Global e-Banking Service Application Form and Service Agreement (Authorized User Account)
Global e-Banking Service Application Form and Service Agreement (Authorized User Account)
授權人基於業務需求茲授權被授權人之全球金融網用戶管理中心者代為設定授權人網路銀行授權使用者之各使用者交易權限,並同意由該授權使用者以被授權人名義之電子憑證/動態密碼卡透過兆豐國際商業銀行(以下簡稱銀行)全球金融網辦理授權人與銀行間之交易,與被授權人之關係茲聲明如下: (可複選)
To accommodate business requirements, the Appointer grants the Authorized, administration access to the Global e-Banking Access Management function. The Authorized will configure the access rights of the Appointer's authorized Internet banking users on behalf of the Appointer, and allow authorized users to carry out transactions between the
Appointer and Mega International Commercial Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") via Global e-Banking services using electronic certificates/dynamic password tokens under the name of the Authorized. The relationship between the Appointer and the Authorized are as follows: (multi-select)
The Authorized Person and Appointer are the same natural person or corporate entity.
The Authorized Person and Appointer are spouses or relatives within the second degree or closer.
The Authorized Company's representative is the same as, or the spouse of the Appointer's representative.
被授權公司持有授權公司有表決權之股份或出資額,超過授權公司已發行有表決權之股份總數或資本總額半數者。 The Authorized Company holds more than half the Appointer's outstanding voting rights, or contributes more than half of the Appointer's capital.
The Authorized Company directly or indirectly controls human resource, financial, or business decisions of the Appointer.
More than 50% of executive stockholders or board of directors of the Authorized Company are common to those of the Appointer.
Both the Authorized Company and Appointer have more than 50% of voting interest or capital held or contributed by the same stockholder or entrepreneur.
The Authorized Company and Appointer have investments with each other totaling more than one third of the investee's voting interest or capital.
The Appointer's Chairman (or director/stockholder who represents the company) or President is the same person as, or a spouse of, the Authorized Company's Chairman (or director/stockholder who represents the company) or President.
The Appointer is the Chairman, President, a director representing the company, or executive stockholder of the Authorized Company.
本次申請/變更授權範圍如下表 Application/modification of authority will be made as follows:
一、授權服務項目 Authorized service categories【0643】:
(全球金融網各項交易功能仍需搭配相對業務額度及限制 Global e-Banking services are subject to the limits and restrictions of each function)
新增 Add | 刪除 Delete | 功能項目 Function | 新增 Add | 刪除 Delete | 功能項目 Function | 備註 Remarks |
1.帳戶查詢Accounts | 5.投資理財Investment | 1. 約定轉出及轉入帳號會自動配 對。 Designated payer and payee accounts are matched automatically. | ||||
2.收付款 Payment & Collection | 6.查詢所有存款帳戶 Enquiry to all deposit accounts | |||||
3.融資業務Financing | 7.約定轉出帳戶間皆可互轉 Fund transfer between designated payer accounts | |||||
4.進出口業務Trading | 8.約定帳號自動配對*1 【064C】 Auto-matching for designated accounts*1 |
二、授權約定轉出帳戶 Authorized designated payer account【B140】:
共新增/刪除 個約定轉出帳號. Add/Delete designated payer account.
(fund transfer limit: express NTD accounts in NTD currency, and foreign currency accounts in the original currency or US$; Unit: $10,000; a limit of zero indicates that the account is only available for enquiry)
新增 Add | 刪除 Delete | 銀行代號 Bank code (7 碼代號或 SWIFT Code) (the 7-digit bank code or SWIFT Code) | 幣別 Currency | 轉出帳號 Payer's account | 臺幣非約定轉帳限額 Fund transfer limit from NTD non-designated accounts | 約定轉帳限額 Fund transfer limit from designated accounts | ||||
每筆 Per transaction | 每日 Per day | 每月 Per month | 每筆 Per transaction | 每日 Per day | 每月 Per month | |||||
說明 Note: 1.臺幣約定轉帳:單筆、每日及每月限額未填寫者,預設各為 NT$ 2 仟萬元。Transfers from NTD designated accounts: limits per transaction, per day, and per month are preset at NTD20 million if not specified. 2. 臺幣非約定轉帳:單筆及每日最高限額為 NT$ 2 佰萬元,惟以電子憑證放行交易者,每日限額不受此限制。單筆、每日及每月限額未填寫者, 預設各為 NT$ 0 元。Transfers from NTD non-designated accounts: capped at NTD2 million per transaction and per day(except for transfers approved by electronic certificate).Limits per transaction, per day, and per month are preset at NTD0 if not specified. 3. 外幣約定轉帳:每筆、每日及每月限額未填寫者,預設各為等值 US$ 1 佰萬元,外幣綜合存款帳戶各幣別設定之轉帳限額,以該帳戶約定之單一幣別最高限額為準,異動時亦同。Transfers from designated foreign currency accounts: limits per transaction, per day, and per month are preset at US$1 million or its equivalent if not specified. Fund transfers between the various currencies under a comprehensive foreign currency deposit account are subject to the designated single currency cap; the same applies to all subsequent changes. 4. 轉入帳號請另填轉入帳戶約定申請書[A2 表],或使用全球金融網約定帳戶管理功能線上設定(須申請電子憑證安控)。Please complete an Application Form for Fund Transfer to Designated Account [Form A2], or use the Global e-Banking designated account online management function (must apply for electronic certification) to configure payee information. |
三、 申請 Apply 刪除全球金融網授權服務 to remove Global e-Banking authorization services (僅須填寫授權人資料 only the Appointer's information is required)。
The Appointer agrees for the Bank to process the application in accordance with the relevant rules. The Appointer also agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of Global e-Banking Services signed by the authorized party.
此致 To:
兆豐國際商業銀行股份有限公司 Mega International Commercial Bank
The Customer signs and declares to have thoroughly read and understood all terms and conditions of the agreement within the reasonable period, agrees to comply with such terms and conditions, and ensures that Global e-Banking services will not be used for money laundering or any illegal conduct.
戶名 Account name:
代表人 Representative:
證照號碼 ID No.:
印鑑參照帳號 Specimen Seal Account No.
原留印鑑 Original Specimen Seal:
Verified by
聯絡電話 TEL:
被授權人 The Authorized
戶名 Account name:
代表人 Representative:
證照號碼 ID No.:
印鑑參照帳號 Specimen Seal Account No.
原留印鑑 Original Specimen Seal:
Verified by
建檔分行 Branch | 經襄副理 Manager/Assistant Manager | 覆核 Verifier | 經辦 Clerk |
聯絡電話 TEL:
2019 年 10 月版
Version dated 2019.10
Terms and Conditions of Mega International Commercial Bank Global e-Banking Services
第一條 契約之適用範圍
Article 1. Applicability
This Agreement shall constitute the general terms and conditions for Mega International Commercial Bank Global e-Banking Services.
第 二 條 名 詞 定 義
Article 2. Definitions
一、「網路銀行業務」(Internet Banking):指立約人端電腦經由網際網路與銀行電腦連線,無須親赴銀行櫃台,即可直接取得銀行所提供之各項金融服務。
1. "Internet Banking": refers to the financial services provided by the Bank to its Customers over computer terminals connected to the Internet, without the Customer having to approach bank counters personally.
二、「電子訊息」(Electronic Message):指銀行或立約人經由電腦及網路連線傳遞之訊息。
2. "Electronic Message": refers to a message transmitted by the Bank or the Customer via computers and the Internet.
三、「數位簽章」(Digital Signature):除法律另有規定外,指銀行及立約人將傳送電子訊息所附經雙方認同之電子識別碼或符號視為當事人一方之簽名,用以確認訊息發送者之身分。
3. "Digital Signature": except as otherwise specified by law, the Bank and the Customer will identify the sender's identity by recognizing the electronic identification codes or symbols carried within the Electronic Messages as the sender's signature.
四、「私密金鑰」(Private Key):指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,由簽章製作者保有之數位資料,該數位資料係作電子訊息解密及製作數位簽章之用。
4. "Private Key": refers to the piece of a paired digital data retained by the signature producer; this digital data is used for decrypting s and producing digital signatures.
五、「公開金鑰」(Public Key):指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,用以對電子訊息加密、或驗證簽署者身分及數位簽章真偽之數位資料。
5. "Public Key": refers to the piece of a pair digital data used to encrypt Electronic Messages or verify the signatory's identity and the authenticity of the digital signature
6. "Certificate": refers to the Electronic Message signed digitally by a certificate issuer; this is a digital proof of the applicant's identity, as well as the applicant's possession of a paired public and private key.
7. "Service Hours": 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, except non-banking business days. However, the Bank can make other arrangements or announcements with regards to service hours, depending on the distinctiveness of the services provided.
8. "Account": refers to the demand deposits account which the Customer had designated to make payments from, as agreed in writing by both counterparties to the Agreement.
9. Administrative Center: the Customer may apply for the Bank's Administrative Center services to configure the access rights of its internal users and set up transaction approval procedures etc. Users of Administrative Center services include the Access Administrator and the Access Operator. The Customer may choose to apply for the Access Administrator role only and have the administrator complete all Administrative Center settings, or choose to have the Access Operator edit settings then submit to the Access Administrator for approval. Generally speaking, Access Administrators and Operators are not permitted to conduct online transactions. However, the Customer may choose to grant transaction authorities to administrators and operators for its practical needs, by signing on the application form to declare that the Customer has duly assessed and understood all risks involved.
10. Authorized user : The Customer authorizes users to use the Service which formulated by the agreement,include access
administrator, access operator, ordinary staff and approval staff.This authorization should be agreed with the Bank.
十一、全球金融行動網:指銀行於 Android 平台(Play Store)或 iOS 平台(App Store)上提供「全球金融行動網」軟體供立約人之授權使用者 (一般人員、放行人員)可於其行動裝置下載,並經相關申請設定程序後,可於其行動裝置使用銀行所提供之全球金融行動網各項服務。
11. Global Mobile e-Banking:Refers to the "Global Mobile e-Banking " software that the Bank provides on Android platform (Play
Store) or IOS platform (App Store) of which Authorized user(ordinary staff and approval staff) of the Customer could download to their mobile devices. Upon completing the relevant setting mechanisms for application, the Customer could then use the various services of Global Mobile e-Banking on their mobile devices.
第 三 條 網 頁 之 確 認
Article 3. Webpage verification
Prior to using Internet Banking services, the Customer must verify and ensure to log on to the correct website at "xxxxx://".
第四條 x線所使用之網路
Article 4. Internet connection
The Bank and the Customer both agree to transmit Electronic Messages via the Internet.
The Bank and the Customer shall establish service Agreements with their respective Internet service providers to secure their own rights and obligations; both parties will also bear their own expenses incurred for accessing the Internet.
第五條 電子訊息之接收與回應
Article 5. Receiving and responding Electronic Messages
Upon receiving Electronic Messages containing digital signatures or other symbols which both the Bank and the Customer had agreed to use as identification, the Bank shall proceed to verify or process and inform the Customer of the outcome immediately. In circumstances where the Bank or the Customer is unable to identify the contents of electronic messages sent by the other party, such Electronic Messages will be considered as never having been sent in the first place. However, whether it is possible for the Bank to confirm the Customer's identity, the Bank shall notify the Customer of the fact that the message contents were unidentifiable.
第六條 電子訊息不執行事由
Article 6. Non-execution of Electronic Messages
In the occurrence of any following events, the Bank may refuse to execute any Electronic Messages received:
1. When the Bank has substantiated reasonable doubt regarding the authenticity of the Electronic Message or the correctness of instructions carried within the message.
2. When the Bank is subject to violations against the law or regulations should it choose to process the Electronic Message.
3. When the Bank is unable to debit the designated account for the amounts payable by the Customer, for reasons that are attributable to the Customer's conduct.
The Bank shall notify the Customer immediately of the above circumstances if it is unable to process the Customer's instructions; the Customer may call to confirm with the Bank after receiving such notices.
