Exhibit 10.74
Hyresgivare Oy KWH Plast Ab, Jakobstad
Hyrestagare Isora Oy
Hyresobjektet och dess anvanding
Av bilaga 1 framgaende produktions- och kontorsutrymmen
vilka ar belagna pa xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, samt
yttre omraden enligt bilaga 2, punkt 3.
Hyresobjektet skall anvandas for Hyrestagarens
industriella verksamhet.
Hyrestid Hyrestiden ar 5 ar, fran 12 april 1995 till 12 april
2000. Hyresavtalet kan uppsagas av bade hyrestagaren och
hyresgivaren fore avtalad hyrestids utgang enligt
bestammelser som ingar i bilagda allmanna villkor.
Hyra Hyran ar 325 000 mark per ar. Fran och med ar 1996 och
under de darpa foljande aren justeras hyran en gang per
ar sa att hyran motsvarar 325 000 mark okad med den
forandring i levnadskostnadsindex (medeltal under aret)
som skett fran och med ar 1995 till respektive hyresar.
Forhandsratt att forhandla om kop
Ifall tredje part onskar kopa en del eller hela
hyresobjektet pa villkor som hyresgivaren ar beredd att
acceptera, har hyrestagaren ratt att kopa de berorda
utrymmena pa samma villkor som tredje part. Hyrestagaren
skall meddela huruvida hyrestagaren onskar nyttja denna
forhandsratt inom fjorton (14) dagar fran att ha blivit
tillfragad darom av hyresgivaren.
Hyresavtalets allmanna villkor
I ovrigt tillampas pa detta avtal de allmanna villkor som
bilagges detta avtal och som hyrestagaren noggrannt last
och gjort sig fortrogen med.
Ikrafttradande Detta hyresavtal trader ikraft da bada parterna
undertecknat detsamma.
Detta hyresavtal ar uppgjort i tva likalydande exemplar,
ett for vardera avtalsparten.
Jakobstad den 24.1.1995
Oy KWH Plast Ab Isora Oy
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Per-Xxx Xxxxxxxx
Betalning av hyran Hyrestagaren bor erlagga hyran, utan sarskilt yrkande
halvarsvis i forskott senast den tredje bankdagen i varje
hyresperiod. Den forsta hyran betalas dock for perioden
13 april 1995 till 30 juni 1995 (79 dagar=70 342 mark)
och erlaggs undantagsvis i efterskott samtidigt som rat
tva for (2) ar 1995 erlaggs i forskott.
Forsening av hyresbetalningen
Om betalningen av hyran forsenas skall pa det obetalda
beloppet erlaggas 16% arlig ranta raknat fran
forfallodagen till betalningsdagen.
Dartill bor hyrestagaren erlagga till hyresgivaren de
kostnader, som uppkommer da hyran skall indrivas eller
eventuell pant skall realiseras.
Hyresobjektets skick Hyrestagaren, som ar val inforstadd med hyresobjektets
forhallanden, godkanner det i det skick det ar da
hyrestiden borjar. Hyrestagaren forbinder sig, att under
hyrestiden pa egen bekostnad halla och efter hyrestiden
aterborda hyresobjektet i gott skick med beaktande av
hyresobjektets and vandingssatt och hyrestid och det
skick hyresobjektet anvandningssatt hade vid
Anvandningen och underhall av hyresobjektet
Hyrestagaren svarar for kostnader for el och uppvarmning
samt for alla ovriga nodiga kostnader som hanfor sig till
hyresobjektets anvandning, skotsel och underhall.
Hyrestagaren alaggs att betala hyra aven for sadan tid,
da hyresobjektets anvandning forhindras pa grund av
myndigheters bestammelser eller av annan orsak, om
avbrottet fororsakats av hyrestagarens atgarder eller
Hyrestagaren svarar for, att hyresobjektet ar i sadant
skick som pabjudes av myndigheter och lag samt ovriga
Hyresgivaren ar befriad fran allt ansvar for skada som
hyresobjektets bruk kan asamka manniskor, djur eller
annan fast eller los egendom eller miljon, oberoende av
om skadan fororsakats av hyrestagaren eller inte.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xx, inom april-maj manad, skall hyrestagaren och
hyresgivaren genomga och overenskomma om eventuella
grundreparationer. Hyresgivaren svarar for
Hyresobjektets forsakring
Hyresgivaren svarar endast for, att hyresobjektet ar
forsakrat till ateranskaffningsvarde under hyrestiden.
