um breyting á reglugerð um þvingunaraðgerðir varðandi Íran nr. 384/2014, ásamt síðari breytingum.
Ákvæði 1. mgr. 2. gr. reglugerðar nr. 384/2014 um þvingunaraðgerðir varðandi Íran, ásamt síðari breytingum, hljóði svo:
Eftirfarandi gerðir Evrópusambandsins um þvingunaraðgerðir skulu öðlast gildi hér á xxxxx með þeirri aðlögun sem getið er um í 3. gr. Gerðirnar, ásamt viðaukum, eru birtar sem fylgiskjöl við reglugerð þessa:
1. Ákvörðun ráðsins 2011/235/SSUÖ frá 12. apríl 2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 1.
1.1 Framkvæmdarákvörðun ráðsins 2011/670/SSUÖ frá 10. október 2011 um framkvæmd ákvörðunar ráðsins 2011/235/SSUÖ varðandi þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum einstak- lingum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 2.
1.2 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/168/SSUÖ frá 23. mars 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun nr. 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og stofnunum með tilliti til ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 3.
1.3 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/810/SSUÖ frá 20. desember 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 4.
1.4 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2013/124/SSUÖ frá 11. mars 2013 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 5.
1.5 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2014/205/SSUÖ frá 10. apríl 2014 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 42.
1.6 Ákvörðun ráðsins SSUÖ 2015/555 frá 7. apríl 2015 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 51.
2. Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 359/2011 frá 12. apríl 2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum með tilliti til ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 52.
2.1 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1002/2011 frá 10. október 2011 um framkvæmd
1. mgr. 12. gr. reglugerðar ráðsins (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn til- teknum einstaklingum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum með tilliti til ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 6.
2.2 Reglugerð framkvæmdastjórnarinnar (ESB) nr. 264/2012 frá 23. mars 2012 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum, rekstrar- einingum og stofnunum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 7.
2.3 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1245/2012 frá 20. desember 2012 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 8.
2.4 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 206/2013 frá 11. mars 2013 um framkvæmd 1. mgr. 12. gr. reglugerðar ráðsins (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum einstak- lingum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum með tilliti til ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 9.
2.5 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 371/2014 frá 10. apríl 2014 um framkvæmd 1. mgr. 12. gr. reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir sem er beint gegn til- teknum aðilum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 43.
2.6 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 2015/548 frá 7. apríl 2015 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir sem er beint gegn tilteknum aðilum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran, fylgiskjal 52.
3. Ákvörðun ráðsins 2010/413/SSUÖ frá 26. júlí 2010 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran og niðurfellingu sameiginlegrar afstöðu 2007/140/SSUÖ, fylgiskjal 10.
3.1 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2010/644/SSUÖ frá 25. október 2010 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran og niðurfellingu sameiginlegrar afstöðu 2007/140/SSUÖ, fylgiskjal 11.
3.2 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2011/299/SSUÖ frá 23. maí 2011 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 12.
3.3 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2011/783/SSUÖ frá 1. desember 2011 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 13.
3.4 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/35/SSUÖ frá 23. janúar 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 14.
3.5 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/152/SSUÖ frá 15. mars 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 15.
3.6 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/169/SSUÖ frá 23. mars 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 16.
3.7 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/205/SSUÖ frá 23. apríl 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 17.
3.8 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/457/SSUÖ frá 2. ágúst 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 18.
3.9 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/635/SSUÖ frá 15. október 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 19.
3.10 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/687/SSUÖ frá 6. nóvember 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 20.
3.11 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2012/829/SSUÖ frá 21. desember 2012 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 21.
3.12 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2013/270/SSUÖ frá 6. júní 2013 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 22.
3.13 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2013/497/SSUÖ frá 10. október 2013 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 23.
3.14 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2013/661/SSUÖ frá 15. nóvember 2013 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 24.
3.15 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2013/685/SSUÖ frá 26. nóvember 2013 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 25.
3.16 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2014/222/SSUÖ frá 16. apríl 2014 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 44.
3.17 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2014/776/SSUÖ frá 7. nóvember 2014 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 45.
3.18 Ákvörðun ráðsins 2014/829/SSUÖ frá 25. nóvember 2014 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 46.
3.19 Ákvörðun ráðsins (SSUÖ) 2015/236 frá 12. febrúar 2015 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 49.
3.20 Ákvörðun ráðsins (SSUÖ) 2015/556 frá 7. apríl 2015 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 53.
3.21 Ákvörðun ráðsins (SSUÖ) 2015/1008 frá 25. júní 2015 um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 55.
4. Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 267/2012 frá 23. mars 2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran og um niðurfellingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 961/2010, fylgiskjal 27.
4.1 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 350/2012 frá 23. apríl 2012 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 varðandi þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 28.
4.2 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 708/2012 frá 2. ágúst 2012 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 29.
4.3 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 709/2012 frá 2. ágúst 2012 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 varðandi þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 30.
4.4 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 945/2012 frá 15. október 2012 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 varðandi þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 31.
4.5 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1016/2012 frá 6. nóvember 2012 um fram- kvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 varðandi þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 32.
4.6 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1067/2012 frá 14. nóvember 2012 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 33.
4.7 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1263/2012 frá 21. desember 2012 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 34.
4.8 Framkvæmdarreglugerð (ESB) nr. 1264/2012 frá 21. desember 2012 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 35.
4.9 Framkvæmdarreglugerð (ESB) nr. 522/2013 frá 6. júní 2013 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 36.
4.10 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 971/2013 frá 10. október 2013 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 37.
4.11 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1154/2013 frá 15. nóvember 2013 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 38.
4.12 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1203/2013 frá 26. nóvember 2013 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 39.
4.13 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1361/2013 frá 18. desember 2013 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 40.
4.14 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 42/2014 frá 20. janúar 2014 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 41.
4.15 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 397/2014 frá 16. apríl 2014 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 47.
