I 一般約定事項
(2)經由本行投保之各項★身保險所繳交之保險費。 1.4.3.每月最低平均餘額及帳戶管理費金額:
1.8.3.立約★並特別同意本行將立約★相關資訊於法令允許之範圍內提供或國際傳輸與下列之★: (1)擬自本行受讓資產及負債或與本行進行合併之★;
(2)受本行委任處理事務之★; (3)滙豐集團成員;及
1.9.1.立約人暸解本行有暸解客戶(包括但不限於客戶及其♛責人、直接或間接持有立約人股份之主要股東(簡稱「主要股東」)、實質擁有人、授權簽署人及業務聯絡人等)之要求,茲向滙豐集團成員聲明及承諾如下: (1)立約人及其主要股東已發行之股票皆為記名式,立約人及其主要股東並未發行亦無任何流通在外的無記名
(1)暫停全部或一部總約定書所載之往來、交易或服務。 (2)要求立約人全額清償、了結所有投資。
(1)本行認定立約人之指示不明確、資料提供不全或有錯誤、重覆或合理懷疑其授權來源。 (2)本行收受指示時,立約人之帳戶餘額不足,無法執行該指示。
1.11.違約情事:立約人有下列任一情事,即構成違約: (1)立約人未依約償付到期應付之任一債務;
(2)「法令遵循義務」係指本行及滙豐集團應遵守之義務,包括:(a)法規、國際規範及內部政策或程序; (b)任何主管機關之要求或報告、法定交易申報、揭露及其他法規規定之義務,以及;(c)任何要求本行確認立約人身份之法規。
(12)「實質所有人」係指任何直接或間接持有一機構超過10%淨利或持有超過10%之利益之個人。 (13)「稅務機關」係指本國或外國稅務、所得、財政或金融管理機構。
(2)除本條款另有約定者外,所有名詞均應適用第1.25.1條所列之定義。 (3)本條款之條文標題係因便利而提供,不影響各條文之內容。
(6)本條款如使用單數者,解釋時包括複數,反之亦然。 1.25.3.資訊之蒐集、處理及利用蒐集
本行及/或滙豐集團成員得就下列相關目的(下稱「本目的」)處理、利用、移轉及揭露立約人資訊(1)提供本服務及為核准、管理、辦理或執行立約人申請或授權之任何交易;(2)符合法令遵循義務;(3)實行金融犯罪風險管理活動;(4)向立約人收取任何應付費用;(5)進行徵信及取得或提供信用參考; (6)行使或保護本行或滙豐集團成員之權利;(7)本行或滙豐集團內部運作要求(包括但不限信用及風險管理、系統或商品發展及規劃、保險、稽核及行政管理目的);(8)維持立約人與本行間之整體關係 (包括向立約人行銷或推廣金融服務或相關商品及市場調查)。利用
(2)任何滙豐集團轉包商、代理人、服務提供者或滙豐集團之從屬機構(包括其員工、董事或經理人); (3)任何主管機關;
(4)任何得代表立約人之人、受款人、受益人、帳戶名義人、中介機構、聯絡人、CHAPS、BACS、 SWIFT等代理銀行、清算機構、清算或結算系統、市場交易對手、上游扣繳代理機構、交換或交易申報機構、證券交易所、立約人享有證券利益之人(該等證券由本行為立約人之利益持有);
(6)其他為取得或提出信用參考之金融機構、信用報告機構或與信用相關之政府機構; (7)任何提供資產管理服務予立約人之證券投資信託事業或基金經理事業;
(8)任何滙豐集團成員介紹或引薦之仲介經紀商;及 (9)任何有關本行營業移轉、處分、合併或收購等事宜。
(2)採取必要之行動,以遵守本行或滙豐集團成員之相關法令遵循義務;及/或 (3)封鎖、移交或關閉立約人帳戶。
金融犯罪風險管理行為包括但不限於:(1)監控、截取及調查任何就本服務所執行之指示、聯繫、取款請求、申請,或任何立約人自行或代立約人所為之款項匯出或匯入;(2)調查資金來源或受款人; (3)結合立約人資訊與滙豐集團成員所擁有之其他資訊;及/或(4)進一步詢問個人或機構之狀態(不論其是否受制裁機制拘束),或確認立約人身份及狀態。金融犯罪風險管理行為可能會導致本行延後、禁止或拒絕支付結算款項、辦理立約人指示、本服務之申請,或提供部分或全部本服務。在法律許可的範圍下,本行及任何滙豐集團成員對立約人或任何第三人因該金融犯罪風險管理行為所造成的損失不♛任何責任。
II 存款約定事項
(2)定期存款:就各存款幣別及期限,依存入當時之本行牌告利率或依立約人與本行之議定利率計息。 2.6.遺失、減失或被竊:
(2)本行提供服務予立約人或與立約人交易。 (3)立約人違反任一總約定書或法令之規定。
This Master Agreement ("Master Agreement") is entered into by and between HSBC Bank (Taiwan) Limited (including the offshore Banking Unit)(the "Bank") and the Customer with regard to the Customers" various accounts, communication, transactions and services made with the Bank. The Customer hereby agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions contained hereinafter when applicable The customer shall separately apply for the use of services if required by the Bank.
I General Terms and Conditions
1.1 Priority of Application: Except for designated account, activities, transactions and services otherwise stipulated with the Bank, the Customer agrees that all accounts and accounts opened subsequently, and their activities, transactions and services are subject to general terms and conditions set forth in this section. The Customer hereby understands that due to the limitation of law and regulations, the services, products and transactions provided by the Offshore Banking Unit ("OBU") of the Bank may vary with the location of the Customer incorporated, and the Customer further understands and agrees that the services, products and transactions provided by the Bank to the extent permitted by the laws and regulations shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement.
1.2 Conditions and Means of Account Opening:
1.2.1 When opening an account, one of the primary directors (stock holding over than 20%) of the account must be a qualified Premier customer with the aggregated balance over or equal to TWD 30 million and the relationship between the Premier customer.
1.2.2 When opening an account, the Customer shall fill out the application form with related true information and prepare required documents (including but not limited to the Identification Certificate of the responsible person, the latest Certificate of Incumbency (COI), the latest Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation and related Board Resolutions) and other documents required by the Bank as the case may be. In the event that any information or document kept at the Bank changes, the responsible person of the Customer shall notify the Bank of such change in writing or in any form agreed by the Bank.
1.2.3 Prior to receiving the notice of the change in the preceding paragraph, the Bank may act in accordance with and reliance on the designated chop, information and documents provided earlier by the Customer in good faith. The Customer shall not make any claim or assertion against such reliance and shall keep the Bank harmless from any loss. If the Bank suffers any loss arising from such acts or reliance, the Customer shall indemnify the Bank for such loss suffered, provided that such loss is caused from the Bank's gross negligence or willful act.
1.2.4 The Customer shall specify with the Bank at account opening the chop(s) and/or the specimen signature(s) (collectively "Designated Specimen") for the Bank's verification and/or examination to follow the Customer instructions and provide relevant services. When the Bank has exercised prudent person's care in confirming the consistency of the chop(s) and /or specimen signature(s) of the Customer's instructions with the Designated Specimen and further processed accordingly or provided services, the Bank shall not be held liable for the Customer's loss arising from the forgery or stolen of the Designated Specimen.
