契約担当役 理事
1. 公示件名:キューバ国再生可能エネルギー導入促進業務
2. 競争に付する事項:企画競争説明書第1章1.のとおり
3. 競争参加資格:企画競争説明書第1章3.のとおり
4. 契約条項:
5. プロポーザル及び見積書の提出:
6. その他:企画競争説明書のとおり
業 務 名 称:キューバ国再生可能エネルギー導入促進業務
第1章 企画競争の手続き第2章 特記仕様書案
第3章 プロポーザル作成に係る留意事項
企画競争とは、競争参加者が提出するプロポーザルに基づき、その企画、技術の提案、競争参加者の能力等を総合的に評価することにより、JICA にとって最も有利な契約相手方を選定する方法です。競争参加者には、この説明書及び貸与された資料に基づき、本件業務に係るプロポーザル及び見積書の提出を求めます。
第1章 企画競争の手続き
1. 競争に付する事項
(2)業務内容:「第2章 特記仕様書案」のとおり
(4)契約履行期間(予定):2025年1月 ~ 2027年1月
1)2025 年度(2026 年 2 月頃)
国際協力調達部 契約推進第一課/第二課電子メール宛先:xxxx0@xxxx.xx.xx
社会基盤部 資源・エネルギーグループ第2チーム
№ | 項目 | 期限日時 |
1 | 資料ダウンロード期限 | 2024年 11月 12日 12時 |
2 | 企画競争説明書に対する質問 | 2024年 11月 13日 12時 |
3 | 質問への回答 | 2024年 11月 18日 |
4 | 本見積書及び別見積書、プロポーザル等の提出期限日 | 2024年 11月 22日 12時 |
5 | プレゼンテーション | 行いません。 |
6 | 評価結果の通知日 | 2024年 12月 3日 |
7 | 技術評価説明の申込日(順位が第1位の者を除く) | 評価結果の通知メールの送付日の翌日から起算して7営業日以内 (申込先: xxxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/x/0XXxX00XXX) ※2023年7月公示から変更となりました。 |
3. 競争参加資格
(2024 年 10 月追記版)」を参照してください。
1 各年度の進捗に伴う経費計上処理のため、実施済事業分に相当した支払を年度ごとに行う必要があります。
(URL: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/00000000.xxxx)
1) 消極的資格制限
2) 積極的資格要件
3) 競争参加資格要件の確認
4. 資料の配付
資料の配付について希望される方は、下記 JICA ウェブサイト「コンサルタント等契約の応募者向け 国際キャリア総合情報サイト PARTNER 操作マニュアル」に示される手順に則り各自ダウンロードしてください。
https://xxxxxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/Contents/pdf/JICAPARTNER_%E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C%E 3%83%9E%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB_%E6%A5%AD%E5%8B%99%E5%AE%9F%E6
・第3章 プロポーザル作成要領に記載の配付資料
5. 企画競争説明書に対する質問
2)提出先 :xxxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/x/x0x00XXXXx
注1) xx性・xx性確保の観点から、電話及び口頭でのご質問は、お断りしています。
上記2.(3)日程の期日までに以下の JICA ウェブサイト上に掲示します。
(URL: xxxxx://xxx0.xxxx.xx.xx/xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxx.xxx?xxxxxxxxx0)
6. プロポーザル等の提出
具体的な提出方法は、JICAウェブサイト「コンサルタント等契約の応募者向け 国際キャリア総合情報サイト PARTNER操作マニュアル」をご参照ください。
1) プロポーザル・見積書
① 電子データ(PDF)での提出とします。
② プロポーザル等はパスワードを付けずに格納ください。
③ 評価点の差が僅少で価格点を計算する場合、もしくは評価結果順位が第一位になる見込みの場合のみ、パスワード送付を依頼します。パスワードは別途メールでe-koji@jica.go.jpへ送付ください。なお、xxxxxは、 JICA国際協力調達部からの連絡を受けてから送付願います。
④ 別見積については、「第3章4.(3)別見積について」のうち、1)の経費と2)~3)の上限額や定額を超える別見積りが区別できるようにしてください(ファイルを分ける、もしくは、同じファイルでも区別がつくようにしていただくようお願いします)。
⑤ 別提案書(第3章4.(2)に示す上限額を超える提案)がある場合、PDFにパスワードを設定し格納ください。なお、xxxxxは、JICA国際協力調達部からの連絡を受けてからメールでe-koji@jica.go.jpへ送付願います。
7. 契約交渉権者決定の方法
① 別添資料1「プロポーザル評価の基準」
② 別添資料2「コンサルタント等契約におけるプロポーザル評価の視点」
③ 別添資料3「業務管理グループ制度と若手育成加点」
技術評価点が基準点(100 点満点中 60 点)を下回る場合には不合格となります。
本案件においては、業務管理グループ(副業務xx者 1 名の配置)としてシニア(46 歳以上)と若手(35~45 歳)が組んで応募する場合(どちらが業務xx者でも可)、一律2点の加点(若手育成加点)を行います。
8. 評価結果の通知と公表
第2章 特記仕様書案
【1】 本業務に係るプロポーザル作成上の留意点
プロポーザルに一般的に記載されるべき事項、実施上の条件は「第3章 プロポーザル作成に係る留意事項」を参照してください。
☒ 応募者は、本特記仕様書(案)に基づき、発注者が相手国実施機関と設定したプロジェクトの目標、成果、主な活動に対して、効果的かつ効率的な実施
⮚ 本業務において、特に以下の事項について、コンサルタントの知見と経験に基づき、第3章1.(2)「2)業務実施の方法」にて指定した記載分量の範囲で、次のリストの項目について、具体的な提案を行ってください。詳細については本特記仕様書(案)を参照してください。
№ | 提案を求める事項 | 特記仕様書(案)での該当条項 |
1 | 本邦招へいのプログラム案及び実施体制 | 第4条2.(1)⑥成果6に関わる活動 |
2 | 日本の経験を踏まえた、事故や 自然災害時における電力系統の維持・復旧に関する知識の移転 | 第4条2.(1)②成果2に関わる活動 |
3 | 日本及び他国のグリッドコード (特に再生可能エネルギーに関するもの)のコンセプトの紹介 | 第4条2.(1)③成果3に関わる活動 |
⮚ プロポーザルにおいては、本特記仕様書(案)の記載内容と異なる内容の提案も認めます。プロポーザルにおいて代替案として提案することを明記
⮚ 現地リソースの活用が現地業務の効率的、合理的な実施に資すると判断される場合には、業務従事者との役割分担を踏まえた必要性と配置計画を含む業務計画を、プロポーザルにて記載して下さい。現行のコンサルタント等契約制度において、現地リソースの活用としては以下の方法が採用可能です。ただし、第3条2.(2)キューバ政府の体制・業務の進め方にご留意ください。
① 特殊傭人費(一般業務費)での傭上。
② 直接人件費を用いた、業務従事者としての配置(個人。法人に所属する個人も含む)(第3章「2.業務実施上の条件」参照)。
③ 共同企業体構成員としての構成(法人)(第1章「3.競争参加資格」参照)。
⮚ 本業務では原則現地再委託を想定していませんが、現地再委託することにより業務の効率、精度、質等が著しく向上すると考えられる場合、当該業務について経験・知見を豊富に有する機関・コンサルタント・NGO に再委託して実施することを認める場合があります。本特記仕様書(案)記載の項目・規模を超えて現地再委託にて実施することが望ましいと考える業務がある場合、理由を付してプロポーザルにて提案してください。
第1条 業務の目的
「第2条 業務の背景」に記載する技術協力事業について、「第3条 実施方針及び留意事項」を踏まえ、「第4条 業務の内容」に記載される活動の実施によ り、相手国政府関係機関等と協働して、期待される成果を発現し、プロジェクト目
第2条 業務の背景
第3条 実施方針及び留意事項
キューバにおいては、特定の活動について政府指定の組織が独占的に扱う等の規制がある場合がある。このため現地再委託の可否についても個別の確認が必要であることから、その扱いについては第 2 章 3. その他の留意点に記載の通りとする。また現地傭人の雇用についても、政府指定の人材派遣機関を通じての契約が求められる可能性があり、契約交渉時及び案件開始後に発注者と相談のうえ進める。なお日本語⇔スペイン語通訳(周辺国から渡航のうえ通訳に従事)及び現地コーディネーター(専門性をもとに業務に従事するというよりも現地業務をロジスティクス等の観点で支援する人材)はこれまでの技術協力プロジェクトで傭上した実績があ り、この点も踏まえて体制を検討する。
キューバへの渡航にあたっては公用査証を取得する必要がある。査証取得に時間を要することから、渡航の 2 か月前までには現地調査の日程につき発注者に共有する。キューバ渡航歴のある旅行者は、米国入国にあたり ESTA が使えず査証取得が必要となる等の制約及び関連するリスクも踏まえ、キューバまでの渡航経路について設計する。なお旅券は一般旅券での渡航を想定する。
第4条 業務の内容
① 成果1(xxx発電と蓄電池が高い普及率で導入され、有事の際に独立して機能する系統につき、安全性と信頼性を伴った状態で運用するために必要な要素が提示される。)に関わる活動
活動 1-1:キューバにおいて計画されている、不測の事態の発生時に特定の地域を国の電力系統から分離して動作させるマイクログリッドシステム(日本のマイクログリッドよりも大規模なものが想定されている)の概念を確認する。
活動 1-2:xxx発電と蓄電池が高い普及率で導入され、有事の際に独立して機能する系統につき、安全性と信頼性を伴った状態で運用するために必要な要素について助言する。キューバ側のコンセプトとの関係で有効と考えられる場合には、日本におけるマイクログリッドの事例紹介を盛り込むことを検討する。
② 成果2(電力安定供給を実現するため、自然災害を含む系統事故に対する強靭な系統管理の概念が設計される。)に関わる活動
活動 2-1:キューバにおける系統管理の現況を確認する。
活動 2-2:事故発生時のネットワークの系統分離の概念を提示する。
活動 2-3:日本の経験を踏まえ、事故や自然災害が発生した場合の電力系統安定化のための、維持・復旧に関する知識を移転する。2
③ 成果3(xxx発電と蓄電池を含む再生可能エネルギーの系統接続のためのグリッドコードの概念が設計される。)に関わる活動
活動 3-1:主に火力発電向けである現在のグリットコードを確認する。活動 3-2:日本及び他国のグリッドコードのコンセプトについて紹介する。3
活動 3-3:関連部門と協議し、再生可能エネルギーのグリットコードの必要要素を特定する。