4.16 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 1202/2014 frá 7. nóvember 2014 um fram- kvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 48.
4.17 Reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) 2015/229 frá 12. febrúar 2015 um breytingu á reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 49.
4.18 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) 2015/230 frá 12. febrúar 2015 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 50.
4.19 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) 2015/549 frá 7. apríl 2015 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 54.
4.20 Framkvæmdarreglugerð ráðsins (ESB) 2015/1001 frá 25. júní 2015 um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran, fylgiskjal 56.
Fylgiskjöl 51-56 eru birt sem fylgiskjöl 1-6 við reglugerð þessa.
Reglugerð þessi, sem er sett með heimild í 4. og 12. gr. laga um framkvæmd alþjóðlegra þving- unaraðgerða nr. 93/2008, öðlast þegar gildi.
Utanríkisráðuneytinu, 3. júlí 2015.
Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx.
Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx.
Fylgiskjal 1.
„Fylgiskjal 51.
frá 7. apríl 2015
um breytingu á ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn tilteknum aðilum og rekstrareiningum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran
Í stað 2. mgr. 6. gr. ákvörðunar 2011/235/SSUÖ kemur eftirfarandi:
„2. Þessi ákvörðun xxxx xxxxx til 13. apríl 2016. Hún xxxx xxxx háð stöðugri endurskoðun. Hún skal endurnýjuð xxx xxxxx skal breytt, eftir atvikum, ef ráðið telur að markmiðum hennar hafi ekki verið náð.“
Viðauka við ákvörðun 2011/235/SSUÖ er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við ákvörðun þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
(1) The entries for the following persons shall be deleted from the list set out in the Annex to Decision 2011/235/CFSP:
42. XXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxx
70. XXXXXXX Gholomani
72. XXXXX Xxxxx Xxxxxx
(2) The entries for the following persons and entity as set out in the Annex to Decision 2011/235/CFSP shall be replaced by the entries below:
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
10. | XXXXX Xxxxx- Xxxx | XXX: Isfahan (Iran) — DOB:1963 | Head of the Police Strategic Studies Centre, former Deputy Chief of Iran's National Police until June 2014. As Deputy Chief of National Police from 2008, Xxxxx was responsible for beatings, murder, and arbitrary arrests and detentions against protestors that were committed by the police forces. | 12.4.2011 |
13. | XXXX Xxxxxxx | POB: Tehran — DOB: 1963 | Deputy IRGC commander for intelligence. Former Commander of the Basij until October 2009. Forces under his command participated in mass beatings, murders, detentions and tortures of peaceful protestors. | 12.4.2011 |
14. | SHARIATI Xxxxxx Xxxxxx | Former Head of Mashhad Judiciary until September 2014. Likely to be currently in a process of reassign- ment to another function. Trials under his supervision have been conducted summarily and inside closed sessions, without adherence to basic rights of the accused, and with reliance on confessions extracted under pressure and torture. As execution rulings were issued en masse, death sentences were issued without proper observance of fair hearing procedures. | 12.4.2011 | |
15. | XXXXX- XXXXXXXXXXX Xxxxxxx-Xxx | POB: Xxxxxxxxx (Iran) — DOB: 1945 | Member of the Assembly of Experts and representative of the Supreme Leader in Markazi (‘Central’) Province. Former Prosecutor General of Iran until September 2009, as well as former Intelligence minister under Xxxxxxx presidency. As Prosecutor General of Iran, he ordered and supervised the show trials following the first post- | 12.4.2011 |
election protests, where the accused were denied their rights, and an attorney. He also carries responsibility for the Kahrizak abuses. | ||||
16. | XXXXXX Xxxxxx (alias Xxxxxx XXXXX XXXXXXX) | Former Judge, Tehran Revolutionary Court, branch 26. He was in charge of the detainee cases related to the post-election crises and regularly threatened families of detainees in order to silence them. He has been instrumental in issuing detention orders to the Kahrizak Detention Centre. In November 2014, his role in the deaths of detainees was officially recognised by the Iranian authorities. | 12.4.2011 | |
18. | XXXXXXXXXX Xxx- Xxxxx | Former Judge, Tehran Revolutionary Court. He participated in protesters trials. He was questioned by the Judiciary about Kahrizak exactions. He was instrumental in issuing detention orders to consign detainees to Kahrizak Detention Centre. In November 2014, his role in the deaths of detainees was officially recognised by the Iranian authorities. | 12.4.2011 | |
19. | XXXXXX- XXXXXXXXXX Xxxxx | POB: Yazd (Iran) — DOB: 1953 | Prosecutor general of Tehran since August 2009. Xxxxxxxxxx'x office indicted a large number of protesters, including individuals who took part in the December 2009 Ashura Day protests. He ordered the closure of Xxxxxxxx'x office in September 2009 and the arrest of several reformist politicians, and he banned two reformist political parties in June 2010. His office charged protesters with the charge of Xxxxxxxxx, or enmity against God, which carries a death sentence, and denied due process to those facing the death sentence. His office also targeted and arrested reformists, human rights activists, and members of the media, as part of a broad crackdown on the political opposition. | |
20. | XXXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxx (a.k.a. XXXXXXXXX) | Judge, Head of Tehran Revolutionary Court, branch 28. He has dealt with post-election cases. He issued long prison sentences during unfair trials for social, political activists and journalists and several death sentences for protesters and social and political activists. | 12.4.2011 | |
21. | XXXXXXX-EJEI Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx | POB: Xxxxxx -XXX: circa 1956 | Prosecutor General of Iran since September 2009 and spokesman of the Judiciary, and former Intelligence minister during the 2009 elections. While he was Intelligence minister during the 2009 election, intelligence agents under his command were responsible for detention, torture and extraction of false confessions under pressure from hundreds of activists, journalists, dissidents, and reformist politicians. In addition, political figures were coerced into making false confessions under unbearable interrogations, which included torture, abuse, blackmail, and the threatening of family members. | 12.4.2011 |
