Letter of Authorization
授 权 委 托 书
委托人就其参加在中国上海举办的 “2020中国国际进口博览会”相关事宜,特委托(日本贸易振兴机构)代表其行事。具体委托事项如下:
有效期限: 2020 年 4月 10日起至 2020年 12月 31日止
Letter of Authorization
The trustor hereby authorizes (Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO)) to act with respect to the relevant matters relating to the trustor’s participation in the “2020 China International Import Expo” held in Shanghai, China. To be specific:
Providing detailed information and relevant documents of exhibits of the trustor; signing the Participation Contract, Supplementary Contract and other related legal documents with respect to the 2020 China International Import Expo.
The trustor shall accept and recognize the trustee’s provision of detailed information and related documents of trustor’s exhibits and all relevant legal documents signed by the trustee within its scope of authority and agency period.
Right of sub-entrustment: The trustee has no right of sub-entrustment
Valid period: from 10 / 4 / 2020 to 31 / 12 / 2020.