YDT - 1
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SINAV SÜRESİ : 120 Dakika
• Bu testte 80 İngilizce sorusu bulunmaktadır.
• Üniversiteye geçiş için uygulanacak olan sınav Almanca, Arapça, Fransızca, İngilizce ve Rusça dillerinde yapılacaktır. Her dil için ayrı soru kitapçığı bulunacaktır. Sınavda adaya başvuru esnasında bildirdiği yabancı dile ait soru kitapçığı verilecektir.
Sayfa Yabancı Dil Testi 3
Bu testte 80 İngilizce sorusu bulunmaktadır.
1 - 14. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. I am really upset to hear that your conference - - - -
with my birthday party.
A) covers B) coincides C) supplies
D) trades E) argues
2. The - - - - human body carries ten times more bacterial cells than human cells.
A) infrequent B) recherché C) rare
D) average E) singular
3. The regulation itself doesn’t ban oil exploration, but it adds extra hurdles that, opponents say, will the
A) save B) reject C) restore
D) fail E) harm
4. Human on the environment includes changes
to biophysical enviroments and ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources caused directly or indirectly by humans.
A) conflict B) impact C) nutrition
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D) treasure E) failure
5. There will be a 50% increase in lightning by
2100 if global warming continues, according to a scientific report.
A) strikes B) emissions C) ecosystems
D) glaciess E) droughts
6. Xxxxxx never won the Nobel Peace Prize, despite being five times.
A) awarded B) attempted C) reported
D) nominated E) suffered
7. With the Semi, an electric big-machinery, Elon Musk aims to bring sustainable energy to the industry that
- - - - about 20 percent of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.
A) calls off B) accounts for C) keeps on D ) passes away E) brings up
8. Never judge a person before you - - - - about his background.
A) learned
B) are learning
C) have learned
D) had learned
E) had been learning
9. The cold air is thicker than the hot air and this causes light passing through the layers - - - -.
A) bend
B) to bend
C) bent
D) having been bent
E) having bent
10. Six months after the hurricanes Xxxx and Xxxxx - - - -
islands in the Carribbean, some volunteers spent time in Dominica to find out how they - - - -.
A) devastated / are recovering
B) devastated / had recovered
C) have devastated / have recovered
D) devastate / will recover
E) had devastated / recover
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11. Streching for 1429 miles, the Great Barrier Reef; located the coast of Queensland, Australia; is
the largest coral reef system in the world.
A) beside
B) from
C) across
D) over
E) off
12. - - - - Xxxxxx knew that her son was lying, she pretended to believe him.
A) Unless
B) Even though
C) In case
D) Consequently
E) Only if
13. - - - - it can be prevented with a simple vaccine, measles is a major cause of death among children in Somalia.
A) But B) Although C) Once
D) Lest E) Unless
15 - 19. sorularda, parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
Human populations are shifting to cities, which is leading to rapid increases in the number and extent of urban areas. Such changes are well known to cause (15) - - - -
in the number of many species, but they can also act as alternative selection pressures (16) some species
are able to adapt. Xxxxxxx and Munshi-South review the pressures that urban environments exert, the ways in which species may (or may not) adapt, and the larger impact (17) these evolutionary events on natural
processes and human populations. Understanding such urban evolution patterns (18) our ability to xxxxxx
species persistence in the face of urbanization and to mitigate some of the challenges, (19) diseases,
that adaptation can bring.
14. My youngest daughter loves chat rooms, and she spends hours in her room staring at the screen and typing furiously my eldest daughter uses her
PC for more educational purposes.
A) In contrast to
B) So that
C) So long as
D) In order that
E) On the other hand
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A) decline
B) process
C) trends
D) awareness
E) prevention
A) in which
B) to whom
C) to which
D) for whom
E) into which
A) off
B) on
C) over
D) of
E) within
A) improved
B) had improved
C) will improve
D) would improve
E) will have improved
A) with respect to
B) or else
C) much as
D) rather than
E) such as
20 - 27. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
20. Paleontologists and evolutionary biologists have long thought that the original mammals were nocturnal - - - -.
A) in part because mammals alive today still carry traits of their night-loving ancestors
B) although they have highly developed senses of smell and hearing, and sensitive whiskers
C) because behavior is hard to discern from fossils
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D) that the numbers and types of mammals expanded rapidly after dinosaurs fell by the wayside
E) hence primates likely had several million years longer to evolve traits
21. The whales’ exposure to danger has increased since 2011, - - - -.
A) but they are not living long enough or reproducing quickly enough for the species to survive
B) so right whale numbers appeared to be slowly climbing, from roughly 300 to about 500
C) when dozens began showing up in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada
D) but more females died than males, Xxxx found, pos- sibly because reproduction already stressed them
E) however they appear to be taking a growing toll because of increased fishing in areas
22. - - - - these nations can change the course of the global low-carbon pathway.