22. | XXXXXXXXX Xxxx | XXX: Meybod, Yazd (Iran) — DOB: 1967 | Former Prosecutor General of Tehran until August 2009. As Tehran Prosecutor General, he issued a blanket order used for the detention of hundreds of activists, journalists and students. In January 2010 a parliamentary investigation held him directly responsible for the detention of three prisoners who subsequently died in custody. He was suspended from office in August 2010 after an investigation by the Iranian judiciary into his role in the deaths of the three men detained on his orders following the election. In November 2014, his role in the deaths of detainees was officially recognised by the Iranian authorities. | 12.4.2011 |
23. | XXX-XXXXXX Xxxxx | Judge, Tehran Revolutionary Court, branch 26. He is in charge of post-election cases, he issued long prison sentences during unfair trials against human rights activists and has issued several death sentences for protesters. | 12.4.2011 | |
28. | XXXXXXX Xxx- Xxxxx | Judge of the Supreme Court. Former Chief Judge, Mashhad Revolutionary Court. Trials under his jurisdiction have been conducted summarily and inside closed session, without adherence to basic rights of the accused. As execution rulings were issued en masse, death sentences were issued without proper observance of fair hearing procedures. | 12.4.2011 | |
30. | XXXXXXX Xxxxxx- Xxxxxxx | Head of the Tehran Judiciary. Former Head of Iran's Prisons Organisation. In this capacity, he was compli- cit to the massive detention of political protesters and covering up abuses performed in the jailing system. | 12.4.2011 | |
34. | XXXXXXXXXX Xxx- Xxxx | Director-General of Iran's Anti-Narcotics Head- quarters. Former Commander of Tehran Police. Under his leadership, the police force was responsible for the use of extrajudicial force on suspects during arrest and pre-trial detention. The Tehran police were also implicated in raids on Tehran university dorms in June 2009, when according to an Iranian Majlis commission, more than 100 students were injured by the police and Basiji. | 10.10.2011 | |
36. | XXXXX Xxxxxx Xxx- Xxxx (Aka: XXXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx) | Advisor to the Disciplinary Court for Judges since April 2014. Former President of the Tehran Judiciary. As President of the Tehran Judiciary he has been responsible for human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, denials of prisoners' rights and an increase in executions. | 10.10.2011 | |
37. | XXXXXXX Xxxxx | Advisor to the Judiciary in Iran. Former Prosecutor of Shiraz until 2012. He was responsible for the excessive and increasing use of the death penalty by handing down dozens of death sentences. Prosecutor during the Shiraz bombing case in 2008, which was used by the regime to sentence to death several opponents of the regime. | 10.10.2011 | |
40. | XXXXXX Xxxxxxxx Xxxx | Deputy Prosecutor of Isfahan. Complicit in proceedings denying defendants a fair trial — such as Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx executed in May 2011 after his right to be heard and mental health issues were ignored by Xxxxxx during his trial in March 2010. He is, there- fore, complicit in a grave violation of the right to due process, contributing to the excessive and increasing use of the death penalty and a sharp increase in executions since the beginning of 2011. | 10.10.2011 | |
41. | XXXXXX Xxxxxxxx | XXX: Xxxxxxx DOB: 1956 | Deputy Head of the Armed Forces, he has played a key role in intimidating and threatening Iran's ‘enemies’, and the bombing of Iraqi Kurdish villages. Former Head of the IRGC's Sarollah Corps in Tehran, and former Head of the Basij Forces, he played a central role in the post-election crackdown of protesters. | 10.10.2011 |
47. | XXXXXXXXXXXX Xxxxxx (Aka: XXXXXXXXXXXX Xxxxx, XXXXX Xxxxx Xxxxxx) | Prosecutor of Tabriz. He was involved in Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx'x case and is complicit in grave violations of the right to due process. | 10.10.2011 | |
48. | XXXXXXXX Xxxxx (Aka: XXXXXXX, Xxxxx) | POB: Oroumieh (Iran) DOB: 1959/60 | Advisor to Former President and current member of the Expediency Council Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx and member of the Perseverance Front. Minister of | 10.10.2011 |
Welfare and Social Security between 2009 and 2011. Minister of the Interior until August 2009. As Interior Minister, Xxxxxxxx had authority over all police forces, interior ministry security agents, and plainclothes agents. The forces under his direction were responsible for attacks on the dormitories of Tehran University on 14 June 2009 and the torture of students in the basement of the Ministry (the notor- ious basement level 4). Other protestors were severely abused at the Kahrizak Detention Centre, which was operated by police under Mahsouli's control. | ||||
49. | XXXXXX Xxxxxxx | Prosecutor of Kermanshah. Has played a role in the dramatic increase in death sentences being passed in Iran, including prosecuting the cases of seven prisoners convicted of drug trafficking who were hanged on the same day on 3 January 2010 in Xxxxxxxxxx'x central prison. | 10.10.2011 | |
52. | XXXXXXX XXXXX Xxxxxxxxxx | POB: Selseleh (Iran) — DOB: 1964 | Member of the National Security and Foreign policy Committee. Parliamentary deputy for Lorestan Province. Member of the Parliamentary Commission for Foreign and Security Policy. Former head of Evin prison until 2012. Torture was a common practice in Evin prison while Souri was its head. In Xxxx 209, many activists were held for their peaceful activities in opposition to the ruling government. | 10.10.2011 |
53. | XXXX Xxxxxxx (Aka: XXXX Xxxxxxx) | Iranian MP. Former Governor-General (‘Farmandar’) of Tehran Province until September 2010, he was responsible for the intervention of police forces and therefore for the repression of demonstrations. He received a prize in December 2010 for his role in the post-election repression. | 10.10.2011 | |
54. | XXXXXXXX Xxxxxxx (Aka: XXXXXXX Xxxxxxx) | POB: Xxxxx Xxxx- Xxxxxxx DOB: 1959 | Head of Tehran provincial Public Security Council. Former IRGC Governor-General of Tehran Province. In his capacity as governor and head of Tehran provincial Public Security Council, he bears overall responsibility for all repressive activities undertaken by the IRGC in Tehran province, including cracking down on political protests since June 2009. | 10.10.2011 |
57. | XXXXXXXX- XXXX Xxxx | Judge at the Tehran Provincial Criminal Court. Former judge at the first chamber of the Evin Court. He conducted several trials of demonstrators, inter alia, that of Xxxxx-Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, a teacher arrested in January 2010 and sentenced to death for his political activities. The Evin court of first instance was established within the walls of Evin prison, a fact welcomed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx in March 2010. In this prison some accused persons have been confined, mistreated and forced to make false statements. | 10.10.2011 | |
