vid regeringssammanträde 2023-11-30
S2023/03145 (delvis)
1 bilaga
Bemyndigande att underteckna en överenskommelse mellan staten och Världshälsoorganisationen om initiativet Commission on Social Connection
Ett förslag till överenskommelse mellan staten och Världshälso- organisationen (WHO) om bidrag till initiativet Commission on Social Connection har upprättats efter förhandlingar mellan företrädare för Regeringskansliet (Socialdepartementet) och WHO. Förslaget har den lydelse som framgår av bilagan.
Regeringen bemyndigar chefen för Socialdepartementet, statsrådet Xxxxxxxx, eller den som han sätter i sitt ställe, att underteckna en överenskommelse som i huvudsak stämmer överens med förslaget.
Utdrag till
Utrikesdepartementet/I MP Finansdepartementet/BA Folkhälsomyndigheten Socialstyrelsen Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO)
Telefonväxel: 00-000 00 00 Xxxx: xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx
Postadress: 103 33 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Xxxxxxxxxx 0
E-post: x.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Bilaga till regeringsbeslut 2023-11-30 nr. I:3
Page 1 of 3
For specified programme support: WHO Commission on Social Connection
Sweden and the World Health Organization (WHO)
1. This Grant Agreement is concluded under the Framework Agreement between Sweden and WHO, signed on 31st January 2020. WHO shall administer the contribution in accordance with the provisions of the Framework Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein.
2. This Grant Agreement relates to a financial contribution to be made by Sweden to WHO towards the implementation of the WHO Commission on Social Connection, (hereinafter referred to as the “activities”).
3. The budget and payment terms for the activities financed by the contribution is set out in this grant agreement (paragraph 6). Prior to effecting major changes between categories of expenditure that may be found necessary in the course of implementing the activities, WHO shall consult Sweden.
4. The contribution shall be used exclusively for the purposes indicated in this grant agreement and shall be administered in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules, and financial and administrative rules and practices of WHO.
5. The activities shall be undertaken from 15 September 2023 to 14 September 2026. Only costs for activities carried out during this period may be financed from the Swedish contribution.
6. The Parties may amend this Grant Agreement by extending the activity period and the validity period, if necessary.
Project/programme title: | WHO Commission on Social Connection |
Duration: | 15 September 2023 to 14 September 2026 |
Total budget: | USD 600’000 |
Percentage of support cost: | 13% Programme Supports Costs and 1% UN levy. |
Indirect support cost: Reporting frequency, format and agreed channels: | 13% Programme Supports Costs (USD 68'343); 1% UN levy (USD 5'941). Technical report and certified interim financial report due on a yearly basis (for last year, final certified financial report). |
Payment Terms | Upon receipt by Sweden of the countersigned Agreement |
Financial and administrative provisions
In addition to the financial and administrative provisions contained in the Framework Agreement, the following provisions shall apply.
7. WHO shall record receipt of Sweden’s contribution as revenue and shall administer the contribution and the activities financed there from in accordance with its applicable financial rules, regulations, procedures and practices. WHO shall ensure that the contribution is recorded in WHO’s accounts and reported, together with all other voluntary contributions and contributions to specified programmes.
8. The WHO Commission on Social Connection mentioned in paragraph 6 above and subject to this Agreement will be given un-earmarked support to achieve maximum flexibility and alignment to its/their strategies and work plans.
9. WHO will be responsible for the effective and timely performance of the funded activities. However, WHO shall have no obligation to implement the activities unless all necessary and sufficient funds for the implementation have been received by WHO. If the start date is postponed for that reason, the end date shall be extended accordingly.
10. All financial reports and statements of account will be expressed in United States Dollars.
11. Under this Agreement 13% of expenditure will be deducted by WHO to cover the indirect costs of administrative support, in accordance with World Health Assembly resolution WHA34.17.
12. Sweden shall allow WHO a period of up to twelve months after completion of the project, or any termination of this Grant Agreement (close date), to liquidate all encumbrances for activities completed by WHO prior to completion or termination.
13. The revenue and expenditure recorded in respect of the contribution shall be included in the WHO Financial Reports submitted to the World Health Assembly on an annual basis. Certified financial statements of income and expenditure shall be provided to the Sweden on a yearly basis, upon request.
14. A Final Certified Financial Statement (FCFS) of income and expenditure will be provided by WHO, by the close date of this Grant Agreement (namely, after settlement of all encumbrances for activities started by WHO prior to completion or early termination of the Agreement).
15. WHO shall make an appropriate acknowledgement of the contribution in any of its publications emanating from the funded activities, or in reports that are habitually made available to its member states. Donors are always entitled to make reference to their donations in their internal documents and in their annual reports.
16. This Grant Agreement shall enter into force on the last date of signature by the Parties and shall remain valid until 14 September 2026, unless terminated earlier by either Party by giving three months' notice in writing to the other. Any such termination shall be subject to the settlement of any outstanding encumbrances.
Two originals of this Grant Agreement, written in the English language, have been signed by the Parties.
Place and date | Place and date | |
For Sweden, represented by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs | For the World Health Organization, WHO | |
Signature | Signature | |
Name and title in block letters | Name and title in block letters |