四川航空股份有限公司《货物国际运输总条件》是依据《蒙特利尔公约》、《华沙公约》、《中华人民共和国民用航空法》、《中国民用航空货物国际运输规则》、《大型飞机公共航空运输承运人运行合格审定规则》(CCAR-121 部)、《危险品规则》等其他现行有效的相关法律、法规制订。
2017 年 12 月 01 日
目 录
第 一 章 定 义 … 01
第 二 章 适 用 范 围 03
第 三 章 货 物 托 运 04
第 四 章 航 空 货 运 单 … 07
第 五 章 运 价 、 运 费 和 其 他 费 用 … 08
第 六 章 货 物 运 送 09
第 七 章 货 物 交 付 12
第 八 章 特 种 货 物 运 输 … 14
第 九 章 包 机 运 输 15
第 十 章 索 赔 、 责 任 与 赔 偿 15
第 十 一 章 诉 讼 … 18
第 十 二 章 生 效 、 修 改 与 解 释 19
第 一 章 定 义
第一条 定义
(十四) 到付
(十六) 特别提款权(Special Drawing Right--SDR)”
1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(以下简称“华沙公约”);
1955 年 9 月 28 日在海牙签订的《修改 1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约的议定书》(以下简称“海牙议定书”);
1999 年 5 月 28 日在蒙特利尔签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(以下简称“蒙特利尔公约”)。
第二章 适用范围
第二条 适用范围
第三章 货物托运
第三条 一般要求
5.货物不致烦扰旅客。第四条 托运人的责任
第五条 货物包装
第六条 货物标记和标签
第七条 货物重量和尺寸
(一)货物重量以毛重计算,单位是千克,最小计量单位是 0.1 千克。
(二)如果每千克货物的体积超过 6000 立方厘米,其重量以每 6000
立方厘米折合 1 千克计算。
(四)每件货物包装的长、宽、高之和一般不得小于 40 厘米。小于该尺寸的货物,托运人应加大包装。
第八条 货物声明价值
(二)除另有约定外,每一份航空货运单的货物声明价值的最高限额不超过 10 万美元或者其等值货币。
(四)托运人办理的货物声明价值超过每公斤 19 特别提款权或者其等值货币的,应当支付声明价值附加费。
第九条 预订航班
第四章 航空货运单
第十条 航空货运单
第五章 运价、运费和其它费用
第十一条 运价
(二)运价的使用应当符合川航规定的运价使用条件。第十二条 运费和其它费用
2 仓储费;
第十三条 运费和其它费用的支付
第十四条 运价和其它费用的调整
第六章 货物运送
第十五条 货物收运
(一)川航收运货物应当遵守有关国际公约、国家的法律和规定。 1.根据有关国家法律和规定禁止运输的货物,川航不得收运。
第十六条 货物运输路线
第十七条 货物运输时限
第十八条 优先运输
第十九条 托运人变更运输的权利
第二十条 川航变更运输的权利
第二十一条 中止运输
第七章 货物交付第二十二条 货物到达通知
第二十三条 货物提取
(八)对于鲜活易腐货物发生变质、活体动物死亡以及货物可能危及飞机、人员和其它财产安全的,川航可以不预先通知托运人或者收货人而采取必要的处置措施,由此产生的费用,由收货人或者托运人支付。第二十四条 无法交付货物
(二)在下列情况下,川航有权把货物作为无法交付货物: 1.货物运达目的地站后 14 日内托运人仍未提取;
3.在储存货物满 30 天后,根据货物所在地国家法律和规定处置货
(六) 如果含有易腐物质的托运货物由于航班延误、无人提取、收货人拒绝接受货物或由于其他原因遭受变质的威胁,川航有权在不预先通知的情况下,采取一切合理措施,包括但不限于:
第八章 特种货物运输第二十五条 特种货物运输
第九章 包机运输第二十六条 包机运输
第十章 索赔、责任与赔偿
第二十七条 索赔
1.货物明显损坏或者部分丢失的,发现后立即至迟应当自收到货物之日起 14 日内以书面形式提出;
2.其它货物损失的,应当自收到货物之日起 14 日内以书面形式提
3.货物延误运输的,应当自货物处置权交给指定收货人起 21 日内以书面形式提出;
4.收货人提不到货物的,应当自航空货运单填写之日起 120 日内以书面形式提出。
第二十八条 承运人的责任
(四)对下列原因造成的货物毁灭、遗失、损坏,川航不承担责任: 1.货物本身的自然属性、质量或者缺陷;
第二十九条 赔偿
(二)未办理货物声明价值的货物,按照“华沙公约”、“海牙议定书”和“蒙特利尔公约”规定,川航的最高赔偿责任限额为每公斤 19 特别
提款权或 20 美元或等值货币。川航能够证明货物的实际损失低于每公
斤 19 特别提款权的,按实际损失赔偿。
第十一章 诉讼
第三十条 诉讼
第十二章 生效、修改与解释
第三十一条 生效
第三十二条 修改
Statement of the General Manager
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of Sichuan Airlines is developed in accordance with Montreal Convention, Civil Aviation Regulations on International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage, Operation Certification: Large Airplanes Air Carrier (CCAR-121), Dangerous Goods Regulations and other current applicable laws, rules and regulations.
