Firmateckning under verksamhetsåret 2024 – 2025
Bil 01-24-25
Firmateckning under verksamhetsåret 2024 – 2025
Stadgar för MD 101 Sverige, § 22: ”Multipeldistriktets firma tecknas, förutom av GR, av de av rådet utsedda personerna, dock alltid minst två i förening.
Guvernörsrådet beslutar vilka två som förutom ovannämnda har rätt att genom fullmakt, två i förening, löpande teckna bank- och postgiroärenden.”
Guvernörsrådet beslutar
att GRO Sten-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx och VGRO Mats-Xxx Xxxxxxx, i förening, äger teckna Multipeldistrikt 101:s firma,
att ge fullmakt åt ekonom Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx och kanslist Xxxxxxx Xx att, två i förening, teckna firman avseende löpande bank- och postärenden, samt
att ge ekonom Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx fullmakt att teckna Multipeldistrikt 101:s firma avseende förattesterade dokument rörande skatteinbetalningar via Internet.
XXX Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ordförande VGRO Guvernörsrådets vice ordförande
Beslutet fattat på Guvernörsrådsmöte 1, 2024 – 06 – 26.
Bil 02-24-25
Attest- och utanordningsrutiner under verksamhetsåret 2024 – 2025.
Med attest menas att fakturerad vara eller tjänst är så väl kontrollerad att den kan godkännas till kvantitet, kvalitet och pris enligt upprättat avtal.
Med utanordning menas att fakturerad vara eller tjänst är attesterad samt kontrollerad till pris inom ramen för upprättat avtal och därmed godkänd för utbetalning.
Godkännande | Attest | ||
Löpande ärenden på kontoret | TJ | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Arbetsutskottet | GRO | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Guvernörsrådet | GRO | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Kommittéer, arbetsgrupper med flera | KO | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Bring Quality to Life | KO | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Projekt | PS | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx | EA |
Reseräkningar | Respektive områdesansvarig | Controller Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx alternativt GRO. VGRO attesterar VDG. | EA |
Regler för beställning och inköp av varor och tjänster. Gränsen är inklusive moms:
-Order av varor eller tjänster <5 000 kronor. Beställs av TJ efter godkännande av GRO eller IPGRO.
-Order av varor eller tjänster 5 000 – 100 000 kronor. Beställs efter godkännande av XXX, attesteras av IPGRO och utanordnas av GRO.
-Order av varor eller tjänster >100 000 kronor. Beställs efter godkännande av AU eller GR, attesteras av IPGRO och utanordnas av GRO.
Bil 02-24-25
AU Arbetsutskottet
EA Ekonomiansvarig
GR Guvernörsrådet
XXX Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ordförande
IPGRO Närmast föregående guvernörsrådsordförande
KO Ordförande i kommitté, aktivitet, arbetsgrupp, med flera
PS Projektstyrelsens ordförande
TJ Tjänsteperson på Lions kontor
VDG Vice distriktsguvernör
VGRO Guvernörsrådets vice ordförande
Beslutet fattat på Guvernörsrådsmöte 1, 2024 – 06 – 26.
Bil 03-24-25
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Beslut och delegationsordning för Guvernörsrådet, MD 101, verksamhetsåret 2024 – 2025.
Guvernörsrådet (GR) har det övergripande ansvaret för multipeldistriktet (MD) 101:s verksamhet, ekonomiförvaltning samt administration. Arbetsutskottet (AU) är ett organ för handläggning och verkställighet av uppgifter enligt beslut av GR och för beredning av ärende till GR-möte.
Beredning | Anmärkning | ||
Kalla till riksmöte | AU | GR/GRO | |
Arrangera riksmöte | AU | GR | Beredning AU/RMK |
Bereda ärende | AU | GR | |
GR:s redogörelse för föregående år | IPGRO/AU | GR | |
Årsredovisning | IPGRO/EA/AU | GR | |
Kortfattad redogörelse innevarande år | GRO/AU | GR | |
RVN | Information till AU och GR | ||
Rapporter | KO/PS/AU | GR | |
Förslag från GR | AU | GR | |
Motioner från klubbarna | AU/ DG | GR | GR bereder till RM |
Verksamhetsplan | VGRO/AU | GR | Samråd med inkommande GR |
Rambudget samt förslag till nationell avgift | VGRO/EA/AU | GR | Samråd med inkommande GR |
Guvernörsrådsmöte och kallelse till GR | AU | GRO | GRO beslutar vilka som ska kallas till GR-möte. Kallade erhåller ersättning enligt gällande policy. |
AU | |||
Ärendelista | GRO/AU | GRO | |
Ärende gällande ekonomi | C/AU | GR | |
Inkommande ärende | AU | GR | Alla ärende bereds av AU som lämnar förslag till GR för beslut |
Inkomna rapporter | AU | GR | Alla rapporter ska tillställas AU för beredning innan beslut i GR. |
Övriga ärende | AU | GR | Alla övriga ärende ska tillställas AU för beredning innan beslut i GR. |
Bil 03-24-25
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AU-möte | |||
Kalla till AU-möte | GRO | ||
Arrangera AU-möte | GRO | ||
Avstämning av löpande verksamhet | AU/C | ||
Avstämning kontoret | GRO | AU | Ansvaret för avstämning kan av GRO delegeras till annan person |
Protokollföring vid AU-möte | GRO | Vid ST:s frånvaro inträder VGRO som protokollförare. | |
stadgefrågor | ST/AU | ||
Yttrande över förslag till stadgar och arbetsordning för enskilda klubbar | ST/AU | GR | |
Övriga ärende | AU | GR | |
Benämning av protokoll. | ST/GRO | Vid möten med GR och AU benämns protokoll från ordinarie möten enligt mötesplan. Vid extra möten benämns protokollen dels enligt senaste ordinarie möte samt dels med tilläggsbetäckning. Exempelvis benämns första extra mötet efter GR2 med GR2X, andra mötet med GR2XX, etc | |
Löpande paragrafering av verksamhetsårets protokollserier för GR och AU. | ST/GRO | Inom protokollserierna för GR respektive. AU tillämpas löpande paragrafering. Inkluderar såväl ordinarie som extra möten. | |
MD:s budget och ekonomi inom beslutad rambudget | EA/C/ AU | GR | Uppföljning sker vid varje AU- möte. Rapporteras vidare till GR. |
plan | EA/C | GR | |
Förslag till förvaltning av likvida medel | RPG/AU | GR | Placeringsgruppen rekommenderar och delger underlag till GR. |
Upprättande av likviditetsprognos | EA/C/AU | GR | |
Upphandling av resor och logi | EA/TJ | AU/GRO | Särskild offert-förfrågning sker vid upphandling av Conventionresa. |
Övergripande principiella frågor | GRO/AU | GR | |
Löpande personal- och organisationsfrågor | C/GRO | GR |
Framställning av Handboken | TJ/AU | GR | Utkast redovisas till GR 6. Handboken ska vara helt färdig senast 31 juli. Ansvarig utgivare är GRO. |
Produktion av den digitala tidningen Lion | TJ | GRO | Ansvarig utgivare är GRO. |
Produktion av hemsida och social media | TJ | GRO | Ansvarig utgivare är GRO. |
Tillsätta projekt och arbetsgrupp | AU | GR | |
Utser ledamöter i projekt- och arbetsgrupp | AU | GR | |
Ekonomiska resurser till projekt- och arbetsgrupper | AU | GR/GRO | |
Verkställighet enligt plan/uppdrag | KO/PS | ||
Ekonomiskt ansvar för tilldelade/beviljade medel | KO/PS | ||
Rapportering av verksamheten till GR | KO/PS | Skriftlig rapport till AU:s möte för beredning till GR:s möte. Rapporten skall vara AU tillhanda minst en vecka före AU-mötet. För sent inkommen rapport behandlas ej. |
AU Arbetsutskottet
EA Ekonomiansvarig
XXXXX Xxxxxxxxxx föregående guvernörsrådsordförande GR Guvernörsråd
GRO Guvernörsrådsordförande VGRO Vice Guvernörsrådsordförande KO Kommittéordförande
PS Projektstyrelsens ordförande
RMK Riksmöteskommittén
RVN Riksvalnämnden
RPG Rådgivande placeringsgruppen ST Stadgesekreterare
TJ Tjänsteperson på Lions kontor
Beslutet fattat på Guvernörsrådsmöte 1, 2024 – 06 – 26.
