Bolagets firma ar STENA AB. Bolaget ar publikt (publ.)
Styrelsen skall ha sitt sate i Goteborgs kommun, Vastra Gotalands lan.
Bolaget har till foremal for sin verksamhet att idka rederirorelse,
skeppsmakleri och befraktning, att driva handel med fartyg, metaller och skrot,
att driva anlaggningar for fritid och forstroelse, avensom annan darmed forenlig
verksamhet, att aga och forvalta fast egendom, pa vilken bolaget eller
dotterbolag bedriver rorelse samt aga och forvalta vardehandlingar, innefattande
aven aktier eller andelar i rorelsedrivande bolag eller holdingbolag till sadana
bolag eller bolag som ager och forvaltar fast eller los egendom. Vidare skall
bolaget bedriva forskning och marknadsforing av medicinska och farmakologiska
produkter samt darmed forenlig verksamhet.
Aktiekapitalet skall utgora lagst 5.000.000 kronor och hogst 20.000.000 kronor.
Aktie lyder pa ETTHUNDRA (100:-) KRONOR.
Styrelsen bestar av lagst tre och hogst nio ledamoter med hogst tre suppleanter.
Ledamoterna och suppleanterna valjs arligen pa ordinarie bolagsstamma for tiden
intill dess nasta ordinarie bolagsstamma har hallits.
Styrelsen far bemyndiga annan an styrelseledamot, styrelsesuppleant,
verkstallande direktor och vice verkstallande direktor att teckna bolagets
I bolaget skall finnas en eller tva revisorer med lika manga revisorssuppleanter
Sidan 1 av 5
Styrelsens ordforande eller den styrelsen dartill utser oppnar bolagsstamman och
leder forhandlingarna till dess ordforande har valts.
Ordinarie bolagsstamma halls en gang arligen inom sex manader efter
rakenskapsarets utgang.
Pa ordinarie bolagsstamma skall foljande arenden forekomma till behandling:
1. Val av ordforande vid stamman.
2. Upprattande och godkannande av rostlangden.
3. Godkannande av dagordning.
4. Val av en eller tva justeringsman.
5. Provning av om stamman blivit behorigt sammankallad
6. Framlaggande av arsredovisning och revisionsberattelse samt i
forekommande fall koncernredovisning och koncernrevisionsberattelse.
7. Beslut om
a) faststallande av resultatrakning och balansrakning samt, i
forekommande fall koncernresultatrakning och
b) dispositioner betraffande vinst eller forlust enligt den
faststallda balansrakningen; samt
c) ansvarsfrihet at styrelseledamoter och verkstallande direktor
nar sadan forekommer.
8. Faststallande av arvoden at styrelsen och revisorerna.
9. Val av styrelse och, i forekommande fall, revisor samt
10. Annat arende, som ankommer pa stamman enligt aktiebolagslagen eller
Xxxxxxxxxxxxx oppnas av styrelsens ordforande eller vid forfall for honom av den
av styrelsen xxxxxxx givit uppdrag, varefter narvarande rostberattigade genom en
oppen omrostning sig emellan valjer ordforande vid stamman.
Jamval i ovriga fall sker omrostning oppet, om icke sluten omrostning av nagon
rostberattigad askas.
Sidan 2 av 5
Vid bolagsstamma far envar rostberattigad rosta for fulla antalet av honom agda
och foretradda aktier utan begransning i rostetalet.
Kallelse till ordinarie bolagsstamma och kallelse till sadan extra stamma dar
fraga om andring av bolagsordningen kommer att behandlas, skall utfardas
tidigast sex (6) veckor och senast fyra (4) veckor fore stamman. Kallelse skall
ske genom annonsering i Post- och Inrikes Tidningar och Svenska Dagbladet eller
annan rikstackande tidning.
Bolagets rakenskapsar skall vara 0101 - 1231.
Har aktie overgatt till person som inte forut ar aktieagare i bolaget, skall
aktien genast hembjudas aktieagarna till inlosen genom skriftlig anmalan hos
bolagets styrelse. Atkomsten av aktien skall darvid styrkas samt, dar aktien
overgatt genom kop, uppgift lamnas om kopesumman.
Hembudsskyldighet foreligger inte vid overgang genom arv, bodelning, gava eller
testamente till Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, 161028-5432, och Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx,
200313-5163, avkomlingar i rakt nedstigande led.