活動 3-4:将来策定するグリットコードのアウトラインを提示する。
④ 成果4(電力需給調整と系統運用に関するキューバ電力公社(UNE)の理解が深まる。)に関わる活動
活動 4-1:xxx発電と蓄電池などの導入された条件を想定した場合の電力需給調整や自動化された系統運用に関する知識を移転する。
活動 4-2:既存の施設も活用しつつ、電力需給調整や電力系統運用に関する研修/OJT を実施する。
⑤ 成果5(マスタープランで分析・確認した再生可能エネルギー開発計画をモ ニタリングしつつ、開発の現状を踏まえた具体的な活動が提案・助言される。)に関わる活動
活動 5-1:マスタープランで開発計画を確認・分析した再生可能エネルギー事業について現状を確認する。
活動 5-2:最新の外部要因を踏まえた再生可能エネルギー事業の将来計画に
2 事故や自然災害が発生した場合の電力系統安定化のための、維持・復旧に関する知識をキューバ側(ハリケーン等に見舞われる島嶼国)に移転するにあたり、日本のどのような知見が紹介可能か実施方針を提案すること。キューバの課題についてはデータ開示の制約のためプロジェクトを進めてから受注者にとって明らかになる点も多くなることから、キューバの課題に対してどのようなアプローチで紹介すべきかの観点よりも、当該テーマにおいて日本のどのような知見を紹介するのが一般的に有効と思われるかの観点を発注者側で確認する。実際の業務の方法はプロジェクトが開始してから適宜見直しつつ進める。
3 再生可能エネルギーを対象としたグリッドコードが十分に整備されていないキューバに対して、日本及び他国におけるグリッドコードをどのように紹介可能か実施方針を提案すること。上記と同様に、日本及び他国における再生可能エネルギーを対象としたグリッドコードの特徴をどのように伝達するかの観点を発注者側で確認する。実際の業務の方法はプロジェクトが開始してから適宜見直しつつ進める。
活動 5-3:揚水発電や蓄電池などの系統制御設備について、電力需給調整の必要性の高まりを踏まえて将来計画の概念を設計する。
⑥ 成果6(成果1~5に関して本邦招へいを通じて UNE 等関係者の能力が向上する。)に関わる活動
活動 6-1:成果1~5に関する内容を含む本邦招へいにつき、UNE 等関係者向けに計画・実施する。4
☒ 本プロジェクトでは、本邦研修・招へいを実施する。
☒ 想定規模は以下のとおり。
目的・研修内容 | 成果6に関わる活動に記載の通り。 |
実施回数 | 合計1回 |
対象者 | キューバ電力公社(UNE)をはじめとするキューバ政 府・政府機関 |
参加者数 | 7~10 名程度 |
研修日数 | 10~15 日程度(土日(自由時間)を含む、キューバ⇔日 本の移動日を含まない) |
① 収集情報・データの提供
⮚ 業務のなかで収集・作成された調査データ(一次データ)、数値データ等について、発注者の要望に応じて、発注者が指定する方法(Web へのデータアップロード・直接入力・編集可能なファイル形式での提出等)で、適時提出する。
⮚ 調査データの取得に当たっては、文献や実施機関への照会等を通じて、対象
4 本邦招へいのプログラム案及び実施体制につき、プロポーザルにて具体的な提案を含めること。この段階ではキューバの課題を考えるうえで適切なプログラム案の提案を求めるというよりは、キューバの課題についてはデータ開示の制約のためプロジェクトを進めてから受注者にとって明らかになる点も多くなることから、関連するテーマにおける一般的な本邦招へいプログラムとしてどのようなものが提案出来るかを発注者側で確認する。実際の本邦招へい実施にあたっては発注者及びカウンターパートと詳細を協議の上で実施することとする。
⮚ 位置情報の取得は、可能な限り行うが、本業務においては、追加的に位置情報を取得する必要はなく、必然的に位置情報が付されるデータを対象とする。位置情報が含まれるデータについては次の様式に従い発注者に提出する。
• データ格納媒体:CD-R(CD-R に格納できないデータについては提出方法を発注者と協議)
• 位置情報の含まれるデータ形式:KML もしくは GeoJSON 形式。ラスターデータに関しては GeoTIFF 形式。(Google Earth Engine を用いて解析を行った場合は、そのコードを業務完了報告書に合わせ提出)
② ベースライン調査
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
③ インパクト評価の実施
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
④ C/P のキャパシティアセスメント
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
⑤ エンドライン調査
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
⑥ 環境社会配慮に係る調査
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
⑦ ジェンダー主流化に資する活動
☒ 本業務では当該項目は適用しない。
第5条 報告書等
⮚ 業務の各段階において作成・提出する報告書等は以下のとおり。提出の際は、Word 又は PDF データも併せて提出する。
⮚ 想定する数量は以下のとおり。なお、以下の数量(部数)は、発注者へ提出する部数であり、先方実施機関との協議等に必要な部数は別途受注者が用意する。
報告書名 | 提出時期 | 言語 | 形態 | 部数 |
業務計画書 | 契約締結後 10 営業日以内 | 日本語 | 電子データ | |
ワーク・プラン | 初回渡航 10 営業日前 | 日本語 スペイン語 | 電子データ | |
業務進捗報告書 | 半年毎 | 日本語 スペイン語 | 電子データ | |
業務完了報告書 | 契約履行期限末日 | 日本語 スペイン語 | 製本 | 各 5 部 |
CD-R | 各 3 部 |
⮚ 業務完了報告書は、履行期限 3 ヶ月前を目途にドラフトを作成し、発注者の確認・修正を経て、最終化する。
⮚ 本業務を通じて収集した資料およびデータは項目毎に整理し、収集資料リストを添付して、発注者に提出する。
⮚ 受注者もしくは C/P 等第三者が従来から著作権を有する等、著作権が発注者に譲渡されない著作物は、利用許諾の範囲を明確にする。
① プロジェクトの概要(背景・経緯・目的)
② プロジェクト実施の基本方針
③ プロジェクト実施の具体的方法
④ プロジェクト実施体制(JCC の体制等を含む)
⑤ 業務フローチャート
⑥ 詳細活動計画(WBS:Work Breakdown Structure 等の活用)
⑦ 要員計画
⑧ 先方実施機関便宜供与事項
⑨ その他必要事項
① プロジェクトの概要(背景・経緯・目的)
② 活動内容
③ プロジェクト実施運営上の課題・工夫・教訓(業務実施方法、運営体制等)
④ プロジェクト成果の達成度
⑤ 上位目標(再生可能エネルギーの導入促進)の達成に向けての提言(業務完了報告書の場合)もしくは次期活動計画(業務進捗報告書の場合)
(イ)WBS 等業務の進捗が確認できる資料
(オ)遠隔研修・セミナー実施実績(実施した場合) (カ)合同調整委員会議事録等
電力需給調整や系統運用に関する知識移転及び電力需給調整や電力系統運用に関する研修/OJT に用いた資料
(3)詳細活動計画(WBS 等の活用)
第6条 再委託
☒ 本業務では、原則再委託を想定していない5。
第7条 機材調達
☒ 本業務では、機材調達を想定していない。
第8条 「相談窓口」の設置
国 名: キューバ共和国(キューバ)
案件名: (和名)再生可能エネルギー導入促進(個別専門家)
(英名)Promotion of Xxxxxxxxx Energy Introduction
(西名)Promoción de la Introducción de Energía Renovable
キューバでは慢性的な電力不足が続いており、2024 年 9 月では 3,150MW のピーク需要に対して 2,005MW の供給容量しか備わっていないなど(現地報道内のキューバ電力公社(UNE)説明)、電力供給が電力需要に追い付いていない状況にある。キューバの電源構成は 2022 年の発電量ベースで石油 83.5%、天然ガス 12.5%、バイオマス 1.8%、xxx 1.3%、水力 0.8%、風力 0.3%となっており(International Energy Agency)、近年の電力不足の主な要因は、設備容量でも大部分を占める石油火力発電の不調にある。特に大部分を輸入に依存している石油の調達が外貨不足等のため十分に行えていないこと、石油火力発電所の多くが 1970 年代から 1980 年代に建設されたもので老朽化のため発電効率が悪いこと等が近年の電力不足を招いている。
キューバ政府は上記事情を受けた電力供給の安定化に向けて、また気候変動対応に向けて再生可能エネルギーの更なる導入に前向きであり、2014 年には 2030 年時点で 24%の発電量を再生可能エネルギーでまかなう政策目標を掲げたほか、JICAの支援を受けて 2023 年には再生可能エネルギー開発マスタープランを策定した。
かかる状況下、UNE は電力系統の運用改善を含む再生可能エネルギーの導入促進に向けた個別専門家の派遣を要請した。
(2)キューバの電力セクターに対する我が国及び JICA の協力方針等と本事業の位置づけ、課題別事業戦略における本事業の位置づけ
我が国の対キューバ共和国 国別開発協力方針(2023 年 10 月)では、「経済改革に対する側面支援」を大目標として掲げており、中目標の「新しい経済主体に対
する協力」及び「人への投資」においては、「社会開発に必要なインフラ支援を行うこと により、キューバの持続的な社会開発を支援する。」こと及び「エネルギー
(中略)等の分野において、(中略)知見・経験の共有等による人への投資を行う。」ことがそれぞれ明記されている。本事業は社会開発に必要なインフラとしての再生可能エネルギーの導入促進に向けて UNE 職員等向けに技術協力を進めるものであり、同方針に基づき実施されるものである。
キューバ向けの上記方針に加え、課題別事業戦略(JICA グローバル・アジェンダ)
「資源・エネルギー」の「エネルギートランジション」クラスターにおいても、エネルギートランジションに向けた再生可能エネルギーの導入及びそれを実現するための需給運用・系統運用に関して支援していく方針を掲げており、本事業は再生可能エネルギーの導入を促進すべくマスタープランのフォローアップ並びに需給運用・系統運用に関する技術協力を進めるものであることから、かかる方針を含むクラスターに該当するものである。SDGs においては、本事業はゴール 7「エネルギーをみんなに、そしてクリーンに」およびゴール 13「気候変動に具体的な対策を」に貢献する。
EU は農村部の住宅向けに分散型xxx発電システムを供与したほか、当該システムの持続的な運用に向けた通信設備の設置、技術人材の研修を支援済み。加えてフランス AFD が風力発電所設備を供与したほか、スペイン AECID は農村部の住宅向け分散型xxx発電システムの納入を支援済み。その他 OPEC は東部 2 か所において計 8MW のxxx発電所の建設を支援済み。
中国は 5,000 組の家庭向け分散型xxx発電システムを供与したほか、62MW のバイオマス発電所新設にあたり技術支援を実施。