1.3 Subsequent Opening of Accounts and New Services: The Customer understands and agrees that at the time of executing the Master Agreement, it has not fully activated all the accounts and services provided by the Bank. Except as otherwise instructed by the Customer, the new accounts and services will be activated in the method agreed by the Bank and subject to applicable terms and conditions herein. The Customer also agrees to follow terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement upon activation or use of new accounts and services provided by the Bank.
1.4 Minimum Average Balance for Accounts and Account Administration Charge
1.4.1 The Bank may define at its sole discretion a minimum requirement of monthly average balance and account administration charge for different types of accounts. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties, the fee deduction method shall follow the terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall have the right to deduct administration charge directly from the Customer's account.
1.4.2 The minimum average balance calculation is defined as:
(1) The deposit amount, and market value of investments; and
(2) Insurance premium paid with the Bank.
1.4.3 Monthly Minimum Average Balance and Account Administration Charge Standard
(1) The aggregated balance of the Premier account of the primary director (stock holding over than 20%) and the OBU account over or equal to TWD 30 million is required.
(2) If the Bank's requirement for minimum average balance is not maintained, the Bank shall have the right to cancel all related benefits at any time and to collect the account administration charge of USD 40 per month, prescribed by the Bank.
(3) If the Bank's requirement for minimum average balance is not maintained for 3 consecutive months, the Bank shall have the right to terminate any account relationship under the Master Agreement.
1.5 Fees, Expenses and Indemnity:
1.5.1 The Customer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force, terms and conditions set forth in the Master Agreement and agreements with the Bank, and other rules set by the Bank in relation to all accounts, activities, transactions and services with the Bank. For transactions made with the Bank and services provided by the Bank, the Customer shall pay applicable fees and charges according to the Bank's then tariff as in effect from time to time.
1.5.2 For any litigation, arbitration or other negotiation arising from transactions performed by the Bank under the Master Agreement and from the causes not attributable to the Bank, all expenses thus incurred (including but not limited to attorney fees) shall be borne by the Customer, even if such litigation, arbitration or negotiation has been conducted in the name of the Bank. The Customer further agrees and authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer's accounts for repayment of such expenses.
1.5.3 The Customer shall, upon the receipt of the Bank's notice, immediately indemnify the Bank in full from and against all liabilities, losses, costs, expenses and charges (including but not limited to taxes, duties, imposts or otherwise) which the Bank may incur as a result of providing services to or transacting with the Customer, and
/or a breach of any terms and conditions of the Master Agreement or any applicable laws and regulations by the Customer.
1.6 Deduction: To the extent permitted by the laws and regulations, the Customer hereby authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer accounts directly with any fees and payables by the Customer without prior notice to reimburse the Bank for any fees and payables due (including but not limited to interests, administration charges, service fees, penalties, compensation, indemnity and other fees and expenses).
1.7 Tax Filing: The Customer shall be responsible for discharging his/ her duty with regards to all relevant taxes, including, but without limitation, the filing and payment of income taxes, wealth taxes and estate taxes on various revenues of the Customer accrued under the holding of his/her account and/or assets on his/her account under General Agreement. In addition to taxes and expenses the Customer is liable under the laws and regulations of the Republic of China ("R.O.C."), the Customer also understands that the holding of his/her account may expose the Customer to tax consequences of filing and paying tax in other country/jurisdiction, depending on a number of factors including, but not limited to his/her domicile, residence, citizenship and the type of assets the Customer holds. The Bank does not provide any legal or tax advice. The Customer is therefore advised to seek legal and/or tax advice from an independent legal and/or tax adviser who may be a referral by the Bank. Where a referral is mad by the Bank, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Bank has no responsibility in this respect and any advice provided is the responsibility of such third party, not the Bank.
1.8 The Use or Processing of the Customer's Information and Outsourcing Processing:
1.8.1 The Customer agrees that the Bank may provide the relevant credit information of the Customer, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws, for the inquiries and the database construction by other banks and financial institutions, correspondent banks, Joint Credit Information Center, Financial Information Service Company Limited, related credit agencies, and government agencies; the Customer also agrees that the above agencies and institutions may provide the above credit information for other person's inquiries, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws.
1.8.2 The Customer agrees that the Bank may collect, conduct processing (including engaging a third party to process), utilize or conduct international transmission of the Customer's information (including, without limitation, the Customer's company information, account information, and transactions information, and the personal data of the Customer's directors, authorized signatories, major shareholders, beneficial owners, authorized representatives, and business contacts, provided by the Customer (collectively, "Relevant Information of Customer")), to the extent permitted by the applicable laws, for the purpose of processing any transaction between the Customer and the Bank, conducting "know your customers" (KYC) procedures, promoting business/services/products, the exchange of financial information among and the collection of credit information by other banks and financial institutions, and/or conducting any other related matters permitted by law. The Customer also agrees that the Members of HSBC Group may collect, conduct processing (including engaging a third party to process), utilize or conduct international transmission of Relevant Information of Customer for the specific purposes stated above. The Customer agrees to authorize the Bank to determine the existence of the above purposes based upon the Bank's professional judgment.
1.8.3 The Customer specifically agrees that the Bank may provide or conduct international transmission of Relevant Information of Customer, to the extent permitted by all applicable laws, to the following parties:
(1) Any party assuming assets and liabilities from the Bank or conducting a merger with the Bank;
(2) Any party mandated by the Bank to provide services or handle any matter;
(3) The Members of HSBC Group; and
(4) Any regulatory, judicial or other governmental agencies of the Republic of China ("R.O.C. "), United Kingdom, Hong Kong and other country or territory having jurisdiction over the Bank or the Members of HSBC Group.
1.8.4 Unless otherwise required by the competent authorities and/or laws and regulations, provided in the Master Agreement, or otherwise with other justifiable reason, the Bank shall keep confidential the relevant information provided by the Customer.
1.8.5 The Customer agrees that the Bank may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, mandate any third party (including the Members of HSBC Group located and operated in other jurisdictions) to process matters regarding all or part of the transactions between the Customer and the Bank or the services provided by the Bank which contain those stated in the Bank's business license or related to customer information that may be outsourced legally (including, but not limited to, input, processing, and output of data, system development, monitoring and maintenance, as well as any relevant supports for data processing, as disclosed on the Bank's official website: and those neither stated in the Bank's business license nor related to customer information; the Customer further agrees that the Bank may provide various transaction data of the Customer to any third party mandated by the Bank and process such data in any other offshore jurisdiction including the Great Britain, within the scope necessary for handling such matters.
1.9 Bearer Shares
1.9.1 The Customer understands the Bank has requirements regarding Know Your Customer (including but not limited to the Customer, responsible persons, major shareholders who directly or indirectly owning the Customer's issued share capital ("Major Shareholders"), beneficial owners, authorized signatories and contact persons) and hereby represents and undertakes to the HSBC Group as follow:
(1) All shares of the Customer and its Major Shareholders are currently issued in the registered form, and no shares not in registered form("Bearer Shares") are issued and outstanding. The Customer and its Major Shareholders do not intend to issue any Bearer Shares or to convert any outstanding registered shares into Bearer Shares. If the Customer or its Major Shareholders registered in a jurisdiction where issuance of Bearer Shares is allowed, the Customer or its Major Shareholders’ Articles of incorporation / Association should state clearly no issuance of Bearer Shares.