Bil 03-24-25
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Bil 04-24-25
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Mötestider GR, med flera, 2024 – 2025
2024 | |||||
Möte | Tid | Form | Deltar | Plats | Övrigt |
GR 1 | Juni | Fysiskt | GR | Convention | |
GRAU 1 | Sön. 18/8 (mån 19/8) | Digitalt (fysiskt) | AU | Zoom kl. 18.00 (kansli kl. 10.00) | Ev. Lions kansli 19/8 Rapporter senast 10/8 |
Förmöte GR 2 | Fre. 30/8 | Fysiskt | GR/AU/GAT/PR | Helsingborg | VDG-utbildning Partners deltar |
GR 2 | Lör. - sön 31/8-1/9 | Fysiskt | GR/AU/kommittéer | Helsingborg | VDG-utbildning Partners deltar |
NSR CC/VCC/OC | Fre. – sön 20–22/9 | Fysiskt | GRO/VGRO | Glostrup Danmark | Med partners, datum är osäkert |
GRAU 2 | Sön. 20/10 | Digitalt | AU | Zoom kl. 18.00 | Rapporter senast 12/10 |
Europaforum 2024 | Tors. – sön 24–27/10 | Fysiskt | GRO/YED/BYED | Bordeaux, Frankrike | |
Förmöte GR3 | Fre. 1/11 | Fysiskt | GR/AU | Stockholm IP besök | VDG-utbildning Partners deltar |
GR 3 | Lör. – sön 2-3/11 | Hybrid | GR/AU/VDG/GLT | Stockholm IP besök | VDG-utbildning Partners deltar |
2025 | |||||
Möte | Tid | Form | Deltar | Plats | Övrigt |
GRAU 3 | Sön. 12/1 | Digitalt | AU | Zoom kl. 18.00 | |
NSR 2025 | Fre. – sön 17–19/1 | Fysiskt | GRO/VGRO/IPGRO/GR ev. MD GAT | Glostrup Danmark | Partners deltar |
Förmöte GR 4 | Fre. 24/1 | Fysiskt/ digitalt | GR/AU | Ev. Lions kansli Stockholm | |
GR 4 | Lör. 25/1 | Hybrid/ digitalt | GR/AU | Ev. Lions kansli Stockholm | Kommittéer och GAT är med digitalt. |
GRAU 4 | Sön. 2/3 | Digitalt | AU | Zoom kl. 18.00 | Rapporter senast 25/2 |
Förmöte GR 5 | Fre. 14/3 | Fysiskt | GR/AU | Plats meddelas senare | Partners deltar |
GR 5 | Lör. – sön 15–16/3 | Fysiskt | GR/AU/RVN/ samt kallade kommittéer | Plats meddelas senare | Partners deltar |
GRAU 5 | Sön. 18/5 | Digitalt | Zoom kl. 18.00 | ||
Förmöte GR 6 | 29/5 | Fysiskt | GR/AU/RVN ordf. | RM 2025 | Partners deltar |
GR 6 | 30/5 och 1/6 | Fysiskt | GR/AU/RVN/kommittéer | RM 2025 | Partners deltar |
Preliminära tider: GRAU-möte: sön. 18.00, GR-förmöte: fre. 16.00, GR-möte: lör.-(ev. sön) 09.00
Council Chairperson/Guvernörsrådsordförande 2024 – 2025 Sten-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Bil 05-24-25
LCIF Grant Application Form
(This form is to be used when submitted Multiple District Designated Grant proposals to LCIF.)