Nar anmalan gjorts om akties overgang, skall styrelsen genast skriftligen
meddela detta till varje losningsberattigad, vars postadress ar inford i
aktieboken eller eljest kand for bolaget, med anmodan till den som onskar
begagna sig av losningsratten att skriftligen framstalla losningsansprak hos
bolaget inom tva manader, raknat fran anmalan hos styrelsen om akties overgang.
Anmaler sig flera losningsberattigade, skall foretradesratten dem emellan
bestammas genom lottning, verkstalld av notarius publicus, dock att, om
samtidigt flera aktier hembjudits, aktierna forst, sa langt kan ske, skall jamnt
fordelas bland dem som framstallt losningsansprak.
Losenbeloppet skall utgoras, dar fanget ar kop, av kopeskillingen, men eljest av
xxxxxx som, i brist av asamjande, bestammas i den ordning lagen (1999:116) om
skiljeforfarande stadgar. Losenbeloppet skall erlaggas inom en manad xxxx den
tidpunkt da losenbeloppet blev bestamt.
Sidan 3 av 5
Om inte inom stadgad tid nagon losningsberattigad framstaller losningsansprak
eller losen inte erlagges inom foreskriven tid, ager den som gjort hembudet att
bli registrerad for aktien.
Har aktie forvarvats av nagon eller nagra som ej tidigare varit aktieagare i
Bolaget i sadan utstrackning att det sammanlagda rostetalet for dessa aktier i
Bolaget tillsammans uppgar till fyrtioatta (48) procent av det totala rostetalet
for Bolagets samtliga aktier (losningsskyldig aktieagare) ar dessa aktieagare
skyldiga att efter begaran av annan aktieagare (losningsberattigad aktieagare) i
den utstrackning den losningsberattigade aktieagaren begar forvarva dennes
aktier - oavsett slag - i Bolaget.
Med uttrycket "nagon eller nagra som ej tidigare varit aktieagare i Bolaget"
avses den eller de som ej varit registrerade som aktieagare i Bolagets aktiebok
den 30 december 1993.
Losenbeloppet per aktie skall, dar fanget ar kop, motsvara det hogsta erlagda
pris per aktie som ingatt i det eller de forvarv som lett till losenskyldighet
enligt foregaende stycke. Losenbeloppet skall eljest, i brist av xxxxxxxxx,
utgoras av xxxxxx, som skall bestammas i den ordning lagen (1999:116) om
skiljeforfarande stadgar.
Losningsskyldig aktieagare, vars aktieforvarv medfort att totala antalet aktier,
som omfattas av den i denna paragraf stadgade losningsskyldigheten, overskridit
det i forsta stycket angivna gransvardet fyrtioatta (48) procent, skall inom sju
dagar fran forvarvet av den aktie som medforde att gransen uppnaddes,
skriftligen anmala sadant forhallande till styrelsen under Bolagets adress
Styrelsen skall inom 30 dagar fran den dag da anmalan inkommit till Bolaget
eller da styrelsen for Bolaget eljest erhallit kannedom om att losningsskyldig
aktieagares aktieinnehav i Bolaget uppnatt gransvardet informera aktieagarna i
Bolaget om de rattigheter som tillkommer aktieagarna innefattande bland annat
nar och pa vilka villkor inlosen kan begaras. Informationen till aktieagarna
skall ske dels genom brev som skall avsandas till varje aktieagare vars
postadress ar kand for Bolaget, dels pa det satt som ar angivet i
bolagsordningen for kallelse till bolagsstamma.
Senast 30 dagar efter utgangen av nyss angivna 30 dagars period skall
losningsberattigad aktieagare, som onskar begara inlosen, gora framstallan harom
hos losningsskyldig aktieagare enligt vad som angivits ovan, varvid i
framstallan skall anges det antal aktier som framstallan galler.
Sidan 4 av 5
Kopia av sadan framstallan skall tillstallas styrelsen. Gors ej sadan
framstallan inom nu angiven tid ar losningsratten forlorad. Losningsberattigad
aktieagare har ratt att aterkalla sin framstallan intill dess att losen skett.
Skulle flera aktieagare vara losningsskyldiga skall losningsskyldigheten aligga
dem i forhallande till det antal aktier envar innehar i Bolaget.