General Conditions are one part of the contract of international cargo transport of Sichuan Airlines, the regulatory document at company level of Sichuan Airlines, and the described guidelines, policies, provisions and standards of international cargo transport are the tenet and criteria all staff and ground service agent must abide by in ticketing and ground service of international cargo transport. Each department and person engaged in international cargo transport, including branch, sales department, representative office and ground agent, must strictly follow and carry out the General Conditions.
The issuance of General Conditions will instruct and improve the standardization, normalization and programming of the international cargo transport of Sichuan Airlines, and ensure constant improvement of flight operation safety, regularity and service of Sichuan Airlines.
Sichuan Airlines
General Manager:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Definitions 01
Chapter 2 Applicability 04
Chapter 3 Cargo Shipping 05
Chapter 4 Air Waybill 10
Chapter 5 Rates, Freight Charges And Other Charges And Fees 11
Chapter 6 Shipment In Course Of Carriage 14
Chapter 7 Delivery of Shipment 19
Chapter 8 Carriage of Special Cargo 22
Chapter 9 Charters 24
Chapter 10 Claim, Liability and Indemnity 25
Chapter 11 Legal Action 30
Chapter 12 Effectiveness, Modification and Interpretation 31
Art. 1 Definitions
Except as otherwise provided herein, the implications of the below definitions in Conditions of International Carriage for Cargo of Sichuan Airlines hereinafter refers to:
Anything carried or to be carried in an aircraft except mail, and baggage carried under a passenger ticket and baggage check, but includes baggage moving under an air waybill.
Any transport in which, unless otherwise stipulated by the convention, according to the contract of transport by air between the parties, the place of departure, the place of destination or agreed stopping place, whether or not there be a break in the transport of a transshipment, is not situated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.
Xxxxxxx’x letter of instruction refers to the written file provided to the carrier, for the purpose of completing the air waybill when the consignor entrusts the carrier to fill in the air waybill.
The air waybill made out by or on behalf of the shipper which initially evidences the transport contract between the shipper and carrier(s) for carriage of goods on the flights of the carrier(s).
One or more packages, receipted for under a single air waybill, for carriage
to one consignee at one destination address.
Carrier refers to the air carrier including Sichuan Airlines that lists the airline code on the air waybill or the personnel or organization agrees to provide any services related to such air transport.
Any carrier who has concluded a contract of transport by air in his own name with a shipper.
Any carrier to whom the performance of the whole or part of the transport has been authorized by the contracting carrier.
The individual or organization specifically authorized to act in the name of or on behalf of carrier or shipper in relation to the carriage of cargo.
The person or organization whose name appears on the air waybill or shipment record, as the party contracting with carrier for the carriage of cargo.
(11) Consignee
The person or organization whose name appears in the consignee column of the air waybill, and the carrier instructs whom to deliver the shipment.
(12) DAYS
Days refer to calendar days, including Sunday and public holidays; the day on which the transport document is signed, the day of flight departure, or the day of publishing notice is not included when validity period is determined.
(13) Advance payment
It refers to all fees related to the cargo transport that the shipper needs to pay
for when shipping the cargo in line with the cargo transport contract.
(14) Freight to collect
It refers to the fees related to the cargo transport that the consignee needs to pay for when receiving the cargo.
(15) Charters
The shipper contracts all the shipping space of the aircraft to transport cargo.
(16) Special Drawing Right—SDR
It’s also called paper gold, which is a reserve asset and unit of account established by the International Monetary Fund.
(17) Continuous transport
It refers to the business that several carriers implement the transport in line with the Air Cargo Transport Contract, no matter it’s one contract or more than one contracts this business is a single transport that cannot be divided.
(18) Code sharing
The flight number (code) of one airlines can be used on the flight of another airlines.
(19) Convention
It refers to the following applicable documents.
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Warsaw Convention for short) signed at Warsaw on 12th, Oct. 1929. Revision of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air Signed At Warsaw On 12th, Oct. 1929 (Hague Convention for short) at Hague on 28th, Sept, 1955.
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention for short) signed at Montreal on 28th, May, 1999.
(20) Laws and rules
Refer to the laws and regulations of the departure country; transit country and destination country; the regulations and orders of the local authority and related rules of the carrier.
Art. 2 Applicability
(1) These conditions shall apply to the international carriage of cargo, including all services incidental thereto, performed by Sichuan Airline for remuneration.
(2) Unless otherwise specified by the law and rules, this will be followed by the air transport of cargo among China main land; Hongkong; Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Area.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in the conditions, contract and air waybill of gratuitous carriage, therse conditions shall also apply to the gratuitous carriage which accepted by Sichuan Airlines.
(4) With respect to carriage of cargo performed pursuant to a charter agreement, these conditions shall only apply to the conditions contained or referred to in such charter agreement and provisions of air waybill.
(5) In the event of contradiction or inconsistency between these conditions and the applicable laws or rates rules of Sichuan Airlines, the latter shall prevail. The rest provisions of these conditions shall remain effective.
(6) Except as otherwise provided, in case of divergence between these conditions and the provisions contained in the regulations of cargo transportation of Sichuan Airlines, these conditions shall prevail.
(7) As for the carriage of mail, follow the agreement and treaty between governments, if there is any. These conditions are not applicable.
(8) SCAL agent; employees or the representatives have no right to change, revise or abandon any items of this section.
