1. 優惠期由 2023 年 12 月 7 日至 2024 年 1 月 7 日(「優惠期」),送完即止。
2. 客戶須以恒生信用卡、聯營卡、商務卡、公司卡或消費卡簽賬,方可享有本推廣優惠(美元 Visa 金卡、人民幣信用卡、銀聯人民幣鑽石商務卡、e-shopping萬事逹卡及專享卡除外)(「合資格恒生信用卡」)。優惠不適用於恒生 MPOWER 卡/ 恒生 MMPOWER World Mastercard®卡流動支付,唯恒生 MPOWER卡/ 恒生MMPOWER World Mastercard®實體卡之簽賬則為合資格交易。
3. 恒生銀聯信用卡客戶只可於接受該卡簽賬之商戶享有優惠。
4. 此推廣所涉及之產品、服務及資訊由關參與商戶直接售賣及提供給客戶。因 此,所有有關責任及義務亦由有關參與商戶全權負責。對於客戶因餐飲服務或商品使用而衍生的查詢、申索及投訴,有關指定商戶將承擔所有責任。在任何情況下,希慎市場推廣有限公司或希慎集團(「希慎」) 均不會負責或受理任何查詢或投訴,亦不牽涉於任何相關爭議。
5. 此優惠須受此條款及細則及xx及有關參與商戶的其他條款及細則約束。恒生銀行有限公司(「恒生」)、xx及有關參與商戶保留隨時更改或終止以上優惠及不時修訂優惠條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,恒生及xxxx最終決定權。
6. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律所管轄,並按照香港特別行政區法律詮釋。
7. 本條款及細則受現行監管規定約束。
8. 除客戶及xx/恒生(包括其繼承人及受讓人)以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
9. 本條款及細則之中英文文本如有任何歧異,概以英文本為準。額外條款及細則:
10. 客戶必須以合資格恒生信用卡於利園區(包括利園一至六期、希慎廣場、利舞臺廣場、禮頓中心、希慎道壹號 I.T HYSAN ONE 或利園其他商舖(xxx 00 x或白沙道 12 號) ,消費滿指定金額,即可享優惠之簽賬獎賞(「優惠」),詳情如下:
[利園網站(xxxxx:// 列明「非指定零售商戶」除外]
獎賞 | 同日電子貨幣消費淨值 (最多 2 xxx單據正本) | 利園區電子優惠禮券獎賞 |
基本獎賞^ | 每滿 HKD5,000 | HKD250 利園區電子優惠禮券 (每次最多可換領 HKD1,000 利園區電子優惠禮券) (1 x HKD50 – 餐飲電子優惠禮券, 2 x HKD100 – 購物及餐飲電子優惠禮 券) |
額外獎賞 | HKD50,000 或以上 | HKD1,000 利園區電子優惠禮券 |
(5 x HKD100 – 餐飲電子優惠禮券, 5 x HKD100 – 購物及餐飲電子優惠禮 券) |
^累積合資格簽賬淨值每滿 HKD5,000 可獲HKD250 利園區電子優惠禮券,每滿 HKD10,000 可獲HKD500 利園區電子優惠禮券,如此類推,每次最多可獲 HKD1,000 利園區電子優惠禮券。
11. 基本獎賞及額外獎賞必須同時換領,每位客戶每日只可換領一次(每次最多可換領合共 HKD2,000 利園區電子優惠禮券);整個推廣期內最多可換領三次(最多可換領合共 HKD6,000 利園區電子優惠禮券)。
12. Apple、挑戰者、希慎廣場地下(啟超道入口)、希慎廣場一樓中庭、利舞臺廣場地面正門之期間限定店、臨時展銷攤位及利園網站 (xxxxx:// 列明「非指定零售商戶」所發出之收據恕不接受。
13. 每套消費滿港幣指定金額之即日正本機印消費單據連相符之合資格恒生信用卡付款存根正本,最多可換領一項指定獎賞乙次,獎賞換領後不得更換。xx有權影印該單據及存根,以作作內部行政及稽核之用。個人資料之保存的時間將不超過完成上文所述的用途所需的時間,而有關資料在完成用途後將會被銷 毀。
14. 以上換領活動只接受合資格恒生信用卡消費以及合資格流動支付交易,包括使用已成功加入恒生認可的 Apple Pay、Google Pay™、Samsung Pay 及雲閃付 App
(支付寶、WeChat Pay HK 及恒生 MPOWER 卡/ 恒生 MMPOWER World Mastercard®卡流動支付除外) 之合資格恒生信用卡並使用流動支付服務之簽賬。其他付款方法,包括現金、八達通、易辦事、恒生 MPOWER 卡/ 恒生 MMPOWER World Mastercard®卡流動支付、恒生信用卡+FUN Dollars、支付
寶、WeChat Pay HK、Tap & Go 拍住賞、現金券、商戶儲值卡或會員積分、商場或商戶優惠券等概不接受。希慎有權要求使用 Apple Pay、Google Pay™、 Samsung Pay 及雲閃付 App 的顧客開啟其所使用的流動支付服務程式,以拍照存檔及作換領稽核之用。