Losningsskyldig aktieagare ar skyldig att senast 30 dagar xxxx den tidpunkt da
losenbeloppet blev bestamt mot kontant betalning forvarva losningsberattigade
aktieagares aktier.
Losningsskyldighet enligt denna paragraf galler inte for aktieagare som vid
tidpunkten for bestammelsens intagande i bolagsordningen var agare till aktier i
Bolaget i sadan omfattning att andelen uppgick till eller overskred ovan angivna
gransvarde. Losningsskyldighet enligt denna paragraf galler inte heller for
aktieagare som ar avkomlingar i rakt nedstigande led till Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx,
161028-5432, och Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 200313-5163.
Andring av denna paragraf erfordrar beslut pa bolagsstamma, som bitratts av
aktieagare med minst tre fjardedelar (3/4) av de pa stamman foretradda aktierna.
Oavsett vad som ovan foreskrivits galler 14 kap 31 SECTION aktiebolagslagen.
Sidan 5 av 5
[Translation from Swedish into English]
27 September 2002
The business name of the Company is STENA AB. The company is public (publ).
The board shall have its principal office in the Municipality of Gothenburg,
County of Vastra Gotaland.
The objects of the Company's operations are to conduct shipping operations,
ship-brokering and chartering, to conduct trade in vessels, metals and scrap, to
run installations for leisure and recreation, and also other operations
compatible therewith, to own and manage real property, on which the Company or
subsidiaries conduct operations, together with owning and managing securities,
also including shares and interests in business operating companies or holding
companies of such companies or companies that own and manage real or personal
property. Furthermore, the Company shall conduct research and marketing of
medical and pharmacological products together with operations compatible
The share capital shall comprise at least SEK 5,000,000 and at most SEK
The nominal (par) value of a share is ONE HUNDRED (100) KRONOR.
The board shall comprise at least three and at most nine members with at most
three deputies. The members and deputies shall be elected annually at the annual
general meeting for the period until the next annual general meeting has been
The board may authorise someone other than a member of the board, deputy member
of the board, managing director and vice managing director to sign in the name
of the Company.
The Company shall have one or two auditors and an equal number of deputy
The chairman of the board or a person appointed by the board for the purpose
shall open the general meeting and conduct the proceedings until a chairman has
been elected.
An annual general meeting shall be held annually within six months following the
end of the financial year.
The following matters shall be dealt with at the annual general meeting:
1. Election of the chairman for the meeting.
2. Preparation and approval of voting list.
3. Approval of agenda.
4. Election of one or two persons to check the minutes.
5. Consideration of whether the meeting has been properly convened.
6. Presentation of the annual report and auditor's report and, when
appropriate, Group report and Group auditor's report.
7. Decisions concerning
a) approval of income statement and balance sheet and, when
appropriate, Group income statement and Group balance sheet,
b) appropriations relating to the profits or losses in accordance
with the approved balance sheet, and also
c) release of liability for members of the board and managing
director if there is one.
8. Determination of fees for the board and the auditors.
9. Election of board and, when appropriate, auditor and deputy auditor.
10. Other matters that are to be dealt with by the meeting in accordance
with the Swedish Companies Act or the Articles of Association.
The general meeting is opened by the chairman of the board or, in his absence,
by the person appointed by the board for the purpose, following which the
persons entitled to vote in attendance shall, by open voting, elect a chairman
for the meeting.
Voting takes place openly also in other cases, unless a person entitled to vote
desires a secret ballot.
At the general meeting, all persons entitled to vote may vote for the full
number of shares owned and represented by him without limitation to the number
of votes.
Notices of annual general meetings and notices of such extraordinary meetings
where an issue of amendment of the Articles of Association will be dealt with
shall be given at the earliest six (6) weeks and at the latest four (4) weeks
prior to the meeting. Notices shall be given by announcement in Post-och Inrikes
Tidningar [Swedish Official Gazette] and in Svenska Dagbladet or another
national newspaper.
The Company's financial year shall be 1 January to 31 December.
If a share has transferred to a person who has not previously been a shareholder
of the Company, the share shall without delay be offered for redemption to the
shareholders by a written notification given to the board of the Company. The
acquisition of the share shall then be proved and also, where the share has been
transferred by sale, details provided concerning the purchase price.