(9) For some flight routes, Sichuan Airlines operates cargo transport or the cargo transport entrusted by other carrier through code-sharing flight. This means that even though the shipper books Sichuan Airlines’ flight and holds the air waybill of Sichuan Airlines, the cargo shipped may be actually transported by another carrier. Under this circumstance, these conditions are also applicable for cargo carriage.
Art. 3 General
(1) The Shipper is obligated to comply with applicable international conventions, national laws, government regulations of any country flown from, to, or over.
(2) Subject to national laws and government regulations of any country flown from, to, or over, the shipper shall be obligated to comply with the formalities required by customs and other government authorities.
(3) The shipper is obligated to comply with relevant regulations of SCAL related to the transportation of cargo.
(4) The cargo to be transported shall be in compliance with the following conditions:
1. The transportation, the exportation or importation thereof is not prohibited by the laws or regulations of any country to be flown from, to or over;
2. They are packed in a manner meeting the requirements of carriage by air;
3. They are accompanied by the requisite and effective shipping documents;
4. They are not likely to endanger aircraft , persons or property;
5. They are not likely to cause annoyance to passengers.
Art.4 Responsibilities of the Shipper
(1) The shipper shall be liable for any loss which may be caused thereby to SCAL or to any other person to whom SCAL is liable, by reason of the shipper’s violation of applicable laws, government regulations, orders and requirements.
(2) The shipper shall furnish such information and documents as am necessary to meet the formalities provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations before the cargo can be delivered to the consignee. The shipper shall be liable to SCAL for any damage occasioned by the absence, insufficiency or irregularity of any such information or documents, unless the damage is due to the fault of SCAL, his servants or agents.
SCAL is under no obligation to inquire into the correctness or sufficiency of required information or documents unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(3) The shipper shall learn about cargo carriage related regulations and requirements of Sichuan Airlines before shipment. The shipper shall be responsible for the losses of Sichuan Airlines or others due to his violation of these regulations or requirements.
(4) When shipper undertakes to lead a unit lead device (ULD) he must comply with SCAL' s loading instructions and shall be liable for and indemnify carrier against all consequences of any non - compliance with such instructions.
(5) Joint liability
a. The shipper is liable for paying off all the fees to SCAL. Ensure that fees the consignee rejected to pay for or cannot afford are paid, including collected freight; poundage of the collected freight; custody charge and etc. The shipper should also bear the cost that the cargo are transported back under his/her instruction.
2. The shipper should ensure to pay all the charges; fines and loss that SCAL and related carried borne, which are caused by the following reasons;
(1) There are prohibited goods in the cargo shipped.
(2) The restricted cargo does not satisfy the restriction condition.
(3) The label; number; address and package or the name of the shipper cargo are incorrect or incomplete.
(4) The loss; delay or error of the import and export license; the license or documents needed.
(5) The actual name; weight and size of the cargo shipper are not equivalent with thoses on the cargo freight sheet.
(6) The fines; detention or refusal to entry the emigration delivered by the local authority such as the custom; police or inspection and quarantine, which are caused by the shipped cargo or documents.
Art.5 Packing
(1) The shipper shall adopt appropriate materials for interior and exterior packagings and pack cargo in proper condition suitable for air transportation in accordance with the nature, weight of goods. As for the valuable cargo, currency and cash with the risk of being robbed or stole, the shipper shall adopt neutral packing which does not show the cargo contained inside.
(2) The shipper shall ensure that the packaging of consigned goods in course
of carriage would not be out of shape, damaged, dispersed and leaked, and the packaging would not cause personal injury, damage and pollute aircraft, equipment or other cargo, baggage, and mail.
(3) Each consignment must be packed with the material satisfying the laws and regulations of the country of departure, stop-over and destination during cargo shipment.
Art. 6 Marking and Labeling
(1) Each package must be marked on the outside of the package with information of airport of origin, destinations, name and address of shipper and consignee, and telephone number, etc.. The writing should be clear; legible and persistent. If the cargo shipped is dangerous goods, the shipper must mark on the outside of the package in line with the requirements of applicable law and regulations.
(2) For the carriage of cargo, identification label(s) shall be affixed or attached to each package.
(3) If the cargo shipper is special cargo then the special cargo label(s) and handling label(s) shall be affixed or placarded to the outside of the package according to the nature of goods.
(4) Any irrelevant mark(s) and label(s) already on the package reused shall be removed or obliterated to ensure fast, safe and accurate transport.
Art. 7 Weight and Dimension
(1) The unit of measurement of weight is kilogram, and the minimum rounding off unit is 0.1 kilogram.
(2) Consignments, the extreme dimensions of which result in an average of more than 6000 cubic centimeters per kilogram, shall be calculated with
6000 cubic centimeters equaling to 1 kilogram.
(3) SCAL may define the limits of weight and dimensions of cargo by routing, aircraft types, and airport facilities of origin, transit and destination.
(4) The sum of length, width and height for each package shall not be less than 40 centimeters. If the size is smaller than this , the shipper should amplify the package.
Art. 8 Declared Value
(1) Declared Value refers to a special declaration of interest which a shipper has made to Sichuan Airlines at the time when cargo was handed over in delivery at destination. The declared value should be filled in corresponding column of the cargo freight sheet.
(2) Except as otherwise provided, declared value for carriage of each air waybill shall not be in excess of USD 100,000 or its equivalent.
(3) The waybill will be effective after the signature of both sides. The shipper cannot propose any change for the declared value filled on the waybill.