第七條 電子訊息交換作業時限
Article 7. Timeframe for Electronic Message exchanges
All Electronic Messages are automatically processed by the Bank's computer. Customer's electronic messages can not be withdrawn, revoked, or edited once they reach the Bank's system. However, the Customer can withdraw or revoke scheduled transactions that are yet to mature, subject to the timeframe specified by the Bank.
If the Electronic Message reaches the Bank's system through the Internet after service hours, the Bank must notify the Customer via Electronic Message that the transaction will not be processed or will be posted to the following business day.
第 八 條 費 用
Article 8. Fees
立約人使用本契約服務,同意依銀行所訂定之收費標準繳納各項交易處理服務費及安控裝備費,交易處理服務費包括 1.新臺幣轉帳及匯款手續費 2.國外匯款手續費及郵電費3.傳真、Email 或簡訊通知服務費,安控裝備費包括1.電子憑證認證服務費2.各類安控裝備(如晶片卡、讀卡機、動態密碼卡等)費用。
When using the contracted services, the applicant agrees to pay the various transaction processing service fees, and security charges at the rate specified by the bank service. Transaction processing fees include: 1. NTD fund transfer and remittance fees; 2. foreign remittance and cable charges; 3. fax, Email, or SMS charges. Security charges include: 1. electronic certification charges; 2. Charges of various security devices (e.g. IC cards, card readers, one-time password tokens etc).
The applicant authorizes the bank to collect the abovementioned transaction processing service fees from the applicant’s account at the time of occurrence, and collect security charges at the time of application or extension.
The bank’s rates (please refer to “Mega International Commercial Bank Standard E-Banking Rates” for details) will be published on the bank’s website. The bank shall announce all subsequent changes at least 60 days in advance, and notify the applicant the right to terminate the applicant during this period, except for adjustment of the bank’s rates advantageous to the applicant. The applicant will be deemed to have acknowledged the adjustment if no termination request is raised at the end of the period.
The applicant is subject to taxation in accordance with the relevant tax laws. The applicant also authorizes the bank to collect tax payments from the applicant’s account.
第九條 立約人軟硬體安裝與風險
Article 9 Customer's software and hardware installation, and the risks involved
The Customer shall install all computer software, hardware, and other security-related equipment required to access the contracted services. The Customer will also bear all costs and risks associated with the installation.
Should the Bank agree to offer the aforementioned hardware and documents to the Customer, the Bank only agrees for them to be used within the boundaries of the contracted services; they may not be transferred, loaned, or in any other way given to a third party.
The Customer will be solely responsible for any damages caused by own mishandling; the Customer will also be held accountable for any conduct that violates the intellectual property rights or other rights of the Bank or any third party.
If the Customer needs to install additional software or hardware that work conjointly with the software and hardware offered by the Bank, the Customer must ensure compliance to the Bank's installation notices and bear all costs and risks.
第十條 立約人連線與責任
Article 10 Customer's connection and responsibility
Where any special arrangements exist between the Bank and the Customer, connection may commence only after the necessary tests are completed.
The Customer is responsible for safekeeping the username, PIN code, certificate, software, hardware, and all relevant documentation provided by the Bank.
If the Customer enters incorrect PIN code in three consecutive attempts, the Bank's system will automatically suspend the Customer from using the contracted services. Once suspended, the Customer must raise a new application to resume use of the contracted services.
The Customer will also be required to return all equipment and documentation offered by the Bank upon contract termination.
第十一條 交易核對
Article 11 Transaction verification
After processing a transaction, the Bank will notify the Customer of the outcome using Electronic Message or other agreed methods. The Customer should verify the correctness of the transaction outcome after each use. Any inconsistency must be reported to the Bank within 45 days after the transaction is completed; the Bank will then conduct the necessary investigations. The Bank shall compile a statement of transactions conducted during the previous month, delivered to the Customer on a monthly basis by ordinary mail or e-mail (no statements will be delivered for months where no transactions took place). The Customer should verify all items disclosed in
the transaction statement, and report to the Bank all errors found within 45 days after receiving the statement.
The Bank shall conduct immediate investigation upon receiving the Customer's report, and inform the Customer the outcome of the investigation within 30 days after receiving Customer's report.
第十二條 電子訊息錯誤之處理
Article 12 Responses to errors in Electronic Messages
立約人利用本契約之服務,如其電子訊息因不可歸責於立約人之事由而發生錯誤時,銀行應協助立約人更正,並提供其他必要之協助。前項服務因可歸責於銀行之事由而發生錯誤時,銀行應於知悉時,立即更正,並同時以電子訊息或銀行及立約人約定之方式通知立約人。 Should errors occur to the Customer's Electronic Messages while using the contracted services, that are not attributable to the
Customer's conduct, the Bank shall help the Customer rectify and offer other assistance as deemed necessary. If the above service errors are attributable to the Bank's conducts, the Bank shall rectify immediately once informed, and notify the Customer of such errors using Electronic Messages or other agreed methods.
第十三條 內部控制
Article 13 Internal control
The Customer must pay attention to internal control, approval staff could finish transaction alone should be avoided,and certification could not be kept by access administrator when approval staff changed.
第十四條 電子訊息之合法授權與責任
Article 14 Authorization and responsibilities associated with Electronic Messages
Both parties hereto agree that all Electronic Messages sent to the counterparty are legally authorized. Should the Bank and the Customer discover any misuse or theft of username, PIN code, certificate, or private key, or any other unauthorized conducts by a third party, the Bank and/or the Customer shall notify the other party by telephone or by writing to suspend the use of contracted services and to take the necessary precautions. The Bank will not be held accountable for services rendered to the third party before it is informed of the misuse, unless the failure to identify unauthorized electronic message is caused by the Bank's intentional or negligent mistakes. The Customer shall be solely responsible for any delays, errors, or losses caused by the Customer's intended or negligent behaviors giving rise to the disclosure, theft, and misuse of password or any information from Internet Banking; the Customer will also be solely responsible for delays, errors, or losses caused by disruptions in telecommunication services, or as a result of a third party's conduct.
第十五條 資料安全
Article 15 Data security
Both parties hereto shall ensure the security of their Electronic Messages, shall prevent any illegal access to the Internet Banking system, theft, falsification, or destruction of business records and information.
Except under circumstances that are attributable to the Customer's conducts own, the Bank will compensate the Customer according to Article 17 of the Agreement for any losses caused by attacks against the Internet Banking system (hacking), which may involve decrypting the Customer's username and PIN code.
第十六條 保密義務
Article 16 Obligations to confidentiality
Both parties hereto must ensure that the Electronic Messages exchanged between them and information obtained while using the contracted services are not disclosed to any third party, and nor can they be used for purposes unrelated to the Agreement. If the owner of the information has given consent to disclose such information to a third party, the third party must be made to comply with this confidentiality clause.
第十七條 損害賠償責任
Article 17 Damage compensation
Both parties hereto agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving Electronic Messages which give rise to the losses of any particular party shall be compensated by the party to which the cause is attributable to; compensations shall only be made for the direct damages (excluding future gains lost) plus interest only.
第十八條 不可抗力
Article 18 Force majeure
Any failures or delays to fulfill obligations by any party under this contract due to force majeure will not be considered as a contract breach; as a result, the party who is unable to fulfill contractual obligations will not be held liable for compensations.
第十九條 紀錄保存
Article 19 Record retention
Both parties hereto must retain all electronic messages containing digital signatures, as well as records of relevant electronic messages provided over the Internet. Both parties must also ensure the authenticity and integrity of retained records. If the Customer does not retain records, the records retained by the Bank shall prevail.
The Bank shall exercise its duties as a prudent manager to maintain the aforementioned records. These records are to be retained for at least five years.
第二十條 電子訊息之效力
Article 20 Effectiveness of electronic messages
The Bank and the Customer agree that the validity and effect of an Electronic Message exchanged hereunder shall be the same as a as a written document.
第二十一條 文書送達
Article 21 Service of documents
The Customer agrees to have all relevant documents served to the address specified in this Agreement. The Customer must inform the Bank of any changes of address in writing or other agreed methods, and consent to have all subsequent documents served to the new
address. If the Customer does not inform the Bank of the address change in writing or any other agreed methods, the Bank will still serve documents to the address specified in this Agreement, or to the Customer's last notified address. Notices sent by the Bank to the Customer are deemed served after the passage of a normal mailing period.
第二十二條 網路銀行登入密碼
Article 22 Internet Banking login PIN code
The PIN code given by the Bank to Administrative Center and authorized transaction approvers are valid only for "initial PIN code change". The Administrative Center and the authorized transaction approvers must complete the initial PIN code change within one month from the date the PIN code slip was printed; otherwise a new PIN code request must be raised. After the initial PIN code change, the user may change PIN code at any time and will be responsible for the secrecy of the PIN code. If the PIN code is forgotten or input incorrectly in three consecutive attempts, the Administrative Center and the authorized transaction approvers will be required to apply for new PIN codes at the bank counter. To minimize the risks of PIN codes being known to outsiders, Administrative Center, authorized transaction approvers, and all Global e-Banking users would be reminded to change PIN codes if PIN codes did not be changed exceed one year.Must change their Global e-Banking PIN codes if no login record among one year,and new PIN codes must be different from old one.
第二十三條 網路銀行雙重登入驗證
Article 23 Two-factor authentication for Internet Banking
The Customer may apply to use One Time Password or electronic certificate as part of the two-factor authentication when logging into Internet Banking. If a corporate customer holds an account under the Singapore Branch, all internal users will be required to complete the two-factor authentication when logging into Internet Banking using One Time Passwords.
第二十四條 新臺幣轉帳交易
Article 24 NTD fund transfer
1. Customers with NTD demand deposit accounts (including check deposit) must designate the account as a payer account in writing. Customers may then designate payee accounts or conduct overseas remittance, either online or in writing. For overseas remittance or transfers into a other bank accounts, the Customer agrees to have the Bank collect all handling charges up front from the Customer's account.
2. The Customer may prescribe limits on outward transfers per transaction, per day, and per month for every account to accommodate practical needs. Transfers from any designated payee accounts will be capped at NTD20 million by default, per transaction, per day if the Customer does not specify any limits. Transfers from any non-designated accounts are capped at NTD2 million per transaction and per day, but approved in electronic certificate limit per day is not capped at NTD2 million.
3. The Bank offers 24-hour services for NTD fund transfers, regardless of whether it is a banking business day. Transaction requests that are received after banking hours (Monday to Friday afternoon) are posted to the following business day. Customers should avoid making inter-bank transfers during peak hours, thereby avoiding network congestions caused by excessive transaction volume, which may be detrimental to the Customer's interests.
四、以全球金融網於營業時間外(含假日)辦理轉帳及匯款存入之活期性存款,皆於存入當日開始計息,當日之切換點以 24 時為基礎。
4. The current deposits that are transferred and remitted through the Global e-Banking during non-working hours (including holidays) shall begin to carry interest on the day of deposit. The switching point of the day will be based on 24:00.
五、繳交各項稅 (費):
5. Xxxx/Tax Payment
(一)繳費服務Xxxx Payment service:
1.The payment service of Global e-Banking includes credit card xxxx,phone xxxx,tuition fee,Insurance premium,National Pension, labor insurance,labor pension,health insurance premium,safe deposit box fee..etc,the details of the payment items is listed on the website of the Bank.
2.Branch payment: The Customer could online designate a pre-designated account to make various services payment to the Bank. The service types include deposit, domestic remittance, international remittance, credit, consumer finance, import, export, bond repurchase and other services.
(二)繳稅服務 Tax payment service:
1.Harbor service fee/ trade promotion service charge:The Customer makes the payment of chargeable service fee by the memo number.
2.Import tariff:The Customer pay the chargeable taxes by the sequence number of duty memo, each payment could insert maximum of nine sequence number. Duty memo of marine and aerial transportation shall be paid separately.
