「 意 外 急 救 醫 療 保 險 」 保 險 單 條 款
1. 將投保暨聲明書收納入本保險合約,並作為本保險合約的依據。
2. 由「投保人」/「被保險人」繳付承保表所列的保費。
3. 本公司按照本保險單「承保表」所列保障項目,為「被保險人」在保險期限內發生的「意外」事故提供保險,並簽發一張意外急救醫療保險金卡或藍卡(「急救卡」)作為「意外」事故需要入住「網絡醫院」的住院按金憑證。
第一部分 釋義
1. 「意外」指無法預見和意料之外的暴力、偶發、外在及可見事件,並
2. 「受益人」指於「承保表」中列明的受益人。如沒有xx,則指「被保險人」身故後在香港法例下的合法遺產繼承人。
3. 「身體受傷」指純因上述定義之「意外」,而非涉及其他原因所引致之受傷。
4. 「合理醫療費用」指因被保障範圍內之「意外」事故所須,並經「醫生」建議認為需要之服務所支付的費用,並由「被保險人」實際已支付予「醫生」、物理治療師、護士、醫院及/或救護車服務的必需費用,該費用包括由「醫生」處方之藥物、手術費、住院費、護
5. 「直系家庭成員」指「被保險人」之法定配偶、子女(親生或領養)、
6. 「被保險人」指其姓名列於「承保表」內的合資格人士。
7. 「雙目失明」指雙目完全及不能恢復及不能醫治之失明。
8. 「一目失明」指單目完全及不能恢復及不能醫治之失明。
9. 「喪失一肢」指完全分離或全部及永久喪失一手或手腕以上或喪失一腳或腳眼以上的功用。
10. 「喪失雙肢」指完全分離或全部及永久喪失兩手或兩腳或喪失一手或手腕以上及喪失一腳或腳眼以上的功用。
11. 「嚴重燒傷」意指燒傷程度達三級,導致皮膚所有皮層被燒毁。
12. 「醫生」指在其執業的地區已獲授權、發牌或合法註冊登記從事內、外科診療人士,但「投保人」、「被保險人」或「直系家庭成員」除外。
13. 「永久完全傷殘」指因發生「意外」而令「被保險人」不能從事其正
14. 「已存在之傷病」指任何在本保險單生效日期前已出現病徵或徵兆之
15. 「投保人」指是與本公司訂立保險合同並按照本保險單負有支付保費
16. 「承保表」指本保險單之附表並構成本保險單的一部分。
17. 「疾病」指「被保險人」於「保障地區範圍」罹患或感染的疾病或病症,惟不包括「已存在之傷病」。
第二部分 保障範圍
第一項 人身平安保險
受保事項 | 最高賠償金額百分比 | |||
標準計劃 | 尊貴計劃 | 鑽石計劃 | ||
1.1 | 身故 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
1.2 | 永久完全傷殘 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
1.3 | 喪失兩肢 | 不適用 | 100 | 100 |
1.4 | 雙目失明 | 不適用 | 100 | 100 |
1.5 | 喪失一肢及一目失明 | 不適用 | 100 | 100 |
1.6 | 喪失一肢 | 不適用 | 50 | 50 |
1.7 | 一目失明 | 不適用 | 50 | 50 |
在保險期的每十二個月內,因同一宗意外導致多項之傷殘,總賠償額將不超過「承保表」所列之最高賠償金額的 100。
1. 演藝表演或電影及電視製作或充當特技人或龍虎武師。
2. 駕駛商用車(貨櫃車、貨車、吊機車輛或旅遊巴士)。
3. 三十呎以上高空工作或在坑、井下二十呎深處工作。
4. 碼頭及船上工作。
5. 建築地盤工作。
6. 使用機械動力機器、啤機、切割機器。
如被保險人因從事上述之工作類別而導致「意外」身故,本公司將給予「意外」身故津貼港幣/人民幣 20,000 元 (標準計劃) 或港幣/人民幣 50,000元 (尊貴計劃及鑽石計劃)予其「受益人」。
第二項 意外急救醫療費用
2.1 意外急救醫療費用
2.2 覆診費用
「合理醫療費用」。物理治療或整脊治療必須為經「醫生」診斷「被保險人」之傷患後而作出的建議。每次「意外」所賠付的跌打治療費用總額不超過港幣/人民幣 500 元 (惟每天最高賠償金額為港幣/人民幣 100 元)及物理治療費用或整脊治療費用總額不超過港幣/人民幣 1,000 元 (惟每天最高賠償金額為港幣/人民幣 150 元)。
第三項 補領旅遊證件
第四項 疾病門診醫療費用
「網絡醫院」門診部門進行治療所產生之「合理醫療費用」,每日每次上限為港幣/人民幣 100 元,在保險期的每十二個月內上限為十次。
第五項 意外住院現金津貼
倘「被保險人」因「身體受傷」,而需在「網絡醫院」留院接受治療,連續入住醫院 3 天,自住院第 1 日起,每日可獲得現金津貼,而每日津貼是
以每一整天(即二十四小時)計算(每日 300 港幣/人民幣),最高可達
10 日。
第六項 個人責任保障
1. 已由任何其他保險公司或第三者支付的任何責任損失或索償。
2. 如「被保險人」或其授權代表已承諾責任或達成任何協議或和解,而事前並知會本公司及取得本公司之書面同意的任何責任損失或索償。
3. 非由香港法庭首次作出裁決,有關責任將不會獲得賠償。
4. 由下列各項直接或間接引起的任何責任:
4.1 僱主責任、合約性責任,或對「被保險人」家庭成員之責任。
4.2 由「被保險人」或其家庭成員擁有、照料、托管或控制之財物或動物所引致的損失。
4.3 任何蓄意、惡意或非法之行為。
4.4 從事商業貿易或職業。
4.5 擁有或佔用土地或建築物 (暫時佔用作臨時居所則除外)。
4.6 擁有、佔有、租用、使用或操作車輛,飛機或船隻。
4.7 進行任何刑事訴訟涉及之法律費用或罰款。
4.8 神經失常,使用任何藥物 (經「醫生」處方而非濫用藥物則除外),或酗酒,或使用軍火。
4.9 保釋、合約牌照,或產業或個人財產之轉讓。
「嚴重燒傷」 | ||
部位 | 燒傷部位佔表面總面積的百分比 | 賠償額百分比 |
頭部 | (a) 燒傷佔頭部表面總面積達 12 或以上 | 100 |
(b) 燒傷佔頭部表面總面積達 8 或以上, 但不足 12 | 75 | |
(c) 燒傷佔頭部表面總面積達 5或以上, 但不足 8 | 50 | |
(d) 燒傷佔頭部表面總面積達 2或以上, 但不足 5 | 25 | |
身 體 (不包括頭部) | (a) 燒傷佔身體表面總面積達 20 或以上 | 100 |
(b) 燒傷佔身體表面總面積達 15 或以上, 但不足 20 | 75 | |
(c) 燒傷佔身體表面總面積達 10或以上, 但不足 15 | 50 |
1. 燒傷之評估須由「醫生」提供之醫療報告及詳細診斷資料以作證明。
2. 「被保險人」不得因遭受一次「意外」事故,而獲得上表中一項以上的賠償。假如在同一次「意外」事故中涉及多於一項部位,則按其中最高賠償額的一項部位作出賠償。
第八項 二十四小時緊急支援服務 熱線:(000) 0000 0000
1. 定義
2. 有效期及地區限制
3. 緊急醫療援助服務及保障
3.1 電話醫療建議、評估及轉介約見
3.2 緊急護送
3.2.1 運送「被保險人」至最就近的醫院;及
3.2.2 為了醫療的原因: 利用一切方法(包括但不限於救護機,固定班次之商務客機及救傷車)以運送「被保險人」至一所在設備上就該項身體受傷或「急病」更為適合的醫院。 直接護送「被保險人」至其「原居地」的醫院。
3.3 治療後之護送服務
3.4 運返遺體/骨灰回國
3.4.1 運返其遺體或骨灰至「被保險人」「原居地」內之安葬地點;或
3.4.2 應「被保險人」之繼承人或代表之要求,安排當地安葬,但該費用不得超過運送「被保險人」遺體返回「原居地」之費用。
3.5 運送所需藥物/醫療器材
3.6 跟進病況
3.7 護照補發遞送
3.8 親友探病費用
x「被保險人」身在原居地以外地方因身體嚴重受傷或患上「急病」而住院達連續七天以上,國際救援將安排及支付一位「被保險人」之「親人」或指定人士乘搭來回客機(經濟客位)或其他合適之交通工具(經濟客位)前往探望「被保險人」,及包括一般酒店住宿,每日最高達港幣/人民幣 1,200 元,並最長可達連續五日,唯不包括飲料、膳食及其他的房間服務費。
3.9 護送隨行未成年子女回國
3.10 墊支住院按金
在「被保險人」的主診醫生及國際救援之醫生的共同建議下,認為「被保險人」需入住醫院,而「被保險人」又無法支付住院按金的情況下,國際救援將墊支高達美金 6,500 元之住院按金或作為該筆住院按金之擔保人,唯「被保險人」或其家屬/代表需擔保在入院後清付有關費用。
