1.Bu sözleşmede, fuara iştirak edecek kuruluş ‘’KATILIMCI’’ fuarı düzenleyecek Duru Tradeshows ‘’ORGANİZATÖR’’ olarak belirtilecektir.
2.Katılımcı ve Organizatörün, bu sözleşmeden doğan ve standart olarak kabul edilen haklarla ilgili karşılıklı sorumlulukları bu sözleşmede yazılı bedelle sınırlıdır.
3.Fuarlara katılım sözleşmesini imzalayarak katılmayı taahhüt eden katılımcı bu imzadan sonra hiçbir şekilde fuara katılmaktan vazgeçemez. Tüm yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmek zorundadır. Katılımcının herhangi bir sebeple fuara katılmaması durumunda boş kalan standını fuarın görüntüsünü bozmamak amacıyla organizatör istediği gibi değerlendirmekte ve kurup kurmamakta tamamen serbesttir.
4.Organizatör fuarı açmakla yükümlüdür. Ancak fuar organizasyonunun iptal edilmesi veya sözleşmede belirtilen tarihte gerçekleştirilmemesi ve katılımcının da değişen tarihte fuara katılmayı tercih etmemesi durumunda katılımcıdan alınan ödeme eksiksiz olarak katılımcıya iade edilecektir.
5.Fuarın katılım payı alan birimi olarak hesaplanır. Bir alan birimi 100 cm x100 cm = 1 metrekaredir. Bir standın alanı bir tam birimi aşıyorsa stand alanı yukarı yuvarlanır. Organizatör gerek mücbir sebepler gerekse fuarın genel düzeni açısından veya ana organizatörün talebi sonucu fuar yerleşim planında değişiklik yapma hakkına sahip olduğu gibi katılımcının bu sözleşme kapsamında aldığı alanı bu değişiklik sonucu %15 arttırma veya eksiltme hakkına sahiptir. Katılımcı bu durumu peşinen kabul etmiş olup, bundan dolayı herhangi bir cezai tazminat veya fuara katılım bedeli iadesi talebinde bulunamayacaktır.
6.Bu sözleşmenin ‘’KATILIM ŞEKLİ’’ bölümü boş bırakılmış veya buraya standart ibaresi yazılmışsa katılımcı bu sözleşme kapsamında stand kurulması ve nakliye hizmetini organizatörden almaktadır. Hizmet alınmaması durumu ise bu bölümde açıkca standsız ve/veya navlunsuz ibareleri ile belirtilecektir.
7.Fuarın katılım payına dahil olan hizmetler şunlardır; Sözleşmede belirtildiği kadar alan birimine sahip stand alanının tahsis edilmesi, Fuarın genel güvenliğinin temini, Fuarın tanıtım ve duyurulması, Genel temizlik hizmetleri (Stand içi temizlik hariç), Fuar kataloğunda, firma adı, adresi, telefon ve fakstan oluşan bir tanıtım yazısı, Sözleşmede belirtilmişse tahsis edilen alana standın kurulması ve sözleşmede belirtilen haklar çerçevesinde genel donanımının sağlanması: Stand alınlığına firma isminin standart karakter punto ve renk ile azami 25 harf olarak yazılması, Sözleşmede navlun hakkı belirtilmişse bu hak sınırları içinde ( Azami 150 kg / 1 metreküp kalmak kaydıyla organizatörün İstanbul’daki deposuna teslim edilen malzemelerin fuar alanına nakliyesi ve fuarı müteakip aynı depoya geri getirilmesi ( Navlun hakkı sınırlarının aşılması halinde, aşan kısmı sözleşmede açıklanan ekstra navlun ücreti uygulanır.) Nakliye hizmetini organizatörün vermesi şartıyla nakledilen mallar, sadece toplu hasarlara (Tam xxxx olmasına) karşı (Tır kazası, gemi batması, fuar alanı yangını, su basması vb.) sigortalanacak olup, organizatörün, yükümlülüğü hasar durumunda istenilen ve tedariki mümkün olan evrakı sigorta şirketine ulaştırmakla sınırlıdır. Bunun dışında kalan tekil hasarlar ( Çalınma, aşırma, ürünlerin devrilmesi veya düşürülmesi sonucu oluşan hasarlar, elektrik problemleri sonucu, makine/cihazlarda oluşan hasarlar vb) sigorta kapsamı dışı olup, katılımcılar ürünleri korumak amacıyla ayrıca sigortalattırmalıdırlar.
Organizatör sergilenecek mallarla ilgili bunun dışında hiçbir sorumluluk taşımaz. Bunların dışında malzeme ve hizmet izinleri ayrıca ücrete tabidir.
8. Organizatörlerden nakliye hizmeti almayan firmalar malların en geç organizatörün bildireceği tarih ve saatte ancak böyle bir bildirimin yapılmadığı durumlarda fuar açılışından en geç 48 (kırksekiz ) saat önce fuar salonunda olmasını temin edeceklerini, malların indirilmesi, bindirilmesi,standa taşınması, yerleştirilmesi, geri taşınması ve boş kapların depolanması ile ilgili tüm sorumluluğun kendilerine ait olduğunu dolayısıyla bu konularda organizatörün hiçbir sorumluluğu bulunmadığını ve bu hizmetlerin alınması sonucu oluşacak tüm ücretleri hizmeti veren kuruluşa ödeyeceklerini peşinen kabul ve taahhüt ederler. Organizatör, bu firmaların mallarının belirtilen zamandan daha geç salona gelmesi sonucu standa yerleştirilmemesinden dolayı hiçbir sorumluluk taşımaz.
