Maturity Reasons. 10.2.1. Not paying any of payables in the contract, payment plan, policy, cheque, bond, and various documents given to the Lessor on due date.
10.2.2. Payment difficulty of the lessee, guarantor, avaliste, and others, bankruptcy, concordatum, demand of delay of bankruptcy, restructuring, consolidation and similar agreements. External agreements, injunction, decisions and various transactions on detriment of the Lessee in order not to fulfil the obligations and liabilities to the Lessor.
10.2.3. Not fulfilling the demand of the Lessor regarding with granting security or increasing security and additional security.
10.2.4. Detecting that documents and information given to the Lessor are incorrect and misleading.
10.2.5. Not submitting information and document which shall be demanded regarding with the assets and financial position and various subjects by the Lessee with those required to be submitted pursuant to the relevant regulation or submitting them lacking or incorrectly.
10.2.6. Failure to make insurances required or making them invalidly, making them late, not paying insurance premiums.
10.2.7. Reasons listed as the maturity reasons are not conclusive and conditions which are considered as reason of maturity by the regulation or application are reserved.
Maturity Reasons. 10.2.1. Not paying any of payables in the contract, payment plan, policy, cheque, bond, and various documents given to the Lessor on due date.
10.2.2. Payment difficulty of the lessee, guarantor, avaliste, and others, bankruptcy, concordatum, demand of delay of bankruptcy, restructuring, consolidation and similar agreements. External agreements, injunction, decisions and kısmen dahi olsun vadesinde/süresinde hiç veya gereği gibi yerine getirilmemesi, kısmen yerine getirilmesi, kısmen ihlal edilmesi gibi tüm durumlar muacceliyet ve temerrüt sebebidir.