15. 客戶每次可出示最多 2 張由利園區(包括利園一至六期、希慎廣場、利舞臺廣 場、禮頓中心、希慎道壹號 I.T HYSAN ONE、利園其他商舖(xxx 00 x或白沙道 12 號)之參與商戶即日發出的電子收據、相關的付款存根之正本及合資格恒生信用卡或已成功加入恒生認可的 Apple Pay、Google Pay™、Samsung Pay 及雲閃付 App 之手機裝置(恒生 MPOWER 卡/ 恒生MMPOWER World Mastercard®卡流動支付除外),於消費當日親臨希慎廣場一樓/利舞臺廣場一樓/利園一期一樓 (開放時間: 每日上午 11 時正至晚上 10 時 30 分) 換領獎賞,逾期恕不接受。(除顧客之消費交易單據於晚上 10 時 15 分後印發,客戶可於翌日內帶同該商戶單據正本及電子貨幣存根正本換領獎賞,最後活動日期除外。) Club Avenue 之會員於消費當日可到利園一期三樓貴賓室/或利園二期地下 Club Avenue 會員專櫃換領獎賞(開放時間: 每日中午 12 時至晚上 8 時) (除客戶之消費交易單據於晚上 7 時 45 分後印發,客戶可於翌日內帶同該商戶單據正本及電子貨幣存根正本換領獎賞,最後活動日期除外) 。
16. 已取消、退款、換貨或因換貨而衍生之額外交易、偽造、欺詐或未誌帳的交易恕不接受。適用的消費並不包括商戶/餐廳小費、繳交公共事務費用、八達通自動增值金額或交易、寫字樓租戶消費、未誌賬/未經許可之交易、任何沒有信
17. 客戶必須保留所有合資格簽賬的簽賬存根或正式交易紀錄的正本。如有任何爭議,恒生銀行有限公司(「恒生」)及主辦單位或會隨時要求客戶提供有關存
根、交易紀錄及/或其他證據,以作核實並保存。恒生及主辦單位有權就不合資格之交易(包括但不限於恒生MPOWER 卡/ 恒生 MMPOWER World Mastercard®卡流動支付之簽賬交易) 取消有關已獲獎賞之資格及於相關信用卡賬戶內直接扣除或索回與獎賞等值之金額。
18. 客戶必須親身換領簽賬獎賞,恕不接受商戶員工或其他第三者換領。
19. 所有獎賞會以電子禮券方式發送至Xxx Gardens 手機應用程式內的「我的錢
包」,客戶必須下載 Xxx Gardens 手機應用程式及登記成為Xxx Gardens Club 會員方可開啟並使用電子優惠禮券。有關使用 Xxx Gardens 手機應用程式及登記成為 Xxx Gardens Club 會員須受希慎條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽Xxx Gardens手機應用程式。
20. 使用電子優惠禮券時產生的額外消費須以合資格恒生信用卡簽賬。
21. 利園一期、利園二期、利園三期、利園五期、利園六期、希慎廣場、利舞臺廣場、禮頓中心、希慎道壹號或利園其他商舖(xxx 00 x或白沙道 12 號)的商戶員工均不得換領簽賬獎賞。
22. xxxxxx及商戶的條款及細則約束,有關使用電子優惠禮券詳情請瀏覽希慎網站及商戶的條款及細則或直接與商戶聯繫。
23. 利園區電子優惠禮券只適用於利園區指定零售商戶及食肆,店舖名單或資料如有更改,恕不另行通知。所有電子優惠禮券不可與其他利園區禮券/電子禮券/商戶電子現金券同時使用,有效期為發出後起計一個月內有效,逾期不作補 發。有關優惠禮券的詳細條款及細則,請參閱優惠禮券或向相關指定商戶查 詢。
24. 所有獎賞數量有限,先到先得,換罄後換領活動將即時終止而不會另行通知。
25. 所有獎賞不可轉讓,及兌換現金、其他貨品或服務,使用時亦不設找贖或退款。
26. 本電子優惠禮券之金額不可用作登記積分或換領利園區的現金券/禮品/免費泊車優惠。
27. 簽賬獎賞會以電子優惠禮券方式向客人發出。於使用電子優惠禮券時,系統會通過電話短訊方式發出一次性密碼。電子優惠禮券需以附有瀏覽互聯網功能及已安裝Xxx Gardens 應用程式的智能手機 (iOS 或 Android) 開啟。
28. 客戶須提供正確流動電話號碼,否則xx將不會為任何資料錯誤導致電子優惠
29. 有關電子優惠禮券須經希慎驗證簽發方為有效。
30. 有關電子優惠禮券只可使用一次。
31. 有關電子優惠禮券不可更改,亦不可兌換或其他任何面值之優惠券,使用時亦不設找贖或退款。
32. 簽賬獎賞如有損毀、遺失、被使用、開封或遭盜竊,xx及商戶均不會接受顧客退還及退款,希慎概不承擔任何責任。已損毀之簽賬獎賞及其掃瞄或影印
Terms and Conditions of "Hang Seng Credit Card Xxx Gardens Winter Exclusive Privileges"
General Terms and Conditions:
1. The promotion period is valid from 7 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 ("Promotion Period"), while stocks last.
2. To enjoy the Offers, customers must settle the payment with Hang Seng Credit Card, Affinity Card, Commercial Card, Business Card or Spending Card but excluding USD Visa Gold Card, Renminbi Credit Card, UnionPay RMB Diamond Commercial Card, e-shopping Mastercard and Private Label Cards (“Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card(s)”). Offers are not applicable to Mobile Payment with Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard®, while physical card transactions with Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard® will be counted as eligible.
