Su drenaj yapısı
XXX-X000 XXX-X000
Su drenaj yapısı
- Yağmur suyu panel yüzeyinden tahliye edilir.
- Bu sayede sadece su birikintisi değil aynı zamanda kuruma sonrası su lekelerinin de önüne geçilir.
- Düşük açılı tesisatlarda dahi su drenaj köşeleri paneli temiz tutar.
Her iki taraftan enerji
- HIT®, panelin hem ön hem de arka tarafında aynı anda güneş enerjisi üretir.
- Panelin arka tarafından gelen bu ek ışık miktarı, panelin ön tarafının aldığı ışık ile kombine edilir.
Dikey entegrasyonlu fabrika
- Plakadan hücreye kadar olan tüm proses aynı lokasyonda gerçekleştiğinden etkin üretim akışı sayesinde ürün kalitesi artmaktadır.
- Fabrikalar arasındaki nakliye sürecinde parçaların zarar görme riski yoktur.
HIT® teknolojisi
HIT® güneş hücresi, ultra ince amorf silikon tabakalarıyla çevrili, ince bir monokristal silikon plakadan yapılmıştır. Bu ürün, son teknoloji üretim teknikleri kullanılarak üretildiğinden sektörde lider performans ve değer sunar. HIT® güneş hücresinin geliştirilmesi, Yeni Enerji ve Endüstriyel Teknoloji Geliştirme Organizasyonu (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization/NEDO)
tarafından desteklenmektedir.
Panasonic, 1975 yılında güneş PV paneller geliştirmeye ve üretmeye başladığından beri kaliteye son derece önem vermektedir. Uzun başarı geçmişimiz, Avrupa’da satılan tüm güneş panellerinden sadece %0,0038’inden alınan şikayet oranıyla da desteklenmektedir (Ağustos 2014 itibarıyla).
Başlıca özellikler
Güneş panellerimiz %100 sıfır emisyonludur, hareketli parçaları yoktur ve gürültüsüzdür. Panellerin boyutları, yerden kazandıran bir kurulum yapılmasını ve herhangi bir çatı alanında mümkün olan en yüksek güç üretiminin elde edilmesini sağlar.
Yüksek sıcaklıklarda yüksek performans
Sahip olduğu %-0,29/°C’lik çok düşük sıcaklık katsayısıyla, güneş hücremiz, yüksek sıcaklıklarda bile konvansiyonel silikon güneş hücresinden daha yüksek verimlilik sağlamaktadır.
194 W/m2
HIT® hücrenin yapısı
Minimal kayıp sağlayan temiz yüzey
Ultra ince amorf silikon tabakalar
Üretim karşılaştırması
yaklaşık %8
daha fazla
839.2 773.9
kWh/kWp kWh/kWp
toplam üretim
Nagano (Japonya), 2012, güneye dönük, eğim açısı 20°
normal güç üretimi (kWh/kWp)
Güneş Paneli
"HIT", Panasonic Grup'un tescilli bir ticari markasıdır.
Panasonic Eco Solutions Türkiye
Model | Hücre verimliliği | Panel verimliliği | Üretim/m2 |
VBHN245SJ25 | %22.0 | %19.4 | 194 W/m2 |
VBHN240SJ25 | %21.6 | %19.0 | 190 W/m2 |
VBHN235SJ25 | %21.1 | %18.6 | 186 W/m2 |
Elektriksel ve Mekanik Özellikler
Güç üretimi: 10 yıl (%90 Pmin), 25 yıl (%80 Pmin) Ürün işçiliği: 10 yıl (Garanti belgesine bağlı)
Hücre malzemesi: 5 inç fotovoltaik hücreler
Cam malzemesi: Yansıtmayan cam kaplı temperli cam Çerçeve malzemeleri: Siyah anotlanmış alüminyum Konektör tipi: SMK
Sertifika No MCS PV0034 Fotovoltaik Sistem
IEC61215 IEC61730-1 IEC61730-2
Elektriksel Koruma Sınıfı I
Elektriksel veriler
(Standart Test Koşullarında)
Maksimum güç (Pmax) [W] Maksimum güç voltajı (Vmp) [V] Maksimum güç akımı (Imp) [A] Xxxx xxxxx voltajı (Voc) [V]
Kısa devre akımı (Isc) [A] Maksimum aşırı akım derecesi [A] Üretim toleransı [%]
Maksimum sistem voltajı [V]
+10/0* 1000
Not: Standart Test Koşulları: Hava kütlesi 1,5; Işınım = 1000W/m2; hücre sıcaklığı 25°C
* Panasonic tesisleri tarafından ölçülen tüm paneller, pozitif toleranslı üretim yapmışlardır.
