富邦產物 Signature Directors' and Officers' Liability and Company Reimbursement Insurance - Aggregate Limit (F092)
富邦產物 Signature Directors' and Officers' Liability and Company Reimbursement Insurance - Aggregate Limit (F092)
103.07.08 富保業字第 1030001129 號函備查
保險期間 | 年繳保險費比 |
一個月以下 | 15% |
一個月以上至二個月期間 | 25% |
二個月以上至三個月期間 | 35% |
三個月以上至四個月期間 | 45% |
四個月以上至五個月期間 | 55% |
五個月以上至六個月期間 | 65% |
六個月以上至七個月期間 | 75% |
七個月以上至八個月期間 | 80% |
八個月以上至九個月期間 | 85% |
九個月以上至十個月期間 | 90% |
十個月以上至十一個月期間 | 95% |
十一個月以上 | 100% |
富 邦 產 物 Signature Directors' and Officers' Liability and Company Reimbursement Insurance - Aggregate Limit (F092)
Aggregation of Limit - Multinational Local Policy
It is agreed that:
1. The Company has issued this policy in co-ordination with Policy No. issued to (the “Parent Policy”).
2. The Company shall have no obligation under this policy to make any payment of Loss to the extent that the “Parent Policy” is exhausted.
3. The limit of liability of this policy shall be reduced to zero when the limit of liability of the Parent Policy is exhausted:
(a) by the payment of any loss under the Parent Policy, this policy or any Controlled Admitted Insurance; or
(b) by agreement between and the insurer of the Parent Policy.
4. Payment of any retention, deductible or self insurance under the Parent Policy or any Controlled Admitted Insurance shall reduce the applicable Deductible Amount set forth in Item 4 of the Schedule with respect to the same or any Related Claim.
5. Section 7, Definitions, is amended by adding the following:
Authorised Correspondent means any privately controlled insurer, other than a member company of the , that the insurer of the Parent Policy indicates is its correspondent, but only for each specific insurance transaction authorised by the insurer of the Parent Policy.
Controlled Admitted Insurance means any contract of insurance that is issued to or any of its subsidiaries, or any joint venture thereof, by the Company, another member company of the
or any Authorised Correspondent licensed or permitted by law to do business in the jurisdiction where the exposure to loss is located covering such organisation’s interests, including any such contract of insurance which:
(a) the Company, another member company of the
Authorised Correspondent provides as co-insurer; or
or any
(b) any government controlled insurer provides as co-insurer with the Company, with another
member company of the
or with any Authorised
Controlled Admitted Insurance does not include any contract of insurance specifically obtained to apply in excess of the Limit of Liability stated in Item 3 of the Schedule.
The title and any headings in this endorsement are solely for convenience and form no part of the terms and conditions of coverage.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.