3. Offers are applicable to Hang Seng UnionPay Credit Card Customers only at merchants accepting UnionPay Credit Card for payment.
4. All products and services are directly sold and supplied to customers by the respective participating merchants. The respective participating merchants shall be solely responsible for all related obligations and liabilities. All enquiries, claims and complaints whatsoever by customers regarding the provision of products and services shall be directed to the relevant participating merchants and under no circumstances will Hysan Marketing Services Limited or the Hysan Group of companies (collectively, “Hysan”) be liable for or entertain any enquiry or complaint nor be a party to any such dispute.
5. This promotion is governed by these terms and conditions and other terms and conditions stipulated by Hysan and the respective participating merchants. Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”), Hysan and the respective merchants reserve the right to vary or terminate the Offers and to amend the terms and conditions thereof from time to time. In case of dispute, the decision of Hang Seng, Xxxxx and/or the respective participating merchants shall be final.
6. These terms and conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
7. These terms and conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
8. No person other than the customers and Hysan/Hang Seng (which includes its respective successors and assignees) will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provision of these terms and conditions.
9. The English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail whenever there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.
Additional Terms and Conditions:
10. To enjoy offer (“Offer”) in the Xxx Gardens Area (including Xxx Garden One to Six, Hysan Place, Xxx Theatre Plaza, Leighton Centre, One Hysan Avenue (I.T HYSAN ONE) or Xxx Gardens Neighbourhood (25 Lan Fong Road or 12 Pak Sha Road), customers are required to spend with their Eligible Hang Seng Credit Cards. Details are as follows:
[Merchants specified as "Non-designated Retail Merchants" on Xxx Gardens website (xxxxx:// shall be excluded.]