Sıcaklık özellikleri
Sıcaklık (NOCT) [°C] 44.0
Pmax sıcaklık katsayısı [%/°C] -0.29 Voc sıcaklık katsayısı [V/°C ] -0.133 -0.131 Isc sıcaklık katsayısı [mA/°C] 1.76 1.76
NOCT'de (Normal Çalışma Koşulları)
Maksimum güç (Pmax) [W] 187.4 183.2
Maksimum güç voltajı (Vmp) [V] 42.5 41.7
Maksimum güç akımı (Imp) [A] 4.41 4.39
Xxxx xxxxx voltajı (Voc) [V] 50.3 49.7
Kısa devre akımı (Isc) [A] 4.71 4.71
Not: Nominal Çalışan Hücre Sıcaklığı: Hava kütlesi 1,5; Işınım = 800W/m2; Hava sıcaklığı 20°C; rüzgar hızı 1 m/s
Not: Düşük ışınım: Hava kütlesi 1,5; Işınım = 200W/m2; hücre sıcaklığı = 25°C
Boyutlar ve ağırlık
Junction box
Connector SMK
ön taraf
arka taraf
bölüm A-A’
bölüm B-B’
ağırlık: 15 kg
ağırlık/m²: 11,9 kg/m² birim: mm
X000, X000
Düşük ışınımda (%20) | ||
Maksimum güç (Pmax) [W] | 47.0 | 45.9 |
Maksimum güç voltajı (Vmp) [V] | 43.2 | 42.2 |
Maksimum güç akımı (Imp) [A] | 1.09 | 1.09 |
Xxxx xxxxx voltajı (Voc) [V] | 49.6 | 49.0 |
Kısa devre akımı (Isc) [A] | 1.17 | 1.17 |
Lütfen daha fazla bilgi için yerel satıcınıza başvurun.
Işınıma bağımlılık
0 10
30 40
VBHN245SJ25 modeli için referans veriler (Hücre sıcaklığı: 25°C)
DİKKAT! Ürünleri kullanmadan önce lütfen kurulum kılavuzunu dikkatle okuyun
Kullanılan elektrikli ve elektronik ürünler genel evsel atıklarla karıştırılmamalıdır. Eski ürünlerin uygun şekilde işlenmesi, geri kazanımı ve geri dönüşümü için bu ürünler, ilgili ulusal mevzuat çerçevesinde uygun toplama noktalarına götürülmelidir.
Panasonic Eco Solutions Elektrik San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxx. Xx: 00 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx / Xxxxxxx T: x00 (000) 000 00 00 F: x00 (000) 000 00 00
Teknik özelliklerde bildirimde bulunmaksızın değişiklik yapılabilir. 04/2018
Limited Guarantee on Panasonic's Photovoltaic Modules HITTM
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (a member of Panasonic Group and in charge of manufacturing Panasonic photovoltaic modules HITTM, hereinafter referred to as "Panasonic") grants to any purchaser of Panasonic photovoltaic modules HITTM (hereinafter referred to as “Modules”), with model numbers VBHN245SJ25, VBHNxxxSJ47 (xxx=325, 330), VBHNxxxSJ53 (xxx=325, 330), series, a limited guarantee in accordance with the following terms and conditions. The period of this guarantee shall begin on the date of initial purchase by the ultimate customer (hereinafter referred to as "Ultimate Customer"). Only customers named in the certificate of guarantee (hereinafter referred to as “Certificate of Guarantee”) – exclusive of any subsequent purchasers – shall be entitled to claim under this guarantee, unless the following terms and conditions allow for any exceptions, and when Module(s) remain at their original installed location this guarantee is transferable to any subsequent owner of the location, or subsequent title-holder of the Module(s) upon satisfactory proof of succession or assignment (all such persons hereinafter referred to as, “Ultimate Customer”). This guarantee applies exclusively to modules
manufactured by Panasonic from September, 2017.
Section 1 Description
A: Limited Guarantee on Material and Workmanship
Panasonic grants to the Ultimate Customer for a period of fifteen (15) years, effective from the purchase date of the Modules, that the Modules are free from any defects in material and workmanship. This guarantee shall only be granted on condition that the Module(s) is installed, used and maintained in strict adherence to the general installation instructions described in the Installation Manual as well as to the specific installation instructions which are related to the solar system itself and provided by the Panasonic Dealer. Should, within the period, the product fail to meet the quality standards warranted in this guarantee and should the defect be caused by poor quality, Panasonic will employ one of the following Limited Guarantee Remedies as set forth under section 3 below.
