1.1 在本条款及细则中,除文义需要不同的释义,否则:
[客户] 指以其名义于本行开立指定账户并由本行向其提供服务的任何个人、公司、个人独资企业、合伙企业、政府部门或其它组织或实体。如属个人,则包括其任何个人代表或合法继承人;如属公司,包括其合法继承人;如属个人独资企业则指该个人独资企业投资人;如属合伙企业,则指合伙企业中的现在或未来加入的合伙人;并且如属个人独资企业或合伙企业,也包括个人独资企业投资人或每位合伙人的任何个人代表及合法继承人;
[被授权人士]指任何非个人客户所指定的有权使用短信服务的人士。 [服务]指本行根据本条款及细则(尤其是第 2 条)随时提供的短信服务;
[指定移动电话]指客户根据下列第 3.1 条规定所指定的、用以接收短信服务的号码的移动电话。
1.2 除非另有说明,否则本条款及细则所指的条文均指本条款及细则正文的条文。
1.3 本条款及细则各条文的标题仅供参考,不能作为解释本条款及细则的依据。
2.1 本行有权随时制定所提供服务的范围。本行可随时增加、修订或缩减服务的范围,但应提前通知客户。
2.2 客户应根据本行不时指定的方式开通服务。客户根据服务接收的任何信息只供参考之用,不应作为任何有关事项的最终证据。
2.3 若就与服务有关或为服务而向本行提供的任何资料(包括客户指定移动电话)发生任何更改,客户应立即通知本行。
2.4 若客户指定移动电话或相关的电信服务无法接通或已被暂停,客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)必须立即通知本行。
2.5 若信息没有传送或延迟传送,或信息有任何错误或传送失败,除非该等情况是由于本行或任何经本行指定提供短信服务的电信公司的疏忽或故意不当行为所致,本行或该等电信公司均无须对此负责。特别是对于本行或任何该等电信公司无法合理控制的情况所产生的后果,包括但不限于客户的电信设备由于任何原因失灵而无法接收信息、设备或安装的任何通讯中断、机械故障、路径故障、功能故障、失灵、中断或错误,本行和任何该等电信公司均不承担任何责任。
2.6 本行可因任何原因暂停或终止服务而无须另行通知。该等原因包括但不限于数据无效、指定账户的关闭、有关的电信公司的网络或
2.7 客户可随时依本行随时确定的形式向本行发出口头或书面通知以终止服务,但本行也可酌情接受任何声称由客户或被授权人士(如适用)发出的口头通知,本行将无须对据此而采取的行动向客户负责。
3. 短信的发送
3.1 个人客户必须指定一个接收短信服务的移动电话号码。非个人客户必须就每类短信指定接受短信的一名或多名被授权人士及其移动电话号码。本行只会将短信向客户指定的号码发送。客户及被授权人士(如适用)使用的移动电话必须是能够接收短信服务的电信设备兼容件。
3.2 如属个人客户,短信服务适用于中国大陆地区和香港地区注册的手机号码。如属非个人客户,短信服务仅适用于中国大陆地区注
3.3 若任何短信出现不正常的情况,客户需尽可能地通知本行。
3.4 若客户删除本行所发送的短信,被删除的短信不再重发。
3.5 除本条款及细则另有约定,银行不会就银行产品/服务接受或执行客户通过短信向银行发出的任何指示。
3.6 本行会留存短信服务的记录,以备日后查询。
4.1 客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)必须负责移动电话的安全,必须采取一切合理的措施防止任何其他人读取任何秘密信息。
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4.2 如果任何看来由本行通过短信服务发出的短信要求客户以短信的方式提供账户或密码情况,客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)绝对不能回复,因为本行绝不通过这种方式做出如此要求。
4.3 若指定的移动电话号码发生更改, 或指定移动电话遗失、被窃或不再由客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)控制, 或客户及有关被授
权人士(如适用)与网络营运商的合约终止, 客户必须尽快通知本行。
4.4 在客户使用短信服务的情况下,客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)应核对短信发信人的电话号码, 以确保其真实性,且确实由本行发出。
4.5 若客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)携带指定移动电话离开中华人民共和国内地, 应暂停 SMS 短信服务。若客户及有关被授权人
士(如适用)携带指定移动电话离开中华人民共和国内地但并未暂停短信服务, 客户及有关被授权人士(如适用)将被视作已授权本行、网络营运商及任何第三方为提供 SMS 短信服务而将客户及客户账户有关的资料, 传送及储存于某些必要的国家或地域, 以使短信
5.1 在本行的要求下,客户或有关被授权人士(如适用)须签署本行认为在提供服务方面属必需或适当的有关表格及/或文件,及提供本行认为在提供服务方面属必需或适当的有关资料及执行有关行为。
5.2 如客户没有遵守本条款及细则任何条款的规定,则对于任何与客户及客户账户相关信息的泄露,本行概不负责。