A) With the United States now planning to withdraw from the agreement
B) If nations all around the world work together on renewable energy, a sustainable transport system, and effective policies,
C) Since the 2015 Paris climate agreement was to a large extent based on cooperation
D) Due to the fact that the nations carrying out research on climate change have some problems
E) Because China and the USA are the two countries trying to prevent distinctions of wild life
23. The city of ruins are over a millennia old but - - - -.
A) according to science channels series they are too old
B) thanks to the new technology it is on the outskirts of the city
C) satellite imagines show 97 geometrically similar shapes
D) their purposes are unclear and little is known about them
E) coming down to ground level even more astounding
24. Star Wars Composer Xxxx Xxxxxxxx has the record for xxxx Xxxxx nominations than anybody living, - - - -.
A) developing a sunlight phobia from staring at the sun
B) and he never wrote a single line of programming code
C) being awarded 141 new patents since his death
D) however; he wrote all of the songs himself
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E) averaging one nomination a year since his first in 1967
25. While the basic format of teaching may remain largely unchanged, - - - -.
A) textbooks are, of course, still a big part of the school experience
B) the modern-day classroom isn’t so different from the classroom of the past
C) technology has improved how kids learn, what they learn, and how they are taught
D) these books can also include links to websites that aid learning
E) the teachers still stand at the front, with the children facing them
26. When the U.S. half-cent was discontinued in 1857 for not having enough buying power, - - - -.
A) it was worth about the same as a modern U.S. dime
B) the American Civil War broke out in 1861 when the Confederates attacked a U.S. fortress
C) sideburns are named after American Civil War General, General Xxxxxxxx
D) this currency has been released by the Treasury
E) officially, the longest war in history was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Sicily, which lasted from 1651 to 1986
27. Some volcano eruptions are capable of creating powerful electrical charges - - - -.
A) even the word volcano originally comes from the name of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan
B) however there are volcanoes found on the ocean floor and even under icecaps
C) however the danger area around a volcano covers about a 20-mile radius
D) if a lightning strike damaged the upper section of the Xxxxxx Tower
E) that can lead to bolts of lightning as large as two xxxxx xxxx
28- 33. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
28. If one of your grandparents are Irish, you could claim Irish citizenship no matter where you live or were born without knowing anything about Ireland.
A) Eğer dede−ninenizden biri İrlandalı ise, irlanda hak- kında hiçbir şey bilmeseniz bile nerede yaşadığınız veya doğduğunuz farketmeksizin İrlanda vatandaşlı- ğı talep edebilirsiniz.
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B) Eğer İrlanda vatandaşlığı talep etmek istiyorsanız nerede yaşadığınız veya doğdunuz farketmez ancak dede veya ninenizden biri İrlanda kökenli olmalıdır.
C) Eğer İrlanda vatandaşı olmak istiyorsanız ve dede veya ninenizden biri İrlandalı ise nerede doğdunuzun veya yaşadığınızın hatta İrlanda hakkında herhangi bir bilgiye sahip olmamanızın bir önemi yoktur.
D) Dede veya ninenizden biri İrlandalı ise ve siz de İrlanda vatandaşı olmak istiyorsanız İrlanda hakkında bilgi sahibi olmanıza veya İrlanda’da yaşamanıza gerek yoktur.
E) İrlanda hakkında bir şey bilmiyorsanız veya İrlanda’da doğmadıysanız, İrlanda vatandaşı olmak için dede veya ninenizden birisininin İrlandalı olması yeterlidir.
29. To summarize, Xxx Xxxxx links the disorder of FD to personality differences related to sensitiveness and biases of introverts and extroverts.
A) Özetle, Xxx Xxxxx, FD bozukluğunu içe dönük ve dışa dönük kişilerin hassasiyet ve önyargılarıyla ilgili kişisel farklılıklarına bağlamaktadır.
B) Xxx Xxxxx isimli araştırmacının özetlediğine göre, FD bozukluğu kişilerin hassasiyet ve önyargıları so- nucu kişisel farklılıklara yol açmaktadır.
C) Kısaca söylemek gerekirse, Xxx Bless FD hastalı- ğını içe dönük ve dışa dönük kişilerin önyargılarını, farklı hassasiyetlerle bağlantılı olarak, kişilik farklılık- larıyla ilişkilendirmektedir.
D) Özetleyecek olursak, FD hastalığı Xxx Bless’in araştırmalarında içe dönük ve dışa dönüklerin kişi- sel farklılıklarından bağımsız olarak, hassasiyet ve önyargılarıyla ilişkilendirilmektedir.
E) Xxx Xxxxx FD bozukluğunu, içe dönük ve dışa dönük kişilerin hassasiyet ve önyargıları sonucu oluşan ki- şisel farklılıklar olarak özetlemiştir.
30. Because it is illegal to hunt alligators in the U.S., alligator meat must be purchased from farms and once an alligator is 5 to 7 feet long, it is ready to be slaughtered for meat, hide, and teeth.
A) Amerika’da timsah yemek yasak olduğundan, timsah eti çiftliklerden alınmalıdır ve bir timsah 5−7 fit boyuna ulaştığında eti, derisi ve dişleri için kesilmeye hazırdır.
B) Amerika’da timsah avlamak yasadışı olduğu için, timsah eti çiftliklerden satın alınmalı ve bir timsah 5 ile 7 fit boyutlarına ulaştığında eti, derisi ve dişleri için kesilmeye hazırdır.
C) Amerika’da çiftliklerde timsah yetiştirmek yasak olduğundan, timsahlar etleri, derileri ve dişleri için 5−7 fit boyutlarına ulaştığında avlanmalıdırlar.