(2) When the Customer or its Major Shareholders acknowledge their issuance or intention to issue Bearer Shares or their amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to enable the Customer or its Major Shareholders to issue Bearer Shares, the Customer agrees to notify the Bank in writing within 60 days and to take all necessary actions requested by the Bank.
(3) In the event that the Customer or its Major Shareholders issued Bearer Shares upon or after account opening, the Customer agrees to notify the Bank in writing immediately and take all necessary actions requested by the Bank. After the Customer completed all necessary actions and obtained confirmation from the Bank, the Customer agrees to provide the list of beneficial owners of the Bearer Shares immediately and periodically thereafter.
1.9.2 If any information provided by the Customer is incorrect or didn't take all necessary actions requested by the Bank or the Customer breaches any of its covenants or undertakings under Article 1.9.1, the Customer agreed that the Bank is entitled to take any or all following actions:
(1) suspense any or all banking services provided by the Bank;
(2) demand full repayment and/or liquidate all investments with the Bank; and/ or
(3) terminate any or all account relationship, activities, transactions or services under the Master Agreement in accordance with Clause 1 .20 of the Master Agreement.
1.10 The Customer's Instructions: If any of the following circumstances exists with respect to instructions given to the Bank by the Customer regarding account activities and/or transactions, the Bank may, based on its sole reasonable judgment, refuse to follow such instructions, and if the Bank so proceeds as instructed, the Customer may not raise any claims or request compensation of its loss against the Bank unless the loss is resulting from the Bank's gross negligence or willful acts:
1.10.1 The Bank believes that the instructions given or information provided by the Customer are unclear, incomplete, incorrect, duplicated, or reasonably suspects the authorization and the source of data.
1.10.2 The Customer's account balance is insufficient when the Bank receives instructions and the Bank is therefore unable to execute such instructions.
1.10.3 If the Bank processes according to such instructions, the Bank will violate related laws or terms and conditions in the Master Agreement.
1.10.4 In the event that the Bank notifies the Customer to cure and the Customer is unable to give correct and complete instructions during the Bank's business hours on the same day, the Customer shall be solely liable for any liability arising therefrom.
1.11 Events of Default: Each of the following events or circumstances shall constitute an Events of Default:
(1) The Customer fails to pay any sum payable when due;
(2) The Customer is subject to bankruptcy declaration, reorganization, liquidation or other similar procedure under applicable laws; or the Customer's business has been suspended or has entered into any composition or other arrangement with its creditors; or the Customer's checks or other negotiable instruments are rejected by the Bills Clearing House; or there is concrete facts to prove that the credit standing of the Customer has deteriorated adversely;
(3) The Customer fails to perform any other obligations under the Master Agreement and fails to improve in a given period notified by the Bank.
1.12 Setoff:
1.12.1 In the event that the Customer constitutes an Event of Default under clause 1.11, or if the Bank deems necessary (e.g. the Customer is alleged or involves in any illegal activities, or the Bank exercises its set-off rights against the Customer pursuant to law or contract), the Bank may terminate various accounts, activities, transactions or services under the Master Agreement immediately after giving written notice to the Customer (but the Customer's consent is not required). The Bank shall be entitled to dispose of the deposits therein or other interests that the Customer may claim against the Bank in whatever manner, as the Bank deems necessary and apply such deposits or interests against the sums due to the Bank. The Bank may at its discretion determine the content and priority of set-off in accordance with compulsory prescriptions of regulations, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
1.12.2 The Customer agrees that if the credit balance(s) in the account(s) of the Customer with the Bank (and/or its Taiwan branches) is (are) in a currency(ies) different from that of the liabilities owed by the Customer to the Bank (and/or its Taiwan branches) ("Liabilities"), the difference in currencies between the account(s) and the Customer's Liabilities shall not impede the Bank's right to exercise set-off rights. The Bank may, to the fullest extent permitted by law, set off the Liabilities against the credit balance(s) in such account(s), and the set-off amount shall be based on the currency of the Liabilities. The Bank may, in accordance with the normal banking procedures (as specified by the Bank), purchase currencies equivalent to the amount of the Liabilities with the credit balance(s) of such account(s), and set off such purchased amount with the Liabilities. The Customer shall cooperate with the Bank to complete the necessary procedures for conversion of currencies, if such are required by the relevant laws and regulations. The Customer hereby also authorizes the Bank to have the right, but not the obligation, to file or apply for approvals with any governmental agency on behalf of the Customer.
1.13 PIN Number: The Customer shall be liable for the custody and confidentiality of PIN and should not disclose that to the Bank's staff or any third party; the Customer shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from its violation of this clause 1.13 and shall not claim any of such loss or damage against the Bank.
1.14 Verification of Authorized Representative(s):
1.14.1 The Customer may designate authorized representative(s) to confirm instructions, including but not limited to facsimile instructions, given to the Bank and provide the Bank with the basic information of the authorized representative(s) to enable the Bank to verify whether or not the telephone answerer is indeed the authorized representative while connecting with that individual by telephone.
1.14.2 The Customer agrees that the Bank is under no obligation to verify any instructions made by authorized representative(s). However, the Bank may (but not obligated to), for the purpose of confirming related instructions, call any of the authorized representative(s) back. The Bank may also record telephone conversations regarding instructions or confirmations as an evidence of related instructions.
1.15 Erroneous Accounting: In the event that any erroneous accounting incurs due to an operational error of the Bank, writing mistakes in account number or title by a third party or any other causes, the Bank shall have absolute discretion to make rectification without notice. If any of erroneously credited amount is withdrawn from or paid out of the account, the Customer shall, upon the Bank's notice, promptly refund the Bank such amount and derived interest.
1.16 Liabilities and Obligations
1.16.1 To the extent permitted by law, the Bank shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or other losses resulted from any services provided by the Bank, unless such losses are caused from the willful act or gross negligence of the Bank.
1.16.2 The Bank shall not be liable for the losses/damages of the Customer caused by other's fraudulent acts or unauthorized use of the Customer's information or PIN, unless the losses are caused from the Bank's willful act or gross negligence in controlling the information system.
1.16.3 The Bank shall have the right to regard instructions issued with correct information or correct PIN pursuant to agreed procedures as being made by the Customer or its authorized representative(s). The Bank shall not be responsible for the genuineness of such instructions.
1.16.4 Unless the Customer can, with concrete evidence, prove that the records retained by the Bank (e.g. the types and amount of transaction, the application time, date and status) are erroneous, the records of the Bank shall govern.
1.16.5 The Customer hereby agrees that it shall return to the Bank whatsoever the amount of any unjust enrichment gained which the Customer obtained via transactions with the Bank.