The Ultimate Customer shall not be entitled to make to
Panasonic any claims extending beyond this guarantee. The period of this guarantee shall by no means be extended beyond the original period of fifteen (15) years, also not in the event of repair or exchange of any Module. B: Limited Guarantee on Power Output
Panasonic grants the power output will be no less than 97% of the designated Maximum Power (Pmax) stated in the product data sheet for the first year from date of purchase of the Modules by the Ultimate Customer and the power output degradation will be no more than 0.45% per year for the following 24 years, so that, at the end of 25th year, the power output will be at least 86.2% of Pmax. The power output values under this Limited Guarantee on Power Output shall be those measured under Panasonic’s Standard Test Conditions (STC) as follows: (a) Irradiance 1000 W/m2, (b) Cell Temperature of 25ºC, and (c) Air Mass of 1.5.
Upon receipt of a Power Output guarantee claim, Panasonic or its designated representative shall conduct measurements under STC to determine the actual power output of the Modules. Panasonic’s measurement shall be the sole determination for purposes of guarantee settlement. If Panasonic measures power output levels under the warranted output levels set out above, taking into account a ±3% measurement tolerance range, and such power loss is the result of a module defect, as determined by Panasonic in its sole and absolute discretion, Panasonic will supplement the power output deficiency using one of the following Limited Guarantee Remedies as set forth under Section 4 below.
The Ultimate Customer shall not be entitled to make to Panasonic any claims extending beyond this guarantee. The period of this guarantee shall by no means be extended beyond the original period, also not in the event of any supplementation, repair or exchange of the Modules concerned.
Section 2 General Conditions
The following terms and conditions apply to all Panasonic Modules guaranteed in accordance with Section 1:
※“HIT”is a trademark of Panasonic Group. Effective from 1. May. 2018
a) Guarantee can only be claimed within the periods stated in this guarantee.
b) This guarantee shall neither cover the costs caused by any works to be carried out on site nor any costs incurred in connection with any installation, removal, transport or reinstallation of any Panasonic Module or its components when claiming the performance warranted in this guarantee. Any costs for measuring the power output on the Module and for acknowledging its quality shall also be excluded from this guarantee.
c) This guarantee can only be claimed through the Panasonic Dealer who sold the product. Should the Panasonic Dealer concerned no longer be existent, please contact Panasonic Eco Solutions Elektrik San. ve Tic. A.S. In the event of any litigation or in connection with any statements to be made to the guarantor it is the guarantor that is the only correct contact. Panasonic Dealers do not have any authority to act for and on behalf of the guarantor other than to effect payments to and from Ultimate Customers if so instructed by Panasonic; apart from that they are merely the technical assistants in dealing with this guarantee. Panasonic Dealer shall not accept any returned Modules without any prior written consent by Panasonic to this effect.
d) Irrespective of any other limitations specified herein the guarantee offered herein shall only be valid for the initial purchaser named in the Certificate of Guarantee who has bought the Modules for his/her own needs and not for the purpose of resale. After the Module has been installed on a building this guarantee shall be extended, by way of exception, to also include anyone having acquired said building from the Ultimate Customer. In this case the claimant shall furnish adequate proof of succession in title to said Xxxxxx.
e) Panasonic’s total liability under this guarantee during the entire guarantee period is limited to the costs of the Modules. The net purchase price of all Modules bought by the Ultimate Customer (without any further service/material items) plus national VAT, as stated in the invoice addressed to the Ultimate Customer, shall be deemed as costs of the Modules only.
f) Any exchanged (i.e. replaced) components or Modules shall pass into the ownership of Panasonic.
g) Any claims under this guarantee shall be asserted by the Ultimate Customer without undue delay but no later than six weeks after knowledge of the event giving rise to the claim,
h) The Ultimate Customer shall bear the burden of proof for all requirements for claims arsing under or in connection with this guarantee. The Ultimate Customer shall also have to prove that there is no case for any exception/limitation in terms of Section 4 of this guarantee.
i) The Ultimate Customer shall not be entitled to make to Panasonic any claims extending beyond this guarantee. The period of this guarantee shall by no means be extended beyond the original period as specified in the Guarantee Information Chart, also not in the event of any supplementation, repair or exchange of the Modules concerned.