3.11 出院後療養住宿
如「被保險人」之主診醫生及國際救援之醫生均認為「被保險人」於出院後需即時進行療養,則國際救援將為「被保險人」安排及支付出院後之一般酒店住宿費。該筆費用包括每日高達港幣/人民幣 1,200 元的酒店住宿費,並最長可達連續五日,出院後即日起計。
3.12 安排緊急回國料理「親人」後事
3.13 諮詢服務
3.13.1 最新的免疫及防疫要求及需要、護照/簽證要求
3.13.2 領使館地址及電話
3.13.3 代尋並轉送行李
3.13.4 旅遊資料
3.13.5 「網絡醫院」通訊名錄
3.13.6 緊急行程安排
3.13.7 提供翻譯員轉介服務
4. 遇事通知程序/責任
5. 一般責任
5.1 「被保險人」必須用任何合理方法避免產生「緊急情況」。
5.2 國際救援小組或代表可自由接觸「被保險人」以評估「被保險人」的情況,若此接觸在未有合理原因的情況下被拒絕,「被保險人」將不符合資格接受進一步的醫療支援。
5.3 「被保險人」必須協助國際救援取得需要文件或收條。有關手續的費用由「被保險人」自行負擔。
5.4 「被保險人」必須由該事故發生後兩年內就救援服務提出索償或採取法律行動,否則當作放棄論。
6. 代位追償權
7.1 在旅程出發前已存在的疾病或損傷, 不論「被保險人」察覺與否。
7.2 故意自傷、神經錯亂、神智不清、濫用酒精或藥物所引致的損傷、長期休養或療養。
7.4 所有與懷孕及分娩有關的費用或情況。
7.5 間接或直接由於參與職業運動或競賽運動。
7.6 由於參與非法活動所致的損傷。
7.7 並未經國際救援授權或介入提供的服務。
7.8 在無國際救援介入的情況下,「被保險人」理應支付或早已產生的費用。
7.9 任何更適當地由其他保險承保的費用。
7.10 根據國際救援醫生的意見,被保險人在當地獲妥當的治療後,便能繼續旅程或返回工作的輕微疾病或損傷。
7.11 經國際救援之醫生意見認為「被保險人」在無醫療人員陪同下,仍能如一般「正常乘客」可乘坐普通航班返回「原居地」,國際救援將不負責所支出的費用。除非國際救援的醫生認為有需要的則除外。
7.12 一切與精神病有關的個案。
7.13 「被保險人」參與任何空中飛行活動。如以持票乘客身份,乘坐固定航班或領有飛行執照及固定航線的包機則除外。
8. 合約
國際救援將不負責因罷工、戰爭、敵國入侵、武裝衝突(不論是否正式宣戰)、內戰、內亂、叛亂、恐怖行動、政變、暴動、群眾騷擾、政治干預、輻射或自然災難等的不可抗力事項或不可歸責於國際救援之事由所導致救助行動延誤、無法提供或進行而產生的任何責任。 獲推介的專業人士、醫生、診所及醫院,均非本公司或國際救援的職員、代理或僱員,這些專業人士、醫生、診所及醫院乃獨立人士或機構而需對自己所作的行為負責。在推介前,國際救援將查核這些專業
10. 修訂
第三部分 適合於各部分之章則條款
1. 本保險單及「承保表」內所列應視為同一契約,不論保險單內或「承保表」內的任何部分之字句措辭,其顯示有特定之含義者,則均應以該項特定含義為準。
2. 「投保人」/「被保險人」所簽署的投保書,是本公司簽發本保險單的根據。「投保人」/「被保險人」須確實填報。如有虛報索賠或提供偽證等情況,本保險單亦即行失效。
3. 「被保險人」保證向本公司償還本公司已墊付而不在本保險保障範圍以內的款項。
4. 管 轄 法 律 權
5. 授 權
6. 合理預防措施
7. 仲 裁
8. 時 限
9. 代 位 權
10. 鑽石計劃只適用於年齡已滿 18 歲至未滿 71 歲之人士投保。
11. 語 言
12. 支付賠償
12.1 「投保人」或「被保險人」或「受益人」就收訖賠償後簽署的收據,均被視為本公司完全履行及最終解除所有本公司的責任。
12.2 在本保單內的保費及賠償金額均以投保幣值作出結算。如須以港幣作轉換,該人民幣折算為港幣的適當兌換率將由本公司釐訂。
12.3 按本保單支付的賠償均不帶利息。
13. 「被保險人」提出索償時如有其他保單保障同類項目,本公司只負責按比例作出賠償。(惟本保險之「人身平安保險」保障或意外身故津貼(如適用)、「意外住院現金津貼」及「嚴重燒傷」除外)
14. 本公司或「投保人」/「被保險人」均有權中途提出退保。如屬「投保人」/「被保險人」提出退保,須以書面形式通知本公司並退回急救卡及保險單才獲接受辦理退保手續,其未到期保費將按下列退費方法辦理:
14.1 三十天、九十天、一百八十天及一年期保單,保單一經簽發則沒有保費退還。
14.2 二年期保單,若在第一年保期內提出退保,只退回第二年之保費,若在第二年保期內提退保,將不予退費。
14.3 三年期保單,若在第一年保期內提出退保,退回第二及第三年之保費;若在第二年保險期內提出退保,只退回第三年保費;若在第三年保期內提出退保,將不予退費。
15. 如「投保人」/「被保險人」於發卡後遺失急救卡或要求更改有關內容,「投保人」/「被保險人」應立即填妥本公司印發的“遺失急救卡聲明書”或以書面通知本公司有關事項,並需繳付港幣/人民幣 100元手續費,以便本公司印發新卡予「被保險人」。
16. 關於《合約(第三者權利)條例》
任何不是本保單某一方的人士或實體,不能根據《合約(第三者權利)條例》(香港法例第 623 章)強制執行本保單的任何條款。
第四部分 索償程序
2.1 如屬「人身平安險」及「嚴重燒傷」:
2.2 如屬「意外急救醫療費用」
• 000 000 0000(免費服務電話)或(00 00)0000 0000(適用
• (00) 00000000000 或(000) 0000 0000(適用於「藍卡」)
如入院時需要任何協助,請致電本公司二十四小時客戶服務熱線:(00) 000 0000 0000 或(000) 0000 0000;如尋求緊急醫
療援助服務,請致電國際救援(亞洲)公司二十四小時熱線(000) 0000 0000。
2.3 如屬「補領旅遊證件」
2.4 如屬「疾病門診醫療費用」
2.5 如屬「意外住院現金津貼」
2.6 如屬「個人責任」
2.6.1 即時並在十四日內以書面知會本公司可能導致之索償,指出事件之性質及情形,並確定未有在未經本公司知 悉及書面同意前作任何責任承諾及達成任何和解協議。
2.6.2 在事件發生後,應儘快向本公司提交所有全面充足證明文件,包括傳票、法庭文件、律師x及其他法律書信往來之副本。
第五部分 除外責任
1. 戰爭、類似戰爭的行動,內戰、叛變、罷工、暴動,或由於核子武器游離幅射,核子燃料或其燃燒後產生的廢料所致幅射能的沾染。上述核子燃燒包括自發的核子分裂在內。
2. 恐怖活動
(i) 任何與恐怖活動有關的生物或化學污染
(ii) 任何與恐怖活動有關的導彈、炸彈、手榴彈、炸藥就本條款而言,
2.1 「恐怖活動」指任何人士,不論是個人行動或代表或與任何組織或政府有聯系、為政治、宗教、意識形態等的目的包括意圖影響政府和/或引起公眾恐慌所作出的暴力行為或威脅。
2.2 「污染」指因化學和/或生物物品所引致或與化學和/及生物物品有關的污染、中毒或對物件使用權的限制。
3.1 「使用大殺傷力核子武器」指使用任何爆炸性核子武器或裝置,或任何可導致人類或動物傷殘或死亡之放射性裂變物料之放射、解除、傳播、釋放或洩漏。
3.2 「使用大殺傷力化學武器」指使用任何可導致人類或動物傷殘或死亡之固體、液體或氣體化合物之放射、解除、轉播、釋放或洩漏。
3.3 「使用大殺傷力生物武器」指任何可導致人類或動物傷殘或死亡之病源性(可致病的)微生物和/及以生物學方法製造之毒素(包括基因改造生物和以化學方法製成的毒素)之放射、解除、轉播、釋放或洩漏。
4. 「已存在之傷病」。
5. 任何性病或由於 HIV(人類免疫力缺乏症病毒)及/或與 HIV 有關的任何疾病,包括愛滋病(獲得性免疫缺損綜合徵)及/或其任何突變衍化物或變種。
6. 懷孕、分娩、難產、墮胎或流產。
7. 疾病、傳染病、精神病或非因「意外」事故而引致的受傷或死亡;非因「意外」事故而進行的任何內、外科治療手術而致的受傷或死亡。
8. 被保險人」因先天或本身存在的異常、缺陷或病症而遭受之身故或傷殘,而此異常、缺陷或病症未有事先填報或得本公司同意承保。
9. 「被保險人」自願招惹不必要之危機(為企圖拯救別人之生命則除外)或在神志正常或精神失常的情況下自殺、自毀、蓄意自殘或做出任何企圖威脅自身安全的行為 。