3.各項稅款:立約人可透過全球金融網繳交各項稅款,包括所得稅、營業稅、營所稅、牌照稅、房屋稅及地價稅等;繳稅交易時間不論是否為本行營業日,本行均提供二十四小時服務,各項稅款截止繳稅時間為政府機關繳稅通知所載繳稅截止日當日二十四時,逾期即無法受理,立約人須臨櫃繳納;每筆稅款金額須小於新臺幣 200 萬元(含)。
3. Various taxes:The Customer could pay various taxes which include income tax, business tax, business receipts tax, license tax,
house tax and land value tax through Global e-Banking. Regardless of whether the tax payment day is the Bank's business day, Global e-Banking provides 24 hours’ service. The various taxes payment deadline is within 24 hours of the date stated in tax payment notification from the government agency. Overdue payment is not accepted and the Customer shall make counter payment. The amount of each tax payment must be less that NT$2 million (inclusive).
第二十五條 外幣轉帳交易
Article 25 Foreign currency transfer
1. Customers with foreign currency demand deposit accounts must designate the account as a payer account in writing. Customers may thendesignate other domestic demand deposit accounts or deposit accounts held under Branch of oversea networking as payee accounts, or transfer funds between Branch of oversea networking, remit to other domestic banks, or conduct international remittance either online or in writing.
2. The Customer may prescribe limits on outward transfers per transaction, per day, and per month for every foreign currency account to accommodate practical needs. If the Customer does not specify any transfer limits, outward foreign currency transfers will be capped at US$1 million or its equivalent, per account, per transaction, per day. Fund transfers between the various currencies under a comprehensive foreign currency deposit account are subject to the designated single currency cap; the same applies to all subsequent changes.
三、外幣轉帳交易時間為本行營業日上午九時至下午四時。不同時區跨國轉帳以轉出當地營業日及轉入當地營業日孰晚為 VALUE DATE。
3. The foreign currency transfer service is available on the Bank's business days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For fund transfers between countries located at different time zones, the VALUE DATE will be determined as the business day of the source country or the business day of the destination country, whichever is later.
第二十六條 國外分行轉帳交易
Article 26 Overseas branch fund transfer
Fund transfers between overseas branches are subject to the governance of local competent authorities.
第二十七條 媒體檔案傳送
Article 27 Transfer of Media File
一、立約人與本行簽訂電子傳送交易指示約定書後,得將紙本交易指示文件掃瞄為電子交易文件(如 PDF 檔案),透過收付款-轉帳付款-媒體檔案上傳,經立約人設定之授權層級逐級核定後,並由放行人員以「動態密碼卡」或「電子憑證」放行傳送至指定銀行國內、外分行櫃員人工處理。立約人並得以透過全球金融網之交易狀態查詢功能得知電子交易指示之處理進度。
1. After the Customer and the Bank have signed the Electronic Delivery Agreement, scan the hard copy transaction instruction into electronic files(e.g., PDF file) and send it to the Bank for processing through the Bank's Global e-Banking service - payment & Collection-Payment-Upload File.All transaction must be reviewed through an internal sign-off process and approved by the approval staff who possesses the security control device-One Time Password or electronic certificate.The Customer could follow up with the progress of the transaction through function of Global e-Banking-trade status.
2. When the Customer transfers the electronic transaction instruction through this function,in addition to the document stated by the law, they xxx’t need to provide the original hard copy of transaction instruction document to the branch. However, the local competent authority of the oversea branch has its own regulations, and the clients shall conduct accordingly.
第二十八條 服務項目附加功能:
Article 28 Supplementary services:
1. Enquiry to all deposit accounts: if unrequested, deposit account enquiries will be limited to designated payer accounts only, and do not apply to non-designated payer accounts.
2. Fund transfer between designated payer accounts: auto-matching between designated payer accounts, thereby avoiding the trouble of assigning payer and payee accounts one by one.
3. Auto-matching for designated accounts: whenever the Customer designates a new payee account, that account will be automatically associated with all existing designated payer accounts; whenever the Customer designates a payer account, that account will be automatically associated with all existing designated payee accounts; if the Customer removes a designated payer or payee account, the association will be updated automatically. The Customer needs not specify one-by-one.
4. Foreign exchange declaration: please refer to Article 36.
5. Bear SWIFT "OUR" commissions: the remittance applicant agrees to bear all inward remittance charges incurred on the payee.
6. Retry debiting under insufficient balance: if the payer account contains insufficient balance, the system will repeat the debit attempt at regular intervals. The payment transaction will fail if account balance remains insufficient at the end of the banking business day.
7. Payment against written instruction: the Customer will be required to make payment at the local branch on the payment date by presenting a properly completed withdrawal slip. For scheduled transactions, the Customer can make payments by presenting withdrawal slips to the local branch within 7 days before the payment date.
八、申請臺幣 24 小時匯款交易:立約人有即時入帳之需求者,可申請新臺幣 24 小時匯款功能,透過網路 ATM 管道進行營業時間外之匯款作業,惟本功能之手續費、匯款金額限制及相關規定均比照銀行網路 ATM 轉帳交易規定辦理。
8. 24 hours NTD remittance service: the Customer could apply for 24 hours NTD remittance to transfer through ATM channel during non-working hours.For fees,amount limit of transfer etc. is in accordance with the rule of MegaBank Web ATM.
第二十九條 預約交易
Article 29 Scheduled transaction
Scheduled transactions must be made within the timeframe permitted by the Bank's system. The Bank will not process scheduled transactions that are arranged outside the permissible timeframe.
第三十條 轉無存單定存
Article 30 Conversion to deposits without certificates
Conversions of NTD or foreign currency demand deposits into time deposits without certificates are capped at NTD50 million per time deposit. The Customer may select through the minimum amounts and the maturity options for every time deposit by following the instructions prompted in Internet Banking,limits of amount and maturity about NTD time deposit will be updated on website at "xxxxx://". Every foreign currency time deposit is capped at the equivalent of NTD50 million, converted using the ask quote of the destination currency quoted on the date the deposit is made. Interest rates on time deposits without certificates are determined as the board rate quoted for time deposits of the same tenor, on the day the deposits are placed. Customers can still place time deposits after banking hours, but such transactions will be posted to the following business day, and thus applicable to the time deposit board rate quoted on the following business day. Proceeds from the termination of time deposits without certificates must be credited in to the source demand deposit account from which the deposit was initially placed. The deposit account holder may complete this transaction either online or at a counter. The seal specimen of the source account is sued for this transaction.
第三十一條 融資業務
Article 31 Financing
Prior to using financing services, the Customer is required to establish either a separate credit Agreement, a general credit Agreement, or a factoring Agreement with the Bank.
第三十二條 電子憑證
Article 32 Electronic certificate
1. The suspension, cancellation of suspension, and cancellation of electronic certificates are effected once the entry is made into the Bank's computer. Once an electronic certificate is canceled, the Customer must apply anew for subsequent uses.
2. The expiries of electronic certificates are subject to the policies of the authentication center. Upon expiry, the Customer is required to apply for another certificate from the authentication center via Internet Banking.
三、銀行係指定台灣網路認證股份有限公司及中國金融認證中心 CFCA(限大陸地區分行立約人適用)為憑證機構,凡立約人進行國內外網路交易行為,應向憑證機構取得電子憑證後始得辦理。
3. The Bank appoints TWCA and CFCA(for China) as its authentication center. All customers who intend to use Internet Banking services for domestic/international transactions must obtain electronic certificates from the authentication center.
四、電子憑證密碼忘記者,須臨櫃重新申請,電子憑證密碼連續輸入錯誤三次時,須臨櫃或以電話申請鎖碼解除。CFCA 電子憑證必須於大陸地區分行臨櫃辦理。
4. If the Customer forgets their electronic certificate PIN code, he/she must apply anew at the counter. If the electronic certificate PIN code is incorrectly entered in three consecutive attempts, the Customer must apply for a PIN code unlock either by phone or at the counter.Electronic certificate of CFCA must be applied anew at the counter in China.
第三十三條 線上外匯交易
Article 33 Online foreign exchange transaction
1. Foreign exchange transaction refers to the same-day spot exchange between the Bank's quoted currencies and NTD.
2. Completed foreign exchange transactions cannot be revoked. The Bank may remove the Customer's entitlement to online foreign exchange services for committing major settlement defaults.
3. The Customer's online foreign exchange transactions are subject to the maximum limits disclosed in Internet Banking.
4. If the Customer transacts outside the foreign exchange limit imposed by the Central Bank, or the forward exchange limit approved by the Bank, and therefore forcing the Bank to square-off confirmed deals, the Customer will become liable for any losses incurred.
5. The Customer may collect foreign exchange memo from the Bank's counter.
第三十四條 信託理財業務網路交易
Article 34 Online trust and financial management
Online subscriptions, conversions, and redemptions of domestic/offshore funds and regular commitment plans must be made before 15:00 every business day. Transactions outside service hours are posted to the following business day. The same applies to all modifications and cancellations of current day transactions made online. The cut-off time mentioned above may be subject to changes without notice, but will be made in clear, visible announcements on the Bank's website. The business days for online transactions are Monday to Friday each week, excluding domestic public holidays. Should an online transaction coincide with a foreign public holiday, the fund will be priced at the net asset value in the following business day. Fund subscriptions online are subject to the minimum sums per subscription/regular commitment prescribed by the Bank. For investments in domestic/foreign securities using special purpose money trusts, the Bank will compile transaction report in two months and quarterly statement at least as required by law and deliver to the Customer in written or electronic form.The Bank will fit adjustment in accordance with the regulations of the competent authority.
第三十五條 黃金存摺
Article 35 Gold Passbook
全球金融網黃金存摺交易時間為營業日上午九時至下午三時三十分,新臺幣計價黃金存摺每筆最低交易量為 1 公克,美元計價黃金存摺每筆最低
交易量為 1 英兩,每日累計最高交易量為等值 50,000 公克(1 英兩為 31.1 公克),其申購扣款及回售入帳之帳戶應事先約定,且對應帳戶僅限立約人於銀行開設之新臺幣或外匯活期性存款同戶名帳戶,外幣帳戶僅限美元交易,黃金存摺之申購、回售交易不受轉出帳號約定限額之限制,惟本項服務功能僅限立約人主企業申請,授權企業無法使用。
Trading hours are from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm on business days.The minimum transaction volume of gold passbook denominated in NTD is 1 gram, whereas the minimum transaction volume of gold passbook denominated in USD is 1 ounce, and the maximum accumulative daily transaction volume shall be equivalent to 50,000 grams (1 ounce equals to 31.1 gram).The account of requisition for deduction and selling back shall be pre-agreed, and the corresponding account is limited to Megabank NTD accounts or foreign exchange current deposit accounts of the same account name.The foreign currency account is only limited to the transaction in USD.The requisition and selling back transaction of gold business shall not be limited to the agreed limitation of outward transfer account.The service is limited to Global e-Banking Principal account not for authorizer.
第三十六條 外匯申報
Article 36 Declaration of foreign exchange
Online foreign currency purchases and sale must be made during banking hours; declarations and settlements of such transactions are subject to relevant foreign exchange regulations. Customers who wish to complete foreign exchange declarations in electronic forms over the Internet must comply with the following terms:
1. Customer's online declaration of foreign exchange shall be guided by the declaration form available on the Bank's website. Declarations must be made with honesty and accuracy in the prescribed format, signed digitally and submitted to the Bank.
2. Once the Bank has correctly verified the Customer's digital signature, the Customer's list of foreign exchange transactions, all media and other required documents will be submitted to the Central Bank along with the foreign exchange daily report.
3. If the Customer's foreign exchange transactions are made with the competent authority's approval, these foreign exchange transactions could not be declared online ,and must be made at the counter.
4. If the Customer is found to have incorrectly declared foreign exchange transactions over the Internet, all subsequent declarations of foreign exchange shall be made at the counter.
