Договір будівельного підряду № [•]
Україна, місто [•] [•] року
Цей Договір будівельного підряду № [•] (надалі іменується «Договір») укладений між:
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Замовник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з однієї сторони,
Товариство Червоного Хреста України, юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Платник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з другої сторони, та
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Підрядник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з третьої сторони,
Беручи до уваги взаємні зобов'язання та домовленості, викладені в цьому Договорі, Замовник, Xxxxxxx та Підрядник уклали цей Договір про наведене нижче:
Якщо після закінчення Робіт згідно норм чинного законодавства Об’єкт не підлягає прийняттю в експлуатацію (отримання дозвільного документу, що підтверджує його прийняття в експлуатацію), то гарантійний строк розпочинається з дня прийняття Замовником та Платником всіх виконаних Робіт, передбачених цим Договором, у порядку, що передбачений цим Договором.
Наявність проміжних (поетапних, часткових) актів виконаних робіт не звільняє Xxxxxxx від обов’язку прийняття Робіт в цілому після їх повного виконання та передачі Підрядником до приймання Замовником та Xxxxxxxxx, так само наявність проміжних (поетапних, часткових) актів виконаних робіт не позбавляє жодну Сторону права під час приймання Робіт в цілому висувати вимоги про невідповідність таких Робіт цьому Договору та, зокрема, наявність таких проміжних актів не може свідчити про відповідність і належність таких проміжних робіт під час приймання Робіт в цілому.
Платник має право в односторонньому порядку зменшити Ціну Договору на ціну Робіт (частини Робіт), виконаних з Недоліками, в разі виконання Підрядником Робіт (частини Робіт) з Недоліками та якщо Підрядник не усунув такі Недоліки в порядку та у строки, що визначені відповідно до умов цього Договору. Платник має право в односторонньому порядку утримати із сум грошових коштів, що підлягають сплаті Платником Підряднику за виконані Роботи (частини Робіт), витрати та збитків, понесених Платником в зв’язку з усуненням власними силами Недоліків Підрядника.
Додаток № 1 до Договору підряду № [•] від [•] року
Це Технічне завдання до Договору будівельного підряду № [•] (надалі іменується «Договір» та «Технічне завдання» відповідно) укладено між:
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Замовник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з однієї сторони,
Товариство Червоного Хреста України, юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Платник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з другої сторони, та
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Підрядник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з третьої сторони,
Беручи до уваги взаємні зобов'язання та домовленості, викладені в цьому Договорі, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx та Підрядник уклали це Технічне завдання до Договору наведене нижче:
Додаток № 2 до Договору підряду № [•] від [•] року
Цей Календарний графік виконання робіт до Договору будівельного підряду № [•] (надалі іменується «Договір» та «Технічне завдання» відповідно) укладено між:
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Замовник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з однієї сторони,
Товариство Червоного Хреста України, юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Платник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з другої сторони, та
[Найменування юридичної особи], юридична особа за законодавством України, ідентифікаційний код юридичної особи [код відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ], з місцезнаходженням за адресою: [адреса відповідно до ЄДРЮОФОПГФ] (надалі іменується «Підрядник»), в особі [прізвище, ім’я, по батькові підписанта], що діє на підставі [назва документа, що підтверджує повноваження підписанта], з третьої сторони,
Беручи до уваги взаємні зобов'язання та домовленості, викладені в цьому Договорі, Замовник, Xxxxxxx та Підрядник уклали цей Календарний графік виконання робіт до Договору наведений нижче:
Construction Agreement No. [•]
Ukraine, city [•] [•] year
The present Construction Agreement No. [•] (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made between:
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations (EUSRLEIEPF)], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from first part,
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society, a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Payer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the second part, and
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the third part,
Having regard to the mutual obligations and agreements set forth in this Agreement, the Customer, the Payer and the Contractor have entered into this Agreement on the following:
1.1 Agreement - the document entitled "Construction Agreement No. [•]" dated [•] year, entered into between the Customer, the Payer and the Contractor for the purpose of performing the Work and all of its integral parts (appendices, including the Design Documentation, additional agreements, etc.). 1.2 Manager - a person designated as such by a Party to this Agreement in the text of this Agreement or in a separate document (letter, order, etc.) and authorized to supervise the execution of this Agreement by the relevant Party that has designated such Manager and to exercise other functions and/or powers defined in this Agreement. 1.3 Agreement Price - is the total amount of funds payable by the Payer to the Contractor for the performance of the Work. 1.4 Day - means a calendar day, unless otherwise specified in the text of this Agreement. 1.5 Flexible changes in the Works - are minor changes to the Works agreed by the Customer's, the Payer's and the Contractor's Managers which do not increase the Sum of the Agreement, do not impair the quality of the Works and are not contrary to the general nature of the Agreement, and which do not result in an extension of the completion date of the Works and which are necessary to avoid delays in the Works. 1.6 Design Documentation - approved text and graphic materials, which define the urban planning, space planning, architectural, construction, technical, technological solutions to perform Work at the Facility, as well as estimates of the Work at the Facility. The design documentation is an integral part of the Agreement. 1.7 Subcontractor - is a person who provides labour force and Resources and performs the Work under a separate agreement with the Contractor or any other Subcontractor. 1.8 Object – [name and main characteristics of the construction object, purpose of the construction object], [address of the construction object location]. 1.9 Works - a complex of all construction and assembly works and other works and also services which are organized and performed at the Object by the Contractor on the basis of conditions of this Agreement and all its integral parts: Design documentation, appendices, additional agreements, etc., and also requirements of the legislation of Ukraine. 1.10 Technical supervision - implementation by the Party authorized by this Agreement by engaging an appropriate xxxxxxxxxx on a contractual basis, control over compliance with design solutions and construction norms and regulations, as well as quality control of the performed Work and its scope during its performance. 1.11 Field supervision - implementation by the Party authorized by this Agreement by engaging an appropriate xxxxxxxxxx on a contractual basis to monitor compliance of the Work with the Design Documentation. 1.12 Resources - materials, structures, hardware, systems, mechanisms, machines, tools, equipment and other things necessary for the Contractor to perform the Work under this Agreement. 1.13 Defects - non-compliance of the results of the Work with the terms of this Agreement, including the requirements of all of its integral parts: Design documentation, appendices, additional agreements, etc., construction standards and regulations, as well as other requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
