Copyright Transfer and Authors Contribution Form for Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)
Copyright Transfer and Authors Contribution Form for
Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)
Article Title:
一、上述论文所有作者同意将本文著作权免费转让给《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》编辑部和上海交通大学,编辑部和上海交通大学对本文的部分或全部内容拥有版权,包括但不限于:汇编权,发行权,复制权,翻译权,信息网络传播权。作者保留作品的人身权利。编辑部和上海交通大学有权许可国内外文献检索系统和网络、数据库系统检索和收录;有权通过各种介质、媒体以及其他语言文字出版和使用本文的权利;以不违反中华人民共和国现行或以后出台的法律规定的方式使用本文。 二、《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》本刊使用知识共享许可协议 (Creative Commons),允许第三方用户按照署名 (BY)-非商业性使用 (NC)-禁止演绎 (ND) (简称CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) 的方式,在任何媒介以任何形式复制、传播本作品。只要遵守许可协议条款,许可人就无法收回这些权利。需要遵守的条件如下:使用者必须给出适当的署名,提供指向本许可协议的链接,同时标明是否对原始作品作了修改。可以用任何合理的方式来署名,但是不得以任何方式暗示许可人为其使用背书。不得将本作品用于商业目的。如果将作品再混合、转换,或者基于该作品创作,则不可以传播修改作品。 三、作者承诺本文为原创和第一次发表使用,无知识产权纠纷,无一稿多投,不涉及任何形式之保密义务。本文作者承诺承担一切违反义务和侵权责任。作者有权按照CC BY-NC-ND 4.0协议分享、使用文章。 四、本协议书自全部作者签字之日起生效,有效期同该论文著作权的保护期。若甲方论文最终未被乙方录用的,则本协议书自动失效。 1. Authors are required to transfer the copyright of the article free of charge to the editorial office of Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science (“the journal”) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The editorial office and the university have the copyright for part or all of the content of the submitted manuscript, including but not limited to, compilation, issuing, reproduction, translation and international distribution. Authors keep the personal rights of the article. The editorial office and the university have the right to license the indexation by any literature retrieval systems, networks or databases. The editorial office and the university also have the right to publish and use this article through various media and or through any other languages. The use of copyright shall comply with the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China. 2. Permitted third party reuse of the articles published by the journal is defined by the following user license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license allows reusers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the license terms below are followed:reusers must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made; reusers may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses the use; reusers may not use the material for commercial purposes; if reusers remix, transform, or build upon the material, they may not distribute the modified material. 3. The authors promise that this article is original and submitted for the first time and involves no intellectual property disputes, multiple submissions, and confidentiality obligations in any form. The authors of this article promise to bear all liabilities for breach of obligations and infringement. The authors have right to spread or make use of their article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. 4. This agreement will be valid from the date of signature by all authors, and the period of validity is the same as the period of protection of the copyright of the article. If the manuscript is not finally accepted by the editorial office, this agreement will automatically become invalid. |
序号 No. |
作者 Author |
单位 Institute |
贡献 Contribution |
签名 Signature |
国籍 Nationality |
第一作者 First Author |
通信 作者 Xxxxxx- ponding Author |
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单位意见: Recommendation by Institute:
xx/Stamp: 日期/Date:
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