Detta avtal (”Avtalet”) har ingåtts mellan Italfarmaco Nordics (”Italfarmaco”) via CampusPharma AB, xxx.xx. 553564-0287, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 000 00 Xxxxxxxx (”CampusPharma”), och Insamlingsstiftelsen för Muskeldystrofiforskning (SMDF), xxx.xx. 822003 – 3552, c/o Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, 000 00 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx. (”Mottagaren”)
Parterna har mot ovanstående bakgrund därför enats om följande.
Italfarmaco Nordics The Park Forskaren
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0,
113 68 Stockholm
Under den legala enheten: CampusPharma AB
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 000 00 Xxxxxxxx
Xxx.xx. 553564-0287
4.2 Parterna är ense om att en kortversion av denna överenskommelse kommer att publiceras i LIFs samarbetsdatabas enligt Läkemedelsbranschens etiska regelverk.
5.1 Italfarmaco har utsett Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, x00 000000000, x.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx som kontaktperson i frågor som rör denna överenskommelse.
5.2 Föreningen SMDF har utsett Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, xxxxx@xxxx.xx, som kontaktperson i frågor som rör denna överenskommelse.
6 Behandling av personuppgifter
6.5 CampusPharma AB är personuppgiftsansvarig för behandling av personuppgifter enligt detta avtal. Registrerade har rätt att begära rättelse av felaktiga eller ofullständiga personuppgifter som rör honom eller henne. Vidare har en registrerad rätt att begära att få information om CampusPharma behandlar några personuppgifter om honom eller henne och, om så är fallet, tillgång till de personuppgifter som rör honom eller henne. Vid klagomål på CampusPharmas behandling av personuppgifter har den registrerade rätt att vända sig till Datainspektionen.
6.6 Vid frågor om CampusPharmas behandling av personuppgifter enligt denna bestämmelse kan den registrerade kontakta CampusPharma genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till CampusPharmas dataskyddsombud på xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx , alternativt ett brev till CampusPharmas postadress som anges i ingressen till detta avtal.
7.1 Denna överenskommelse gäller från den dagen alla parter har skrivit under till 2024-12-30
9 Sista datum för underskrivet avtal i retur till Italfarmaco
Denna överenskommelse har upprättats i två likalydande exemplar varav parterna erhållit varsitt.
Italfarmaco Nordics The Park Forskaren
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0,
113 68 Stockholm
Under den legala enheten: CampusPharma AB
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 000 00 Xxxxxxxx
Xxx.xx. 553564-0287
SMDF, datum | Italfarmaco Nordics, datum |
Xxxxx Xx Xxxxx Djärv Ordförande | KG Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Rare Disease lead |
Campuspharma AB, datum _AS Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx VD |
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Italfarmaco
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Reform Society
Roche, Italfarmaco, SMDF and DBMD will collaborate to promote awareness of the disease and highlight the conditions that those affected live under during Duchenne Awareness Day, which happens on September 7, 2024.
New assignment
Reform Society offers the following services to Italfarmaco for World Duchenne Day (WDD):
1. Drafting a media brief, coaching the PAG-representative, contacting and attempting to sell it as either a TV/radio news segment or a news article/interview to several different news outlets, aiming for at least one news outlet to run the story/segment. Priority will be given to making it a morning news segment in the form of a studio interview (morgonsoffa).
2. Production (by Reform Society) of a written interview article, featuring a video clip, with a parent of chid with Xxxxxxxxx who tells the story of what it is like to receive this diagnosis, coping with the illness and hopes for the future. This article is intended to be made available for publication on the PAG website(s) and dissemination in PAG social media.
3. Follow-up meeting with the patient organizations to evaluate the
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 00 · 000 00 Xxxxxxxxx
Org nr 556866–8973 · pg 61 60 27-9 · bg 5238–8493
activity and plan next steps and possible additional activities/areas of cooperation going forward.
For the proposed activities, Reform Society will charge 86 000 SEK:
Step 1 (see above) | 40 000 SEK |
Step 2 (see above) | 40 000 SEK |
Step 3 (see above) | 6 000 SEK |
TOTAL | 86 000 SEK |
This is a joint project with Roche Sverige AB, where both companies support the PAG-organizations by tasking Reform Society with carrying out the above assignments, which have been outlined in cooperation with the PAG- organisations. The cost is split evenly between Italfarmaco and Roche. The 86 000 SEK above is Italfarmaco’s share of a total cost of 172 000 kr.
All proposals are valid for 30 days from the date of signature.
Confirmation of assignments
The assignment is approved by the client by signing the proposal or the Agreement or using Reform Society's services according to the assignment description or the Agreement.
Execution of the assignment
Reform Society undertakes to carry out the assignment within agreed time and cost limits; but reserves itself for deviations from the pre-conditions of the assignment, assignment changes and circumstances beyond Reform Society's control. Reform Society has the right to use subcontractors; but must inform the client of this.
Reform Society has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the client suspends payments, enters into liquidation or becomes bankrupt or insolvent.
Policies for charges
Reform Society shall charge the client a fee in accordance with the Agreement on a fixed price for a certain project or for time spent in accordance with applicable hourly rates. Unless otherwise agreed, Reform Society charges fee per hour spent.
If the actual time spent deviates significantly from what was expected, Reform Society is entitled to negotiate additional charges.
If the client wants Reform Society to provide services that are not part of an agreed assignment, Reform Society has the right to charge extra according to the current hourly rate, unless a specific price has been agreed for such additional services.