59. | BAKHTIARI Seyyed Xxxxxxx | POB: Mashad (Iran) DOB: 1952 | Deputy General Attorney, responsible for political and security issues. Former Minister of Justice from 2009 to 2013. During his time as Minister of Justice, prison conditions within Iran fell well below accepted international standards, and there was widespread mistreatment of prisoners. In addition, he played a key role in threatening and harassing the Iranian diaspora by announcing the establishment of a special court to deal specifically with Iranians who live outside the country. He also oversaw a sharp increase in the number of executions in Iran, including secret executions not announced by the government, and executions for drug-related offenses. | 10.10.2011 |
60. | HOSSEINI Xx Xxxxxxxx (Aka: XXXXXXXX, Xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx; Xxxxx, Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx) | POB: Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx XXX: 1961 | Advisor to Former President and current member of the Expediency Council Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. Former Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance (2009-2013). Ex-IRGC, he was complicit in the repression of journalists. | 10.10.2011 |
61. | XXXXXXX Xxxxxx (Aka: XXXXXXX Xxxxxx; XXXXXXX Xxxxxx) | POB: Isfahan (Iran) DOB: 1956 | Head of the organization for publications on the role of the clergy at war. Former Minister of Intelligence (2009-2013). Under his leadership, the Ministry of Intelligence continued the practices of widespread arbitrary detention and persecution of protesters and dissidents. The Ministry of Intelligence runs Xxxx 209 of Evin Prison, where many activists have been held on account of their peaceful activities in opposition to the government in power. Interrogators from the Ministry of Intelligence have subjected prisoners in Xxxx 209 to beatings and mental and sexual abuse. | 10.10.2011 |
62. | XXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxxx | POB: Dezful (Iran) DOB: 22 July 1959 | Head of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) until November 2014. Likely to be currently in a process of reassignment to another function. Under his tenure at IRIB, he was responsible for all programming decisions. IRIB has broadcast forced confessions of detainees and a series of ‘show trials’ in August 2009 and December 2011. These constitute a clear violation of international provisions on fair trial and the right to due process. | 23.3.2012 |
63. | XXXXXXXXX Xxxx | XXX: Xxxxxxxx (Iran) DOB: 1957 | Member of the City Council of Teheran. Former Minister for Information and Communications (2009- 2012). As Minister for Information, he was one of the top officials in charge of censorship and control of internet activities and also all types of communications (in particular mobile phones). During interrogations of political detainees, the interrogators make use of the detainees' personal data, mail and communications. On several occasions following the 2009 presidential election and during street demonstrations, mobile lines and text messaging were blocked, satellite TV channels were jammed and the internet locally suspended or at least slowed down. | 23.3.2012 |
64. | XXXXXX Xxxxx | Colonel of the technology and communications police, he announced a campaign for the recruitment of government hackers in order to achieve better control of information on the internet and attack ‘dangerous’ sites. | 23.3.2012 | |
65. | XXXXXXXX Xxxxx | POB: Xxxxx (Iraq) DOB: 1960 or August 1961 | Head of the Judiciary. The Head of the Judiciary is required to consent to and sign off every qisas (retribution), hodoud (crimes against God) and ta'zirat (crimes against the state) punishment. This includes sentences attracting the death penalty, floggings and amputations. In this regard, he has personally signed off numerous death penalty sentences, contravening international standards, including stoning, executions by suspension strangulation, execution of juveniles, and public executions such as those where prisoners have been hung from bridges in front of crowds of thousands. He has also permitted corporal punishment sentences such as amputations and the dripping of acid into the eyes of the convicted. Since Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx took office, arbitrary arrests of political prisoners, human rights defenders and minorities increased markedly. | 23.3.2012 |
Executions also increased sharply since 2009. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx also bears responsibility for systemic failures in the Iranian judicial process to respect the right to a fair trial. | ||||
66. | XXXXXXXXX Xxx | Part of the Supreme Leader's inner circle, one of those responsible for planning the suppression of protests which has been implemented since 2009, and associated with those responsible for supressing the protests. | 23.3.2012 | |
68. | XXXXX Xxxxxxxx-Xxx | XXX: Xxxxxx (Iran) DOB: 1954 | Secretary-general of the World Holocaust Foundation, established at the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust in 2006, which Xxxxx was responsible for organising on behalf of the Iranian Government. Main figure responsible for censorship as Vice-Minister in charge of the Press up to December 2013, being directly responsible for the closure of many reforming newspapers (Etemad, Etemad-e Melli, Shargh, etc.), closure of the Independent Press Syndicate and the intimidation or arrest of journalists. | 23.3.2012 |
69. | XXXXXXXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxx | POB: Xxxxxx (Iran) DOB: 1967 | Mayor of the second largest city of Iran, Mashad, where public executions regularly happen. Former Deputy Interior Minister for Political Affairs. He was responsible for directing repression of persons who spoke up in defence of their legitimate rights, including freedom of expression. Later appointed as Head of the Iranian Election Committee for the parliamentarian elections in 2012 and for the presidential elections in 2013. | 23.3.2012 |
73. | XXXXXXX Xxx | Xxxxxxxxxx of Karaj. Responsible for grave violations of human rights, including prosecuting trials in which the death penalty is passed. There have been a high number of executions in Karaj region during his time as prosecutor. | 23.3.2012 | |
74. | REZVANMA- NESH Ali | Prosecutor. Responsible for grave violation of human rights, including involvement in the execution of a juvenile. | 23.3.2012 | |
75. | XXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxxxxx | Security Chief at the Ministry of Defence. Former Chief of Protection and Security at the IRGC until March 2012. Ex-Commander of IRGC Intelligence until October 2009. Involved in the suppression of freedom of expression, including by being associated with those responsible for the arrests of bloggers/ journalists in 2004, and reported to have had a role in the suppression of the post-election protests in 2009. | 23.3.2012 | |