5. To apply for online declaration of foreign exchange, the Customer must have neither requested to rectify the nature of foreign exchange transactions with the Bank, nor had any foreign exchange declaration rejected by the Central Bank due to inconsistent nature in the previous year.
第三十七條 網路操作
Article 37 Online operation
The Customer shall thoroughly understand the Bank's announcements or Agreements in advance, and follow the step-by-step online instructions when using Internet Banking services. The Customer will be solely responsible for any losses or damages to the Customer's interests that are caused by improper handling or other reasons not attributable the Bank's conducts; the Bank will not be held accountable in any way.
第三十八條 非營業時間狀況處理
Article 38 Processing outside business hours
Should the Customer encounter incidents where online transactions placed outside service hours cannot be processed, such incidents can only be resolved during the service hours that follow, regardless whether it is a system or a business issue.
第三十九條 處理個人資料
Article 39 Processed personal data
The Customer consents to the Bank and Joint Credit Information Center to collect, process, transmit cross-border, or use the Customer's personal information for specific purposes within their professional boundaries.
第三十九條之一 履行個人資料保護法告知義務
Article 39-1 Declaration to Personal Data Protection Act
有關銀行蒐集立約人(含立約人之代表人、代理人及聯絡人,以下合簡稱「立約人等」)個人資料之目的、個人資料類別及個人資料利用之期間、地區 、 對 象 及 方 式 等 內 容 , 立 約 人 等 可 至 銀 行 網 站 (xxxxx:// 及 xxxxx://。依據個人資料保護法(以下簡稱「個資法」)第三條規定,立約人等就銀行保有其個人資料得行使下列權利:
The Customer(including the representative,agent and contact person of the Customer,hereinafter referred to as”the Customer”) could inquire on the Bank website (xxxxx:// and xxxxx:// about purpose and type of collection of personal data , period, region, object and method of the use of personal xxxx.Xx accordance with Article 3 of “Personal Data Protection Act”,the following rights should be exercised by the Customer with regard to his personal data:
1. Except the information stated in Article 10 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the Customer could inquiry , request for a review or request to make duplications of personal data, and the Bank may charge a fee in accordance with Article 14 of “Personal Data Protection Act”.
2. The Customer may request to supplement or correct the personal data , but should explain the reson and fact properly in accordance with Article 19 of “Personal Data Protection Act”.
3. In accordance with Paragraph 4 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the Customer may request to discontinue collection in the cases where a violation of this law occurred during collecting, processing or using personal data.
4. In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, in the event of a dispute regarding the accuracy of personal data, its processing or use should be ceased upon the request of the Customer, unless the processing or use is either necessary for the performance of an official duty or agreed to by the Customer in writing, and the dispute has been recorded.
5. In accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the personal data collected should be deleted, discontinued to process or use upon the request of the Customer when the specific purpose no longer exists or time period expires. However, the preceding sentence may not be applicable when it is necessary for the performance of an official duty or when it is agreed by the Customer in writing.
(xxxxx:// 及xxxxx://。
If the Customer wishes to exercise the rights stipulated in Article 3 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the way to exercise it may be obtained from call center(00000000000) or the Bank website (xxxxx:// and xxxxx:// The Customer is free to choose whether to provide relevant personal data. The Bank may not be able to provide related services or better services if the personal data which be refused to provide is need for business review or operation. The Customer should assist the Bank to transfer the content of this Article to the other persons listed in the first item(the representative,agent and contact person of the Customer).
第四十條 異常帳戶處理
Article 40 Response to extraordinary accounts
If the Bank suspects that the Customer's accounts are being used for illicit purposes, or the accounts are marked as Watch-Listed Accounts, the Bank may terminate the Customer's entitlement to ATM card, phone banking, Internet Banking, and other electronic payment services at its discretion; the Bank may also confiscate and revoke the Customer's ATM cards.
第四十一條 作業委外
Article 41 Outsourcing
The Customer agrees that the Bank may outsource part of its business operations to outsiders to accommodate its business practices, subject to the governance of the Financial Supervisory Commission. The Customer may enquire to the Bank with regards to the names and profiles of subcontractors, as well as the types of information outsourced to them. The Customer consents to the Bank for making data available to subcontractors, under the condition that the contractor is also bound by regulations to maintain secrecy while computer-processing and making use of the Customer's information.
第四十二條 電子開狀
Article 42 Electronic L/C
The Customer agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions once the application to issue letters of credit is approved by the Bank:
1. After the Banks has advised or presented bills of exchange and/or any relevant documents under the letter of credit, the Customer shall
make immediate payments, or make acceptance and pay promptly upon maturity.
2. Even if the aforementioned bills of exchange or any relevant documents are subsequently proven to be unauthentic, counterfeit, or flawed, the Bank and its agents will not be held accountable in any way; the Customer will still be required to make payments to the xxxx of exchange or to debt obligations.
3. The Bank and its agents will not be held accountable for any errors regarding the delivery, delay, or interpretation of L/C, partial or total loss of the aforementioned documents or the underlying goods, deterioration in quality, quantity, or value of the underlying goods, delays, non-delivery, irrecoverable losses or damages due to the absence of insurance or under-insurance at sea or on land, or losses or damages caused by obstructions, retentions, or other factors attributed to the undertaker or any third parties. The Customer is still required to accept the xxxx of exchange and pay all debts incurred.
4. The Bank is entitled to dispose all goods purchased under the letter of credit and use the sales proceeds to offset the aforementioned xxxx of exchange and any debt obligations arising from which, as well as the Customer's other debt obligations to the Bank, whether incurred or expected to incur, and whether matured or scheduled to mature at a later date. All other properties held by the Customer, such as cash margins and deposits etc., held under the Bank or any of its branches, and wherever the Bank has control over, are subject to the Bank's disposal at its discretion to offset outstanding bills and debt obligations.
5. The Customer agrees to secure all debts arising from this Agreement by pledging the right to claim unused cash margins and the right to claim cargoes under the letter of credit to the Bank.
6. If the Customer fails to accept the aforementioned xxxx or repay debt upon maturity, or whenever the Bank deems necessary to protect its own interests, the Bank may sell the above-mentioned properties (including the underlying goods) at its discretion without prior notice by way of public auction or any other methods. The sales proceeds net of all associated expenses will be used to offset bank loans and the Bank needs not inform the Customer. The method and priority at which the debt is offset are subject to the civil law, however, the offset of default charges is subordinated to expenses and senior to interests.
7. The Customer ensures that all details stated in the L/C application are absolutely consistent with the terms of the import permit granted by relevant authorities, and consistent with all trade related documents. The Bank will not be held accountable for any delays in L/C issuance that is attributed to the Customer’s negligence. The Bank also reserves the rights to rectify Customer's L/C application to conform to the import permit. Furthermore, the Customer must comply with the newly revised "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" set forth by The International Chamber of Commerce.
8. The Customer will fully comply with the above terms and conditions for any extensions, re-issuance, or amendments made to the letter of credit. The Customer shall not object on the basis that extensions, re-issuance or amendments had been made on the L/C terms.
9. In order to fulfill the Customer's instructions, the Bank may appoint another bank or financial institution as the payer for all amounts payable under the letter of credit and/or xxxx of exchange, or use the services provided by other banks or financial institution. The Customer shall bear all charges and risks involved in this arrangement. If the beneficiary or the advising (negotiating) bank rejects/fails to pay the bank charges which are supposedly borne by the beneficiary under the L/C terms, the Customer agrees to make such payments unconditionally to the Bank.
十、立約人除得填具信用狀申請書申請開發信用狀外,亦得於銀行網站或網際優勢公司之 CDS 金融服務平台之線上開狀系統輸入開發信用狀申請書各項資料申請,其效力與書面申請相同;立約人並同意遵守電子簽章法及其他相關法令之規範。
10. The customer can raise L/C issuance request by either completing L/C applications, submitting via the Bank's website, or using the online L/C issuance services offered by the CDS financial service platform of Universal eXchange Inc. Electronic applications are just as effective as a written application. The Customer also agrees to comply with the Electronic Signatures Act and other relevant laws.
11. The Customer's L/C issuance application will also constitute an application for inventory financing.
十二、除另有約定外,信用狀如有下列情形之一者,立約人同意 貴行毋須通知立約人或信用狀交易所涉之任何人,即得拒絕、暫時或終止交易或業務關係,以遵循防制洗錢及打擊資恐等相關法令規定:
12. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Customer agrees the Bank shall be entitled to refuse or temporarily cease or terminate transaction or business relationship whenever necessary without a prior notice to the Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit, for the purpose of complying the laws and ordinances concerning anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, if any of the following circumstances:
(1)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit is the subject of any economic and trade sanctions, hereinafter “Sanctions”, who is announced, supervised or enforced by the United Nations, United Sates, the European Union, foreign governments or international organizations, or is owned or controlled by Sanctions, or be involved with Sanctions.
(2)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit are terrorists or terrorist groups presumed or investigated by Ministry of Justice or foreign governments or international anti-money laundering organizations.
(3)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit is located, organized or residing in a country or territory,
that is, or whose government is, sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United Nations, United Sates, the European Union, foreign governments or international organizations.
(4)The Customer refuse to be reviewed, or refuse to provide information on actual beneficiary or persons having control over the
customers, or fail to provide explanation on the nature and purpose of transactions or source of funds.
第四十三條 全球金融行動網服務
Article 43 Global Mobile E-Banking
The Bank keep rights to modify or stop services of Global Mobile E-Banking(for short, “this service”). If the content of service is modified, the Bank should declare on website.The Customer who uses this service agrees to comply with the following terms:
1. Before using this service, Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer shall install anti-virus software on the smart phone or tablet first, to avoid leakage of data due to being cracked by malicious programs.
2. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer shall pay attention to whether the smart phone or tablet is suspected of being cracked and avoid installing unknown-source programs. Please do not use this service to avoid leakage of related accounts, company/personal data if there is a suspected situation.
3. Due to install unknown-source programs by Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer, the hacker cracks the smart phone and tablet ,and makes the data in these devices lost, wrong, suffered ..etc.The Bank will not be held liable for compensations.
4. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer is agreed to log into Global Mobile E-Banking for utilizing of various types of service by rely on user ID and password of Global e-Banking, however, the same user code and password cannot be logged into Global e-Banking and Global Mobile E-Banking at the same time.
5. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer that apply for the Global e-Banking first time or login password reset, should first log into the (Global e-Banking) to perform the first login password change operation before utilizing various types of service of (Global Mobile E-Banking) on mobile devices.
6. All Global e-Banking users would be reminded in Global Mobile E-Banking to change PIN codes in Global E-Banking if PIN codes did not be changed exceed one year. Global Mobile E-Banking will remind the users must to change their PIN codes in Global e-Banking if no login record among one year,and new PIN codes must be different from old one.
7. The password login error counts of (Global Mobile E-Banking) is combined calculated with the Global e-Banking.
第四十四條 契約修訂
Article 44 Amendments
Any matters not addressed herein may be supplemented or amended in writing, subject to both parties' Agreement.
第四十五條 立約人終止契約
Article 45 Customer's termination of this Agreement
The Customer may terminate this Agreement at anytime, provided that the termination request is made in person or other methods agreed by both parties.
第四十六條 銀行終止契約
Article 46 Bank's termination of this Agreement
The Bank shall notify the Customer at least 30 days in advance when terminating this agreement. However, in any of the following
circumstances, the Bank may terminate this Agreement in writing or using any other agreed methods at anytime:
1. The Customer has assigned the rights or obligations hereunder to any third party without the Bank's consent.
2. The Customer declares (or is declared) to file for bankruptcy, dispute settlement, liquidation, restructuring, or business suspension (whether or not approved by the authority), or becomes blacklisted by any financial institution.
3. The Customer has violated Articles 14 to 16 of this Agreement. 四、立約人違反本契約之其他約定,經催告限期請求改善或履行未果者。
4. The Customer has violated any of the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, and fails to cure such violation before deadline noticed by the Bank.
