Parties کی شقوں کے نمونے
Parties. This Exploration and Production Agreement is subject to applicable Lebanese Law, and has been approved by the Council of Ministers as stipulated by Article 19 of the Offshore Petroleum Resources Law No 132 of 2010 (the “OPR Law”), and is made on the [...] day of [.............] 20[...] between: The Republic of Lebanon, herein represented by the Minister of Energy and Water (the “Minister”); and [XXX], a corporation established pursuant to the laws of […], and having its registered office at [address], hereinafter referred to as ["X"] and herein represented by its [duly appointed and authorised representative] فارطلأا نوناقلل هذه جاتنلإاو فاشكتسلاا ةيقافتا عضخت اهيلع ةقفاوملا تمت دقو ،ءارجلإا يعرملا ينانبللا هيلع صوصنم وه ام قفو ءارزولا سلجم لبق نم هايملا يف ةيلورتبلا دراوملا نوناق نم 19 ةداملا يف دراوملا نوناق"( 2010 ماعل 132 مقر ةيرحبلا مويلا يف ةمربم يهو ،)"ةيرحبلا هايملا يف ةيلورتبلا :نيب 20]...[ ماعل ]...[ رهش نم ]...[ ريزوب ةيقافتلاا هذه يف ةلثمم ،ةينانبللا ةيروهمجلا ؛)"ريزولا"( هايملاو ةقاطلا نيناوقل اقفو اهؤاشنإ مت ةكرش يهو ،]س س س[ و اهيلإ راشي ،]ناونعلا[ يف يسيئرلا اهزكرم ،[...] ةيقافتلاا هذه يف ةلثممو ]"س"[ـب يلي ام يف سلجم سيئر[ ]ًلاوصأ ضوفملاو نيعملا اهلثمم[ـب ؛]اهترادإ [its Chairman]; [YYY], a corporation established pursuant to the laws of […], and having its registered office at [address], hereinafter referred to as ["Y"] and herein represented by its [duly appointed and authorised representative] [its Chairman]; And [ZZZ], a corporation established pursuant to the laws of […], and having its registered office at [address], hereinafter referred to as ["Z"] and herein represented by its [duly appointed and authorised representative] [its Chairman]. Each of [X], [Y] and [Z] shall hereinafter individually be referred to as a "Right Holder," and they shall collectively be referred to as the “Right Holders”. The Right Holders and the State shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Parties" and each shall be individually referred to as a "Party". نيناوقل اقفو اهؤاشنإ مّ ت ةكرش يهو ،]ص ص ص[ اهيلإ راشي ،]ناونعلا[ يف يسيئرلا اهزكرم ،[...] ةيقافتلاا هذه يف ةلثممو ،]"ص"[ـب يلي ام يف سلجم سيئر[ ]ًلاوصأ ضوفملاو نيعملا اهلثمم[ـب ؛]اهترادإ نيناوقل اقفو اهؤاشنإ مت ةكرش يهو ،]ع ع ع[ و اهيلإ راشي ،]ناونعلا[ يف يسيئرلا اهزكرم ،[...] ةيقافتلاا هذه يف ةلثممو ،]"ع"[ـب يلي ام يف سلجم سيئر[ ]ًلاوصأ ضوفملاو نيعملا اهلثمم[ـب .]اهترادإ يلي ام يف ]ع[و ]ص[ ،]س[ نم لك ىلإ راشُي يلي ام يف مهيلإ راشُيو ،"قحلا بحاص"ـب ايدارفإ باحصأ ىلإ راشُيو ."قوقحلا باحصأ"ـب ًايعامج ًايدار...