2.1. In performing their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall act in accordance with the principles of good faith, reasonableness, fairness and honorable agreement. The provisions of this Agreement, as well as other representations and warranties made by the Parties in connection with this Agreement, shall be interpreted in accordance with the principles of good faith, reasonableness, fairness and honorable agreement. 2.2. Good faith, reasonableness, fairness, and honorable agreement. in this context include, but are not limited to: the duty to cooperate, not knowingly mislead, and to perform the Agreement for the mutual benefit of the Parties and for the achievement by each Party of its own purpose in making this Agreement (Chapter 3), which specifically, although not exclusively, requires the Parties: 2.2.1. to exchange information important to the other Party, bearing in mind the obligations regarding confidentiality of the terms of the Agreement; 2.2.2. to warn about possible consequences (proposed actions), including their impact on the future performance of obligations; 2.2.3. to avoid unnecessary interference in the activities of the other Party; 2.2.4. respond to requests on time, if possible, without delaying the progress of the Works. 2.3. At the time of signing this Agreement, the Customer, the Payer and the Contractor will represent and warrant that: 2.3.1. The Parties are legal entities registered in accordance with the applicable laws of Ukraine and are bona fide subjects of civil legal relations. 2.3.2. Agreement is consistent with the validity and intentions of all Parties and is a binding legal obligation for each of them, violation of which is a condition for the application of sanctions against the guilty Party under the Agreement and the applicable laws of Ukraine. 2.3.3. The Parties have received all consents, licenses, approvals, permits, registration entries, regulations and other consent documents necessary for execution and performance of this Agreement. 2.3.4. There are no pending legal cases that may materially adversely affect the performance of the terms of this Agreement by either Party. 2.3.5. The Parties undertake obligations with respect to the stability and uninterrupted performance of the Works throughout the term of the Agreement. 2.3.6. The Contractor guarantees the proper quality of the Works and the Resources used in the Works, their compliance with state standards, and undertakes to provide them with the necessary certificates, technical passports and other documents certifying their quality. 2.3.7. During the warranty period the Contractor guarantees the proper quality of the Resources, the results of the Works and the possibility of proper operation of the Facility during the warranty period at a level no lower than that specified in this Agreement, the current state construction standards and other standards and rules, other acts of current Ukrainian legislation containing quality requirements for the Works of this kind.
3.1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Works at the Site owned by the Customer, the Customer undertakes to accept the duly performed Works in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, and the Payer undertakes to pay the Price of the Agreement in accordance with the conditions of this Agreement. 3.2. The purpose of this Agreement is: 3.2.1. Receipt by the Customer of the result of the Works performed at the Object, which belongs to the Customer (is in its possession or management) in order to allow its further operation for its intended purpose. 3.2.2. The receipt by the Contractor of profit and the performance by the Contractor of the obligation to provide all necessary labour force, all necessary Resources and to perform the Works properly within the period provided for in the Agreement. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Agreement, construction standards and regulations, other acts of Ukrainian law and in accordance with such requirements as reasonably arise from the content of the specific Works. 3.2.3. Payment by the Payer for the Contractor's Work shall be made in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the Payer's activities which do not provide for the Payer receiving any profit, remuneration, benefit or compensation from the Parties to this Agreement or any third parties. 3.3. The Agreement and all of its integral parts are complementary in nature, and the requirements contained in each of such documents shall have the same effect as if they were contained in all such documents simultaneously.
4.1 The Customer undertakes: 4.1.1 Provide the Contractor with the necessary information to perform this Agreement. 4.1.2 Assist the Contractor in the performance of the Work under this Agreement. 4.1.3 Provide the Contractor's and/or Subcontractor's employees with access to the Object during working hours, namely: [insert days of the week and working hours for the performance of the Works under this Agreement]. 4.1.4. Provide premises at the Object and/or on its territory for storage of purchased and supplied Resources for the performance of the Works (and the Contractor responsible for such storage shall be obligated to ensure proper storage of such material resources). 4.1.5. Provide to the Contractor, free of charge, services incidental to the Works: provision of access to water and power supply systems, access to toilets, and temporary storage facilities for construction waste. 4.1.6. Provide the Contractor with the working area, transfer the permits and other documentation, if provided for in the Agreement. 4.1.7. Ensure receipt of all necessary initial data for carrying out the Works at the Object; develop, coordinate and approve the Design Documentation, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement; obtain and register all necessary permit documents which are related to and necessary for implementation of this Agreement and which, in accordance with the current legislation, the Customer should obtain, including documents giving the right to carry out preparatory and/or construction works at the Object. 4.1.8. For the period of Work performance to stop and not allow the operation of the Object. 4.1.9. Notify the Contractor and the Payer of any circumstances that threaten the performance of the Contract in full or in any part thereof, including, but not limited to, circumstances caused by the Customer, as well as circumstances caused by active acts or omissions of the Contractor or any other third parties. 4.1.10. Provide to the Contractor and/or the Payer upon their request any information and data available to the Customer which are necessary for implementation of this Agreement. 4.1.11. Sign certificates of completion within five (5) working days from the date of their receipt from the Contractor or, at the same time, provide the Contractor in writing with its reasoned objections to the certificate of completion. 4.1.12. Perform other obligations stipulated by this Agreement and/or the applicable laws of Ukraine. 4.1.13. Refuse to accept the completed Works in the absence of the Payer's written approval of the compliance of the completed work to this Agreement, design documentation and approval of its acceptance. 4.2. The Customer has the right: 4.2.1. To monitor the progress, quality, cost, terms and scope of the Works throughout their performance (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.2.2. Check the quality of the Resources used by the Contractor during the performance of the Works at the Object as specified in this Agreement (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.2.3. Control the correctness of maintenance of the as-built submissions according to the current legislation of Ukraine (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.2.4. Refuse to accept the completed Work if any defects are found until such defects have been eliminated by and at the expense of the Contractor. 4.2.5. Demand that the Contractor rectify the defects in the Works free of charge within the period established in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4.2.6. If the Contractor refuses to eliminate the detected Defects in the Works or delays in eliminating them within the period established under this Agreement, the Customer shall have the right to eliminate them at its own cost and expense. In such a case the Customer's costs and damages to the Customer shall be reimbursed by the Contractor at its request in full within 10 (five) working days from the date of the Customer's request to the Contractor. 4.2.7. To suspend the Works in cases specified in this Agreement by written agreement with the Payer. 4.2.8. To initiate changes in the Design Documentation before or during the performance of the Works. 4.2.9. The Customer has also other rights stipulated by this Agreement and/or acts of the current legislation of Ukraine.
