SPONSOR’s Anti-Corruption Policy. SPONSOR’s corporate policies provide that SPONSOR colleagues must conduct all SPONSOR business in a lawful and ethical manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (the “FCPA”). The FCPA prohibits making, promising, or authorizing the making of a corrupt payment or providing anything of value to a government official to induce that official to make any governmental act or decision to assist a company in obtaining or retaining business. The FCPA also prohibits a company or person from using another company or individual to engage in any of the foregoing activities. As a U.S. company, SPONSOR must comply with the FCPA and as such, requires that its consultants, agents, representatives, and a company’s acting on its behalf (“Business Associates”) do the same. Consequently, SPONSOR requires all of its Business Associates to conduct themselves in accordance with these principles. Business Associates may not directly or indirectly make, promise, or authorize the making of a corrupt payment or provide anything of value to any government official to induce that government official to make any governmental act or decision to help SPONSOR obtain or retain business. Business Associates may never make a payment to or offer a government official any item or benefit, regardless of value, as an improper inducement for such government official to approve, reimburse, prescribe, or purchase a SPONSOR product, to influence the outcome of a clinical trial, or otherwise improperly to benefit SPONSOR’s business activities. 本合約任一方(包含其代表人、員工或所有相關人員)保證並擔負以下責任: 未曾亦將不會,直接或間接提供、承諾、支付(或授權此等提供或支付)政府官員、健康照護專業人員、任何其他人士任何金錢或給予任何有價物,或者為了對上開人員施加不當影響力之目的而採取任何行動。 未曾亦將不會接受、要求或接收任何可能不當影響各方依據本合約執行業務之金錢或任何有價物。