The obligation to offer for redemption does not apply in connection with
inheritance, division of property, gift or testament to the direct descendants
of Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, civil registration number 161028-5432 (date of birth 28
October 1916), and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, civil registration number 000000-0000 (date of
birth 13 March 1920).
When a notification concerning the transfer of a share has been given, the board
shall immediately give written notice of this to each person entitled to redeem,
whose postal address is included in the share record or is otherwise known to
the Company, directing those who wish to utilise the right of redemption to
present a written claim for redemption to the Company within two months,
computed from the notification to the board of the transfer of the share.
If several persons entitled to redeem give notice, the right of priority between
them is decided by drawing lots implemented by a notary public, though, in the
event that several shares have been offered for redemption simultaneously, the
shares shall first as far as is possible be distributed equally among those who
presented a claim for redemption.
The redemption price shall comprise, where the means of acquisition is sale, the
purchase price, but otherwise an amount that, in the absence of agreement, is
determined by the procedure prescribed by the Arbitration Act (1999:116). The
redemption price shall be paid within one month from the date when the
redemption price was determined.
If no person who is entitled to redeem presents within the prescribed period a
claim for redemption or the redemption price is not paid within the prescribed
period, the person who made the offer for redemption is entitled to be
registered for the share.
If a share has been acquired by a person or persons who have not previously been
shareholders in the Company to such an extent that the aggregate number of votes
for these shares in the Company together amount to forty-eight (48) per cent of
the total number of votes for all the shares in the Company (shareholder
obligated to redeem), these shareholders are obligated, upon the request of
another shareholder (shareholder entitled to redeem) to the extent that the
shareholder entitled to redeem requests, to acquire his shares - irrespective of
class - in the Company.
The expression "a person or persons who have not previously been shareholders in
the Company" refers to a person or persons who have not been registered as
shareholders in the Company's share record as of 30 December 1993.
The redemption price per share shall, where the means of acquisition is sale,
correspond to the highest price per share paid that is included in the or those
acquisitions which resulted in the obligation to redeem in accordance with the
preceding paragraph. The redemption price shall otherwise, in the absence of
agreement, comprise an amount to be determined by the procedure prescribed by
the Arbitration Act (1999:116).
A shareholder obligated to redeem, whose share acquisition has meant that the
total number of shares that are subject to the prescribed obligation to redeem
referred to in this Article, exceeds the limit value of forty-eight (48) per
cent referred to in the first paragraph, shall, within seven days from the
acquisition of the share that resulted in the limit being achieved, give written
notice of such circumstance to the board at the Company's address. The board
shall within 30 days from the date when the notice was received by the Company
or when the board otherwise became aware of the shareholding of the shareholder
obligated to redeem having attained the limit value in the Company, inform the
shareholders of the Company about the rights that are due to the shareholders
including, among other things, when and under what terms redemption can be
requested. Information to the shareholders shall be given first by letter which
shall be dispatched to each shareholder whose postal address is known to the
Company, second in the manner stipulated by the Articles of Association for
notices of general meetings.
No later than 30 days after the end of the said period of 30 days, a shareholder
entitled to redeem who wishes to request redemption, shall make a request for
this to the shareholder obligated to redeem in accordance with that stipulated
above, in which connection the request shall specify the number of shares to
which the request relates. A copy of such request shall be sent to the board. If
a request is not made within the period specified here, the right of redemption
lapses. A shareholder entitled to redeem is entitled to revoke his request up to
such time as the redemption has been implemented.
If several shareholders are obligated to redeem, the obligation to redeem shall
apply to them in proportion to the number of shares that they each hold in the
A shareholder obligated to redeem is liable to acquire by cash payment the
shares of a shareholder entitled to redeem no later than 30 days from the date
when the redemption price was determined.
The obligation to redeem under this Article does not apply to a shareholder who
at the time of the inclusion of this provision in the Articles of Association
was an owner of shares in the Company to such an extent that the interest
amounted to or exceeded the above-mentioned limit value. Nor does the obligation
to redeem under this Article apply to a shareholder who is a direct descendant
of Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, civil registration number 161028-5432 (date of birth 28
October 1916), and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, civil registration number 000000-0000 (date of
birth 13 March 1920).
Amendments to this Article require a resolution by the general meeting that is
supported by shareholders with at least three-quarters (3/4) of the shares
represented at the meeting.
Notwithstanding that prescribed above, Chapter 14, Section 31, of the Companies
Act shall apply.