Limitation of Liability of BSI Management Systems BSI 管理体系的责任限制 样本条款
Limitation of Liability of BSI Management Systems BSI 管理体系的责任限制. Except for liability imposed by the law governing this Agreement and for which BSI Management Systems is not permitted to exclude or limit in any way (and which shall not be so limited by the terms of this Agreement), the liability of BSI Management Systems in respect of any single event or series of events for breach of its obligations in this Agreement shall be strictly limited to an amount equal to the lesser of the Fees in the 12 months preceding the date of the event or events giving rise to the loss, or the sum of £50,000. 除本协议的适用的法律强加的责任及不允许以任何方式(不受本协议条款限制)排除或限制 BSI 管理体系的责任外,在每一事件下或一系列事件中,BSI 管理体系对本协议项下的义务违背的责任应严格限制到在该事件或引发损失的事件发生前 12 个月的费用或 50000 英镑中较少的数额。