10. 因「被保險人」的挑釁或故意行為而導致的打鬥或被襲擊、神經失常、酗酒、吸毒或濫用藥物(該藥物非由註冊「醫生」處方者)、長期休養或療養和非因「意外」令「身體受傷」而須進行之牙齒護理治療。
11. 「被保險人」在駕駛任何種類的汽車(包括電單車)時,血液內的酒精含量超過當地法律上允許的水平。
12. 遭遇謀殺、綁架或勒索。
13. 從事專業性質的運動或比賽,或可使「被保險人」從而獲得收入或酬勞之運動。
14. 參與各類危險活動或運動,包括但不限於打獵、使用繩索或在嚮導帶領下登山或攀山、滑雪、滑水、潛水、冬季運動、懸掛滑翔、跳降傘、賽車或其他競跑以外的比賽 。
15. 在海拔五千米高度以上進行高山遠足。
16. 執行軍警工作職務期間。
17. 參與任何空中飛行活動,從事空中飛行工作(以旅客身份乘搭由航空公司或註冊商業公司擁有和控制的註冊航班機除外)。
18. 失踨,但因乘坐的飛機或船隻失事而致完全滅失的不在此限。
20. 任何非法行為或活動。
The proposer/ Insured and China Taiping Insurance (HK) Company Limited (“the Company”) mutually agree:
1. The Proposal and Declaration is deemed to be incorporated and shall be the basis of this insurance contract.
2. The Proposer/ Insured will pay the premium specified in the Schedule.
3. The Company will provide the cover as specified in the Schedule in respect of an Accident occurs during the period of insurance. The Company provides the Insured with an Accidental Emergency Medical Insurance Gold Card or Blue Card (“Emergency Card”) and the card is treated as a deposit for emergency medical treatment at the Hospital Network caused directly and solely by Accident.
For Blue Card - The Guangdong and Fujian Provinces of The People’s Republic of China.
For Gold Card - The People’s Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan).
For Blue Card - any designated hospitals administrated by Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province and Fujian Province.
For Gold Card - in addition to the above, any designated hospitals administrated by the International Emergency Assistance Centre, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China.
The Company reserves the right to update the List of Hospital Network at its own discretion without prior notice. (The Insured can glance at the Company’s Web-site xxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx for reference.)
In this Policy where consistent with the contents, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter gender; and each of the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings except where the context otherwise requires.
1. Accident shall mean an unforeseen and unexpected event of violent, accidental, external and visible nature which shall independently of any other cause be the sole and direct cause of bodily injury.
2. Beneficiary shall mean the person named in the Schedule as beneficiary, if there is no such designated beneficiary, the benefit shall vest in the Insured’s lawful estate according to the laws of Hong Kong SAR.
3. Bodily Injury shall mean any bodily damage caused solely and directly by an Accident as defined hereinabove and independently of all other causes.
4. Eligible Expenses shall mean those medical expenses paid by the Insured to the Medical Practitioner, physiotherapist, nurse, Hospital and/or ambulance services necessitated by an Accident covered by this Policy and incurred on the recommendation of a Medical Practitioner but not exceeding normal and customary charges for the same. Those expenses include surgery, hospitalization, paramedic services, diagnostic tests, consultation by a Medical Practitioner and Prescribed Medicine or drugs. However, expenses for auxiliary medical apparatus and instruments (such as wheel chair, artificial limb, visual apparels, refraction and hearing-aid) are excluded by the Policy.
5. Immediate Family Member shall mean an Insured ’s lawful spouse, child(xxx) (natural or adopted), parents, brother(s), sister(s) parents-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, legal guardian, step-parents or step-child(xxx).