第四十七條 消費者權益保護事項
Article 47 Protection of rights of consumers
In accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1, Section 4 of the Consumer Protection Act,the Bank declare that this contract service does not apply to the provisions of Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act regarding the right to terminate.
本契約服務衍生之相關問題,立約人得以書面(地址:台北市中山區吉林路 100 號)或電話(服務電話:0000-000000)方式,向銀行提出申訴。
About related issues arising from this contract service,the Customer can file a complaint with the bank in writing (address: 100 Jilin Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei) or by phone (service number: 0800-016168)
第四十八條 法律適用
Article 48 Governing law
Unless otherwise agreed by both parties hereto, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China.
This Agreement is made in Chinese and English. The Chinese version of this Agreement prevails if any discrepancy is found between the two versions.
第四十九條 法院管轄
Article 49 Jurisdiction
因本契約而涉訟者,雙方同意以 地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
Both parties hereto agree to that District Court shall be the court of first instance to hear any dispute arising from this
第 五 十 條 標 題
Article 50 Heading
The headings in this Agreement are provided for reference purpose only, and have no effect on the interpretation, description, and understanding of the Agreement.
第五十一條 契約分存
Article 51 Agreement copies
This Agreement is made in duplicate; both the Bank and the Customer shall retain one copy of the Agreement.
Terms and Conditions of Mega International Commercial Bank Global e-Banking Services
第一條 契約之適用範圍
Article 1. Applicability
This Agreement shall constitute the general terms and conditions for Mega International Commercial Bank Global e-Banking Services.
第 二 條 名 詞 定 義
Article 2. Definitions
一、「網路銀行業務」(Internet Banking):指立約人端電腦經由網際網路與銀行電腦連線,無須親赴銀行櫃台,即可直接取得銀行所提供之各項金融服務。
1. "Internet Banking": refers to the financial services provided by the Bank to its Customers over computer terminals connected to the Internet, without the Customer having to approach bank counters personally.
二、「電子訊息」(Electronic Message):指銀行或立約人經由電腦及網路連線傳遞之訊息。
2. "Electronic Message": refers to a message transmitted by the Bank or the Customer via computers and the Internet.
三、「數位簽章」(Digital Signature):除法律另有規定外,指銀行及立約人將傳送電子訊息所附經雙方認同之電子識別碼或符號視為當事人一方之簽名,用以確認訊息發送者之身分。
3. "Digital Signature": except as otherwise specified by law, the Bank and the Customer will identify the sender's identity by recognizing the electronic identification codes or symbols carried within the Electronic Messages as the sender's signature.
四、「私密金鑰」(Private Key):指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,由簽章製作者保有之數位資料,該數位資料係作電子訊息解密及製作數位簽章之用。
4. "Private Key": refers to the piece of a paired digital data retained by the signature producer; this digital data is used for decrypting s and producing digital signatures.
五、「公開金鑰」(Public Key):指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,用以對電子訊息加密、或驗證簽署者身分及數位簽章真偽之數位資料。
5. "Public Key": refers to the piece of a pair digital data used to encrypt Electronic Messages or verify the signatory's identity and the authenticity of the digital signature
6. "Certificate": refers to the Electronic Message signed digitally by a certificate issuer; this is a digital proof of the applicant's identity, as well as the applicant's possession of a paired public and private key.
7. "Service Hours": 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, except non-banking business days. However, the Bank can make other arrangements or announcements with regards to service hours, depending on the distinctiveness of the services provided.
8. "Account": refers to the demand deposits account which the Customer had designated to make payments from, as agreed in writing by both counterparties to the Agreement.
9. Administrative Center: the Customer may apply for the Bank's Administrative Center services to configure the access rights of its internal users and set up transaction approval procedures etc. Users of Administrative Center services include the Access Administrator and the Access Operator. The Customer may choose to apply for the Access Administrator role only and have the administrator complete all Administrative Center settings, or choose to have the Access Operator edit settings then submit to the Access Administrator for approval. Generally speaking, Access Administrators and Operators are not permitted to conduct online transactions. However, the Customer may choose to grant transaction authorities to administrators and operators for its practical needs, by signing on the application form to declare that the Customer has duly assessed and understood all risks involved.
10. Authorized user : The Customer authorizes users to use the Service which formulated by the agreement,include access
administrator, access operator, ordinary staff and approval staff.This authorization should be agreed with the Bank.
十一、全球金融行動網:指銀行於 Android 平台(Play Store)或 iOS 平台(App Store)上提供「全球金融行動網」軟體供立約人之授權使用者 (一般人員、放行人員)可於其行動裝置下載,並經相關申請設定程序後,可於其行動裝置使用銀行所提供之全球金融行動網各項服務。
11. Global Mobile e-Banking:Refers to the "Global Mobile e-Banking " software that the Bank provides on Android platform (Play
Store) or IOS platform (App Store) of which Authorized user(ordinary staff and approval staff) of the Customer could download to their mobile devices. Upon completing the relevant setting mechanisms for application, the Customer could then use the various services of Global Mobile e-Banking on their mobile devices.
第 三 條 網 頁 之 確 認
Article 3. Webpage verification
Prior to using Internet Banking services, the Customer must verify and ensure to log on to the correct website at "xxxxx://".
第四條 x線所使用之網路
Article 4. Internet connection
The Bank and the Customer both agree to transmit Electronic Messages via the Internet.
The Bank and the Customer shall establish service Agreements with their respective Internet service providers to secure their own rights and obligations; both parties will also bear their own expenses incurred for accessing the Internet.
第五條 電子訊息之接收與回應
Article 5. Receiving and responding Electronic Messages
Upon receiving Electronic Messages containing digital signatures or other symbols which both the Bank and the Customer had agreed to use as identification, the Bank shall proceed to verify or process and inform the Customer of the outcome immediately. In circumstances where the Bank or the Customer is unable to identify the contents of electronic messages sent by the other party, such Electronic Messages will be considered as never having been sent in the first place. However, whether it is possible for the Bank to confirm the Customer's identity, the Bank shall notify the Customer of the fact that the message contents were unidentifiable.
第六條 電子訊息不執行事由
Article 6. Non-execution of Electronic Messages
In the occurrence of any following events, the Bank may refuse to execute any Electronic Messages received:
1. When the Bank has substantiated reasonable doubt regarding the authenticity of the Electronic Message or the correctness of instructions carried within the message.
2. When the Bank is subject to violations against the law or regulations should it choose to process the Electronic Message.
3. When the Bank is unable to debit the designated account for the amounts payable by the Customer, for reasons that are attributable to the Customer's conduct.
The Bank shall notify the Customer immediately of the above circumstances if it is unable to process the Customer's instructions; the Customer may call to confirm with the Bank after receiving such notices.
第七條 電子訊息交換作業時限
Article 7. Timeframe for Electronic Message exchanges
All Electronic Messages are automatically processed by the Bank's computer. Customer's electronic messages can not be withdrawn, revoked, or edited once they reach the Bank's system. However, the Customer can withdraw or revoke scheduled transactions that are yet to mature, subject to the timeframe specified by the Bank.
If the Electronic Message reaches the Bank's system through the Internet after service hours, the Bank must notify the Customer via Electronic Message that the transaction will not be processed or will be posted to the following business day.
第 八 條 費 用
Article 8. Fees
立約人使用本契約服務,同意依銀行所訂定之收費標準繳納各項交易處理服務費及安控裝備費,交易處理服務費包括 1.新臺幣轉帳及匯款手續費 2.國外匯款手續費及郵電費3.傳真、Email 或簡訊通知服務費,安控裝備費包括1.電子憑證認證服務費2.各類安控裝備(如晶片卡、讀卡機、動態密碼卡等)費用。
When using the contracted services, the applicant agrees to pay the various transaction processing service fees, and security charges at the rate specified by the bank service. Transaction processing fees include: 1. NTD fund transfer and remittance fees; 2. foreign remittance and cable charges; 3. fax, Email, or SMS charges. Security charges include: 1. electronic certification charges; 2. Charges of various security devices (e.g. IC cards, card readers, one-time password tokens etc).
The applicant authorizes the bank to collect the abovementioned transaction processing service fees from the applicant’s account at the time of occurrence, and collect security charges at the time of application or extension.
The bank’s rates (please refer to “Mega International Commercial Bank Standard E-Banking Rates” for details) will be published on the bank’s website. The bank shall announce all subsequent changes at least 60 days in advance, and notify the applicant the right to terminate the applicant during this period, except for adjustment of the bank’s rates advantageous to the applicant. The applicant will be deemed to have acknowledged the adjustment if no termination request is raised at the end of the period.
The applicant is subject to taxation in accordance with the relevant tax laws. The applicant also authorizes the bank to collect tax payments from the applicant’s account.
第九條 立約人軟硬體安裝與風險
Article 9 Customer's software and hardware installation, and the risks involved
The Customer shall install all computer software, hardware, and other security-related equipment required to access the contracted services. The Customer will also bear all costs and risks associated with the installation.
Should the Bank agree to offer the aforementioned hardware and documents to the Customer, the Bank only agrees for them to be used within the boundaries of the contracted services; they may not be transferred, loaned, or in any other way given to a third party.
The Customer will be solely responsible for any damages caused by own mishandling; the Customer will also be held accountable for any conduct that violates the intellectual property rights or other rights of the Bank or any third party.
If the Customer needs to install additional software or hardware that work conjointly with the software and hardware offered by the Bank, the Customer must ensure compliance to the Bank's installation notices and bear all costs and risks.
第十條 立約人連線與責任
Article 10 Customer's connection and responsibility
Where any special arrangements exist between the Bank and the Customer, connection may commence only after the necessary tests are completed.
The Customer is responsible for safekeeping the username, PIN code, certificate, software, hardware, and all relevant documentation provided by the Bank.
If the Customer enters incorrect PIN code in three consecutive attempts, the Bank's system will automatically suspend the Customer from using the contracted services. Once suspended, the Customer must raise a new application to resume use of the contracted services.
The Customer will also be required to return all equipment and documentation offered by the Bank upon contract termination.
第十一條 交易核對
Article 11 Transaction verification
After processing a transaction, the Bank will notify the Customer of the outcome using Electronic Message or other agreed methods. The Customer should verify the correctness of the transaction outcome after each use. Any inconsistency must be reported to the Bank within 45 days after the transaction is completed; the Bank will then conduct the necessary investigations. The Bank shall compile a statement of transactions conducted during the previous month, delivered to the Customer on a monthly basis by ordinary mail or e-mail (no statements will be delivered for months where no transactions took place). The Customer should verify all items disclosed in the transaction statement, and report to the Bank all errors found within 45 days after receiving the statement.
The Bank shall conduct immediate investigation upon receiving the Customer's report, and inform the Customer the outcome of the investigation within 30 days after receiving Customer's report.
第十二條 電子訊息錯誤之處理
Article 12 Responses to errors in Electronic Messages
立約人利用本契約之服務,如其電子訊息因不可歸責於立約人之事由而發生錯誤時,銀行應協助立約人更正,並提供其他必要之協助。前項服務因可歸責於銀行之事由而發生錯誤時,銀行應於知悉時,立即更正,並同時以電子訊息或銀行及立約人約定之方式通知立約人。 Should errors occur to the Customer's Electronic Messages while using the contracted services, that are not attributable to the
Customer's conduct, the Bank shall help the Customer rectify and offer other assistance as deemed necessary. If the above service errors are attributable to the Bank's conducts, the Bank shall rectify immediately once informed, and notify the Customer of such errors using Electronic Messages or other agreed methods.
第十三條 內部控制
Article 13 Internal control
The Customer must pay attention to internal control, approval staff could finish transaction alone should be avoided,and certification could not be kept by access administrator when approval staff changed.