(4) When the declared value exceeds 19 per kilogram SDRs or the equivalent money, the extra charge for the declared value should be paid.
(5) SCAL has the right to decide the value limit of the cargo. If the declared value of the cargo exceeds the limit stipulated by SCAL, XXXXxxxx request the shipper to exercise partial shipment or other safe measures. If the shipper does not exercise partial shipment or other safe measures, SCAL has the right to refuse the transport.
Art. 9 Reservation
Reservation shall be made in advance by the shipper if he consigns the
urgent goods, special cargo, and cargo needing special handling.
Art. 10 Air Waybill
(1) An air waybill shall comprise of three originals, and nine copies. The three originals bear on the reverse the conditions of contract and have the same validity. Original 1 shall be for the issuing carrier, Original 2 shall be for consignee, and Original 3 shall be for the shipper. Ail air waybill is a nonnegotiable document, and a negotiated air waybill shall be invalid.
(2) The shipper or his/her agent shall make out an air waybill, and shall deliver such air waybill to carrier simultaneously with the cargo. Upon the request of the shipper or his/her agent, the carrier may make out an air waybill, he shall be deemed, subject to proof to the contrary, to have done so on behalf of the shipper. After the waybill is filled, the shipper and SCAL should both sign or stamp before it come into force.
(3) The shipper is responsible for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the particulars and statements relating to the cargo which he inserts in the air waybill. The shipper shall indemnity the carrier against all damage suffered by him, or by any other person to whom the carrier is liable, by reason of the irregularity, incorrectness or incompleteness of the particulars and statements furnished by the shipper.
(4) Air Waybills, the writing on which bas been altered or erased, need not he accepted by carrier.
(5) If the particulars and statements inserted by shipper are incorrectness or incompleteness, SCAL may be authorized to complete or correct the air waybill or particulars or statements to its best ability without being under
any obligation to do so.
(6) Carrier has the right to require the shipper to make out separate air waybills when there is more than one package.
(7) If the package of the shipped cargo has obvious defect, the shipper should annotate it on the waybill clearly, or else SCAL will request the shipper to annotate it again on the waybill or authorize SCAL to revise or re-annotate for him/her. If the waybill delivered with the cargo does not cover all required details or the details are not correct, the shipper can authorize SCAL (SCAL has no obligation) to supplement or revise the waybill as far as possible.
Art. 11 Rates
(1) The Rate is the amount charged for the carriage from the airport of departure to the airport of destination of a unit of weight (kg. or lb. ).
(2) Rates will be used subject to the rules and conditions published in Sichuan Airlines's regulations and rate tariffs.
Art. 12 Freight Charges and Other Charges and fees
(l) The Freight Charges governed by these conditions are those duly published by carrier and in effect on the date of the issuance of the air waybill by SCAL, and it is the amount to be calculated by multiplying the applicable rate per kg/lb by the chargeable weight, excluding charges of
surface transportation, and other expenses between airport and municipal districts and between two airports at the same city.
(2) Other charges and fees refer to the money that needs to be paid to SCAL when the shipper consigns the cargo or the consignee receives the cargo, which refer to all other fees related to the cargo transport except for the air transport fees and the extra charge of the declared value. Unless otherwise declared, the charges and fees should include but not limited to the following:
1. Service of cargo claim; cargo delivery form or to the airport or the cargo station in downtown that SCAL provides service.
2. Storage fees.
3. Insurance fees.
4. Service fees of freight collect.
5. Customs charges.
6. The charges or fines that the responsible institute requests including the customs duty.
7. The charges caused by the fix (SCAL) of package which is not in good condition.
8. The fees of reloading the cargo or the transport fees caused by the return of cargo in other forms or return to the departure station.
9. Extra fees.
10. Other similar service or charges.
Art. 13 Payment of Freight Charges and Other Charges and Fees
(1) The payment for the charges and other charges shall be made in the currency acceptable to SCAL.
(2) All prepaid charges and other charges applicable to a prepaid shipment shall be paid by the shipper. Charges collect shipments will be accepted only when they are in full compliance with laws and regulations of state of destination and rules of SCAL. All charges and other charges collect to a collect shipment shall be paid by the consignee.
(3) Full applicable charges, whether prepaid or collect, and other charges shall be deemed fully earned by SCAL, whether or not the cargo is lost or damaged, or fails to arrive at the destination specified in the air waybill.
(4) The shipper shall also guarantee payment of all costs, expenditures, fines, penalties, loss of time, damage and other sums which SCAL may incur or suffer by reason of the inclusion in the shipment of articles the carriage of which is prohibited or restricted by law, or the illegal, incorrect or insufficient marking, numbering, addressing or packing of packages or descriptions of the cargo, or the absence, delay or incorrectness of any export or import license or any required certificate or document, or any improper customs valuation, or incorrect statement of weight or volume.
(5) SCAL shall have a lien on the cargo in the event of non-payment until the shipper or the consignee pays for the freight charges and other charges and fees. SCAL shall have the fight to dispose of the cargo in the case of non- payment, provided that prior to such disposition carrier shall inform the shipper or the consignee addressed in the air waybill.
Except as otherwise provided in the regulations of customs and other Government authorities, SCAL shall have the right to dispose of the cargo to be had a lien upon at public or private sale, and to pay itself out of the proceeds of such sale any and all such amounts. No such sale shall however, discharge any liability to pay any deficiencies, for which the shipper and the consignee shall remain jointly and severally liable.