Rewards | Same-day Net Spending by Electronic Payment (Maximum 2 original machine-printed receipts) | Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupon Rewards |
Basic Reward^ | Every HKD5,000 | HKD250 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupon (A maximum of HKD1,000 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons could be redeemed each time) (1 x HKD50 – Dining e-Coupon, 2 x HKD100 – Shopping & Dining e-Coupon) |
Bonus Reward | HKD50,000 or above | HKD1,000 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupon (5 x HKD100 – Dining e-Coupon, 5 x HKD100 – Shopping & Dining e-Coupon) |
^Customers can redeem HKD250 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons upon accumulated net eligible spending amount HKD5,000, and HKD500 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons upon accumulated net eligible spending amount HKD10,000, and so on. Each customer can redeem once only per day, and a maximum of HKD1,000 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons could be redeemed each time.
11. Basic Rewards and Bonus Rewards must be redeemed at the same time. Each customer can redeem rewards once only per day (a maximum of HKD2,000 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons could be redeemed); and can redeem rewards three times throughout the entire promotion period (a maximum of HKD6,000 Xxx Gardens Area e-Coupons could be redeemed).
12. Receipts from Apple, Challenger, pop-up stores or pop-up bazaars at G/F (Kai Chiu Road) Hysan Place, the 1/F Atrium at Hysan Place and the G/F Piazza at Xxx Theatre Plaza and merchants specified as "Non-designated Retail Merchants" on Xxx Gardens website (xxxxx:// will NOT be accepted.
13. Each set of original same-day machine-printed receipt with matching electronic payment sales slip of the same Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card can only be used once for a designated reward redemption, and no exchange will be available afterwards. Hysan reserves the right to photocopy receipt(s) and payment sales slip(s) for internal administration, auditing and verification purposes. Personal data collected will be retained only as long as necessary for the above purposes and will be destroyed afterwards.
14. The redemption is valid only for electronic payment with Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card. The redemption is also valid for eligible Mobile Payment Transactions, including any transactions settled by Mobile Payment Services with Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card(s) registered to Apple Pay, Google Pay™, Samsung Pay and UnionPay App and recognized by Hang Seng (excluding Alipay, WeChat Pay HK and Mobile Payment with Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard®). Other modes of payment, including cash, Octopus, EPS, Mobile Payment with Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard®, Hang Seng credit card +FUN dollar, Alipay, WeChat Pay HK, Tap & Go, cash coupons, merchant stored-value cards or membership points, mall or merchant coupons will NOT be accepted. Hysan reserves the right to request that Apple Pay, Google Pay™, Samsung Pay and UnionPay App users to open the corresponding mobile app for photo record and verification purposes for rewards redemption.
15. A maximum of 2 original same-day electronic receipts and corresponding matching payment sales slips issued by the participating merchants in the Xxx Gardens Area (Xxx Garden One - Six, Hysan Place, Xxx Theatre Plaza, Leighton Centre, One Hysan Avenue (I.T HYSAN ONE), or Xxx Gardens Neighbourhood (25 Lan Fong Road or 12 Pak Sha Road)) and the same Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card with the payment sales slips or mobile devices with Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card(s) registered to Apple Pay, Google Pay™, Samsung Pay and UnionPay App (excluding Mobile Payment with Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World
Mastercard®) and recognized by Hang Seng must be presented in person at the designated counters on the same day of purchase. Only redemption on the day of spending is accepted, except where the relevant sales transaction takes place after 10:15pm, entitling the shopper to redeem the rewards on the next day (except the last day of the Promotion Period). The designated counters are the concierges located at 1/F Hysan Place, 1/F Xxx Theatre Plaza and 1/F Xxx Garden One, which are open daily between 11:00am-10:30pm, Club Avenue members can redeem the rewards at the Club Avenue lounge on 3/F Xxx Garden One and G/F Service Counter, Xxx Garden Two (open from 12:00pm –8:00pm daily) on the same day as purchase. Only redemption on the day of spending is accepted, except where the relevant sales transaction takes place after 7:45pm, entitling the shopper to redeem the rewards on the next day (except the last day of the promotion).