6. Insured shall mean the eligible person named in the Policy Schedule.
7. Loss of Both Eyes shall mean the complete, irrecoverable and irremediable loss of the sight of both eyes.
8. Loss of One Eye shall mean the complete, irrecoverable and irremediable loss of the sight of an eye.
9. Loss of One Limb shall mean loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of a hand at or above the wrist or a foot at or above the ankle joint.
10. Loss of Two Limbs shall mean loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of two hands or two feet or one hand at or above the wrist and one foot at or above the ankle joint.
11. Major Xxxxx shall mean third-degree burns which both the epidermis and the underlying dermis are damaged by xxxxx.
12. Medical Practitioner shall mean a person legally authorized, duly licensed or registered in the geographical area of his practice to render medical or surgical service, other than the Proposer, the Insured or Immediate Family Member.
13. Permanent Total Disablement shall mean disability arising from an Accident that prevents the Insured from attending to his/her usual occupation for a minimum of one year from the date of Accident, shall thereafter be certified by a Medical Practitioner acceptable to the Insurer to be a condition that will permanently and totally disable the Insured from engaging in any gainful occupation and there is no real prospect of recovery.
14. Pre-Existing Conditions shall mean any sickness, disease, physical defect or physical condition which existed before the effective date of the Policy in respect of the Insured, which presented signs or symptoms of which the Proposer or Insured was aware or should reasonably have been aware.
15. Proposer shall mean the person who signs an insurance contract with the Company and he is obligated to pay the premiums according to the Policy.
16. Schedule shall mean the document which is attached to and forms part of this Policy.
17. Sickness shall mean sickness or disease contracted and infected in the Territorial Scope except Pre-existing Conditions.
Maximum Benefit per Accident: specified in the Schedule
In the event of the Insured has an Accident in the Territorial Scope and suffers death or permanent disablement caused by that Accident within one (1) year, the Company agrees to pay the benefit amount to the Insured according to the percentage stated below (in the event of the death of the Insured, the payment will be paid to his Beneficiary.
Benefits | Percentages of Maximum Benefit | |||
Standard Plan | Deluxe Plan | Diamond Plan | ||
1.1 | Death | 100% | 100% | 100% |
1.2 | Permanent Total Disablement | 100% | 100% | 100% |
1.3 | Loss of Two Limbs | Not Applicable | 100% | 100% |
1.4 | Loss of Both Eyes | Not Applicable | 100% | 100% |
1.5 | Loss of One Limb and One Eye | Not Applicable | 100% | 100% |
1.6 | Loss of One Limb | Not Applicable | 50% | 50% |
1.7 | Loss of One eye | Not Applicable | 50% | 50% |
The aggregate of all benefits payable in respect of any one Accident for every twelve (12) months during the period of insurance shall not exceed 100% of the amount under this Section as specified in the Schedule.
If the Insured engages in any of the types of work listed below (whether on a temporary or permanent basis), no benefit shall be payable under this Section for death or permanent disablement which results from or is caused directly or indirectly by an Accident whilst:
1. Taking part in performing entertainment or film/television production or stuntman or martial acts fighter.
2. Driving commercial vehicle (container tractor, lorry, crane truck or coach).
3. Working at height exceeding thirty (30) feet above ground or floor level or excavations in any part of a depth of twenty (20) feet from the surface.
4. Working on board or terminal.
5. Working on a construction site.
6. Using of machinery driven by steam, gas, water, electricity or other mechanical power or machinery for cutting or pressing metal or plastic.
In the event of the death of the Insured caused by Accident resulting from any
of types of work as mentioned above, the company will pay HKD/CNY20,000 (Standard Plan) or HKD/CNY50,000 (Deluxe Plan and Diamond Plan) as an accidental death allowance to the Insured‘s Beneficiary.
2.1 ACCIDENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL EXPENSES Maximum Benefit per Accident: specified in the Schedule
In the event that the Insured suffers from accidental Bodily Injury in the Territorial Scope resulting in emergency medical treatment at the Hospital Network immediately, the Company will reimburse the accidental emergency medical expenses subject to the maximum benefit per Accident specified in the Schedule.
Maximum Benefit per Accident: specified in the Schedule
Subject to the first treatment expenses which are admitted and payable in the Territorial Scope, at the discretion of the Company a reimbursement up to maximum benefit specified in the Schedule for Eligible Expenses arising from follow-up medical treatment of same Accident by the Insured within thirty (30) days at the Hospital Network in the Territorial Scope or of his return to Hong Kong SAR is also allowed.
In respect of any one Accident, these follow-up expenses include the Chinese Bonesetter treatment expense which is limited to HKD/ CNY500 (HKD/CNY100 per day) and Physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatment expense which is limited to HKD/CNY1,000 (HKD/CNY150 per day). Physiotherapy or Chiropractic treatment shall have been recommended by a Medical Practitioner following consultation by the Insured.
PROVIDED THAT all such expenses must be necessary and incurred in ordinary course and shall be supported by a detailed breakdown of charges, original receipts and medical reports with full diagnosis provided by a Medical Practitioner.
All first treatment for Bodily Injury must be attended by a Medical Practitioner at the Hospital Network in the Territorial Scope.
Maximum Benefit per event: specified in the Schedule
The Company will indemnify the Insured of obtaining replacement of his personal required travel documents directly resulting from loss within the territorial Scope caused by Accident, theft, burglary, robbery during the period of insurance.
Maximum Benefit per event: specified in the Schedule
In the event that the Insured suffers from Sickness in the Territorial Scope during the period of insurance and resulting in medical treatment at the Hospital Network, the Company will reimburse the outpatient medical expenses subject to HKD/CNY100 per visit per day and maximum ten (10) visits for every twelve (12) months during the period of insurance
Maximum Benefit per event: specified in the Schedule
If the Insured is admitted to a Hospital Network in the Territorial Scope as an in-patient for 3 consecutive days due to Bodily Injury during the period of insurance, the Company will, subject to the maximum benefits as stated in the Schedule of the Benefits, pay a cash allowance (HKD/CNY300 per day) for each complete day (i.e. 24 consecutive hours) for the first consecutive day of Hospital confinement.
Maximum Benefit per event: specified in the Schedule
The Company will indemnify the Insured against legal liability to third party (inclusive of legal costs and expenses reasonably incurred) arising from an Accident occurred in the Territorial Scope.
1. Any liability, loss or claim having paid by any other insurance
company(ies) or third party(ies).
2. Any liability, loss or claim where the Insured or his authorized representative has admitted liability or entered into any agreement or settlement without notifying and obtaining the prior written consent of the Company.
3. This indemnity shall not apply in respect of judgments which are not in the first instance delivered by or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction within Hong Kong.
4. Any liability arising directly or indirectly from:
4.1 Employers’ liability, contractual liability or liability to the Immediate Family Members of the Insured.
4.2 Loss of or damage to properties or animals belonging to or held in trust, in the care, custody or control of an Insured or the family member of the Insured.
4.3 Any willful, malicious, unlawful or deliberate act.
4.4 Pursuit of a trade business or profession.
4.5 Ownership or occupation of lands or buildings (other than occupation for temporary residence).
4.6 Ownership, possession, hire, use or operation of vehicles, aircraft or watercraft.
4.7 Legal costs and penalties resulting from any criminal proceedings.
4.8 Insanity, the use of any drug (except as medically prescribed by a Medical Practitioner but excluding drug abuse), or intoxicating liquor, or the use of firearms.