77. | XXXXXX Xxxx | XXX: 1967 | Advisor to the Disciplinary Court for Judges since 2012. Member of the ‘Committee for Determining Criminal Web Content’, a body responsible for web sites and social media censorship. Former Head of special prosecution of cyber crime between 2007 and 2012. Was responsible for the repression of freedom of expression, including through the arrest, detention and prosecution of bloggers and journalists. Persons arrested on suspicion of cyber crime were mistreated and the subject of an unfair judicial process. | 23.3.2012 |
78. | XXXXXX- XXXXXX Xxxxxx | Judge of an ordinary court of northern Tehran. Former Supervisor of Public Prosecution Office in Tehran. Deputy Head of the Office of Prison Affairs of Tehran Province. Former Deputy Prosecutor in Tehran until 2013. He ran Evin prosecution centre. Was responsible for the denial of rights, including visits and other prisoner's rights, to human rights defenders and political prisoners. | 23.3.2012 |
79. | XXXXXXX XXXXXX, Xxx Xxxxxx | Xxxx of Xxxx Prison, appointed in mid-2012. Since his appointment, conditions in the prison deteriorated and reports referenced intensified ill-treatment of prisoners. In October 2012, nine female prisoners went on hunger strike in protest of the violation of their rights and violent treatment by prison guards. | 12.3.2013 | |
80. | XXXXXXX Xxxxxxx | Judge of the Ahwaz Revolutionary Court, Branch 4, imposed death sentences on four Arab political prisoners, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Abd xx- Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (three brothers) and Xxx Xxxxxxx. They were arrested, tortured and hanged without due process. These cases and the lack of due process were referenced in a report dated 13 September 2012 by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, the UN Secretary General's report on Iran of 22 August 2012. | 12.3.2013 | |
81. | XXXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | Ahwaz Revolutionary Court judge, Branch 2, imposed death sentences on five Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx'xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, on 17 March 2012 for ‘activities against national security’ and ‘enmity against God’. The sentences were upheld by Iran's Supreme Court on 9 January 2013. The five were arrested without charge for over a year, tortured and sentenced without due process. | 12.3.2013 | |
82. | XXXXXXXX, Xxxxxxxx (Dr.) (aka: Xxx-xxxx Xxxxxxxx) | Date of Birth: appr. 1963 Place of Birth: Tehran Place of Residence: Tehran Place of Work: IRIB and PressTV HQ, Tehran | President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). Former Head of IRIB World Service and Press TV, responsible for all programming decisions. Closely associated with the state security apparatus. Under his direction Press TV, along with IRIB, has worked with the Iranian security services and prosecutors to broadcast forced confessions of detainees, including that of Iranian-Canadian journalist and film-maker Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, in the weekly programme ‘Iran Today’. Independent broadcast regulator OFCOM fined Press TV in the UK GBP 100 000 for broadcasting Xxxxxx'x confession in 2011, which was filmed in prison whilst Xxxxxx was under duress. Xxxxxxxx therefore is associated with violating the right to due process and fair trial. | 12.3.2013 |
83. | XXXXXX, Xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx of Mazandaran Province, responsible for illegal arrests and violations of the rights of Baha'i detainees from initial arrest to keeping them in solitary confinement in the Intelligence Detention Centre. Six concrete examples of cases where due process was violated have been documented. Xxxxxx has prosecuted cases that have resulted in many executions, including public executions. | 12.3.2013 | |
85. | XXXXXXX, Xxxxx | Judge of Branch 1 of Tabriz Revolutionary Court. Responsible for heavy sentences against journalists and Azeri ethnic minority and workers' rights activists, accusing them of spying, acts against national security, propaganda against the Iranian regime and insulting the leader of Iran. His judgments did not follow due process on many occasions and detainees were forced into false confessions. A high profile case involved 20 volunteer earthquake relief workers (following an earthquake in Iran in August 2012) to whom he gave prison sentences for their attempts to assist earthquake victims. The court found the workers guilty of ‘collaboration in assembly and collusion to commit crimes against national security.’ | 12.3.2013 |
86. | XXXXXX- XXXXX, Xxxxxx Xxxx | Xxxx of the Revolutionary Prosecution of Shiraz. Responsible for illegal arrests and ill treatment of political activists, journalists, human rights defenders, Xxxx'is and prisoners of conscience, who were harassed, tortured, interrogated and denied access to lawyers and due process. Xxxxxx-Xxxxx signed judicial orders in the notorious No 100 Detention Centre (a male prison), including an order to detain female Baha'i prisoner Xxxx Xxxxx for three years in solitary confinement. | 12.3.2013 |
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
1. | Centre to Investigate Organized Crime (aka: Cyber Crime Office or Cyber Police) | The Iranian Cyber Police, founded in January 2011, is a unit of the Islamic Republic of Iran Police, which is headed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx (listed). Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx underlined that the Cyber Police would take on anti-revolutionary and dissident groups who used internet-based social networks in 2009 to trigger protests against the re-election of President Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. In January 2012, the Cyber Police issued new guidelines for internet cafés, requiring users to provide personal information that would be kept by café owners for six months, as well as a record of the websites they visited. The rules also require café owners to install closed-circuit television cameras and maintain the recordings for six months. These new rules may create a logbook that authorities can use to track down activists or whomever is deemed a threat to national security. In June 2012, Iranian media reported that the Cyber Police would be launching a crackdown on virtual private networks (VPNs). On 30 October 2012, the Cyber Police arrested the blogger Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx without a warrant for ‘actions against national security on social networks and Facebook.’ Xxxxxxxx had criticized the Iranian government in his blog. Xxxxxxxx was found dead in his prison cell on 3 November 2012, and is believed to have been tortured to death by the Cyber Police authorities. |
Fylgiskjal 2.