(6) The shipper and the consignee shall guarantee payment of all charges, other charges, taxes, and advances of SCAL, and remains jointly and severally liable to indemnify such charges.
(7) SCAL may cancel the carriage or the delivery of the shipment upon refusal by the shipper to pay the charges and other charges.
Art. 14 Adjustments in rates and other charges
Rates and other charges, which have been adjusted, will not be applicable for the air waybill issued.
Art. 15 Acceptance of Cargo
(1) Carrier shall comply with applicable laws, government regulations, orders and requirements in the event of acceptance of cargo.
1. Carrier shall not accept the cargo prohibited by the applicable laws, government regulations, orders and requirements.
2. Carrier shall not accept the cargo which needs to accomplish the formalities of quarantine and inspection required by applicable laws and government regulations, orders and requirements before these formalities have not been fulfilled.
3. Sichuan Airlines will not accept the shipment which is out of handling capability and storage capability of Sichuan Airlines.
(2) Sichuan Airlines will implement security check over shipped cargo as per regulations of administrative authority. When necessary, Sichuan Airlines will open the case to check the cargo and related documents or files, and the
shipper has the obligation to assist Sichuan Airlines. Sichuan Airlines reserves the right to implement security check over the cargo consigned, cargo packaging, and related documents and files, but Sichuan Airlines shall be under no obligation to implement compulsory check.
Carrier shall implement a security inspection or maintain other security procedures.
Art. 16 Routings
(1) Carrier shall undertake to carry the cargo with reasonable and rapid dispatch.
(2) Carrier assumes no obligation to carry the cargo by any specified aircraft or over any particular route or routes, or to make connections at any point according to any particular schedule, notwithstanding that the same may be stated in the air waybill.
Art. 17 Cargo Transportation Time Limits
(1) To ensure that shipped cargo can be timely transported, the shipper shall predetermine transport flight and date with Sichuan Airlines. With no special reasons (such as government acts and force majeure, etc.), if the shipper has agreed with Sichuan Airlines on the transport flight and date or transport time limit and so indicated in the air waybill, Sichuan Airlines shall carry the cargo as per agreements; with no agreements achieved, Sichuan Airlines shall carry the cargo within the reasonable time limits in accordance with the sequence of receiving shipped cargo..
(2) Carrier may determine the sequence of dispatch on the basis of the time agreed with the shipper or in the order of acceptance of the cargo.
(3) Times shown in xxxxxxx'x timetables or elsewhere are approximate and
not guaranteed, and form no part of the contract of carriage, and not regard as the time of commencement and accomplishment of the carriage and delivery of cargo thereto.
Art. 18 Precedence of Transportation
(1) Subject to applicable government laws, regulations and orders, SCAL is authorized to determine the priority of carriage as between shipments, and as between cargo and mail or passengers. When necessary, SCAL can continue the flight without transporting any cargo or part of the cargo.
(2) If as a result of determining such priority prescribed in the preceding paragraph of this Article, cargo is not carried or carriage thereof is postponed or delayed or if any articles are removed from a shipment, SCAL will not be liable to shipper or consignee or to any other party for any consequences therefore.
(3) In the event of determining such priority, SCAL shall consider profits of the shipper and arrange reasonable carriage for the cargo postponed or delayed.
(4) In order to avoid damage or danger and with the permit of the customs, SCAL can leave the cargo at any possible location or storage place during the transport meanwhile notify the shipper or consignee. Associated fees should be paid by the shipper and consignee. SCAL can also deliver the cargo to other carrier to continue the transport to the destination.
Art. 19 Xxxxxxx'x Right of Disposition
(1) Subject to his liability to carry out all his obligations under the contract of transport of cargo by air, the shipper shall have the right to dispose of the
cargo by withdrawing them at the airport of departure or destination, or by stopping them in the course of the journey on any landing, or by calling for them to be delivered at the place of departure, or in the course of the journey to a person other than the consignee named in the air waybill, or by requiring them to be returned to the airport of departure; provided that the shipper must not exercise this right of disposition in such a way as to prejudice SCAL or other shippers and he must repay any expenses occasioned by the exercise of this right, provided also that every exercise of the right of disposition must he applicable to the whole shipment under a single air waybill or a single shipment record.
(2) The fight of disposition must he exercised fully in compliance with applicable laws, government regulations, orders, and requirements of concerned countries, otherwise, SCAL shall refuse to carry out the orders.
(3) Instructions as to disposition must be given in writing with presenting the original air waybill (for shipper) to SCAL.
(4) If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the shipper SCAL must so inform him forthwith.
(5) The shipper should bear the costs incurred in exercising its right of cargo disposal and shall be responsible for the losses caused to Sichuan Airlines or other carriers due to the implementation of cargo disposal.
Art. 20 SCAL's Right of Disposition
(1) To ensure timely transport of the cargo shipped, SCAL may change the flight, the route or routes, type of aircraft or carrier specified on the air waybill under the case that it is unable to or there is not enough time to inform the shipper.
(2) SCAL reserves the right, without notice, to cancel, terminate, divert,
rearrange or postpone any flight, or to proceed with any flight without all or any part of the cargo because of following factors.
1. Government regulations, instructions or requirements;
2. Force majeure, including but not restricted to weather, disturbance, political turmoil, embargo, war, curfew, strike, sabotage, unstable international situation, terrorism acts or the war or warning against terrorism acts from government, etc.