9.Katılımcının, organizatörden stand hizmeti almadığı durumlarda katılımcıya boş alan tahsis edilecektir. Stand kurulumu ile ilgili tüm yükümlülük katılımcıya ait olacaktır. Organizatörün bu konuda hiçbir sorumluluğu yoktur. Navlunsuz katılım durumunda nakliye, gümrükleme, elleçleme ile ilgili organizatörün hiçbir sorumluluğu yoktur. Bu konulardaki tüm sorumluluk katılımcıya aittir.
10.Bu sözleşme tek bir standın tek bir katılımcı tarafından kullanımına yöneliktir, dolayısıyla anılan tüm haklar da katılımcıya aittir. Başka bir kimse veya kuruluşa devredilemez veya ortak kullandırılamaz. Sözleşmenin tarafı olmayan hiçbir kimse veya kuruluş hiçbir şekilde hak sahibi olamaz. ( Sözleşmede adı geçmeyen firmaların katalogda yer alması veya standa isimlerin yazılması vs. gibi haklar talep edilemez.) Katılımcı sergileyeceği malları sadece kendisine ayrılan yerde sergiler, kendisine ayrılan alanın dışına her ne suretle olursa olsun herhangi bir ürün veya cisim koyamaz. Katılımcı fuarın bitiminden önce standını boşaltıp, fuar alanını terk edemez. Fuarın bitimini müteakip, mallarını toplamak ve organizatörün talep ettiği her türlü işlemi yapmak zorundadır. Aksi takdirde sözleşme bedeli kadar tazminat ödemeyi şimdiden kabul ve taahhüt eder. Katılımcı bu fuar sebebiyle oluşabilecek gelir kaybı, Pazar kaybı vb sebeplerden dolayı organizatörü sorumlu tutamaz. Organizatörden herhangi bir talepte bulunamaz.
11.Katılımcı bu sözleşmeyi imzalamakla kendisine tahsis edilen standın tüm sorumluluğunu üstlenmiş olur ; gerek sergilediği malların kalitesi gerekse hal ve tavır itibariyle Türkiye’yi temsil ettiğini şuurunda olmak zorundadır.Katılımcı kendisine tahsis edilen alanda sadece türkiye’de üretilmiş ürünleri sergileyeceğini,yabancı menşeli hiçbir ürünü bu alanda bulundurmayacağını peşinen kabul eder. Katılımcı kiraladığı alanı, standı ve malzemeleri korumakla ve teslim aldığı şekilde iade etmekle , aksi durumda verdiği zararı karşılamakla yükümlüdür. Standların diğer katılımcılara ait olmayan dış yüzeyleri ve firma isimlerinin yazıldığı alınlıkları ise organizatörün kontrolünde olan bölümler olup,buralara herhangi bir malzeme iliştirmek veya yapıştırmak ancak organizatörün bildireceği standartlara uyulması kaydıyla özel izinle ve ekstra ücrete tabi olarak mümkündür.
12.Fuarda satış yapmak , standa izinsiz gösteri yapmak , diğer standları rahatsız edecek derecede yüksek sesle müzik ve video yayını yapmak veye herhangi gürültü odağı oluşturmak, yangın önleme kurallarına aykırı aktiviteler yapmak ve malzemeleri kullanmak yasaktır. Katılımcı bu durumları sebep olduğu takdirde gerek salon yönetiminin, gerekse organizatörün standı süresiz olarak kapatma hakkı olduğunu peşinen kabul eder.
13.Organizatörden nakliye hizmeti alan katılımcı, söz konusu fuarda sergilenecek mallara ait gerek gidişte gerekse dönüşte beyan edilen mal çeşitleri ve miktarlarının kapalı kolilerde yer alan mallarla aynı olduğunu eksik veya fazla mal bulunmayacağını, malların gerçek değerleriyle beyan edileceğinin , aksi takdirde her türlü neticeden Türkiye cumhuriyeti ve fuarın organize
edildiği ülkenin resmi makamlarına ve kanunlarına karşı gerek cezai gerekse hukuki açıdan sorumlu olacağını peşinen kabul eder. Ayrıca katılımcı Türkiye cumhuriyeti ve fuarın organize edildiği ülkenin gümrük ve kambiyo kanun hükümlerini yerine getirmeyi kabul eder. Aksi durumca her türlü cezai ve hukuki sorumluluğun kendisine ait olacağını , organizatörün uğrayacağı zararları tazmin edeceğini ve bu durum için bu sözleşmenin ikinci maddesinin geçersiz olduğunun peşinen kabul ve taahhüt eder.
14.Katılımcı organizatör tarafından istanbul’da teslim alınıp fuar alanına getirilmiş malların dışında standında bulundurduğu tüm diğer malların her türlü sorumluluğunun ve bu mallarla ilgili her türlü tasarrufun tamamen kendisine ait olduğunu, gerek idari, gerekse hukuki problemlerden dolayı organizatörü hiçbir şekilde sorumlu tutamayacağının peşinen kabul eder. Katılımcı standında bulundurduğu her türlü malın ve çalıştırdığı personelin yasalara ve fuar alanı idaresine karşı sorumluluğunu münferiden taşıdığını , özellikle standında bulunduracağı yerel personelle ilgili her türlü idari ve resmi izni alacağını peşinen kabul ve taahhüt eder.