5.3 为短信服务提供支持的第三方并非本行的代理人, 亦非本行的代表。本行与该等第三方之间并无任何合作、合伙、合营或其它关系。
5.4 如属个人客户,则短信服务仅供其单独及排他使用。如属非个人客户,则客户应根据本行规定的程序,指定本行准许的一人或多人使用短信服务。短信服务仅可由客户或被授权人士(如适用)使用,不得由任何其它人使用。
5.5 客户须负责采取适当措施,以随时监察及控制服务的使用、被授权人士的委任及更换(如适用)及指定账户,并采取适当安全措
5.6 如非个人客户,客户保证其具有接受本条款及细则以及履行其在本条款及细则项下义务的全部权利和授权;其已采取或取得一切必要的公司内部或政府行动和批准,以接受本条款及细则、履行其义务和使用短信服务。客户进一步保证,上述接受、履行和使用均不会违反其组织文件或适用法律的任何条款或与之相冲突。
5.7 如客户的被授权人士为一人以上,则根据本条款及细则,则每位客户及其被授权人士的法律责任及义务为连带的。
6.1 客户须负担网络营运商及/或向您提供电信设备或该等设备服务的任何电信公司就短信服务收取的任何费用、收费或支出。
6.2 本行保留就使用和/或终止短信服务收取和更改费用的权利。本行应在其随时确定的任何费率生效前向客户发出合理的通知。如果客户在生效日期或其后继续维持或使用短信服务,则该等费率应对客户具有约束力。本行可按其规定的方式和时间向客户收取费用。
7.1 除非由于本行、本行职员或雇员的故意不当行为或重大过失所导致,本行概不就以下事项所导致的后果向与其有关的客户或任何被授权人士(如适用)或任何其他人士承担任何法律责任或义务:
7.2 在任何情况下,本行一律无须对客户就任何偶然、间接、特殊、关联性或惩罚性的损害负责,包括但不限于有关使用、收入、利润和利息方面的任何损失。客户承诺放弃就任何偶然、间接、特殊、关联性的或惩罚性的损害,包括但不限于有关使用、收入、利润或利息方面的任何损失,提出任何索赔请求。
7.3 除因本行、其职员及雇员的故意不当行为或重大过失直接导致的合理可预见损失及损害(如有)外,客户及任何被授权人士(如
8. .修订
9. 通知
9.1 所有送往客户在本行登记的联系地址或通过短信服务发送至客户的指定移动电话的信息, 将被视为在本行发送时已被客户收到。如果本行认为向客户在本行登记的联系地址或客户的指定移动电话已不能被客户收到,本行可以全权酌定停止发送以后的信息。
9.2 本行可采用本行认为合适的方法和通讯方式向客户发出通知,包括但不限于直接邮寄材料、广告、在分行张贴告示、公示于恒生银
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13.1 本行可委任任何人士作为代理人(包括任何代收债务公司或律师),收取客户欠付本行的任何或所有债项,客户须负责本行就此等目的而发生的所有费用及开支。
13.2 本行将按照有关法律、本条款及细则以及本行其他相关条款及细则的规定,对有关客户或每位被授权人士的个人资料保密。客
14.1 本条款及细则及本条款及细则下的各方的权利和义务受中华人民共和国(“中国”)的法律管辖,并按其解释。
14.2 在本条款及细则的履行期间,凡因履行本条款及细则所发生的或与本条款及细则有关的一切这个争议、纠纷,各方可协商解决。协商不能解决时,任何一方可以依法向本行所在地有管辖权的法院起诉。客户接受该法院行使非专属司法管辖权,本行有权在任何其它拥有管辖权的法院提请解决相关争议和纠纷。在诉讼期间,本条款和细则不涉及争议部分的条款仍须履行。
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Terms and Conditions for SMS Services
The Terms and Conditions hereunder provide and define the obligations of both the Customer and the Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited under the SMS Services. The use of SMS services made available by the Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited shall at all time be governed by the following Terms and Conditions. Such other terms and conditions shall apply as if they were expressly extended to the use of the Services. However, where there is any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and such terms and conditions, these terms and conditions shall prevail for purposes of the SMS Services.