„Fylgiskjal 52.
frá 7. apríl 2015
um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 359/2011 um þvingunaraðgerðir sem er beint gegn tilteknum aðilum, rekstrareiningum og stofnunum í ljósi ástandsins í Íran
I. viðauka við reglugerð ráðsins (ESB) nr. 359/2011 er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við reglugerð þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
(1) The entries for the following persons shall be deleted from the list set out in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 359/2011:
42. XXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxx
70. XXXXXXX Gholomani
72. XXXXX Xxxxx Xxxxxx
(2) The entries for the following persons and entity as set out in in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 359/2011 shall be replaced by the entries below:
Persons Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
1. | Centre to | Location: Tehran, Iran | The Iranian Cyber Police, founded in January 2011, is a | |
Investigate | Website: | unit of the Islamic Republic of Iran Police, which is | ||
Organized Crime | headed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx (listed). Xxxxxx- | |||
(aka: Xxxxx | Xxxxxxxx underlined that the Cyber Police would take on | |||
Crime Office or | anti-revolutionary and dissident groups who used internet- | |||
Cyber Police) | based social networks in 2009 to trigger protests against | |||
the re-election of President Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. In | ||||
January 2012, the Cyber Police issued new guidelines for | ||||
internet cafés, requiring users to provide personal | ||||
information that would be kept by café owners for six | ||||
months, as well as a record of the websites they visited. | ||||
The rules also require café owners to install closed-circuit | ||||
television cameras and maintain the recordings for six | ||||
months. | ||||
These new rules may create a logbook that authorities can | ||||
use to track down activists or whomever is deemed a threat | ||||
to national security. In June 2012, Iranian media reported | ||||
that the Cyber Police would be launching a crackdown on | ||||
virtual private networks (VPNs). On 30 October 2012, the | ||||
Cyber Police arrested the blogger Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx without | ||||
a warrant for ‘actions against national security on social | ||||
networks and Facebook.’ Xxxxxxxx had criticized the | ||||
Iranian government in his blog. Xxxxxxxx was found dead | ||||
in his prison cell on 3 November 2012, and is believed to | ||||
have been tortured to death by the Cyber Police | ||||
authorities. |
Fylgiskjal 3.
„Fylgiskjal 53.
frá 7. apríl 2015
um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran
II. viðauka við ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við ákvörðun þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
(1) The entity listed below shall be inserted in the list set out in Part I of Annex II to Decision 2010/413/CFSP:
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran
B. Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
105. | Bank Tejarat | Postal Address: Taleghani Br. 000, Xxxxxxxxx Xxx. P.O. Box: 11365 -5416, Tehran; Tel. 00000000; Tlx.: 226641 TJTA | Bank Tejarat provides significant support to the Government of Iran by offering financial resources and financing services for oil and gas development projects. The oil and gas sector constitutes a significant source of funding for the Government of Iran and several projects financed by Bank Tejarat are carried out by subsidiaries of entities owned and controlled by the Government of Iran. In addition, Bank Tejarat remains partly owned by and closely linked to the Government of Iran which is therefore in a position to influence Bank Tejarat's decisions, including its involvement in the financing of projects regarded by the Iranian Government as a high priority. Furthermore, as Bank Tejarat provides financing to various crude oil productions and refining projects which necessarily require the acquisition of key equipment and technology for those sectors whose supply for use in Iran is prohibited, Bank Tejarat can be identified as being involved in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology. | 8.4.2015 |
(2) The entities listed below shall be inserted in the list set out in Part III of Annex II to Decision 2010/413/CFSP:
III. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)
B. Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
4. | Ocean Capital Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB92501 (Germany) issued 4 Jan 2005 | A German-based IRISL holding company that is owned and controlled by IRISL. | 8.4.2015 |
5. | First Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94311 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
5a. | First Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102601 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005; IMO Nr. 9349576 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
6. | Second Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94312 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
6a. | Second Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102502 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349588. | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
7. | Third Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94313 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
7a. | Third Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102520 (Germany) issued 29 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.:9349590 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
8. | Fourth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94314 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
8a. | Fourth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # XXX000000 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
9. | Fifth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94315 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
9a. | Fifth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102599 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349667 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
10. | Sixth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94316 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
10a. | Sixth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # XXX000000 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349679 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
11. | Seventh Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94829 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
11a. | Seventh Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102655 (Germany) issued 26 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165786 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
12. | Eighth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94633 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
12a. | Eighth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102533 (Germany) issued 1 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165803 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
13. | Ninth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94698 (Germany) issued 9 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
13a. | Ninth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102565 (Germany) issued 15 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165798 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
14. | Tenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
14a. | Tenth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102679 (Germany) issued 27 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165815 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
15. | Eleventh Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94632 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
15a. | Eleventh Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102544 (Germany) issued 9 Sep 2005; IMO Nr. 9209324 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
16. | Twelfth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94573 (Germany) issued 18 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
16a. | Twelfth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102506 (Germany) issued 25 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
17. | Thirteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
18. | Fourteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
19. | Fifteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
20. | Sixteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
37. | IRISL Maritime Training Institute | Xx 000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx. P.O. Box 15896- 53313, Tehran, Iran | IRISL Maritime Training Institute is owned and controlled by IRISL which holds 90 % of the company's shares and whose representative is Vice-President of the Board of Directors. It is involved in the training of IRISL employees. | 8.4.2015 |
39. | Kheibar Co. | Iranshahr shomali (North) avenue, xx 000, 000000000 Xxxxxx, Xxxx | Kheibar Co. is owned and controlled by IRISL which holds 81 % of the company's shares and whose representative is a member of its Board of Directors. It provides spare parts for shipping vessels. | 8.4.2015 |
40. | Xxxx Shipping Line Xxxxxxx Co. | Xxxxxx Street Xxxx Island Iran | Kish Shipping Line Xxxxxxx Co. is owned and controlled by IRISL. It is involved in the recruitment and personnel management of IRISL. | 8.4.2015 |
Fylgiskjal 4.