15.Katılımcı,fuarın düzenlendiği ülkenin genel yaşayış ve ticaret kurallarına , bu kuralları düzenleyen yönetmeliklerine ve kanunlarına gerek davranış ve giyimi gerekse sergilediği ve dağıttığı
her türlü ürün ve malzeme itibariyle uymayı, uymaması sonucunda organizatörün ve diğer katılımcıların uğrayacağı her türlü maddi ve manevi zararın tamamını tazmin etmeyi ve bu durumda bu sözleşmenin 2. Maddesinin geçerli olmayacağının peşinen kabul ve taahhüt eder.
16.Fuarın yapıldığı ülkeye katılımcının yetkililerinin alacağı ülkeye giriş vizesi ile ilgili organizatörün herhangi bir sorumluluğu olmayıp , vizenin alınamaması katılımcıya organizatör karşısında hiçbir hak sağlamaz katılımcı bu konuda gerekli tedbirleri zamanında almakla yükümlüdür.
17.Katılımcı, sözleşmede yazılı kdv dahil toplam bedeli organizatöre vereceği döviz senetleri veya çekleri ile ödeyecektir. Bunun dışındaki ödeme şekilleri karşılıklı olarak aktedilecek sözleşmelerle tespit edilecektir. Katılımcı,bu sözleşmenin ödeme planın bölümünde vadesi açıkça belirtilmeyen borç bakiyesini organizatörlerle yaptığı aksi yönde bir sözleşme olmadığı takdirde fuar tarihinde önce ödemekle yükümlüdür.
18.Katılımcı , bu sözleşmenin ödeme planı bölümünde yazılı olan borçlarından yada vermiş olduğu kambiyo senetlerinden herhangi birisini vadesinde takdirde diğer bütün borçlarının ve kambiyo senetlerinin de muacceliyet kesbedeceğini peşinen ve taahhüt eder böyle bir durumda organizatör ayrıca hiçbir ihbar veya ihtara gerek kalmazsızın sözleşmeyi tek taraflı olarak feshedebilir.Bu durumda katılımcı sözleşme bedelinin tamamını cezai şart olarak organizatöre öder. Ancak organizatör katılımcıya ait stand alanını başka bir katılımcıya satabilmiş ve bu satış neticesinde organizatörün satacağı başka bir stand alanı kalmamışsa katılımcı organizatöre cezai şart olarak sözleşme bedelinin sadece %50 ‘sini öder.
19.Katılımcı kendi üstüne düşen sorumlulukları tümüyle yerine getirmiş , ancak organizatörden kaynaklanan sebeplerden ötürü katılımcı yurt dışında gerçekleştirilen fuarlara verilen destekten yararlanamamışsa , organizatör katılımcının uğrayacağı bu zararı tazmin edeceğini peşinen kabul eder.
20.Katılımcı, yürürlükteki “yurtdışında gerçekleştirilen fuar katılımlarının desteklenmesine ilişkin tebliğ “ ve bu tebliğe ait “ uygulama usul ve esasları “ ile diğer tüm eklerinde belirtilen kurallara uyacağını, istenilen bilgi ve belgeleri zamanında doğru olarak teslim edeceğini, bu konularda organizatörün hiçbir sorumluluk taşımadığının peşinen kabul ettiğini beyan eder.
21.Fuara katılım sözleşmesini imzalayan katılımcı , sözleşme hükümlerine ve organizatörün bildireceği organizasyon şartları ve zaman akış planlarına aynen uymak zorundadır. Taraflardan birinin bu şart ve planlara uymaması sonucu oluşacak zararı, zarar gören taraf diğer tarafa tazmin ettirme hakkına sahip olur.
22.Fuara katılım sözleşmesinin, katılımcıyı temsil ve borçlandırmaya yetkisi olmayan kişilerce imzalanmış olması durumunda organizatörün karşı karşıya kalabileceği her türlü zarar ve ziyan, sözleşmeyi imzalayan yetkisiz kişi tarafından karşılanacak olup, sözleşmeyi imzalayan kişi bunun aksini ispat edemez. Ayrıca katılımcının en az iki imza ile temsil ediliyor olması durumunda, fuara katılım sözleşmesini bu yetkililerden en az biri imzalamışsa, ve katılımcı herhangi bir zamanda bu sebeple sözleşmenin geçersizliğini iddia ediyorsa, imza sahibi kişi (veya kişiler) kötü niyetli olarak kabul edilecek ve organizatörün uğradığı zararın tamamını tazmin edecektir. Fuara katılım sözleşmesinin imzalandıktan sonra faks olarak organizatöre gönderilmiş olması durumunda katılımcı sözleşmenin geçerliliğini ve aksini iddia edemeyeceğini peşinen kabul eder.
23.Uyuşmazlık halinde İstanbul Mahkeme ve İcra Daireleri yetkilidir.
24.1 suret olarak düzenlenen bu sözleşme, yirmidört maddeden ibaret olup, sözleşmede belirtilen tarihte taraflar arasında imzalanmış ve taraflar sözleşme hükümlerine aynen uymayı kabul ve taahhüt etmişlerdir.
1. APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION All applications for participation shall be made on the booking agreement, which shall be submitted to the Organizers or their authorized representative(s), as notified, and once the Organizers
receives the signed booking agreement and notices the Exhibitor, this will constitute the Exhibitor’s confirmation of participation and acceptance of the terms of contract. The Organizers, reserve the right to accept or refuse any Contract without disclosing the reasons to the Exhibitor.
2. ALLOCATION OF EXHIBITION SPACE The Exhibition Space is licensed to the Exhibitor only (in common with the Organizers and all others authorized by the Organizers) on a non-exclusive basis. Except with the prior written authorization of the organizer, an exhibitor may not assign, sublet or share all or part of its concession in the exhibition. Nevertheless, several exhibitors can be authorized to make an overall presentation, to provided that each of them has made a request prior approval of the organizer and has subscribed a request for co-participation. The Organizers shall allocate the space in accordance with the nature of exhibits or in any manner they may deem fit. Exhibitors are not allowed to sublet or assign the stand(s) or space(s) allotted to them to other parties either wholly or in part without the written consent of the Organizers. Where such consent is given, each Exhibitor on a given stand or space will be jointly and severally liable under the terms of this booking agreement, and one representative should sign this booking agreement on behalf of all Exhibitors involved. Organizer has the right to refuse to a company
wishing to participate, in case its production, printing materials, etc. do not comply with interests and objectives of the event.
3. CONDUCT IN THE EXHIBITION CENTER Exhibitors are entitled to exhibit only the announced products and must man the stand or space with competent personnel during the opening hours of the Exhibition. Any articles exhibited without prior authorization may be taken away at the expense and risk of the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor is responsible for the cleaning inside of their stand(s) or space(s) and cleaning should not be carried out during the opening times of the Exhibition. Exhibitors shall be liable for any damage to the walls or to any part of the Exhibition premises in which their exhibits are placed and shall not paint or otherwise alter the floors, ceilings, pillars or walls without the prior consent of the Organizers. Display of any working or moving exhibits must have the prior written approval of the Organizers. Items may not be exhibited outside the limits of the space rented by the exhibitor. Precautionary measures such as the provision of guards or other means of protection must be taken by the Exhibitor to protect the public from such moving or working exhibits. Moving or working exhibits shall only be demonstrated or operated by persons authorized by the Exhibitor and shall not be left running in the absence of such persons. All exhibits and stand furnishings must be confined to the Exhibition Space. The Exhibitor shall not store or permit to be stored any hazardous goods (within the meaning of applicable legislation and regulations in the territory in which the Exhibition is held) in the Exhibition Space. Literature should be distributed from the Exhibitor’s own stand(s) only. No business activity shall be conducted by the Exhibitor and/or his stand outside the allocated booth area. No advertising or canvassing for business may take place anywhere else in the Exhibition Hall. The Organizers reserve the right to remove at the Exhibitor’s expense and risk any exhibits or publicity material not produced by the Exhibitor or its associated companies or which are not as specified on the booking agreement. At such time after the close of the Exhibition as the Organizers may specify, or on sooner termination of this booking agreement, all exhibits shall be removed and cleared from the Exhibition Space and vacant possession of the Exhibition Space shall be delivered to the Organizers in as good and clean order and condition as it was when initially licensed to the Exhibitor. Any property remaining after the last day designated by the Organizers for material to be removed shall be considered abandoned and may be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Organizers at the Exhibitor’s expense. No property may be removed from the Exhibition before the Exhibition ends. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings, damages, judgments, expenses,
costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against the Organizers arising out of any infringement or other claim relating to or arising out of any Infringing Goods or alleged Infringing Goods (including by their display at the Exhibition), the IPR or the Images howsoever caused. It is expressly prohibited for any Representative of the Exhibitor to visit or attempt to visit the exhibition space of any other exhibitor unless invited to do so by the relevant exhibitor. The Exhibitor and its Representatives must wear the identification badges specified by the Organizers at all times in the Exhibition Centre. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to be booth attendants nor may they enter the Exhibition Hall during the Exhibition and the moving in periods. The Exhibitor may not alter or in any way affect the structure or fixtures of the Exhibition Centre. The Exhibitor will pay or reimburse on demand to the Organizers the costs of making good any damage caused to the Exhibition Centre or fixtures by it and/or its Representatives. The Organizers reserve the right to refuse admittance to the Exhibitor and/or any of the Exhibitor’s Representatives or to require the Exhibitor and/or any such Representative to leave if in their opinion his or her behavior is in breach of these rules and regulations, any rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre or local laws and regulations. The opinion of
the Organizers is final in this regard.
4. PAYMENT OF PARTICIPATION FEE With sending this booking agreement, an invoice will be issued. All payments must be transferred to the account of the Organizer mentioned in the Booking Agreement. The first installment of 50% shall be paid in 5 days after the proforma invoice date and the remaining 50% shall be paid 3 months prior to the exhibition. Any and all additional facilities requested by the Exhibitor shall be paid for in advance, without exception. No Exhibitor may remove the products and samples from their stand or space until all dues to the Organizers have been paid and only in the authorized hours for doing so. Payments shall be remitted net of any bank charges to the bank details specified in the booking agreement. All payments to be made under this booking agreement shall be made in cleared funds, without any deduction or set-o and free and clear of and without deduction for or on account of any taxes, levies, imports, duties, charges, fees and withholding of any nature now or hereafter imposed by any governmental, fiscal or other authority save as required by law. If the Organizers to this booking agreement are required by ensuing legislation to make any such payments, the Exhibitor will pay to the Organizers such additional amounts as are necessary to ensure receipt by the Organizers of the full amount which Organizers would have received but for such levies. The price of the stands is determined by the organizer and may be revised by the organizer in case of modification of the elements that compose it, in particular where the price of materials, labor, transport and services and tax and social provisions.