D) 5−7 fit boyutlarındaki timsahların Amerika’da avlanması yasadışı olduğundan, bu timsahların eti, derileri ve dişleri için çiftliklerde yetiştirilmeleri gerekmektedir.
E) Amerika’da timsahların eti, derisi ve dişleri çiftliklerden alınamadığı için bunların 5−7 fit boyuna geldiklerinde avlanmaları yasaldır.
31. At the beginning of the World War I, tanks were grouped according to their ‘gender’. The male tanks had cannons attached while the females carried machine guns and the prototype tank was named Little Xxxxxx.
A) Birinci Xxxxx Xxxxxx’nda cinsiyetlerine göre ayrılan tanklardan erkek olanları top taşırken dişi olanları ma- kineli tüfek taşıyordu, ilk tankın adı da Little Xxxxxx idi.
B) Birinci Xxxxx Xxxxxx yıllarında tanklar da gruplara bölünmüştü ve erkek tanklar makineli tüfek taşırken dişi tanklar top taşıyordu ve ilk tankın adı Little Wil- li’ydi.
C) Birinci Xxxxx Xxxxxx sırasında bazı tanklar erkek ve dişi olmak üzere ikiye ayrılırken, erkek tanklar top dişi tanklar makineli tüfek taşıyordu ve ilk tank Little Xxxxxx idi.
D) Birinci Xxxxx Xxxxxx’nın başlarında tanklar cinsi- yetlerine göre gruplandırılmıştı. Erkek tanklara top bağlanmışken dişi tanklar makineli tüfek taşıdı ve ilk örnek tank Little Xxxxxx olarak adlandırılmıştı.
E) Little Xxxxxx olarak adlandırılan tank, cinsiyetlerine göre erkek ve dişi olarak gruplandıran ve erkeklerin top dişilerin ise makineli tüfek taşıyan tankların Birin- ci Xxxxx Xxxxxx’ndaki ilk örneğiydi.
32. Considered as the “father of the computer”, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century.
A) Bilgisarayın babası olarak görülen Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx,
19. yüzyılın başlarında ilk mekanik bilgisayarı kavramsallaştırdı ve icat etti.
B) Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 19. yüzyılda bilgisayarı kavramsallaştırdığı ve icat ettiği için bilgisayarın babası olarak bilinmektedir.
C) Bilgisayarın babası olarak bilinen Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
19. yüzyıl başlarında bilgisayarı kavramsallaştırmış ve sonra da icat etmiştir.
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D) Bilgisayarı kavramsallaştırıp sonra da icat eden Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 19. yüzyıldan beri bilgisayarın babası olarak bilinmektedir.
E) 19. yüzyılda bilgisayarı icat edip kavramsallaştıran Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx bilgisayarın babası olarak anılmaktadır.
33. Do you know the assistant Xxxx, first offered with the iPhone 4S, means “Beautiful woman that leads you to victory” in Norse?
A) İlk kez iPhone 4S ile sunulan asistan Siri’nin Norveç dilinde “Sizi zafere götüren güzel kadın” anlamına geldiğini biliyor musunuz?
B) Norveç dilinde “Sizi zafere götüren güzel kadın” anlamına gelen Siri’nin ilk kez iPhone 4S ile kullanıma sunulduğunu biliyor muydunuz?
C) iPhone 4S ile ilk kez tanıştığımız Siri’nin aslında Norveç dilinde “Size zafere götüren güzel kadın” anlamında kullanıldığını biliyor musunuz?
D) İlk kez Norveç dilinde “Sizi zafere götüren güzel kadın” anlamında kullanılan Siri kelimesinin iPhone 4S’te mevcut olduğunu biliyor muydunuz?
E) Norveç dilinde ilk kez kullanılan ve iPhone 4S ile piyasa sürülen Siri’nin “Sizi zafere götüren güzel kadın”anlamına geldiğini biliyor muydunuz?
34 - 39. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
34. Son zamanlarda yapılan bir araştırma eşlerini en iyi arkadaşları olarak görenlerin evlilikten diğerlerine göre iki kat daha fazla doyum aldığını ortaya koydu.
A) Some studies have revealed that people who are married with their best friends consider themselves twice as much happier than others.
B) A study by those who marry with their best friends has revealed that those people get twice as much satisfaction than others.
C) According to a study, people who are married with their best friends are happier than others in terms of marriage.
D) A recent study has revealed that those who consider their spouses to be their best friends get twice as much satisfaction from marriage as others.
E) Studies show that people should marry with their best friends in order to get twice as much satisfaction than others.
35. Almanya Ulm’daki Ekmek Kültürü Müzesi’nin hiç biri ekmek olmayan 18.000 parçalık bir koleksiyonu bulunmaktadır.
A) The Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany, has a collection of 18000 items, none of which is bread.
B) There are 18000 items in the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany and all of them are breadcumbs.
C) The Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany has 18000 items though they do not include any bread at all.
D) The number of items in the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm is 18000 but, in fact, there isn’t any bread here.
E) If you want to see anything about bread, you should visit the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany but remember that none of its items is bread.