(1) プロジェクトサイト/対象地域名
(2) 事業実施期間
2025 年 1 月~2026 年 12 月(計 24 カ月)
(3) 事業実施体制
キューバ電力公社(UNE)を実施機関とし、UNE の所管省庁であるエネルギー・鉱山省(MINEM)とも連携のうえ活動を進めることとする。
(1) 成果
1. xxx発電と蓄電池が高い普及率で導入され、有事の際に独立して機能する系統につき、安全性と信頼性を伴った状態で運用するために必要な要素が提
2. 電力安定供給を実現するため、自然災害を含む系統事故に対する強靭な系統管理の概念が設計される。
3. xxx発電と蓄電池を含む再生可能エネルギーの系統接続のためのグリッドコードの概念が設計される。
4. 電力需給調整と系統運用に関する UNE の理解が深まる。
5. マスタープランで分析・確認した再生可能エネルギー開発計画の検討・モニタリング、開発の現状を踏まえた具体的な活動が提案・助言される。
6. 成果1~5に関して本邦招へいを通じて UNE 等関係者の能力が向上する。
(2) 主な活動
1. xxx発電と蓄電池が高い普及率で導入され、有事の際に独立して機能する系統につき、安全性と信頼性を伴った状態で運用するために必要な要素が提示される。
2. 電力安定供給を実現するため、自然災害を含む系統事故に対する強靭な系統管理の概念が設計される。
3. xxx発電と蓄電池を含む再生可能エネルギーの系統接続のためのグリッドコードの概念が設計される。
4. 電力需給調整と系統運用に関する UNE の理解が深まる。
/OJT を実施する。
5. マスタープランで分析・確認した再生可能エネルギー開発計画をモニタリングしつつ、開発の現状を踏まえた具体的な活動が提案・助言される。
6. 成果1~5に関して本邦招へいを通じて UNE 等関係者の能力が向上する。
6-1.成果1~5に関する内容を含む本邦招へいにつき、UNE 等関係者向けに計画・実施する。
(1)C/P のオーナーシップの確保、持続可能性の確保
⮚ 受注者は、オーナーシップの確立を充分に配慮し、C/P との協働作業を通じて、C/P がオーナーシップを持って、主体的にプロジェクト活動を実施し、C/P 自らがプロジェクトを管理・進捗させるよう工夫する。
⮚ 受注者は、プロジェクト終了後の上位目標の達成や持続可能性の確保に
向けて、上記 C/P のオーナーシップの確保と併せて、マネジメント体制の強化、人材育成、予算確保等実施体制の整備・強化を図る。
⮚ 技術協力事業では、相手国実施機関等の職員のパフォーマンスやプロジェクトを取り巻く環境の変化によって、プロジェクト活動を柔軟に変更することが必要となる。受注者は、プロジェクト全体の進捗、成果の発現状況を把握し、開発効果の最大化を念頭に置き、プロジェクトの方向性について発注者に提言する。
⮚ 発注者は、これら提言について、遅滞なく検討し、必要な対応を行う
(相手国実施機関との協議・確認や本業務実施契約の契約変更等)。なお、プロジェクト基本計画等の変更を要する場合は、受注者が R/D 変更のためのミニッツ(案)及びその添付文書をドラフトする。
⮚ 発注者の事業は、国際協力の促進並びに我が国及び国際経済社会の健全な発展に資することを目的としている。このため、プロジェクトの意 義、活動内容とその成果を相手国の政府関係者・国民、日本国民、他ドナー関係者等に正しくかつ広く理解してもらえるよう、発注者と連携して、各種会合等における発信をはじめ工夫して効果的な広報活動に務め
⮚ 発注者及び他機関の対象地域/国あるいは対象分野での関連事業(実施中のみならず実施済みの過去のプロジェクトや各種調査・研究等も含 む)との連携を図り、開発効果の最大化を図る。
⮚ 日本や国際的なリソース(政府機関、国際機関、民間等)との連携・巻
⮚ プロジェクトの成果検証・モニタリング及びプロジェクト内で試行する
⮚ 受注者は、ワーク・プランを作成し、その内容について発注者の承認を得た上で、現地業務開始時に相手国政府関係機関に内容を説明・協議 し、プロジェクトの基本方針、方法、業務工程等について合意を得る。
⮚ 発注者と相手国政府実施機関は、業務を進めるにあたっての意思決定機関となる合同調整委員会(Joint Coordinating Committee)もしくはそれに類する案件進捗・調整会議(以下、「JCC」)を設置する。JCC は、履行期間内で 3 回程度開催し、プロジェクトの進捗確認・評価、業務実施上の課題への対処、必要に応じプロジェクトの計画変更等の合意形成を行う。
⮚ 受注者は、カウンターパートの議長(ダイレクター)が JCC を円滑かつ予定どおりに開催できるよう、相手国政府実施機関が行う JCC 参加者の招集や会議開催に係る準備状況を確認して、発注者へ適宜報告す る。
⮚ 受注者は必要に応じて JCC の運営、会議資料の準備や議事録の作成
⮚ 受注者は、発注者ウェブサイトへの活動記事の掲載や、相手国での政府会合やドナー会合、国際的な会合の場を利用したプロジェクトの活動・成果の発信等、積極的に取り組む。
⮚ 受注者は、各種広報媒体で使用できるよう、活動に関連する写真・映像
⮚ 受注者は、プロジェクトの活動結果、プロジェクト目標の達成度、上位目標の達成に向けた提言等を含めた業務完了報告書を作成し、発注者に提出する。
⮚ 上記報告書の作成にあたっては、受注者は報告書案を発注者に事前に提出し承認を得た上で、相手国関係機関に説明し合意を得た後、最終版を
第3章 プロポーザル作成に係る留意事項
(URL: https://www.jica.go.jp/announce/manual/guideline/consultant/20220330.html)
* 1)及び2)を併せた記載分量は、10 ページ以下としてください。
⮚ 業務主任者/○○
※ 業務主任者が担う担当専門分野を提案してください。
① 対象国及び類似地域:キューバ国
② 語学能力:英語及びスペイン語(配点の割合は、英語:70%、スペイン語 30%)
※ なお、類似業務経験は、業務の分野(内容)との関連性・類似性のある業務経験を評価します。
1)業務量の目途約 19.38 人月
2)渡航回数の目途 全23回
⮚ キューバ電力公社(UNE)との署名済みミニッツ
⮚ キューバ安全対策措置
便宜供与内容 | ||
1 | カウンターパートの配置 | 有 |
2 | 通訳の配置(日本語・英語⇔スペイ ン語) | 無 |
3 | 執務スペース | 有 |
4 | 家具(机・椅子・棚等) | 有 |
5 | 事務機器(コピー機等) | 無(プリンターの準備が必要) |
6 | Wi-Fi | 無 |
1)現地業務期間中は安全管理に十分留意してください。現地の治安状況については、JICA キューバ事務所などにおいて十分な情報収集を行うととも
に、現地業務の安全確保のための関係諸機関に対する協力依頼及び調整作業を十分に行うこととします。また、同事務所と常時連絡が取れる体制とし、特に地方にて活動を行う場合は、現地の治安状況、移動手段等について同事務所と緊密に連絡を取る様に留意することとします。また現地業務中における安全管理体制をプロポーザルに記載してください。また、契約締結後は海外渡航管理システムに渡航予定情報の入力をお願いします。詳細はこちらを参照ください。 https://www.jica.go.jp/about/announce/information/common/2023/202403 08.html
2)配付資料であるキューバ安全対策措置を通読してください。特に公用査証取得準備等のため、渡航の 2 か月前を目途にキューバ事務所に連絡が必要な点にご留意ください。旅券は一般旅券となります。
本件業務を実施するのに必要な経費の見積書(内訳書を含む。)の作成に当たっては、「コンサルタント等契約における経理処理ガイドライン(2023 年 10 月(2024年 10 月追記版))」(以下同じ)を参照してください。
第 1 章「1. 競争に付する事項」において、契約全体が複数の契約期間に分割されることが想定されている場合は、各期間分及び全体分の見積りをそれぞれに作成して下さい。
① 超過分が切り出し可能な場合:超過分のみを別提案・別見積として提案します。
② 超過分が切り出し可能ではない場合:当該業務を上限額の範囲内の提案内容とし、別提案として当該業務の代替案も併せて提出します。
※ 上記の金額は、下記(3)別見積としている項目、及び(4)定額計上としてい る項目を含みません(プロポーザル提出時の見積には含めないでください)。
※ 本見積が上限額を超えた場合は失格となります。
1) 直接経費のうち障害のある業務従事者に係る経費に分類されるもの
2) 上限額を超える別提案に関する経費
3) 定額計上指示された業務につき、定額を超える別提案をする場合の当該提案に関する経費
■ 本案件は定額計上があります(11,825,000 円(税抜))。
対象とする経費 | 該当箇所 | 金額(税抜) | 金額に含まれる範 囲 | 費用項目 | |
1 | 本邦研修(本邦招へい)にかかる経費 | 第4条2.(1) ⑥成果6に関わる活動 | 11,825,000円 | 報酬(事前・事後業務(3号0.4人月及び 4号1.0人月で想定、提案は認めない)、及び同行(現時点では3号0.75人月、4号 0.75人月:研修内容を踏まえ提案、見直し可))、直接経費 3,250,000円 | 国内業務費 |
1) JICA ウェブサイトより公示月の各国レートを使用して見積もってください。
評 価 項 目 | 配 点 | |
1.コンサルタント等の法人としての経験・能力 | ( 10 ) | |
(1)類似業務の経験 | 6 | |
(2)業務実施上のバックアップ体制等 | ( 4 ) | |
ア)各種支援体制(本邦/現地) | 3 | |
イ)ワークライフバランス認定 | 1 | |
2.業務の実施方針等 | ( 70 ) | |
(1)業務実施の基本方針、業務実施の方法 | 60 | |
(2)要員計画/作業計画等 | ( 10 ) | |
ア)要員計画 | 5 | |
イ)作業計画 | 5 | |
3.業務従事予定者の経験・能力 | ( 20 ) | |
(1)業務主任者の経験・能力/業務管理グループの評価 | 業務主任者のみ | 業務管理 グループ/体制 |
1)業務主任者の経験・能力:業務主任者/○○ | ( 20 ) | ( 8 ) |
ア)類似業務等の経験 | 10 | 4 |
イ)業務主任者等としての経験 | 4 | 2 |
ウ)語学力 | 4 | 1 |
エ)その他学位、資格等 | 2 | 1 |
2)副業務主任者の経験・能力:副業務主任者/○○ | ( - ) | ( 8 ) |
ア)類似業務等の経験 | - | 4 |
イ)業務主任者等としての経験 | - | 2 |
ウ)語学力 | - | 1 |
エ)その他学位、資格等 | - | 1 |
3)業務管理体制 | ( - ) | ( 4 ) |
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Public Notice
Pursuant to the Detailed Rules for Handling Contracts of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (Details (Audit) No. 8 of 2003), the following is made public.