4.3. The Contractor undertakes: 4.3.1. Perform the Works to the full extent, to a good quality and in time, in accordance with this Agreement. 4.3.2. Strictly comply with the state construction standards and regulations of Ukraine, work performance technologies, health and safety legislation, safety and fire safety regulations during performance of the Works, ensure availability of fire extinguishing equipment during performance of the Works, etc. 4.3.3. Strictly adhere to the internal rules of stay established at the Object. 4.3.4. Within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the Customer's and/or Xxxxx'x request, to comply with such requests of the requestor, and in case of request for information on the status of work performance, to notify the Customer and/or Payer within a similar term about the progress of the Works provided by this Agreement. 4.3.5. Within 5 (five) business days of receipt of the Customer's and/or Payer's request, provide the documents requested by the Customer and/or Payer in originals and/or copies, depending on the Customer's and/or Payer's request, which directly or indirectly relate to the performance of this Agreement (in particular but not exclusively: certificates, contracts, licenses, deeds, invoices, estimates, and so forth) that relate in one way or another to this Agreement and are necessary to the Customer and/or Payer for accounting, tax accounting, or other purposes that the Customer and/or Payer determines independently and are not required to inform the Contractor. 4.3.6. Immediately, but in any event no later than twenty-four (24) hours after discovery, notify the Customer and the Payer in writing of the existence of circumstances preventing the Contractor from performing its obligations under this Agreement. 4.3.7. Carry out cleaning and removal of construction and other garbage by their own efforts and means. 4.3.8. Provide unimpeded access for the Customer, the Payer, their Managers and persons performing Field and Technical supervision to conduct necessary inspections and checks of the quality and condition of Work performance, the quality of the Resources used by the Contractor in performing the Works specified herein, the correctness of maintenance of as-built submissions according to the current laws of Ukraine, etc. 4.3.9. Be responsible for the result of performance of the Works by Subcontractors. 4.3.10. Eliminate in a timely manner the Defects in the Works detected by the Customer and/or the Payer or their Managers, persons performing Field and Technical supervision, the relevant state authorities, etc. 4.3.11. Ensure the acquisition of the Resources required for the performance of the Works under this Agreement. 4.3.12. Obtain all necessary permits, licenses, approvals, etc., if any required by the Contractor to perform the Works under this Agreement. 4.3.13. Within five (5) calendar days from the moment of completion of the Works (a part of the Works) draw up, sign and submit to the Customer and the Payer the relevant certificate of completion. 4.3.14. Perform other obligations stipulated by this Agreement and/or the applicable laws of Ukraine.
4.4. The Contractor has the right: 4.4.1. To receive payment for the Works performed in full and in a timely manner. 4.4.2. By written agreement between the Customer and the Payer, involve Subcontractors in the performance of the Agreement. 4.4.3. To perform the Works ahead of schedule by written agreement of the Customer and the Payer. 4.4.4. The Contractor also has other rights stipulated by this Agreement and/or acts of the current legislation of Ukraine.
4.5. The Payer undertakes: 4.5.1. Pay in full and in a timely manner for the Work properly performed by the Contractor and accepted by the Customer and the Paying Agent and performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 4.5.2. Sign the certificates of completion within 5 (five) working days from the date of their receipt from the Contractor, or at the same time provide the Contractor in writing with reasoned objections to the certificate of completion. 4.5.3. Make payment for the completed Works within the time limits stipulated by this Agreement, after submission of duly executed and signed certificates of completion and/or provide advance payment, if it is stipulated by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4.5.4. At the request of the Contractor, provide documents confirming payment.
4.6. The Payer has the right: 4.6.1. To monitor the progress, quality, cost, terms and scope of the Works throughout their performance (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.6.2. Check the quality of the Resources used by the Contractor during the performance of the Works at the Object as specified in this Agreement (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.6.3. Control the correctness of maintenance of the as-built submissions according to the current legislation of Ukraine (without limitation on the number of inspections and without limitation of their time). 4.6.4. Has the exclusive right to provide Technical supervision during performance of the Works at the object by engaging a person having a qualification certificate issued in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine by the Architectural and Construction Attestation Commission or other document provided by the legislation of Ukraine, which allows such person to perform Technical supervision in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine. 4.6.5. Refuse to accept and approve acceptance of the completed Works (part of the Works) if any Defects are found until such Defects have been fully eliminated by and at the expense of the Contractor. 4.6.6. Refuse to pay for the completed Works (part of the Works) if any Defects are found until such Defects have been fully eliminated by and at the expense of the Contractor. 4.6.7. Demand that the Contractor rectify the Defects in the Works free of charge within the period established by this Agreement. 4.6.8. If the Contractor refuses to eliminate the detected Defects in the Works or delays in eliminating them within the term established in accordance with this Agreement, the Payer has the right to eliminate them at its own cost and expense. In such a case, the Payer's costs and losses incurred by the Payer shall be reimbursed in full by the Contractor within 10 (five) working days from the date the Payer sends a respective request to the Contractor. 4.6.9. To suspend or stop the Works in the cases specified in this Agreement. 4.6.10. To initiate changes in the Design Documentation before or during the performance of the Works. 4.6.11. Unilaterally terminate (cease unilaterally, withdraw unilaterally) the Agreement ahead of time in the manner prescribed by the Agreement in the event of breach by the Contractor, and demand compensation from the Contractor for the losses resulting from such unilateral termination (cease unilaterally, withdrawal unilaterally) of the Agreement. 4.6.12. Unilaterally terminate (cease unilaterally, withdraw unilaterally) the Agreement ahead of time in other cases provided by this Agreement. 4.6.13. Suspend and/or permanently stop payment under this Agreement in the cases stipulated by this Agreement. 4.6.14. The Payer also has other rights stipulated by this Agreement and/or acts of the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.1. The Customer provides the Contractor and the Payer with the Design Documentation developed and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine. 5.2. By entering into this Agreement, the Contractor declares that he is familiar with the Design Documentation and that he has no outstanding questions and / or comments and / or suggestions about the Design Documentation. 5.3. By entering into this Agreement, the Contractor declares that he has visited the Object, is familiar with the conditions under which the Works are to be carried out, and that he has no outstanding questions and / or comments and / or suggestions in this regard. 5.4. Filed supervision over the performance of the Works shall be provided by the Party to the Agreement which provides the development of the Design Documentation. 5.5. Technical supervision over the performance of the Works shall be provided exclusively by the Payer by engaging on a contractual basis a person who has a qualification certificate issued in accordance with the laws of Ukraine by the Architectural and Construction Attestation Commission or other document provided by the legislation of Ukraine which allows such person to perform Technical Supervision in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine. 5.6. The Customer and/or the Contractor shall not have the right to provide Technical supervision under this Agreement.