This grant application form outlines the information required in an LCIF project proposal. The Multiple District is responsible for conducting a needs assessment, developing a plan of action, and overseeing project implementation. Projects should be prioritized to address critical needs. LCIF will not accept proposals that are formatted by or for other organizations.
• Proposals may only be submitted to LCIF after the Multiple District Council has thoroughly vetted the request and endorsed the proposal.
• Direct questions regarding project eligibility to the LCIF Regional Program Specialist assigned to your region.
• Each of the questions outlined below must be answered in the order of the questions numbered below.
• The submission should include a copy of the minutes from the Committee meeting where the proposal was discussed and endorsed.
• Construction and major equipment projects require the submission of cost estimates, equipment brochures, and copies of blueprints.
• Send completed grant application and all supporting documentation to Email is the preferred method for submission.
• LCIF reserves the right to request additional pertinent information as needed.
• An acknowledgement email will be sent to confirm that the proposal has been received. This does not indicate that the project has been approved. If additional information is required, an email requesting clarification will be sent to the Lions submitting the application. LCIF will request a response from the Lions by a deadline date.
• Keep copies of all documents submitted to LCIF for your local records.
1. Date submitted: July 2024
2. Project name/title: Bring Quality to Life
3. Amount of funding requested from LCIF in USD: 275,000.-
4. Project Timeline (MM/YR to MM/YR): 2025-2026
5. Describe the geographical area and the communities that will be served. The project must focus on the areas and regions directly impacted by the disaster.
All over the world where any disaster occurs and the country ask for help through EU or UN
6. Number of people who will benefit on an annual basis.
5 000 people
7. Problem identification and project objectives. Please provide:
a. What are the current goals and objectives of BQtL? To always have tents in stock when the EU and the UN call for help b. How many tents does BQtL currently have? 1 400 (May 2024) |
c. How many tents does BQtL expect to need for the year? 500-2 000 |
d. What type of tents will be ordered? Family tents and gathering tents e. What are the dimensions of the tents? 3,2 x 4 meter and 5 x 6 meter, 94/3 in each container f. What other equipment/furniture/supplies will be ordered in this shipment? 5 blankets per tent |
g. Statement of the project’s objectives and goals
To provide temporary shelter to people in need after a disaster
8. Project strategy and plan of action. Please provide:
a. Detailed plan of this project, indicating how the project’s objective(s) will be reached. When a disaster strikes and tents are needed, there are many parameter that determine planning: the size of disaster, climate, ttransportation capacity, local Lions Clubs and volunteers, cooperation with governementagensies, etc |
b. If plans are to build a permanent structure, give a physical description of the facility and its contents, including dimensions, blueprints, photographs, and construction cost estimates. The plan is not to build permanent structure, but the idea is that this solution lasts until local authorities or other organisations have taken over and the immediate need for emergency housing is resolved. It can take one to several years before the need is resolved. Checklist sent to local Lions Rescue Project Leader Background BRING QUALITY to LIFE (BQtL) is Lions Clubs International Sweden´s and LCIF´s main resource in the event of a disaster, directed to help in emergency situations, where individuals are getting homeless. Lions Sweden is cooperating with Swedish Civil Contingency Agency, MSB, on support with shelter. The shelters are usually sent via the European Civil Protection Mechanism, ERCC (Emergency Response Coordination Centre) or United Nations. Emergency We, LCI Sweden and MSB, start planning to send a number of Lions Blue Family Tents with blankets. MSB together with the ERCC will coordinate the transport accordingly with other member states. MSB´s Project manager will coordinate between Lions and MSB. Preparation at Site Contact the local Lions organisation to discuss what kind of support the local Lions would be able to assist with in the specific mission. Support from the local Lions to discuss: - Consignee of the tents - Receive the tents - Warehouse |
- Custom clearance
- Local transport from the airport to the affected area
- Distribution of tents
- Setting up tent, with or without member of MSB staff or lions representatives
- Accommodation for staff
- Food on the distribution site
Inform local Lion’s members (close to the affected area) about the upcoming activity. Eventually prepare them to collect volunteers in order to help in the dispatching and setting up the tents etc.