36. Köpekler Birinci Xxxxx Xxxxxx’nda vücutlarına bağlanmış kapsüller içinde ön cephelere emirleri ulaştıran elçiler olarak kullanılmıştır.
A) In WW1, orders were transmitted to the front lines with the help of dogs carrying capsules on their bodies.
B) Dogs, carrying orders to the front lines in capsules, were used as messengers in WW1.
C) Dogs were used in WW1 with the aim of carrying orders to the front lines in capsules.
D) In WW1, armies used dogs as messengers that could carry orders in capsules on their bodies.
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E) Dogs were used as messengers in WW1, carrying orders to the front lines in capsules attached to their bodies.
37. Bir BM raporu Endonezya’da, İkinci Dünya Sava- şı’ndaki Japon işgalinde kıtlık ve zorla çalıştırılma sonucu 4 milyon insanın öldüğünü belirtti.
A) A UN report stated that 4 million people died in Indonesia as a result of famine and forced labor during the WW2 Japanese occupation.
B) According to a UN report, 4 million people died due to famine and forced labor in Indonesia occupied by Japanese in WW2.
C) When Japanese occupied Indonesia in WW2, they killed 4 million people, as a result of famine and forced labor, according to UN report.
D) UN reports that 4 million Indonesians died in WW2 as a result of famine and forced labor when Japanese occupied the country.
E) As a result of Japanese occupation in WW2, 4 million Indonesians died according to UN reports.
38. Devletler çökünce, sadece teröristlere ve uyuşturu- cu kaçakçılarına sığınak olmaz, aynı zamanda mül- teci yığınlarının zengin ülkelere yönelmesini teşvik ederler.
A) If states collapse, they don’t become havens for terrorists and drug smugglers; on the contrary they prompt multitudes of refugees to head for richer countries.
B) When governments collapse, they become havens for terrorists and drug smugglers as a result of prompting multitudes of refugees to head for richer countries.
C) When states collapse, they not only become havens for terrorists and drug smugglers but also prompt multitudes of refugees to head for richer countries.
D) When states collapse, they not only become heavens for terrorists and drug smugglers but also prompt multitudes of refugees to head for richest countries.
E) Not only governments collapse, they become havens for terrorists and drug smugglers but also prompt multitudes of refugees to head for richer countries.
39. Terra Australis hakkındaki efsaneler ve spekülasyonlar antik çağlara kadar uzansa da, Antarktika ilk kez 1820 yılında Ruslar tarafından keşfedilmiştir.
A) Though Russians explored Terra Australis in antiquity, myths and speculations about it emerged in 1820s.
B) Myths and speculations about Terra Australis date back to antiquity, however it wasn’t explored until 1820s when Russians first sighted it.
C) Russians explored Terra Australis in 1820 though myths and speculations about it date back to antiquity.
D) Although myths and speculations about Terra Australis date back to antiquity, Antarctica was only first explored in 1820 by Russians.
E) Despite the fact that it was 1820 when Terra Australis was sighted, Russians had myths and speculations about it in antiquity.
40 - 42. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
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Although they are more properly known as the Norse, or Norsemen, “Viking” is a catch-all term for the people who came from Scandiavia; which is now Norway, Denmark and Sweden; between the 8th and 11th centuries. They have long had a notorious reputation as the raiders and pirates of the medieval world and certainly it is not unjustified: their raids were fearsome and long-running. However, they were also explorers and skilled seafarers, managing to spread across Europe and east into Asia, south to northern Africa and as far west as Newfoundland. They established trade routes across the known world and settled in northern Britain, Ireland and among the Franks, forming the Kievan Rūs kingdom on the River Volga. The Norse were initially pagan and targeted the wealthy Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx in their raids, but they later converted. A few of the stunning stave churches they built in Scandinavia can still be seen today.
40. According to the passage Vikings - - - -.
A) were famous for their trades and agriculture
B) lived north of Asia during the eighth millennium BC
C) were composed of people coming from various countries
D) formed new trade ways extending from Scandinavia to England
E) were indeed known as people of North coming from Norway
41. It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
A) Vikings lived off both their raids and commerce
B) many Vikings were initially Christian but they changed their religion
C) Scandinavia is a region composed of two different countries
D) the Norse were established by people who lived in Ireland for at least four millennium
E) sea trade but not the raids was only income source for the Vikings
42. It can be understood from the passage that - - - -.
A) the raids carried out by Vikings were short-lived
B) paganism was one of the religions Wikings had after the conquers
C) Norway, Denmark and Sweden are countries that Vi- kings have route for trade
D) some religious buildings can be seen even today bu- ilt by Norse
E) Vikings have a long trade routes reaching all the continents
43 - 45. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
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Memory is vital to form a person’s identity and provide the stable sense of reality we need to function in daily life. Despite memory’s fundamental importance, its basis in the brain remains largely mysterious. Attempts to develop computer models of the brain show that memory is far more complex, and often counter−intuitive, than any system yet devised by software designers. A memory is a far cry from the information stored on a hard drive or in the Cloud: it can not only fade and disappear, but be falsified. Recently, scientists have begun to probe for memory’s basis in the brain on a cellular level, using tools such as optogenetics to manipulate neural circuits in living animals. Despite rapid progress, they are still far from grasping the neuronal processes by which a fully−fledged memory is formed, stored, and retrieved. It’s easy to take memory for granted. Only when it fails, because of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, a head injury, or other brain insults, do we appreciate the myriad complex components that constantly have to be coordinated to sustain it.