4.9 Bailments, contractual licences or conveyances of real estate or personal properties.
Maximum Benefit per event: specified in the Schedule
If as a result of an Accident the Insured sustains a Major Xxxxx and is diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner to have suffered any of the events listed hereunder, the Company will pay the benefit amount according to the percentage stated below up to the maximum benefits as stated in the Schedule of Benefits for such event.
「Major Burns」 | ||
Area | Damage as a Percentage of Total Surface Area | Percentage of Maximum Benefits |
Head | (a) Equal to or greater than 12% damage of total head surface area | 100% |
(b) Equal to or greater than 8% but less than 12% damage of total head surface area | 75% | |
(c) Equal to or greater than 5% but less than 8% damage of total head surface area | 50% | |
(d) Equal to or greater than 2% but less than 5% damage of total head surface area | 25% | |
Body (Exclude Head) | (a) Equal to or greater than 20% damage of total body surface area | 100% |
(b) Equal to or greater than 15% but less than 20% damage of total body surface area | 75% | |
(c) Equal to or greater than 10% but less than 15% damage of total body surface area | 50% |
1. The assessment of the burns is certified by a Medical Practitioner with medical reports and full diagnosis.
2. Compensation shall not be payable for more than one of the events stated above in respect of any one Accident. Should more than one (1) of the above Area be involved in the same Accident, only the Area with the highest compensation will be payable under this Section.
These Emergency Assistance Benefits are issued and provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited (“IPA”) to the Insured who is insured under this policy with the Company.
Assistance Event shall mean any event or occurrence with respect to an Insured who is entitled to receive assistance pursuant to this Benefit,
occurring within the territorial limit set forth in Duration of Cover and Geographic Limit.
Bodily Injury shall mean any Bodily Injury which occurred during the period covered by this assistance program.
Close Relative shall mean the spouse, the child(xxx), the brother(s), the sister(s), the father, the mother, or the parent(s) in law of the Insured.
Emergency shall mean a serious medical situation or distress which could not be reasonably prevented and for which specific external help is required.
Illness shall mean any Sickness, illness or disease.
Place of Residence shall mean Hong Kong SAR unless it is specified otherwise in the application form for the Policy. If a place other than Hong Kong SAR is specified, Place of Residence in the context of this assistance program means the place so specified in the proposal form.
Regular Passenger shall mean the Insured who is able to normally being seated in any means of transportation without stretchers for repatriation to Place of Residence.
The benefits mentioned in below point 3 are granted during the insurance period prescribed in the Policy and as long as the Policy remains valid and apply worldwide outside Place of Residence.
If the Insured shall suffer Bodily Injury or Illness or is in need of medical, legal, administrative emergency assistance outside the Place of Residence (except for Travel Assistance information which may be obtained locally) while arising out of and in the course of his journey provided that such journey is not undertaken against the advice of the physician, and/or for the purpose of obtaining or seeking any medical or surgical treatment abroad, the following emergency assistance services and benefits are available directly from IPA upon specific verbal notification by the Insured or his personal representative to any of the specified 24-hour alarm centre. The Insured shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of expenses incurred or paid directly by him in relation to the notification.
3.1 Medical Attention Telephone Medical Advice, Evaluation and Referral Appointment
When medical advice is needed, the Insured may telephone the nearest IPA’s alarm centre for medical advice and evaluation from the attending physician. However, it shall be stressed that telephone conversation cannot establish a diagnosis and shall be considered as an advice only. If medically necessary, the Insured shall be referred to another physician or to a medical specialist for personal assessment and IPA will assist the Insured in making the medical appointment. IPA will also provide the Insured with the name, address, telephone number and if required by the Insured and if available, office hours of physicians, hospitals, clinics, dentists, dental clinics.
All physician’s fees and related charges shall be borne entirely and directly by the Insured without any reimbursement from IPA.
3.2 Medical Evacuation (Unlimited Cover)
Should the Insured suffer from Bodily Injury or Illness such that IPA’s medical team and the attending physician recommend hospitalization in another medical facility where the Insured can be suitably treated IPA will arrange and pay for:
3.2.1 The transfer of the Insured into one of the nearest hospital and,
3.2.2 If necessary, on medical grounds The transfer of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by any means (including but not limited to air ambulance, scheduled commercial flight, and road ambulance) to a hospital more appropriately equipped for the particular Bodily Injury or Sudden Illness, or The direct repatriation, including road ambulance transfers to and from the airports, of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by scheduled airline to an appropriate hospital or other health care facility near his permanent residence, if his medical condition permits such repatriation. The medical team and attending physician will determine the necessary arrangements according to the circumstances.
3.3 Repatriation After Treatment (Unlimited Cover)
Following the Medical Evacuation in point 3.2 above and if
medically necessary, IPA will arrange and pay for the repatriation of the Insured as a Regular Passenger to the medical facility in his Place of Residence by scheduled airline flight (on economy class up to one ticket) or any other appropriate means of transportation(on economy class basis up to one ticket), including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if his original ticket is not valid for the purpose, provided that the Insured shall surrender any unused portion of his ticket to IPA Any decision on the repatriation of the Insured shall be made jointly and exclusively by both the attending physician and IPA’s alarm centre under constant medical supervision.
3.4 Repatriation of Mortal Remains/Ashes
Upon the death of an Insured, IPA will arrange and pay for:
3.4.1 the repatriation of the Insured’s body or ashes to the Insured’s place of burial in the Insured’s Place of Residence, or
3.4.2 at the request of the Insured’s heirs or representative, the local burial of the Insured, provided that IPA’s financial responsibility for such local burial shall be limited to the equivalent of the cost of repatriation of mortal remains as provided in this benefit.
3.5 Essential Medication/Medical Equipment
Upon request from a local attending physician IPA will, while possible and legally permissible, dispatch any essential medicine and/or medical equipment required for the Insured which is not locally available. On IPA obtaining written agreement or approval of those costs incurred by the Insured, the Insured will bear the cost of the items dispatched and the relevant transportation costs, unless these items are required for emergency according to the opinion of IPA’s medical team.
3.6 Medical Monitoring
IPA will monitor an Insured’s medical condition if the Insured is hospitalized outside Hong Kong SAR and will update the employer or family of the Insured on the said condition.
3.7 Administration Assistance
In case of loss or theft of essential documents or personal identification documents (e.g. passport, entry visa, etc.), IPA will provide the Insured with the necessary information regarding the formalities to be fulfilled with the appropriate local authorities or entities, in order to obtain the replacement of such lost or stolen documents of the Insured.
3.8 Compassionate Visit
In the event of the Insured is traveling outside Place of Residence and has suffered from Bodily Injury or Illness resulting in hospital confinement outside his Place of Residence for more than seven (7) consecutive days, IPA will arrange and pay for the cost of a return scheduled airline (on economy class basis) or any reasonable transportation means (on economy class basis) for a Close Relative or a designated person of the Insured to travel from the Place of Residence of the Insured to the Insured’s bedside, including the cost of an ordinary room accommodation in any reasonable hotel up to HKD/CNY1,200.00 per day for a maximum period of five (5) consecutive days, but excluding the cost of drinks, meals and other room services.
3.9 Return of Unattended Dependent Child(ren) to Place of Residence (Unlimited Cover)
If any of the Insured’s traveling dependent child(ren) under eighteen (18) years of age is left unattended by reason of the Insured’s Bodily Injury or Illness resulting in hospital confinement outside his Place of Residence, IPA will organize and pay for the cost of a scheduled airline ticket (on economy class basis) or any reasonable transportation means, for such child(ren) to return to his home in the Insured’s Place of Residence, including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if the original ticket is not valid for the return, provided that the Insured shall surrender any unused portion of the return ticket to IPA.