Prepare to have a Press Conference where the public and the press will be informed about the planned activity. It will be useful to take many photos at all stages of the operations.
Prepare with the Local Authority a distribution system stating how, where and to whom the tents will be distributed. The distribution should be arranged accordingly to the specific mission context. In certain cases, villages can be formed with the tents, mainly when the damage occurs in large agglomerations. But in rural areas, it is better to place the tents individually by family.
Arrange transport for the containers and staff. Transport and hotel reservations (B&B) for the Lions and MSB staff.
Arrange the availability for potable water and food for all the staff including the local volunteers on the distribution site.
When the Mission is Finished
Write a Project Report to be sent to Sweden (Lions & MSB) as well as LCIF when the mission is finished giving full details and photos of the activities.
Continue with the next Phase of the Rescue Program which generally includes a post-disaster phase and a reconstruction phase if possible.
c. If plans are to purchase equipment or supplies, please provide cost estimates from the manufacturer or supplier. Indicate unit cost, overall quantity and provide equipment brochures, if available. If services will be utilized, include cost estimates.
The plan does not include additional equipment or accessories. If there is a need for local products, it is to be solved by other means.
1. Describe how Lions will be involved in the proposed project, and the plans for Lions’ continuing participation after support from LCIF has concluded. Include any relevant history relating to Lions’ involvement with this project. After a disaster has occurred the country's rescue officer for GO sends a request for support to the UN and EU preparedness organization. This request is then sent to all EU Member States. The Member States notify the ERCC of the resources that the country has available. ERCC verifies the need with the resource offered. Lions and MSB have agreed that a number of Lions will be part of MSB's staff pool as Lions representatives. Lions’ representatives will be sent as experts/instructors along with MSB staff and tents to the disaster area. The Lions representatives must have undergone training provided by MSB to cope with the mission in a crisis. During the time of a mission, they are employed and fully insured by MSB. In the event of a disaster, local Lions of the disaster area are also part of the rebuilding effort. Areas affected by a natural disaster face problems with infrastructure, water, food and electricity supply as well as transport of various kinds. For local Lions leaders in the disaster area, there is a Checklist. • The MSB officer on duty contacts BQtL after a request for help with tents has been received. A joint decision is made on an effort with the number of tents and blankets. BQtL starts a project, such as Project MAT 18621/101/Haiti. This project can consist of parts or all of the consignment in project MAT 18621/101, or tents from several MAT XXX/101 can be sent to the same disaster project. • BQtL asks LCIF for a Lions leader in the disaster area and contacts them. It can be CC, DG, or a local Lions president. BQtL notify the contact to MSB. • The MSB staff pool contacts available Lions representatives who will be sent on the mission together with MSB. • The local Lions leader receives information about what and who is being sent together with the Checklist. • MSB project managers liaise with the local Lions leader about when and where personnel and goods will arrive. • The local Lions leader and Lions representative/MSB expert should write a mission report after the work is carried out by the local Lions in partnership with LCIF, local authorities and other organisations. |
2. Indicate how the project will be identified and promoted as a Lions-supported project. The tents have large logos of LCIF, Lions and MSB in the front, as well as the text Bring Quality to Life on the roof. Lions and MSB also have logos on the roof. The images are often spread in mass media and social media. Accompanying Lions and MSB staff are equipped with yellow Lions vests. If there is a local Lions club nearby, they will be activated as volunteers during construction. The finishing work is left entirely to local Lions. |
3. Describe plans for identifying the project as having been made possible by LCIF. Any publicity materials and media regarding this project should acknowledge the support and involvement |
of LCIF and Lions. Publicity received and/or other media materials developed during and at the conclusion of the project should be submitted to LCIF. This material will be shared with LCIF Marketing. BQtL is using Facebook in various groups and on the website of Lions Clubs International MD 101. 4. Please indicate the name of the project leader, their club, and their email address: “Bring Quality to Life”, Team Leader: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, PDG, XX Xxxxxxx, MD101V, |
5. Please provide contact information of key Lions and non-Lions who should be copied on future correspondence regarding this application: Local Lions Project leader will be appointed following hint from LCIF, when a disaster has occurred. Responsible for tents and shelters at MSB is Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, email address: |
1. Include an itemized budget for the entire project using the table below:
a. The budget should be formatted as noted above showing income equal to expenses.