The Customer must read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using SMS Services (the “Services”). Any use of the Service by the Customer or any of the Authorised Persons (In relation to non-personal Customers) shall constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer and the Customer and all Authorised Persons shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions and Interpretation
1.1. In these Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:
“Bank” means Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited acting through its branches in Mainland China, and its successors and assigns; “Customer” means any natural person, corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, statutory body or authority in whose name the Designated Account is opened with the Bank’s branches in Mainland China to which the Bank provides the Services and, in the case of a natural person includes any personal representative or lawful successor of such person, in the case of a sole proprietorship, means the sale proprietor and, in the case of a partnership, means each of the present and future partners of the partnership; and includes, in the case of a corporation, its lawful successor and, in the case of a sole proprietorship a partnership, any personal representative and lawful successor of the sole proprietor or each partner;
“China” means the People’s Republic of China which for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions excludes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taiwan and the Macau Special Administrative Region.
“Authorised Person” means any Authorised SMS Services User of non-personal Customer.
“Services” means the SMS Services and from time to time provided by the Bank subject to these Terms and Conditions and more particularly described in Clause 2.
“Designated Mobile Phone” means customer’s mobile phone with the number nominated by customer for receiving the SMS under 3.1 below. “telecommunications company” refers to the companies that provide service of telephone and mobile phone under these terms and conditions.
1.2 Unless otherwise stated, reference to Clause means the clauses of these Terms and Conditions.
1.3 Clause headings shall be ignores in the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.
2. The Services
2.1 The Bank has the right to determine form time to time the scope of the Services to be made available and the Bank may expand, modify or reduce the scope of the Services, but will give notice in advance.
2.2 The Customer shall apply for the Services in the manner as the Bank may from time to time specify. The Customer acknowledge any information received under the Services is for information only, and shall not be taken as conclusive evidence of the matter to which it relates.
2.3 The Customer shall promptly notify the Bank of any changes to information/documents provided to the Bank related to or for the purposes of the Services including the details of the Customer designated mobile phone and the telecommunications company providing or servicing it.
2.4 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) shall must notify the Bank immediately upon the disconnection or suspension of the designated mobile phone or relating telecommunications service.
2.5 Neither the Bank nor any of the telecommunications companies which may be designated by the Bank for the purposes of providing the Services will assume any liability or responsibility for any failure or delay in transmitting information to the Customer or any error or failure in such information unless this results from negligence or willful default on our part or such telecommunications companies. In particular, neither the Bank nor any such telecommunications companies shall assume any liability or responsibility for the consequences arising from any cause beyond our or its reasonable control including without limitation failure of the Customer’s telecommunications equipment to receive information for whatever reason, any telecommunications breakdown, mechanical failure, path failure, malfunction, breakdown, interruption or accuracy of equipment or installation.
2.6 The Services may without notice to the Customer be suspended or terminated for any reason including without limitation invalid data; closure of related account(s); breakdown, maintenance, modification, expansion and/or enhancement work caused or initiated by the telecommunications company (ies) concerned in relation to their network or by any service provider in respect of the Services. The Bank will not assume any liabilities or responsibilities for any such suspension or termination.
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2.7 The Customer may terminate the use of the Services at any time by giving to the Bank an oral or written notice in such form as the Bank may prescribe from time to time provided that the Bank may at its discretion act on any oral notice purportedly given by the Customer and any action so taken by the Bank shall not render it liable to the Customer.
3. Sending of SMS
3.1 The personal Customer may nominate the number of one mobile phone on which the Customer will receive the SMS. The non-personal Customer may nominate one or several Authorised Persons and their mobile phone numbers on which Authorised Persons will receive designated type of SMS. The Bank will only send SMS to the number(s) designated by the Customer. The mobile phone of the Customer and Authorised Person(s) must be a compatible piece of telecommunications equipment capable of receiving such SMS.