Hyresgivaren svarar for de kostnader denna forsakring
Hyresobjektets skada eller forstorelse
Ifall hyresobjektet skadas skall hyrestagaren
ofordrojligen meddela hyresgivaren. Om skadan ar
fororsakat av hyrestagaren, ar hyrestagaren ansvarig for
att pa egen bekostnad aterstalla hyresobjektet i ett i
punk 3 namnt skick, dock att ersattning i forsta hand
skall sokas hos forsakringsbolaget. Skyldigheten ar i
kraft oberoende av om skada uppstatt av sadan orsak, som
av forsakringsbolaget inte godkannes sasom grund for
Hyrestagaren ar skyldig att betala hyran for
hyresobjektets reparationstid samt aven for annan sadan
tid da hyresobjektet inte anvants eller inte kan anvandas
for att det skadats eller forstorts, i det fall att
hyrestagaren har fororsakat skadan. Om hyresobjektet
forsakrats for sadan risk och om full ersattning
erhallits av forsakringsbolaget for sadan risk, befrias
hyrestagaren fran ansvar i motsvarande man. Till
forsakringen hanforande kostnader, sasom
varderingskostnader och eventuella sjalvriskandelar,
pafors hyrestagaren.
Ifall hyrestagaren har fororsakat skadan och
hyresobjektet skadas eller forstors sa att det inte kan
anvandas eller repareras eller annars forloras, och om
forsakringen inte, pa grund av skal som inte beror pa
hyresgivaren, tacker skadan, ar hyrestagaren skyldig att
ersatta hyresgivaren med vardet av den forstorda eller
forlorade egendomen.
Xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxxxxxx far inte overfora hyresrattigheterna pa
tredje person utan hyresgivarens skriftliga samtycke.
Hyrestagaren har inte heller ratt att hyra ut
hyresobjektet helt eller delvis i andra hand utan
hyresgivarens skriftliga samtycke.
Hyresgivarens granskningsratt
Hyresgivaren eller hans ombud har ratt att narsomhelst
han onskar granska hyresobjektet, forusatt att det kan
ske utan att hyrestagaren fororsakats oskalig olagenhet
Uppdagas vid en sadan granskning brisfallighet i
hyresobjektets skick eller om hyrestagaren underlatit att
halla hyresobjektet i avtalsenligt skick eller underlatit
att skrida till andra nodiga atgarder for att halla
hyresobjektet i avtalsenligt skick ager hyresgivaren ratt
att i stod av ett sakkunnigutlatande och efter
vederborligt horande av hyrestagaren pa hyrestagarens
bekostnad atgarda dessa brister. Hyrestagaren har dock
alltid ratt att i forsta hand inom skalig tid sjalv pa
egen bekostnad atgarda bristerna.
Uppsagning av hyresavtalet
Bade hyrestagaren och hyresgivaren ager ratt att uppsaga
hyresavtalet med sex (6) manaders uppsagningstid.
Hyresgivarens ratt att hava avtalet
Hyresgivaren ager ratt att hava avtalet omedelbart och ta
hyresobjektet i sin besittning, samt avensa skrida till
atgarder for uthyrning av hyresobjektet savitt
a) hyresbetalningen forsenas mer an trettio (30) dagar;
b) hyrestagaren ej underhallit hyresobjektet i enlighet
med detta avtal och ej heller efter uppmaning inom
skalig utsatt tid tillrattalagger situationen;
c) hyrestagaren trader i likvidation eller forsatts i
d) hyrestagaren anvander hyresobjektet for olagligt
andamal eller bryter vasentligt pa annat satt mot
dessa avtalsvillkor.