„Fylgiskjal 54.
frá 7. apríl 2015
um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran
IX. viðauka við reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við reglugerð þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
(1) The entity listed below shall be inserted in the list set out in Part I of Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 267/2012:
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran
B. Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
105. | Bank Tejarat | Postal Address: Taleghani Br. 000, Xxxxxxxxx Xxx. P.O. Box: 11365 -5416, Tehran; Tel. 00000000; Tlx.: 226641 TJTA | Bank Tejarat provides significant support to the Government of Iran by offering financial resources and financing services for oil and gas development projects. The oil and gas sector constitutes a significant source of funding for the Government of Iran and several projects financed by Bank Tejarat are carried out by subsidiaries of entities owned and controlled by the Government of Iran. In addition, Bank Tejarat remains partly owned by and closely linked to the Government of Iran which is therefore in a position to influence Bank Tejarat's decisions, including its involvement in the financing of projects regarded by the Iranian Government as a high priority. Furthermore, as Bank Tejarat provides financing to various crude oil productions and refining projects which necessarily require the acquisition of key equipment and technology for those sectors whose supply for use in Iran is prohibited, Bank Tejarat can be identified as being involved in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology. | 8.4.2015 |
(2) The entities listed below shall be inserted in the list set out in Part III of Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 267/2012:
III. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)
B. Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
4. | Ocean Capital Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB92501 (Germany) issued 4 Jan 2005 | A German-based IRISL holding company that is owned and controlled by IRISL. | 8.4.2015 |
5. | First Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94311 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
5a. | First Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102601 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005; IMO Nr. 9349576 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
6. | Second Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94312 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
6a. | Second Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102502 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349588. | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
7. | Third Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94313 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
7a. | Third Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102520 (Germany) issued 29 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.:9349590 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
8. | Fourth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94314 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
8a. | Fourth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # XXX000000 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
9. | Fifth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94315 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
9a. | Fifth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102599 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349667 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
10. | Sixth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94316 (Germany) issued 21 Jul 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
10a. | Sixth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # XXX000000 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005; IMO Nr.: 9349679 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
11. | Seventh Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94829 (Germany) issued 19 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
11a. | Seventh Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102655 (Germany) issued 26 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165786 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
12. | Eighth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94633 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
12a. | Eighth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102533 (Germany) issued 1 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165803 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
13. | Ninth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94698 (Germany) issued 9 Sep 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
13a. | Ninth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102565 (Germany) issued 15 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165798 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
14. | Tenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
14a. | Tenth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102679 (Germany) issued 27 Sep 2005; IMO Nr.: 9165815 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
15. | Eleventh Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94632 (Germany) issued 24 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
15a. | Eleventh Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102544 (Germany) issued 9 Sep 2005; IMO Nr. 9209324 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
16. | Twelfth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRB94573 (Germany) issued 18 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
16a. | Twelfth Ocean GmbH & Co. KG | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx; Business Registration Document # HRA102506 (Germany) issued 25 Aug 2005 | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
17. | Thirteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
18. | Fourteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
19. | Fifteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
20. | Sixteenth Ocean Administration GmbH | Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx 00000, Xxxxxxx | Owned by IRISL through Ocean Capital Administration GmbH which is an IRISL holding company. | 8.4.2015 |
37. | IRISL Maritime Training Institute | Xx 000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx. P.O. Box 15896- 53313, Tehran, Iran | IRISL Maritime Training Institute is owned and controlled by IRISL which holds 90 % of the company's shares and whose representative is Vice-President of the Board of Directors. It is involved in the training of IRISL employees. | 8.4.2015 |
39. | Kheibar Co. | Iranshahr shomali (North) avenue, xx 000, 000000000 Xxxxxx, Xxxx | Kheibar Co. is owned and controlled by IRISL which holds 81 % of the company's shares and whose representative is a member of its Board of Directors. It provides spare parts for shipping vessels. | 8.4.2015 |
40. | Xxxx Shipping Line Xxxxxxx Co. | Xxxxxx Street Xxxx Island Iran | Kish Shipping Line Xxxxxxx Co. is owned and controlled by IRISL. It is involved in the recruitment and personnel management of IRISL. | 8.4.2015 |
Fylgiskjal 5.
„Fylgiskjal 55.
frá 25. júní 2015
um breytingu á ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran
II. viðauka við ákvörðun 2010/413/SSUÖ er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við ákvörðun þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
1. The entries relating to the persons and entities listed below are deleted from the list set out in Annex II to Decision 2010/413/CFSP.
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran.
A. Persons
5. Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX
B. Entities
160. XX Xxxxx and Company Private Limited
III. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)
B. Entities
60. Bright-Nord GmbH und Co. KG
63. Cosy-East GmbH und Co. KG
86. Great-West GmbH und Co. KG
87. Happy-Süd GmbH und Co. KG
127. NHL Basic Ltd
128. NHL Nordland GmbH
132. Prosper Basic GmbH
2. The following entries replace the entries concerning the entities listed below, set out in Annex II to Decision 2010/413/CFSP.
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran.