(3) To achieve reasonable transport, SCAL is authorized to carry the consignment without notice wholly or partly by any means of surface transportation or to arrange such carriage.
(4) To ensure flight safety or to follow laws and regulations, SCAL may decide to remove some or all articles consigned from a shipment, at any time or place whatsoever, and to proceed with the flight without them.
(5) SCAL shall give prompt notice to the shipper or to the consignee in the event of exercising the right of disposition.
(6) Unless otherwise stipulated by laws, Sichuan Airlines shoulders no responsibility for the cargo which is cancelled or rearranged or finally unloaded at other places other than destination airport, or the cargo carriage is cancelled, rearranged, proceeded with carriage or terminated due to factors stated in item (2).
Art. 21 Suspension of Carriage
(1) Carrier reserves the right to terminate the carriage of any cargo if carrier reasonably determines in good faith that the carriage of the cargo is in violation of any applicable law, government regulation, demand, order or requirement. The shipper shall be liable for any consequences therefore. SCAL may hand the cargo over to the competent authority if necessary.
The shipper may at his own expense dispose of the cargo which is so terminated by requiring SCAL to return it to the airport of departure if it is prepared fully in compliance with air transportation conditions.
(2) Cargo which, because of inherent defect, quality or vice or because of defective packing, is likely to endanger aircraft, persons or property may be transferred or destroyed by SCAL without notice any time at any place. Sichuan Airlines shoulders no responsibility.
Art. 22 Notice of Arrival
Notice of shipment arrival will be sent to the consignee promptly by SCAL, which will be sent by ordinary methods such as phone call or written paper. SCAL is not liable for non-receipt or delay in receipt of such notice which is not caused by SCAL.
Art. 23 Delivery of shipment
(1) The shipper' s right of disposition shall cease at the moment when, after arrival of the cargo at the destination, the consignee takes possession or requests delivery of the cargo or air waybill, or otherwise shows his acceptance of the cargo. Nevertheless, if the consignee declines to accept the air waybill or the cargo, or if he cannot be communicated with, such right of disposition shall continue to vest in the shipper.
(2) Except as otherwise specifically provided in the air waybill, delivery of the shipment will be made only to the consignee named therein.
(3) Except as otherwise provided, the consignee must accept delivery of and collect the shipment at the place designated by SCAL.
(4) In the case of loss or damage, delay to goods, the person entitled to delivery may make a complaint to SCAL forthwith at the time of delivery. After being examined and confirmed by both sides, as per actual situations, every complaint must be made in writing upon the air waybill or by filling in Report to Damage or Loss with signing or sealing by both sides. This record can be regarded as the evidence for the consignee to lodge a claim to Sichuan Airlines afterward.
(5) Receipt by the person entitled to delivery of the cargo without complaint is prima facie evidence that the same has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage.
(6) Delivery to the consignee shall be deemed to have been effected, when the shipment has been delivered to customs or other government authorities as required by applicable State laws and regulations. Under these circumstances, the consignee or shipper will be notified.
(7) By accepting delivery of the air waybill and/or the shipment the consignee shall become liable for payment of all costs and charges in connection with the carriage. Unless otherwise agreed the shipper shall not be released from his own liability for these costs and charges and will remain jointly and severally liable with the consignee. SCAL may make delivery of the shipment or the air waybill conditional upon payment of these costs and charges.
(8) SCAL may take necessary measures of disposal without notice at the cost of the shipper, when the perishables become deteriorated, or live animals become dead, or any cargo which is likely to endanger aircraft, persons or property.
Art. 24 Disposal of Non-Delivery Cargo
(1) If the consignee refuses or fails to take delivery of the shipment within the prescribed period after its arrival at the airport of destination, SCAL will endeavor to comply with any instructions of the shipper set forth on the face of the air waybill, or in the shipment record. If such instructions are not so set forth or cannot reasonably be complied with, SCAL shall notify the shipper of the consignee's failure to take delivery and request his instructions.
(2) SCAL may take measures in accordance with the provisions set forth in carrier's regulations applicable to the disposition of non-delivery cargo in the following cases:
1.failure to take delivery of the shipment within 14 days of receipt of consignment at destination;
2.refusal of consignee to accept delivery or to pay the relevant payments incurred;
3.failure to notify the consignee at the address stated in the air waybill.
(3) SCAL will take the following methods to handle the cargo which cannot be delivered.
1. Notify the departure station, which should ask for handling comments from the shipper, and handle the cargo in line with the comments put forward by the shipper.
2. Send the cargo back to the departure station and wait for the instruction of the shipper.
3. When the storage period reaches 30 days, the cargo should be handled in line with the laws and regulations of the local country.
4. Exercise a public auction of all the cargo or part of the cargo. SCAL has the right to compensate the transport cost; fees; prepaid charges and fees
caused by the auction for itself; the third party carrier or other legal claim settlement. All these charges should be paid by the shipper or the consignee and the auction of the cargo does not relieve the responsibility of the shipper and the consignee to pay the difference.
(4) SCAL should notify the handling result to the shipper after it handles the cargo, which cannot be delivered, in line with the laws and regulations.
(5) The shipper should pay for all the charges and fees caused by the cargo, which cannot be delivered, including the fees caused by the transport of the cargo back to the destination station and the consignee should have joint liability.