5. MOVEMENT OF EXHIBITS The Exhibitor shall at its own cost make its own arrangements for transportation of exhibits to and from the Exhibition Centre (including, without limitation, arranging for all necessary customs clearances and regulatory approvals and licenses) and for storage of exhibits and packaging materials. The Exhibitor shall make their own arrangements for storage and warehousing of their exhibits. Without prior authorization from the Organizers, no article may be removed from a stand or space while the Exhibition is in progress, even if the said article has been sold (if applicable). Exhibitors shall remove all exhibits from the Exhibition venue within the period stipulated by the Organizers and shall indemnify the Organizers against any loss by reason of delay or damage to the Exhibition venue. The organizer determines the assembly schedule and the installation of the stands before the opening of the exhibition. It also determines the disassembly schedule stands, removal of materials, materials and products as well as the reordering times to the outcome of the exhibition. With regard to the particular point of dismantling and putting back in order, the organizer may proceed, at the expense and risk of exhibitor, to operations that have not been performed by the exhibitor within the set deadlines. Non-compliance by an exhibitor with the date space occupation limit allow, the organizer to claim the payment of penalties of delay and damages. No exhibit will be allowed into or out of the Exhibition Centre without an official delivery order or clearance document.
6. STAND CONSTRUCTION & DECORATION Exhibitors may decorate their stand(s) or space(s) in accordance with the relevant guidelines and instructions issued by the Organizers, but only after obtaining written approval by submitting detailed scaled plans in duplicate no less than 3 months before the Exhibition. The customized decoration of the stands is carried out by exhibitors and under their responsibility. They must comply with the safety regulations issued by the general plan of decoration and signage stopped by the organizer. The organizer determines the display methods, the conditions of use of all sound processes, luminaries or audiovisuals, as well as the conditions in which can be organized any show, attraction, promotional operation, animation, survey or opinion poll in the exhibition area. The organizer also determines the conditions in which shots or sound are allowed in the exhibition. The organizer reserves the right to remove or modify those facilities that would impair the appearance general of the exhibition or would disturb neighboring exhibitors or the public, or that would not conform to the plan and to the model previously submitted to its approval. The organizer may reconsider the authorization granted in case of inconvenience to neighboring exhibitors, to the circulation or holding the exhibition. Shell stands are all erected according to a standard pattern. No variation of the standard fascia and lettering will be permitted. Exhibits and displays should not exceed the height of the stand walls unless written permission has been received from the Organizers. It is recommended that all design proposals be submitted to the Organizers for approval. An Exhibitor who is allocated shell space will be provided with stand services as per the schedule in the Exhibitor Manual. Plans, drawings and design proposals for non-shell spaces must be submitted and approved according to the Rules and Regulations. These plans, in triplicate, must be submitted to the Organizers for approval not later than the time specified by the Organizers in the Exhibitor Manual. The Organizers reserve the right at any time to order the alteration or removal of any stand which differs from the approved specifications or which does not conform to the Rules and Regulations. The costs of such alteration and removal shall be entirely borne by the Exhibitor and any sums of money which may have been paid by the Exhibitors for rent and charges shall not be refunded. If any such alterations or removals are not made within the time required by the
Organizers then the Organizers may undertake the same at the risk and cost of the Exhibitors, and the Exhibitors shall reimburse all costs and expenses incurred in relation thereto by the Exhibitors on demand. The organizer declines all responsibility concerning the buildings or installations built by the exhibitors. Exhibitors take the locations in the state where they find them and must leave them in the same state. Any deterioration, in particular the premises and installations in which the exhibition, caused by an exhibitor or by his installations, materials or goods is chargeable to this exhibitor.
7. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS Exhibitors undertake to abide by all clauses whatsoever set forth by the Organizers herein or in any supplementary document(s). Such clauses are deemed incorporated and are in no way to be regarded as merely commentary. Any breach
shall be adjudged in the Organizers sole discretion. Failure to observe these regulations may result in the Organizers taking the steps they consider necessary against offenders, without assuming any responsibility whatsoever for the consequences arising from such violations of regulations. By their very participation in the Exhibition, the Exhibitor acknowledges the right of the Organizers, to jointly or separately take unilateral measures for the defense and protection of the interests of the Exhibition, and of all or some of the Exhibitors; as well as any other measures that the Organizers deem useful or necessary to ensure the security of the premises, the Exhibitors and the visitors. The Organizers shall have the right to cancel any Exhibitor’s participation in the Exhibition if the said Exhibitor contravenes the regulations in any way, as determined in the sole discretion of the Organizers, and this without the Exhibitor having any claim to compensation or reimbursement for any or all financial commitments undertaken by him and still outstanding to the Organizers. Exhibitors are bound by all and any regulations applicable to participants in fairs, shows and exhibitions in the country where Exhibition is held and hereby confirm that they are familiar with the same. The Organizers make no representations or give any warranties as to the success of the Exhibition, or in terms of the numbers or type of visitor or exhibitor attendance. The Exhibitor agrees to observe and comply with the requirements set out in the Exhibitor Manual set by the organizers. If exhibitor does not act in accordance with the deadlines determined by the organizers and/or not be present in its stand on the first day of the exhibition, organizers have the right not to open the booth of the exhibitor or allocate the booth to another company. Each of the Organizers and the Exhibitor undertakes to the other that it shall use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that all information, written or oral or in any other form, of whatever nature received by it relating to the other shall (save to the extent it is in the public domain) be treated as confidential and shall not be used or disclosed to any third party except in connection with the participation in the Exhibition of the Exhibitor under this Contract or as may
be required by law, by any competent regulatory authority or by the Exhibition Centre Operator. Notwithstanding the above, the Exhibitor agrees that the personal data provided by it in connection with its participation or proposed participation in the Exhibition may be included on the Exhibition database, included in the Exhibition’s Official Directory, used in communications with the Exhibitor and otherwise used by the Organizers and associated companies (or their successors or potential successors in business), whether located in Turkey or otherwise, or passed on to third parties for promotion purposes. Any requests for access to or correction of the data can be made to Organizers.