Foljder av avtalets havning
Om hyresgivaren haver avtalet pa grund av nagot i
forenamnda punkt 00 xxxxxxx xxxx, xx hyrestagaren
forpliktad att erlagga till hyresgivaren forutom de redan
forfallna och obetalda hyrorna jamte eventuell
drojsmalsranta aven
. av hyresobjektet eller dess bruk foranledda kostnader
eller andra forpliktelser, for vilka hyrestagaren
enlig lag eller hyresavtal ar ansvarig och vilka
tillkommer hyresgivaren i egenskap av hyresobjektets
agare eller eljest pa grund av avtalets havning.
Aterstallande av hyresobjektet vid hyresperiodens utgang
Efter avtalets utgang ar hyretagaren skyldig att pa egen
bekostnad aterstalla hyresobjektet for hyresgivarens bruk
i ett i punkt 3 motsvarande skick.
Ifall hyrestagaren forsummar aterstallningspliktelsen
betraffande hyresobjektet eller om hyresobjektet vid
aterstallandet inte ar i ett ovan namnt skick, har
hyresgivaren sjalv ratt att ta hyresobjektet i sin
besitting och/eller stalla det i namnt skick pa
hyrestagarens bekostnad.
Allmant Ifall nagot av detta avtals villkor senare konstateras
vara ogiltigt, forbinder sig parterna att vid behov andra
eller tolka detta sa, att villkor som konstaterats vara
ogiltigt ersatts med ett sadant nytt villkor, som ur
parternas synvinkel i mojligast storsta man leder till
samma ekonomiska slutresultat for parterna som detta
Avgorande av tvister Tvister som harror ur detta avtal skall handlaggas av den
allmanna underratten i Jakobstad stad.
Jacobstad Groop/mc 23.4.1990
Tid 20.4.1990, kl 09.00
Narvarande Xxxxx X
Xxxxxxxx P-O
Hoglund P-E
Lehtonen Xxxxx
Xxxxxxxxx Sirkka
1 For att uppfriska de narvarandes minne presenterade PEH
hyreskontraktet mellan Isora och KWH Plast.
2 Forsaljningen av anga till Isora har en langre tid
distkuterats. Isora anser att det nuvarande priset 160 mk/ton
ar en hog kostnad och KWH Plast att det ar en dalig affar.
Orsaken till detta ar att Isora val skulle komma till ratta med
orenare anga och med lagre tryck. For KWH ar den stotiga
angforbrukning ett stort problem i synnerhet mellan kl. 06.00-
09.00 nar styroxen kor igang for dagen. Eftersom vart pannrum
skall vara obemannat staller detta till verkliga problem.
En sak som bor noteras i samband med energidebiteringen ar att
KWH koper tillbaka en del av energin i form av hyrda utrymmen.
Ifall Isoras kostnadskalkyl tillater kommer en pannanskaffning
att kunna goras 1991.
Utrymmesutnyttjandet (som namnts i protokollet 19.10.89) slogs
. Gransen mellan Isora och Jarnvagsgatan 21 ar definierad och
inritad pa kartan.
. Parkeringsutrymme norr om KWH Plasts verkstad ar ocksa
inritat pa kartan inkl. det arbetsutrymme som finns bakom
Inre omraden:
. Isora avstar fran sin andel av plathallen vid Jarnvagsgatan
. Isora avstar fran sin del av vindsvaningen i Jarnvagsgatan
23 samt fran "gula paviljongen".
. Isora far tillgang till den nybyggda lagerhallen i
anslutning till styroxfabriken.
Ytorna som Isora och KWH Plast betalar for forblir oforandrade.
1 (2)
Lessor Oy KWH Plast Ab, Jakobstad
Lessee Isora Oy
Object of lease and its use
Production and office premises pursuant to appendix 1, which are
situated at Jarnvagen 22, together with outside spaces according
to appendix 2, item 3.
The lease object shall be used for the lessee's industrial
Term of lease The term of the lease is 5 years, from April 12, 1995 until
April 12, 2000. The lease agreement can be terminated by either
the lessee or the lessor prior to the expiration of the lease
term, according to the provisions set forth in the attached
general conditions.
Rent The rent is 325,000 marks per year. Effective as of the year
1996 and during the years following thereon, the rent shall be
adjusted once a year so that it shall correspond to the 325,000
mark increase in the change in the cost of living index (average
for the year), which occurred from the year 1995 until the
respective year.