If necessary, IPA will also hire and pay for a qualified attendant to accompany any such dependent child(ren) for return journey.
3.10 Deposit Guaranteeing of Hospital Admission
In case of hospital admission duly approved by both the attending physician and IPA’s alarm centre doctor and the Insured is without means of payment of the required hospital admission deposit, IPA will guarantee or provide such payment up to USD6,500.00. Prior to providing this service IPA has a right to request the Insured or his personal representative to provide a valid credit guarantee.
3.11 Hotel Room Accommodation for Convalescence
IPA will arrange and pay for the cost of an ordinary room accommodation in any reasonable hotel up to HKD/CNY1,200.00 per day for a maximum of five (5) consecutive days, incurred by the Insured for the sole purpose of convalescence immediately following his discharge from the hospital, and if deemed medically necessary by both attending physician and IPA’s alarm centre doctor.
3.12 Unexpected Return to the Place of Residence (Unlimited Cover)
In the event of the death of the Insured’s Close Relative in his Place of Residence while the Insured is traveling overseas (excluding the case of immigration) necessitating an unexpected return to his Place of Residence, IPA will arrange and pay for the cost of a scheduled return airline ticket (on economy class basis) for the return of the Insured.
3.13 Hotline Extension to the Insurer’s Full Service Program
IPA will provide the following additional information and referral services to the Insured calling IPA in Hong Kong SAR at any time twenty four (24) hours a day, three hundred and sixty five (365) days a year.
3.13.1 Pretrip Information Services
3.13.2 Embassy Referral
3.13.3 Lost Luggage Assistance
3.13.4 Travel Information
3.13.5 Hospital Network Information
3.13.6 Emergency Travel Service Assistance
3.13.7 Interpreter Referral
IPA will not reimburse the Insured or any party if the service is not directly performed by IPA or the Insured does not obtain a prior approval from IPA before arranging the service.
5.1 Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.
5.2 IPA’s medical team or other representatives shall have free access to the Insured in order to assess the Insured’s condition. Without reasonable justification for denial of such an access, the Insured will not be eligible for further medical assistance.
5.3 Insured shall cooperate with IPA to enable IPA to get all necessary documents and receipts from the relevant sources and assist IPA at the Insured’s expense in complying with necessary formalities.
5.4 Any claim with respect to an Assistance Event or the right to any legal action or claim shall be forfeited unless such claim is filed within two (2) years of the occurrence of such event.
In the event that IPA makes any payments in connection with the provision of assistance to an Insured, IPA shall be subrogated to the rights of such Insured to obtain payments from any third party found legally responsible for the assistance, up to the amount of such payment made by IPA and any other insurance or assistance plan which provides compensation to the Assistance Events.
Provided that IPA has first sought an agreement with the Insured and his Close Relative if the Insured and/or his Close Relative shall themselves be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred for such assistance, IPA will not be required to provide assistance to the following:-
7.1 Pre-existing Illness or disabilities for which treatment are received prior to effective date of the Policy.
7.2 Injuries due to insanity or self-infliction or conditions related to functional disorders of the mind; rest cure or sanatorium care; drug addiction or alcoholism; communicable diseases requiring by law isolation or quarantine.
7.3 Congenital Abnormalities.
7.4 Pregnancy and Maternity.
7.5 Injuries arising directly or indirectly as a result of participation in any professional or competitive sports.
7.6 Injuries sustained contracted as a result of participation in illegal acts.
7.7 Services rendered without the authorization and/or intervention of IPA.
7.8 Costs which would have been payable if the event giving rise to the intervention of IPA had not occurred.
7.9 Any expense more specifically covered under other insurance policy.
7.10 Cases of minor Illness or injury which in the opinion of the IPA’s doctor can be adequately treated locally and which do not prevent the Insured from continuing their travels or work.
7.11 Expenses incurred where the Insured in the opinion of the IPA’s doctor is physically able to return to his/her Place of Residence sitting as a Regular Passenger and without medical escort, unless deemed necessary by the IPA’s doctor.
7.12 Cases related to psychiatric disorders.
7.13 The Insured engages in any form of aerial flight except as a fare paying passenger on a regular scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft over an established route.
IPA shall not be held responsible for delays or impeachment in performing Assistance in case of strike, war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war declared or not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection, terrorism or military, political coup, riot and civil commotion, administrative or political impediments or radioactivity or any other acts of God or widespread catastrophe such as flood, earthquake or tidal wave which prevents IPA from providing such assistance services.
It is understood that the physicians, hospitals, clinics, any kind of professionals to whom the Insured will be referred by IPA are for most of them independent contractors responsible for their own acts and are not employees, agents or servants of IPA Furthermore, IPA shall not be responsible for any act of failure to act on the part of those professionals such as, but not limited to, physicians, hospitals and clinics.
The service shall cease when the insurance policy is discontinued.
The service to be provided by IPA is subject to review from time to time and the Company reserves the right to change the service offered at any time without prior notice.
The service is provided by IPA which is an independent contractor and is not an agent of the Company. The Company shall make no representation, warranty or undertaking as to the availability of IPA’s services and shall not be liable to the Insured or any other person in any respect of any loss, damage, expense, suit, action or legal proceeding suffered or incurred by any of them, whether directly or indirectly, arising from or in connection with the services provided or advice given by IPA or its agents, or the availability of such services.
1. This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear.
2. The written application, which the Proposer / Insured as made and declared being the basis of issuing this policy, must be true and correct. If any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support thereof, then this Policy shall be void.
3. The Insured undertakes to reimburse the Company for any expenses paid by the Company on the Insured’s behalf that are not properly recoverable under the Policy.
4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong SAR.
5. Authorization
As a condition precedent to the Company’s liability, the Proposer / Insured will upon request execute an agreement to empower the Company to obtain from any person and/or organization relevant information.
6. Reasonable Precautions
The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent and minimize any accident, injury, death or expenses.
7. Arbitration
All differences arising out of this Policy shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties in difference or if they cannot agree upon a single Arbitrator to the decision of two Arbitrators one to be appointed in writing by each of the parties within one (1) calendar month after having been required in writing so to do by either of the parties or in case the Arbitrators do not agree of an Umpire appointed in writing by the Arbitrators before entering upon the reference. The Umpire shall sit with the Arbitrators and preside at their meetings and the making of an Award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Company. If the Company shall disclaim liability to the Insured for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not within twelve (12) calendar months from the date of such disclaim have been referred to arbitration under the provisions herein contained, then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable.
8. Time Limitation
Every action or proceedings against the Company for the recovery of any claim under or by virtue of this contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within one (1) year after the Accident occurs.
9. Subrogation
In the event that any payment is made under this Policy in respect of any claim, the Company shall be subrogated to all the Insured’s rights of recovery against any person or organization and the Proposer / Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The Proposer / Insured shall agree not to prejudice such rights.
10. Diamond plan is applicable to the aged above 18 and under 71 only.
11. Language
Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
12. Payment of Claim
12.1 Upon the acknowledge of receipt from the Proposer or Insured or Beneficiary, it shall represent the full and final settlement and release the Company from any further liability under this Policy.
