10-q Sample Contracts

GENEL KREDİ SÖZLEŞMESİ İşbu Genel Kredi Sözleşmesi (“Sözleşme”), Sözleşme sonunda belirtilen tarihte (“İmza Tarihi”) ve yine Sözleşme sonunda isim/ticari unvan ve adresleri belirtilen müşteri (“Kredi Alan”) ile Denizbank A.Ş. (tüm yurtiçi ve yurtdışı...
General Credit Agreement • November 9th, 2016 • Transatlantic Petroleum Ltd. • Oil & gas field exploration services

İşbu Sözleşme Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak imzalanmış olup; Türkçe metin ile İngilizce arasında uyumsuzluk olması durumunda Türkçe metin uygulanacaktır. foregoing articles. The provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force, in addition to the existence of the Credit Limit allocated to the Borrower by the Bank, for so long as the Borrower’s debt and obligations to the Bank arising from the credits opened in accordance with the terms and conditions contemplated in this Agreement, its schedules and other Financing Documents shall continue and remain outstanding. This Agreement has been executed in both Turkish and English languages and in case of conflict between them, Turkish version shall prevail.

Current Account Loan Agreement • November 9th, 2016 • Transatlantic Petroleum Ltd. • Oil & gas field exploration services

İşbu Cari Hesap Kredisi Sözleşmesi (“Ek Sözleşme”), 23/08/2016 tarihli ve Kİ 00000411 numaralı Genel Kredi Sözleşmesi (“GKS”) ve diğer Finansman Belgelerine ek olarak, Banka ile TRANSLANTIC EXPLORATION MEDITERRANEAN INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. MER. AVUSTRALYA TÜRKİYE ANKARA ŞUBESİ (“Kredi Alan”) arasında aşağıdaki şartlar dahilinde 23/08/2016 tarihinde imzalanmıştır. This Current Account Loan Agreement (“Supplemental Agreement”) has been signed on 23/08/2016 by and between the Bank and TRANSLANTIC EXPLORATION MEDITERRANEAN INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD. MER. AVUSTRALYA TÜRKİYE ANKARA ŞUBESİ (the “Borrower”) in accordance with the following conditions, as an annex to the General Credit Agreement (“GCA”) dated 23/08/2016 and numbered Kİ 00000411 and other Financing Documents.