November 6, 2024
Japan International Cooperation Agency, Contracts
Officer, Executive Director
1. Title of announcement: Promotion of renewable energy introduction in Cuba
2. Items to be submitted to the competition: As per Chapter 1, paragraph 1 of the Proposal Competition Explanation
3. Eligibility to participate in the competition: See Chapter 1, Section 3 of the Project Competition Instructions.
4. Contract terms: Please
refer to the contract terms and conditions and contract form for "Project implementation and support services"
5. Submission of proposals and estimates: As per Chapter 1, paragraphs 2 and 6 of the Proposal Competition Explanation
6. Other: As per the proposal competition explanation
Machine Translated by Google
Planning competition explanation
Project name: Promotion of renewable energy introduction in Cuba
Procurement control number: 24a00657
[Contents] Chapter
1: Proposal competition procedures
Chapter 2 Special Specifications Draft
Chapter 3 Points to Note when Preparing a Proposal
This document explains the content of the work that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) intends to commission to private consultants and other parties and the method of selecting the contractor
(proposal competition). Proposal competition is
a process in which the plans, technical proposals, and competitive
This is a method to select the most favorable contracting party for JICA by comprehensively evaluating the capabilities of the bidders. The bidders are requested to submit proposals and estimates for this project based on this document and the documents provided. Chapter 2
"Draft Special Specifications" and Chapter 3.2 "Conditions for Project Implementation" of this document show the basic contents for preparing a proposal, and do not prevent the bidders from supplementing, improving or amending them and submitting a proposal. The contents of the proposal will be discussed in the contract negotiations to be held with the party with the right to negotiate the contract, and a "Special Specifications" will be prepared to be agreed upon as an attachment to the contract.
This is the October 2024 edition, so please take note of the changes.
November 6, 2024 Japan International Cooperation Agency International
Cooperation Procurement Department
Machine Translated by Google
Chapter 1: Proposal Competition Procedures
1. Items to be put up for competition
(1) Project name: Promotion of the introduction of renewable energy in Cuba
(2) Work Content: As per "Chapter 2 Draft Special Specifications"
(3) Applicable contract terms and conditions:
The "Project Implementation and Support Services" contract terms and conditions will apply.
Contracts in which the business (service) is provided overseas, i.e., overseas transactions, are classified as such, and consumption tax is not levied.
This is a non-taxable transaction, so please calculate the price without adding consumption tax even in the final quotation.
(All items are tax exempt)
Please note that the duties related to training in Japan (or invitation to Japan) are separately listed in the "Technical Training, etc."
We will conclude a contract that applies the "Support Service Implementation Contract Terms and Conditions."
In this case, please calculate the cost separately for the main contract and the training in Japan (or invitation to Japan).
(4) Contract execution period (planned): January 2025 - January 2027
Due to the circumstances of the recipient government, etc., the local work schedule and contract execution date described in this project competition explanation document may change.
The period and work content may be subject to change. These will be determined through contract negotiations.
This will be decided upon consultation.
(5) Restrictions on advance payments
As the contract period for this contract exceeds 12 months, the upper limit of the advance payment is
Specifically, the advance payment will be divided into annual installments and claims will be accepted.
The upper limits of each item are planned to be as follows.
The maximum amount, etc., in cases where the contract performance period is different, will be confirmed at the time of contract negotiation.
1) First installment (after the contract is concluded): Up to 19% of the contract amount.
2) Second installment (13 months or more after the contract is concluded): Up to 19% of the contract amount.
3) Third installment (25 months or more after the contract is concluded): Up to 2% of the contract amount.
(6) Setting up partial payment 1
This contract is set to be paid in installments once per fiscal year.
The timing will be confirmed during contract negotiations, but we assume the following:
1) Fiscal year 2025 (around February 2026)
2. Department in charge, schedule, etc.
(1) Selection procedure window
International Cooperation Procurement Department Contract Promotion Division 1/2
Email address: outm1@jica.go.jp
(2) Project Implementation
Department, Social Infrastructure Department, Resources and Energy Group, Team 2
(3) Schedule
The schedule for this project is as follows:
ÿ Project
Deadline date
1 Document download deadline: November 12, 2024, 12:00
2. Regarding the Proposal Competition Explanation November 13, 2024 12:00
3 Answers to questions
November 18, 2024
4 This quotation and separate quotations, November 22, 2024 12:00
Deadline for submission of proposals, etc.
5. Presentation
6. Date of notification of evaluation results
December 3, 2024
7 Application date for technical evaluation explanation (in order) The day after the notification email of the evaluation results was sent
(Excluding those who are ranked 1st)
Within 7 business days from the date of order
*This has been changed since the announcement in July 2023.
3. Eligibility to participate in the competition
(1) Confirmation of various qualifications
The following is based on the "Guidelines for Proposal Preparation in Consultant Contracts" (Updated October 2024)
1 In order to record expenses according to the progress of each fiscal year, it is necessary to make payments each fiscal year for the portion of the project
already implemented.
ÿURL: https://www.jica.go.jp/announce/manual/guideline/consultant/20220330.htmlÿ
1) Negative qualification restrictions
2) Positive qualification requirements
3) Check the eligibility requirements for participating in the competition
(2) Elimination of conflicts of interest
There are no specific excluders.
(3) Possibility of forming a joint venture
The formation of a joint venture is permitted. However, the business manager must be the representative of the joint venture.
Let's assume that.
With regard to the members of the joint venture (excluding the representative), among the requirements for the qualification to participate in the bidding set out in (1) 2) above, 1) unified qualification for all ministries and agencies and 2) being a corporation registered in Japan are not required (although corporate registration, etc. may be confirmed during contract negotiations).
If you are forming a joint venture, please fill out a Joint Venture Formation Notification (no form required) and attach it to your proposal. The notification must include the names of all companies, including the representative and all members.
The representative seal or company seal of the company may be omitted. In addition, the subcontract agreement with the joint venture member
I do not accept it.
4. Distribution of materials
Those who wish to receive the materials can visit the JICA website below for more information.
Please download the file yourself following the procedures outlined in the "PARTNER Operation Manual: International Career Information Site for Contract Applicants."
Provide information:
- Handouts described in Chapter 3: Proposal Preparation Guidelines
5. Questions regarding the proposal competition explanation
(1) Deadline for raising questions
1) Submission deadline: See 2. (3) above.
2) Submit first : https://forms.office.com/r/m1r77CPAGi
Note 1) In order to ensure fairness and impartiality, we do not accept questions over the phone or in person.
(2) Answers to questions
6. Submission of proposals, etc.
(1) Submission Deadline: See 2. (3) above.
(2) Proposed method
This will be done through PARTNER, the comprehensive international career information site.
For details on how to submit, please refer to the JICA website "For applicants of consultant contracts, etc.
% 96%BD%E5%A5%91%E7%B4%84.pdf)
1) Proposal and quotation
ÿ Submissions must be in electronic data format (PDF). ÿ Please store proposals etc. without a password.
Please set a password for this quotation and other quotations and store them in PDF format. Please enter the name as "24a00123_XX Co., Ltd._Quote (or separate quote)."
ÿ When the difference in evaluation points is small and the price point is calculated, or when the evaluation result ranking is the first
If you are expected to be ranked 1st, we will ask you to send us your password. Please send a separate email to e-koji@jica.go.jp. The password is
Please send it after receiving a response from JICA's International Cooperation Procurement Department.
ÿ Regarding separate estimates, please refer to 1) of "Chapter 3, 4. (3) Separate Estimates"
Distinguish between expenses and separate estimates that exceed the upper limit or fixed amount in 2) to 3).
Please separate the files or use a file that can be easily distinguished. We ask that you do so.)
ÿ If there is another proposal (a proposal exceeding the upper limit shown in Chapter 3, Section 4. (2)), please submit a PDF
Please set a password in the field and save it. The password is stored in the JICA International Cooperation Center.
(3) First
International Career Information Site PARTNER (https://partner.jica.go.jp/)
(However, passwords are excluded.)
(4) Documents to be submitted
1) Proposal and quotation
2) Separate proposal (if the proposal exceeds the upper limit specified in Chapter 3, Section 4. (2))
7. Method of determining the party with the right to negotiate a contract
Submitted proposals will be evaluated (technical evaluation) based on the evaluation criteria and points shown in the attached "Proposal Evaluation Scoring Table." For specific evaluation criteria and viewpoints for evaluation, please refer to "Proposal Preparation Guidelines for Consultant Contracts, etc."