8. SAFETY AND SECURITY REGULATIONS The exhibitor is obliged to respect the measures of security imposed by the administrative authorities or judicial, as well as security measures possibly taken by the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to verify the respect of these measures. Surveillance is provided under the control of the organizer; its decisions regarding the application security rules are immediate execution. Exhibitors and their representatives should be present at their stands or spaces at all times during the opening hours of the Exhibition. They may not close their stand or space before the appointed time of closing. The use of inflammable materials for stand or space decoration is prohibited unless such materials have been treated with a fire retarding substance. All heating appliances should be mounted on fire proof stands. All inflammable materials (such as empty boxes and packaging) should be removed immediately from the Exhibition venue.
9. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL LEGISLATION The Exhibitor must comply with all relevant legislation, rules and regulations of the country or territory where the Exhibition is held and shall be solely responsible for observing and complying with the same (including any requirements on tax or on the importation of goods and other items for use in connection with the Exhibition) and for obtaining all consents, approvals, authorities, licenses those may be requisite to its participation in the Exhibition. Exhibitor/Participant is solely responsible for arranging its visa, travel and accommodation issues for coming to the exhibition hall. Organizer is not responsible for any inabilities with regard to delivery of exhibition materials to the venue or attendance in the event due to a problem in travel arrangement.
10. CHANGES The Organizers have the unfettered right to modify the duration of the Exhibition or the opening and closing times thereof. Exhibitors shall not be entitled to any claim or compensation in connection with such modifications. Exhibition management reserves the right to change the location of the stands and the management of the spaces of exposure in case of necessity. The Organizers reserve the right to change the space allocated to the Exhibitor at any time prior to the commencement of the erection of the booth by the Exhibitor and, at the sole discretion of the Organizers, to alter the space or transfer or close entrances or exits to the Exhibition facilities and to undertake such structural alterations as they may deem fit. The Exhibitor shall have no right to cancel their participation in the Exhibition nor to claim for compensation as
a result of such changes. The Organizers reserve the right at their sole discretion to change the venue for the Exhibition, the opening hours of the Exhibition, the term of duration of the Exhibition. In the event that the Organizers change the date or dates on which the Exhibition is to be held, the Organizers will provide the Exhibitor with notice of that change as soon as practicable.
11. CANCELLATION OR CURTAILMENT OF THE SHOW BY ORGANIZERS In the event that the facility in which the show is to be held or is held is destroyed or becomes unavailable for occupancy , due to a Force Majeure event and/or any reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Organizers and sponsors , or if for any reason the Organizers is unable to permit the Exhibitor to occupy the facility or the space , or if the show is cancelled or curtailed , the Organizers and sponsors will not be responsible for any loss of business, loss of profits, damage or expense of whatever nature that the Exhibitor may suffer. Organizers may cancel the Exhibition , or at their election , postpone , change the venue of or otherwise make changes to the Exhibition , if in the reasonable opinion of the Organizers the holding of the Exhibition by the Organizers , the performance by the Organizers’ of their obligations or attendance at the Exhibition by exhibitors and/or visitors, is impossible , illegal or substantially or materially interfered with, due to any cause or causes beyond the control of the Organizers including , without limitation , any of the following : act of God, governmental act, war, fire, flood, explosion , civil commotion , armed hostilities , act of terrorism , revolution , blockade , embargo, strike, lock-out, sit-in, industrial or trade dispute, adverse weather, disease, risk to public health, accident to or breakdown of plant or machinery, shortage of any material, labor, transport, electricity or other supply, regulatory intervention , general advisory or recommendation of any government (including any government agency or department ), regulatory authority or international agency , against travel, exhibitions and/or public gatherings, or the Exhibition Centre becomes unavailable and/or unfit for occupancy and/or use.