3.2 In the case of a personal Customer, Services are applied to mobile phone number registered in China and Hong Kong. In the case of a non- personal Customer, Services are only applied to mobile phone number registered in China.
3.3 The Customer shall inform the Bank as soon as possible if any of the SMS messages appear to be irregular.
3.4 If the Customer deletes the SMS messages which the Bank has sent to the Customer they cannot be sent again.
3.5 Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, the Bank shall not accept or act on any Customer Instruction relating to banking products/services given to the Bank by SMS.
3.6 The bank will keep the SMS record for feature enquiry.
4. Security
4.1 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) is responsible for the security of the designated mobile phone and must take all reasonable precautions to prevent anyone else from accessing any confidential information.
4.2 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) should never respond to a request purportedly from the Bank via the Services to provide the Customer’s account or security details by SMS message as the Bank will never make such a request.
4.3 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) must inform the Bank as soon as possible if nominated mobile phone number changes or if designated mobile phone is lost, stolen or no longer under control or if contract with the network operator ends.
4.4 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) should check the telephone/mobile number of the sender of SMS message under SMS Service to ensure that they are genuine and sent by the Bank.
4.5 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) should suspend the SMS Service if the Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) are taking designated mobile phone outside China. If the Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) should take your designated mobile phone outside China without suspending the SMS Alert Service you shall be deemed to authorise the Bank, the network operators and any third party to whom information about Customer and Customer’s account has been passed for the provision of the SMS Service to transmit such information and store information in such countries or territories as are necessary to send SMS to designated mobile phone.
5. Acknowledgements, Warranties and Undertaking
5.1 The Customer and Authorised Person (where applicable) at the request of the Bank executes such forms and/or documents, provide such information and perform such acts as the Bank may consider necessary or expedient in connection with the provision of the Services and the performance, exercise.
5.2 The Bank will not be liable for any disclosure of confidential information when Customer has not complied with the provisions of any clause in this terms and conditions.
5.3 The third parties who support the Services are neither agencies of the Bank nor representing the Bank. There is no co-operation, partnership, joint venture or other relationship between any third parties with the Bank.
5.4 In the case of a personal Customer, the Services are for his sole and exclusive use. In the case of a non-personal Customer, the Customer shall nominate, according to such procedures as the Bank may prescribe, one or more individual(s) as shall be permitted by the Bank to use the Services and the Services shall be used by the Customer or Authorised Person and not any other person.
5.5 It is the Customer’s responsibility to take appropriate measures to monitor and control the use of the Services from time to time, the appointment and change of the Authorised Persons (where applicable), and the Designated Accounts, and to adopt proper safeguards against the Services being used by unauthorised persons or for unauthorised purposes.
5.6 In the case of a non-personal Customer, the Customer warrants that it has full power and authority to accept these Terms and Conditions and perform its obligations hereunder and that all necessary corporate or administrative action has been taken to authorise acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, performance of its obligations and use of the Services. The Customer further warrants that such acceptance, performance and use shall not contravene or conflict with any provision of its constitutional documents.
5.7 Where the customer designates more than one person as its Authorised persons, then under these Terms and Conditions, the liability and obligations of each Customer and its Authorised persons are joint and several.
6. Fees
6.1 Customer shall bear any fees, charges or expenses which may be imposed by the network operator and/or any telecommunications company providing or servicing telecommunications equipment in connection with the Services.
6.2 The Bank reserves the right to charge fees in relation to the use and/or termination of the Services and to revise such fees. The Bank shall determine and give reasonable notice to the Customer of the rate of any fee from time to time before they become effective which shall be binding on the Customer if the Customer continues to maintain or use the Services on or after the effective date.
Fees may be collected from the Customer in such manner and at such intervals as the Bank may specify.