第十四條 電子訊息之合法授權與責任
Article 14 Authorization and responsibilities associated with Electronic Messages
Both parties hereto agree that all Electronic Messages sent to the counterparty are legally authorized. Should the Bank and the Customer discover any misuse or theft of username, PIN code, certificate, or private key, or any other unauthorized conducts by a third party, the Bank and/or the Customer shall notify the other party by telephone or by writing to suspend the use of contracted services and to take the necessary precautions. The Bank will not be held accountable for services rendered to the third party before it is informed of the misuse, unless the failure to identify unauthorized electronic message is caused by the Bank's intentional or negligent mistakes. The Customer shall be solely responsible for any delays, errors, or losses caused by the Customer's intended or negligent behaviors giving rise to the disclosure, theft, and misuse of password or any information from Internet Banking; the Customer will also be solely responsible for delays, errors, or losses caused by disruptions in telecommunication services, or as a result of a third party's conduct.
第十五條 資料安全
Article 15 Data security
Both parties hereto shall ensure the security of their Electronic Messages, shall prevent any illegal access to the Internet Banking system, theft, falsification, or destruction of business records and information.
Except under circumstances that are attributable to the Customer's conducts own, the Bank will compensate the Customer according to Article 17 of the Agreement for any losses caused by attacks against the Internet Banking system (hacking), which may involve decrypting the Customer's username and PIN code.
第十六條 保密義務
Article 16 Obligations to confidentiality
Both parties hereto must ensure that the Electronic Messages exchanged between them and information obtained while using the contracted services are not disclosed to any third party, and nor can they be used for purposes unrelated to the Agreement. If the owner of the information has given consent to disclose such information to a third party, the third party must be made to comply with this confidentiality clause.
第十七條 損害賠償責任
Article 17 Damage compensation
Both parties hereto agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving Electronic Messages which give rise to the losses of any particular party shall be compensated by the party to which the cause is attributable to; compensations shall only be made for the direct damages (excluding future gains lost) plus interest only.
第十八條 不可抗力
Article 18 Force majeure
Any failures or delays to fulfill obligations by any party under this contract due to force majeure will not be considered as a contract breach; as a result, the party who is unable to fulfill contractual obligations will not be held liable for compensations.
第十九條 紀錄保存
Article 19 Record retention
Both parties hereto must retain all electronic messages containing digital signatures, as well as records of relevant electronic messages provided over the Internet. Both parties must also ensure the authenticity and integrity of retained records. If the Customer does not retain records, the records retained by the Bank shall prevail.
The Bank shall exercise its duties as a prudent manager to maintain the aforementioned records. These records are to be retained for at least five years.
第二十條 電子訊息之效力
Article 20 Effectiveness of electronic messages
The Bank and the Customer agree that the validity and effect of an Electronic Message exchanged hereunder shall be the same as a as a written document.
第二十一條 文書送達
Article 21 Service of documents
The Customer agrees to have all relevant documents served to the address specified in this Agreement. The Customer must inform the Bank of any changes of address in writing or other agreed methods, and consent to have all subsequent documents served to the new address. If the Customer does not inform the Bank of the address change in writing or any other agreed methods, the Bank will still
serve documents to the address specified in this Agreement, or to the Customer's last notified address. Notices sent by the Bank to the Customer are deemed served after the passage of a normal mailing period.
第二十二條 網路銀行登入密碼
Article 22 Internet Banking login PIN code
The PIN code given by the Bank to Administrative Center and authorized transaction approvers are valid only for "initial PIN code change". The Administrative Center and the authorized transaction approvers must complete the initial PIN code change within one month from the date the PIN code slip was printed; otherwise a new PIN code request must be raised. After the initial PIN code change, the user may change PIN code at any time and will be responsible for the secrecy of the PIN code. If the PIN code is forgotten or input incorrectly in three consecutive attempts, the Administrative Center and the authorized transaction approvers will be required to apply for new PIN codes at the bank counter. To minimize the risks of PIN codes being known to outsiders, Administrative Center, authorized transaction approvers, and all Global e-Banking users would be reminded to change PIN codes if PIN codes did not be changed exceed one year.Must change their Global e-Banking PIN codes if no login record among one year,and new PIN codes must be different from old one.
第二十三條 網路銀行雙重登入驗證
Article 23 Two-factor authentication for Internet Banking
The Customer may apply to use One Time Password or electronic certificate as part of the two-factor authentication when logging into Internet Banking. If a corporate customer holds an account under the Singapore Branch, all internal users will be required to complete the two-factor authentication when logging into Internet Banking using One Time Passwords.
第二十四條 新臺幣轉帳交易
Article 24 NTD fund transfer
1. Customers with NTD demand deposit accounts (including check deposit) must designate the account as a payer account in writing. Customers may then designate payee accounts or conduct overseas remittance, either online or in writing. For overseas remittance or transfers into a other bank accounts, the Customer agrees to have the Bank collect all handling charges up front from the Customer's account.
2. The Customer may prescribe limits on outward transfers per transaction, per day, and per month for every account to accommodate practical needs. Transfers from any designated payee accounts will be capped at NTD20 million by default, per transaction, per day if the Customer does not specify any limits. Transfers from any non-designated accounts are capped at NTD2 million per transaction and per day, but approved in electronic certificate limit per day is not capped at NTD2 million.
3. The Bank offers 24-hour services for NTD fund transfers, regardless of whether it is a banking business day. Transaction requests that are received after banking hours (Monday to Friday afternoon) are posted to the following business day. Customers should avoid making inter-bank transfers during peak hours, thereby avoiding network congestions caused by excessive transaction volume, which may be detrimental to the Customer's interests.
四、以全球金融網於營業時間外(含假日)辦理轉帳及匯款存入之活期性存款,皆於存入當日開始計息,當日之切換點以 24 時為基礎。
4. The current deposits that are transferred and remitted through the Global e-Banking during non-working hours (including holidays) shall begin to carry interest on the day of deposit. The switching point of the day will be based on 24:00.
五、繳交各項稅 (費):
5. Xxxx/Tax Payment
(一)繳費服務Xxxx Payment service:
1.The payment service of Global e-Banking includes credit card xxxx,phone xxxx,tuition fee,Insurance premium,National Pension, labor insurance,labor pension,health insurance premium,safe deposit box fee..etc,the details of the payment items is listed on the website of the Bank.
2.Branch payment: The Customer could online designate a pre-designated account to make various services payment to the Bank. The service types include deposit, domestic remittance, international remittance, credit, consumer finance, import, export, bond repurchase and other services.
(二)繳稅服務 Tax payment service:
1.Harbor service fee/ trade promotion service charge:The Customer makes the payment of chargeable service fee by the memo number.
2.Import tariff:The Customer pay the chargeable taxes by the sequence number of duty memo, each payment could insert maximum of nine sequence number. Duty memo of marine and aerial transportation shall be paid separately.
3.各項稅款:立約人可透過全球金融網繳交各項稅款,包括所得稅、營業稅、營所稅、牌照稅、房屋稅及地價稅等;繳稅交易時間不論是否為本行營業日,本行均提供二十四小時服務,各項稅款截止繳稅時間為政府機關繳稅通知所載繳稅截止日當日二十四時,逾期即無法受理,立約人須臨櫃繳納;每筆稅款金額須小於新臺幣 200 萬元(含)。
3. Various taxes:The Customer could pay various taxes which include income tax, business tax, business receipts tax, license tax,
house tax and land value tax through Global e-Banking. Regardless of whether the tax payment day is the Bank's business day, Global e-Banking provides 24 hours’ service. The various taxes payment deadline is within 24 hours of the date stated in tax payment notification from the government agency. Overdue payment is not accepted and the Customer shall make counter payment. The amount of each tax payment must be less that NT$2 million (inclusive).
第二十五條 外幣轉帳交易
Article 25 Foreign currency transfer
1. Customers with foreign currency demand deposit accounts must designate the account as a payer account in writing. Customers may thendesignate other domestic demand deposit accounts or deposit accounts held under Branch of oversea networking as payee accounts, or transfer funds between Branch of oversea networking, remit to other domestic banks, or conduct international remittance either online or in writing.
2. The Customer may prescribe limits on outward transfers per transaction, per day, and per month for every foreign currency account to accommodate practical needs. If the Customer does not specify any transfer limits, outward foreign currency transfers will be capped at US$1 million or its equivalent, per account, per transaction, per day. Fund transfers between the various currencies under a comprehensive foreign currency deposit account are subject to the designated single currency cap; the same applies to all subsequent changes.
三、外幣轉帳交易時間為本行營業日上午九時至下午四時。不同時區跨國轉帳以轉出當地營業日及轉入當地營業日孰晚為 VALUE DATE。
3. The foreign currency transfer service is available on the Bank's business days from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For fund transfers between countries located at different time zones, the VALUE DATE will be determined as the business day of the source country or the business day of the destination country, whichever is later.
第二十六條 國外分行轉帳交易
Article 26 Overseas branch fund transfer
Fund transfers between overseas branches are subject to the governance of local competent authorities.
第二十七條 媒體檔案傳送
Article 27 Transfer of Media File
一、立約人與本行簽訂電子傳送交易指示約定書後,得將紙本交易指示文件掃瞄為電子交易文件(如 PDF 檔案),透過收付款-轉帳付款-媒體檔案上傳,經立約人設定之授權層級逐級核定後,並由放行人員以「動態密碼卡」或「電子憑證」放行傳送至指定銀行國內、外分行櫃員人工處理。立約人並得以透過全球金融網之交易狀態查詢功能得知電子交易指示之處理進度。
1. After the Customer and the Bank have signed the Electronic Delivery Agreement, scan the hard copy transaction instruction into electronic files(e.g., PDF file) and send it to the Bank for processing through the Bank's Global e-Banking service - payment & Collection-Payment-Upload File.All transaction must be reviewed through an internal sign-off process and approved by the approval staff who possesses the security control device-One Time Password or electronic certificate.The Customer could follow up with the progress of the transaction through function of Global e-Banking-trade status.
2. When the Customer transfers the electronic transaction instruction through this function,in addition to the document stated by the law, they xxx’t need to provide the original hard copy of transaction instruction document to the branch. However, the local competent authority of the oversea branch has its own regulations, and the clients shall conduct accordingly.
第二十八條 服務項目附加功能:
Article 28 Supplementary services:
1. Enquiry to all deposit accounts: if unrequested, deposit account enquiries will be limited to designated payer accounts only, and do not apply to non-designated payer accounts.
2. Fund transfer between designated payer accounts: auto-matching between designated payer accounts, thereby avoiding the trouble of assigning payer and payee accounts one by one.
3. Auto-matching for designated accounts: whenever the Customer designates a new payee account, that account will be automatically associated with all existing designated payer accounts; whenever the Customer designates a payer account, that account will be automatically associated with all existing designated payee accounts; if the Customer removes a designated payer or payee account, the association will be updated automatically. The Customer needs not specify one-by-one.
4. Foreign exchange declaration: please refer to Article 36.
5. Bear SWIFT "OUR" commissions: the remittance applicant agrees to bear all inward remittance charges incurred on the payee.
6. Retry debiting under insufficient balance: if the payer account contains insufficient balance, the system will repeat the debit attempt at regular intervals. The payment transaction will fail if account balance remains insufficient at the end of the banking business day.
7. Payment against written instruction: the Customer will be required to make payment at the local branch on the payment date by presenting a properly completed withdrawal slip. For scheduled transactions, the Customer can make payments by presenting withdrawal slips to the local branch within 7 days before the payment date.
八、申請臺幣 24 小時匯款交易:立約人有即時入帳之需求者,可申請新臺幣 24 小時匯款功能,透過網路 ATM 管道進行營業時間外之匯款作業,惟本功能之手續費、匯款金額限制及相關規定均比照銀行網路 ATM 轉帳交易規定辦理。
8. 24 hours NTD remittance service: the Customer could apply for 24 hours NTD remittance to transfer through ATM channel during non-working hours.For fees,amount limit of transfer etc. is in accordance with the rule of MegaBank Web ATM.