12. TERMINATION OF THE BOOKING AGREEMENT The Organizers may terminate this booking agreement under the following circumstances: (1) the Exhibition is cancelled; (2) the Organizers are not satisfied that proper use is being made of the Exhibition Space during the installation period or at any time during the term of the Exhibition or at any other time when the Exhibitor or any of its Representatives or exhibits is in the Exhibition Centre in connection with the Exhibition; (3) payment of fees is not completed by the Exhibitor; (4) the Exhibitor is, for any reason, unable to utilize the Exhibition Space allocated to it; (5) the Exhibitor becomes insolvent or, in any jurisdiction, enters into or takes or is subject to any form of winding up, administration, receivership, liquidation, bankruptcy, arrangement with creditors generally or any other insolvency procedure in respect of it or any of its assets, or suffers the enforcement of security or legal process or repossession; (6) the Exhibitor is convicted of any criminal offense or otherwise so conducts itself as to bring itself, the Exhibition or the Organizer into disrepute; (7) the Exhibitor is in breach of any provision of this Contract or the Exhibitor Manual; or (8) the Exhibitor is in breach of any applicable local legislation, rules or regulations. Upon termination of this booking agreement for whatever reason, all of the Exhibitor ’s property shall be removed by the Exhibitor from the Exhibition Space immediately, failing which such property shall be removed and the Exhibition Space cleared by the Organizers at the Exhibitor ’s expense. The Organizers reserve the right to exercise a general lien over any property of the Exhibitor in the Exhibition Centre in respect of all monies, of whatsoever nature, including in respect of claims for damages, which may at any time be due or payable by the Exhibitor to the Organizers in connection with the Exhibition. Obligations of the Exhibitor which are unperformed at termination of the booking agreement shall continue in force after termination.
13. REFUSAL TO PARTICIPATE Completion of the booking agreement and Organizer's receiving it means that Participant agrees to perform full payment according to invoices. In case Exhibitor gives written notice of their intention to withdraw, which the Organizers, in their discretion, may permit or decline by written confirmation. The withdrawal of the Exhibitor will cause the Organizers loss and further costs in reselling the stand and the Organizers are therefore entitled to charge these cancellation fees. In case the Exhibitor fails to attend the exhibition for any reason, they shall be liable for paying the full amount of the total participation fee. Total amount written on the agreement should be paid directly to Organizer in full amount regardless of any tax or additional charge that might be imposed on the transaction due to local or international tax /payment procedures. In case of refusal to participate after signing of the booking agreement, Organizer reserves the right to decline the refusal. Even if refusal to participate is declined, Exhibitor is obliged to pay the total amount on the invoice. Total fee must be paid by Exhibitor no matter if Organizer leaves the space free or passes it to another Exhibitor. In the event of withdrawal or in case of non-occupation of stand for any cause, the sums paid and/or remaining due partially or totally, under of the stand rental, are acquired to the organizer, even in case of re-renting to another exhibitor. In the case where an exhibitor, for any reason, does not occupy his stand 24 hours before opening of the exhibition, he is considered to have resigned. The organizer can have the stand of the exhibitor failing without the latter being able to claim reimbursement or compensation, even if the stand is attributed to another exhibitor.
14. INSURANCE, LIABILITY AND RISKS All Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold the Organizers and the venue owners harmless in respect of all costs, claims, demands and expenses to which they may be subject as a result of the Exhibitors act, errors or omissions, loss or injury arising to any persons howsoever caused while the said persons are upon or examining or passing the Exhibition stands or spaces, during the period of the Exhibition. The liability or risks of the employees, agents or exhibits shall at all times be the responsibility of the Exhibitors. All Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold the Organizers and the venue owners harmless in respect of all costs, claims, demands and expenses to which they may be subject as a result of cancellation, postponement or partial opening of the Exhibition. The Organizers shall not accept any responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or theft of the Exhibitors property/items and the Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless in respect of all costs, claims, demands and expenses arising therefrom. All Exhibitors must obtain all approvals and licenses to enable the Exhibitors to legitimately exhibit and carry out their intended activity at the Exhibition and must have their corresponding operating licenses according to the rules and regulations of the country where Exhibition is held. Failure to do so resulting in any type of penalty or fine shall be at sole expense of the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor agrees to observe and comply with the requirements set out in the Exhibitor Manual concerning insurance. The Exhibitor is advised to have in existence prior to its seeking access to the Exhibition Centre and at all times during the term of the Exhibition , and for so long as the Exhibitor or any of its Representatives or exhibits is in the Exhibition Centre in connection with the Exhibition , a valid insurance policy satisfactory to the Organizers in respect of its and its Representatives’ participation in the Exhibition, its Exhibition Space and its exhibits at the Exhibition Centre covering such risks and in such minimum amount(s) as are set out in the Exhibitor Manual. The Exhibitor is advised to have, at all times, valid and adequate insurance cover against theft, fire, public liability, damage to property, personal injury, third party loss, accidents, natural calamities, acts of God and such other risks normally insured against by Exhibitors and/or as the Organizer may require, in connection with, inter alia, the Exhibitor’s property and its activities during the Exhibition (including the moving in and moving out periods). The Organizers shall be entitled to inspect any such insurance policy and receipts for premium at any time. The Exhibitor shall insure and/or accept the risk of any change to the venue, opening hours, the duration and/or the date or dates of the Exhibition or any postponement or cancellation of, or other change to the Exhibition. Participation by the Exhibitor in the Exhibition is solely at the Exhibitor’s own risk. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless, on demand, against all claims, liabilities, losses, suits, proceedings , damages , judgments , expenses , costs (including legal fees) and charges of any kind howsoever incurred by or on behalf of or made against the Organizers arising out of any breach of any of this booking agreement or the Exhibitor Manual or any other default or negligence of, or any damage or loss caused by, the Exhibitor and/or any of its Representatives. All exhibits are brought to, displayed at and removed from the Exhibition Area at the Exhibitor ’s own risk and shall be safeguarded by the Exhibitor at all times. The Organizer shall not be liable for any losses (including consequential losses), damages , demands , costs, claims, charges or other expenses of any kind suffered or incurred by the Exhibitor or any other person arising in connection with the Exhibition including, without limitation, (a) any theft, fire, (b) use of the Security Room Service, (c) defect in the Exhibition Area howsoever caused, (d) cancellation or early closure of, or delay in the opening or closing of, the Exhibition for whatever reason outside the control of the Organizer , (e) any matter referred to in paragraph 10 & 11 of these Terms and Conditions , (f) any natural calamity or any , act of Master of Vessel, howsoever arising. The Exhibitor shall be liable to any third party for, inter alia, any claims, injury or damage arising from its booths and its portion of the shell scheme. The Organizers accept no responsibility and shall not incur any liability to the Exhibitor or any other person for (a) any error or omission in any information relating to it, its equipment, products or services in any promotional material, information or thing provided.
