SÖ 2005: 6
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Nr 6
Avtal mellan de stater som deltar i den multinationella snabbinsatsbrigaden för FN-insatser om status för deras styrkor
Köpenhamn den 13 december 2001
Regeringen beslutade den 29 november 2001 att underteckna avtalet. Undertecknandet skedde den 15 december 2001. Den 22 december 2004 beslutade regeringen att ratificera avtalet och att i samband med ratifikationen lämna följande förklaring:
Sveriges regering erinrar om innehållet i sin reservation till artikel VII i PFF- avtalet och som är tillämpligt på detta avtal enligt artikel II a) ii:
Sveriges regering anser sig inte vara bunden av artikel 1 i avtalet mellan de stater som är parter i Nordatlantiska fördraget och de andra stater som deltar i Partnerskap för fred om status för deras styrkor i den utsträckning som denna artikel hänför sig till bestämmelserna i artikel VII i avtalet mellan parterna i Nordatlantiska fördraget om status för deras styrkor, som ger de sändande stat- erna rätt att utöva domsrätt inom en mottagande stats territorium, när Sverige är mottagande stat. Reservationen inbegriper inte de åtgärder som vidtas av militärmyndigheterna i en sändande stat, vilka är trängande nödvändiga för att upprätthålla lugn och ordning inom styrkan.
Ratifikationsinstrumentet deponerades hos Danmarks regering den 19 februari 2005.
Avtalet trädde i kraft den 5 november 2002 och för Sverige trädde den i kraft den 20 mars 2005.
Riksdagsbehandling: Prop 2004/05:7, bet. 2004/05:FöU2, rskr.
SÖ 2005: 6 Översättning1)
1) Översättning i enlighet med den i prop. 2004/05:7 intagna texten.
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Agreement Among the States Participating in the Multinational Stand-by High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations Regarding the Status of their Forces
The States participating in the Multinational Stand-by High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations (SHIRBRIG):
Recalling the Letter of Intent concerning co-operation on the Multinational United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade, initially signed by Denmark on the 15th of December 1996, and
Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Steering Committee, initially signed by Denmark on the 9th of March 1997, and
Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Operation, Funding, Administration and Status of the Planning Element of the Multi- national United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade, initially signed by Denmark on the 14th of March 1997, and
Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Operation, Funding, Administration and Status of the Multinational United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade, initially signed by Denmark on the 16th of April 1998:
Considering that the forces of one State Party to the present Agreement may be sent and received, by separate arrangement, into the territory of an- other State Party;
Desiring, however, to define the status of such forces while in the territory of another State Party;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. In this agreement the expression:
(a) “SHIRBRIG” means “The Multinational Stand-by High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations”, which is a pre-established (non-standing), multinational brigade at high readiness, composed of contributions to the United Nations Stand-by Arrangement System, which in accordance with national decisions can be offered to carry out peacekeeping missions mandated by the United Nations;
(b) “Planning Element” means the multinational element, which is the permanent part of the SHIRBRIG staff, established to support the Brigade by performing pre-deployment functions, and then, on deployment, to become the nucleus of the deployed SHIRBRIG staff;
(c) “SHIRBRIG activities,” in addition to the daily activities of the Planning Element, shall be deemed to include all pre-deployment activities such as conferences, meetings, training and exercises.
Article II
Applicable Documents
1. Except as otherwise provided for in the present Agreement, the States Parties to the present Agreement:
(a) Regarding the SHIRBRIG activities which take place in the territory of
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a State Party, shall apply mutatis mutandis the provisions of:
i. the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regar- ding the Status of their Forces, done in London on the 19th of June 1951, he- reinafter referred to as the NATO SOFA and
ii. the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, done in Brussels on the 19th of June 1995, herei- nafter referred to as the PfP-SOFA, and the Additional Protocol to the PfP SOFA, done in Brussels on the 19th of June 1995, hereinafter referred to as the PfP Additional Protocol having regard to reservations and statements made by State Parties to these agreements.
(b) Regarding the activities of the SHIRBRIG Planning Element while on the territory of Denmark shall, in addition to the provisions mentioned in paragraph 1 (a) of this Article, apply mutatis mutandis the provisions of the Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty, done in Paris on the 28th of August 1952, hereinafter referred to as the Paris Protocol.
2. For the purpose of applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of the agreements referred to in paragraph 1 the following interpretations shall apply:
(a) With respect to matters in the NATO SOFA that provide for requests to be submitted to, or differences to be referred to the North Atlantic Council, the Chairman of the North Atlantic Council deputies or an arbitrator, these provisions of the NATO SOFA shall be construed to require the States Parties concerned to settle the matter by resort to Article V of the present Agreement;
(b) “Party/Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty” referred to in the applicable documents, means the States Parties to the present Agreement;
(c) “North Atlantic Treaty area” referred to in the applicable documents, means the territories of the States Parties to the present Agreement;
(d) “Allied Headquarters” referred to in the applicable documents, means the Planning Element of SHIRBRIG.
Article III
Claims Procedure
To ensure reciprocity between the Parties concerning waiver of claims up to a certain amount in accordance with Article VIII paragraph 2 (f) of the NATO SOFA the amount mentioned in that Article for Denmark (9,670 DKK) will be governing for all Parties.
Article IV
1. The present Agreement is without prejudice to existing international agreements or arrangements.
Article V
Settlement of Disputes
All disputes between the States Parties relating to the interpretation or appli- cation of the present Agreement shall be settled by negotiation between them.
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Article VI
The present Agreement may be amended by the consensus of all the States Parties. Such amendments shall enter into force in accordance with Article VIII paragraph 1 of the present Agreement.
Article VII
Ratification and Signature
1. The present Agreement shall be open for signature by any state that is a signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Operation, Funding, Administration and Status of the Planning Element of the Multi- national United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade and/or the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Operation, Funding, Admi- nistration and Status for the Multinational United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade.
2. The present Agreement shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Denmark, which shall notify all signatory states of each such deposit.
3. The present Agreement shall be subject to accession by any state that has signed the Memoranda of Understanding as referred to in paragraph 1 after the entering into force of the present Agreement.
Article 8
Entry into Force
1. Sixty days after three signatory States have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval, the present Agreement shall enter into force in respect of those states. It shall enter into force in respect of each other signatory State sixty days after the date of deposit of its instruments of ratifi- cation, acceptance or approval. The status of the Planning Element as provided for in Article II subparagraph (b) of the present Agreement shall enter into force after Denmark has ratified the Agreement.
2. Any exchange of notes, concerning the status of the Planning Element of the Multinational United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade and its personnel, between the Government of Denmark and any other signatory States ceases to have effect from the date the present Agreement enters into force between Denmark and the respective signatory State.
3. The present Agreement shall be registered with the Secretary General of the United Nations by the Government of Denmark.
Article IX
Any State Party may withdraw from the present Agreement by giving written notification of withdrawal to the Government of Denmark, which will notify all signatory States of each such notification. The withdrawal shall take effect one year after receipt of the notification by the Government of Denmark. After
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the expiration of this period of one year, the present Agreement shall cease to be in force as regards the party that withdraws, except for the settlement of any outstanding obligations that arose before the day on which the withdrawal takes effect, but shall continue to be in force for the remaining State Parties.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective governments, have signed this agreement.
Done in Copenhagen this thirteenth day of December 2001 in the English language, in a single original, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of Denmark. The Government of Denmark shall transmit certified copies thereof to all the signatory States.
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