12.2 Premium and claims made under the Policy shall be in insured currency. If CNY is required to convert into HKD, the applicable rate is determined by the Company.
12.3 No payment due under this Policy shall carry interest.
13. If at the time of a claim there is any other policy covering anything insured under this policy (except a claim under Personal Accident Cover or Accidental Death Allowance (if applicable), Hospital Cash Allowance and Major Xxxxx), the Company will be liable only for the Company’s proportionate share.
14. The Company and the Proposer / Insured have the right to cancel this Policy. In the event of the Policy is cancelled by the Proposer / Insured, he must give notice in writing to the Company and returning the “Emergency Card” and Policy, the balance of premium for the unexpired period of Insurance will be made subject to the following conditions:
14.1 For thirty (30) days, ninety (90) days, one hundred and eighty
(180) days and one-year insurance policy, no premium is refundable.
14.2 For two-year insurance policy, the part of premium of the second year of the policy is refundable if the notice of the cancellation to the Company is given in the first year of the policy; if the notice of cancellation is given in the second year, no premium is refundable.
14.3 For three-year insurance policy, only the part of premium of the balanced two (2) years of the policy is refundable if the notice of cancellation to the Company is given in the first year of the policy; if the notice of cancellation is given in the second year of the policy, the premium of the third year is refundable; if the notice is given in the third year, no premium is refundable.
The Company may cancel this Policy at any time by giving seven (7) days’ notice to the Proposer by registered letter sent to his last known address and in such event the Company will return a pro rata portion of the premium for the unexpired Period of Insurance.
15. If the Proposer / Insured declares that the Emergency Card has been lost or requests to alter any information after issuance of this card, a replacement card will be issued upon receiving the completed “Loss Card Declaration Form” or written notification to the Company together with a replacement fee of HKD/CNY100 from the proposer / Insured.
16. About 《 Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance 》
Any person or entity who is not a party to this Policy shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623
of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this Policy.
1. Notice of Claim
Notice of any claim must be given to the Company within thirty (30) days upon the occurrence of any event likely to give rise to a claim under the Policy. In the instance of a claim under the section “Personal Liability” of the Policy which requires written notice given as soon as possible and in any event not later than 14 days after the incident which may give rise to such a claim. Failure to give notice in the time prescribed shall not invalidate a claim if the Insured has reasonable explanation.
2. Proof of Claim
In the event of claims being made or arising from the Policy, the Proposer / Insured shall furnish the Company with all certificates, information and evidence required by the Company where relevant at the Proposer / Insured’s own cost.
Provided that the claimant or the Insured Person could provide with good reason to demonstrate that it is not reasonably practicable to adduce proof of evidence within the time limit and the claimant or the Insured Person has provided the Company such proof of evidence as soon as practicable, the claim shall not be invalidated. However, in no circumstances shall the proof of evidence be adduced later than 180 days upon the demand of the Company.
2.1 In case of Personal Accident and Major Xxxxx:
A claim must be submitted to the Company with supporting documents including medical reports issued by a Medical Practitioner giving details of the injury and the extent and period of disability, evidence from the official authorities concerned such as police reports and if death shall have resulted, original of the death certificate, the relevant coroner’s report and Letters of Administration.
2.2 In case of Accidental Emergency Medical Expenses
In case of the Insured is admitted to the Hospital Network as an in-patient due to accidental Bodily Injury, hospital in-patient admission procedures for the Emergency Card at Hospital Network are as follows:
Please call 24-hour hotline;
• For Gold Card - 000 000 0000 (Free of Charge) or (00 00) 0000 0000
• For Blue Card - (00) 00000000000 or (000) 0000 0000
Presents the valid “Emergency Card” before receiving emergency medical treatment in the hospital;
Presents the valid travel document to verify the Insured’s identification;
Completes the claim form and provides evidence or report of the alleged accident when the Insured is discharged from the hospital.
In case of any problem, please call the Company 24-hour customer services Hotline (00) 000 0000 0000 or (000) 0000 0000 for assistance; In case of requiring any Emergency Assistance Services, please contact Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited 24-hour hotline (000) 0000 0000 for assistance.
The Company will reimburse the medical expenses subject to maximum benefit specified in the Schedule direct to the Hospital Network. Nevertheless, the Insured reimburse or shall be responsible for payment of any medical expenses which exceed the maximum benefit specified in the Schedule or are not covered in this Policy.
If the Insured is admitted to the Hospital Network as a out-patient due to accidental Bodily Injury or without presenting the Emergency Card, the Insured needs to pay the emergency medical expenses and then can submit the following claims documentation to the Company directly within thirty (30) days after the Accident:
The claim form completed by the Insured;
Original medical certificate issued by the attending Medical Practitioner stating the nature and extent of injuries, diagnosis and the treatments provided;
All original bills/receipts issued by the hospital concerned with detailed breakdown of costs/expenses;
Original report issued by the official authorities concerned such as police reports or evidence of the alleged Accident.
2.3 In case of Replacement of Travel Documents
The Insured must report to the local police within twenty-four (24) hours after the occurrence of losses and provide relevant reports together with a receipt for obtaining replacement of travel documents.
2.4 In case of Sickness Medical Expenses
Medical record book and all original bills/receipts issued by the Hospital Network.
2.5 In case of Accidental Hospital Cash Allowance
Documentation satisfactory to the Company is produced in support of any claim which indicates the date, time, duration and place of such hospitalization. A copy of the medical report which sets out the nature of Bodily Injury or disability is also required.
2.6 In case of Personally Liability
2.6.1 Immediate written notification should be given to the Company within 14 days of the incident or any possible claim indicating the nature and circumstances of the incident or event together with a confirmation that no admission of liability has been made and that no settlement has been made or agreed to without the prior knowledge and written consent of the Company.
2.6.2 Full documentation, including copies of the summons, court documents, solicitors’ and other legal correspondence etc., must be submitted to the Company immediately.
The Company will not pay under any section of this Policy for Death, Disablement, Bodily Injury, or other any loss directly or indirectly arising as a result of:
1. War, hostilities or warlike operations, civil war, rebellion, strikes, riots or caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
2. Act of terrorism
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Policy or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this Policy excludes loss, damage, liability, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any Act of Terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss.
It is also agreed that, regardless of any contributory causes, this Policy does not cover any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising out of
(i). Biological or chemical contamination (ii). Missiles, bombs, grenades, explosives due to any Act of Terrorism.
For the purpose of this Clause:
2.1 An “Act of Terrorism” means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
2.2 A “contamination” means the contamination, poisoning, or prevention and/or limitation of the use of objects due to the effects of chemical and/or biological substances.
This Policy also excludes loss, damage, liability, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any Act of Terrorism.
If the Company alleges that due to this exclusion, any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense is not covered by this Policy the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured.
3. Mass Destruction
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Policy or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this Policy shall exclude any loss as the sole result of the utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed of combined.
For the purpose of this Clause:
3.1 Utilisation of Nuclear weapons of mass destruction means the use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable or causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
3.2 Utilisation of Chemical weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
3.3 Utilisation of Biological weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
4. Pre-Existing Conditions.
5. Venereal disease or HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof howsoever caused.
6. Pregnancy, childbirth, dystocia, abortion or miscarriage.
7. Illness, infectious disease, psychiatric disorders or any Bodily Injury or Death which is not caused by Accident or by any medical or surgical treatment other than treatment required on account of an Accident covered by this Policy.