15. FORCE MAJEURE Definition of Force Majeure : Acts of God, flood, drought , earthquake or other natural disaster , epidemic or pandemic ; terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riot, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions , embargo , or breaking of diplomatic relations ; nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom any law or any action taken by a government or public authority including without limitation, imposing an export or import restriction , quota or prohibition , or failing to grant a necessary license or consent; collapse of building, fire, explosion or accident; any labor or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts ( other than in each case by the party seeking to reply on this clause, or companies in the same group as that party); non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors (other than by companies in the same group as the party seeking to rely on this clause); and interruption or failure of utility service. The Organizers shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any property of the Exhibitor or any other person due to the general causes of Force Majeure (as defined), whether or not Desdemona generics within the Organizers control or for any loss or damage sustained in the event that the opening or holding of the Exhibition is prevented , postponed or abandoned or if the exhibition venue becomes totally or partially unavailable for the holding of the Exhibition due to any of the foregoing causes, the Exhibitor shall hold the Organizers safe and harmless from all loss and damage and in no event shall the Exhibitor have any claim of damages compensation of any kind against the Organizers; and if it transpires that it is impossible to hold the Exhibition as scheduled due to any reason whatsoever, the already paid monies by the Exhibitor shall not be refunded unless the Organizers decide otherwise by refunding the payment after deducting their expenses.
16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This booking agreement together with these Terms and Conditions, and the other documents referred to herein constitutes the entire agreement between the Organizers and Exhibitor and supersedes all prior agreements or negotiations in connection with the subject matter hereof; No variation or waiver of any of the provisions of this booking agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized person of the Organizers and Exhibitor.
17. SUPPLEMENTARY CLAUSES The Organizers shall have the right, in all circumstances, to issue supplementary regulations, in addition to these present Terms & Conditions, to ensure the smooth management of the Exhibition. Such instructions shall be considered to be an integral part of the terms of the booking agreement, provided that they are made available to the Exhibitors in writing. The failure to object to any breach of any clause herein, by the Organizers, shall not constitute agreement to modification of this booking agreement or a waiver of any subsequent breach of such clause. Any additional clauses, supplemental regulations or updated Terms and Conditions are available to read on the official Exhibition website and we encourage the Exhibitors to check the same frequently.
18. WAIVER The failure of either Party at any time to enforce any of the terms, provisions or conditions hereunder or to exercise any right hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of the same or affect that party's rights thereafter.
19. INDEMNITY The Exhibitor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Organizers from and against any and all loss, damage, liability and legal fees and costs incurred by the Organizers arising from any act, neglect, omission or default of the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, licensees or customers and/or any breach by the Exhibitor of its obligations under this booking agreement. Moreover, the maximum Organizers liability to the Exhibitor in any event shall be limited to the fee paid to the Organizer by the Exhibitor.
20. DISPUTES AND GOVERNING LAW In the case of dispute, the exhibitor undertakes to submit a complaint to the organizer before any procedure. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Turkey and the Exhibitor submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Istanbul courts for all purposes relating to booking agreement or the Exhibition.
21. GENERAL These Terms and Conditions (including without limitation the obligations it contains to comply with the terms of, and to avoid putting the Organizers in breach of, other documents) together with the Exhibitor Manual and the booking agreement, supersede all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions between the parties. The Exhibitor may not rely on any representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance (except as set out in these Terms and Conditions and the Exhibitor Manual) made by or on behalf of the Organizers before the Exhibitor’s participation in the Exhibition, and the Exhibitor waives all rights and remedies which, but for this paragraph, might otherwise be available to it in respect of any such representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud. Time is of the essence in relation to these Terms and Conditions. The headings in these Terms and Conditions have been inserted for reference only and do not affect their interpretation. Nothing in this booking agreement shall create a relationship of landlord and tenant as between the Organizers and the Exhibitor or give the Exhibitor any estate or interest in the Exhibition Space other than a non-exclusive license. The provisions contained in each clause, paragraph and sub-paragraph of these Terms and Conditions shall be enforceable independently of each of the others and its validity shall not be affected if any of the others is invalid. If any of those provisions is void but would be valid if some part of the provision were deleted, the provision in question shall apply with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the Exhibitor Manual, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail to the extent of any such inconsistency.