6.1. The scope and composition of the Works (quantitative and qualitative indicators) shall be defined by the Target specification, which is Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement and is an integral part of the Agreement. 6.2. The Target specification shall include the work provided for in the Design Documentation or a part thereof, and may also include other work not expressly provided for in the Design Documentation, but which the Parties have agreed upon as part of the performance of this Agreement. 6.3. The Contractor shall carry out the Works using its own labour force and its own Resources. 6.4. In any case the Contractor shall carry out the Works provided for in this Agreement, the quality of which corresponds to the Design Documentation and the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. All Resources and executed Works shall conform to the requirements of this Agreement and the requirements of the applicable laws of Ukraine. 6.5. The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the Resources and/or executed Works. 6.6. The Contractor may improve the quality of the Resources and/or executed Works by written agreement with the Customer and the Payer. 6.7. The Customer and/or the Payer, irrespective of Technical supervision, have the right to control the progress, quality, cost, terms and scope of the Works throughout their performance; to check the quality of the Resources used by the Contractor during performance of the Works at the Object provided by this Agreement; to control the availability and maintenance of the as-built submissions according to the current legislation of Ukraine; to check the availability of documents certifying the quality of the Resources used; participate in inspections of the correctness of performance and acceptance of hidden works; monitor the Contractor's compliance with the instructions and prescriptions of the authorized state authorities; perform other activities necessary to control the progress and quality of the performance of the Works under this Agreement. 6.8. The Contractor shall guarantee the operation of the Object within the warranty period of [number of years in figures] [number of years in words] years from the date of acceptance of the Object for operation in the manner prescribed by the effective legislation of Ukraine. If after the completion of the Works according to the norms of the current legislation the Object is not subject to acceptance for operation (obtaining a permit confirming its acceptance for operation), the warranty period starts from the date of acceptance by the Customer and the Payer of all performed Works under this Agreement, in the order stipulated by this Agreement. 6.9. If during the warranty period the Customer discovers any Defects in the completed Works, the Customer shall notify the Contractor of such Defects so that the latter may correct such Defects at its own cost and expense. 6.10. The Warranty Period shall be extended by the time the Defects detected in the completed Works are corrected. 6.11. Upon written notification by the Customer and/or the Payer or the person performing Technical supervision of the Contractor of the discovery of the Defects, the Contractor shall, at the date and time specified in such notification (but not earlier than 5 (five) days from the date when the notice was sent), together with the Customer and the Payer prepare at the Object an act on the list of Defects, the procedure and terms for their correction. 6.12. If the Contractor refuses to take part in drawing up an act on the list of Defects, the procedure and terms of their correction or fails to appear for its drawing up, the Customer and/or the Contractor have the right to draw up such an act themselves and may, if necessary, engage independent experts or specialists for this purpose. After drawing up such an act, it shall be sent by the Customer and/or the Payer to the Contractor's address and shall be binding on the Contractor. 6.13. The Contractor is obliged to correct the detected Defects in accordance with the prescriptions of the act on the list of Defects, the procedure and terms of their correction. 6.14. If the Contractor refuses to correct the detected Defects or delays in correcting them within the period established in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, or evades receiving the certificate drawn up by the Customer and/or the Payer, the Payer and/or the Customer has the right to notify the Contractor to suspend the work and all payments under this Agreement for a period determined by the Payer and/or the Customer independently and to carry out the correction of Defects by own efforts and at own expense or by engaging third parties with all costs and losses being borne by the Contractor, who shall pay for such costs and losses in full within the time period specified in this Agreement. 6.15. If a dispute arises between the Parties regarding the correction of the Defects or their causes, an independent expertise may be carried out at the request of either Party. The Contractor shall be responsible for financing the costs of such an examination. If the results of the expertise determine that the Contractor has not violated the Contract conditions or that there is no causal link between the Contractor's actions (inactions) and the detected Defects, then the costs of the expertise shall be paid to the Contractor by the Party which demanded the expertise. 6.16. The Executor of the expertise provided for by clause 6.15. of this Agreement shall be agreed by a common decision of the Parties (by a simple majority of votes, on the basis that each Party has 1 vote when selecting the expert organization).
