the food sector for southern Vietnam stimulate the rice farmers to grown high quality and eco rice and will see that those farmers will have a market for its products. The work we have done together also has contributed to a transpar- ency approach in this company.
One common report/ proposal/ From the start we have made proposals and reports together. We have met for the purpose and finalized them through e- mails. This has been very valuable as this means that it has given us opportuni- ties to on an equal base address all the different aspects together.
Stability in the project (politicians + staff) there has been changes, people have got new positions or responsibilities but during the project there a base in the same core group has been the same. This has been very valuable as it has given new people a possibility to grow into the project and become project car- riers. In the new project many from the first project will remain.
Recommendations to ICLD There are advantages of not having a large budget. It means that we have tried to find low costs accomodations etc. in order to bring more people to Sweden as we see that one important part is to let people be exposed and gain new knowledge and experiences. But anyhow there are certain things that would benefit a project if there could be a xxxxxx.Xx this field we can see that there are things to learn from neighbouring countries and it would benefit a new project that some meeting could be held in a neighboring country in order to learn from them. It would also be good that there would be a certain part of the budget that could be used more flexible for training activities/seminars between the meetings and cover basic needs as luches, refreshments etc, for participants.
13. Xxxxx - ange projektets påverkan på miljön. Miljöaspekter kan finnas i såväl val av transportmedel som i diskussioner som förts.
In this respect a main part has been environment or linked to the environment. As mentioned before one positive effect in the Mekong delta is that no rice husk is duped into the river any longer, due to the increased awareness. This project has contributed to that. Rice factories have started to use rice husk for producing pellets and briquettes used in their boilers. But a lot remains to be done- but a process has started where we can see the effects. Rice straw is an- other waste which the farmers still mainly burn but the awareness regarding the straw has increased and processes have started of turning straw into valuables for mushroom growing and as fertilizer.
One of the members in the SG has since last year become the city mayor and one of his first tasks will be to make a waste management plan for the city of Long Xuyen if the application with Växjö will be granted. His visits to Piteå have also contributed to that.
When it comes to meetings there is no choice, we have to go by air. But what we have done is to try to coordinate the visits in Sweden between SEA, Växjö and Piteå in order to save time, money and environment.
14. Jämställdhet - beskriv hur projektet påverkat eller förbättrat mäns respektive kvinnors situation, rättigheter och skyldigheter samt hur det tagits hänsyn till deras behov och förutsättningar. Ange vem/vilka som fått nytta av resultaten.
We said in the project proposal that we hoped that it would engage women at least 30% of the participants would be women. If we calculate the figures 29,8 % who have participated in the project are women but if we have succeeded the answer is yes and no.
In the steering committee there has been equal men and women, both in number and in partic- ipating, in running the project there has been more women than men, in training in Piteå there has been 7 women and 12 men but when it comes to rice mill owners only men and farmers mostly men but the participation of women has increased and at the last meeting in Chau Tanh 58 out of 178 were women. One important thing is the increasing number of women among the farmers and that they can see that there are possibilities for them to be engaged in activi- ties that will improve their quality of life and that they also can speak up in a congregation dominated by men.
If the women among the farmers will be more active it will be important that activities will be organized in such a way that will enable the women to participate. The lessons learned from this will be taken into consideration in the next project- if approved.
15. Samarbetsklimat - beskriv hur samarbetsklimatet upplevts under projektet. Beskriv också roll- och ansvarsfördelningen mellan parterna. Beskriv vilken roll samordnaren och lednings- och samordningskommitténs har haft i projektet.