Please refer to the following in the "Guideline": ÿ Attachment 1: "Criteria for Proposal Evaluation" ÿ Attachment 2: "Points to Consider in Proposal
Evaluation for Consultant Contracts, etc." ÿ Attachment 3: "Business Management Group System and Additional Points for Young Personnel Development" If the technical evaluation score falls below the benchmark score (60
points out of a total of 100 points), the proposal will be rejected.
In addition, proposals that exceed the upper limit shown in Chapter 3, 4. (2) should not be included in the proposal (proposals stated in the proposal will be considered to be within the upper limit) and should be submitted as a separate proposal and separate estimate on the proposal submission date.
If you are ranked first in the contract negotiations, you may make a different proposal or offer a different opinion during the contract negotiations.
We will open the package and discuss whether or not to include it in the contract during contract negotiations.
(1) Additional points other than those listed in the evaluation score sheet
Proposals that received a score of 60 or more will be given additional points for the following two points:
1) Business Management
Group System and Young Person Development Bonus Points In this case,
a business management group (with one deputy business manager) will be established.
When a senior (46 years old or older) and a junior (35-45 years old) apply together (who is the business owner?
A uniform bonus of 2 points (bonus for young talent development) will be given to all applicants.
2) Price score:
Evaluation score of each proposal submitter (if the Young Researchers Development bonus is applied, the evaluation score after the bonus is applied)
Only if the difference between the first and second place estimates is small,
The party with the right to negotiate the contract will be determined based on price.
8. Notification and publication of evaluation results
The evaluation results (ranking) and the person with the right to negotiate the contract shall be announced to the Proposal Team by the deadline in the above 2. (3) schedule.
Each contestant will be notified by email to the address listed on the contest form.
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9. Request for Feedback
In order to further improve the quality of the public announcement, JICA would like to receive feedback from all consultants who participated in the competitive process.
Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with your opinions and comments. Specifically, when we notify you of the selection results, we will send you an input form, so please fill it in.
Chapter 2 Special Specifications Draft
The "footnotes" and "items for which specific proposals are requested in the proposal" in the attached document should be considered by the competitors when preparing their proposals.
This is a note of points that we would like you to suggest and reference information for when entering into a contract.
and will be deleted from the Special Specifications attached as Annex II to the Contract.
In addition, when concluding a contract, the contents of the proposal from the other party in the contract negotiations will be appropriately reflected.
In order to reflect the above, necessary modifications will be made based on contract negotiations, and the final "Special Notes" will be released.
This is the "Specification Document".
[1] Points to note when preparing a proposal for this project Any unclear or
unclear matters will be clarified through questions and answers up until the proposal submission deadline.
items that should be generally included in the proposal and the implementation conditions are described in "Chapter 3 Proposal
Please refer to "Notes on creating a user profile."
1. Required level of planning and proposal :
Based on this draft specification, applicants should devise effective and efficient implementation methods and work schedules
for the project goals, results, and main activities set by the client and the implementing organization in the partner country, and propose them in the proposal. Please submit your proposal within the constraints of limited information on the energy situation in Cuba.
There is no problem.
2. What specific proposals are required in the proposal?
ÿ In this service, the consultant has, based on his/her knowledge and experience, revised the description volume specified in Chapter 3, 1. (2) “2) Method of Service Implementation” with regard to the following matters in particular:
Please provide specific suggestions on the items in the following list:
Please refer to this special specification (draft) for details.
No. Items for which proposals are requested
Applicable clauses in the Special Specifications (draft)
1. Proposal of the program for the invitation to Japan and Article 4, Section 2. (1) ÿ Regarding Output 6
Implementation Structure Activities
2. Accidents and Article 4, Section 2. (1) ÿ Output 2
Power grid in the event of a natural disaster
Transfer of knowledge on maintenance and restoration
3. Grid codes of Japan and other countries
Article 4, Section 2. (1) ÿ Output 3
(Especially regarding renewable energy)
Introducing the concept of
3. Other points to note
ÿ Proposals that differ from the contents of this Special Specifications (draft) are accepted. Please clearly indicate in your proposal that you are proposing an alternative, and be sure to also explain its advantages/benefits.
ÿ It is judged that the use of local resources will contribute to the efficient and rational implementation of local operations.
If you are planning to hire a consultant, please state in the proposal the necessity of the consultant and the assignment plan based on the division of roles with the consultant.
Under the contract system, the following methods can be adopted to utilize local resources:
However, please note that Article 3, paragraph 2 (2) of the Cuban government's structure and operations
Please be careful.
ÿ Hiring as a special employee (general business expenses). ÿ
Allocation as a business employee (individuals belonging to a corporation) using direct labor costs.
(See Chapter 3, “2. Conditions for Business Operation”)
ÿ Composition as a member of a joint venture (corporation) (see Chapter 1, “3. Eligibility to participate in the competition”).
ÿ In principle, this project does not assume local subcontracting.
If it is believed that the efficiency, accuracy, quality, etc. of the business will be significantly improved by the change,
Subcontract to agencies, consultants, and NGOs with extensive experience and knowledge
In some cases, the items described in this special specification (draft) may be approved.
If there is any work that exceeds the scope and scale of the project and that you believe would be better off being subcontracted locally, please include a reason in your proposal.
[2] Special Specifications (Draft)
(Final specifications based on the contract negotiations, taking into account the proposals of the contract negotiation counterparty)
Create a "special specifications."
Article 1 Purpose of Business
Regarding the technical cooperation project described in "Article 2: Background of the Project,"
Based on the "Article 4: Details of the Project", the project will achieve the expected results and achieve the project objectives in cooperation with the relevant government
organizations of the recipient country by carrying out the activities described in "Article 5: Details of the Project" while taking into consideration the "Considerations and Points to Note".
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The purpose is to contribute to achieving the goal.
Article 2: Business Background
As per attached “Project Summary Table”.
ÿ In the event of any discrepancy between the attached “Project Summary Table” and this document “ÿ2ÿ Special Specifications (Draft)”, the description in this document “ÿ2ÿ Special Specifications (Draft)” shall take precedence.
Article 3 Implementation Policy and Points to Note
1ÿ Common precautions
Please see the attached "Common Points to Note."
2. Implementation policy and points to note regarding this business
(1) Handling of Information
Information regarding Cuba's energy sector is subject to extremely strict control by the government and government agencies.
We will manage the information collected in this business with the utmost care.
Although remote consultations with counterparts are possible,
It is anticipated that information gathering will often involve traveling to the site and meeting face-to-face.
In addition, the contractor will conclude a confidentiality agreement with the counterpart before commencing work.
Even if the above is taken into consideration, some of the relevant data may not be disclosed due to circumstances on the Cuban side, which may hinder the achievement of the results.
In the event of a dispute, the Company will consult with the client and consider the next best course of action (the success rate depends on the level of information disclosure).
(My counterparts also understand that this will affect the quality of the fruit.)
(2) Cuban Government Structure and Operations
In Cuba, there are regulations that give government-designated organizations the exclusive right to certain activities.
For this reason, individual confirmation is required regarding the possibility of local subcontracting.
Therefore, their handling shall be as described in Chapter 2, 3. Other Points to Note.
In addition, local workers are required to be hired through a government-designated manpower agency. This will be discussed with the client during contract negotiations and after the project has started.
The personnel who support local operations from the perspective of logistics, etc., rather than engaging in work based on their expertise, have been employed in past technical cooperation projects.
The system will be reviewed taking this into account.
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(3) Procedures for travel to the country
To travel to Cuba, you need to obtain a government visa. It takes time to get a visa.
The schedule for the on-site inspection will be shared with the client at least two months prior to travel.
Travelers who have traveled to Cuba cannot use ESTA to enter the United States and will be unable to obtain a visa. Considering the necessary restrictions and associated risks,
The design will be based on the assumption that the traveler will use a regular passport.
(4) Perspectives regarding future business development
With a mid- to long-term perspective, looking beyond the end of the project period, we will continue to consider ideas for forming new projects.
We will continue to exchange opinions with the client while taking into account the situation regarding sanctions against Cuba.
Article 4: Contents of Business
1ÿ Common business
As per the attached "Common Business Contents."
2. Matters related to this business
(1) Work related to project activities
ÿ Result 1 (Solar power generation and storage batteries are introduced at a high rate and can be used independently in the event of an emergency.
The necessary resources to operate a functioning grid safely and reliably. The elements are presented.)
Activity 1-1: Confirm the concept of a microgrid system (expected to be larger than Japanese microgrids) planned in Cuba that will isolate certain areas from the national power grid in the event of an unforeseen event.
Activity 1-2: High penetration rate of solar power generation and storage batteries, and independence in the event of an emergency.
The project will provide advice on the elements necessary for the safe and reliable operation of a grid that functions through the use of renewable energy. If it is considered effective in relation to the Cuban concept, it will be advisable to incorporate examples of microgrids in Japan.
think about.
ÿ Result 2 (Strengthening the system against power grid accidents, including natural disasters, to ensure stable power supply
A resilient grid management concept will be designed.
Activity 2-1: Review the current status of system management in Cuba.
Activity 2-2: Present the concept of network isolation in the event of a fault.
Activity 2-3: Based on the experience of Japan, we will develop a system for managing power grids in the event of accidents or natural disasters.
Transfer knowledge on maintenance and restoration for stabilization. 2
ÿ Result 3 (For grid connection of renewable energy including solar power generation and storage batteries)
The concept of grid code is designed. Activity 3-1: Review the current grid
codes, which are mainly for thermal power generation. Activity 3-2: Introduce the concept of grid codes in Japan and other countries.
Activity 3-3: Discuss with relevant departments and consider the necessity of a renewable energy grid code.
Identify the elements.
Activity 3-4: Present the outline of the future Grid Code.
ÿ Output 4 (Understanding UNE regarding power supply-demand adjustment and grid operation)
Activities related to
Activity 4-1: Power generation assuming the introduction of solar power generation and storage batteries
Transfer knowledge on supply and demand balancing and automated grid operation.