b. In the income section, list all funding sources separately and specify the amount each is contributing.
c. Clarify the status of each income source as pledged, collected or anticipated. For pledged and anticipated amounts, indicate the date by which the funds will be readily available for the project
2. If using a currency other than USD, indicate which currency is used and the exchange rate to US dollars. Please note that all grants are awarded in USD and the amount cannot be changed once the grant is approved.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Income | Expenses | ||||||
Source | Amount | Status | Notes | Expense Description | Amount | Explanation of Expenses | |
Lions sources: | 1. | Tai Tie Clothing HK PR.Inv. #20240509 | $524,319 | Tents, containers, Ocean freight. | |||
MD 101 Sweden | $275,319 | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 2. | $13,500 | Impport expencies, transports | |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 3. | Vepakuten | $1,500 | Waist coats, hang-ons |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 4. | EF 2024 | $10,000 | Introduction of BQtL to Europe |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 5. | Printing pres | $1,000 | New English Brochures |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 6. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 7. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 8. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Partners & other sources: | 9. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | |||
T Swedish Civil Continge- sies Agency MSB | ? | Click or tap here to enter text. | Transport to the disaster site | 10. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | 11. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. |
LCIF | $275,000 | Anticipated | 12. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | Click or tap here to enter text. | |
Total | Click or tap here to enter text. | Total | $550,319 |
This is to certify that I have reviewed the LCIF Grant Criteria and Grant Application. To the best of my knowledge the information submitted is accurate and the need exists as indicated. I endorse this proposal and will do everything within my power as administrator of any funds granted to assure their proper and efficient use, proper accounting and regular reporting to Lions Clubs International Foundation.
Council Chairperson Name: Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Multiple District Number: MD101 Sweden Address: LC Sölvesborg
Telephone: 000 000 00 00
Email Address:
Signature Date
Designated Grant Criteria
1. Projects that seek LCIF funding shall have a strong Lions identity and ongoing involvement of local Lions. Priority is given to projects in which Lions provide volunteer services, have a track record of previous support, and a clearly identifiable role in helping administer the project and/or institution involved.
2. In addition to Lions’ involvement and identity with
the project, the applicant Lions district and
participating clubs must make a significant financial commitment to the project. At least half of the local matching funds must be secured and/or raised by the Lions submitting the grant application.
3. The local matching funds may only be in the form of cash contributions. In-kind donations, whether land, labor or materials, will strengthen the proposal and should be highlighted in the project write-up, but such in-kind support may not be included in the
budget as part of the matching funds toward the LCIF grant. Additionally, local matching funds must represent cash available or pledged for the current project being proposed.
4. Grants shall not be made on a continuing basis to any single project. Projects or institutions receiving a designated grant must submit a final grant report for their current project before applying for a new grant, provided that the previous grant for the same project has met its objectives.