1.16.6 With respect to activities, transactions and services under the Master Agreement, the Bank and its authorized party shall not be liable to the Customer for the losses/damages, nonperformance or delay in performance as a result of the any of the following causes:(1) omission, error or delay caused from malfunction or interruption of fax lines, computer or telecommunication transmission facility of the related transaction parties including the Customer, the Bank, other correspondence banks of the Bank or agents, or financial information service enterprises; (2) omission, error, or delay due to the causes not attributable to the Bank, its correspondence banks or agents;(3) malfunction in telecommunication system cause from incidents of force majeure such as acts of God, war, terrorists' acts, strike, natural disaster ("Force Majeure Events") or other causes not attributable to the Bank; or (4) other causes not reasonably controllable by the Bank or its authorized party.
1.16.7 The obligation of the Bank to repay the deposits under the Master Agreement shall be the sole liability of the respective Taiwan branches of the Bank. Should the relevant Taiwan branches of the Bank be unable to perform their obligations due to restrictions on convertibility or transferability, requisitions, asset freeze, involuntary transfers, Force Majeure Events, or other similar causes not attributable to the Taiwan Branches, the Taiwan Branches shall be relieved from their obligations.
1.16.8 With regard to the Customer's various accounts, communication, transactions and services made with the Bank and transactions and services entered into/to be entered and/or provided or to be provided thereunder, the Customer hereby agrees their usage to be limited to personal use and non-commercial gain purposes only. "Commercial Gain Purpose" means purpose primarily for the benefit of running a commercial business and/or trading activities.
1.16.9 Customer hereby agrees to use the various account(s)held with, the Bank within reasonable terms of business banking, and concurs to not abuse or misuse them, including but not limited to engaging in unusually frequent transactions or other behaviors with the sole purpose to acquire interests and benefits with methods that violates the principle of good faith.
1.17 Statements, Corresponding Slips and Transaction Slips:
1.17.1 In order to verify the Customer's account activities, the Bank shall produce and send account statements or transaction notice to the Customer periodically via mail or in the form of email and the Bank will not issue any passbook additionally. In case there is any discrepancy in respect of the transactions shown on the statement, the Customer shall inform the Bank thereof within fourteen (14) days of dispatch of the statement. Otherwise, such statement shall be deemed correct.
1.17.2 Except as otherwise required by law to keep original slip, the Bank may destroy the corresponding slips and transaction slips related to the Customer's account activities after microfilming the same. The Customer agrees that any photocopies, microfiches, photos, or computer data in respect of the related slips kept by the Bank shall have the same legal validity as that of the originals in proving the Customer's activities and transactions with the Bank, provided that the Customer may prove that such records are erroneous and correction has been made by the Bank.
1.18 Amendment
Except otherwise provided in the Master Agreement, the Bank may, via a written notice, posted at visible area of the Bank's branches or announced on the Bank's Internet main page at least 30 days in advance, amend the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. If the Customer disagrees with such amendments, he/she/it may notify the Bank in written form within the 30-day notification period to terminate the previous terms and conditions with the Bank as well as transactions and services with the Bank. The Customer needs to be cooperative with the Bank in account closing procedure. If the Customer fails to notify termination within the 30-days notification period the Customer shall be deemed to agree with the amendments. However, the Bank may, in exceptional circumstances in order to comply with any law or regulation, make amendments to the Master Agreement at any time, which will become effective immediately on notice to the Customer, posted at visible area of the Bank's branches or announced on the Bank's Internet main page.
When the Bank establishes or amends the relevant amounts and/or terms and conditions relating to monthly minimum average balance for accruing interest, monthly minimum average balance and/ or account maintenance fees, the Bank shall notify the Customer via a written notice, posted at visible area of the Bank's branches or announced on the Bank's Internet main page at least 60 days prior to the effective date of such amendments. If the Customer disagrees with such amendments, it shall notify the Bank in writing before the effective date to terminate various accounts, activities, transactions, services and the Master Agreement; otherwise, such amendments will be deemed as agreed by the Customer.
1.19 Notice: If the Customer changes its contact information (including address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail etc.) retained by the Bank, the Customer shall immediately notify the Bank of such change. Unless receiving any of such notice, the Bank shall be entitled to send the statement or any other notice according to the contact information retained by the Bank. Such statement or notice sent in accordance with the original contact information shall be deemed properly served on the Customer after the ordinary delivery time needed for mailing service. If the notice delivered in accordance with the address left by the Customer has been returned for any reason twice or more, and cannot be duly served on the Customer, in order to protect the Customer's interests, the Customer hereby agrees that the Bank is entitled not to send the notice to the Customer in accordance with the contact information left by the Customer and may suspend part of the services rendered by the Bank to the Customer at its sole discretion. The Bank will start rendering the suspended services and sending the notice to the Customer after the Customer provides the Bank with the updated contact information.
1.20 Termination
1.20.1 Except otherwise prohibited by laws or regulations, the Bank or the Customer may, in whole or in part, terminate any account relationship, activities, transactions or services under the Master Agreement at any time, including but not limited to the following events:
(i)the Customer's monthly end account balance is zero for 6 consecutive months and/or the Customer conducts no transaction for 12 consecutive months;
(ii)all primary directors (stock holding over than 20%) of the account are NOT qualified Premier customer and/ or the aggregated balance of all Premier accounts and the OBU account is less than TWD30 million (or equivalent) for 3 consecutive months;
(iii)the Customer has violated any of the clauses stipulated in the Master Agreement or other contractual agreements with the Bank;
(iv)the Customer fails to promptly provide the Customer's or a Connected Person's information reasonably requested by the Bank (including requests for the purpose of Financial Crime risk management and/or Compliance Obligation stated below), or the Customer refuses or withdraws any consent(s) authorising the Bank to collect, process, transfer or disclose the Undersigned Customer's information for the purpose of Financial Crime risk management and/or Compliance Obligation;
(v)the Bank has suspicion that the Customer and/or the Customer's transactions poses Financial Crime or an associated risk, to the bank, by its judgment, or the Bank determines it is necessary to terminate its services in order to detect, investigate or prevent financial crime activities (hereinafter referred to as Financial Crime Risk Management Activity);
(vi)other conditions deem necessary by the Bank (including but not limited to the Customer declaring bankruptcy).
1.20.2 The Bank shall return any balance in such accounts to the Customer, provided that the Bank may first set off and apply any such balance against the liabilities owed by the Customer to the Bank. After the return, all the liabilities of the Bank shall be discharged and released. With respect of any termination of deposit accounts, the Customer may not make any claims or assert any rights against the Bank (including but not limited to any claims due to the termination of the account).
1.20.3 When the Bank terminates the account relationship, the Customer agrees that the place of performance for the account balance return is the Customer's most updated address of the contact information retained by the Bank or the location of respective branches of the Bank. The Customer agrees that in case the Bank receives no instruction from the Customer for balance return after the Bank issues a notification letter for two or more times and the Bank's attempt to contact the Customer based on the Customer's most updated contract information retained in the Bank, the account balance to be returned has been duly tendered and the Bank's liability for any delay or default is waived. Where the account balance is in foreign currency no more than the amount equivalent NTD 100,000, the Customer authorizes that the Bank may convert such account balance into equivalent amount in USD at the board rate (offer rate) of such foreign currency for balance return.