7.1. The Contractor shall commence the Work within the time specified in accordance with the Work Schedule approved by the Parties, which is Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement and which is an integral part thereof. 7.2. Timing of the performance of the Works (their parts, stages, phases, etc.) shall be defined by the Work Schedule, which is Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement and which is an integral part thereof. 7.3. The Work Performance Time may be changed by mutual agreement of the Parties, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement. 7.4. Prior to the commencement of performance of the Works, the Customer is obliged to ensure that all necessary initial data for the performance of the Works at the Object is obtained; the development (if the other party hereto is not responsible for the development of Design Documentation), coordination and approval of Design Documentation; receipt and registration of all necessary permit documents related and necessary for implementation of this Agreement and obtained by the Customer in accordance with the law, including, but not limited to, documents entitling you to perform preparatory and construction Works at the Object. 7.5. The parties have agreed that the Customer shall provide the Contractor at the Object: 7.5.1. the ability to use the water supply system at the Object for the needs of performing the Work; 7.5.2. use of the power supply system at the Object for the purposes of the Works; 7.5.3. provides access to toilet facilities; 7.5.4. provide space for temporary storage of construction waste, which the Contractor undertakes to remove at its own cost and expense no later than the last day of the period for carrying out the Works; 7.6. The Contractor shall perform the work in accordance with the Target specification, the Design Documentation and in accordance with other requirements of this Agreement, and the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. 7.7. The Contractor is fully responsible for its employees and Subcontractors (if any), in particular for ensuring that employees comply with safety rules, fire safety standards, etc., and for creating the conditions necessary for this on its own, for determining the employee responsible for instructing employees in these matters and for monitoring these matters, and so on. The Customer and/or the Payer have the right to carry out inspections of compliance with any safety rules at the Object and to require the development and implementation of effective corrective and preventive actions when violations of safety rules and norms at the Object are identified. 7.8. The Contractor shall ensure full, quality and timely maintenance of the as-built submissions required by the standards of the current legislation, and the Customer and/or the Payer shall have the right to review such as-built submissions and its maintenance procedure at any time upon first request. The Customer's and/or the Payer's claims regarding any detected violations shall be recorded in the work progress log. 7.9. The Contractor shall hand over to the Customer the executive documentation no later than the last day of the completion date or the day of termination of this Agreement. 7.10. No later than the last day of the completion date or the day of termination of this Agreement, the Contractor shall vacate the Object from garbage and Resources. If the Contractor fails to do so by the specified deadline, all Resources left on the territory will be considered garbage and the Customer has the right to vacate the territory by his own efforts or with the assistance of third parties. Compensation for the costs incurred by the Customer for the removal of the debris left behind shall be at the Contractor's expense. The Customer shall not be liable in any way for the Contractor's property if the latter fails to vacate the Object on time. 7.11. The Payer may decide to slow down, stop or accelerate the pace of work by not more than [number of days in figures] [number of days in words] days by notifying the other Parties without having to make appropriate changes in the Work Schedule, which is Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement and is an integral part thereof. 7.12. In the event of work stoppage as instructed by the Payer or the Customer, the Parties shall be obliged to draw up the certificate of completion of actual work. After drawing up such certificate, the Parties shall, within ten (10) working days, make mutual settlements, taking into account the Works properly performed by the Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 7.13. The Payer shall notify the other Parties to the Agreement of the resumption of work performance not later than 10 (ten) working days prior to its resumption.
8.1. The Parties have agreed that the Works provided for in this Agreement and the Design Documentation shall be accepted only and exclusively after their complete and proper completion, but in order to monitor the progress of the stages (parts of the Works) and financing of the Contractor's activities, the Parties shall prepare and sign interim (stage-by-stage, partial) certificates of completion, in accordance with the rules of Clauses 8.2.-8.4. of this Section. 8.2. The Contractor shall notify the Customer, the Payer and the Technical Supervisor of the Works (parts thereof) performed as of the last day of the previous calendar month and prepare, sign and submit to the Customer, the Payer and the Technical Supervisor the appropriate number of certificates of completion no later than the 5th (fifth) day of each month. 8.3. Within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the certificate of completion (part thereof) the Customer, the Payer and the Technical Supervisor shall be obliged to accept the completed works or provide a reasoned refusal to accept them. 8.4. In case any Defects are identified in the process of acceptance of the Works, the Parties shall act in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 6.12 - 6.16 of this Agreement. 8.5. The fact of proper performance of the Works shall be recorded in the certificate of completion, which shall be drawn up upon completion of all the works provided for in this Agreement and the Design Documentation and signed by the Contractor, the Customer, the Payer and the person providing Technical Supervision. The availability of interim (phased, partial) certificates of completion shall not release the Parties from the obligation to accept the Works as a whole after their complete completion and handover by the Contractor for acceptance by the Customer and the Payer, and the availability of interim (phased, partial) certificates of completion shall not deprive either Party of the right to raise claims for non-compliance of such Works as a whole when accepting the Works to this Agreement and, in particular, the existence of such interim certificates shall not indicate compliance and ownership of such interim works upon acceptance of the Works as a whole. 8.6. Acceptance of the Works as a whole may be carried out after a preliminary test and/or acceptance of the Works by a special commission, if this follows from the nature and specifics of the Works. In this case the acceptance of the Works can be carried out only in case of a positive result of the preliminary test and/or the conclusion (act) of the special commission. 8.7. The Customer is the owner of the completed Works from the moment of signing of the final certificate of completion.
9.1. The Contractor may engage Subcontractors to perform the Works by written agreement with the Customer and the Payer. 9.2. Subcontracting does not create any legal relationship between the Employer and/or the Payer and the Subcontractor and does not create any additional obligations for the Employer and/or the Payer. 9.3. The Contractor remains liable to the Employer and/or the Payer for the Works performed (carried out) by the Subcontractor. 9.4. The Contractor may enter into agreements with Subcontractors only after having obtained written approval from the Customer and the Payer, and the Contractor undertakes, when entering into such agreements with Subcontractors, to make it a material condition of the Subcontractor's obligation to refrain from making any claims against the Customer and/or the Payer relating to the performance of the relevant Subcontract. 9.5. Acceptance of the Works performed by the Subcontractors shall be carried out by the Contractor with subsequent transfer of such Works to the Customer and the Payer in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement.
10.1. The Contractor is responsible for the purchase, receipt, storage and preservation of the Resources required for the performance of Works. The Contractor is responsible for the quantity, quality, completeness and timely delivery of the Resources. 10.2. The risk of accidental destruction, damage or loss of the Resources shall be borne by the Contractor. 10.3. The Customer and/or the Payer have the right to control the quality and quantity of the Resources, their compliance with the requirements of this Agreement and the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. 10.4. The Contractor may not use the Resources required for the performance of Works for the performance of works on other objects. 10.5. When performing the Works the Contractor shall use Resources having certificates of conformity. 10.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for engaging any necessary workers in sufficient numbers and with the appropriate qualifications to perform the Works. 10.7. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the labor legislation of Ukraine, create safe conditions for work and rest at the Object, conduct appropriate briefings according to the norms of the current legislation. 10.8. The Contractor shall be responsible for all actions of its employees at the place where the Works are performed, and shall take necessary measures to prevent them from violating technological and production discipline, health and safety rules during work, public order, fire safety rules, or other violations of applicable law. 10.9. The Contractor shall be obliged to ensure that only serviceable and safe equipment, machines, mechanisms, tools etc. are used in the performance of the Works in accordance with the recommendations and warnings of the manufacturers of such equipment, machines, mechanisms, tools etc. 10.10. The Contractor shall be obliged to ensure the use of works of increased danger in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. 10.11. The Customer and/or the Payer shall have the right at any time to inspect the condition of occupational safety during the performance of work by the Contractor and compliance with occupational safety rules and standards.