43. The author is of the opinion that - - - -.
A) having retention ability is the only thing scientists try to develop for future generations
B) memory plays a crucial role in composing a person’s identity that we need to lead our daily lives
C) head injures are the main reasons of some illness such as Alzheimer’s is and some brain defects
D) in the case of brain defects, computer brain models will be vital for us
E) because of the rapid change in computer science we are on the edge of understanding the neuronal pro- cesses
44. It can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.
A) despite being highly important memory is still incomprehensible for many of us
B) scientists have grasped many aspects of neuronal processes so far
C) memory is sophisticated but not often instinctive compare to any system invented by software designers
D) the retention ability that we have can not fade away, but be falsified
E) the memory can be thought the same way as any storing systems such as a hard drive or a cloud
45. According to the passage it can be understood that
- - - -.
A) scientists will begin to study memory’s basis in the brain on a retention span level in near future
B) the identity of people is insufficient to provide the sense of well-being we need to function in daily life
C) some illnesses such as Alzheimer’s are incurable in spite of recent improvement in the filed of memory
D) hard drive and other memory devices will be used to investigate the brain insults seen in the old
E) scientists try to understand the memory, using optogenetics to study neural circuits on living animals
46 - 48. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
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DNA profiling is universally accepted as the highest standard for identification in forensics, and it has been used successfully for decades to convict or acquit suspects. In fact, a 2009 National Research Council report on forensic science eviscerated all other identification techniques, from fingerprinting to bite mark analysis, holding DNA as uniquely capable of reliably distinguishing between any two people on Earth. But DNA also has limitations. It can degrade and be difficult to extract from trace evidence, such as skin and hair. So Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, a biochemist at the University of California, has been studying unique markers in the proteins made by DNA. “The major advantage is that protein, particularly hair protein, is more stable than DNA,” he explains.
46. It is understood from the passage that DNA profiling
- - - -.
A) is a method that has been used since ancient times
B) is used both to accuse someone and to find someone innocent
C) began to be used universally after the report in 2009
D) gained a scientific value after it began to be used in forensics
E) became a more successful method after 2009
47. According to the National Research Council, - - - -.
A) there are few methods at least as reliable as DNA
B) it is not possible to ignore all other identification methods other than DNA profiling
C) there may be something DNA and proteins can’t identify in any two people in the world
D) there is nothing better for the identification in forensics than DNA
E) fingerprinting and bite mark analysis are incompa- rable in identifying the criminals
48. The point made in the passage is that - - - -.
A) it can sometimes be hard to obtain DNA for identification
B) forensic science is now in its peak with DNA profiling
C) though DNA is unique in the identification of criminals, National Research Council doesn’t accept this fact
D) DNA in skin and hair is more advantageous to forensics
E) DNA profiling is a limited technique compare to fin- gerprinting
49 - 51. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx was prime minister from 1916 to 1922, and was hailed as “the man who won the war”. Born in humble circumstances, he grew up in north Wales. After qualifying as a solicitor, in 1890 he was elected Liberal MP for Carnarvon, a seat he would hold in every election until his elevation to the Lords in 1945. He served as president of the board of trade and then chancellor of the exchequer in Liberal administrations, helping to introduce reforms such as old age pensions and National Insurance, but his 1909 ‘People’s Budget’ was rejected by the House of Lords, sparking a constitutional crisis. In 1915, a year after the outbreak of the First World War, he became a highly effective minister of munitions. He succeeded Xxxxxxx as prime minister in 1916 and, after the German surrender, won a landslide victory in the ‘Coupon Election’ of 1918. He played a pivotal role in the Treaty of Versailles, but was forced from office in 1922.
49. According to the passage, Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx - - - -.
A) became prime minister after the First World War
B) took office as a solicitor after winning the war
C) succeeded in remaining an MP for 55 years
D) had to end his active political life in 1922
E) spent all his life in north Wales, where he was born
50. We understand from the passage that - - - -.
A) Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx retired in 1945, when he became a Lord
B) Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx took different offices throughout his life
C) it was when he became a solicitor that Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx was the most successful
D) by the time the first World War started, Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx had already become the minister of munitions
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
E) Carnarvon is a city in north Wales
51. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A) The constitutional crisis began because of the First World War
B) Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx became the prime minister after Germany admitted defeat
C) Treaty of Versailles resulted in Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx resigning his office
D) although Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx won the Coupon Election, he couldn’t be effective in the Treaty of Versailles
E) Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx’x family lived a modest life during his babyhood
52 - 54. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A sign of growing community among Greeks is the founding of Panhellenic athletic games in 776 B.C. The first games were held at Olympia, in the Peloponnese, and were dedicated to Zeus; thus from the beginning, the games were connected with religion and demonstrate that religion can have wide uses in a community. But they were also a way of celebrating human perfection and heroism, an aspiration of Greek civilization. Originally, the Olympics featured only foot races and wrestling, but gradually they came to include other events like boxing, javelin throwing and so on. Only the winner gained a prize, an olive wreath, but victory also brought rich awards from one’s city and lifelong glory. The modern myth of amateur athlete was unknown to the Greeks. In imitation of the Olympics, other cities founded games, and there was eventually one set of Panhellenic games each year, as well as games in many individual cities.