Section 3 Limited Guarantee Remedies
Panasonic, at is sole discretion, will take one of following remedies
a) Panasonic will repair or replace the Module with new or refurbished Module.
b) Panasonic will provide additional new or refurbished Module to restore deficient output.
c) Panasonic will refund the Customer the original Module purchase price. Any refund may be pro-rated by the number of months from the date of original purchase by the Ultimate Customer and/or may be calculated based on the difference between actual power output (Module measured under STC) and minimal guaranteed output.
Section 4 Exceptions and Limitations
A: The limited guarantees (see Section 1) shall not be granted in the following cases:
a) Installation, wiring and maintenance works have been carried out in a manner contradictory to the General Installation Manual and to the specific installation instructions provided by the Panasonic
Effective from 1. May. 2018
Dealer who sold the product; the Module concerned has been used and/or handled in a manner contradictory to the Installation Manual
b) Module(s) installed in a location that exceeds Operating Conditions as specified in the Installation Manual.
c) A Module has been damaged by way of abuse or any alterations and/or actions which were not performed by Panasonic.
d) Pre-installation storage and transport have been faulty and/or not in line with the instructions set out in the Installation Manual.
e) Modules have been damaged by external stress and strain or stones and/or debris dropping thereon, unless damage has been caused by any defective materials employed in the Modules and/or faulty assembly of the Modules concerned.
f) Modules have been contaminated and/or damaged by environmental factors, such as soot, saliferous substances or acid rain.
g) The Ultimate Customer's system, equipment and facilities on site are damaged or incompatible with the Modules.
h) Marine, recreation vehicle, or mobile installations of any kind. Multi-axis tracking systems are not considered mobile installations.
i) Damage has been caused by extreme natural phenomena (earthquakes, typhoons and tornados, volcanic eruptions, floodings and storm tides, strokes of lightning, hailstorms and heavy snowfalls, tsunami, etc) and/or fires and any other unforeseen circumstances for which Panasonic cannot be held responsible.
j) Damage has been caused by terrorism, uprisings and such other man-made catastrophes.
k) Damage has been caused by power surges, power failures, or other man-made disasters.
l) Damage has been caused by noise, vibration, rust, scratches in normal operation.
m) Cosmetic variation, stains or scratches that do not
affect power output.
n) Appearance change has been caused in normal operation.
o) There is no Certificate of Guarantee at all or it is incomplete, lacking entry of Ultimate Customer's
name and/or of date of purchase and/or stamp of Panasonic Dealer. Should, however, the Certificate of Guarantee merely lack the Dealer's stamp, proof of purchase can also be furnished by presenting another document (invoice).
p) The type label and/or serial number of the Module are missing, or have been changed or are unreadable.
q) Modules are not installed within the following country: Turkey.
r) Modules are not purchased in the countries listed in Section 4 A q) above and identified by a CE label.
B: The performance and service warranted herein constitute the only guarantee put on the product. Panasonic shall refuse herewith explicitly all other guarantees and warranties, including any guarantee/warranty relating to the marketability of the quality of the product and/or its suitability for a specific purpose. Panasonic shall not be liable under any circumstances for any lost profits, for any special, accidental, indirect losses or consequential damage, for whatever reasons.
C: This guarantee shall in no way limit any of the Ultimate Customer's claims which are based on a different legal foundation.
D: German law shall apply exclusively to any and all claims which may arise from this guarantee to the Ultimate Customer or Panasonic.
E: The English version of the guarantee shall prevail. All other language versions are solely translations hereof.
Effective from 1. May. 2018
Certificate of Guarantee
Ultimate Customer
Name: Address, tel: The Customer acknowledges by way of his/her signature the receipt of a copy of the product-related, General Installation Manual as well as of the specific installation instructions provided by the Panasonic Dealer, in addition to the product specified herein. Date, signature: |
Date of purchase: |
Model: Number of Modules: Serial number(s): Please stick here in this box all serial numbers, which are to be found on the packing cartons of the Modules concerned. (Should this box not be large enough for placing all the serial numbers, please stick the remaining serial numbers on the back of this sheet.) |
Business name of authorized Panasonic Dealer:
Date, signature:
Contact Information
Panasonic Eco Solutions Elektrik San. ve Tic. X.X. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxx. Xx:00 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx / Xxxxxx
TEL: x00 000 000 00 00
FAX: x00 000 000 00 00
Web :
Eco Solutions Company of Panasonic Group SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Japan,
Eco Solutions Division
Solar System Business Unit, Quality Assurance Department
This Guarantee document should be retained by the Ultimate Customer.
You do not need to send this document to SANYO/Panasonic or any of Panasonic’s official dealer for its validation.
This document will only be required when a claim is filed.
Effective from 1. May. 2018