B. Entities
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
76. | Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) | Sadra Building Xx 0, Xxxxxxx Xx., Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Blvd., Shahrak Xxxxx, P.O. Box 14669-56491, Tehran, Iran | Effectively controlled by Sepanir Oil & Gas Energy Engineering Company, which is designated by the EU as an IRGC company. Provides support to the Government of Iran through its involvement in the Iranian energy sector including in the South Pars Gas field. | 23.5.2011 |
77. | Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx University | Daneshju Blvd., Yaman St., Chamran Blvd., P.O. Box 19839-63113, Tehran, Iran | Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx University is a public entity which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Xxxxxxx out scientific research relevant to the development of nuclear weapons. | 23.5.2011 |
132. | Naftiran Intertrade Company (a.k.a. Naftiran Trade Company) (NICO) | 5th Floor, Petropars Building, Xx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx Tel. x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000; Fax x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000 E-mail: | Subsidiary (100 %) of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) | 16.10.2012 |
154. | First Islamic Investment Bank | Branch: 19A-31-3A, Level 31 Business Suite, Wisma UOA, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 00000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxx; Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx; 50450 Tel. 000-00000000/2/3/4, x0000000000/417050, x000000000000 Branch: Unit 13 (C), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan Complex, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx; Labuan F.T; 87000 Investor Relations: Menara Prima 17th floor Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 0.0 Xxxxxxx 00000 — Xxxxxxxxx; South Jakarta; Jakarta; 12950 | First Islamic Investment Bank (FIIB) is providing financial and logistical support to the Government of Iran. FIIB was used by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx to channel a significant amount of Iranian oil-related payments on behalf of the Government of Iran. | 22.12.2012 |
157. | HK Intertrade Company Ltd (HK Intertrade) | HK Intertrade Company, 21st Floor, Xxx Xxx Building, 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx | HK Intertrade is fully owned and controlled by the National Iranian Oil Company, a designated and state-owned entity that provides support to the Government of Iran. In addition, HK Intertrade has provided logistical and financial support to the Government of Iran by facilitating the transfer of oil- related money on behalf of the Government of Iran. | 22.12.2012 |
158. | Petro Suisse | Petro Suisse Avenue De la Tour- Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx | Petro Suisse, a company engaged in the Iranian oil and gas sector, is 100 % owned by the NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company) which is a designated entity that provides financial support to the Government of Iran. Petro Suisse is also associated with Naftiran Intertrade Co (NICO) which is designated as a subsidiary (100 %) of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). | 22.12.2012 |
Fylgiskjal 6.
„Fylgiskjal 56.
frá 25. júní 2015
um framkvæmd reglugerðar (ESB) nr. 267/2012 um þvingunaraðgerðir gegn Íran
IX. viðauka við reglugerð (ESB) nr. 267/2012 er breytt í samræmi við viðaukann við reglugerð þessa. (Efnisútdráttur).
1. The entries relating to the persons and entities listed below are deleted from the list set out in Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 267/2012.
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran
5. Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX
160. XX Xxxxx and Company Private Limited
III. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)
60. Bright-Nord GmbH und Co. KG
63. Cosy-East GmbH und Co. KG
86. Great-West GmbH und Co. KG
87. Happy-Süd GmbH und Co. KG
127. NHL Basic Ltd
128. NHL Nordland GmbH
132. Prosper Basic GmbH
2. The following entries replace the entries concerning the entities listed below, set out in Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 267/2012.
I. Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran
Name | Identifying information | Reasons | Date of listing | |
76. | Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) | Sadra Building Xx 0, Xxxxxxx Xx., Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Blvd., Shahrak Xxxxx, P.O. Box 14669-56491, Tehran, Iran | Effectively controlled by Sepanir Oil & Gas Energy Engineering Company, which is designated by the EU as an IRGC company. Provides support to the Government of Iran through its involvement in the Iranian energy sector including in the South Pars Gas field. | 23.5.2011 |
77. | Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx University | Daneshju Blvd., Yaman St., Chamran Blvd., P.O. Box 19839- 63113, Tehran, Iran | Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx University is a public entity which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Techno- logy. Xxxxxxx out scientific research relevant to the development of nuclear weapons. | 23.5.2011 |
132. | Naftiran Intertrade Company (a.k.a. Naftiran Trade Company) (NICO) | 5th Floor, Petropars Building, Xx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx Tel. x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000; Fax x00 00 00000000; x00 00 00000000 | Subsidiary (100 %) of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) | 16.10.2012 |
154. | First Islamic Investment Bank | Branch: 19A-31-3A, Level 31 Business Suite, Wisma UOA, Xxxxx Xxxxxx 00000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx; Xxxxx Xxxxxx; Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx; 50450 Tel. 000- 00000000/2/3/4, x0000000000/417050, x000000000000 Branch: Unit 13 (C), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan Complex, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx; Labuan F.T; 87000 Investor Relations: Menara Prima 17th floor Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 0.0 Xxxxxxx 00000 — Xxxxxxxxx; South Jakarta; Jakarta; 12950 | First Islamic Investment Bank (FIIB) is providing financial and logistical support to the Government of Iran. FIIB was used by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx to channel a significant amount of Iranian oil-related payments on behalf of the Government of Iran. | 22.12.2012 |
157. | HK Intertrade Company Ltd (HK Intertrade) | HK Intertrade Company, 21st Floor, Xxx Xxx Building, 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx | HK Intertrade is fully owned and controlled by the National Iranian Oil Company, a designated and state-owned entity that provides support to the Government of Iran. In addition, HK Intertrade has provided logistical and financial support to the Government of Iran by facilitating the transfer of oil-related money on behalf of the Government of Iran. | 22.12.2012 |
158. | Petro Suisse | Petro Suisse Avenue De la Tour- Xxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx | Petro Suisse, a company engaged in the Iranian oil and gas sector, is fully owned by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) which is a designated entity that provides financial support to the Government of Iran. Petro Suisse is also associated with Naftiran Intertrade Co (NICO) which is designated as a subsidiary (100 %) of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). | 22.12.2012 |