1.21 Governing Language: The Master Agreement is made in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
1.22 Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Master Agreement and all the matters related thereto shall be governed by the laws of R.O.C. or the general banking practices and customs in R.O.C.. In the event that any provision herein is deemed to be invalid, the Customer agrees that the remaining terms and conditions in the Master Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Master Agreement shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the place where the branch administering the Customer's accounts is located or the Taipei District Court in the first instance. However, the application of Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Law or the small-claim proceedings as referred to in Article 436-9 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall not be exempted thereby.
1.23 Assignment, Priority of Application, Rights and Remedies, Waiver, and Severability
1.23.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Bank in writing, the Customer may not assign, in whole or in part, this Master Agreement or any right or obligation arising hereunder.
1.23.2 For the services and products specified in this Master Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement shall supersede those of any other contracts, arrangements, agreements, master agreements, or transaction documents previously entered between the Customer and the Bank.
1.23.3 The rights and remedies in this Master Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. No failure to exercise or delay in exercising the same shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof.
1.23.4 In the event that any party fails, or delays, to exercise a right in this Master Agreement, that party may still exercise that right later. Any waiver or any right shall be in writing and limited to the specific circumstances.
1.23.5 Each provision of this Master Agreement is severable and if any provision is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that provision is severed only in that particular jurisdiction. All other provisions shall continue to have effect.
1.24 Dispute Handling Channel and Other Disclosure of Matters
Regarding the financial products or services provided by the Bank, please refer to HSBC website for the handling channel and process of customer dispute and complaint on the financial products or services provided by the Bank, regular or irregular reports in accordance with laws and regulations and other disclosure of information.
1.25 Relationship Terms of Business
1.25.1 Definitions
(1) "Authorities" includes any judicial, administrative, public or regulatory body, any government, any Tax Authority, securities or futures exchange, court, central bank or law enforcement body, or any of their agents, with jurisdiction over any part of the HSBC Group.
(2) "Compliance Obligations" means obligations of the HSBC Group to comply with:( a) Laws, or international guidance and internal policies or procedures, (b) any demand and/or requests from Authorities or reporting, regulatory trade reporting, disclosure or other obligations under Laws, and (c) Laws requiring HSBC to verify the identity of our Customers.
(3) "Connected Person" means a person or entity whose information (including Personal Data or Tax Information) you provide, or which is provided on your behalf, to any member of the HSBC Group in connection with the provision of the Services. Connected Person may include, but is not limited to, any guarantor, a director or officer of a company, partners or members of a partnership, any "substantial owner" "controlling person" or beneficial owner, trustee, settler or protector of a trust, account holder of a designated account, payee of a designated payment, representative, your agent or nominee, or your principal where you are acting on another's behalf, or any other persons or entities with whom you have a relationship that is relevant to your banking or other service relationship with the HSBC Group
(4) "Controlling persons" means individuals who exercise control over an entity (for a trust, these are the settlor, the trustees, the protector, the beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries, and any other individual who exercises ultimate effective control over the trust, and in the case of a legal entity other than a trust, such term means persons in equivalent or similar positions of control).
(5) "Customer Information" means Personal Data, confidential information, and/or Tax Information of either the Customer or a Connected Person (including accompanying statements, waivers and consents).
(6) "Financial Crime" means money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, fraud, evasion of economic or trade sanctions, and/or violations, or acts or attempts to circumvent or violate any Laws relating to these matters.
(7) "HSBC Group" means HSBC Holdings plc, and/or any of, its affiliates, subsidiaries, associated entities and any of their branches and offices (together or individually), and "member of the HSBC Group" has the same meaning.
(8) "Laws" means any applicable local or foreign statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, judgment, decree, voluntary code, directive, sanctions regime, court order, agreement between any member of the HSBC Group and an Authority, or agreement or treaty between Authorities and applicable to HSBC or a member of the HSBC Group.
(9) "Loss" means any claim, charge, cost (including, but not limited to, any legal or other professional cost), damages, debt, expense, tax, liability, obligation, allegation, suit, action, demand, cause of action, proceeding or judgment, however calculated or caused, and whether direct or indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental.
(10) "Personal Data" means any information relating to an individual (and corporate entities, in those countries where data privacy law applies to corporates), from which the individual can be identified, including, without limitation, sensitive personal data, name(s), residential address(es), contact information, age, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, citizenship, personal and marital status.
(11) "Services" includes, without limitation, (a) the opening, maintaining and closing of your bank accounts, (b) providing you with credit facilities and other banking products and services (including, for example, securities dealing, investment advisory, broker, agency, custodian, clearing or technology procuring services), processing applications, ancillary credit assessment and product eligibility assessment, and (c) the maintenance of HSBC's overall relationship with you, including promoting financial services or related products to you, market research, insurance, audit and administrative purposes.
(12) "Substantial owners" means any individuals entitled to more than 10% of the profits of or with an interest of more than I 0% in an entity either directly or indirectly.
(13) "Tax Authorities" means domestic or foreign tax, revenue, fiscal or monetary authorities.
(14) "Tax Certification Forms" means any forms or other documentation as may be issued or required by a Tax Authority or by HSBC from time to time to confirm your tax status or that of a Connected Person.
(15) "Tax Information" means any documentation or information (and accompanying statements, waivers and consents) relating, directly or indirectly, to your tax status and the tax status of any owner, "controlling person" "substantial owner" or beneficial owner, that HSBC considers, acting reasonably, is needed to comply (or demonstrate compliance, or avoid non-compliance) with any HSBC Group member's obligations to any Tax Authority. "Tax Information" includes, but is not limited to, information about: tax residence and/or place of organisation (as applicable), tax domicile, tax identification number, Tax Certification Forms, certain Personal Data.
1.25.2 TERMS OF BUSINESS These terms of business, together with any schedules, supplemental terms, and accompanying documents, as introduced, amended or supplemented from time to time (the "Terms") will govern your banking relationship with the Bank ("HSBC" or "we") and the Services you receive from HSBC, from time to time. These Terms govern how HSBC will use your information and that of your Connected Persons. By using the Services, you agree, that HSBC and members of the HSBC Group shall use Customer Information in accordance with these Terms. These Terms will (i) supplement any terms of business provided to you, and any product documentation in place between us, whether such terms of business and/or product documentation is entered into before, on or after the date of these Terms, and will (ii) be in addition to the terms and conditions in all other agreements, express or implied, and whether entered into before, on or after the date of these Terms, between us. These Terms supersede all provisions previously in force between you and HSBC concerning the subject matter covered by these Terms, in particular to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency. These Terms shall prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any of these Terms and those in any other service, product, business relationship, account or agreement between you and HSBC (the "Other Terms"), whether entered into before, on or after the date of these Terms, notwithstanding the existence of any contrary provisions in such Other Terms regarding conflict or inconsistency between such Other Terms and these Terms. Any consents, authorisations, HSBC requested waivers and permissions that you have already provided in relation to Customer Information shall continue to apply in full force and effect, to the extent permissible by applicable local law. Interpretation
(1) References to "the Customer" or "you" shall mean the Undersigned of the Master Agreement.
(2) The definitions set out in Clause 1.24.1.will apply except where the context requires otherwise.
(3) Clause headings are included for convenience and do not affect interpretation.
(4) A reference to these Terms includes any variation, supplement, novation or replacement of any of them.
(5) References to a person includes a sole proprietorship partnership, body corporate, an unincorporated association or an authority and include that person's executors, administrators, successors, substitutes (including, without limitation, persons taking by novation) and assigns.
(6) References to the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
HSBC and other members of the HSBC Group may collect, use and share Customer Information. Customer Information may be requested from you (or a person acting on your behalf), or may also be collected by or on behalf of HSBC, or members of the HSBC Group, from other sources (including from publically available information), generated or combined with other information available to HSBC or any member of the HSBC Group. PROCESSING
HSBC and/or members of the HSBC Group will process, transfer and disclose Customer Information in connection with the following Purposes: (a) for the provision of Services and to approve, manage, administer or effect any transactions that you request or authorise, (b) meeting Compliance Obligations, (c) conducting Financial Crime Risk Management Activity, (d) collecting any amounts due from you, (e) conducting credit checks and obtaining or providing credit references, (f) enforcing or defending our rights, or those of a member of the HSBC Group, (g) for our internal operational requirements or those of the HSBC Group (including credit and risk management, system or product development and planning, insurance, audit and administrative purposes), and
(h) maintaining HSBC's overall relationship with you (including marketing or promoting financial services or related products to you and market research) (the "Purposes"). SHARING
By using the Services, you agree that HSBC may (as necessary and appropriate for the Purposes) transfer and disclose any Customer Information, including to the following recipients (who may also process, transfer and disclose such Customer Information for the Purposes):
(1) any member of the HSBC Group;
(2) any sub-contractors, agents, service providers, or associates of the HSBC Group (including their employees, directors and officers);
(3) any Authorities;
(4) anyone acting on your behalf, payment recipients, beneficiaries, account nominees, intermediary, correspondent and agent banks (eg: for CHAPS, BACS, SWIFT), clearing houses, clearing or settlement systems, market counterparties, upstream withholding agents, swap or trade repositories, stock exchanges, companies in which you have an interest in securities (where such securities are held by HSBC for you);
(5) any party acquiring an interest in or assuming risk in or in connection with the Services;
(6) other financial institutions, credit reference agencies or credit bureaus, for obtaining or providing credit references;
(7) any third party fund manager providing you with asset management services;
(8) any introducing broker to whom HSBC provides introductions or referrals; and
(9) in connection with any HSBC business transfer, disposal, merger or acquisition.
wherever located, including in jurisdictions which do not have data protection laws that provide the same level of protection as the jurisdiction in which the Services are supplied.
1.25.4 CUSTOMER OBLIGATION You agree to supply Customer Information, and to inform HSBC promptly, and in any event, within 30 days in writing if there are any changes to Customer Information supplied to HSBC or a member of the HSBC Group from time to time, and to respond to any request from, HSBC, or a member of the HSBC Group. You confirm that every Connected Person whose information (including Personal Data or Tax Information) you (or anyone on your behalf) have provided, or will from time to time provide to HSBC or a member of the HSBC Group has been notified of and agreed to the processing, disclosure and transfer of their information as set out in these Terms. You shall, at the same time, advise Connected Persons that they may have rights of access to, and correction of, their Personal Data. You acknowledge that where:
(1) you fail to provide Customer Information that HSBC reasonably requests, or
(2) you withhold or withdraw any consents which HSBC may need to process, transfer or disclose Customer Information for the Purposes, or
(3) HSBC, or a member of the HSBC Group, has suspicions regarding the possible commission of Financial Crime or a Customer presents a potential Financial Crime risk to a member of the HSBC Group,
HSBC may:
(I) be unable to provide new, or continue to provide all or part of the, Services to you and reserves the right to terminate its business relationship with you;
(2) take actions necessary for HSBC or a member of the HSBC Group to meet the Compliance Obligations; and/or
(3) block, transfer or close your account(s).
In addition, your failure to supply your, or your Connected Person's, Tax Information and accompanying statements, waivers and consents, or other relevant circumstances relating to you or your Connected Persons, may result in HSBC making its own decision with respect to your status, or that of your Connected Persons, including whether to report you to a Tax Authority, and may require HSBC or other persons to withhold amounts as may be legally required by any Tax Authority and paying such amounts to any Tax Authority or to take any of the other measures set out in (1) through (3) above.
1.25.5 DATA PROTECTION Whether it is processed in a home jurisdiction or overseas, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, Customer Information will be protected by a strict code of secrecy and security which all members of the HSBC Group, their staff and third parties are subject to. Under relevant data protection legislation, an individual has the right to request copies of certain categories of Personal Data which may be held and to request that any errors in such data are corrected.
1.25.6 FINANCIAL CRIME RISK MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY HSBC, and members of the HSBC Group, are required, and may take any action they consider appropriate in their sole and absolute discretion, to meet Compliance Obligations in connection with the detection, investigation and prevention of Financial Crime ("Financial Crime Risk Management Activity").
Such action may include, but is not limited to: (a) screening, intercepting and investigating any instruction, communication, drawdown request, application for Services, or any payment sent to or by you, or on your behalf, (b) investigating the source of or intended recipient of funds, (c) combining Customer Information with other related information in the possession of the HSBC Group, and/or (d) making further enquiries as to the status of a person or entity, whether they are subject to a sanctions regime, or confirming a Customer's identity and status.
1.25 .6.2 Exceptionally, our Financial Crime Risk Management Activity may lead to us delaying, blocking or refusing the making or clearing of any payment, the processing of your instructions or application for Services or the provision of all or part of the Services. To the extent permissible by law, neither HSBC nor any other member of HSBC Group shall be liable to you or any third party in respect of any Loss whether incurred by you or a third party caused in whole or in part in connection with the undertaking of Financial Crime Risk Management Activity.
You, and each Connected Person acting in their capacity as a Connected Person (and not in their personal capacity), acknowledge that you are solely responsible for understanding and complying with your tax obligations (including but not limited to, tax payment or filing of returns or other required documentation relating to the payment of all relevant taxes) in all jurisdictions in which those obligations arise and relating to the opening and use of account(s) and/or Services provided by HSBC and/or members of the HSBC Group. Certain countries may have tax legislation with extra-territorial effect regardless of your or your Connected Person's place of domicile, residence, citizenship or incorporation. HSBC and/or any member of the HSBC Group does not provide tax advice. You are advised to seek independent legal and/or tax advice. HSBC and/or any member of the HSBC Group has no responsibility in respect of your tax obligations in any jurisdiction which they may arise including, without limitation, any that may relate specifically to the opening and use of account(s) and/or Services provided by HSBC and/or members of the HSBC Group.
Clauses 1.25.2 to 1.25.7 of these Terms shall survive the termination of these Terms, any termination by HSBC or a member of the HSBC Group of the provision of any Services to you or the closure of your accounts.
II Deposit Agreement
2.1 Priority of Application: Transactions of the Customer's deposit accounts with the Bank shall be first governed by the terms and conditions herein below. Matters not provided herein below shall be subject to other provisions in the Master Agreement.
2.2 Deposits
2.2.1 The interest or withdrawal of the deposit will be accrued or made only after the fund has been credited. In the event that the Bank is unable to immediately check the cash deposited by the Customer, such deposit shall not be credited until the Bank completes the check. The Bank shall have absolute discretion in determining whether to accept the negotiable instruments to be deposited. Until the fund of such instruments is collected and credited by the Bank, neither interest nor withdrawal of the fund will be accrued or made. Given that negotiable instruments drawn on other banks are accepted for collection only, the Bank shall not be responsible for any dishonor resulted from any causes in connection with the collection not attributable to the Bank.
2.2.2 The bills deposited into the Bank's BCDM after banking hours or on a non-banking business day of the Bank will not be credited to the Customer's account until next banking business day.
2.2.3 The deposits for foreign currency deposit accounts may be made in cash, negotiable instruments acceptable to the Bank in foreign currency or any other payment method agreed by the Bank. The Customer shall pay a transaction fee prescribed by the Bank.
2.3 Withdrawals:
2.3.1 Unless the ATM facilities of the Bank are used by the Customer or otherwise is agreed upon by the Bank and the Customer, no payment in respect of withdrawal slips will be made until such checks and/or withdrawal slips have been affixed with Designated Specimen in records retained by the Bank and verified by the Bank. In the event of any forgery or alteration of the signature or chop on such withdrawal slip, the Bank shall not be liable for any losses resulting therefrom if it has exercised the care of a good administrator in verifying such chop or signature.
2.3.2 The withdrawals of the foreign currency deposit accounts may be made in foreign currency cash, negotiable instruments denominated in foreign currency for a specific amount permitted by the Bank or any other method agreed by the Bank. The Customer shall pay a transaction fee prescribed by the Bank.
2.4 Currency Type and Conversion for Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts:
The transactions in the foreign currency deposit accounts may be made in U.S. Dollar and any other currencies agreed by the Bank. The Customer may select one or more currencies, and may make conversions at any time to the extent permitted by laws and regulations. Should it be necessary for the Customer to convert one foreign currency into another foreign currency to execute a transaction in a foreign currency deposit account, the Bank's then current exchange rate for such conversion on the transaction date shall apply. All risks with respect to curren- cy fluctuations, foreign exchange restriction and losses in connection with deposits and transactions in foreign currency deposit accounts shall be borne by the Customer.
2.5 Interest Calculation and Payment
2.5.1 For interest of foreign currency deposit account, days of accruing interest and method of interest calculation for different currencies shall be calculated in accordance with international practices and customs. The interest shall be paid by the following methods:
(I) Demand Deposits: Interest of a demand deposit account shall be accrued at the Bank's board interest rates applicable to the relevant currencies on a daily simple and floating basis. The interest will be paid on June 21st and December 21st of each year (or the preceding banking day if such days are holidays) and accrued to the principal on the following banking day.
(2) Time Deposit: Interest of a time deposit shall be calculated based on the currency type and term of the deposit at the Bank's board interest rates applicable at the time of the deposit or at an interest rate negotiated agreed upon by the Customer and the Bank Customer.
2.6 Lost, Destroyed or Stolen Instruments: In the event of lost, destroyed and stolen checks (including issued checks and blank checks) and Certificates of Time Deposits ("CDs"), the Customer shall complete the necessary reporting procedures to stop payment in accordance with the Bank's related regulations and prescriptions. In case the Designated Specimen is lost, destroyed or stolen, the Customer shall also complete the necessary reporting procedures with the Bank. If the Customer fails to immediately complete such procedures in accordance with relevant rules and regulations, the Customer shall be liable for any loss incurred as a result.
2.7 Special Terms and Conditions for Time Deposits
2.7.1 Unless a CD is otherwise requested in the application by the Customer, the Bank will not additionally issue a CD. Computerized notification in connection with time deposit does not require a signature by an authorized signer of the Bank. When making early termination, withdrawal or other related procedure in connection with time deposits, the Customer shall complete the designated application form or notify the Bank in writing. If the Customer holds a CD, such CD will be required for all related procedures.
2.7.2 Early Termination of Time Deposits:
In the event of any early termination of a time deposit, the Bank shall process the matter in accordance with relevant regulations and the Bank's rules. For foreign currency time deposits, the interest shall be calculated at a rate equal to 80% of the Bank's board interest rate as originally agreed on the commencement date. No interest shall be accrued if the actual deposit period is less than a month.
2.7.3 Time Deposits after Maturity:
1.If the Customer fails to make instructions in respect of the principal and interest of the time deposit on or before the maturity, the Bank shall process the matter in accordance with relevant regulations and the Bank's rules.
2.A foreign currency time deposit shall be automatically terminated upon maturity. The deposit and the interest accrued thereon will automatically be credited to the demand deposit in the foreign currency deposit account in the same currency, and the interest shall be calculated based on the Bank's then interest rate and method for demand deposit in the same currency.
2.7.4 With respect to the early termination, withdrawal after maturity or renewal for a different term of a time deposit account, the interest calculation and payment methods are subject to applicable laws and regulations unless otherwise stipulated in the Master Agreement.
2.8 Discharge or compensation of Liabilities
The customer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force from time to time in relation to all accounts, activities or transactions contemplated by the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. The customer shall indemnify the Bank from and against all liabilities, losses, costs, expenses and charges (whether on account of taxes, duties, imposts or otherwise) which the Bank may incur as a result of:
(a) maintaining the accounts for the customer;
(b) providing services to or transacting with the customer; and/or
(c) a breach of any terms and conditions of the Master Agreement or any applicable laws and regulations by the customer.
客戶聲明及承諾 Declaration and Undertaking
With respect of the execution of the Master Agreement and designation of the required items, the Undersigned hereby declares that all the required internal processes have been conducted and all the necessary authorization has been obtained.
The Undersigned has reviewed the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement and Agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement.
The Designated Specimen for the related accounts are as right or otherwise provided by separate written notice issued by the Undersigned:
立約人確認已受 貴行告知「蒐集、處理及利用個人資料告知書」之內容,茲此同意 貴行得依前述告知內容蒐集、處理及利用立約人之資料,並向 貴行聲明及擔保,立約人已向提供個人資料之本人(包括但不限於董事、監察人、主要股東、實益擁有人、授權簽署人及業務聯絡人)告知前述告知內容並取得其同意,使 貴行得依個人資料保護法及相關法規之規定蒐集、處理、利用其個人資料。
The Undersigned confirms that the Undersigned has been advised by the Bank of the "Letter of Advise on Collecting, Processing, and Using Personal Data" and agrees the Bank to collect, process and use the Undersigned’s data, and the Undersigned represents and warrants to the Bank that the Undersigned has duly advised and obtained the consent of individuals providing personal data (including but not limited to its directors, supervisors, principal shareholders, beneficial owners, authorized signatories and contact persons) for the Bank to collect, process and use their personal data in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant regulations.
The Undersigned hereby declares that the Undersigned has received a contract that contains the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Master Agreement.
□and; the Undersigned did not change any items specified in this Master Agreement
□and; the Undersigned has made revisions to the following items of this Master Agreement :
公司 Signing Bar 與 Director 親簽 (OBU)
To:HSBC Bank (Taiwan) Limited 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司
Branch 分行
Date 日期 | day / month / year |
Limited Company by shares
Limited Company
Others(please specify):
For Bank Use Only 銀行專用 | |
Customer Number | Bank Authorised Signature and Stamp |
International Customer Number | |
Account Number |
Note: 1.Please complete in Block Letters and tick where applicable.