Activity 4-2: Utilizing existing facilities, and promoting the development of systems for balancing power supply and demand and power grid operation
Conduct training/OJT.
ÿ Output 5 (Renewable energy development plans analyzed and confirmed in the master plan are implemented in the model
While monitoring the situation, concrete activities are proposed and advice is given based on the current state of development.)
Activities related
to Activity 5-1: Renewable energy development plans confirmed and analyzed in the master plan
Check the current status of the business.
Activity 5-2: Future planning for renewable energy business in light of the latest external factors
2 To propose an implementation policy on what kind of Japanese knowledge can be introduced when transferring
knowledge on maintenance and restoration to Cuba (an island nation that is hit by hurricanes, etc.) to stabilize the power system in the event of an accident or natural disaster. Since many of the issues in Cuba will become clear to the contractor only after the project has progressed due to restrictions on data disclosure, the client will confirm what kind of Japanese knowledge would be generally effective to introduce on the subject, rather than what approach should be taken to introduce the issues in Cuba. The actual method of work will be reviewed as appropriate after the project has started.
3 To propose an implementation policy on how to introduce grid codes in Japan and other countries to Cuba, where grid codes for renewable energy are not fully developed. As above, the client will confirm the perspective
of how to convey the characteristics of grid codes for renewable energy in Japan and other countries. The actual work method will be reviewed appropriately after the project starts.
Advise on the matter.
Activity 5-3: Regarding grid control facilities such as pumped storage power generation and storage batteries,
Design future planning concepts based on growing needs.
ÿ Output 6 (The capacity of UNE and other related parties regarding Outputs 1 to 5 is improved through the invitation to Japan.
Activities related to
Activity 6-1: Invitation to Japan including the contents of Outputs 1 to 5, including UNE and other related parties
Plan and implement for the purpose. 4
(2) Training and invitation in Japan ÿ
This project will include training and invitation in Japan. The training and invitation in Japan
implementation work is not included in the work of this contract, but will be implemented by concluding a separate contract (based on the latest version of the "Guidelines for Training and Invitation Implementation in Consultant Contracts" published by the client). ÿ The expected scale is as follows:
Objectives and training contents As described in the activities related to Output 6.
Number of times conducted
Total 1 time
Target Audience
Cuban government, including the National Electricity Company (UNE)
Government agencies
Number of participants
7~10th place
Number of training days
About 10 to 15 days (including weekends (free time), CubaÿJapan
(excluding book transfer days)
(3) Other
ÿ Provision of collected information and data
ÿ Survey data (primary data), numerical data, etc. collected and created during the course of business
The client will submit the appropriate information according to the client's request in a manner specified by the client (uploading data to the web, inputting data directly, submitting data in an editable file format, etc.).
Submit at the time.
ÿ When obtaining survey data, the subjects were identified through literature and inquiries to the implementing agencies.
4. Include specific proposals in the proposal for the program and implementation structure for the Japan invitation. At this stage, rather than seeking a program proposal appropriate for considering Cuba's issues, the client will confirm what kind of general Japan invitation program on related themes can be proposed, since many of Cuba's issues will become clear to the contractor only after the project has progressed due to restrictions on data disclosure. The actual Japan invitation will be implemented after detailed discussions with the client and the counterpart.
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The ownership and usage rights of data under national laws will be investigated. As a result of the investigation, the client will only be provided with data that it owns or has the right to use.
Put out.
ÿ Location information will be obtained whenever possible, but in this business, there is no need to obtain additional location information, and the data will necessarily have location information attached to it. Data containing location information will be submitted to the client in the following format.
storage medium: CD-R (Data that cannot be stored on a CD-R must be submitted.
(The method will be discussed
with the client.) Data format including location information: KML or GeoJSON format. For raster data,
GeoTIFF format. (If analysis is performed using Google Earth Engine, the code will be submitted along with the work completion report.)
ÿ Baseline survey ÿ This item
is not applicable to this project.
ÿ Implementation of impact evaluation
ÿ This item does not apply to this project.
ÿ Capacity assessment of C/P ÿ This item is not applicable to this project.
ÿ End-line survey ÿ This item does not apply to this work.
ÿ Survey on environmental and social
considerations ÿ This item is not applicable to this project.
ÿ Activities that contribute to gender mainstreaming ÿ This item is not applicable to this project.
Article 5 Reports, etc.
1ÿ Reports, etc.
ÿ The reports to be prepared and submitted at each stage of the work are as follows.
Please also submit the document in Word or PDF format.
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ÿ The expected quantities are as follows. The following quantities (number of copies) will be provided to the client.
The number of copies required for discussions with the implementing agency will be determined separately by the contractor.
Get it ready.
Reports to be prepared and submitted for this business and their quantity
Report title
proposed period
Format Number of copies
Business plan 10 business days after contract signing
Japanese Electronic Data
Work Plan First Trip 10 Business Days in Advance Japanese
Electronic Data
Work progress report every six months
Electronic Data
Completion Report Contract Performance Deadline Japanese
5 each
3 each
ÿ The completion report will be drafted approximately three months prior to the deadline and submitted to the client.
After confirmation and correction, it will be finalized.
ÿ The materials and data collected through this project will be organized by topic and
Attach the schedule and submit it to the client.
ÿ The copyright has been held by the contractor or a third party such as the C/P, etc.
For works that are not transferred to a third party, the scope of the license shall be made clear.
The contents are as follows.
(1) Business plan
It will be created including the contents of Article 6 of the Common Specifications.
(2) Work Plan
The content should include the following items.
ÿ Project outline (background, history, and objectives) ÿ Basic policy for project implementation ÿ Specific methods for
project implementation ÿ Project implementation
structure (including JCC structure, etc.) ÿ Work flow chart ÿ Detailed activity plan (use of WBS: Work Breakdown
Structure, etc.) ÿ Personnel plan ÿ Advantages for the recipient organization
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ÿ Other necessary information
(3) Project Completion Report (and Project Progress Report)
ÿ Project overview (background, history, objectives) ÿ Activities ÿ Issues, ideas, and lessons
learned in project implementation and management (methods of implementation, management structure)
ÿ Degree of achievement of project results ÿ
Recommendations (operations) for achieving the overall goal (promotion of renewable energy introduction)
(in the case of a completion report) or next activity plan (in the case of a progress report)
attached file
(a) Work flow chart (b) Work breakdown
structure (WBS) and other documents that allow you to check the progress of your work (c) Personnel
plan (final version) (d) Japan invitation report (summary of Japan invitation, materials used in lectures and visits)
(including documents, etc.)
(E) Distance training and seminar implementation records (if implemented) (F) Joint Coordination Committee meeting minutes, etc.
(G) Other activity records
2. Technical cooperation documents
The following documents to be prepared through this project must be confirmed in advance by the implementing organization and the orderer.
The document will be finalized based on the comments of the client and submitted to the client at the time of completion.
These documents will also be attached to the project completion report.
(1) Materials corresponding to Output 1: A
comprehensive list of the elements necessary for the microgrid system planned in Cuba. Documents
(2) Materials corresponding to Output 2:
Documents summarizing the concept of system separation and maintenance and restoration for stabilizing the power system
A document summarizing the findings
(3) Materials corresponding to Output 3
This document summarizes the concept of grid codes in Japan and other countries, the elements necessary for a grid code for the introduction of renewable energy in Cuba, and the outline of a grid code that will be required to be formulated in the future.
(4) Materials corresponding to Output 4
Knowledge transfer regarding power supply and demand adjustment and power system operation, and
Materials used for training/OJT
(5) Materials corresponding to Output 5
The current status and future plans of the renewable energy projects covered in the master plan
A document summarizing the design of future plans for system control facilities.
(6) Materials corresponding to Output 6
Japan invitation report to be attached to the completion report
Not limited to the above, major documents created within the project will be included in the completion report.
Attach to.
3. Consultant work monthly report
Regarding the work during the engagement period, prepare monthly reports including the following information and submit them to the client.
Any written agreements with the other party will also be submitted to the client, with appropriate attachments.
Report to.
(1) This month’s progress, next month’s plans, and immediate issues
(2) Items agreed upon and items to be considered for this month's business
(3) Detailed activity plan (use of WBS, etc.)
(4) Photos of activities
Article 6 Subcontracting
ÿ In principle, subcontracting is not anticipated for this business.5
Article 7 Equipment
Procurement ÿ This project does not envisage the procurement of equipment.
Article 8: Establishment of a "Consultation Desk"
The contents of the work and the scope of expenses, etc., described in this special specification between the client and the contractor
If there is a difference in understanding between the client and the contractor and a conclusion cannot be reached through discussion between the client and the contractor, the client or the contractor, or both, may, in a specified manner,
You can notify the consultation desk of the situation and ask for advice.
Case Summary Table
1. Case name (country name)
Country name: Republic of Cuba (Cuba) Project
name: (Japanese name) Promotion of renewable energy introduction (individual expert)
(School) Promotion of Renewable Energy Introduction (School) Promotion of Renewable Energy Introduction
2. Background and necessity of the project
(1) Current status and issues of energy sector development in the country and the positioning of this project
Cuba continues to suffer from a chronic power shortage, with the power supply not keeping up with the power demand, with a peak demand of 3,150MW in September 2024 and a supply capacity of only 2,005MW (according to the Cuban National Electricity Company (UNE) in local reports). Cuba's power source mix in 2022 is 83.5% oil, 12.5% natural gas, 1.8% biomass, 1.3% solar, 0.8% hydroelectric, and 0.3% wind (International Energy Agency), and the main cause of the power shortage in recent years is the poor
performance of oil-fired power generation, which accounts for the majority of the installed capacity. In particular, the country is largely dependent on imports for oil, and procurement of oil has not been sufficient due to a shortage of foreign currency. In addition, most of the oil-fired power plants were built in the 1970s
and 1980s and are therefore aging, resulting in poor power generation efficiency. These factors have led to power shortages in
In light of the above circumstances, the Cuban government is proactive in further introducing renewable energy to stabilize the power supply and to address climate change. In 2014, it set a policy goal of covering 24% of the country's electricity generation from renewable energies by 2030, and with support from JICA, it formulated a renewable energy development master plan for 2023.