52. It is clear from the passage that the Olympics - - - -.
A) were religious because Xxxx wanted them to be held
B) were somehow related to religion as they were devoted to Xxxx
C) were held in memory of Xxxx in the beginning
D) were the games the Greeks began to love as the community grew
E) were held just for Xxxx at Olympia, but after some time it they gained popularity
53. We can understand from the passage that - - - -.
A) Greeks were a community with a lot of religious ceremonies
B) the Olympics-like games had already been held before Greeks began to hold the Olympics
C) foot races and wrestling were the two most important games
D) in the Olympics there were few games in the very beginning
E) the winner of the javelin throwing and boxing had richer awards than the other winners
54. What is stated in the passage about heroism in Greeks?
A) It was used as a means to promote Greeks to other cities.
B) It was demonstrated in the best games of the Olympics, particularly for Xxxx.
C) It was already a characteristic desire in Greek civilization.
D) It was nothing more than religion.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
E) It was discovered in Panhellenic athletic games and improved in the Olympics.
55 - 60. sorularda verilen cümlelere anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
55. The Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, once hired 420 mime artists to make fun of traffic violators because he believes Colombians fear ridicule more than being fined.
A) Since he trusts Colombians fear to be derided more than being fined, the Chairman of Bogotá, Colombia, once contracted 420 pantomime specialists to ridicule traffic lawbreakers.
B) As Colombians fear being derided in public, the Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, tries to ridicule those, who break the rules, by hiring 420 mime artists instead of punishing.
C) Colombians’ fear being ridiculed in traffic led the Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, to hire 420 mime artists so that he could prevent the violation of traffic rules.
D) The Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, once hired 420 mime artists to make fun of those who violate the rules, believed being mocked was worse than being fined.
E) Colombians always feared being jeered than being fined and this fact made The Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, hire 420 pantomime artists to make fun of traffic violators.
56. The Golden Gate Bridge uses the largest bridge cables ever made, long enough to encircle the world more than 3 times at the equator.
A) Compared to others, the Golden Gate Bridge is the biggest bridge ever made with its cables 3 times longer than the equator.
B) As its cables are 3 times longer than equator, the Golden Gate Bridge is the biggest bridge ever constructed.
C) With the cables in excess of 3 times at the equator, the Golden Gate Bridge is the longest bridge in the world.
D) The length of its cables, 3 times longer than equator, makes the Golden Gate Bridge the longest one in the history of world.
E) The Golden Gate Bridge utilizes the biggest extension links made at any time, sufficiently long to surround the world in excess of 3 times at the equator.
57. The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.
A) If you want to change your perception, you need to change your taste of music.
B) The more you listen to music the more your perception of the world changes.
C) How people perceive the world can be influenced by music they love most.
D) The sort of music you listen to influences the way you see the world.
E) Your music taste affects your perception but this fact has nothing to do with the world you live in.
58. There is a water reservoir floating in space that is equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world’s ocean.
A) The water in the planet’s sea is 140 trillion times bigger than the water storage in space’s sources.
B) Compared to the water store drifting in space, the world’s seas are 140 trillion times bigger.
C) In space there is a water repository coasting that is proportionate to 140 trillion times all the water on the planet’s sea.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
D) There used to be a water supply drifting in space that is proportionate to 140 trillion times all the water in the world’s sea which is equivalent to all planets’.
E) There is a mineral deposit reservoir of the sea in space that is comparable to 140 trillion times bigger than the solar system.
59. Studies have shown that walking for 30 minutes in a day can delay and possibly prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes.
A) Some studies have been conducted to prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes and to make it possible to walk for 30 minutes in a day.
B) According to the studies, it is shown that walking
30 minutes in a day can delay and prevent the development of one of the two types of diabetes.
C) According to the studies, walking for 30 minutes in day can put off and also presumably prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes.
D) The only way to prevent the development of Type Two Diabetes is walking for 30 minutes during the day.
E) Studies show the fact that walking for 30 minutes during the day can prevent the risk of Diabetes.
60. When the population of Europe increased, there was a demand for goods of better quality.
A) As the population of European countries increased, the quality of goods became better.
B) The demand for goods was affected by the increasing population of Europe.
C) The increase of European population has only affected the demand for goods.
D) Because of Europe’s increasing population, many people demand the goods for better quality.
E) The more the population of Europe increased, the more the demand for goods of better quality emerged.
61 - 65. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
61. The automobile was first invented and perfected in Germany and France in the late 1800s, though Americans quickly came to dominate the automotive industry in the first half of the twentieth century. Xxxxx Xxxx innovated mass-production techniques that became standard, and Ford, General Motors and Chrysler emerged as the “Big Three” auto companies by the 1920s. - - - -. Once vital to the expansion of American urban centers, the industry had become a shared global enterprise with the rise of Japan as the leading automaker by 1980.
A) Manufacturers funneled their resources to the military during World War II, and afterward automobile production in Europe and Japan soared to meet growing demand
B) Auto industry generated employment of 13 persons for each truck, 6 persons for each car and four persons for each three xxxxxxx and one person for two−wheelers
C) Rolls−Royce Ltd. was essentially a car and airplane engine making company, established in 1906 by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx.