第二十九條 預約交易
Article 29 Scheduled transaction
Scheduled transactions must be made within the timeframe permitted by the Bank's system. The Bank will not process scheduled transactions that are arranged outside the permissible timeframe.
第三十條 轉無存單定存
Article 30 Conversion to deposits without certificates
Conversions of NTD or foreign currency demand deposits into time deposits without certificates are capped at NTD50 million per time deposit. The Customer may select through the minimum amounts and the maturity options for every time deposit by following the instructions prompted in Internet Banking,limits of amount and maturity about NTD time deposit will be updated on website at "xxxxx://". Every foreign currency time deposit is capped at the equivalent of NTD50 million, converted using the ask quote of the destination currency quoted on the date the deposit is made. Interest rates on time deposits without certificates are determined as the board rate quoted for time deposits of the same tenor, on the day the deposits are placed. Customers can still place time deposits after banking hours, but such transactions will be posted to the following business day, and thus applicable to the time deposit board rate quoted on the following business day. Proceeds from the termination of time deposits without certificates must be credited in to the source demand deposit account from which the deposit was initially placed. The deposit account holder may complete this transaction either online or at a counter. The seal specimen of the source account is sued for this transaction.
第三十一條 融資業務
Article 31 Financing
Prior to using financing services, the Customer is required to establish either a separate credit Agreement, a general credit Agreement,
or a factoring Agreement with the Bank.
第三十二條 電子憑證
Article 32 Electronic certificate
1. The suspension, cancellation of suspension, and cancellation of electronic certificates are effected once the entry is made into the Bank's computer. Once an electronic certificate is canceled, the Customer must apply anew for subsequent uses.
2. The expiries of electronic certificates are subject to the policies of the authentication center. Upon expiry, the Customer is required to apply for another certificate from the authentication center via Internet Banking.
三、銀行係指定台灣網路認證股份有限公司及中國金融認證中心 CFCA(限大陸地區分行立約人適用)為憑證機構,凡立約人進行國內外網路交易行為,應向憑證機構取得電子憑證後始得辦理。
3. The Bank appoints TWCA and CFCA(for China) as its authentication center. All customers who intend to use Internet Banking services for domestic/international transactions must obtain electronic certificates from the authentication center.
四、電子憑證密碼忘記者,須臨櫃重新申請,電子憑證密碼連續輸入錯誤三次時,須臨櫃或以電話申請鎖碼解除。CFCA 電子憑證必須於大陸地區分行臨櫃辦理。
4. If the Customer forgets their electronic certificate PIN code, he/she must apply anew at the counter. If the electronic certificate PIN code is incorrectly entered in three consecutive attempts, the Customer must apply for a PIN code unlock either by phone or at the counter.Electronic certificate of CFCA must be applied anew at the counter in China.
第三十三條 線上外匯交易
Article 33 Online foreign exchange transaction
1. Foreign exchange transaction refers to the same-day spot exchange between the Bank's quoted currencies and NTD.
2. Completed foreign exchange transactions cannot be revoked. The Bank may remove the Customer's entitlement to online foreign exchange services for committing major settlement defaults.
3. The Customer's online foreign exchange transactions are subject to the maximum limits disclosed in Internet Banking.
4. If the Customer transacts outside the foreign exchange limit imposed by the Central Bank, or the forward exchange limit approved by the Bank, and therefore forcing the Bank to square-off confirmed deals, the Customer will become liable for any losses incurred.
5. The Customer may collect foreign exchange memo from the Bank's counter.
第三十四條 信託理財業務網路交易
Article 34 Online trust and financial management
Online subscriptions, conversions, and redemptions of domestic/offshore funds and regular commitment plans must be made before 15:00 every business day. Transactions outside service hours are posted to the following business day. The same applies to all modifications and cancellations of current day transactions made online. The cut-off time mentioned above may be subject to changes without notice, but will be made in clear, visible announcements on the Bank's website. The business days for online transactions are Monday to Friday each week, excluding domestic public holidays. Should an online transaction coincide with a foreign public holiday, the fund will be priced at the net asset value in the following business day. Fund subscriptions online are subject to the minimum sums per subscription/regular commitment prescribed by the Bank. For investments in domestic/foreign securities using special purpose money trusts, the Bank will compile transaction report in two months and quarterly statement at least as required by law and deliver to the Customer in written or electronic form.The Bank will fit adjustment in accordance with the regulations of the competent authority.
第三十五條 黃金存摺
Article 35 Gold Passbook
全球金融網黃金存摺交易時間為營業日上午九時至下午三時三十分,新臺幣計價黃金存摺每筆最低交易量為 1 公克,美元計價黃金存摺每筆最低
交易量為 1 英兩,每日累計最高交易量為等值 50,000 公克(1 英兩為 31.1 公克),其申購扣款及回售入帳之帳戶應事先約定,且對應帳戶僅限立約人於銀行開設之新臺幣或外匯活期性存款同戶名帳戶,外幣帳戶僅限美元交易,黃金存摺之申購、回售交易不受轉出帳號約定限額之限制,惟本項服務功能僅限立約人主企業申請,授權企業無法使用。
Trading hours are from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm on business days.The minimum transaction volume of gold passbook denominated in NTD is 1 gram, whereas the minimum transaction volume of gold passbook denominated in USD is 1 ounce, and the maximum accumulative daily transaction volume shall be equivalent to 50,000 grams (1 ounce equals to 31.1 gram).The account of requisition for deduction and selling back shall be pre-agreed, and the corresponding account is limited to Megabank NTD accounts or foreign exchange current deposit accounts of the same account name.The foreign currency account is only limited to the transaction in USD.The requisition and selling back transaction of gold business shall not be limited to the agreed limitation of outward transfer account.The service is limited to Global e-Banking Principal account not for authorizer.
第三十六條 外匯申報
Article 36 Declaration of foreign exchange
Online foreign currency purchases and sale must be made during banking hours; declarations and settlements of such transactions are subject to relevant foreign exchange regulations. Customers who wish to complete foreign exchange declarations in electronic forms over the Internet must comply with the following terms:
1. Customer's online declaration of foreign exchange shall be guided by the declaration form available on the Bank's website. Declarations must be made with honesty and accuracy in the prescribed format, signed digitally and submitted to the Bank.
2. Once the Bank has correctly verified the Customer's digital signature, the Customer's list of foreign exchange transactions, all media and other required documents will be submitted to the Central Bank along with the foreign exchange daily report.
3. If the Customer's foreign exchange transactions are made with the competent authority's approval, these foreign exchange transactions could not be declared online ,and must be made at the counter.
4. If the Customer is found to have incorrectly declared foreign exchange transactions over the Internet, all subsequent declarations of foreign exchange shall be made at the counter.
5. To apply for online declaration of foreign exchange, the Customer must have neither requested to rectify the nature of foreign exchange transactions with the Bank, nor had any foreign exchange declaration rejected by the Central Bank due to inconsistent nature in the previous year.
第三十七條 網路操作
Article 37 Online operation
The Customer shall thoroughly understand the Bank's announcements or Agreements in advance, and follow the step-by-step online instructions when using Internet Banking services. The Customer will be solely responsible for any losses or damages to the Customer's interests that are caused by improper handling or other reasons not attributable the Bank's conducts; the Bank will not be held accountable in any way.
第三十八條 非營業時間狀況處理
Article 38 Processing outside business hours
Should the Customer encounter incidents where online transactions placed outside service hours cannot be processed, such incidents can only be resolved during the service hours that follow, regardless whether it is a system or a business issue.
第三十九條 處理個人資料
Article 39 Processed personal data
The Customer consents to the Bank and Joint Credit Information Center to collect, process, transmit cross-border, or use the Customer's personal information for specific purposes within their professional boundaries.
第三十九條之一 履行個人資料保護法告知義務
Article 39-1 Declaration to Personal Data Protection Act
有關銀行蒐集立約人(含立約人之代表人、代理人及聯絡人,以下合簡稱「立約人等」)個人資料之目的、個人資料類別及個人資料利用之期間、地區 、 對 象 及 方 式 等 內 容 , 立 約 人 等 可 至 銀 行 網 站 (xxxxx:// 及 xxxxx://。依據個人資料保護法(以下簡稱「個資法」)第三條規定,立約人等就銀行保有其個人資料得行使下列權利:
The Customer(including the representative,agent and contact person of the Customer,hereinafter referred to as”the Customer”) could inquire on the Bank website (xxxxx:// and xxxxx:// about purpose and type of collection of personal data , period, region, object and method of the use of personal xxxx.Xx accordance with Article 3 of “Personal Data Protection Act”,the following rights should be exercised by the Customer with regard to his personal data:
1. Except the information stated in Article 10 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the Customer could inquiry , request for a review or request to make duplications of personal data, and the Bank may charge a fee in accordance with Article 14 of “Personal Data Protection Act”.
2. The Customer may request to supplement or correct the personal data , but should explain the reson and fact properly in accordance with Article 19 of “Personal Data Protection Act”.
3. In accordance with Paragraph 4 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the Customer may request to discontinue collection in the cases where a violation of this law occurred during collecting, processing or using personal data.
4. In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, in the event of a dispute regarding the accuracy of personal data, its processing or use should be ceased upon the request of the Customer, unless the processing or use is either necessary for the performance of an official duty or agreed to by the Customer in writing, and the dispute has been recorded.
5. In accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 11 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the personal data collected should be deleted, discontinued to process or use upon the request of the Customer when the specific purpose no longer exists or time period expires. However, the preceding sentence may not be applicable when it is necessary for the performance of an official duty or when it is agreed by the Customer in writing.
(xxxxx:// 及xxxxx://。
If the Customer wishes to exercise the rights stipulated in Article 3 of “Personal Data Protection Act”, the way to exercise it may be obtained from call center(00000000000) or the Bank website (xxxxx:// and xxxxx:// The Customer is free to choose whether to provide relevant personal data. The Bank may not be able to provide related services or better services if the personal data which be refused to provide is need for business review or operation. The Customer should assist the Bank to transfer the content of this Article to the other persons listed in the first item(the representative,agent and contact person of the Customer).
第四十條 異常帳戶處理
Article 40 Response to extraordinary accounts
If the Bank suspects that the Customer's accounts are being used for illicit purposes, or the accounts are marked as Watch-Listed Accounts, the Bank may terminate the Customer's entitlement to ATM card, phone banking, Internet Banking, and other electronic payment services at its discretion; the Bank may also confiscate and revoke the Customer's ATM cards.
第四十一條 作業委外
Article 41 Outsourcing
The Customer agrees that the Bank may outsource part of its business operations to outsiders to accommodate its business practices, subject to the governance of the Financial Supervisory Commission. The Customer may enquire to the Bank with regards to the names and profiles of subcontractors, as well as the types of information outsourced to them. The Customer consents to the Bank for making data available to subcontractors, under the condition that the contractor is also bound by regulations to maintain secrecy while computer-processing and making use of the Customer's information.
第四十二條 電子開狀
Article 42 Electronic L/C
The Customer agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions once the application to issue letters of credit is approved by the Bank:
1. After the Banks has advised or presented bills of exchange and/or any relevant documents under the letter of credit, the Customer shall make immediate payments, or make acceptance and pay promptly upon maturity.
2. Even if the aforementioned bills of exchange or any relevant documents are subsequently proven to be unauthentic, counterfeit, or flawed, the Bank and its agents will not be held accountable in any way; the Customer will still be required to make payments to the xxxx of exchange or to debt obligations.
3. The Bank and its agents will not be held accountable for any errors regarding the delivery, delay, or interpretation of L/C, partial or total loss of the aforementioned documents or the underlying goods, deterioration in quality, quantity, or value of the underlying goods, delays, non-delivery, irrecoverable losses or damages due to the absence of insurance or under-insurance at sea or on land, or losses or damages caused by obstructions, retentions, or other factors attributed to the undertaker or any third parties. The Customer is still required to accept the xxxx of exchange and pay all debts incurred.