As said before it has been more than good. Roles and responsibilities between the partners have roughly been;
The project leader in Sweden plan, organize, prepare and conduct
Planning for activities in Sweden and in cooperation with the Vietnamese partner for activities both in Sweden and Vietnam
Organise and chair meetings with the Swedish participants
Organise and prepare the programs and logisticts when the Vietnamese partners are in Sweden
Prepare for training and partly conduct training Host the Vietname delegation
Prepare for visits in Vietnam Coordinate with other actors in Sweden Keep project participants updated Prepare for SG meetings
Have regular contacts with Vietnam Information on the Swedish website
Write reports/proposals and do documentation and be contact person with ICLD
The Vietnamese project leader which also have an assistan to carry out the tasks
Planning for activities in Vietnam and in cooperation with the Swedish partner for activ- ities both in Sweden and Vietnam
Organize internal meetings
Prepare and conduct activities in the project carried out in Vietnam
Organise and prepare the programs and logisticts when the Swedish partners are in Vi- etnam
Prepare for training and partly conduct training Host the Swedish delegation
Prepare for the visits to Sweden
Coordinate with the other Swedish programs Coordinate with counterparts in Vietnam Keep project participants updated
Have regular contacts with Sweden Prepare for SG meetings
See that there is information on the Vietnamese website Be active in report writing and project proposals
The Steering group has met twice a year and in Vietnam they have also had meetings in be- tween the two stipulated yearly meetings and participated in workgroup meetings with the Swedes. It has been to take decisions and have activities approved as they have had a local budget for training/seminar activities in Vietnam. In Sweden there have been informal meet- ings with SG members and a couple of them have also been to Vietnam and participated in workgroup meetings of different kinds. But they have during the whole process even here been informed of the development. In Sweden the projectleader can take her own decisions as long as they are in the framework of the project and if there have been issues to address regarding financial issues they have been discussed with ICLD.
To summarize it we have had on both sides have active and engaged steering group members who to a great extent taking part in the development of the project.
16. Övriga finansiärer – uppge eventuella övriga finansiärer och redovisa de medel som beviljats av dessa.
Piteå Municipality has had an extra grant of 50.000 X.Xx yearly to cover costs that can’t be cov- ered by the ICLD budget. In An Giang they have also had a budget. See below nr 19.
In Piteå it has been for local transportation and different activities during their stay here. This year it was a round-trip in the county looking at how we use our natural resources when it comes to water and forests.
17. Redovisning av kostnader - i förhållande till beviljad budget och genomförda aktiviteter - redovisa både den beviljade budgeten och det faktiska utfallet för respektive poster. Använd den budget ni blivit beviljad och fyll i utfallet i avsedd kolumn. Verifikationer skall ej skickas in till ICLD, men finnas tillgängliga i kommunens bokföring. Kostnaderna ska verifieras genom utdrag ur bokföringsjournal eller motsvarande samt vara undertecknad av ekonomichef eller motsvarande.
As you can see from the budget sheet we have to reimburse ICLD this year. It has to do with prepayment and that the only visit from An Giang during 2014 was in con- nection with the SC meeting in May 2014.
The reason for that was that the activities that needed to be carried out in order to fulfill the targets were in An Giang.
o Kostnaderna skall redovisas exklusive moms.
o Lönekostnader redovisas på följande sätt: Timkostnad=månadslön/165+ PO påslag (sociala avgifter). Använd avsedd blankett för redovisning av lönekostnader.
Alla beviljade medel måste granskas av revisor innan redovisningen skickas till ICLD. Revisionsintyg måste bifogas redovisningen.
18. Utbetalning – Ange på vilket postgiro/bankgiro/konto medlen ska sättas in. PG 127230-1
19. Den utländska samarbetspartens bidrag - ange vilka resurser - personal, omkostnader som lokaler, tolkar, transporter, uppehälle etc. – samarbetsparten bidragit med i projektet.
An Giang PPC has set aside 1.323.000.000 VNDong but spent 1.054.512.399 Dong. ( see appen- dix
20. Rapport från den utländska samarbetsparten - i redovisningen ska det finnas en undertecknad rapport på engelska från samarbetsparten där denna anger vad den
anser sig ha fått ut av projektet. (Om redovisningen skrivits tillsammans räcker en underskrift på själva redovisningen.)
21. Den utländska samarbetspartens godkännande av slutrapport och kostnadsredovisning - samarbetspartens projektansvarige ska genom att underteckna slutrapporten och kostnadsredovisningen godkänna den redovisning den svenska parten lämnar till ICLD.
22. Fortsatt samarbete. Är det troligt att parterna kommer att fortsätta samarbeta? Har ni i så fall någon tanke om samarbetsområde eller tidsperspektiv? Planerar ni att inkomma med någon ny ansökan under det kommande året?
A new application has been submitted and approved.
23. Kontakten med ICLD. Hur har ni upplevt kontakten med ICLD? Ser ni något som skulle kunna förbättras eller kanske något som var särskilt värdefullt?
It has been fine. Many times it has though been hard to get hold of anyone but when you get a contact people are always helpful and good to talk to.
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Box 1125
621 57 Visby
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