D) As a young man, Xxxxx Xxxx used to repair watches for his friends and family using tools he made himself
E) In the year 1916, 55 per cent of the cars in the world were Model T Ford, which is still an unbroken record
62. Scientist have spotted a gigantic exoplanet that they believe is hiding deep at the centre of the Milky Way, about 22000 lightyears away from Earth. - - - -. It is a little bigger than thirteen Jupiters brought together, which means then for a planet to be really big.
A) But they are still classified as a star because they produce light
B) Brown dwarfs are less charitably known as “failed stars”
C) The new planet orbit a star, a little smaller than our own sun
D) Traditionally, the things we call planet formed by lumps of stuff sticking together
E) The scientists were able to spot the planet by using a technique micro lensing
63. A vehicle is a hybrid if it utilizes more than one form of onboard energy to achieve propulsion. In practice, that means a hybrid will have a traditional internal−combustion engine and a fuel tank, as well as one or more electric motors and a battery pack. Hybrid cars are sometimes mistakenly confused with electric vehicles. - - - -. Theoretically, diesel−electric hybrids would be even more fuel−efficient, but hybrid systems and diesel engines both represent extra cost. So far, installing both in the same vehicle has proven to be prohibitively expensive
A) Hybrids are most often gasoline−burning machines that utilize their electric bits to collect and reuse energy that normally goes to waste in standard cars
B) Regenerative braking is insufficient to stop a car quickly, so conventional hydraulic brakes are still necessary
C) Operating the vehicle on electric power alone is possible if the hybrid system has enough electrical capacity
D) In a series hybrid car, electric motors alone turn the drive wheels, so the motors must be large and powerful
E) Here the output of the engine and the electric motor are blended together upstream of the transmission
64. The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans were able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. - - - -. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries.
A) These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
B) These definitions are a sample from a variety of sources and more than one nation–something like a starter kit on the humanities
C) Such expressions include language, music, art, literature, theatre, and poetry
D) The humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts such as music and theatre
E) In contrast, the humanities are studies that use subjective and rational methods to investigate the human world
65. Tesla Inc.; incorporated on July 1, 2003; designs, develops, manufactures and sells fully electric vehicles, and energy storage systems, as well as installs, operates and maintains solar and energy storage products. - - - -. The automotive segment includes the design, development, manufacturing, and sales of electric vehicles. The energy generation and storage segment includes the design, manufacture, installation, and sale or lease of stationary energy storage products and solar energy systems to residential and commercial customers, or sale of electricity generated by its solar energy systems to customers.
A) Tesla Motors and NVIDIA have partnered since the early development of the revolutionary Model S
B) The Company develops energy storage products for use in homes, commercial facilities and utility sites
C) Tesla, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and energy storage products all over the world
D) The Company operates through two segments: automotive, and energy generation and storage
E) Tesla wants to make intermittent renewable energy from the xxx xxxx reliable and affordable than traditional fossil fuels
66 - 70. sorularda verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
66. A friend of yours wants to visit your parents next week. However, your parents are going abroad, so you refuse his request politely and say:
A) I think they may not want to see you.
B) It would be great to see you after a long time.
C) You can come whenever you want, they will be pleased.
D) I guess they will be happy with your visit.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
E) I’m sorry but they are planning to travel overseas.
67. You want to visit Balıklıgöl in Şanlıurfa, so you go there. You want to learn what the story is. Ask someone politely:
A) Can I ask who is telling the story in this place?
B) What are these fish doing in this lake? Are they real?
C) Could you tell me the story of this place?
D) Are these fish delicious or not?
E) Would you mind if I told you the story?
71 - 75. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
68. Your friend wants to go on a vacation but he has no idea about planning it. He asks your advice and you say:
A) A lot of people talk vaguely about travel.
B) Planning a long trip can be a daunting task.
C) One of my favorite things is planning the vacation.
D) The natural first step in planning a trip is figuring out where to go.
E) Many cities around the world offer local ride−sharing or taxi−hailing apps.
69. Your wife has plans for the weekend but you have to attend an important meeting. But you don’t want your wife to be sad as well and tell her;
A) All members are supposed to attend the meeting.
B) I promise next weekend will be better than you’ve planned.
C) You know how important this meeting is, so don’t in- sist please.
D) I’m not promising any miracles, we have a lot to prepare for the week.
E) We’re having a meeting next week to discuss the matter, you know this.
70. Your friend has been working for a company for ten years and he thinks he deserves a promotion. He wants your opinion about how to ask promotion and you say:
A) The first thing you must do in the process is to think through what you want.
B) Asking for wage increase promotion can be one of the most stressful experiences in your career.
C) Many employees ask for a promotion, new privileges and more all at once.
D) You get so wrapped up in the promotion that they have stopped thinking about your overall career.
E) A promotion or pay rise never equated to instant happiness.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
Xxxxx : Xxxx, where are you from?
Xxxx : I was born in England, - - - -. What about you?
Xxxxx : I was born in UK, but I have lived in Canada for most of my life.
Xxxx : Oh, really? I lived in Canada in 2009, too.