5. Funding for operating expenses may be included as part of a project budget and grant request, but only when such funds would be used to initiate or significantly expand services of the applicant organization. The applicant must demonstrate how
such operating expenses will be sustained once LCIF grant funds are expended.
6. Projects receiving grant funding shall be clearly identified as being made possible by LCIF through appropriate recognition, signage and public relations activities. LCIF will provide specifications on such recognition at time of approval. In the event that LCIF partners are funding specific projects and initiatives, the grantee may be asked to provide additional recognition. Final grant reports must include confirmation of recognition.
7. Each grant application is judged solely on its own merit and the degree to which it meets the criteria and the humanitarian funding priorities of LCIF as established by the Board of Trustees.
1. Grant applicants must submit their project proposals using the designated grant application form, completing the application form in its entirety. The project budget must clearly itemize all project income sources and expense items; project income must equal expense. Incomplete applications or proposals submitted in other formats will be ineligible.
2. Grant proposals may be submitted by any Lions district (single, subor multiple). Applications submitted by single or sub-districts must be signed by the current district governor and be certified via resolution by the district cabinet and thereafter with notification to the council chairperson. Multiple district applications shall be signed by the council chairperson and certified via resolution by the council of governors. The appropriate cabinet or council meeting minutes at which the application was certified must be submitted with the application.
3. If a grant project is to take place in a country outside the applicant’s district, the project shall have the endorsement, and preferably, the active involvement of the local Lions district. In countries where there are clubs but no district structure, the local clubs closest to the project need to endorse the project. In all cases, detailed information on the role
of local Lions in the project should be provided to LCIF. In countries where no clubs exist at present, the applicant Lions district must be able to demonstrate the ability to properly oversee, evaluate and report on the project.
4. The minimum grant amount that may be requested is US$10,000. If approved, the grant funds shall not be disbursed until the required matching funds are collected locally, per the approved project budget.
5. Grants may only be requested for up to 50 percent of the project budget for developed countries.
6. Lions and/or their families should not receive direct or professional benefit or have proprietary interest in projects receiving LCIF assistance.
7. Approved grants are made payable to the appropriate Lions district (single, sub or multiple). The district governor or multiple district council chairperson in office at the time the grant is approved shall serve as grant administrator for the life of the project. It shall be his/ her responsibility to disburse funds to the project and account for the LCIF grant funding. If a project is carried over into a new fiscal year, the grant administrator must provide copies of progress and final project reports submitted to LCIF to the current district cabinet or multiple council. LCIF reserves the rights to replace grant administrators as necessary.
8. Grant recipients are responsible for submission of a thorough report detailing project results and the exact use of LCIF funds upon completion of the project (report forms are issued with grant award letters). Districts or multiple districts failing to submit such a report for a completed project will not be eligible to receive any additional grants.
9. Designated grant applications should be submitted to LCIF at minimum 90 days prior to the project commencement to allow adequate processing time.
10. Applications previously withdrawn or rejected may be resubmitted only if they have been revised to address the reasons for denial/withdrawal.
12. Applicants have six months from the date of approval to collect and secure their local matching funding. Note: LCIF does not release grant funds until the local matching funding is collected and readily available for the implementation of the project.
Approved grant-funded projects shall be implemented in a reasonable timeframe and completed within two years from the date of the grant approval. Extensions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
After sufficient consultation with the applicant, LCIF retains the authority to rescind grants that are either not initiated or not making sufficient progress within this two-year timeframe. Any disbursed funds that are not adequately documented shall be returned to LCIF if the grant is rescinded.
Additionally, any funds derived from transfer or sale of such property or equipment shall be utilized only for charitable purposes in the respective community and shall not result in any private inurement or personal benefit to any individual or non-charitable entity.
Lions International MD 101 Sverige
Bil 06-24-25
Hej projekt- och kommittéansvarig!
Jag vill tillsammans med mina DG Elect gratulera dig till ett spännande uppdrag och samtidigt hälsa dig välkommen till vårt gemensamma verksamhetsår.