Prior right to negotiate a purchase
In the event that a third party wishes to buy a part of or the
entire lease object at conditions which the lessor is prepared
to accept, the lessee shall have the right to buy the premises
concerned at the same conditions as the third party. The lessee
shall inform the lessor that he wishes to exercise this prior
right within fourteen (14) days of the date on which it was
asked about this by the lessor.
General conditions of the lease agreement
In other respects the general conditions attached to this
agreement, which the lessee has carefully read and with which he
has familiarized himself, shall apply.
Entry into effect
This lease agreement shall enter into effect when both parties
have signed it.
This lease agreement is drawn up in two identical copies, one
for each of the parties to the agreement.
Jakobstad, January 24, 1995
Oy KWH Plast Ab Isora Oy
Xxxxx Xxxxxx
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Per-Xxx Xxxxxxxx
Payment of rent
The lessee shall pay the rent, without special demand, semi-
annually in advance, not later than the third banking day of
each lease period. The first rent shall thus be paid for the
period from April 13, 1995 to June 30, 1995 (79 days = 70,342
marks) and, in exceptional cases, it shall be paid in arrears
together with an installment for the year 1995 which shall be
paid in advance.
Delay of rent payment
If payment of the rent is delayed, the unpaid amount shall be
subject to interest at the rate of 16% p.a. computed as from the
due date until the date of payment.
In addition, the lessee shall reimburse the lessor for the costs
incurred when the rent has to be recovered by collection or when
a security has to be realized.
Condition of the rented premises
The lessee, who is in agreement with the present state of the
rented premises, approves same in the condition they are in at
the start of the lease period. The lessee shall be committed to
maintaining the premises at his own expense during the lease
period and to returning them after the end of the lease period
in good condition, duly observing the manner of use of the
premises and the lease period and the condition the premises
were in when the lease entered into effect.
Use and maintenance of the rented premises
The lessee shall bear the costs of electricity and heating as
well as all other necessary costs with reference to use, care
and maintenance of the rented premises.
The lessee shall also have to pay the rent for the time when use
of the rented premises is prevented by virtue of regulations of
the authorities or due to another cause, if the interruption is
caused by the lessee's actions or neglect.
The lessee shall be responsible for keeping the rented premises
in such a condition as imposed by the authorities and by law
together with the other provisions.
The lessor shall be released of any responsibility for damage
which the use of the rented premises may cause to people,
animals or other real or personal property or to the
environment, irrespective of whether or not the damage is caused
by the lessee.
Basic repair Each year, during April-May, the lessee and the lessor shall
examine and agree on possible basic repairs. The lessor shall
bear the costs of basic repairs.
Insurance of the rented premises
The lessor shall be responsible only for the rented premises
being insured at the replacement value during the lease period.
The lessor shall bear the costs incurred for such insurance.
Damage to or destruction of the rented premises
In the event that the rented premises suffer damage, the lessee
must inform the lessor without delay. If the damage is caused by
the lessee, the latter is responsible for restoring the rented
premises, at his own expense, to the condition mentioned in item
3, with indemnity sought above all from the insurance company.
The liability is in force irrespective of whether the damage is
caused by such a cause which the insurance company does not
accept as grounds for compensation.
The lessee is required to pay the rent for the period during
which the rented premises are under repair, as well as a period
during which the rented premises are not used or cannot be used,
because they are damaged or destroyed, in case the lessee has
caused the damage. If the rented premises are insured for such a
risk or if full compensation is received from the insurance
company for such risk, the lessee is released from liability in
the respective month. Costs attributed to the insurance, such as
appraisement costs and any excess risk shares, are charged to
the lessee.
In the event that the lessee has caused the damage and the
rented premises are damaged or destroyed, so that they cannot be
used or repaired or are otherwise lost, and if the insurance
does not cover the loss, on grounds not depending on the lessor,
the lessee is required to compensate the lessor for the value of
the destroyed or lost property.
