İşletme İhtiyacı İçin Döviz Kredisi Örnek Maddeleri

İşletme İhtiyacı İçin Döviz Kredisi. Müşteri, ihracat ve yatırım finansmanı dışında işletme ihtiyacı için Sözleşme ile açılan kredinin kısmen veya tamamen Döviz Kredisi olarak kullandırılması halinde, işbu Döviz Kredisi hakkında Sözleşme’nin ilgili diğer hükümleri, 5.3. maddesi hükümleri ile birlikte aşağıdaki hükümlerinin de geçerli olacağını kabul eder. interests and all other costs and charges levied pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations, by using the foreign currency proceeds of exports or foreign exchange generating activities, depending on the purpose of use thereof. The amounts cited above are required to be paid in FX and in the currency of the underlying guarantee. However, the Client may also make this payment in TL or in a different foreign currency. Thereupon, it is hereby acknowledged by the Client that the amount in TL to be collected will be determined over the Bank’s foreign exchange selling rate current as of the date of actual collection of commissions, while the amount in FX to be collected will be determined over the Bank’s cross exchange rates current as of the date of actual collection of commissions. In the event that the credit facility extended by this Agreement is fully or partially made available as Foreign Exchange Credit for operational needs other than financing of exports and investments, it is hereby accepted by the Client that in addition to provisions of Article 5.3 and other relevant provisions of this Agreement, the following provisions will also be applicable and valid thereinfor: