x货物运输保险附加险包括常用除外条款(共 21 条)、常用限制条款(共 13 条)、常用免赔描述方法(3 条)、常用附加条款(共 78 条),适用于各类货物运输保险。
1) 破碎险除外
2) 承保破碎险,不包括原残损失
3) 非承保责任造成的生锈、氧化变色除外
4) 机械、电路、电子设备功能紊乱除外,除非是承保风险造成的且存在明显的外部损害、凹陷或变形
5) 弯曲风险除外
6) 锈损除外
7) 油污损失除外
8) 霉变除外
9) 液体溢出除外
10) 鼠咬虫蛀除外
11) 非平安险或水渍险原因或淡水雨淋造成的生锈、氧化、变色除外
12) 裸装货物的破裂、弯曲变形、刮擦损失除外
13) 内在霉变除外
14) 串味损失除外条款
15) 全车损失除外条款
16) 不明原因货物短少除外条款
17) 腐败变质除外条款
18) 无人看管损失除外条款
19) 温度、湿度变化除外条款
20) 短量除外
21) 因受潮、受热、自燃造成的损失除外
1) 海关检验条款
2) 码头检验条款
3) 绕道条款
4) 使用专业承运人保证条款
5) 专业包装保证条款
6) 盗窃、抢劫需提供警方证明条款
7) 陆运过程中保证使用箱式货车或全封闭货车或捆扎紧密、做好充分防水措施的货车以满足长距离运输的需要
8) 含水量保证条款
9) 无明显证据证明属我司承保期间因平安险或水渍险所承保风险造成的损失我司不予赔偿.
10) 在本保险全程运输中,载货车辆不得超载
11) 货物国际安全管理规则背书
12) 30 天通知取消保单条款
13) 成对成套条款
1) 免 赔
2) 短量损失免赔
3) 破碎损失免赔
1) Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism)
2) 200% Accumulation Clause
3) Cancellation Clause
4) Transit Extension Clause (90 days)
5) Special Replacement Clause
6) Special Replacement Clause (Duty)
7) Returned Shipment Clause
8) Paramount War Clause
9) Insolvency Exclusion Clause
10) Electrical/Mechanical Derangement Clause
11) War Risks Clause
12) Concealed Damage Clause (120 days)
13) Marine 50/50 Concealed Damage Clause
14) General Average Clause
15) Shortage From Containers Clause
16) Packing Clause
17) Containerized Cargo Clause
18) Fumigation Clause
19) Deliberate Damage – Pollution Hazard Clause
20) Civil Authority Clause
21) Removal of Debris Clause
22) General Loss or Damage Survey Clause
23) Partial Loss Clause
24) Subrogation Clause
25) Errors and Omissions Clause
26) Expediting Clause
27) Cargo ISM Endorsement including Cargo ISM Forwarding Charges Clause
28) Airfreight Replacement Clause
29) Pre-appointment of Loss Adjuster
30) Payment on Account Clause
31) Primary Insurance
32) Good Faith Clause
33) Currency Clause
34) Institute Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, and Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause CL370 10/11/03
35) Container Demurrage Charges
36) Brand & Trademark
37) Loading and unloading Clause
38) Unattended Vehicle
39) Premium Adjustment on Expiry Clause
40) Concealed Damage Clause
41) Premium Payment Terms Clause
42) Debris Removal Clause
43) Marine Extension Clause
44) Goods Purchased By the Assured On "C.I.F." Terms
45) Goods Purchased By The Assured On "F.O.B.", C. & F." Or Similar Terms
46) Seller's Interest in Respect Of Shipments Sold By the Assured On F.O.B, C.F.R Or Similar Terms
47) Cargo ISPS Endorsement
48) Cargo ISPS Forwarding Charges Clause
49) 偷窃、提货不着险条款
50) 淡水、雨淋险条款
51) 短量险条款
52) 混杂、沾污险条款
53) 渗漏险条款
54) 碰损、破碎险条款
55) 串味险条款
56) 受潮受热险条款
57) 钩损险条款
58) 包装破裂险
59) 锈损险条款
60) 进口集装箱货物运输保险特别条款
61) 海运进口货物国内转运期间保险责任扩展条款
62) 进口关税条款
63) 舱面货物条款
64) 拒收险条款
65) 黄曲霉毒素险条款
66) 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款
67) 易腐货物条款
68) 交货不到条款
69) 海关检验条款
70) 码头检验条款
71) 卖方利益保险条款
72) 海洋运输货物战争险条款
73) 陆上运输货物战争险条款
74) 航空运输货物战争险条款
75) 邮包战争险条款
76) 货物运输罢工险条款
77) 公路货物运输保险附加盗窃、抢劫保险条款
78) 临时仓储条款
序号 | 中文简称 | 英文规范描述 |
1 | 破碎险除外。 | Excluding risk of breakage. |
2 | 承保破碎险,不包括原残损失。 | The insurance against Risk of Breakage does not cover the goods remarked in the invoice as originally damaged. |
3 | 非承保责任造成的生锈、氧化变色除外。 | Excluding Rust, Oxidation Discoloration unless caused by the perils insured against under the terms of this policy. |
4 | 机械、电路、电子设备功能紊乱除外,除非是 承保风险造成的且存在明显的外部损害、凹陷或变形。 | Excluding Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Derangement unless caused by the perils insured against under the terms of this policy and there is evidence of an external damage dent and distortion. |
5 | 弯曲风险除外。 | Excluding risk of bending. |
6 | 锈损除外。 | Excluding risk of rust. |
7 | 油污损失除外。 | Excluding damage by grease and oil. |
8 | 霉变除外。 | Excluding risk of moulds. |
9 | 液体溢出除外。 | Excluding risk of spillages. |
10 | 鼠咬虫蛀除外。 | Excluding risk of rats-bitten and infestation. |
11 | 非平安险或水渍险原因或淡水雨淋造成的生锈、氧化、变色除外 | Excluding the risk of rusting, oxidation and discoloration unless caused by Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses (F.P.A. or W.A.) perils or rain water. |
12 | 裸装货物的破裂、弯曲变形、刮擦损失除外 | Excluding any risk of chipping, denting, marring and scratching if the subject-matter insured is unpacked. |
13 | 内在霉变除外 | Excluding risk of inherent Mould |
14 | 串味损失除外条款 任何原因造成的货物串味损失保险人不承担保险责任 | Excluding risk of taint of odour |
15 | 全车损失除外条款 全车被他人诈骗或全车被盗窃所致的损失,保险人不承担保险责任 | |
16 | 不明原因货物短少除外条款 货物不明原因短少,保险人不承担保险责任 | |
17 | 腐败变质除外条款 任何原因造成的货物腐败变质,保险人不承担保险责任 | |
18 | 无人看管损失除外条款 货物在无人看管情况下发生的损失,保险人不承担保险责任 | |
19 | 温度、湿度变化除外条款 由于温度、湿度变化造成的货物损失,保险人不承担保险责任 | The insurance company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the insured cargo caused by change of temperature and humidity. |
20 | 短量除外 | Excluding the risk of shortage. |
21 | 因受潮、受热、自燃造成的损失除外 | Excluding the risk of heating, sweating and spontaneous combustion. |
序号 | 中文简称 | 英文规范描述 |
1 | 海关检验条款 | Survey in customs clause. |
2 | 码头检验条款 | Survey at Jetty Clause. |
3 | 绕道条款 | The insurance shall continue in force during any deviation and other variation of the adventure beyond the control of the Insured but otherwise subject to the clause of commencement and termination of cover as printed overleaf hereon. |
4 | 使用专业承运人保证条款 | Warranted the insured goods are carried by professional carrier. |
5 | 专业包装保证条款 | Warranted the insured goods are professionally packed. |
6 | 盗窃、抢劫需提供警方证明条款 | Warranted that any theft, burglary or robbery claim should be supported by police reports. |
7 | 陆运过程中保证使用箱式货车或全封闭货车或捆扎紧密、做好充分防水措施的货车以满足长距离运输的需要 | In case of Inland Transit by truck, warranted that the insured good should be carried by container truck &/or fully enclosed vans &/or the truck with water-proof cover and sufficient lashing to withstand long-distance. |
8 | 含水量保证条款 | Warranted that a certificate be issued by Lloyd’s surveyor or duly constituted inspector that the moisture content of any portion of the interest hereby insured be not more than % at the time of loading. |
9 | 无明显证据证明属我司承保期间因平安险或水渍险所承保风险造成的损失我司不予赔偿. | Without obvious evidence to ascertain that the loss or damage sustained during the period of the policy caused by the risk covered under F.P.A or W.P., the insurance company shall not be responsible for any such loss or damage claim. |
10 | 在本保险全程运输中,载货车辆不得超载。 | Warranted throughout the currency of this insurance the conveyance is loaded within licensed carrying capacity. |
11 | 货物国际安全管理规则背书。 | SUBJECT TO CARGO ISM ENDORSEMENT (JC 98/019 1 MAY 1998) Cargo ISM Endorsement Applicable with effect from 1 August, 1998 to shipments on board: Applicable to shipments on board: 1. ro-ro passenger ferries 2. passenger vessels transporting more than 12 passengers and 3. oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high speed crafts of 500 gt or more. Applicable with effect from 1 July 2002 to shipments on board all other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units of 500 gt or more. In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense where the subject matter insured is carried by a vessel that is not ISM Code certified or whose owners or operators do not hold an ISM Code Document of Compliance when, at the time of loading of the subject matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured were aware, or in the ordinary course of business should have been aware: a) Either that such vessel was not certified in accordance with the ISM Code b) Or that a current Document of Compliance was not held by her owners or operators as required under the SOLAS Convention 1974 as amended This exclusion shall not apply where this insurance has |
been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject matter insured in good faith under a binding contract. | ||
被保人或承保人在提前 30 天通知对方的情况下可以自通知中列明之日期取消本合约。但对于协会战争条 款和协会罢工条款,取消通知期为 7 天;对于往/来自美利坚合众国 的货运,取消期为 48 个小时。取消合约通知可以自通知订立之日 的午夜始计,此通知不适用于在取消生效之前承保范围和风险。 | This open policy may be cancelled at any time by either party giving the other 30 days’ notice of cancellation, or 7 days in so far as war, s.r. & c.c. risks are concerned except that in case of shipments from &/or to the u.s.a., the cover in respect of war, s.r. & c.c. risks may be cancelled by giving 48 hours’ notice. Provided that any such cancellation shall not prejudice any risks which shall have attached at the time such cancellation becomes effective. | |
13 | 成对成套条款 任何属于成对或成套的项目,若发生损失,本公司的赔偿责任不超过该受损项目在所属整对或整套项目的保险金额中所占的比例。 |
序号 | 中文简称 | 英文规范描述 |
1 | 免赔:保额的 %。 | Deductible: % on the whole consignment. |
2 | 短量损失免赔为保额的 %。 | The risk of shortage in weight in excess of % on the whole consignment. |
3 | 破碎损失免赔为保额的 % 。 | Risk of breakage in excess of % on the whole consignment. |
1. Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism)
This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith.
1) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Policy or the Clauses referred to therein, it is agreed that in so far as this Policy covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive, such cover is conditional upon the subject-matter insured being in the ordinary course of transit and, in any event, Shall terminate:
1.1 As per the transit clauses contained within the Policy, or
1.2 on delivery to the Consignee’s or other final warehouse or place of storage at the destination named herein,
1.3 on delivery to any other warehouse or place of storage, whether prior to or at the destination named herein, which the Assured elect to use either for storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution,, or
1.4 in respect of marine transits, on the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge,
1.5 in respect of air transits, on the expiry of 30 days after unloading the subject-matter insured from the aircraft at the final place of discharge,
whichever shall first occur.
2) If this Policy or the Clauses referred to therein specifically provide cover for inland or other further transits following on from storage, or termination as provided for above, cover will re-attach, and continues during the ordinary course of that transit terminating again in accordance with clause 1 .
3) This clause is subject to English law and practice.
2. 200% Accumulation Clause
Should there be an accumulation of interest beyond the limits expressed in this Policy by reason of any interruption in transit and/or occurrence beyond the control of the Insured, or by reason of any casualty and/or transhipping point and/or on a connecting steamer or conveyance, Underwriters shall hold covered such excess interest and shall be liable for the full amount at risk, but in no event to exceed twice the policy limit, provided notice be given to Underwriters as soon as known to the First Named Insured.The Company’s liability in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising from the same event in any one location shall not
exceed the Limit of anyone conveyance.
3. Cancellation Clause
Subject to 60 days Notice of Cancellation in respect of all Marine Risks covered under this contract
4. Transit Extension Clause (90 days)
Notwithstanding the limitations of the “duration” clause od the Institute Cargo Clause and Institute Strike Clause, Insurer hereon agree to hold covered, at an additional premium to be agreed, any interest failing to arrive at consignee's warehouse within the ninety (90) days period in normal course of transit after completion of discharge from the overseas vessel due to circumstances beyond control of the Assured, subject to notification of such delay at the earliest possible moment.
5. Special Replacement Clause
In the event of claim for loss or damage to any part or parts of the insured interest in consequence of a peril covered by the policy, the amount recoverable hereunder shall not exceed such proportion of the cost of replacement of the parts lost or damaged as the insured value bears to the value of new machinery, plus additional charges for forwarding and refitting the new part or parts if incurred.
6. Special Replacement Clause (Duty)
Notwithstanding the provision in the Institute Replacement Clause/Special Replacement Clause hereto, it is specially understood and agreed that the Insurers shall also be liable to pay for loss, if any sustained, by payment of duty on part or parts for replacement or repair in case the full duty is not included in the amount insured but only in respect of such shipments where either the anticipated cost of duty was originally included in the sum insured or the Insured agrees to retroactively pay the premium calculated on the actual amount of duty to be paid in respect of the shipment
7. Returned Shipment Clause
In the case where the returned shipment is due to the actual loss or misfortune arising from a peril covered in this policy or the returned and/or reshipped cargoes are in good conditions, this Policy covers returned and/or reshipped cargoes at conditions agreed in this policy. Otherwise this Policy covers returned and/or
reshipped cargoes at terms of ICC(C) instead of ICC(A).
8. Paramount War Clause
War risks in respect of cargo interests are covered as in the original policy or policies, but subject to the Insurers applying the Limitations of the United Kingdom Waterborne Agreement dated 1/1/82 and any subsequent amendment thereto.
9. Insolvency Exclusion Clause
It is hereby agreed that the exclusion "loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owner managers charterers or operations of the vessel" is amended to read as follows:
In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or perations of the vessel where the Insured are unable to show that prior to the loading of the subject-matter insured on board the vessel all reasonable practical and prudent measures were taken by the Insured their servants and agents to establish the financial reliability Of the party in default.
10. Electrical/Mechanical Derangement Clause
It is agreed that loss or damage to the Property Insured arising from Electrical or Mechanical derangement is excluded unless the Property Insured is otherwise damaged by a peril as insured by the within applicable Institute Clauses.
11. War Risks Clause
War Risks Cover (as provided for the inclusion of the relevant Institute Clauses specified above) shall always be subject to the provisions regarding attachment and termination of risk incorporated in the said clauses.
12. Concealed Damage Clause (120 days)
It is understood and agreed that in respect of shipments insured hereunder which are received at destination but not unpacked, this policy is extended to cover losses arising from perils insured against while in transit, which are not ascertained until the opening of the packages, provided such opening occurs not later than one hundred and twenty(120) days after arrival at destination and, in the absence of proof to the contrary, such losses are to be considered as having occurred during the voyage covered under this policy.
Nothing contained herein, however, shall be construed to limit the coverage elsewhere provided herein.
13. Marine 50/50 Concealed Damage Clause
It is agreed and understood that in respect of items insured hereunder:
The Assured hereby undertakes to inspect each item of the interest Insured upon arrival at the contract site for possible damage sustained during transit.
In the case of packed items which are to be left in their packaging until a later date the packaging is to be visually inspected for signs of possible damage and where any such damage is visible the items are to be unpacked and inspected and any damage discovered reported to the Company.
Where the packaging of an item shows no visible signs of damage to such items having been sustained during transit any subsequent damage discovered upon unpacking will be dealt with by the Company and CAR/EAR Insurer according to whether it can clearly be established that such damage was caused before or after arrival at the contract site.
Where it is not possible to clearly establish whether the damage to an item was caused before or after arrival at the contract site it is hereby agreed that the cost of such damage shall be shared equally between the Company and the CAR/EAR insurer.
In the event of a loss being paid under the 50/50 provisions herein whereby 50% of the loss is to be paid by the Company hereunder and 50% of the CAR Insurers. The Company agrees that 50% of the applicable marine policy deductible shall apply to the proportion payable by Company under this Policy.
14. General Average Clause
This insurance covers general average and salvage charges, adjusted or determined according to the contract of affreightment and/or the governing law and practice, (or, if there is no contract of affreightment, according to Foreign Statement or to York-Antwerp Rules) incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from any cause except those specifically excluded herefrom.
For the purpose of claims for general average contributions and salvage charges recoverable hereunder, the subject-matter insured shall be deemed to be insured for its full contributory value.
15. Shortage From Containers Clause
This Insurer(s) is to pay for shortage of contents, meaning thereby, the difference between the number of items loaded or alleged to have been loaded in the intermodal
container, trailer or railcar as per the shipper's or supplier's invoice or packing list and the number of items removed therefrom and received by the Assured or its agent at the time the container, trailer or rail car is unloaded howsoever, wheresoever and whensoever occurring.
In respect of shipments in containers, provided documentary evidence is produced to substantiate the quantity loaded into a container, the fact that the container’s seal is intact at loading point or unloading point shall not invalidate claims for theft, pilferage, shortage and non-delivery.
16. Packing Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is agreed that where packing or preparation is undertaken by the Assured or their sub-contractors, Underwriters shall accept such packing or preparation as sufficient or suitable to protect the subject-matter insured against loss or damage and further agree to waive rights of subrogation against the Assured or their sub-contractor, where such waiver is given by the Assured to their sub-contractor.
17. Containerized Cargo Clause
It is agreed and understood that cover provided by this insurance extends to include all containerized cargo whether on or under deck at the same terms conditions and premium rating as for under deck cargo.
18. Fumigation Clause
In the event of loss or damage to the interest insured caused by fumigation, these insurers agree to indemnity the Assured (for such loss or damage, and the Assured hereby agrees to subrogate to these Insurers any recourse they may have for recovery of such loss or damage from others, but this clause does not extend to cover loss or damage caused by customary fumigation applied prior to or at inception of risk.
19. Deliberate Damage – Pollution Hazard Clause
This policy is extended to cover but only while the property insured is no board a waterborne conveyance, loss of or damage to said property directly caused by governmental authorities acting for the public welfare to prevent or mitigate as pollution hazard or threat thereof, provided that the accident or occurrence creating the situation which required such governmental action is an insured peril hereunder.
20. Civil Authority Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy, it is understood and agreed that property which is insured under this policy is also covered against the risk of damage or destruction by civil authority during a conflagration or for the purpose of retarding the same; provided that neither such conflagration nor such damage or destruction is caused or contributed to be War perils elsewhere excluded herein.
21. Removal of Debris Clause
This insurance also covers expenses incurred in the removal of all debris of the property covered hereunder which may occasioned by loss caused by any of the perils insured against except that the Underwriters shall not be liable under this policy and this clause for more than an additional 10% of the insured value of the shipment. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to cover any clean up expenses for which the Assured may be liable under any pollution statute.
22. General Loss or Damage Survey Clause
a. Waiver of Loss or Damage surveys (Not applicable to Critical Items)
It is agreed to waive surveys in respect of claims not expected to exceed US10,000 or equivalent in other currencies, net of cover deductible, if any, such claims to be accepted by Insurers on presentation of the Insured’s statement or debit note only.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that the Insured shall, at the Insurer's request, submit full supporting documents in respect of claims in excess of US5,000 or equivalent in other currencies, net of cover deductible, if any, in order that the Insurers may pursue recovery action against carriers and/or other third parties as may be considered appropriate.
b. Survey fees
In the event of the Insured and/or consignee complying with the instruction contained in the policy or on the Certificate of Insurance to call for a survey in respect of loss or damage which may result in a claim hereunder, it is hereby understood and agreed that reasonable expenses incurred and fees charged in respect of that survey are for the Insurer's account even though a claim may not subsequently result hereunder.
c Testing, Sorting and Segregation Clause
In the event of external signs of damage to the subject-matter insured, Underwriters agree to meet the reasonable costs incurred as a result of complying with surveyor’s instructions in respect of testing, sorting and segregating the subject-matter in order to ascertain any possible loss hereunder, including any surveyor’s fees and additional storage charges, all whether or not any actual damage is subsequently found with no claim resulting hereunder. Including the costs of transporting the subject-matter to or from a test facility plus the costs of repacking and shipment to destination after completion. Any such costs shall be paid in full without application of applicable policy deductible or excess.
d. Repacking costs
It is agreed that, in the event of the original shipping packages arriving at the final destination in a visibly damaged condition arising from a peril insured against, the costs of replacing such packages shall be for the account of the Insurer's in those instances where it is an established custom of the Insured’s and/or consignee's trade to deliver the goods to the final customer's premises in the original shipping package.
This agreement is subject to such costs being approved and agreed by the surveyor called in by the insured and/or consignee to inspect the damage goods.
23. Partial Loss Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, it is agreed that, in order to minimise possible loss or damage, arising from a pl a peril insured against, any loss hereunder shall, as far as practicable, be ascertained by a separation and a sale or appraisal (cost of which to become part of the claim) of the damaged portion only of the contents of the packages so damaged and not otherwise.
24. Subrogation Clause
A. It is agreed that upon payment of any loss, this company is subrogated to all the rights of the Insured to the extent of such payment. Any written release or waiver of liability entered into by the Insured in the normal course of their business prior to loss hereunder shall not after this insurance or the right of the Insured to recover hereunder. The right of subrogation against the Insured’s subsidiary, affiliated, or associated corporation or companies, joint ventures, partnerships or any other corporations or companies associated with the Insured through ownership or management is waived.,
B. In the event of any payment under this policy, this Company shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to all the Insured’s rights of recovery therefore. The Insured shall execute all papers required an shall do anything that may be necessary to secure such right. The Company will act in concert with all other interests concerned, i.e., the Insured and any other Company(ies) participating in the payment of any loss as primary or excess insurers, in the exercise of such rights of recovery. If any amount is recovered after deducting the costs of recovery such amount shall be divided between the interests concerned in the proportion of their respective interests. If there should be no recovery, the expense of proceedings shall be borne proportionately by the interests instituting the proceedings.
25. Errors and Omissions Clause
Assured shall not be prejudiced by any unintentional delay or omission in the reporting hereunder or any unintentional error in the amount or description of the Interest, Vessel or Voyage, or if the subject matter of the Insurance be shipped by any other vessel, if notice by given to Underwriters as soon as practicable after said facts become known to the Assured and deficiency or premium, if any, made good.
26. Expediting Clause( US$ 2,500,000)
In the event of loss or damage to the property insured or any part thereof the cost of any repair replacement or rectification admitted under this Policy shall include the additional costs not exceeding 20% or US$ 2,500,000 of the adjusted claim (before application of excess) of overtime weekend and shift working bonus payments plant hire charges express delivery (including airfreight) and the like necessarily and reasonable incurred in expediting such repairs or rectification but excluding any such cost solely to expedite the completion of any construction execution or installation of property not lost or damage at a faster rate than would have been obtained if no such loss or damage.
27. Cargo ISM Endorsement including Cargo ISM Forwarding Charges Clause Cargo ISM Endorsement (JC98/019 1 May 1998)
Applicable to shipments on board Ro-Ro passenger ferries. Applicable with effect form 1 July 1998 to shipments on board:
1) passenger vessels transporting more than 12 passenger and
2) oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers, and cargo high speed craft of 500 GT or more.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2002 to shipment on board all other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units of 500 GT or more.
In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense where the subject matter insured is carried by a vessel that is not ISM Code certified or whose owners or operates do not hold an ISM Code Document of Compliance when, at the time of loading of the subject matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured were aware, or in the ordinary course of business should have been aware:
a) Either that such vessel was not certified in accordance with the ISM Code.
b) Or that a current Document of Compliance was not held by her owners or operators
As required under the SOLAS Convention 1974 as amended.
This exclusion shall not apply where this insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.
Cargo ISM Forwarding Charges Clause
This insurance is extended to reimburse the Assured up to the limit of the sum insured for the voyage, for any extra charges properly and reasonably incurred in unloading, storing and forwarding the subject matter insured to the destination to which it is insured hereunder or to a substitute destination or until returned to the point of shipment all at the Assured’s election, following release of cargo from a vessel arrested or detained at or diverted to any other port of place (other than the intended port of destination) where the voyage is terminated due either
a) to such vessel not being certified in accordance with the ISM Code; or
b) to a current Document of Compliance not being held by her owners or operators as required under the SOLAS Convention 1974 as amended.
28. Airfreight Replacement Clause
In the event of loss of or damage to any part or parts of an insured machine caused by a peril covered by the Policy the sum recoverable shall not exceed the cost of replacement or repair of such part or parts plus charges for forwarding and refitting, if incurred, but excluding duty unless the full duty is included in the amount insured. in which case loss, 1f any, sustained by payment of additional duty shall also be recoverable. Provided always that in no case shall the liability of Underwriters
exceed the insured vaiue of the complete machine.
29. Pre-appointment of Loss Adjuster
It is noted and agreed that in respect of any claim where the estimated amount exceed USD 20,0000 or disagree to the insurance liability and/or claim amount, the Insurer agreed to appoint Nominated Loss Adjuster in the policy to adjust the claim and all the costs and expenses will be bonded by the Insurer.
It is possible to choose the other adjuster if necessary, whereas agreed by the Insured and insurer.
Nominated Loss Adjuster:
1) SDP Crawford
2) Mc Larens
30. Payment on Account Clause (50%)
It is hereby agreed and understood that in the event of the occurrence of a loss covered under this insurance the company may approve 50% advance payment on account in respect of such loss to the request of the insured and with the adjuster’s recommendation.
Subject otherwise to the terms exceptions and conditions of this policy.
31. Primary Insurance
Notwithstanding any clause contained in the Conditions of the Policy, it is expressly understood and agreed that the insurance provided by this Policy is the primary insurance except specific insurance for the Insureds shown in the Schedule. If at any time any claim arises under the Policy, should there be any other insurance covering the same loss, damage or liability such other insurance shall only apply as an excess coverage and non-contributing herewith.
32. Good Faith Clause
This insurance shall be construed as an honorable undertaking the purposes of which are not to be defeated by a narrow technical construction of its provisions, but shall be subject to a liberal interpretation for the purposes of giving effect to the real intention of the parties thereto. It is also agreed that the text of this policy is that of the insurers.
33. Currency Clause
Notwithstanding the currencies in which the Sum Insured under this Insurance is denominated the Company agrees that the sum insured under the Policy is fixed in US Dollar. All the premium claims for loss damage or liability are to be paid and settled in US Dollar. When any currency conversion under this Policy is necessary it is agreed that exchange rate to be used is the closing exchanged rate quoted by the official Foreign Exchange Market in P. R. China and based on:
1) The exchange rate on the date of Policy inception or effective date of any subsequent endorsement(s) for calculation of premium.
2) The exchange rate on the date of occurrence of loss or damage for adjustment for loss settlement.
00.Xxxxxxxxx Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, and Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause CL370 10/11/03
This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith
1. In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
1.1 ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel
1.2 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof
1.3 any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter
1.4 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The exclusion in this sub-clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful purposes
1.5 any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagnetic weapon.
This policy is subject to the Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause 10/11/03
(RACCBE). The inclusion of RACCBE in this policy is material to underwriters' willingness to provide coverage at the quoted terms, conditions and rates.
It is the intent of the parties to give maximum effect to RACCBE as permitted by law.
In the event that any portion of RACCBE may be found to be unenforceable in whole or in part under the law of any state, territory, district, commonwealth or possession of the U.S.A., or any province or territory of Canada, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect under the laws of that state, territory, district, commonwealth or possession, province or territory. Further, any such finding shall not alter the enforceability of RACCBE under the laws of any other state, territory, district, commonwealth or possession of the U.S.A., or any province or territory of Canada, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
35.Container Demurrage Charges
This Policy shall cover demurrage charges and /or late penalties assessed against, and paid by ,the Insured for late return of containers when said containers are retained by the insured at the instruction of the Company for inspection by the Company’s surveyor in investigation of loss or damage recoverable under this Policy.
The time period for which the Company shall be liable for said charges and /or penalties shall begin at the time the Company instructs the Insured to retain the containers for inspection and end at the time the Company’s surveyor instructs the Insured to return the containers.
36.Brand & Trademark
In case of damage by a peril insured against to property bearing a brand or trademark or which in any way carries or implies the guarantee or the responsibility of the anufacturer or Insured, the salvage value of such damaged property shall be determined after removal at this Insurer's expense in the customary manner of all such brands or trademarks or other identifying characteristics. The Insured shall have full right to the possession of all goods involved in any loss under this policy and shall retain control of all damaged goods. The Insured, exercising a reasonable discretion, shall be the sole judge as to whether the goods involved in any loss under this policy are fit for consumption.
No goods so deemed by the Insured to be unfit for consumption shall be sold or otherwise disposed of except by the Insured or with the Insured's consent, but the
Insured shall allow this Insurer any salvage obtained by the Insured on any sale or other disposition of such goods.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exception of this Policy.
37.Loading and unloading Clause
It is hereby noted and agreed that this policy extends to cover loss of or damage to insured property occurring during loading and unloading in connection with the transit within the territorial limit.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exception of this Policy.
38.Unattended Vehicle
It is noted and agreed that this Policy extends to cover burglary loss or damage from unattended vehicle but warranted that the vehicle is securely locked and that the vehicle is to be safely garaged in car xxxx watched by security guards whilst left unattended overnight.
39.Premium Adjustment on Expiry Clause
In consideration of the Premium under this Policy being calculated on the Estimated Annual Turnover of the Insured, it is hereby declared and agreed that the Insured will declare to the Company at the end of the Period of Insurance the actual turnover during the Period of Insurance.
The actual earned premium shall be calculated accordingly and if it be Greater than the Annual Premium the Insured shall pay the difference or it be less than Annual Premium the Company shall return the difference to the Insured subject to a Minimum Premium of 50% of the Deposit premium.
40.Concealed Damage Clause (60 days)
It is agreed that any loss or damage discovered on opening containers, cases &/or package, shall be deemed to have occurred during the transit insured hereunder (and irrespective of attachment of Insured’s interest) and shall be paid for accordingly unless proof conclusive to the contrary be established, it being understood that any containers, cases &/or package showing visible signs of damage are to be opened immediately on the cessation of risk hereunder.
This agreement shall, however, only apply where such loss or damage is discovered
within 60 days of the cessation of risk hereunder.
41.Premium Payment Terms Clause
It is agreed and understood that the total premium under this Policy shall be paid in 2 installments.
The first installment is to be paid within 60 days after the client receives the original policy, and the second installment is to be paid within 6 months after the first installment.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.
42.Debris Removal Clause
This insurance shall extend to cover the actual cost and expense incurred by the Assured (subject to the prior consent of the Underwriters), for removal and disposal of stock debris due to the loss or damage to the goods hereby insured by perils insured against.
In no case, however, shall the liability of the Company exceed as per attached schedule.
43.Marine Extension Clause
This insurance specially to cover the goods during:
i. deviation, delay, forced discharge, reshipment and transhipment;
ii. any other variation of the adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to the shipowner or charterer under the contract of affreightment.
In the event of the exercise of any liberty granted to the ship owner or charter under the contract of affreightment whereby such contract is terminated at a port or place other than original insured destination, the insurance continues until the goods are sold and delivered at such port or place;
if the goods be not sold but are forwarded to the original insured destination or to any other destination this insurance continues until the goods have arrived at final warehouse as provided herein.
44.Goods Purchased By the Assured On "C.I.F." Terms
Where goods are purchased "C.I.F." and the supplier fails to effect insurance or effects an insurance which is subsequently rendered inoperative or which is more restricted than the protection afforded hereunder, such goods shall be covered hereunder on the normal cover conditions.
In such cases the Underwriters will be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured against the supplier and/or the supplier’s insurers and/or other parties and in no case shall this insurance contribute in double insurance.
45.Goods Purchased By The Assured On "F.O.B.", C. & F." Or Similar Terms
It is hereby understood and agreed that the goods are at the Underwriters' risk and that their liability to the Assured commences from the time the goods leave the Suppliers' Factory, Warehouse, Store or Mill as if the Contract of Sale was "ex Suppliers' premises" notwithstanding that the goods and/or interest may have been purchased on "F.O.B.", "C. & F." or similar terms, Underwriters being subrogated to the Assured's rights of recourse against the Suppliers.
46. Seller's Interest in Respect Of Shipments Sold By the Assured On F.O.B,C.F.R Or Similar Terms
This insurance also covers the contingent interest of the Assured as seller in respect of consignments sold on F.O.B., C.F.R or similar terms which do not require the seller to arrange marine insurance.
In the event that the buyer fails to pay for goods sold by the Assured on F.O.B.,
C.F.R or similar terms or for any other reason the goods remain the property of or revert to the Assured, then such goods will be covered hereunder for account of the seller only and in accordance with the conditions set out herein. Cover shall be retrospective to attachment as stated herein and shall continue until terminated as provided in the relevant conditions of this cover.
In the event of any delay or deviation caused by the failure of the buyer to take up and pay for the goods, cover hereunder shall continue until the Assured receives payment or the goods are returned to the Assured or disposed of elsewhere and the Assured's risk ceases.
Underwriters hereon are to be subrogated to all rights and benefits which the Assured may possess against the buyer, the buyer's insurance or any other parties.
The existence of this insurance is not to be revealed to the buyer or to any other party interested in the consignment.
47.Cargo ISPS Endorsement
In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense where the subject matter insured is carried by a vessel that does not hold a valid International Ship Security Certificate as required under the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code when, at the time of loading of the subject matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured were aware, or in the ordinary course of business should have been aware that such vessel was not certified in accordance with the ISPS Code as required under the SOLAS Convention 1974 as amended.
This exclusion shall not apply where this insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.
48.Cargo ISPS Forwarding Charges Clause
(For use only with JCC Cargo ISPS Endorsement (JC 2004/050)
In consideration of an additional premium to be agreed, this insurance is extended to reimburse the Assured, up to the limit of the sum insured for the voyage, for any extra charges properly and reasonably incurred in unloading, storing and forwarding the subject-matter to the destination to which it is insured hereunder following release of cargo from a vessel arrested or detained at or diverted to any other port or place (other than the intended port of destination) where the voyage is terminated due to such vessel not being certified in accordance with the ISPS Code as required under the SOLAS Convention 1974 as amended.
This clause, which does not apply to General Average or Salvage or Salvage Charges, is subject to all other terms conditions and exclusions contained in the policy and to JCC Cargo ISPS
以下附加险条款适用于所有 2009 版本的货运险主险条款: 49.海洋运输货物战争险条款
(一)直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突或海盗行为所致的损失。 (二)由于上述第(一)款引起的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押所造成的损失。
(三)各种常规武器,包括水雷、鱼雷、炸弹所致的损失。 (四)本条款责任范围引起的共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。
注:本条款系海洋运输货物保险条款(2009 版)(以下简称“主险条款”)的附加条款,本条款与主险条款中的任何条文有抵触时,均以本条款为准;本条款未尽事宜,以主险条款为准。
(一)直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突所致的损失。 (二)各种常规武器,包括地雷、炸弹所致的损失。
注:本条款系陆上运输货物保险条款(2009 版)(以下简称“主险条款”)的附加条款,本条款与主险条款中的任何条文有抵触时,均以本条款为准;本条款未尽事宜,以主险条款为准。
(一)直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突所致的损失。 (二)由于上述第(一)款引起的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押所造成的损失。 (三)各种常规武器,包括炸弹所致的损失。
注:本条款系航空运输货物保险条款(2009 版)(以下简称“主险条款”)的附加条款,
(一)直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突或海盗行为所致的损失。 (二)由于上述第(一)款引起的捕获、拘留、扣留、禁制、扣押所造成的损失。 (三)各种常规武器,包括水雷、鱼雷、炸弹所致的损失。
注:本条款系邮包保险条款(2009 版)的(以下简称“主险条款”)的附加条款,本条款与主险条款中的任何条文有抵触时,均以本条款为准;本条款未尽事宜,以主险条款为准。
x保险对被保险货物遭受下列损失,按保险价值负责赔偿: 1、偷窃行为所致的损失;
被保险人必须及时提货,遇有第 1 项所列的损失,必须在提货后十日内申请检验;遇
有第 2 项损失,必须向责任方取得整件提货不着的证明,否则,保险人不负赔偿责任。
如被保险货物到达目的港后,因遭受本保险单责任范围以内的损失,而被保险人仍须按完好货物完税时,保险人对该项货物损失部分的进口关税负赔偿责任,但以不超过受损部分的保险价值 为限。
三、本保险的终止,自被保险货物卸离海轮存入卸货港的仓库时为止。或者 (一)被保险货物在目的港卸离海轮满二十天终止;
(一)被保险货物的生产、质量、包装和商品检验必须符合产地国和进口国的有关规定。 (二)被保险货物备有一切必需的有效的进口特许证或许可证。
(一)违反上述第四条中的任何一款; (二)市价跌落;
(四)违反产地国政府或有关当局关于出口货物的有关规定; (五)被保险货物在起运前,进口国已经宣布实行禁运或禁止。
第一条 保险责任
第二条 责任起迄
在保险合同有效期内,每次运输的保险责任起讫期为保险货物自运离保险凭证(保险单)上载明的起运地时起,至运抵保险凭证(保险单)载明的目的地卸离运输工具时止。但保险货物运抵目的地后,如果收货人未及时卸货,则保险责任的终止期从抵达目的地当日零时起计算最多延长 48 小时。
第三条 责任免除
下列原因造成保险货物的损失,保险人不负赔偿责任: 1.保险货物被政府有关部门征用、罚没、扣押;
3. 投保人或被保险人的故意行为、违法犯罪行为;
4. 其他不属于保险责任范围的原因。
第四条 投保人或被保险人的义务
1. 投保人或被保险人获知或应当获知保险货物发生保险责任范围内的损失后,应立即向当地公安部门报案,并同时通知保险人。故意或者因重大过失未及时通知,致使保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等难以确定的,保险人对无法确定的部分,不承担赔偿责任,但保险人通过其他途径已经及时知道或者应当及时知道保险事故发生的除外。
2. 当货物发生损失时,投保人或被保险人应采取积极有效措施制止货物损失进一步扩
第五条 赔偿处理
1. 被保险人向保险人索赔时,须提供出险地公安部门出具的证明;全车被骗的,须提供出险地县级以上(含县级)公安刑侦部门出具的证明。否则,保险人有权对部分或全部经济损失不负赔偿责任。
2. 本附加险责任范围内的盗窃、抢劫、哄抢所造成的保险货物的直接经济损失,在被保险人报案 30 天后未能侦破,并由被保险人出具盗窃、抢劫、哄抢事故报告、损失清单、公安部门的证明材料及被保险人所能提供的其他与确认保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等有关的证明和资料后,保险人给予赔偿。全车被骗所致保险货物的直接经济损失,须经县级以上(含县级)公安刑侦部门立案满三个月未能侦破,被保险人出具公安部门的证明材料及保险人认为必要的其他单证后保险人给予赔偿。
3. 经公安部门破案被追回的保险货物,双方应当协商处理。
4. 保险货物发生保险责任范围内的损失时,赔偿按主险条款赔偿处理的有关规定计算赔偿金额。被盗、被抢货物的赔偿均实行 20%的绝对免赔,全车被骗的赔偿实行 30%的绝对免赔。
第六条 其他事项
x条款为《公路货物运输保险条款(2009 版)》、《国内货物运输公路定额保险条款(2009版)》的附加条款。本条款与上述条款相抵触之处,以本条款为准,其他未尽事项以主险条款为准。
2、 保险事故发生后,被保险人为防止或者减少保险标的损失所支付的必要的合理的费用,由保险人承担。
3、 保险标的因遭抢劫、偷窃或盗贼侵入保险标的存放处而造成的灭失或损坏。
4、 但本公司对下列各项,不负责赔偿:
5. 临时仓储地点保证是室内仓储且有专人 24 小时进行看管监查。 6.每次临时仓储的期限不超过 30 天。