8. The Insured suffering from Congenital Abnormalities, physical defect or infirmity which had not been declared to and accepted by the Company.
9. Willfully exposing himself to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life) or suicide, self-destruction, self-inflicted injury or any attempt threat whether sane or insane.
10. Fighting, attack resulting from provocation or deliberate act of Insured or insanity, intoxication or use of drugs(other than taken under a Medical Practitioner), rest cure or sanatorium care and dental treatment (except as necessitated by accidental injuries to sound natural teeth).
11. The Insured having more than the legally permitted level of alcohol in the blood whilst driving any kind of vehicle including motorcycle.
12. Encountering murder, kidnap or extortion.
13. Engaging in sports or games in a professional capacity or where an Insured would earn income or remuneration from engaging in sports.
14. Participating in dangerous activities or sports including but not limited to hunting, climbing or mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, skating, water ski-ing, diving, winter sports, hand-gliding, parachuting, racing other than on foot.
15. Trekking at an altitude limit greater than five thousand (5,000) meters above sea level.
16. In case of the Insured engaging service in the forces or police.
17. Engaging in any form of aerial flight or air travel other than as a passenger in a properly licensed multi-engined aircraft being operated by a licensed commercial air carrier or owned and operated by a commercial company.
18. Disappearance, except in the event of the total loss by wreck of the ship or aeroplane on which the Insured was traveling.
19. Losses which are indirect and consequential in nature except herein provided.
20. Taking part in any illegal act or activities.
此保單權益人/持有人已通知閣下,中國太平保險(香港)有限公司 (下稱“本公司”)明白其在《個人資料(私隱)條例》下就個人資料的收集、持有、處理或使用所負有的責任。閣下提供的個人資料(包括信用資料和以往申索記錄),是為了本公司提供保險業務所需,本公司並可能使用閣下的個人資料作以下用途:
(i) 任何與保險有關的產品或服務(包括處理及審批閣下的保險申請、索償、結清申索、保單相關行政、財務工作、索償調查或分析、偵測和防止欺詐行為(無論是否與就此申請而發出的保單有關)及其它相關的服務),或該等產品或服務的任何更改、變更、取消或續期;
(ii) 本公司行使任何代位權;
(iii) 就以上用途聯絡 閣下;
(iv) 其它與上述用途有直接關係的附帶用途;及
(v) 遵循適用法律,條例及業内守則及指引。
本公司亦可因應上述用途披露/轉移 閣下的個人資料予下列各方,而他們只能在有合理需要履行上述目的之情況下才可收集和使用這些資料:
(a) 向本公司提供行政、通訊、電腦、付款、保安及其它服務的第三方代理、承包商及顧問,或任何從事與保險或再保險業務有關的公司,或閣下的保險中介人(若有) 、保險理算人或索償調查員/公司,或其他保險業務有關的服務提供者;
(b) 僱主;醫護專業人士;醫院;會計師;財務顧問;律師;整合保險業申索和承保資料的組織;防欺詐組織;其他保險公司(無論是直接地,或是通過防欺詐組織或本段中指名的其他人士);警察;和保險業就現有資料而對所提供的資料作出分析和檢查的數據庫或登記冊(及其運營者);
(c) 本公司的關連公司(以《公司條例》內的xxxx);
(x) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:保險投訴局及同類的保險業機構、香港保險業聯會(或同類的保險公司聯會)及其會員;
(e) 法例要求或許可的政府機關包括運輸署。
閣下的個人資料可能因上述用途提供給以上任何機構 (在香港境內或境外),而就此而言,閣下的個人資料可能被移轉至香港境外。
x公司可能把閣下的個人資料用於直接促銷,除非本公司已取得閣下的同意 (包括表示不反對),否則本公司並不可以如此使用閣下的個人資料,但條例所指明的豁免情況除外。本公司可能使用及/或提供閣下的個人資料給本公司的關連公司(其定義以《公司條例》內的定義為準)、關連公司之合作伙伴及第三方金融機構,本公司及/或獲取有關資料的公司可以通過書信、電郵、電話或短信與 閣下聯絡,提供金融及/或保險產品或服務的直接促銷通訊。
閣下可有權隨時查閱及/或更正由本公司持有有關閣下的個人資料及/或撤回給予本公司有關使用 閣下的個人資料及提供予第三方作直接促銷用途的同意。如有需要,請以書面形式向本公司總經理辦公室提出,xxxxxxxxxx00x00xxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx。xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx,歡迎查閱。
You have been informed by the owner / holder of this policy that China Taiping Insurance (HK) Company Limited (the “Company”) understands its responsibilities to the collection, retention, processing or use of personal data under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The personal data you provided (including credit information and claims history) is collected to enable the Company to carry on insurance business. The Company may also use your personal data for the following purposes:
(i) any insurance related product or service (include processing and evaluating your insurance application, any claim, settling claims, providing administration, financing, claim investigation or analysis work, detecting and preventing fraud (whether or not relating to the policy issued in respect of this application) and other services in relation to your insurance policy), or any alterations, variations, cancellation or renewal of such product or service;
(ii) exercising any right of subrogation;
(iii) contacting you for any of the above purposes;
(iv) other ancillary purposes which are directly related to the above purposes; and
(v) complying with applicable laws, regulations or any industry codes or guidelines.
The Company may disclose / transfer your personal data to the following persons who may collect and use this data only as reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes described above:
(a) third party agents, contractors and advisors who provide administrative, communications, computer, payment, security or other services, or any company carrying on insurance or reinsurance related business or your insurance intermediary (if you have one) or claim or investigation adjustors/companies, or other service provider providing services relevant to insurance business;
(b) employers; health care professionals; hospitals; accountants; financial advisors; solicitors; organisations that consolidate claims and underwriting information for the insurance industry; fraud prevention organisations; other insurance companies (whether directly or through fraud prevention organisation or other persons named in this paragraph), the police and databases or registers (and their operators) used by the insurance industry to analyse and check information provided against existing information;
(c) the Company’s related companies (as that term is defined in the Companies Ordinance);
(d) Government and industry recognized insurance regulatory bodies: the Insurance Complaints Bureau and similar insurance industry bodies, the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (or any similar association of insurance companies) and its members ; and
(e) government agencies and authorities as required or permitted by law including the Transport Department.
Your personal data may be provided to any of the above organizations, located in Hong Kong or outside of Hong Kong, for the above purposes, and in this regard you consent to the transfer of your data outside of Hong Kong.
Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing:
The Company may use your personal data in direct marketing. Save in the circumstances exempted in the Ordinance, the Company cannot so use your personal data without your consent (which includes an indication of no objection). The Company may also use and/or provide your personal data to the Company’s related companies (as that term is defined in the Companies Ordinance), partners of the Company’s related companies and third party financial institutions. The Company and/or the companies who obtained related personal data can contact and/or send you with direct marketing communications regarding financial and insurance products or services by mail, email, telephone or SMS.
If you do not wish the Company to use your personal data in direct marketing as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying the Company. You may write to the Office of the General Manager (please find the details below).
You have the right to access and/or request correction of any personal data concerning yourself held by the Company and/or withdraw your consent to the use and provision to a third party of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time. Requests for such access can be made in writing to Office of the General Manager at 00/X., 00 Xxxx Xxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx or email to xxxx@xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx. Moreover, the full version of the Company’s Data Privacy Policy can be found at xxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx.
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this statement, the English version shall prevail.