4. The Bank is entitled to dispose all goods purchased under the letter of credit and use the sales proceeds to offset the aforementioned xxxx of exchange and any debt obligations arising from which, as well as the Customer's other debt obligations to the Bank, whether incurred or expected to incur, and whether matured or scheduled to mature at a later date. All other properties held by the Customer, such as cash margins and deposits etc., held under the Bank or any of its branches, and wherever the Bank has control over, are subject to the Bank's disposal at its discretion to offset outstanding bills and debt obligations.
5. The Customer agrees to secure all debts arising from this Agreement by pledging the right to claim unused cash margins and the right to claim cargoes under the letter of credit to the Bank.
6. If the Customer fails to accept the aforementioned xxxx or repay debt upon maturity, or whenever the Bank deems necessary to protect its own interests, the Bank may sell the above-mentioned properties (including the underlying goods) at its discretion without prior notice by way of public auction or any other methods. The sales proceeds net of all associated expenses will be used to offset bank loans and the Bank needs not inform the Customer. The method and priority at which the debt is offset are subject to the civil law, however, the offset of default charges is subordinated to expenses and senior to interests.
7. The Customer ensures that all details stated in the L/C application are absolutely consistent with the terms of the import permit granted by relevant authorities, and consistent with all trade related documents. The Bank will not be held accountable for any delays in L/C issuance that is attributed to the Customer’s negligence. The Bank also reserves the rights to rectify Customer's L/C application to conform to the import permit. Furthermore, the Customer must comply with the newly revised "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" set forth by The International Chamber of Commerce.
8. The Customer will fully comply with the above terms and conditions for any extensions, re-issuance, or amendments made to the letter of credit. The Customer shall not object on the basis that extensions, re-issuance or amendments had been made on the L/C terms.
9. In order to fulfill the Customer's instructions, the Bank may appoint another bank or financial institution as the payer for all amounts payable under the letter of credit and/or xxxx of exchange, or use the services provided by other banks or financial institution. The Customer shall bear all charges and risks involved in this arrangement. If the beneficiary or the advising (negotiating) bank rejects/fails to pay the bank charges which are supposedly borne by the beneficiary under the L/C terms, the Customer agrees to make such payments unconditionally to the Bank.
十、立約人除得填具信用狀申請書申請開發信用狀外,亦得於銀行網站或網際優勢公司之 CDS 金融服務平台之線上開狀系統輸入開發信用狀申請書各項資料申請,其效力與書面申請相同;立約人並同意遵守電子簽章法及其他相關法令之規範。
10. The customer can raise L/C issuance request by either completing L/C applications, submitting via the Bank's website, or using the online L/C issuance services offered by the CDS financial service platform of Universal eXchange Inc. Electronic applications are just as effective as a written application. The Customer also agrees to comply with the Electronic Signatures Act and other relevant laws.
11. The Customer's L/C issuance application will also constitute an application for inventory financing.
十二、除另有約定外,信用狀如有下列情形之一者,立約人同意 貴行毋須通知立約人或信用狀交易所涉之任何人,即得拒絕、暫時或終止交易或業務關係,以遵循防制洗錢及打擊資恐等相關法令規定:
12. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Customer agrees the Bank shall be entitled to refuse or temporarily cease or terminate transaction or business relationship whenever necessary without a prior notice to the Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit, for the purpose of complying the laws and ordinances concerning anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, if any of the following circumstances:
(1)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit is the subject of any economic and trade sanctions, hereinafter “Sanctions”, who is announced, supervised or enforced by the United Nations, United Sates, the European Union, foreign governments or international organizations, or is owned or controlled by Sanctions, or be involved with Sanctions.
(2)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit are terrorists or terrorist groups presumed or investigated by Ministry of Justice or foreign governments or international anti-money laundering organizations.
(3)The Customer or any person involved in the transaction of this Letter of Credit is located, organized or residing in a country or territory,
that is, or whose government is, sanctioned under economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United Nations, United Sates, the European Union, foreign governments or international organizations.
(4)The Customer refuse to be reviewed, or refuse to provide information on actual beneficiary or persons having control over the
customers, or fail to provide explanation on the nature and purpose of transactions or source of funds.
第四十三條 全球金融行動網服務
Article 43 Global Mobile E-Banking
The Bank keep rights to modify or stop services of Global Mobile E-Banking(for short, “this service”). If the content of service is
modified, the Bank should declare on website.The Customer who uses this service agrees to comply with the following terms:
1. Before using this service, Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer shall install anti-virus software on the smart phone or tablet first, to avoid leakage of data due to being cracked by malicious programs.
2. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer shall pay attention to whether the smart phone or tablet is suspected of being cracked and avoid installing unknown-source programs. Please do not use this service to avoid leakage of related accounts, company/personal data if there is a suspected situation.
3. Due to install unknown-source programs by Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer, the hacker cracks the smart phone and tablet ,and makes the data in these devices lost, wrong, suffered ..etc.The Bank will not be held liable for compensations.
4. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer is agreed to log into Global Mobile E-Banking for utilizing of various types of service by rely on user ID and password of Global e-Banking, however, the same user code and password cannot be logged into Global e-Banking and Global Mobile E-Banking at the same time.
5. Ordinary staff and approval staff of the Customer that apply for the Global e-Banking first time or login password reset, should first log into the (Global e-Banking) to perform the first login password change operation before utilizing various types of service of (Global Mobile E-Banking) on mobile devices.
6. All Global e-Banking users would be reminded in Global Mobile E-Banking to change PIN codes in Global E-Banking if PIN codes did not be changed exceed one year. Global Mobile E-Banking will remind the users must to change their PIN codes in Global e-Banking if no login record among one year,and new PIN codes must be different from old one.
7. The password login error counts of (Global Mobile E-Banking) is combined calculated with the Global e-Banking.
第四十四條 契約修訂
Article 44 Amendments
Any matters not addressed herein may be supplemented or amended in writing, subject to both parties' Agreement.
第四十五條 立約人終止契約
Article 45 Customer's termination of this Agreement
The Customer may terminate this Agreement at anytime, provided that the termination request is made in person or other methods agreed by both parties.
第四十六條 銀行終止契約
Article 46 Bank's termination of this Agreement
The Bank shall notify the Customer at least 30 days in advance when terminating this agreement. However, in any of the following
circumstances, the Bank may terminate this Agreement in writing or using any other agreed methods at anytime:
1. The Customer has assigned the rights or obligations hereunder to any third party without the Bank's consent.
2. The Customer declares (or is declared) to file for bankruptcy, dispute settlement, liquidation, restructuring, or business suspension (whether or not approved by the authority), or becomes blacklisted by any financial institution.
3. The Customer has violated Articles 14 to 16 of this Agreement. 四、立約人違反本契約之其他約定,經催告限期請求改善或履行未果者。
4. The Customer has violated any of the other terms and conditions of this Agreement, and fails to cure such violation before deadline noticed by the Bank.
第四十七條 消費者權益保護事項
Article 47 Protection of rights of consumers
In accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1, Section 4 of the Consumer Protection Act,the Bank declare that this contract service does not apply to the provisions of Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act regarding the right to terminate.
本契約服務衍生之相關問題,立約人得以書面(地址:xxxxxxxxx 000 x)或電話(服務電話:0000-000000)方式,向銀行提出申訴。
About related issues arising from this contract service,the Customer can file a complaint with the bank in writing (address: 100 Jilin Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei) or by phone (service number: 0800-016168)
第四十八條 法律適用
Article 48 Governing law
Unless otherwise agreed by both parties hereto, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China.
This Agreement is made in Chinese and English. The Chinese version of this Agreement prevails if any discrepancy is found between the two versions.
第四十九條 法院管轄
Article 49 Jurisdiction
因本契約而涉訟者,雙方同意以 地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
Both parties hereto agree to that District Court shall be the court of first instance to hear any dispute arising from this
第 五 十 條 標 題
Article 50 Heading
The headings in this Agreement are provided for reference purpose only, and have no effect on the interpretation, description, and understanding of the Agreement.
第五十一條 契約分存
Article 51 Agreement copies
This Agreement is made in duplicate; both the Bank and the Customer shall retain one copy of the Agreement.
Mega International Commercial Bank Electronic Financing Services Fee Sheetþþþþþþ þþ | |||||
Item | Basic Charge | ||||
Transaction Processing Service | Global eBanking | TW Dollars | Cross-bank transfers | Below TW$2 Million (inclusive): TW$15/transaction. Over TW$2 Million: TW$10 per additional TW$1 Million (inclusive). | |
Foreign Currency | Domestic to overseas network account; or transfers between offshore account and domestic account | Equivalent of TW$300/transaction. | |||
Transfers among overseas network accounts or to domestic account; or offshore account to another offshore account in cooperating bank | Equivalent of TW$500/transaction. (Fee schedule in overseas branch subject to the regulations of such branch.) | ||||
Fund | Subscription (Main User only) | 50% of subscription process fee per transaction published by fund manager. | |||
Conversion (Main User only) | Equivalent of TW$500 per transaction, unless otherwise provided in the fund manager’s prospectus. | ||||
Redemption (Main User only) | 0.2% per annum on the trust principal (minimum equivalent of TW$200). | ||||
Internet Banking | TW Dollars | Cross-bank transfers | By ATM | TW$15/transaction. | |
By cross-bank remittance | Below TW$2 Million (inclusive): TW$15/transaction. Over TW$2 Million: TW$10 per additional TW$1 Million (inclusive). | ||||
Foreign Currency | Overseas transfers or domestic transfers to overseas network account | Equivalent of TW$300/transaction. | |||
Transfers among overseas accounts or transfers back to domestic account | Equivalent of TW$500/transaction. (Fee schedule in overseas branch subject to the regulations of such branch.) | ||||
Fund | Subscription (including ETF) | 50% of subscription process fee per transaction published by fund manager. | |||
Conversion | Equivalent of TW$500 per transaction, unless otherwise provided in the fund manager’s prospectus. | ||||
Redemption (including ETF) | 0.2% per annum on the trust principal (minimum equivalent of TW$200). | ||||
EDI Electronic Transfer System | TW Dollars | Cross-bank transfers | Below TW$2 Million (inclusive): TW$18/transaction (fixed fee TW$18 per treasury payment) Over TW$2 Million: TW$10 per additional TW$1 Million (inclusive). | ||
Cross-network transfers | TW$4/transaction (to be forwarded to Financial Information Services Co., Ltd. (Application must also bear the processing fee by the debiting bank.) | ||||
Foreign Currency | Postal fee: TW$300 per transaction. Wiring fee: 0.05% of the remittance amount. Minimum TW$100. Maximum TW$800. | ||||
Phone Banking | TW Dollars | Cross-bank transfers | By ATM | TW$15/transaction. | |
By cross-bank remittance | Below TW$2 Million (inclusive): TW$15/transaction. Over TW$2 Million: TW$10 per additional TW$1 Million (inclusive). | ||||
Fund | Redemption | 0.2% per annum on the trust principal (minimum equivalent of TW$200). | |||
WebATM | TW Dollars | Cross-bank transfers | TW$15/transaction. | ||
Foreign Currency | Equivalent of TW$300/transaction. | ||||
Fax Notice | Global eBanking and EDI | TW$2/fax. | |||
Phone banking and automatic fax service | TW$3/fax. | ||||
Collection | TW$30/transaction (subject to nature of forwarded fee). | ||||
Security Device | XML Certificate (Smart Card) – Individual | TW$300 (2 years) | |||
XML Certificate (Smart Card) - Corporation | TW$2,000 (2 years) | ||||
XML Certificate Chip (Smart Card) | TW$500/Card. | ||||
ACS Card Reader | TW$500/Unit. | ||||
OTP Token | TW$600/Unit. | ||||
WebATM Card Reader(First Generation) | TW$150/Unit. | ||||
WebATM Confirmation-Type Card Reader(Second Generation) | TW$450/Unit. | ||||