11.1. The Agreement Price is defined in the Target specifications, which is Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement and is an integral part thereof. The Agreement Price is equal to the total actual cost of all Works properly performed by the Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and may not exceed the amount specified as the Agreement Price in the Target specifications. 11.2. The price of this Agreement in any case is a firm fixed price (fixed budget) and may be changed only by agreement of the Parties with execution of a supplementary agreement to this Agreement. 11.3. All costs not included in the Design Documentation, in particular, but not exclusively, with respect to loading and unloading and logistics works, remuneration of labour, the number of Resources required and any other costs shall be covered by the Contractor. 11.4. The Agreement Price shall include all costs, taxes and charges that are payable or must be paid. The Agreement Price is sufficient for the proper, quality, and timely performance of the Works under this Agreement. 11.5. Payment shall be made for the actually performed Works (part of the Works) within ten (10) working days from the date when the Customer, the Payer, the Contractor and the person performing Technical Supervision sign an appropriate (interim) certificate of completion. 11.6. All settlements between the Parties shall be made in the national currency of Ukraine, the Hryvnia. 11.7. The Payer shall pay for the work performed in non-cash form by transferring the funds to the Contractor's current bank account in accordance with the procedure stipulated by this Agreement. 11.8. The Parties have agreed that the Payer's obligations to pay any payments under this Agreement shall be deemed performed from the date of debiting the funds from the Payer's current account. The Payer, at the request of the Contractor and/or the Customer, shall be obliged to provide a copy of the payment order or any other document confirming the debiting of funds from the Payer's current account as confirmation of the payment made. 11.9. The Works (part of the Works) performed with Defects shall not be subject to payment until such Defects have been fully corrected. The Payer has the right to unilaterally reduce the Agreement Price by the price of the Works (part of the Works) performed with Defects, if the Contractor has performed the Works (part of the Works) with Defects and if the Contractor has not corrected such Defects in the manner and within the time specified in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Payer shall have the right to unilaterally deduct from the sums of money payable by the Payer to the Contractor for the completed Works (parts of the Works) the costs and losses incurred by the Payer in connection with the correction of the Contractor's defects by its own efforts. 11.10. If the exchange rate of Swiss Franc to Hryvnia established by the National Bank of Ukraine increases by more than ten (10) % (percent) as compared with the exchange rate of Swiss Franc to Hryvnia established on the date of entering into this Agreement, the value of the unperformed Works (as of the date of entering into the respective supplementary agreement) may be changed by agreement of the Parties with obligatory execution of a supplementary agreement to this Agreement.
12.1. The Contractor shall bear the risk of destruction or damage to the results of the Works, including those performed by Subcontractors, from the commencement of their performance until the Object is put into operation. 12.2. The Contractor shall bear the risk of destruction or damage to the results of the work to correct Defects discovered after commissioning of the Object (within the warranty period), during the period of such correction of Defects. 12.3. The Contractor shall bear the risk of accidental destruction or damage to an Object during the performance of the Works under this Agreement. 12.4. The Contractor shall bear the risk of destruction or damage to the Resources required for the performance of the Works under this Agreement from the commencement of performance of the Works or the procurement of such Resources and until the Object is put into operation. 12.5. The Contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent accidental destruction of or damage to the property defined in this Section of the Agreement. If any loss or damage to the property defined in this Section of the Agreement occurs and the risk of such loss or damage at that time is borne by the Contractor, the latter shall, within the period agreed with the Purchaser and the Paying Party, correct them at its own expense and ensure that the results of the Works conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 12.6. In the event of accidental destruction or damage of the Object, further actions shall be determined by a joint decision of the Customer and the Payer as to the expediency and conditions for continuation of the Works. 12.7. The Contractor insures the risks associated with its activities at its own discretion and at its own expense.
13.1. For non-performance or improper performance of its contractual obligations, the guilty Party shall pay to the injured Party the penalties specified in the Agreement and shall compensate in full the losses in excess of the penalties. 13.2. For delay in performance of the Works (part of the Works), the Contractor shall pay a penalty in favor of the Payer in the amount of 0.1 (nought point tenth) % (percent) of the value of the Works, the performance of which is delayed, for each day of the delay. 13.3. If the Contractor fails to perform the Works (part of the Works) within the period exceeding thirty (30) days, such failure shall be deemed a material breach and, in addition to the penalty provided by Clause 13.2 herein, the Contractor shall pay a penalty in favor of the Payer in the amount of 20 (twenty) % (percent) of the value of the Works whose performance is delayed. 13.4. If the Contractor violates the terms of correction of the Defects identified during the performance of Works, acceptance of Works and/or the warranty period, the Contractor shall pay a penalty in favor of the Payer in the amount of 100 (one hundred) % (percent) of the cost of the Works completed with the Defects. 13.5. In case of violation by the Contractor of the terms of transfer of the as-built submissions provided by this Agreement, the Contractor shall pay a penalty in favor of the Payer in the amount of 0.1 (nought point tenth) % (percent) of the cost of the Works under this Agreement. 13.6. If the Contractor fails to perform or improperly performs its obligations under this Agreement, the Payer shall have the right to impose immediate remedial measures against the Contractor in the form of: 13.6.1. a unilateral withdrawal by the Payer of its obligation to make any further payments (for previous or future Works), relieving the Payer of any liability therefor; or 13.6.2. unilaterally establishing for the future additional guarantees of proper performance of obligations by the Contractor by unilaterally changing the order of payment for the Works. 13.7. The Payer shall apply immediate remedial measures extra-judicially, without prior claim. The Payer notifies the Contractor and the Customer about the application of immediate remedial measures to the Contractor by sending a written notice. 13.8. As security for performance of obligations under this Agreement, the Contractor shall provide a bank bond, under which the bank will guarantee to the Payer (beneficiary) the proper performance by the Contractor (debtor) of its obligations under this Agreement. The amount of the bank bond shall not be less than [amount in number] [amount in words] hryvnias. 13.9. The form and content of the bank bond provided by clause 13.8 of this Agreement, as well as the bank which issues it, should be previously agreed with the Payer. 13.10. In case of violation by the Contractor of any terms of this Agreement, the Payer has the right to suspend any payments under this Agreement until the Contractor corrects the committed violations of the terms of this Agreement. The Payer notifies the Contractor and the Customer about the suspension of payments by sending a written notice. 13.11. The Payer shall have the right to withhold amounts of compensation, losses, penalties, etc. due to him and thereby satisfy any monetary claims he may have against the Contractor by withholding appropriate amounts of money from the funds payable to the Contractor for performance of the Works. 13.12. Payment by a Party of penalties, compensation and/or losses caused by breach of the Agreement shall not relieve it of its obligation to perform this Agreement in kind, unless otherwise expressly provided by the applicable legislation of Ukraine or this Agreement.