(6) If the cargo consisting perishable goods faces deterioration due to the flight delay; unclaimed cargo; the consignee refuses to collect the cargo or other reasons, SCAL has the right to take all reasonable measures without previous notice, which are included but not limited to the following:
1. Request handling comments of the shipper and handle the cargo in line with the comments of the shipper, who should pay for all the fees.
2. Destroy or abandon all the cargo or part of the cargo.
3. Exercise proper handling of the cargo without advance notice on the basis that the shipper will bear all the risks. If the cargo will be sold off or exercise an auction, the revenue will be used to settle all the cost and fees of SCAL.
Art. 25 Carriage of Special Cargo
(l) Shipments to be termed as "Special Cargo",which SCAL accept, refer to dangerous goods, live animals, perishables, valuable cargo, and human
remains, etc..
(2) When the shipper undertakes to deliver special cargo, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply. In respect of cases which are not regulated by this Chapter, other related provisions of these Conditions may apply. Regulations about special cargo transport of related country and SCAL should be followed.
(3) The carriage of special cargo must be in compliance with the conditions set forth in SCAL's regulations applicable to the carriage of special cargo. The shipper shall be liable to and indemnify SCAL or any other person to whom SCAL is liable for all damage occasioned by non-observance of the regulations aforementioned.
(4) The special cargo must be packed in accordance with the provisions in SCAL's regulations applicable to the packing requirements of special cargo.
(5) Special cargo is acceptable only under SCAL's approval, and arrangement must be made in advance.
(6) The shipper and the consignee shall deliver and take delivery of special cargo at the place designated by SCAL.
(7) The carriage of special cargo whose nature is of more than one class or division shall be in compliance with the regulations of the respective class or division simultaneously.
(8) With respect of carriage of special cargo, SCAL shall comply with regulations of special cargo on the basis of observance of the conditions relating to the carriage of general cargo.
Art. 26 Charters
(1) The charterer may apply to SCAL for chartered flights, a charter agreement is signed therewith by both sides.
(2) Both the charterer and SCAL shall undertake their respective responsibilities, rights, and obligations prescribed in a charter agreement except for any reason beyond their control or not reasonably to be foreseen, anticipated, and predicted.
(3) The Shipper's Letter of Instruction and the Air Waybill shall be filled out for each chartered flight as documentary evidences of the carriage.
(4) The charterer and SCAL may determine whether attendants will be needed according to the nature of goods. The attendants will purchase tickets by the charter agreement and go through the prescribed check- in and boarding formalities.
(5) In the event of modification to the charter agreement, the charterer shall pay to SCAL the relevant charges occurred in carrying out the charter agreement.
(6) Any space of the chartered flights may be fully utilized by the charterer, nevertheless the maximum allowable traffic loads must not be exceeded. If SCAL needs to utilize the unused space of the chartered flight, he shall consult with the charterer.
Art. 27 Claim
(1) In the case of damage or delay to goods, a complaint is made to SCAL in writing by the shipper or the consignee.
Such complaint shall be made within the periods prescribed in the following paragraphs:
in the case of visible damage to or partial loss of the goods, immediately after its discovery and at the latest within fourteen (14) days in written form from the date of receipt of the goods;
in the case of other damage to the goods, within fourteen (14) days in written form from the date of receipt of the goods;
in the case of delay, within twenty-one (21) days in written form from the date on which the goods were placed at the disposal of the person entitled to delivery;
In the case of non-delivery of the goods, within one hundred and twenty
(120) days in written form of the date of issue of the air waybill.
(2) Every complaint must be made in writing upon the document of transport or by separate notice dispatched within the periods prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(3) Failing to make complaint within the periods provided in paragraph 1 of this Article, the consignee or the shipper shall be deprived of the fight to claim compensation from SCAL, save in the case of fraud on the part of SCAL.
(4) For the claimed settlement which does not meet the convention; laws and
regulations, SCAL should give a clear reply to the shipper within specified time limit.
Art. 28 Carrier' s Liability
(1) SCAL shall be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to any cargo, if the occurrence took place during the transport by air, excepted for the liability which SCAL is excluded by convention; laws and regulations. The "period of the transport by air" refers to the whole period during which file checked cargo is in the charge of SCAL, whether in an airport or on board a civil aircraft, or, in the case of a landing outside the airport, in any place whatsoever.
(2) SCAL shall be liable for damage occasioned by delay in the transport by air of cargo; provided that SCAL is not liable if he proved that he and his servants or agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that was impossible for him or them to take such measures.
(3) SCAL is not responsible for the direct or indirect loss caused by force majeure or the case that the convention; laws and regulations are followed. When the shipped cargo is subject to certain kind of cargo that SCAL prohibited or against appropriate law and regulations, SCAL will refuse to transport and will not be responsible for this.
(4) SCAL is not liable if he proves that the destruction or less of, or damage to, the cargo resulted solely from one or more of the following:
1. Inherent defect, quality or vice of that cargo;
2. Defective packing of that cargo performed by a person other than SCAL or his servants or agents;
3. Internal articles short or damaged with perfect packaging and sealing marks unchanged;
4. Rational spoilage of goods;
5. An act of war or an armed conflict;
6. An act of public authority carried out in connection with the entry, exit or transit of the cargo.
7. Force majeure.
(5) Carrier shall not be liable for any consequential damage sustained in the event of destruction or loss of, or damage to, or delay in the carriage of cargo.