Currently, Cuba is seeking follow-up to realize the master plan, and there is a need for technical assistance regarding the operation of the power system, which will be burdened by the introduction of renewable energy. In particular, Cuba is experiencing frequent power outages caused by damage
to power facilities due to disasters such as hurricanes, and from the perspective of building a disaster- resistant power infrastructure, a review of the way the power system is managed is required. Under these circumstances, UNE
is promoting the introduction of renewable energy, including improving the operation of the power system.
The ministry requested the dispatch of individual experts to the ministry.
(2) Japan and JICA’s cooperation policy for Cuba’s power sector and the project
Positioning and positioning of this project within the issue-specific business strategy
Japan’s Country Assistance Policy for the Republic of Cuba (October 2023) sets out “indirect
support for economic reform” as a major goal, and a mid-term goal of “supporting new economic entities.”
In the "Cooperation to Support Sustainable Social Development in Cuba" and "Investment in People" sections, it is clearly stated that "We will support sustainable social development in Cuba by providing infrastructure support necessary for social development," and that "In
areas such as energy, we will invest in people by sharing knowledge and experience." This project will provide technical cooperation to UNE staff and others to promote the introduction of renewable energy as infrastructure necessary for social development, and will be implemented based on this policy. In addition to the above policy for Cuba, the "Energy Transition" cluster of the "Resources and Energy" section of the JICA Global Agenda also sets out a policy to support the
introduction of renewable energy for energy transition and the supply and demand operation and system operation to realize it. Since this project will promote the follow-up of the master plan to promote the introduction of renewable energy and technical cooperation on
supply and demand operation and system operation, it falls under the cluster that includes such a policy. In terms of the SDGs, this project will contribute to Goal 7 "Affordable and clean energy" and Goal 13 "Take urgent action to combat climate change."
(3) Responses of other aid organizations
The EU has provided distributed solar power generation systems for rural homes, as well as provided support for the installation of communication equipment and training of technical personnel for the sustainable operation of the systems. In addition, France's AFD has provided wind power plant equipment, and Spain's AECID has supported the delivery of distributed solar power generation systems for rural homes. In addition, OPEC has supported the construction of solar power plants with a total capacity of 8 MW in two locations in the eastern part of the country.
China has provided 5,000 distributed solar power generation systems for homes and a 62MW Provided technical support for the construction of a new biomass power plant.
3. Business Overview
(1) Project site/target area: Havana and other renewable energy power generation sites (including candidate sites)
(2) Project implementation period
January 2025 to December 2026 (total 24 months)
(3) Project implementation structure
The Cuban National Electricity Company (UNE) will be the implementing agency, and activities will be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), which is the ministry in charge of UNE.
4. Project Framework (1) Achievements 1.
The necessary elements for the safe and reliable operation of a grid that can function independently in the event of an emergency and has a high penetration rate of solar power generation and storage batteries have been provided.
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As shown.
2. To ensure a stable supply of electricity, we must build a grid that is resilient to natural disasters and other grid accidents.
A management concept is designed.
3. A grid code concept for grid connection of renewable energy sources, including solar photovoltaics and batteries, will be designed.
4. UNE will gain a deeper understanding of power supply-demand adjustment and grid
operation. 5. Renewable energy development plans analyzed and confirmed in the master plan will be examined and monitored, and specific activities will be proposed and advised based on the current development
status. 6. The capacity of UNE and other related parties regarding Outputs 1 to 5 will be improved through the invitation to Japan.
(2) Main activities
1. This study presents the elements necessary for a safe and reliable operation of a grid with a high penetration rate of solar PV and battery storage and that can function independently in the event of an emergency.
1-1. Review the concept of a microsystem planned in Cuba that will isolate certain areas from the national power grid in the event of an unforeseen event.
1-2. Provide advice on the elements necessary for a grid that has a high penetration rate of solar power generation and storage batteries and that can function independently in the event of an emergency to operate safely and reliably. 2. Provide advice on the
elements necessary for a grid that is resilient to grid accidents, including natural disasters, to achieve a stable supply of electricity.
A management concept will be
designed. 2-1. The current status of grid management in Cuba will be confirmed.
2-2. A concept for system isolation of the network in the event of an accident will be presented. 2-3.
Based on the experience of Japan, a concept for power grid stability in the event of an accident or natural disaster will be developed.
Transfer knowledge on maintenance and restoration for the purpose of upgrading.
3. A grid code concept for grid connection of renewable energy, including solar power generation and storage batteries, is designed. 3-1. Current grid codes, which
are mainly for thermal power generation, are reviewed. 3-2. The concepts of grid codes in Japan and other countries are introduced. 3-3. Necessary elements of grid codes for renewable energy are identified through consultation with relevant departments.
3-4. Prepare an outline of the grid code to be formulated in the future.
4. UNE will gain a deeper understanding of power supply and demand adjustment and system
operation. 4-1. Power supply and demand assuming the introduction of solar power generation and storage batteries.
Transfer knowledge on coordination and automated grid operation.
4-2. Training on power supply and demand adjustment and power system operation while utilizing existing facilities
/Implement OJT.
Machine Translated by Google
5. Monitoring the renewable energy development plans analyzed and confirmed in the master plan
While reviewing the current status of development, concrete activities will be proposed and advice will be given. 5-1. Renewable energy projects whose development plans have been confirmed and analyzed in the master plan
Check the current situation regarding this.
5-2. Future plans for renewable energy businesses in light of the latest external factors
and advise.
5-3. Necessity of power supply and demand adjustment for system control facilities such as pumped storage power generation and storage batteries
Design future planning concepts taking into account increasing security.
6. The capacity of UNE and other relevant personnel is improved through the invitation to Japan for Outputs 1 to 5. 6-1. Plan and implement invitation to Japan for UNE and other relevant personnel including the content related to Outputs 1 to 5.
Common precautions
1ÿ Required items
(1) Ensuring C/P ownership and sustainability
ÿ The contractor will give due consideration to the establishment of ownership and will work in cooperation with the C/P.
Through this, C/P will take ownership and proactively carry out project activities.
The C/P will implement the project and devise ways to manage and progress the project itself.
ÿ The contractor will take measures to achieve the overall goal and ensure sustainability after the project is completed.
In addition to securing the ownership of the C/P, a management system will be established.
We will work to improve and strengthen the implementation system, including strengthening the system's capabilities, human resource development, and budget allocation.
(2) Ensuring project flexibility
ÿ In technical cooperation projects, project activities are flexibly changed depending on the performance of staff at partner country implementing agencies and changes in the project environment.
The contractor will be responsible for the progress of the entire project and the delivery of results.
Understand the current situation, and decide the direction of the project while maximizing the development effect.
We will make recommendations to the client regarding the suitability of the product.
ÿ The client will promptly consider these recommendations and take the necessary measures.
(Consultation and confirmation with the implementing organization of the recipient country, changes to the contract for this
project implementation agreement, etc.) If changes to the project basic plan, etc. are required, the contractor will submit the R/D changes.
Draft minutes and accompanying documents for the
(3) Publicizing the issue to developing countries, Japan, and the international community
ÿ The client's business will contribute to the promotion of international cooperation and the soundness of the Japanese and international economic communities.
To this end, we will work with clients to ensure that the significance of the project, its activities and its results are properly and widely understood by government officials and citizens of the recipient country, the Japanese people, and other donor officials.
We will endeavor to carry out effective PR activities, including by sending messages at various meetings.
(4) Collaboration with other organizations/projects and maximization of development impact
ÿ Relevant projects (implemented) in the target region/country or field of the client and other organizations
This includes not only current projects but also past projects and various surveys and research.
We will work to maximize the effects of development by collaborating with relevant parties (including the government, industry, and industry organizations).
ÿ Collaboration and involvement with Japanese and international resources (government agencies, international organizations, private sector, etc.)
We will consider how to incorporate this into our development in order to maximize the impact of the development.
Conducting a well-founded evaluation
ÿ Validating and monitoring the results of the project and conducting trials within the project
When verifying the effectiveness of intervention activities, care will be taken to present evidence-based results, such as by using quantitative indicators for evaluation.
Common business content
1. Creation/revision of business plans and work plans
ÿ The contractor prepares a work plan and obtains the client's approval for the contents.
After obtaining this information, the details will be explained and discussed with the relevant government agencies of the recipient country at the start of local operations, and agreement will be obtained on the project's basic policy, methods, work schedule, etc.
2. Support for holding Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meetings, etc.
ÿ The client and the implementing agency of the recipient government will have a decision-making function for proceeding with the project.
A Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) or a similar project progress and coordination meeting will be established to review and evaluate the project progress, address issues in the implementation of the project, and reach a consensus on changes to the project plan, etc., as necessary, during the implementation period.
Do the following.
ÿ The Contractor shall check the status of preparations for convening JCC participants and holding meetings conducted by the implementing agency of the recipient government, and report the same to the Client as appropriate, so that the Chairman (Director) of the Counterpart can hold the JCC smoothly and as scheduled.
ÿ The Contractor will provide minimal support, such as running the JCC, preparing meeting materials and taking minutes, as necessary.
3. Public relations activities
ÿ The Contractor will post reports of activities on the Client's website and promote the Project's activities and projects at government meetings, donor meetings, and international meetings in the recipient country.
We will proactively work to disseminate results.
ÿ The Contractor shall take photos and videos (videos, if necessary) related to the activity so that they can be used in various public relations media, and submit them to the Client with simple captions.
Submit to.
4. Preparation of work completion report/work progress report
ÿ The contractor will be responsible for the results of the project, the achievement of the project objectives, and the A completion report will be prepared, including recommendations for achieving the goal, and submitted to the client. submit.
ÿ When preparing the above report, the Contractor shall provide the Ordering Party with a draft report in advance.
After obtaining approval, the final version is submitted to the relevant agencies of the partner country after explanation and agreement.
Submit to the client.
Chapter 3 Points to Note when Preparing a Proposal 1. Items to be Included in the Proposal
When preparing a proposal, please thoroughly read the contents of the "Guidelines for Preparing Proposals for Consultant Contracts" and prepare the proposal using the specified format.