7. Restriction of Liabilities
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7.1 Unless due to the gross negligence or willful default of the Bank or its officers or employees and only to the extent of direct and reasonably foreseeable loss and damage (if any) arising directly and solely therefrom or the amount of the relevant Transaction (whichever is less), the Bank does not assume any liability or responsibility to the Customer or, in case of a non-persona Customer any Authorised person or any other person for the consequences arising from or in connection with:-
(a) If the bank can show that the SMS message were sent to Customer, the Bank have no liability to Customer if Customer suffer losses due to the SMS message not being received accurately or at all;
(b) Any interruption, suspension, delay, loss, mutilation or other failure in the SMS messaging howsoever caused;
(c) Any mechanical failure, power failure, malfunction, or installation in connection with the Services;
(d) Any losses caused by network service operators;
(e) Due to the nature of the Service, the Bank will not be responsible for any losses or damages caused by Customer’s data, designated mobile phone, telecommunications equipment or other equipment caused by Customer’s use of the Service.
7.2. In no event shall the Bank be liable to the Customer or, in the case of a non-personal Customer, any Authorised Person or any other person
for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages including, without limitation any loss of use, revenue, profits or savings. The Customer or, in the case of a non-personal customer, any Authorised Person waives any claim for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages including, without limitation, any loss of use, revenue, profits or savings
7.3 The Customer and, where applicable, each Authorised Person shall jointly and severally indemnify the Bank and its officers and employees against all liabilities, claims, demand, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (including, without limitation, legal fees on a full indemnity basis) which may be incurred by any of them and at actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against any of them in connection with the provision of the Services or the performance. Exercise or presentation of the Bank’s obligations, powers and right under these Terms and Conditions unless due to the gross negligence or willful default of the Bank or any of its officers or employees and only to the extent of direct and reasonably foreseeable loss and damage (if any) arising directly and solely therefrom.
8. Amendments
The Bank may revise these terms and conditions and/for introduce additional terms and conditions at any time and from time to time. Any revision and/or addition to these Terms and Conditions shall become effective subject to reasonable notice given by the Bank to the Customer, and shall be binding on the Customer (where applicable if they continue to maintain or use the Services after the effective date of variation).
9. Notice
9.1 All communications sent to the contact details registered by the Customer with the Bank or via the Service to Customer’s designated mobile phone shall be deemed to be delivered to the Customer at the time when the communication was sent by the Bank. If in the Bank’s opinion the communications sent further to the details registered with the Bank or to Customer’s designated mobile phone have failed to reach the Customer, we may in our sole discretion stop sending further communications.
9.2 Any notice from the Bank to the Customer may be made in such manner and by such means of communication as the Bank shall deem fit, including, without limitation, use of direct mailing material, advertisement, branch display, publicity on our official website(, electronic communications such as e-mail or via the Service etc..
10. Severability
Each of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is severable and distinct from the others and, if at any time one or more of such provisions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the laws of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any way.
11. Waiver
No act, delay or omission by the Bank shall affect its rights, powers and remedies under these Terms and Conditions or any further or other exercise of such rights powers or remedies. The rights and remedies under these Terms and Conditions are cumulative and not exclusive of the rights and remedies provided by law.
12. Force Majeure
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The Bank shall not be liable for any losses, damages or other consequences arising from its failure to provide the Services due to any circumstances or events beyond the reasonable control of the Bank including, without limitation, failure of any communication network, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, fire, flood, storm, etc…
13. Miscellaneous
13.1 The Bank may appoint any person as its agent (including any debt collection agency or solicitor) to collect any or all indebtedness owed by the Customer to the Bank and the Customer shall be responsible for all costs and expenses which may be incurred by the Bank for that purpose on each occasion.
13.2 The Bank will keep the personal date relating to the Customer and Authorised person confidential as mandates by the applicable laws or these Terms and Conditions of the Bank. The Customer and each authorised person acknowledge and agree that all personal data relating to them may be used and disclosed for such purpose and to such persons in accordance with the Bank’s general policies on use and disclosure of personal data as set out in statements, circulates notices or Terms and Conditions.
14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
14.1 These Terms and Conditions and the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of PRC.
14.2 During the period of these Terms and Conditions, all disputes, conflicts in relation to the implementation of these Terms and Conditions or in relation to these Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by negotiation. If it is impossible to resolve by negotiation, each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the PRC, but during the proceeding, those Terms and Conditions without dispute may be enforced in the Courts of any competent jurisdiction.
15. Governing Version
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These Terms and Conditions are made in Chinese and English versions and both have the same legal effects provided that in case of any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.