14.1. The Parties shall be exempted from liability for failure to perform or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances, which did not exist and the Parties could not foresee at the time (date) of this Agreement, arose against the will of the Parties and contrary to all actions of the Parties aimed at preventing their occurrence (imminence), in particular such circumstances may be recognized as exceptional weather conditions and natural disasters (epidemic, severe storm, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, storm, flood and so on), blockades, military embargoes, riots, acts of terrorism, sabotage, piracy, unrest, revolutions, conspiracies, uprisings, civil unrest, introduction of quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, expropriation, forcible withdrawal, factories take-over, requisition, public demonstration, blockade, strike and the like. 14.2. The Party, which cannot fulfill obligations under this Agreement due to the force majeure circumstances, must notify the other Parties in writing no later than 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of their occurrence, providing adequate evidence of the existence and operation of such circumstances. 14.3. The proper evidence of occurrence of force majeure circumstances and the period of their validity shall be the relevant documents issued by the authorities authorized to do so. 14.4. If the period of force majeure circumstances lasts for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days, each of the Parties has the right to terminate this Agreement by sending a corresponding written notice to the other Parties not later than 30 (thirty) days before the corresponding date of termination of the Agreement.
15.1. All disputes arising in the performance of the terms of this Agreement or in connection with the interpretation of sections of the Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. 15.2. The Parties confirm that this Agreement contains all essential conditions provided for such kind of agreements. Neither of the Parties will refer in the future to the failure to reach an agreement on the essential terms of the Agreement as a ground to consider this Agreement unconcluded. 15.3. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or such that it cannot be performed, this shall not affect the validity, legality and enforceability of and need to perform the remaining provisions of this Agreement. An invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision is modified, interpreted or applied so as to achieve a socio-economic result as close as possible to the socio-economic result which is the intention of the Parties - the purpose of each Party's conclusion as set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement. 15.4. In cases not stipulated by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine. The same rule is valid in case of contradiction of this Agreement to compulsory rules of acting legislative acts.
16.1. Each Party must appoint an authorized Manager within ten (10) business days of the date of this Agreement and notify the other Parties by sending a written notice. 16.2. Each of the Managers is appointed to devote most of time to achieving the objectives related to the performance of the Works and the Agreement as a whole and to supervise the performance of this Agreement. The Managers of the Parties shall have the right of access to the Object and to documents which are in any way related to or concerning this Agreement in order to exercise their powers and functions under this Agreement. 16.3. In order to achieve greater efficiency and promptness, the Managers of the Parties shall have the right by common consent to make Flexible changes in the Works which are necessary to avoid delays in the Works. 16.4. The decision to implement Flexible changes in the Works shall be made by signing a joint protocol by the Managers of the Parties specifying the detailed nature of the Flexible changes in the Works and the motivation for its implementation. 16.5. Only minor changes in the Works that do not increase the Agreement Price (the prices of individual Works or the price of the Works as a whole), do not degrade the quality of individual Works or the Works as a whole, and do not conflict with the general nature and purpose of this Agreement, and which do not result in an extension of the completion date of individual Works or the Works as a whole, shall be deemed Flexible changes in the Works. 16.6. The Managers of the Parties appointed in accordance with this Section of the Agreement shall not have the right to amend this Agreement except by virtue of an appropriate power of attorney from the Party or the Party's constitutional documents, which provide for the right to make such amendments. 16.7. The Contractor's Manager shall every Monday of each week of each month during the term of this Agreement provide to the Customer's Manager and the Payer's Manager information (in oral and/or written form depending on the decisions of the Customer's Manager and the Payer's Manager) for the preceding week about: 16.7.1. The progress of the Works, including possible deviations from the Work Schedule, causes and corrective actions for the deviation and the like; 16.7.2. Provision of Resources for performance of the Works. 16.7.3. Involvement of labour force and agreed subcontractors for performance of the Works. 16.7.4. the results of implementing quality control of the Work and Resources being performed. 16.7.5. Threats of performance of the Agreement through the fault of the Parties.
17.1. The Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and sealing by the Parties (if any) and shall remain in full force and effect until the Parties have fully performed their obligations under this Agreement. 17.2. Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Parties from liability for any breach thereof which occurred during the term of this Agreement.
18.1. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be amended, supplemented or terminated only and exclusively by mutual consent of the Parties, with the exception of cases expressly provided for in this Agreement. 18.2. All amendments, supplements to the Agreement, as well as its termination by mutual consent of the Parties shall be made only in written form. 18.3. A Party to the Agreement that deems it necessary to amend the Agreement must send a proposal to that effect to the other Parties. 18.4. The Party to the Agreement, which has received a proposal to amend the Agreement, shall notify the other Parties of its decision within twenty (20) working days. 18.5. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement on amending the Agreement or in case of failure to provide a response within the time frame set forth in this Agreement, the interested Party may apply to the court with demands to amend this Agreement. 18.6. If the Agreement is amended by a court decision, it shall be deemed amended as of the effective date of the relevant court decision. 18.7. The Payer shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement early by giving the Customer and Contractor written notice of termination of this Agreement if: 18.7.1. The Contractor is more than thirty (30) days late in performing the Works (part of the Works); 18.7.2. The Contractor has failed to appear within the time period specified in this Agreement to draw up a statement of the list of defects, procedure and time periods for correcting them and/or has not corrected the defects of the Works (part of the Works) within the time period specified in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 18.7.3. The Contractor has committed any other material breach of the terms of this Agreement and/or the Design Documentation. 18.8. In order to early termination of this Agreement unilaterally on the grounds set forth in clause 18.7 of this Agreement, the Payer sends a respective written notice to the Customer and the Contractor and this Agreement shall be deemed terminated on the 7 (seventh) day from the date the Payer sends a corresponding notice by postal services or any other date expressly set forth by the Payer in such a notice. 18.9. At any time and without any cause, the Payer has the right to early terminate this Agreement unilaterally by sending an appropriate written notice to the Customer and the Contractor with at least thirty (30) days prior to the desired date of Agreement termination. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated on the day specified in the written notice as the date of termination of the Agreement, and in case of absence of such date - on the 31st (thirty-first) day from the date of sending such notice by the Payer by postal services. 18.10. Early termination of this Agreement unilaterally, which is provided for in clauses 18.7. and 18.9. of this Agreement, does not require the Customer's and/or Contractor's approval, signing of a supplemental termination agreement or any other documents, as well as the performance of any other formalities, except for sending a respective notice by the Payer. 18.11. The Agreement may also be terminated by court decision at the request of one of the Parties to this Agreement in case of a material breach of the terms of this Agreement by the other Party and in other cases established by the Agreement and/or the applicable laws of Ukraine. 18.12. In case of termination of this Agreement the Parties shall make settlements for the Works actually performed as of the date of termination of this Agreement within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of termination of this Agreement. Only those Works that are properly performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and within the period provided for in this Agreement shall be subject to payment. Early completion of the Works (performance of the Works ahead of the Work Schedule, which is Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement and its integral part) is allowed solely on condition of a written approval by the Customer and the Payer.