Målsättningen vi har är att vårt gemensamma år tillsammans ska präglas av ledorden,
Träffas-Trivas-Tjäna och att vi gör detta Tillsammans!
Avståndet mellan oss är kort, endast ett mejl eller telefonsamtal bort, så tveka därför aldrig att ta kontakt om det finns frågor eller funderingar. Är det så att det mellan våra ordinarie guvernörsrådsmöten behöver fattas ett beslut, då löser vi självfallet det på ett enkelt och smidigt sätt. Allt för att verksamheten ska löpa på smärtfritt och effektivt.
Bifogat hittar du förutom mötesplan för 2024–2025, även den verksamhetsplan som an- togs av Riksmötet 2024. Verksamhetsplanen har som vi alla vet, ett tydligt fokus på att vår lionsverksamhet ska genomsyras av vår gemensamma strävan att dels stoppa med- lemstappet, dels få fler medlemmar och slutligen bilda nya klubbar.
Tiden går fort, det är nu mindre än en månad kvar tills vårt gemensamma år startar. En månad som du tillsammans med dina motsvarigheter ute i distrikten (om dessa finns) kommer att få till att dels fundera/väcka idéer, dels formulera din specifika verksamhets- plan över just ditt/ert verksamhetsområde. För i enlighet med våra stadgar §17 ”GR ska på verksamhetsårets första GR-möte besluta om direktiv till kommittéer, aktivitetsgrupp- er och arbetsgrupper.” Direktiven i detta brev kommer att fastställas på GR1. Planen som du/ni sätter samman ska sträcka sig över första terminen, dvs. till 31/12.
För att vi ska komma igång på allvar när året startar, så vill vi i guvernörsrådet att du sen- ast 15 juli 2024 skickar in din/er verksamhetsplan. Vi kommer därefter att ge återkopp- ling och att vi sedan genom dialog via zoom kan fastställa planen i god tid före GR2.
Planen och den verksamhet som du/ni tillsammans med oss skapar och genomför, ska ha en stark och tydlig koppling till just medlemsutveckling och MISSION 1.5. Detta är delar som vi specifikt avsatt ekonomiska medel till i vår gemensamma MD-budget.
I verksamhetsplanen för MD så hittar du under respektive kommitté/arbetsområde dels en kort inledande text, med tankar och idéer, dels i de flesta fall även förslag på olika mål (mätbara), mål som vi gemensamt antog på Riksmötet. Se målen i planen som viljeinrikt- ningar på mål som vi i guvernörsrådet ser som viktiga. Självfallet så vet vi alla att detta enbart är ett urval av alla de mål som finns inom respektive områden. För visst är det så att det finns andra mål, som just du ser/känner till och kan formulera.
Uppgiften för dig/er blir därför att utifrån text och mål i verksamhetsplan, samt givetvis utifrån ett antal egna mål, formulera en verksamhetsplan över hur dessa mål ska uppnås inom just ditt område. Planen ska var enkel att följa och med mätbara mål. Att målen är mätbara är viktigt, så att vi gemensamt under resans gång kan följas upp och stämma av måluppfyllelsen. När målen formuleras använd då gärna metoden för SMARTA-mål.
Förutom ovan nämnda, så har vi även avsatt medel i budget för bland annat kommitté- utveckling och Info/PR. Med det sagt så kommer det alltså finnas möjlighet för dig att söka medel från MD. Finns det medel inom kommittén/projektet används dessa i första hand. Tänk dock på, att fokus ska vara att uppnå målen som finns inom vårt fokusområde och inom ramen för MISSION 1.5.
Xxxxxxxx vill jag på inkommande guvernörsrådets vägnar hälsa dig välkommen till ett spännande och utmanande år med Lions i Sverige!
Med Bästa Lionhälsningar
Sten-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, GRO Elect
Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, GRO Elect 101 – MD 101