(6) SCAL is not liable for the decay or deterioration of the cargo due to the change of weather; temperature or altitude or other normal cases or the transport time is within the due date.
(7) SCAL will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising from death due to natural causes or death or injury of any animal caused by the conduct or acts of the animal itself or of other animals such as biting, kicking, goring or smothering, nor for that caused or contributed to by the condition, nature or propensities of the animal, or by defective packing of the animal, or by the inability of the animal to withstand unavoidable changes in its physical environment inherent in the carriage by air.
(8) SCAL is not liable for any damage, delay or loss in connection with the carriage of cargo with attendants, unless such damage, delay or loss is proved to have been caused by the default of SCAL In no event will SCAL be liable for death or injury to an animal attendant caused or contributed to by the condition, conduct or acts of animals.
(9) In the transport of cargo, if the carrier proves that the destruction, loss, damage or delay was caused by or contributed to the fault of the person claiming compensation, or the person from whom he derived his right, SCAL shall he wholly or partly exonerated from his liability in accordance
with the extent of the fault that caused or contributed to such damage.
(10) SCAL is not liable for any loss or damage arising from the exercise of shipper's right of disposition, unless such loss or damage is proved to have been caused by the willful default of SCAL.
(11) Sichuan Airlines issuing an air waybill for carriage over the lines of another carrier does so only as agent for such other carrier. Sichuan Airlines shall not he liable for the destruction, loss, damage or delay of cargo occurring on other carrier's lines.
(12) Unless otherwise stated, SCAL is not liable for the indirect loss caused by the damaged cargo or caused by the transport under this condition including the loss of turnover; profits; interest or income; missed opportunities; currency risk; reduction of output or administrative punishment and etc. , no matter whether SCAL knows about the possibility of above-mentioned loss.
(13) Whenever the liability of SCAL is excluded or limited under these conditions, such exclusion or limitation shall apply to agents, servants or representatives of SCAL and also to any carrier whose aircraft of other means of transportation is used for carriage.
(14) Carriage to be performed under one contract of carriage by several successive carriers is regarded as a single operation. In the case of transport to be performed by various successive carriers, each carrier shall be deemed to be one of the contracting parties to the contract of transport, and assume liability in so far as that part of the transport is concerned which is performed by it in accordance with the contract.
Art. 29 Indemnity
SCAL’s extent of liability is decided by the applicable convention and law. T
he following items are applicable unless otherwise stated by the applicable c onvention or law, which is stated for the profit of the legal claimant.
(1) If the shipper has made a special declaration of value for carriage and has paid the valuation charges, any liability shall in no event exceed such declared value for carriage as the loss incurred in course of carriage. SCAL, who can prove that the actual loss or damage is below the declared value, will indemnify the shipper for the actual loss or damage.
(2) As per regulations of Warsaw Convention, Hague Protocol and the Montreal Convention, for the cargo without a special declaration of value for carriage, the liability of SCAL shall not exceed 19. Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs) per kilogram or 20 USD or equivalent currency. SCAL, who can prove that the actual loss or damage is below such liability of carrier for damage, will indemnify the shipper for the actual loss or damage.
(3) ln the case of destruction, loss, damage or delay of part of the shipment, or of any object contained therein, the weight to be taken into consideration in determining the amount to which SCAL's liability is limited shall be only the weight of the package or package concerned. Nevertheless, when the destruction, loss, damage or delay of part of the shipment, or of an object contained therein, affects the value of other packages covered by the same air waybill, the total weight of such package or packages shall also be taken into consideration in determining the limit of liability. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the value of any such part of the shipment destroyed, lost, damaged or delayed as the case may be, shall be determined by reducing the total value of the shipment destroyed, lost, damaged or delayed has to the total weight of the shipment.
(4) Claimant should provide with the actual value proof of the cargo when lodging the claim.
(5) The insurance company should make compensation for the cargo lost in transportation, which insured air transport insurance, in line with related
Art. 30 Legal Action
(1) The right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years, reckoned from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date on which the transportation stopped. The method of calculating the period of limitation shall be determined by the law of the Court to which the case is submitted.
(2) In the event of destruction or loss of, or damage to, or delay in the carriage of cargo which is performed by various successive carriers, the consignor shall have a right of action against the first carrier, and the consignee shall have a right of action against the last carrier, and further, each may take action against the carrier who performed the transportation during which the destruction, loss, damage, or delay took place.
(3) In relation to the transport performed by the actual carrier, an action may be brought against that carrier or the contracting carrier separately, or against both together; the carrier against whom an action has been brought shall have the right to require the other carrier to join in the proceedings.
(4) The Chinese law is applicable for the dispute derived from this condition or related to this condition. Under the precondition that the convention is applicable, the lawsuit about the loss can be exercised at the court which the claimant selected; the local court where SCAL head quarter located; or the court where the SCAL branch located, where the contract is signed, or at the place within the governance of the destination court or other judicial
Art. 31 Effectiveness
This provision takes effects since the day it issued.
Should some items of this provision are considered invalid or cannot be performed as per applicable law, other items of this provision remain effective.
Art. 32 Modification
Sichuan Airlines reserves the right to modify any articles contained in these Conditions without notice in accordance with the procedures prescribed by CAAC. However, no such modification shall apply to a contract of carriage after the date of issuance of the air waybill by carrier.
The agents, employees or representatives of Sichuan Airlines have no right to change, modify or give up any item of this provision.