A) I haven’t been in London for years
B) but I was brought up in the States
C) because I have been living in Canada
D) I was going to go to my hometown last year
E) we are visiting our relatives tomorrow
Xxxxx : I am sorry, but I think the washing machine is out of order. Can you help me please?
Dad : - - - -
Xxxxx : Ok, daddy. I hope he will accept.
Dad : I hope so.
A) I have nothing better to do at the moment.
B) Can you wait until tomorrow?
C) Did you talk to the repairman?
D) I have a meeting in an hour. Ask Xxxxx.
E) Would you mind if fixing it for me?
Xxxxx : Have you ever read about Xxxxxxx Xxxx?
Xxxxx ?
Xxxxx : Yes. I guess you are into history.
Xxxxx : Sure, I am.
A) No, will you tell the children about him
B) Xxxx’x he the leader of the Mongols
C) Do you mean the history courses
D) Why don’t you suggest me a history book
E) Is he interested in ancient times
Xxxxxx : Do you know why pirates were wearing eyepatches?
Xxxxxxx : Is it because of a missing eye?
Xxxxxx : Wrong , so that they adjust quickly
when going below deck.
Xxxxxxx : That’s quite interesting.
A) People from all social classes became pirates, not just thugs
B) They were keeping one eye ready to see in darkness
C) It was originally a protection against the plague
D) He was actually above the average pirates
E) The pyramids were built by paid laborers
76 - 80. sorularda verilen parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
Xxxxxxx : Would you suggest Turkey for my new movie?
Xxxxxx : - - - -
Xxxxxxx : I will keep that in my mind.
Xxxxxx : You definitely should.
A) Would you like to watch Turkish films?
B) If I were you, I would prefer Indian films.
C) Have you ever read about Xxxxxxxx?
D) Turkish films are quite fascinating.
E) The scenes there are great for a filmmaker.
76. (I)The General Dynamics F−16 Fighting Falcon is a single−engine supersonic multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). (II) Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all−weather multirole aircraft. (III) Over 4,500 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976. (IV) The U.S. Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during the American Revolutionary War. (V) Although no longer being purchased by the U.S. Air Force, improved versions are being built for export customers.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
77. (I) The world−renowned physicist has warned that artificial intelligent (AI) has the potential to destroy civilization and could be the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity. (II) Seeking at a technology conference, he told attendees that mankind had to find a way to control computers. (III) “Computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it”, he said. (IV) Or the worst. (V) This is not the first time, scientists have talked about the humankind.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
78. (I) For the first time, doctors have attempted to edit a man’s genes inside his body. (II) The patient is 44−year−old Xxxxx Xxxxxx, who suffers from a rare genetic disease that has left him progressively more weakened over the course of his life. (III) His liver can’t produce an enzyme necessary for breaking down a type of carbohydrate, something researchers hope to repair with a gene−editing technique called zinc-finger nucleases (ZFN). (IV) Gene−editing has been attempted on cells inside a patient by doctors in California. (V) It is too soon to know whether or not the gene-editing has worked in Mr Xxxxxx’x case.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
79. (I) One of the world’s most famous shipwrecks likely has more surprises in store. (II)Off the coast of Greece, near the tiny island of Antikythera, a 2,000-year-old shipwreck continues to offer up its reward. (III) When the wreck was discovered 117 years ago, divers recovered life-size bronze and marble statues and a mysterious clockwork device. (IV)And last year, researchers found a partial skeleton beneath the sloping seafloor that, through DNA analysis, promises to reveal the biological details of a passenger. (V) A storm likely cut the vessel’s trip short, smashing it against the cliffs of Antikythera.
Ölçme, Değerlendirme ve Sınav Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
80. (I) Fitness, as we know it today, seems to be a relatively modern invention−something that started vaguely in the 70s with jogging and Jazzercise. (II) But physical exercise obviously goes back much further than that, to a time where people wouldn’t have thought of it as working out, but rather a way of life. (III) Centuries and millennia ago, they did not have all the machines and weights and gyms that we have today, and yet they were in better shape than we are. (IV) During this era in physical fitness history, primitive man was constantly on the move as a hunter/gatherer. (V) To understand how to get used to the modern fitness culture, it’s helpful to take a look at the history of exercise.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
1. B | 2. D | 3. E | 4. B | 5. A | 6. D | 7. B | 8. C | 9. B | 10. A |
11. E | 12. B | 13. B | 14. E | 15. A | 16. C | 17. D | 18. C | 19. E | 20. A |
21. C | 22. B | 23. C | 24. E | 25. C | 26. A | 27. E | 28. A | 29. A | 30. B |
31. D | 32. A | 33. A | 34. D | 35. A | 36. E | 37. A | 38. C | 39. D | 40. C |
41. A | 42. D | 43. B | 44. A | 45. E | 46. B | 47. D | 48. A | 49. C | 50. B |
51. E | 52. B | 53. D | 54. C | 55. A | 56. E | 57. D | 58. C | 59. C | 60. E |
61. A | 62. C | 63. A | 64. A | 65. D | 66. E | 67. C | 68. D | 69. B | 70. A |
71. B | 72. D | 73. B | 74. E | 75. B | 76. D | 77. E | 78. D | 79. E | 80. D |