Assignment of lease rights
The lessee may not assign the lease rights to a third party
without the written consent of the lessor. The lessee does not
have the right to rent out the rented premises in their entirety
or partially to other parties without the written consent of the
Lessor's inspection rights
The lessor or his representative has the right to inspect the
rented premises whenever he may wish to do so, provided that
this can be done without thereby causing the lessee unreasonable
If at such inspection defects are discovered in the condition of
the rented premises or if the lessee fails to keep the rented
premises in a condition according to the agreement, or if he
fails to take other necessary measures to maintain the premises
in a condition according to the agreement, the lessor has the
right to obtain an expert opinion and, after due hearing of the
lessee, take action on such defects at the lessee's expense.
However, the lessee always has the right to take immediate steps
to correct the defects at his own expense.
Cancellation of the lease agreement
Both the lessee and the lessor have the right to cancel the
lease agreement with six (6) months advance notice.
Lessor's right to revoke the agreement
The lessor has the right to revoke the agreement with immediate
effect and to take possession of the rented premises, as well as
to take measures to rent out the premises in the event that
a) payment of the rent is delayed by more than thirty (30)
b) the lessee does not maintain the rented premises in
accordance with this agreement and does not do so after
urgent request to comply and correct the situation within a
reasonable period of time;
c) the lessee enters into liquidation or declares bankruptcy;
d) the lessee uses the rented premises for unlawful purposes
or in another way substantially violates the conditions of
this agreement.
Consequences of the cancellation of the agreement
If the lessor annuls the agreement by virtue of the reasons set
forth in article 11 above, the lessee is required to compensate
the lessor for the already due and unpaid rents as well as any
delay interest, as well as for
- the costs arisen for the premises and their use or other
obligations for which the lessee is liable by law or
pursuant to the lease agreement and which are due the
lessor in his capacity as owner of the rented premises or
otherwise by virtue of the cancellation of the agreement.
Restoration of the rented premises on termination of the lease period
Upon the end of the agreement, the lessee is responsible for
restoring the rented premises at his expense for use by the
lessor in a condition as set forth in article 3.
In the event that the lessee fails to perform his restoration
obligations regarding the rented premises or if the premises are
not restored to the aforementioned condition, the lessor himself
has the right to take possession of the premises and/or restore
them to the aforesaid condition at the lessee's expense.
In the event that any of the conditions of this agreement prove
to be invalid, the parties agree to change or render it in such
a manner that conditions found to be invalid shall be replaced
by such new conditions that, from the viewpoint of the parties,
lead to the greatest extent possible to the same economic end
result for the parties as the present agreement.
Settlement of disputes
Disputes that arise from this agreement shall be handled by the
general courts of first instance in the city of Jakobstad.
Occasion for discussion
Date April 20, 1990, 9:00 a.m.
Present Xxxxx X
Xxxxxxxx P-O
Hoglund P-E
Lehtonen Xxxxx
Xxxxxxxxx Sirkka
1 To refresh the memory of those present, PEH presented the lease
agreement between Isora and KWH Plast.
2 The sale of steam to Isora has been discussed at length. Isora answers
that the current price of 160 mk/ton is a high cost and this is a bad
deal for KWH Plast.
The reason for this is that Isora may be able to get along with
unclean steam and lower pressure. For KWH, the high steam consumption
is a great problem especially between 6:00 and 9.00 a.m., when the
"styrox" facility starts up for the day. Afterwards, our boiler room
will be unmanned, and which poses a real problem.
One thing that must be noted in connection with the energy output is
that KWH is buying back part of the energy in the form of rented
In case that Isora's cost calculation should allow it, acquisition of
a boiler could take place in 1991.
Space utilization (which is mentioned in the minutes of October 19,
1989) was settled.
Outer area:
- The boundary between Isora and Jarnvagsgatan 21 has been defined and
entered on the map.
- The parking area north of the KWH Plast workshop, including the
workspace behind the workshop, has also been drawn on the map.
Inner area:
- Isora gives up its portion of the steel-sheet hall at Jarnvagsgatan
- Isora gives up its portion of the attic floor at Jarnvagsgatan 23 as
well as the "yellow pavilion."
- Isora gets access to the newly built storage hall connected to the
styrox plant.
The spaces which are paid for by Isora and KWH Plast remain unchanged.
Isora yttre omrade - Isora Outside Area
Overenst. omsadesgr. Agreed boundaries
verkl. motr 34.5 m actual measurement 34.5 m
Jarnvagsgatan (street name)