ÿURL: https://www.jica.go.jp/announce/manual/guideline/consultant/20220330.htmlÿ
(1) Experience and ability as a consultant or other corporate entity
1) Experience in similar work
Similar work: Work related to policies and facility operation related to renewable energy (experience in the energy sector in island countries will be added)
2) Backup system for business operations, etc.
(2) Business implementation policy, etc.
1) Basic policy for business operations
2) Method of business implementation
* The total length of 1) and 2) should not exceed 10 pages.
3) Work plan
4) Personnel planning
5) Job duties of each employee
6) Equipment necessary for on-site operations
7) Other
(3) Experience and ability of employees
1) Experience of the employees to be evaluated
The experience and abilities of the employees to be evaluated in “3. Experience and abilities of the employees to be evaluated”
The areas of expertise of the employees to be evaluated are as follows: Please provide a resume and relevant experience in your field of expertise.
- Field of expertise of the employee being evaluated ÿBusiness managerÿ••
*Please suggest the areas of expertise that the business manager will be responsible for.
2) Field of work experience, etc.
Guidelines for grading the employees to be evaluated, areas of work experience, and the language types are as follows:
[Guideline for rating of business manager (business manager/••) (No. 3)]
and Spanish (score distribution: English: 70%, Spanish: 30%)
ÿ Target country or similar region: Cuba ÿ Language proficiency: English
*Similar work experience is work experience that is related or similar to the field (content) of work.
2. Conditions for carrying out the business
(1) Business engineering
The cooperation period of this project is 24 months. The contract will be signed in January 2025, and the first trip will
be scheduled around March 2025. However, the contract will be finalized based on the schedule of the contractor and JICA.
The invitation to Japan may be held in FY2026, but this will also be decided in consultation with JICA and the counterparts.
(2) Estimated workload and proposed workforce composition
1) Estimated workload
Approximately 19.38 man-months
Including 2.90 man-months of work related to the invitation to Japan (this expense is included in the fixed amount).
The above man-months of work also include pre-work. When considering
the composition of the workforce, we will select workers with expertise in renewable energy.
Include those who
2) Estimated number of trips: 23 in total
The above number of times is a guideline and does not preclude proposals that exceed this number.
(3) Local subcontracting
In principle, this work does not envisage local subcontracting.
(4) Distributed materials/public materials, etc.
1) Handouts
ÿ Minutes signed with the Cuban Electricity Company (UNE)
ÿ Cuba Security Measures
(5) Provision of facilities to target countries
The overview is as follows:
Details of the benefits provided
1. Placement of counterparts
2. Interpreter arrangement (Japanese/EnglishÿSpanish)
3. Office space
ÿ Furniture (machines, chairs, sheds, etc.)
5. Office equipment (copy machines, etc.) None (printer required)
ÿ Wi-Fi
(6) Safety management
1) Please pay close attention to safety management during your on-site work period.
Regarding the matter, the JICA Cuba Office will collect sufficient information and
In addition, requesting cooperation from and coordinating with relevant organizations to ensure the safety of on-site operations
In addition, we will establish a system to allow constant contact with the office.
In particular, when carrying out activities in rural areas, the local security situation, means of transportation, etc.
We will keep in close contact with the local office.
In addition, after the contract is signed,
Please enter your travel plans into the overseas travel management system. For details, please click here.
Please refer to:
2) Please read through the handout entitled "Cuba Security Measures." In particular, the Official Visa
Please contact the Cuba office approximately two months prior to your trip in order to prepare for the application.
Please note that the passport will be a regular passport.
3. Making a presentation
There will be no presentation for this project.
4. Points to note when creating a quotation
In preparing an estimate (including a breakdown) of the expenses necessary to carry out this business,
Regarding the “Guidelines for accounting procedures in consultant contracts (October 2023 (October 2024)”
Please refer to the "October 2017, Supplementary Edition" (hereinafter the same).
(1) Dividing the contract period
In Chapter 1, "1. Matters to be put to competition," if it is assumed that the entire contract will be divided into multiple contract periods, prepare estimates for each period and for the entire contract separately.
Please do.
(2) Upper limit The upper limit
for this project is as follows. If a quote is submitted that exceeds the upper limit,
In such cases, the proposal/estimate will be disqualified as it does not meet the conditions stated in the Proposal Competition Explanation Document. Therefore, the contents of the proposal exceeding this amount should not be included in the proposal, but should be submitted separately as a separate proposal/estimate when submitting the proposal.
Separate proposals and separate estimates will not be subject to technical evaluation or price competition, but will be included in the contract during contract negotiations.
In addition, if part of the work exceeds the upper limit, the following will be applied.
ÿ If the
excess amount can be separated: Only the excess amount will be proposed as a separate proposal and estimate.
ÿ If the excess amount cannot be excised: Proposal content for the business within the upper limit
In addition, we will submit an alternative proposal for the said work as a separate proposal.
(Example) Regarding the holding of a seminar, if there is plan A for an online seminar (within the upper limit) and plan B for a face-to-face seminar (exceeding the upper limit), the proposal will state plan A within the upper limit, and the estimate will state plan A within the upper limit.
The expenses for Plan A will be recorded. Plan B will be separately proposed as an alternative to Plan A, and will be
included in the proposal along with the expenses (expenses for Plan B) that will be separately estimated.
I will give it to you.
ÿUpper limitÿ
102,392,000 yen (excluding tax)
* The above amounts do not include items (3) quoted separately and (4) listed as fixed amounts (please do not include them in the estimate at the time of submitting the proposal).
*If this quotation exceeds the upper limit, your application will be disqualified.
(3) Regarding separate estimates (not subject to evaluation)
Please submit an estimate for the following items separately from the quotation.
Please state clearly which expenses fall under which category. Expenses that do not fall under the following categories or expenses that do not have an explanation of which category they fall under will not be accepted as separate estimates.
This will be at our own expense.
1) Direct expenses classified as expenses related to workers with disabilities
2) Expenses related to other proposals that exceed the upper limit
3) When a proposal is made that exceeds the fixed amount for work that has been instructed to be recorded at a fixed amount, the proposal
Expenses related to the proposal
(4) Fixed amount accounting
ÿ This project has a fixed amount recorded (11,825,000 yen (excluding tax)).
The following expenses are recorded as fixed amounts. The fixed amount is added to the contract amount at the time of contract conclusion.
This will be contracted, so please do not include it in the estimate when submitting your proposal.
In addition, please state in your proposal that your proposal falls within the range of the specified fixed amount. This proposal will be included in the proposal evaluation. If you make a separate proposal that exceeds the fixed amount, please submit a separate estimate. In that case, you can either record the fixed amount as is and enter into a contract, or discuss whether it is excessive or insufficient in light of the content and method of the work proposed in the proposal, and receive a separate estimate from the contractor.
The decision as to whether to use the estimated cost will be made during contract negotiations.
For expenses recorded at a fixed amount, the settlement amount will be set within the range of the amount based on the supporting documents.
It is confirmed.
Applicable expenses Applicable section Amount (excluding tax) Scope of the amount
Expense items
1 Training in Japan (Japan
Article 4 2. (1)
11,825,000 yen Remuneration (pre- and post-work)
ÿ Regarding Output 6
Duties (No. 3 0.4 man-months and
Domestic business expenses
Dividing Activities
4th issue is estimated at 1.0 man-month,
The proposal is not accepted.) and accompanying (currently
0.75 man-months for No. 3 and 0.75 man-months for No. 4
0.75 man-months: Training content Proposal and review based on (possible), direct expenses
3,250,000 yen
(5) Estimated price
Please record the total amount (excluding tax) for each expense item.
(No need to round down to the nearest thousand yen)
(6) Travel expenses (airfare)
Please select the most efficient and economical route and airline, and calculate the airfare.
It is considered the most economical fare, including regular discount fares with strict conditions such as non-refundability and non-changeability.
Airfares available, and replacement purchases in the event of cancellation due to unavoidable circumstances
It is possible to add a change fee (substitution fee). If you add a substitution fee, the rate should be 10% of the airfare (if the capital city is designated as a conflict-affected area).
(excluding conflict-affected countries as specified).
(7) Equipment
If there is any equipment required for the implementation of the business, in principle, it should be recorded as equipment expenses.
If you use equipment owned by the participants in the contest, please record the cost as equipment rental or rental fees.
(8) Foreign currency exchange rates
1) Please estimate using the exchange rate of each country for the month of announcement on the JICA website.
Attachment: Proposal Evaluation Scoring Table
Evaluation items
Matching points
Proposal Evaluation Scoring Table
1. Experience and ability as a consultant or other corporation (1) Experience in similar work (2) Backup system for business operations, etc. A) Various support systems (Japan/local) | ÿ 10 ÿ 6 ÿ 4 ÿ 3 | |
B) Work-life balance certification | 1 | |
2. Business implementation policy, etc. | ÿ 70 ÿ | |
(1) Basic policy and method of business implementation | 60 | |
(2) Personnel planning/work planning, etc. | ( 10 ) | |
A) Personnel planning | 5 | |
B) Work plan | 5 | |
3. Experience and ability of employees | ÿ 20 ÿ | |
(1) Experience and ability of the business manager / Evaluation of the business management group | Business Director | business management |
Price | Only | Group/Structure |
ÿ 1) Experience and ability of business manager: Business manager/•• | ÿ 20 ÿ | ÿ 8 ÿ |
A) Experience in similar work, etc. | 10 | 4 |
a) Experience as a business manager, etc. | 4 | 2 |
C) Language ability | 4 | 1 |
D) Other degrees, qualifications, etc. | 2 | 1 |
ÿ 2) Deputy Business Manager's experience and abilities: Deputy Business Manager/•• (-) A) Experience in similar work, etc. | ÿ | ÿ 8 ÿ 4 |
a) Experience as a business manager, etc. | ÿ | 2 |
C) Language ability | ÿ | 1 |
D) Other degrees, qualifications, etc. | ÿ | 1 |
ÿ 3) Business management system | ÿ ÿ ÿ | ÿ 4 ÿ |