注意 請在適當處加 🗹 號並用正楷填寫。
2.*Please delete whichever is not appropriate.
I. Business Customer Information 商業客戶資料
* Registered Number/Identity Document Type and Nurnber *登記號碼/身份證文件類別及號碼 | Nature of Business/Industry 商業/工業性質 | Country of Incorporation/Registration 註冊/登記國家 |
Correspondence Name and Address 通訊名稱及地址 Person to Contact 聯絡人: Telephone Number 電話號碼: Fax Number 傳真電話: Unless otherwise specified, correspondence will be sent to you by mail. 除特別說明者外,所有通訊均以郵寄方式送交貴公司 | ||
Registered Office Address 登記之辦公處所地址 Factory/Principal Office Address (complete only if different from Correspondence Address) 工廠/主要辦公處所地址 (如與通訊地址有別) Telephone Number 電話號碼: | Detail of Introducer 介紹人資料: Narne 姓名: Account Number 帳號: Telephone Number 電話號碼: Address 地址: Signature 簽名: | |
Please complete as appropriate 請填寫適用處 | ||
1.Do you maintain or have you maintained any other account(s) with any member(s) of HSBC Group in the above name? If yes, please complete the following: 貴公司有否以本身名義於滙豐集團成員開立其他帳戶?如有,請填下列資料: Bank Branch 銀行/分行 Account Number 帳號 2.Details of Present Bankers Bank Branch 銀行/分行 Account Number 帳號 3.Do you use a company or corporate credit card issued by any member of HSBC Group? 貴公司有否使用由滙豐集團成員發出之信用卡? 4.Are you a Subsidiary / Associate of another organization? No 貴公司是否為另一家機構之子公司/關聯公司? 否 Subsidiary of (i.e. owned more than 50%) Customer Number 右列之子公司(即擁有超過50%) 客戶編號 Associate of (i.e. owned more than 20% up to 50%) Customer Number 右列之關聯公司(即擁有超過20%~50%) 客戶編號 |
II. Account Opening (To be completed only if opening a Business Account) 帳戶開戶(只限開立公司帳戶)
Please open a Business Account in our name as detailed blow: 請貴行根據本公司提供之明細資料,以本公司之名義開立一公司帳戶:
Type of Account Required 所需之帳戶類別 Statement Savings Account (SSV) 對帳單存款帳戶 | Others (please specify): 其他(請說明) | ||
Currency of Account | |||
USD 美元 EUO 歐元 | Others (please specify): 其他(請說明) | ||
Type of Statement Required 所需之對帳單類別 Language 語言: English 英文 Chinses 中文 Statement frequency: 對帳單日期 Number of copies: 數目 |
III. Director(S) Informations 公司董事之資料
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese Name in English (S | 中文姓名: ame as Passport) | 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card 國民身分證 | Passport 護照 | Other 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card 國民身分證 | Passport 護照 | Other 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |||
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |||
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 |
IV. Shareholders / Beneficial Owners Information 公司股東/實益擁有★之資料
Note 注意事項 | * All individuals, either directly or indirectly through their beneficial ownership of an underlying corporate shareholder, should be regarded as Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the company * 任何個人不論直接或間接透過持有公司股權,即應被認為是公司股東/實益擁有人。 | ||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Please tick the type you belong to 請勾選台端屬性 | Shareholder Beneficial Owner 股東 實益擁有人 | Ownership(%) 持股比例 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed填寫所附證明文件資料 (個人/法人) Individuals/Corporation | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||
Note 注意事項 | * All individuals, either directly or indirectly through their beneficial ownership of an underlying corporate shareholder, should be regarded as Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the company * 任何個人不論直接或間接透過持有公司股權,即應被認為是公司股東/實益擁有人。 | ||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Please tick the type you belong to 請勾選台端屬性 | Shareholder Beneficial Owner 股東 實益擁有人 | Ownership(%) 持股比例 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed填寫所附證明文件資料 (個人/法人) Individuals/Corporation | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||
Note 注意事項 | * All individuals, either directly or indirectly through their beneficial ownership of an underlying corporate shareholder, should be regarded as Shareholders / Beneficial Owners of the company * 任何個人不論直接或間接透過持有公司股權,即應被認為是公司股東/實益擁有人。 | ||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Please tick the type you belong to 請勾選台端屬性 | Shareholder Beneficial Owner 股東 實益擁有人 | Ownership(%) 持股比例 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed填寫所附證明文件資料 (個人/法人) Individuals/Corporation | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 |
V. Authorized Signatories Information 公司有權簽字★之資料
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese Name in English (S | 中文姓名: ame as Passport) | 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card 國民身分證 | Passport 護照 | Other 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card 國民身分證 | Passport 護照 | Other 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |||
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 | |||||
Full name 姓名 | Name in Chinese 中文姓名: Name in English (Same as Passport) 英文姓名 (與護照同): | ||||
Identification Document Type 身份證明文件 | Identity Card Passport Other 國民身分證 護照 其他 | Identification Document Number 身份證明文件號碼 | |||
Complete the confirming documents of proof enclosed (for individuals only) 填寫所附證明文件資料 (限個人) | Former Name in Chinese 更名前中文姓名: Former Name in English (Same a passport) 更名前英文姓名(與護照同): *Please provide the proof 請附證明文件 | ||||
Alias (Also known as) 別名: *Alias is not a nickname, please provide the proof. (e.g. Passport) 別名並非綽號,請附證明文件(例如:護照) | |||||
※Nationality 國籍: | |||||
Permanent Address 永久地址: | |||||
Residential Address (if different from Permanent Address and provide the proof)居住地址(與永久地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 另列於右 | |||||
Mailing Address (if different from Permanent Address / Residential Address and provide the proof)通訊地址(與永久/居住地址不同者,請附證明文件): 同永久地址 同居住地址 另列於右 |
公司帳戶印鑑卡 Business Account Signature Card
一式憑一式 One specimen applies
二式憑二式 Both two specimen apply
二式憑一式 Either one of two specimen applies
其他 Others
姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen | 姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen |
上開印鑑適用於 存款帳號 Saving Account Number 其他帳號 Other Account Number | 取消劃線或塗改,憑 有效 |
一式憑一式 One specimen applies
二式憑二式 Both two specimen apply
二式憑一式 Either one of two specimen applies
其他 Others
姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen | 姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen |
上開印鑑適用於 存款帳號 Saving Account Number 其他帳號 Other Account Number | 取消劃線或塗改,憑 有效 |
公司帳戶印鑑卡 Business Account Signature Card
一式憑一式 One specimen applies
二式憑二式 Both two specimen apply
二式憑一式 Either one of two specimen applies
其他 Others
姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen | 姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen |
上開印鑑適用於 存款帳號 Saving Account Number 其他帳號 Other Account Number | 取消劃線或塗改,憑 有效 |
一式憑一式 One specimen applies
二式憑二式 Both two specimen apply
二式憑一式 Either one of two specimen applies
其他 Others
姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen | 姓名/職銜 Name/Title | 印鑑樣式 Specimen |
上開印鑑適用於 存款帳號 Saving Account Number 其他帳號 Other Account Number | 取消劃線或塗改,憑 有效 |
滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司 印製 2023.11 WPBOBUAC-002 R11