19.1. This Agreement, as well as any documents related to this Agreement and its execution, shall be legally binding if signed by all parties to the Agreement, unless otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement. 19.2. This Agreement is drawn up in three identical copies in the Ukrainian language, one for each Party. 19.3. The Customer, the Payer and the Contractor shall notify the other Parties immediately, but in any event not later than three (3) days from the date of the relevant changes, by written notice if their bank details, addresses, telephone numbers or other details change. 19.4. We, the Parties, confirm that this Agreement complies with our real intentions and is not a sham or imaginary legal transaction, is made by us in accordance with our present will, without any application of physical or mental pressure and on favorable terms, and is not the result of the influence of reduced circumstances, we enter into this Agreement without fraud or concealment of material facts, we equally understand the meaning, terms, nature and legal consequences of this Agreement, we desire the legal consequences created by this Agreement, and we also certify that the Agreement defines all material terms of the Agreement, as evidenced by our personal signatures on the Agreement. 19.5. The Parties confirm that they have agreed and have no comments, additions or contradictions concerning the terms of this Agreement. 19.6. All notices under this Agreement shall be given in writing form by one party to the other party at the address set forth in the Agreement or at such other address as is set forth in the applicable written notice of the party concerned. Whichever of the following occurs first, the written notice shall be deemed served and shall be effective: 19.6.1. from the day of its hand delivery to the other party against acknowledgement of receipt; or 19.6.2. on the day on which it is received by the other Party, as specified on the postal receipt or other postal document, in the case of dispatch by postal services; or 19.6.3. from the day of return of an uncollected letter due to expiration of the storage period (period). 19.7. The Appendices to this Agreement shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Location: 00000, Xxxx city, Xxxxxxxxxx xxx., 00 Address for correspondence: 00000, Xxxx city, Xxxxxxxxxx xxx., 00 Identification code of a legal entity: 00000000 Bank account details: current account: No. UA 37 3510 0500 0002 6002 2716 5 8802, in JSC "Ukrsibbank", MFO 351005 E-mail/telephone: [•]
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
Location: [•] Address for correspondence: [•] Identification code of a legal entity: [•] Bank account details: [•] E-mail/telephone: [•]
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
Location: [•] Address for correspondence: [•] Identification code of a legal entity: [•] Bank account details: [•] E-mail/telephone: [•]
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
Appendix No. 1 To Construction Agreement No. [•] of [•] year
This Target specification to Construction Agreement No. [•] (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement" and the " Target specification" respectively) is entered into between:
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from first part,
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society, a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Payer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the second part, and
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the third part,
Having regard to the mutual obligations and agreements set forth in this Agreement, the Customer, the Payer and the Contractor have entered into this Target specification for the Agreement on the following:
1. The Contractor undertakes to perform the following Works:
1.1. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.2. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.3. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.4. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.5. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.6. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.7. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.8. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.9. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.10. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.11. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.12. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.13. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.14. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.15. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.16. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.17. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.18. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.19. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.20. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.21. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.22. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.23. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.24. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works]. 1.25. [A detailed description of the list and scope of works, as well as the price of specific works].
2. The Agreement price, based on the above-mentioned prices for specific units of work, is [amount in figures] [amount in words] hryvnias.
3. The Works shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including all its integral parts, in particular, but not exclusively, in accordance with the Design Documentation, requirements of the building codes and regulations and other requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
4. By signing this Target specification, the Contractor confirms receipt of the Design Documentation, which is an integral part of the Agreement, and all other necessary documentation and information required for proper performance of the Works in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
5. By signing this Target specification, the Contractor acknowledges receipt of the working area and access to the Object for the purpose of performance of the Agreement.
6. The Contractor confirms that there are no unresolved issues with respect to Agreement performance and that there are no impediments to his proper performance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
7. This Target specification is an integral part of the Agreement.
8. This Target specification is drawn up in three identical copies in the Ukrainian language, one for each Party.
9. This Target specification come into force from the date of its signing by the Parties.
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
Appendix No. 2 To Construction Agreement No. [•] of [•] year
This Work Schedule for Construction Agreement No. [•] (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement" and "Target specification" respectively) is entered into between:
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from first part,
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society, a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Payer”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the second part, and
[Name of the legal entity], a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine, legal entity identification code [code in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF], with its registered office at: [address in accordance with the EUSRLEIEPF] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), represented by [last name, first name, middle name of the signatory], acting on the basis of [name of the document certifying authority of the signatory], from the third part,
Having regard to the mutual obligations and agreements set forth in this Agreement, the Customer, the Payer and the Contractor have entered into this Work Schedule for the Agreement on the following:
1. The performance of the Works by the Agreement shall be in the following order and within the following time limits:
2. By signing this Work Schedule, the Contractor confirms that it is possible to perform the Works within the time limits specified above and that there are no obstacles to do so.
3. This Work Schedule is an integral part of the Agreement.
4. This Work Schedule is drawn up in three identical copies in the Ukrainian language, one for each Party.
5. This Work Schedule comes into effect from the date of its signing by the Parties.
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
______________ / _______________ (Official capacity, full name and signature)
Payer _______________ Customer _______________ Contractor _______________