16. Receipts for any cancelled, refunded, exchanged, or derived from an exchange, forged, fraudulent or unsettled transactions will NOT be accepted. Applicable transactions do not include tips for merchants/restaurants, utility bill payments, Octopus automatic add-value service amounts or transactions, office tenant transactions, unposted/unauthorized transactions, transactions without credit card sales slips/merchant sales receipts such as online purchases, mail/fax/phone orders, internet purchases or charity donations, use/purchase of merchant vouchers or cash coupons, bank services, telecommunications services, car parks, stored-value cards or any value-added-to or transactions by stored-value cards. Handwritten receipts, standalone credit card sales slips, reprinted or photocopied receipts, damaged receipts, deposit receipts (including partially or fully paid), receipts for purchasing or using cash or gift vouchers/coupons, and bill payment receipts will NOT be accepted.
17. Customers have to keep all original sales slips/credit card slips of the eligible transactions. In case of dispute, Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) and Hysan may at any time ask customers to submit these slips, and/or further documents or evidence for inspection and Hang Seng and Hysan may keep them. Hang Seng and Hysan reserve the right to cancel the eligibility of rewards and debit the amount equivalent to the rewards of corresponding ineligible transactions (including but not limited to mobile payment transactions made by Hang Seng MPOWER Card / Hang Seng MMPOWER World Mastercard®) from respective credit card account.
18. Customers must redeem rewards in person. Redemption by shop staff or third parties on behalf of customers will not be accepted.
19. All rewards will be delivered to customers in the form of an e-Coupon via My Wallet of Xxx Gardens App. Customers must download Xxx Gardens App and register as a Xxx Gardens Club member to access and use e-Coupons. Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the Xxx Gardens App and registration as Xxx Gardens Club Members, please refer to the Xxx Gardens App for details.
20. Customer must settle the transaction with Eligible Hang Seng Credit Card upon using the e- Coupon.
21. Staff from shops at Xxx Garden One, Xxx Garden Two, Xxx Garden Three, Xxx Garden Five. Xxx Garden Six, Hysan Place, Xxx Theatre Plaza, Leighton Centre, One Hysan Avenue or the Xxx Gardens Neighbourhood (25 Lan Fong Road or 12 Pak Sha Road) are NOT eligible to participate in the Offers.
22. Offer is subject to the specific terms and conditions of Hysan and respective participating merchants for the usage of e-Coupon. For details, please refer to Xxxxx’x website and respective participating merchants terms and conditions or contact the participating merchant directly.
23. Xxx Gardens e-Coupons are valid at designated shops and restaurants in Xxx Gardens Area only. The lists of participating shops and restaurants are subject to change without prior notice and without incurring liability. All e-coupons cannot be used in conjunction with other Xxx Gardens Area Coupons / e-Coupons / Merchant e-Vouchers. All e-Coupons valid for one
(1) month from the date of issue, and will not be reissued after expiry. Terms & Conditions
apply, please refer to the e-Coupon or contact the participating merchant directly for the details.
24. All offers are available on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last. Hysan shall have the right to terminate, extend or change the structure, benefits and other features of the redemption/Offer at its absolute discretion without prior notice and without incurring liability.
25. The e-Coupons cannot be altered or exchanged for cash or other certificates of any value. No change or refund will be given when using the e-Coupons.
26. All Xxx Gardens e-Coupons are not eligible for points registration or redemption of any cash coupons/gifts/free parking offers by the Xxx Gardens Area.
27. A one-time password will be delivered to customers via an SMS upon redeeming the e- Coupon. Internet access and a smartphone (iOS or Android) with the Xxx Gardens App installed are required to access the e-Coupon.
28. Customers shall ensure a correct mobile phone number is provided, otherwise Hysan shall not be responsible for any non-delivery arising therefrom, and the e-Coupon will not be re- issued.
29. The e-Coupons are valid only with the verification by Hysan.
30. The e-Coupons are valid for one-time use only.
31. The e-Coupon cannot be altered or transferred, or exchanged for cash or other certificates of any value. No change or refund will be given when using the e-Coupon. No exchanges or refunds will be provided once the e-Coupon is used.
32. No return and refund will be accepted by Xxxxx and the respective participating merchants if the redeemed shopping offers have been lost, damaged, or consumed, opened, or stolen, and Hysan shall not be liable for these incidents. Damaged, scanned or photocopied or non- original shopping offers will not be accepted. Hysan reserves the right to determine the validity, authenticity, and acceptability of the return for redeemed rewards.