In order to cover office expenses directly attributable to the client’s projects, Reform Society charges a 5% surcharge on fees. This includes costs for telephones, courier services, printing, copying, article searches in Retriever, TT calendar checks, postage and travel within the greater Stockholm area, use of meeting rooms in connection with workshops, i.e. costs that are directly attributable to the project’s implementation.
The surcharge does not include travel expenses outside the greater Stockholm area or other expenses. Other expenses are charged at actual cost. Reform Society charges a 10% surcharge to cover capital costs and management of subcontractor invoices.
Invoicing procedures
Unless otherwise agreed in the Agreement with the client, the following invoicing procedures shall apply:
Projects with a total fee of less than SEK 80,000 will be invoiced after work has been completed. Projects with a total fee exceeding SEK 80,000 are invoiced with 50% at the start of the project and 50% after the completion of the project. Projects with a total fee exceeding SEK 200,000 are invoiced according to an agreed invoicing plan.
For ongoing assignments, Reform Society charges the client on the 15th of each month for work done during prior the month. Payment terms are due 20 days from date of invoice.
VAT (moms)
All proposals and prices from Reform Society are quoted excluding VAT (MOMS). Reform Society's operations are subject to VAT (MOMS). Reform Society holds an F-tax certificate.
In case of late payment from clients, Reform Society will send a reminder.
Interest is charged after the invoice maturity date with the reference rate of the Swedish Riksbank and an additional 8 percentage points per month, in accordance with article 6 of the Swedish Interest Act (SFS 1975:635).
The client acquires the right of disposal for the documents and other materials produced by Reform Society when full settlement for the work has been paid.
The client is not entitled to assign or lease the right to such material without the written approval of Reform Society. Materials that Reform Society has designated as internal or confidential may not be distributed to third parties.
Reform Society is responsible for its subcontractors waiving the right of disposal to this extent. Any remuneration for this will be charged to the client.
In all other respects Reform Society is not responsible for any copyright or other intellectual property right conferred to our subcontractors.
It is incumbent on the client to settle any remuneration owing to such copyright or other intellectual property right directly with relevant subcontractor of Reform Society.
Reform Society retains the right to use the customer's logo and name on its website and in other promotional materials.
The client will not directly or indirectly engage or participate in the solicitation or attempt to solicit or in any manner encourage consultants to work for it. Such an inquiry must go to the staff manager at Reform Society. In the event of hiring a consultant, the recruitment fee is equivalent to three full months' salary of that consultant.
Reform Society treats the client’s trade secrets and other details of a company-specific nature with confidentiality. Reform Society do not speak to third parties about its work unless the client has given its permission.
Suspended work and postponement of work
If assignments are canceled or postponed at the client's initiative, full compensation will be paid to the Reform Society under the originally signed agreement. The client has the right to cancel or postpone the agreed assignments only if this is agreed in writing and only subject to the terms indicated at that time.
Reform Society is not liable for any damages if it have exercised normal prudence. Reform Society is not liable under any circumstances for indirect damages such as lost profits, loss of goodwill and similar damages. Any claims must be submitted in writing to Reform Society no later than four weeks after completion of the work.
Force majeure
Reform Society shall not be held liable or responsible to the client nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached the Agreement for failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any obligation under the Agreement when such failure or delay is caused by or results from causes beyond our control. Such causes include acute illness, governmental action, new or amended legislation, labor market conflicts and thus equal circumstances.
The Parties' rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of Sweden without regards to its conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitrations of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The parties undertake to keep the arbitration procedure concerning this Agreement confidential. No matter what kind of information, documentation or other material relating to the arbitration process is disclosed during the arbitration process, the information may only be used in the arbitration process.
Electronically signed by: Xxxxx Xxxxx
Date: Sep 6, 2024 05:50 GMT+2
Electronically signed by: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sep 6, 2024 06:41 GMT+2
Electronically signed by: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sep 6, 2024 08:00 GMT+2
Samarbetsavtal SMDF Italfarmaco Sep 2024 v2
By: Status:
Transaction ID:
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) Signed
Final Audit Report 2024-09-06
"Samarbetsavtal SMDF Italfarmaco Sep 2024 v2" History
Document created by Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx)
2024-09-05 - 8:28:09 PM GMT
Document emailed to xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx for signature
2024-09-05 - 8:29:48 PM GMT
Email viewed by xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
2024-09-05 - 9:41:03 PM GMT
Xxxxxx xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx entered name at signing as Xxxxx Xxxxx
2024-09-06 - 3:50:02 AM GMT
Document e-signed by Xxxxx Xxxxx (xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxx.xx)
Signature Date: 2024-09-06 - 3:50:04 AM GMT - Time Source: server
Document emailed to x.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx for signature
2024-09-06 - 3:50:05 AM GMT
Email viewed by x.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
2024-09-06 - 4:39:32 AM GMT
Signer x.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx entered name at signing as Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
2024-09-06 - 4:41:24 AM GMT
Document e-signed by Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (x.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx)
Signature Date: 2024-09-06 - 4:41:26 AM GMT - Time Source: server
Document emailed to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) for signature
2024-09-06 - 4:41:27 AM GMT
Email viewed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx)
2024-09-06 - 5:59:41 AM GMT
Document e-signed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx)
Signature Date: 2024-09-06 - 6:00:30 AM GMT - Time Source: server
Agreement completed.
2024-09-06 - 6:00:30 AM GMT